Miz Wizz Review
Miz Wizz Review
Miz Wizz Review
In Control Ms Wiz? Bibliographical Information Author Title Genre Publisher Place Publication date Number of pages : Terence Blacker : In Control Ms Wiz? : Fiction : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama : Jakarta : October 2002 : 125
Background Information
Terence Blacker was born in February 5, 1948 at Hadleigh, Suffolk. He is an English author, columnist, journalist, and publisher. He is the son of General Sir Cecil Hugh Blacker and the brother of sculptor Philip Blacker. Blacker was educated in Wellington College, Berkshire and Trinity College, Cambridge. Blacker began his working life in horse-racing and as an amateur jockey. Subsequently worked in publishing for 10 years during the 1970s and 1980s where he was responsible for overseeing the publication of works by Jerry Kosinski. Blacker became a full-time writer in 1983 and has written childrens books and mysteries for adults. His first childrens book If I Could Work was published in 1987, and his first adult novel FIXX, won critical acclaim and was described by The Guardian as a tour de force.
This book is appropriate for children. In this book, we can find some funny pictures. Also this book used simple language style, so the reader will get the content of it easier.
This book concerns on solving the problem which happened in the story. It will give the children such kind of entertainment and also moral value that we should fight for something which valuable in our life. We should do our best to reach our desire. Moreover, cooperation is very important in this life.
This book consists of five chapters. There are four pictures in each chapter, except for chapter 2 which has five pictures. Every pictures provided give us the image of the part of the story in the book. The entire chapter in this book is interesting. However, the most crazy and fabulous chapter is chapter five Frankenstein comes to Latimer Road which also the last chapter of the book. The chapter told that Ms Wiz lost her Fish Powder. She was frightened and afraid of the calamity which can be happened if the Fish Powder found by the bad. Then, all of a sudden, the Library at Latimer Road was total in confusion, with spirits, zombies, werewolves and vampires wandering in and out of the shelves.
The book tells about the close friend, Jack and Podge who wanted to defend the Library at the Latimer Road which will be closed by the Chief Leisure Officer, Mrs. Prescott. On the other hand, the Librarian, Mr. Goff, was very sad knowing this bad news. Ms Wiz acted as the assistant librarian try to calm Mr. Goff down. Then Ms Wiz, Jack and Podge all together try to save the library. Ms Wiz used The Fish Powder to bring the character I the book to the real life and warn the Chief Leisure Officer to cancel her plan. One day, unfortunately, Ms Wiz lost her Fish Powder.
She was really afraid of something bad that will be happened if the Fish Power found by the bad. The she moved to the Library at the Latimer Road and found that it was total in confusion, with spirits, zombies, werewolves and vampires wandering in and out of the shelves. There were screams of alarm as men, women and children stampeded towards the door. Somebody called her, and it was Jack the one who had found the Fish Powder and used it to bring all of the thriller character in the book to the real life. Jack did it just for made sure whether the Fish Powder worked or not. Ms Wiz then took the bottle, sprinkled powder over the pages Jack opened and shouted HSIF REDWOP to clear the demons and returned them to the books from which they had come. As what Jack, Podge, Mr. Goff, and Ms Wiz wanted; Mrs. Prescott cancelled to close the library. Finally, Ms Wiz held the bottle of Fish Powder high in the air and tapped some out on to her head, and said HISF REDWOP. She was disappeared too, like the characters on the book which she brought from the book to the real life and then returned it again to the book.
Critical comments
In my opinion this book is interesting enough for children. There are a lot of funny pictures in the book. Moreover, there are good messages in this book that we should fight for something which valuable in our life. We should do our best to reach our desire. Moreover, cooperation is very important in this life. However, this book contents magic substance which I think its not good for children because it teaches the children that something can be done instantly in short time.