1-3 - 2nd - Doc Brar
1-3 - 2nd - Doc Brar
1-3 - 2nd - Doc Brar
As customers, people perform some activities. They shop for the goods and services they need. They read and listen to advertisements (now talk with sales people, walk around street and do window shopping), to find out what is available in which qualities at what prices. And they are continually deciding among stores, products, and brands and models. Again as consumers, people are searching them to obtain information from them getting the goods and services to them, and ultimately. 'Selling them. The result of this consumer performed and business-performed activities are a flow of goods and services from producers to consumers. In order to under take the marketing programme among different segment, the marketing department must find out as to 1. Who influences the buying decision? 2. Who makes the buying decision? 3. Who makes the actual purchase? 4. Who uses the product?
Four different individuals may be involved or only one member may do all the four tasks. The decision to buy a product, influences the marketing policies, of the firm regarding its products, channels of distribution and promotion. Decision making process in buying consists of five steps, vic., 1. Recognition of unsatisfied wants 2. Identification of alternatives. 3. Evaluation of alternatives 4. Purchase decision 5. Post purchase behavior. Market research may be defined as the systematic gathering recording and analyzing of data about marketing problems towards the end of providing information useful in marketing decision making. Marketers have probably always carried on a certain amount of do-ityourself research. With the rise of mass production and mass marketing, growing numbers of marketing executives have become more and more remote from their companies final markets. The market research is becoming more essential. The research was conducted on the survey of the decision Making of the Tractor Buyers", thinking it as the essential part. The customer is the
main person here in marketing. His decision to purchase a product is more essential. Without the proper decision, the customers will not purchase a product. The marketers initially have to influence the Decision of the customers so as to exist in the market and to face the competition. About 70% of the Indian populations are dependent of Agriculture. This progress was primarily due to the expansion of the area under irrigation practices along with farm mechanisation. As Indian agriculture entered the 90's stringent signals of the unsuitability of grains have begun posing a threat to the Indian Agriculture market. So the need for farm mechanisation has aroused in the present scenario. With this view "The Study on Customer Satisfaction of Escorts and Mahindra Tractors in Kadapa District is carried out.
Industry Profile
Marketing has already to India and it exists in India. Yes, it is true in tractor market too. There are 17 tractors manufacturers with an installed capacity of producing 2.4 lakh units annually and the technological gap between India & International tartars is relatively smaller than that existing in the other four-wheeler automobile sectors. These factors created a keen competition among the tractor manufacturers, diving them to adopt latest marketing concepts to exist in the race of tractor marketing. The first Green Revolution was due to plant breeders, who gave the high potential seeds. The second and the succeeding green revolution include tractors, harvesters and other agricultural implements and equipments. Given the availability of basic farm inputs high Yielding crop seeds, fertilizers and irrigation resources, a major effort to provide agricultural machines, implements and equipments will go along way in raising productions as well as productivity and in employment generation. Government has fully realized this need and is giving significant importance to farm machinery i.e., tractors Harvesters etc. Which is doing successfully in the recent years and is expected to a continue this has created
an enormous scope for the tractor industry to flourish. The fruits of fa5rm Mechanisation that are being reaped in states of Punjab, Haryana, western U.P and parts of are outstanding examples for the possibilities that exists to improve the farm output with more power, in developing and under developed states. In pubjab, Haryana and Uttarpradesh, the density of tractors is a 36.6, 25.6 & 9.0 tractor respectively per 100 Hec. Of grass cropped area. Crop yield in these states in 3195, 2022 and 1512 kg per Hec. Respectively. This when compared to all India level of 5.8 tractors / 1000 Hec of gross crop area shows an enormous potential available for farm mechanization in the developing area such as Orissa, Kerala, parts of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka. Tamilnadu and parts of Madhya pradesh. This shows a good future for the tractor industry and all the manufacturers are planning to tap the potential through various marketing strategies, Improved products suitability for various operations etc., and also to meet this demand by long term productions plans. The government polices have been very positive encouraging farmers to increase productivity through advanced techniques in agriculture. The planning commission in seventh plans has stressed need to accelerate the annual productive growth. NABARD, within its limited resources has been giving support to tractor financing. About 80% of the tractor sales are due to the credit provided by commercial banks and private
financial institutions. Although the competition in the tractor industry is stiff and is likely to increase in the coming years with new entrants to the field, the future of the industry looks bright. Thus the farmer community and tractor industry are gearing up to meet the challenges, possessed by increasing population poverty and unemployment. They are committed to realization of second green revolution with farm mechanization as the Locomotive. Tractor market in India is as old as our Independence. In 1948 Massey Ferguson Tractor company has entered Indian Market; by appointing Escorts & Simpson as distributors for North and South India respectively subsequently the simson started producing of tractors in 1958. With collaboration of Massey Ferguson. With this Escorts ceased the distribution of MF Tractors and started import and Users Tractors from poland. In 1961 Escorts started production of Escort range of tractors with technical know how from M/s. Moto Import of Poland. In 60's many companies started manufacturing of tractors. Mahindra and Mahindra limited produced tractors with collaboration of International Harvesters of UK &M/s voltas limited have marketed its tractors. During the initial stages i.e., up to middle of 70's the growth in tractor industry was at a lower pace. The manufacturers had to sell tractors by
educating and motivating the prospective farmers about the multiply usages of tractors and advantages of tractors over conventional methods of farming with tractors. The customers dependability on tractors has also become more due to labour problems. This accelerated the growth rate and rapidly the tractor industry started growing. The production was meager as 880 units during 1961-62.The Green Revolution in 1967-68 brought about heat in the Tractor market and production picked up. During this period Government, recognising importance of Farm Mechnisation for accelerated Green Revolution has set up Agriculture Development Bank to extend credit to farmers. This inflow of finance into tractor market made manufacturers to further invest for increased production. In1974-75 world bank has extended credit to Farm Mechanisation Sector or Liberal Terms. The Indian Tractor industry has made an impressive growth during past three years.
Company Profile
Name: Address: Corporate & Registered Office: H-2, Co naught Circus, New Delhi 110 001. Production Unit: ESCORTS Ltd., Farm Equipment Division, 18/4, Mathura Road, Faridabad 121 007, Haryana. M/s Escorts Ltd. is the unchallengeable leader in the tractor market. Escorts came into being with a vision. It is a vision that has achieved profitability and has made huge contribution to the tractor industry of India. ESCORTS LTD.
Five Decades Of Engineering Change The decade of Creation (1994-54) The launch of Escorts Agents Pvt. Ltd in Lahore and setting in all up again in Delhi after the country's partition. The beginning of an industry legend, with a tractor franchise followed by India's First Institute of Farm
Mechanisation. And the company's First Industrial Venture: Goetze (India) Ltd., at Patiala in equity collaboration with Geotze of Germany. The decade of Automation (1954-64) Escorts goes public. A full-fleged manufacturing orientation takes root with the commencement of Escorts own brand of tractorsand the next major field of operation motor cycles. The company joins hands with Mahle to product India's most advanced pistons. The decade of Consolidation ( 1964-74) Formation of the Ford-Escorts alliance for India's finest tractors. soon to make the largest selling tractor manufacturers. Escorts employees
Ancillaries Ltd, a due venture in industrial democracy, comes into being. Escorts receives FICCI award for its outstanding contribution to Indian Agriculture. The company crosses the zonal boundaries with its first export of 400 tractors to Afganistan, won in the global tender. a triumph of Escorts quality and competitiveness, this was also perhaps the world's largest ever commercial arilift of its kind. The decade of diversification (1974-84) One with Knur Burners follows an epoch-making alliance with JCB for Indias first excavator adders for railway brakes. Collaboration, Escorts becomes
With Yamaha
manufacturer. Acknowledged leadership in automotive ancillaries - Mahal pistons and Goetze rings.
The decade of Globalisation (1984-1994) Escorts enters into joint ventures with buy back arrangements with class (Harvester combines ) and Heroin (Hydraulic values) providing an entry to world markets. A tie-up with faun powers the company to
supremacy in hydraulic mobile cranes. Escorts fights an epic battle against a corporate raid, the ultimate victory proving the unshakeable confidence of the company's small shareholders countrywide. Escorts Heart Institute
Commissioned, hailed as among Asia's most advanced. Escorts turnover crosses Rs.15 billion. J.S.Telecom, In the sunrise telecom sector, alliances with
leader in VSAT networks. The decade Ahad: Mission Globalisation Enhanced core sector investments, poweful new alliances. Global network. Mega-projects and mega possibilities in the 21st century.
Escorts stands proud with an impressive list of its associates and subsidiary companies.
Goetze India Limited (GIL) It was founded in 1954, especially for the production of piston rings. This company is acknowledged as the market leader. the ISO 9002
certification adds status to this company and now accompanies the widest range of Piston rings. Escorts JCB Ltd (EJCB) This is a joint venture between Escorts and JC Bamford Excavators Ltd of UK & holds the distinction of having created the revolution in high efficiency, low construction and earth moving equipment. It enjoys 80% of the market share of the industry. It was awarded with ISO 9002. Escorts Class Ltd (ECL) This collaboration brings the worlds finest harvester combines, the Crop Tiger, to India. Escorts Heroin Ltd (EHL) A joint venture with Herion Werke K G Germany. this company manufactures high technology hydraulic values. Escorts Tractors Limited (ETL) ETL is the most successful engineering alliance in India. It enjoys huge reputation because of power, fuel economy & sheer performance.
Escorts Financial services Ltd (EFSL) EFSL has a solid reputation in hire purchase, leasing, portfolio management services, money market operations and vehicle finance. This company is actively stepping up its presence in merchant banking & corporate finance. Escorts Communication Ltd (ECL) Escorts began with EPABX & Key telephone systems, and then moved into the manufacture of Rural automatic exchanges (RAX'S ). The ECL RAX is recognised as a dependable, heavy-duty telecommunication system. Huges Escorts communications Ltd (HECL) It is an alliance with Huges Network system, USA (the World's largest company in its field, and a subsidiary of General Motors), has introduced state of the science VSAT satellite communication systems. This will enable large organisations to manage their own personalised voice, data & video communications networks with guaranteed quality, reliability and economy.
Escorts - A corporate Citizen At Escorts, there are many dimensions. Escorts has contributed for the development and enrichment of faridabad. Escorts Medical Centre: with the finest medical services at reasonable cost Escorts Institute of Farm Mechanisation at Bangalore has
considerable impact on agricultural methods in India. Escorts Hearts Institute & research Centre at New Delhi is today acknowledged to have one of the finest cardiac facilities. The Man Power of Escorts The Escorts is empowered by fifteen thousand employees. It is an irresistible powerful force for an engineering change. At Escorts, employee motivation is a natural consequence. This has encouraged long -term
loyalty. Employees are consistently encouraged to develop their skills and apply their minds for greater productivity. this is done through training programmes by reputed management, R & D & engineering institutions. Quality circles were also set up. The proof of the success of Team Escorts is the dramatic leap in productivity achieved in the last few years, with a negligible increase in man power.
On 17th October, 1944 Escorts Agents Limited was born at Lahore (Now in Pakistan) with Yudi nanda as Managing Director and Hari Nanda as Chairman. it was a trend setting marketing house driven by the same business philosophy which given their family enterprise an unirvalled reputation: 'Customer concern'. This led to the discovery of the great business potential that lay in India's villages and thus, Escorts (Agriculture and machines) Ltd. was Launched in 1948, with Yudi Nanda as the Director. Both companies had two great strengths in common: the dynamic Nanda brothers and the unifying of the name they gave their companies; Escorts which literally means escorting their products and services to their customers. M/S. Goldfields & Co Profile Right from the past 25 years the people in Cuddapah around Cuddapah felt a great need for tractors and parts, this has given scope for establishing ESCORTS & FORD tractors and parts supplying unit in Cuddapah District. In addition the neighboring districts of Cuddapah and to go to Nellore to fulfill their needs for tractors and even spare parts. M/s B.S. Sharma is a popular business magnet in Nellore, an opportunity created by the necessity of having an unit of business is given to establish a business unit at proddatur or around Proddatur with Mr.
K.Dandapani, who has become a Managing partner of the proposed unit. Hence the unit emerged as a partnership legally constituted in 1976 according to the norms prescribed. Within a short period of ten years
there was a promising growth as in the initial stages only the unit could do business to a limited extent with spare parts only. In 1984 gold fields become individual field for Entire Cuddapah. They short become authorised dealer for Escort Power trac and Farm trac. Tractor for entire Cuddapah district till that they have sold around 2000 tractor in 2000 August Mr Srinivasakumar is the son Dandapani who is the managing partner of Gold Field & co had taken up the leadership and shown tremendous record in sales do power trac and Farm tracTractors and In the month of OCT-031. They have inaugurated well infrastructure and facilitated shown room in Auto nagar. For the Past 3 financial years. They are Holding no.1 place in Escorts tractor sales. They are holding a No.1 Position in spare parts sales also. They are keeping good track record in servicing the customers. Bankers 1. K.V.B - P.D.T.R 2. UCO Bank - New Delhi 3. CITI Bank - New Delhi
4. Recently they have tied up with Escorts Finance Ltd. Cholomandalam Finance Limited Chennai Dandapani Finance Limited Chennai
Sales 6 Staff
Spares 3 Staff
Services 12 Members
The originals of M&M's Farm Equipment Sector lie in the formation of a joint venture in 1963 between the Company, International Harvester Inc., and Voltas Limited, Christenedthe International tractor Company of India . This enterprise was a shot in the arm for the green revolutionthen beginning to sweep the country. The launch of high-performance tractors played a vital role in the mechanization of Indian Agriculture. In 1977, ITCI merged with M&M and became its Tractor Division. After M&M's organisational restructuring in 1994, this division was called the Farm Equipment sector. M&M's Farm Equipment sector is the largest manufacturers of tractor in India with sustained market leadership of over 19 years. it designs, develops, manufacturers and markets tractors as well as implements which are used in conjunction with tractors. The tractor industry in India is segmented by horse power into the lower segment of 25 HP, mid-segment of 35HP and higher segment of 45 HP and above. The Company's Farm Equipment Sector has a presence in all these segments across all states.
The Farm Equipment sector has also ventured into manufacturing of Industrial Engines. M&M Industrial engines are used for various applications like Genset, Industrial, construction, Marine Compressors etc. These engines are manufactured at the Company's state of art Engine Assembly plants at Kandivli and Nagpur. M&M has two main tractor manufacturing plants located at Mumbai and Nagpur in Maharashtra. Both these plants have been certified for ISO 9001, QS-9000 and ISO 14001. apart from these two main manufacturing units, the Farm Equipment Sector has satellite plants located at Rudrapur in Uttarachal and Jaipur in Rajasthan. The Farm Equipment Sector of the Company has a strong and extensive dealer network of over 450 dealers for sales and serviceof tractors and spare parts. This dealer network is managedby 28 area officers, situated in all the major cities and covering all the principal states. M&M tractors have earned goodwill and trust of more than 8,00,000 customers and the 'Mahindra' tractor has come to be recognised as a powerful symbol of productivity and performance. In addition of capturing the domestic market, M&M's Farm Equipment sector has also found significant success in the International
market. Whilst around 90% of our tractor exports are to the USA, M&M also export tractors to neighboring countries like Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and African countries like Uganda, Nigeria, Zambia. Mahindra USA, a wholly owned subsidiary based in the USA, has established a network of 140deakers. Several other international markets are being developed to expand M&M's global reach in the Farm Equipment Sector.
Product Profile
Presently 17 companies put together are offering 42 models of tractors of Horse Power ranging from 18 to 60 Horse Power. Basically all the models are classified into three major categories of HP. They are: 1. Lower HP range of 18 HP to 35 HP 2. Middle HP range of 35 HP to 39 HP 3.HigherHP range to 40 HP and above 40 HP. The different Horse Powers are offered requirements of customers. Lower ranges are offered for lighter agricultural operation like tilling harrowing, water lifting winnowing haulage etc., This H.P range consists of about 36% to total annual sale and the tractors are used for pudding tilling harrowing, ploughing. The Higher H.P range consists of 18% share and these tractors are used for ploughing, pudding and other major sophisticated agricultural operations. The present day customer has become more and more quality conscious and became learned because of education by different manufacturers. Now customers have wide range of tractors to
choose and he is aiming at better economy, better ergonomics, better comforts and ease of operations. ESCORTS now have introduced new modern series of Escorts Tractors, which out class the International smoke emission norms and their fuel consumptions are very nearer to that of International Tractors. They have considered the Aerodynamics in tractors while designing these new tractors. More importance was given for Ergonomics and comforts of operator. In ford range F 3620 was introduced which is the latest introduction of FORD Motor company U.S.A itself. Ford range is the leader in higher H.P. segment. M&M has for a long time was dependant only on b275, 35 H.P. models. This model being less fuel-efficient and has higher smoke emission level. It has started efforts to introduce b27 dI, 595 fuel-efficient models. These model have become threat to well established ford models, but could not break through. TAFE also trying to penetrate into higher H.P. segments with its MF 245 Model, but could not do it. Now seeing the pulse of customer, 1035 DI Model with better features has been introduced,.
EICHER is the monarch in lower H.P. segment with a share of 40% in the segment. Now efforts are being made by them to enter into middle H.P. segment with their EICHER GOLD 35 H.P. Model. HMT with its all range models is also doing well in the Tractor market. SWARAJ having one each model of all H.P. segments is now a days running fast in the market being appreciated by many of its customers. Presently it appears that all the major companies are trying to offer more and more fuel-efficient tractors with best operators comforts aesthetics and best features.
Methodology of Study
Sources of Data Primary data is collected from the customers through questionnaire The questionnaire prepared in this study was mainly aimed at personal interview and was contained open, multi-choice questions, dichotomous questions and also checklists. Secondary data were collected from the official records, magazines, registers of the organisation. Before the questionnaire was ready, it was pre tested under the field conditions. Pretests are made by personnel interview. The number of interviews in the pretest was with 50 respondents. During pre testing wording of some questions. The researcher conducted the pilot study among 50 respondents. After the study some questions in the questionner was improved to make it more understandable to the respondents. Some questions were eliminated from the questionnaire and new questions wee added on the basis of the response of the respondents. The secondary data is collected from the records of the office. Sample Design Convenience sampling method was adopted in choosing the respondents. As the total size of the universe is 400. The researcher selected 200 as the sample for the study which answers more perfection.
Frame work of Analysis Data analysis for the present study was being carried out using percentage analysis, Chi-square fest, weighted average method. Period of the study The study of the customer satisfaction of Escorts & Mahindra Tractors was of conducted during the period between 01-01-2004 to 31-03-2004.
Interpretation The above table shows that the majority ( 71%) of the respondents are farmers. This is very much clear that the farmers are started using the latest technology for their cultivation.
Occupation of Respondents
Tractor Driver
Any others
Occupation 30
From the above table analysis it is being made clear the majority (30.5%) of the respondents own Mahindra Tractors. the next majority of the respondents (20.5%) own Escorts Tractors. This may due to that the customers are highly satisfied with the performance of these tractors. So the companies should try to maintain the same level of satisfaction for the customers.
61 60
41 Respondents 40
30 22 20 19
0 Respondents Company
Escorts Mahindra
Tafe Eicher
6.3 Respondents Source of Information Source of information Friends & Relatives Company Representatives Dealers Advertisement Mechanic Bankers Any others Total Interpretation The above table analysis makes it clear that the majority (53%) of the respondents are get the information about the tractors from their friends and relatives. So it is proved that the when the companies try to satisfy the customers they will help in the product promotion to great extent. Respondents Percentage 106 53 22 11 16 8 14 7 21 10.5 12 6 9 4.5 200 100
22 16 14
21 12 9
en t ep re se nt at iv es Ba nk er s ec ha ni c ea le rs el at iv es Ad ve rt i se m ot he rs An y
Fr ie nd s
pa ny
Source of Information
6.4 Respondents Mode of Purchase Mode of purchase Private Finance Commercial Banks Co-operative Banks Cash Total Respondents Percentage 71 35.5 58 29 52 26 19 9.5 200 100
The above percentage analysis makes it clear that the majority (35.5%) of the respondents have purchased their tractors through private finance. The next majority (29%) of the respondents take the financial assistance from the commercial banks. So it is clear that when the customers are given proper financial support it will increase the tractor sales.
80 71 70
58 52
Private Finance Commercial Banks Co-operative Banks Cash
Mode of Purchase
6.5 Respondents Motivator for Purchase Motivator Self Family Friend Mechanic Dealers Banker Total Respondents Percentage 106 53 24 12 28 14 30 15 8 4 4 2 200 100
The above percentage analysis makes it clear that majority ( 53%) of the respondents opinioned that they take self decision in purchasing the tractors. So the companies should concentrate in understanding the requirements of the customers and module their products.
106 100
6.6 Respondents Consideration of Financial Aspects Financial Aspects Price of the tractor Credit facilities by dealer Loan facilities Any others Total Respondents Percentage 94 47 32 16 62 31 12 6 200 100
The above percentage analysis makes it clear that the majority (47%) of the respondents consider the price of the tractor while they purchase. The companies should fix an affordable which is also cost-effective for the customers.
Any others
6.7 Respondents Ownership of Different Brands Brand of Tractors Escorts Ford Mahindra Swaraj Tafe HMT Other Total Respondents Percentage 28 14 26 13 69 34.5 12 6 23 11.5 10 5 32 16 200 100
The above percentage analysis makes it clear that majority (34.5%) of the respondents are having Mahindra tractors. This may be due to that the customers may be highly satisfied with the prospects of the product. The next majority ownership of tractors is from escorts.
32 30 28 26 23 20
12 10 10
Brand of Tractors
6.8 Respondents Purpose of Owning Tractor Purpose Agriculture Commercial Industrial Total Respondents Percentage 86 43 52 26 62 31 200 100
From the above percentage it is clear that majority (43%) of the respondents are using the tractors for the agriculture. The next majority of the respondents (31%) are using the tractors for the Industrial purpose. The companies for modeling the tractors should understand the purpose of usage of the tractors.
Commercial 26%
6.9 Usage of Tractor in Agriculture Usage of Tractor in Agriculture Cultivator Plough Disc Harrow Pudding Trail Total Respondents Percentage 82 41 58 29 12 6 16 8 32 16 200 100
The above percentage analysis makes it clear that the majority (41%) of the respondents are using the tractors for the cultivation in their fields. A considerable majority (29%) of the respondents are using the tractors for ploughing.
16 12
6.10 Respondents Purchase for of Tractor for Particular Operation Operation Cultivation Road Work Multipurpose Others Total Respondents Percentage 32 16 14 7 150 75 4 2 200 100
The above percentage analysis brings out the majority (75%) of the respondents are using the tractors for multipurpose. The companies should design their tractors to suit the varied requirements of their customers in order increase the sales of the tractors.
14 4
6.11 Respondents Awareness through different Modes of Advertisements Mode of Advertisement News Paper Hoardings/Wall painting Leaflets Commercials Demonstrations Exhibitions Total Respondents Percentage 64 32 60 30 10 5 34 17 24 12 8 4 200 100
The above statistical analysis brings out that majority (32%) of the respondents are aware of the different models of the tractors through Newspaper. The next majority of the respondents have opinioned that they are aware of the different models through the Hoardings and Wall Painting. The company should understand the reach of the different modes of advertisements and should select a appropriate mode of advertisement.
40 34 30 24 20
g ci al s ns r s pe le t ai nt t io al lp Le m st s ib iti o Ex h Pa af er ra ns in
Mode of Advertisement 50
6.12 Preference for primitive methods of cultivation along with tractor Primitive Cultivation Yes No Total Respondents Percentage 118 59 82 41 200 100
It is derived from the above percentage analysis that the majority (59%) of respondents will continue with the primitive methods of cultivation this shows that the customers are not fully confident with the technology to improve their cultivation.
The above percentage analysis makes it clear that the majority (29.5%) of the respondents are influenced by the engine efficiency of the tractors. The next majority (21.5%) of the respondents are expecting fuel economy from the tractors. The companies should try to increase the engine and fuel economy as expected by the customers.
Influencing Factors
Engine efficiency
Fuel economy
Pick up
Brand Image
Respondents 54
6.14 Respondents Ranking of Attributes Attributes Warranty Mechanical Services Availability of spares Maintenance cost Driving comfort Re-sale value Ease of Repairs Total Respondents Percentage 26 13 48 24 30 15 36 18 22 11 14 7 24 12 200 100
The above percentage analysis infers that the majority (24%) of the respondents are expecting mechanical services form the company. Tractor is a vehicle, which is used for very tough work purpose and it to maintain properly to have good working condition. The companies should make avail of these mechanical services to their customers.
10 20 30 40 50 60 0
ar ra nt y
ni ca
Av a ce s
lS er vi
ila b
ilit y
of sp ar es
an ce co st
Attributes 36
co m fo rt
56 22
le va lu e
r iv
in g
Ea s
of R ep ai rs
6.15 Respondents Opinion on additional facilities Additional Facilities Yes No Total Respondents Percentage 72 36 128 64 200 100
From the above percentage analysis it is made clear that the majority (64%) of the respondents are not satisfied with the additional facilities that is currently available in the tractors. The companies should try to increase the additional facilities available in the tractors along with the improving the efficiency of the performance.
The above percentage analysis makes it clear that the majority (76%) of the respondents have opinioned that they do not attain any status. So the utility of the tractors only will influence the customers to purchase tractors. The companies should try increased to increase the varied utility.
6.17 Occupation of the Respondents Vs Mode of Purchase Mode of Purchase Observed CoCash Total Commercial operative Banks Banks O E O E O E 13 17.6 22 17.5 25 23.1 78 12 10.5 8 10.5 14 13.6 46 14 10.7 7 10.6 11 13.8 47 6 6.5 8 6.5 9 8.6 29 45 45 59
Occupation of Respondents
Null Hypothesis- Ho : There is no significant relation ship between Occupation of the Respondents and mode of Purchase Alternative Hypothesis- H1 : There is a significant relation ship between Occupation of the Respondents and mode of Purchase Calculated Value Expected Value at 5% level Degree of Freedom = = = 6.4335 16.92 9
Since the Calculated value is less than the expected Value Null Hypothesis is accepted. Therefore there is significant relation ship between Occupation of respondents and mode of purchase.
O 16 13 12 8 7 56
O 18 21 6 4 5 54
Observed Total
26 16 21 11 16 90
60 50 39 23 28
Null Hypothesis- Ho : There is no significant relation ship between Purpose of owning the tractor and its usage Alternative Hypothesis- H1 : There is a significant relation ship between Purpose of owning the tractor and its usage Calculated Value Expected Value at 5% level Degree of Freedom = = = 12.192 15.51 8
Since the Calculated value is less than the expected Value Null Hypothesis is accepted. Therefore there is no significant relation ship between the purposes of owning the tractor and its usage.
Purchasing of tractors. Influencing factors Brand Image Pick up Fuel economy Engine efficiency Horse power of tractor Breakers
6 1 5 2 4 3 3 4 2 5 1 6 Weightage Total Total Samples Average
1 8 3 6 5 6 4 9 2 7 1 4
1 7 2 6 4 2 2 9 3 2 5 4
4 2 3 9 4 3 2 0 2 7 2 9
3 6 4 1 2 9 5 3 3 3 8
2 8 3 3 1 9 1 9 4 2 5 9
5 9 2 5 1 1 3 0 3 9 3 6
From the above statistical analysis it is being made clear that majority of the respondents have opinioned that they are very much influenced by the fuel economy of the tractors. The next majority of the respondents are influenced by the other technical factors such as breakers, engine efficiency etc., The manufacturers should concentrate in improving these technical aspect in the tractors.
Majority (71%) of the respondents are farmers. Majority (30.5%) of the respondents own Mahindra Tractors. The next majority of the respondents (20.5%) own Escorts Tractors. Majority (53%) of the respondents are get the information about the tractors from their friends and relatives. Majority (35.5%) of the respondents have purchased their tractors through private finance. The next majority (29%) of the respondents take the financial assistance from the commercial banks. Majority ( 53%) of the respondents opinioned that they take self decision in purchasing the tractors. Majority (47%) of the respondents consider the price of the tractor while they purchase. Majority (34.5%) of the respondents are having Mahindra tractors. This may be due to that the customers may be highly satisfied with the prospects of the product. The next majority ownership of tractors is from escorts. Majority (43%) of the respondents are using the tractors for the agriculture. The next majority of the respondents (31%) are using the tractors for the Industrial purpose.
Majority (41%) of the respondents are using the tractors for the cultivation in their fields. A considerable majority (29%) of the respondents are using the tractors for ploughing. Majority (75%) of the respondents are using the tractors for multipurpose. Majority (32%) of the respondents are aware of the different models of the tractors through Newspaper. The next majority of the respondents have opinioned that they are aware of the different models through the Hoardings and Wall Painting. Majority (59%) of respondents will continue with the primitive methods of cultivation this shows that the customers are not fully confident with the technology to improve their cultivation. Majority (29.5%) of the respondents are influenced by the engine efficiency of the tractors. The next majority (21.5%) of the respondents are expecting fuel economy from the tractors. Majority (24%) of the respondents are expecting mechanical services form the company. Majority (64%) of the respondents are not satisfied with the additional facilities that is currently available in the tractors.
Majority (76%) of the respondents have opinioned that they do not attain any status. There exists no significant relationship between Occupation of respondents and mode of purchase There exists no significant relationship between the purposes of owning the tractor and its usage From the Personal discussions with the customers the following opinions were collected - The Customers feel that the mileage to be increased - The Bonnet of the tractor to changed and vibrations to be reduced - The weights are to be put in front of the engines - Engines are to be designed in such a way that they are durable and light weight for the smooth movement on any surface. - Customers prefer that the space between the tyre and Kinpin. - Some other main technical problems faced by the customers are Clutch Plate, Gear Box and Hydraulic Problems.
Increase in product range to include higher/lower horsepower. Establishment of authorised service stations maintained by company trained/company service personnel. Establishment of new dealers and developing the existing ones. Introducing performance based new incentive schemes for dealers. Monitoring post purchase behavior and satisfaction levels of customers as a feed back input to the marketing policy. The company should conduct market research to gain information of new customers and follow-up action should be done for customer development. For meeting the demand for spare parts the company should make the spare parts easily available, with the dealers as well as the retailers. The company should provide seasonal discounts especially during the harvest season. This is the time when there is a maximum sale for tractors. The after sales service should be made more efficient & effective. It should also provide free servicing compaign once in year especially before season starts.
More demonstration classes should be giving to the farmers to make them aware about the multiple uses of tractors. Provision of training facilities to the farmers for perfect maintenance so as to reduce the maintenance cost and fuller utilisation of the tractor.
Every consumer has certain wants and needs and a strong desire to satisfy them. To satisfy his wants, the consumer purchases certain goods under the impressions that the goods would satisfy his wants. If the products satisfied his wants, the consumer shall become the customer of the firm and also tell about the product to his friends and others. In this process, he advertises the product this consumer advertising improves the effectiveness of the manufactures, advertising and sales efforts. Such factors finally lead to better volume of sales.
On other hand, if he is dissatisfied, he may switch over to it other product of the competition. Further, he well propagates his dissatisfaction to others and there by prevent others from consuming the product. This is turn result in lesser volume of sales. A fall in the sales will lead to lower profit or even for a loss, finally it may lead to the closure of the business unit. The acceptance of modern maintaining concept can improve the sales of the firm and as well as there public image besides satisfying the consumer needs.