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S r. N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 Date Top ic Distributed Database - Horizontal Fragmentation Distributed Database Vertical Fragmentation Distributed Database Replication Temporal Database Multimedia Database Active Database Object Oriented Database Spatial Database XML Database Prolong Programming P g. N Sign


A] D istributed Databa ses - V ertical Fragmentation

Data Base Link : SQL> Create database link utot connect to scott identified by tiger using 'pc12'; Database link created. SQL> Create database link ttou connect to scott identified by tiger using 'pc8'; Database link created. Table Structure : SQL> connect scott/tiger@p c8 Connected. SQL> create table Employee1 2 ( 3 eno number(5), 4 ename varchar2(10), 5 address varchar2(10) 6 ); Table created. SQL> desc Employee1 Name ----------------------------ENO ENAME ADDRESS SQL > con nect Enter username: scott Enter password: ***** Connected. SQL> create table Employee2 2 (

Null ? -------

Type --------------------------NUMBER(5) VARCHAR2(10) VARCHAR2(10)

3 eno number(5), 4 email varchar2(15), 5 salary number(10) 6 ); Tabl e crea ted.

SQL> desc Employee2 Name Null? Type -------------------------- ------------------------------------- ENO NUMBER(5) EMAIL VARCHAR2(15) SALARY NUMBER(5) Inserting records into the Employee1 table: SQL> connect scott/tiger@p c8 Connected. SQL> insert into Employee1 values(1,'Jinesh','Dahanu'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee1 values(2,'Devendra','Umbergaon'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee1 values(3,'Vanita','Mumbai'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee1 values(4,'Suvarna','Mumbai'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee1 values(5,'Neha','Dahanu'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee1 values(6,'Priya','Baroda'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee1 values(7,'Laxmi','Vangaon'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee1 values(8,'Bhavika','Dahanu'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee1 values(9,'Rachana','Umbergaon'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee1 values(10,'Hiral','Bordi'); 1 row created. SQL> select * from Employee1; ENO ENAME ADDRESS ---------- -------------- ------------------1 Jinesh Dahanu 2 Devendr Umberga a on



4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 rows selecte d.

Suvarn a Neha Priya Laxmi Bhavik a Rachan a Hiral

Mumbai Dahanu Baroda Vangaon Dahanu Umberga on Bordi

Inserting records Employee2 table: SQL > con nect Enter username: scott Enter password: ***** Connected.


th e

SQL> insert into values(1,'jin@',20000); 1 row crea ted. SQL> insert into values(2,'d',20000); 1 row crea ted. SQL> insert into values(3,' m',15000); 1 row crea ted. SQL> insert into values(4,'su v@ya m',10000); 1





row crea ted. SQL> insert into values(5,'neha@ho tmail',9900); 1 row crea ted. SQL> insert into values(6,'p riya@ yahoo ',7000); 1 row crea ted. SQL> insert into values(7,'laxmi@ ya hoo',22000); 1 row crea ted. SQL> insert into values(8,'b hav@ ho tmail',25000); 1 row crea ted. SQL> insert into values(9,'rach@rediff',10500); 1 row crea ted. SQL> insert into values(10,'hiral@gmail',1900); 1 row crea ted. SQL> select * from Employee2; ENO EMAIL SALARY Employee2






--------- -------------------------------1 jin@ yahoo. com 20000 2 dev@hotmail. com 20000 3 15000 4 su v@ m 10000 5 neha@hotmail 9900 6 priya@ yaho o 7 laxm i@ yahoo 22000 8 bhav@hotmail 9 rach@red iff 10500 10 hiral@gmail 10 rows selected.

7000 25000 1900

Q u eri es: SQL > con nect Enter username: scott Enter password: ***** Connected. 1. Find the salary of an Employee where employee number is known. SQL> select e1.eno, e2.salary 2 from Employee1@ttou e1, Employee2 e2 3 where e1.eno=1 and e1.eno = e2.eno; ENO SALAR Y ----------------------1

20 00 0 2. Find the Email where the employee name is known. SQL> select e1.ename, 2 from Emplo yee1@ttou e1,Employee2 e2 3 where e1.ename='Neha' and e1.eno=e2.eno; ENAME EMAIL --------------------------Neha neha@ho tmail 3.Find the employee name and Email where employee number is known. SQL> select e1.ename, 2 from Emplo yee1@ttou e1,Employee2 e2 3 where e1.eno=1 and e1.eno=e2.eno; ENAME EMAIL -----------------------


jin@ ya

4.Find the employee name whose salary is > 10000 SQL> select e1.ename,e2.salary 2 from Employee1@ttou e1,Employee2 e2 3 where e1.eno = e2.eno and e2.salary>10000; ENAME -----------Jinesh Devendra Vanita Laxmi Bhavika Rachana SALAR Y --------------20000 20000 15000 22000 25000 10500

6 rows selected.

B] Distributed Data bases - Vertical Fragmentatio n Data Base Link : SQL> Create database link lk1 connect to scott identified by tiger using 'PC8'; Database link created. SQL> Create database link lk2 connect to scott identified by tiger using 'PC12'; Database link created. SQL> Create database link lk3 connect to scott identified by tiger using 'PC12'; Database link created. SQL> Create database link lk4 connect to scott identified by tiger using 'PC8'; Database link created. Table Structure: SQL> create table product_log 2 ( 3 pro_id varchar2(5), 4 pro_name varchar2(20), 5 pro_desc varchar2(50), 6 pro_cost number(10), 7 pro_profit number(10) 8 ); Table created. SQL> connect scott/tiger@PC8 ; Connected. SQL> create table product_m1 2 ( 3 pro_id varchar2(5), 4 pro_name varchar2(20), 5 pro_desc varchar2(50) 6 ); Table created. SQL> create table product_m2 2 ( 3 pro_id varchar2(5), 4 pro_cost number(10), 5 pro_profit number(10) 6 );

Table created.

Crea ting trigg er: SQL> connect scott/tiger; Connected. SQL> create or replace trigger product 2 after insert on product_log 3 for each row 4 begin 5 insert into produ ct_m1@lk1 values(:new.pro_id,:new.pro_name,:new.pro_desc); 6 insert into produ ct_m2@lk4 values(:new.pro_id,:new.pro_cost,:new.pro_profit); 7 end; 8 / Trigger created. Inserting records into the table product_log : SQL> insert into product_log values('1','Kitkat','Choc',10,2); 1 row created. SQL> insert into product_log values('2','Anand','Choc',10,2); 1 row created. SQL> insert into product_log values('3','Vasudhara','Choc',10,2); 1 row created. SQL> insert into product_log values('4','MilkBar','Choc',10,2); 1 row created. SQL> insert into product_log values('5','Gokul','Choc',10,3); 1 row created. SQL> insert into product_log values('6','Amul','Choc',15,4); 1 row created. SQL> insert into product_log values('7','DairyMilk','Choc',20,5); 1 row created. SQL> insert into product_log values('8','5Star','Choc',5,2); 1 row created. SQL> insert into product_log values('9','KissMiss','Choc',5,1); 1 row created. SQL> insert into product_log values('10','Perk','Choc',10,2); 1 row created.

SQL> select * from product_log; PRO_ID PRO_NAME PRO_DESC PRO_COST PRO_PROFIT ---------- --------------------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------------1 Kitkat Choc 1 2 0 2 Anand Choc 10 2 3 Vasudhara Choc 1 2 0 4 MilkBar Choc 1 2 0 5 Gokul Choc 1 3 0 6 Amul Choc 1 4 5 7 DairyMilk Choc 2 5 05 8 5Star Choc 2 9 KissMiss Choc 5 1 10 Perk Choc 10 2 10 rows selected. Q u eri es: 1. Select the cost and profit for each product SQL> select a.pro_name,b.pro_cost,b.pro_profit 2 from product_m1@lk1 a, product_m2@lk4 b 3 where a.pro_id=b.pro_id and b.pro_id=a.pro_id; PRO_NAME PRO_COST PRO_PROFIT -------------------- ----------------- ---------Kitkat 10 2 Perk 10 2 Anand 10 2 Vasudhara 10 2 MilkBar 10 2 Gokul 10 3 Amul 15 4 DairyMilk 20 5 5Star 5 2 KissMiss 5 1 10 rows selected. 2. Display product name where profit is less than Rs.3 SQL> select a.pro_name,b.pro_profit 2 from product_m1@lk1 a,product_m2@lk4 b 3 where a.pro_id=b.pro_id and b.pro_id=a.pro_id and b.pro_profit<=3; PRO_NAME PRO_PROFIT ------------------- ---------Kitkat 2


Anand Vasudhara MilkBar Gokul 5Star KissMiss 8 rows selected.

2 2 2 3 2 1

3. Display product name and description where product cost is in between 10 and 15 SQL> select a.pro_name,a.pro_desc,b.pro_cost 2 from product_m1 @lk1 a,product_m2@lk4 b 3 where a.pro_id=b.pro_id and b.pro_id=a.pro_id and b.pro_cost>=10 and b.pro_cost<=15; PRO_NAME PRO_DESC PRO_COST ------------------ --------------------------------- Kitkat Choc 10 Perk Choc 10 Anand Choc 10 Vasudhara Choc 10 MilkBar Choc 10 Gokul Choc 10 Amul Choc 15 7 rows selected. 4. Display product name beginning with Am and profit is 10% of the product cost SQL> select a.pro_name,b.pro_cost,b.pro_profit 2 from product_m1@lk1 a, product_m2@lk4 b 3 where a.pro_id=b.pro_id and a.pro_name like 'Am%' and b.pro_profit>=0.1*b.pro_cost; PRO_NAME PRO_COST PRO_PROFIT -------------------- ----------------------------------- Amul 15 4 5. Display product name beginning with K and profit is 10% of the product cost SQL> select a.pro_name,b.pro_cost,b.pro_profit 2 from product_m1 @lk1 3 a, product_m2@l k4 b 4 where a.pro_id=b.pro_id and a.pro_name like 'K%' and b.pro_profit>=0.1*b.pro_cost;

PRO_NAME PRO_COST PRO_PROFIT ------------------ ------------------------------------- Kitkat 10 2 KissMiss 5 1

A] D istributed Databa ses - H orizontal Fragmentation

Data Base Link : SQL> Create database link utot connect to scott identified by tiger using 'pc12'; Database link created. SQL> Create database link ttou connect to scott identified by tiger using 'pc8'; Database link created. Table Structure: SQL> create table Employee12_15 2 ( 3 emp_no varchar2(5), 4 ename varchar2(25), 5 addr varchar2(50), 6 email varchar2(25), 7 sal number 8 ) 9 ; Table created. SQL> create table log_Employee12_15 2 ( 3 emp_no varchar2(5), 4 ename varchar2(25), 5 addr varchar2(50), 6 email varchar2(25), 7 sal number 8 ); Table created. SQL> connect scott/tiger@pc8 ; Connected. SQL> create table Employee8_se15 2 ( 3 emp_no varchar2(5), 4 ename varchar2(25), 5 addr varchar2(50), 6 email varchar2(25), 7 sal number 8 ); Table created.

SQL> describe Employee8_se15; Name Null? Type ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------- EMP_NO VARCHAR2(5) ENAME VARCHAR2(25) ADDR VARCHAR2(50) EMAIL VARCHAR2(25) SAL NUMBER SQL> connect Enter username: scott Enter password: ***** Connected. SQL> describe Employee12_15; Name Null? ------------------------------- ----------------------------------- EMP_NO VARCHAR2(5) ENAME VARCHAR2(25) ADDR VARCHAR2(50) EMAIL VARCHAR2(25) SAL NUMBER Type

SQL> describe log_Employee12_15; Name Null? Type ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------- EMP_NO VARCHAR2(5) ENAME VARCHAR2(25) ADDR VARCHAR2(50) EMAIL VARCHAR2(25) SAL NUMBER

Crea ting Trigg er: SQL> create or replace trigger TREmp12_15 2 after insert on Employee12_15 3 for each row 4 when(new.sal is not null) 5 begin 6 if :new.sal<10000 then 7 insert into log_Employee12_15 values(:new.emp_no,:new.ename,:new.addr,,:new.sal); 8 else

9 insert into Emp lo yee8 _se15 @ttou values(:new.emp_no, :new.ename, :new.addr,, :new.sal); 10 end if ; 11 end; 12 / Trigger created.

Inserting records in the ta bles: SQL> insert into Employee12_15 values('1','ABC','Dahanu','',9999); 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee12_15 values('2','XYZ','Umbergaon','d ev@',15000); 1 row created. Q u eri es: SQL> select * from Employee12_15; EMP_NO ENAME ---------------- ---------------------------------------1 ABC 2 XYZ ADDR EMAIL ------------------ ------------------Dahanu Umbergaon d ev@ SAL 9999 15000

SQL> select * from log_Employee12_15; EMP_NO ENAME ADDR EMAIL ---------------- ----------------- ------------------ -----------------------------------------1 ABC Dahanu SQL> select * from E mplo yee8 _se15@ttou; EMP_NO ENAME ADDR EMAIL ---------------- ----------------- ------------------ -----------------------------------------2 XYZ Umbergaon d ev@ Q u eri es: 1.List the salaries of all the employees SQL> select ename,sal from Employee12_15; ENAME SAL ------------------------- ---------ABC 99 99 XYZ 150 00 OR SQL> select a.ename,a.sal from log_Employee12_15 a 2 union all 3 select b.ename,b.sal from Employee8_se15@ttou b; SAL 15000 SAL 9999

ENAME ------------------------ ---------- ABC 9999 XYZ



2. Select the email of all employees where sal=15000 SQL> select a.ename, from log_Employee12_15 a where a.sal=15000 2 union all 3 select b.ename, from Emplo yee8_se15@ttou b where b.sal=15000; ENAME EMAIL ------------------------------------------------- XYZ d e v@ ya ho o . c o m 3.Find name and emp no where emp no is known SQL> select a.emp_no, a.ename from log_Employee12_15 a where a.emp_no='1' 2 union all 3 select b.emp_no, b.ename from Employee8_se15@ttou b where b.emp_no='1' ; EMP_N ENAME ----- ------------------------1 ABC 4.Find name and address where emp no is known SQL> select a.ename,a.addr from log_Employee12_15 a where a.emp_no='2' 2 union all 3 select b.ename,b.addr from Employee8_se15@ttou b where b.emp_no='2' ; ENAME ADDR ------------------------------------------ XYZ Umbergaon

B] Distributed Databases - Horizontal Fragmentation

Data b a se Link: SQL> create database link link1 connect to scott identified by tiger using 'pc12'; Database link created. SQL> create database link link2 connect to scott identified by tiger using 'pc12'; Database link created. Table Struct ure: SQL> create table customer_pdtls 2 ( 3 cust_id varchar2(10) primary key, 4 cust_name varchar2(20), 5 cust_addr varchar2(20) 6 ); Tabl e crea ted. SQL> connect scott/tiger@pc8 ; Connected. SQL> create table customer_bill 2 ( 3 cust_id varchar2(10), 4 cust_mobile number(10), 5 cust_billamt number(10) 6 ); Tabl e crea ted. SQL> create table customer_totbill 2 ( 3 cust_id varchar2(10), 4 cust_totalamt number(20) 5 ); Tabl

e crea ted. SQL > con nect Enter username: scott Enter password: ***** Connected.

Crea te Trigg er: SQL> create trigger entcustomer 2 after insert on customer_pdtls 3 for each row 4 begin 5 insert into customer_totbill@link2 values(:new.cust_id,0); 6 end; 7 / Trigger created. SQL> connect scott/tiger@pc8 ; Connected. SQL> create trigger customer_ent 2 after insert on customer_bill 3 for each row 4 when(new.cust_id is not null) 5 update customer_totbill 6 set cust_totalamt=cust_totalamt + :new.cust_billamt 7 where cust_id=:new.cust_id 8 / Trigger created. SQL> create trigger customer_upd 2 after update on customer_bill 3 for each row 4 when(old.cust_id is not null) 5 update customer_totbill 6 set cust_totalamt=cust_totalamt + :new.cust_billamt - :old.cust_billamt 7 / Trigger created. SQL> create trigger customer_del 2 after delete on customer_bill 3 for each row 4 when(old.cust_id is not null) 5 update customer_totbill 6 set cust_totalamt=cust_totalamt - :old.cust_billamt 7 where cust_id=:old.cust_id 8 / Trigger created. Inserting records into tables: SQL

> con nect Enter username: scott Enter password: ***** Connected.

SQL> insert into customer_pdtls values('1','Jinesh','Dahanu'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into customer_pdtls values('2','Dev','Umbergaon'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into customer_pdtls values('3','Vanita','Mumbai'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into customer_pdtls values('4','Suvarna','Mumbai'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into customer_pdtls values('5','Priya','Baroda'); 1 row created. SQL> select * from customer_pdtls; CUST_ID CUST_NAME CUST_ADDR ---------- -------------------- -------------------1 Jinesh Dahanu 2 D Umberga ev on 3 Vanita Mumbai 4 Suvarna Mumbai 5 Pri Baroda ya SQL> connect scott/tiger@pc8 ; Connected. SQL> insert into customer_bill values('1', 9890474542,1500); 1 row created. SQL> insert into customer_bill values('2', 9819107334,1220); 1 row created. SQL> insert into customer_bill values('1', 9867698801,1500); 1 row created. SQL> insert into customer_bill values('2', 9833525445,1220); 1 row created. SQL> insert into customer_bill values('3',9820112345,220); 1 row created. SQL> insert into customer_bill values('4',9819789023,2980); 1 row created.

SQL> insert into customer_bill values('5',9867723413,1000); 1 row created.

SQL> insert into customer_bill values('5',9867723414,1000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into customer_bill values('1',9867698802,1000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into customer_bill values('1',9867698711,800); 1 row created. SQL> select * from customer_bill; CUST_ID CUST_MOBILE CUST_BILLAMT -------------- -------------------- ------------------1 9890474542 1500 2 9819107334 1220 1 9867698801 1500 2 9833525445 1220 3 9820112345 220 4 9819789023 2980 5 9867723413 1000 5 9867723414 1000 1 9867698802 1000 1 9867698711 800 10 rows selected. SQL> select * from customer_totbill; CUST_ID CUST_TOTALAMT ---------- ------------1 48 00 2 24 40 3 2 2 4 29 80 5 20 00 Q u eri es: SQL > con nect Enter username: scott

Enter password: ***** Connected. 1. List out the customer names operating more than 2 mobiles. SQL> select cust_id,count(cust_id) "total no. of mobiles" cu stomer_b ill@ link2 2 having count(cust_id)>2 group by cust_id;


CUST_ID total no. of mobiles ---------- -------------------1 4 2. Display the customer name where the total bill is greater than 2000. SQL> select a.cust_name,b.cust_totalamt,c.cust_mobile 2 from customer_pdtls a,cu stomer_to tb ill@link2 b,customer_bill@link2 c 3 where a.cust_id=b.cust_id and b.cust_id=c.cust_id 4 and b.cust_totalamt>2000 5 ; CUST_NAME -------------------Jinesh Jinesh Jinesh Jinesh Dev Dev Suvarna 7 rows selected. 3. Display the total bill for all the customers. SQL> select a.cust_name,b.cust_totalamt from customer_pdtls a,customer_totbill@link2 b 2 where a.cust_id=b.cust_id; CUST_NAME CUST_TOTALAMT -------------------- ------------Jinesh 480 0 Dev 244 022 Vanita 0 Suvarna 29 80 Priya 200 0 4.Display the customer name who is with us for the last 4 months. SQL> select count(cust_id) from customer_b ill@link2 having count(cust_id)>=4 2 group by cust_id; COUNT(CUST_ID) -------------4 CUST_TOTALAM T ------------------------4800 4800 4800 4800 2440 2440 2980 CUST_MOBI LE ----------------9890474542 9867698801 9867698802 9867698711 9819107334 9833525445 9819789023

Distributed Database Replication

Data base Link: SQL> Create database link ln1 connect to scott identified by tiger using 'OEMREP'; Database link created. SQL> Create database link ln2 connect to scott identified by tiger using 'OEMREP'; Database link created. SQL> Create database link ln3 connect to scott identified by tiger using 'RUP'; Database link created. SQL> Create table emp19_rup 2 ( 3 Eno int, 4 Ename varchar2(50), 5 Address varchar2(50), 6 Email varchar2(25), 7 Salary int 8 ); Table created. SQL> connect scott/tiger@OEMRE P Connected. SQL> Create table emp19_oemrep 2 ( 3 Eno int, 4 Ename varchar2(50), 5 Address varchar2(50), 6 Email varchar2(25), 7 Salary int 8 ); Table created. Crea te Trigger: SQL> create or replace trigger emp19 2 after insert on emp19_rup 3 for each row 4 begin 5 insert into emp19_oemrep@ln1 values(:new.Eno,:new.Ename,:new.Address,:new.Email,:ne w.Salary); 6 end; 7 / Trigger created.

SQL> insert into emp19_rup values(1,'A','pqr',' m',5000); 1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp19_rup values(2,'B','abc',' m',5000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp19_rup values(3,'C','pqr',' m',7000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp19_rup values('4','D','pqr','ac@gma',7000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp19_rup values('5','E','xyz','',15000); 1 row created. Q u eri es: 1. Find the salary of all employees. SQL> select salary from emp19_rup; SALARY ---------5000 5000 7000 7000 15000 2. Find the email of all employees where salary = 15000. SQL> select Email from emp19_rup where salary=15000; EMAIL -----------------------a b @ ya ho o . co m 3.Find the employee name and email where employee number is known. SQL> select Ename,Email from emp19_oemrep@ln2 where Eno=2; ENAME EMAIL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- B ab @ya 4. Find the employee name and address where employee number is known. SQL> select Ename, Address from emp19_oemrep@ln2 where Eno=4; ENAME ADDRESS ------------------------------------------------- D


7. A] O bject-Oriented Da tabases
Crea te different Types and Tables SQL> Create or replace type AddrType1 as object( 2 Pincode number(5), 3 Street char(20), 4 City varchar2(50), 5 state varchar2(40), 6 no number(4) ); 7 / Type created. SQL> create or replace type BranchType as object( 2 address AddrType1, 3 phone1 integer, 4 phone2 integer ); 5 / Type created. SQL> create or replace type BranchTableType as table of BranchType; 2 / Type created. SQL> create or replace type AuthorType as object( 2 name varchar2(50), 3 addr AddrType1 ); 4 / Type created. SQL> create or replace type publishertype as object( 2 name varchar2(50), 3 address AddrType1, 4 branches BranchTableType); 5 / Type created. SQL> Create or replace type AuthorListType19 as table of AuthorType; 2 / Type created. SQL> Create or replace type authors as table of AuthorType; 2 / Type created. SQL> Create or replace type publisher as table of publishertype;

2 / Type created. SQL> Create or replace type AuthorListType 2 / Type created. SQL> Create or replace type AuthorListType as varray(10) of ref AuthorType; 2 / Type created. SQL> create table book100( 2 title varchar2(50), 3 yea r dat e, 4 published_by ref PublisherType, 5 authors AuthorListType); Table created. Inserting records in the ta bles SQL> insert into authors values('abc',AddrType1(00001,'abc','mumbai','maharashtra',1234)); 1 row created. SQL> insert into authors values('pqr',AddrType1(00002,'lmn','jaipur','rajasthan',2564)); 1 row created. SQL> insert into authors values('A',AddrType1(00003,'w','pune','maharashtra',4568)); 1 row created. SQL> insert into authors values('xyz',AddrType1(00004,'ghi','mumbai','maharashtra',7895)); 1 row created. SQL> insert into authors values('pqr',AddrType1(00005,'ghh','mumbai','maharashtra',4646)); 1 row created. SQL> insert into authors values('klm',AddrType1(00006,'ffg','mumbai','maharashtra',4561)); 1 row created. SQL> select * from authors; NAME ADDR(PINCODE, STREET, CITY, STATE, NO)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abc ADDRTYPE1(1, 'abc ', 'mumbai', 'maharashtra', 1234) Pqr ADDRTYPE1(2, 'lmn', 'jaipur', 'rajasthan', 2564) A ADDRTYPE1(3, 'w ', 'pune', 'maharashtra', 4568) Xyz ADDRTYPE1(4, 'ghi ', 'mumbai', 'maharashtra', 7895) Pqr ADDRTYPE1(5, 'ghh', 'mumbai', 'maharashtra', 4646) Klm ADDRTYPE1(6, 'ffg', 'mumbai', 'maharashtra', 4561) 6 rows selected. SQL> insert into publisher values('B',Addrtype1(00002,'lmn','jaipur','rajasthan',2654), 2 BranchTableType(BranchType(AddrType1(00002,'lmn','jaipur','rajasthan',2564),

3 0222451245,9865871245))); 1 row created. SQL> insert into publisher values('C',Addrtype1(00003,'w','pune','maharashtra',4568), 2 BranchTableType(BranchType(AddrType1(00003,'w','pune','maharashtra',4568), 3 022454787,9865741245))); 1 row created. SQL> insert into publisher values('D',Addrtype1(00004,'ghi','mumbai', 'maharashtra',7895), 2 BranchTableType(Branchtype(AddrType1(00004,'ghi','mumbai', 'maharashtra',7895),022454545,987655565))); 1 row created. 1 insert into publisher values('D',Addrtype1(00004,'ghi','mumbai', 'maharashtra',7895), 2 BranchTableType(Branchtype(AddrType1(00004,'ghi','mumbai', 'maharashtra',7895), 022454545,987655565))) 1 row created. SQL> insert into book100 select 'DWD','15-july-1982',ref(pub), AuthorListType(ref(auth)) 2 from publisher pub, Authors auth where'C' and'xyz'; 1 rows created. SQL> select * from book100; TITLE YEAR PUBLISHED_BY AUTHORS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWD 15-JUL-82 00002202087C508D95B8E24B829055BC03CF799D1E9B898E6894124359AF3C0 FF82456 0974 AUTHORLISTTYPE(00002802092F1C363E8AEA483BA098910D3E07971C5593 7376199 A43B3B92D659 36592FCBD004145920003) DWD 15-JUL-82 00002202087C508D95B8E24B829055BC03CF799D1E9B898E6894124359AF3C0 FF82456 0974 AUTHORLISTTYPE(00002802095E1C56EC5FEC490E947CA754B256503B5593 7376199 A43B3B92D659 36592FCBD004145920009)

Q u eri es; 1.List all of the authors that have the same address as their publisher. SQL> select 2 from authors auth, publisher pub

3 where auth.addr=pub.address; NAME ----------------A A x y z x y z x y z x y z 6 rows selected. 2. List all of the authors that have the same pin code as their publisher. SQL> select from authors auth,publisher pub where auth.addr.pincode=pub.address.pincode; NAME ----------------pqr pqr A A x y z x y z x y

z x y z 8 rows selected. 3. List all books that have 2 or more authors. SQL> select a.title from book100 a 2 where 1<(select count(title) from book100 b where a.title=b.title); TITLE -----------------DWD DWD 4. List the title of the book that has the most authors. SQL> select title from book100 b,table(b.authors) group by title 2 having count(*) = 4 (select max(count(*)) 5 from book100 b, table(b.authors) 6 group by title); TITLE -------------------- DWD 5. List the name of the publisher that has the most branches. SQL> Select 2 from publisher p, table(p.branches)

3 group by having count(*)> = 4 all (select count(*) 5 from publisher p, table(p.branches) 6 group by name); NAME -------------------- D 6. Name of authors who have not published a book. SQL> select 2 from authors a 3 where not exists( select b.title 4 from book100 b, table(b.authors) 5 where = name); no rows selected 7. Move all the branches that belong to the publisher 'B' to the publisher D' SQL> insert into table( 2 select branches 3 from publisher 4 where name = 'B') 5 select b.* from publisher p, table(p.branches) b 6 where name = 'D'; 2 rows created. 8 List all authors who have published more than one book. SQL> select 2 from authors a, book100 b, table(b.authors) v 3 where v.column_value = ref(a) 4 group by having count(*) > 1; NAME ----------------------xyz 9. List all books (title) where the same author appears more than once on the list of authors SQL> select title 2 from authors a, book100 b, table(b.authors) v 3 where v.column_value = ref(a) 4 group by title having count(*) > 1; TITLE -

D W D B] Object Oriented Databases Crea te different Types and Tables SQL> create or replace type state61 as object
2 3 4 ( st_code number(5), st_name varchar2(40),

5 st_district varchar2(50), 6 st_pincode number(7) 7 )

8 / Type created. SQL> create or replace type contact_detail61 as object

2 ( 3 residence_no number(10), 4 office_no number(10), 5 email varchar2(30), 6 fax number(10), 7 mobile number(10) 8 ) 9 /

Type created. SQL> create or replace type address61 as object

2 ( 3 road_no varchar2(7), 4 road_name varchar2(40), 5 landmark varchar2(40), 6 state state61, 7 contact contact_detail61 8 ) 9 /

Type created. SQL> create or replace type staff61 as object

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ( staff_id number(6), staff_name varchar2(40), staff_address address61, staff_deptno number(3), staff_sal number(6), staff_other varchar2(40), dob date, member function getAge return number )

12 / Type created. SQL> create or replace type body staff61 as member function getAge return number as
2 begin 3 return trunc(months_between(sysdate,dob)/12); 4 end getAge; 5 end; 6 /

Type body created. SQL> create or replace type staffTableType as table of staff61; 2 / Type created.

SQL> create or replace type dept61 as object

2 ( 3 dept_id number(3), 4 location varchar2(30), 5 dept_name varchar2(20), 6 emp staffTableType 7 ) 8 /

Type created. SQL> create table dpt_refernce of dept61 nested table emp store as NTrelation 2 ; Table created. Inserting records in the ta bles SQL> insert into dpt_refernce values(1,'Mumbai','Sales',
2 staffTableType(staff61(1,'Ankita Bhatt', 3 address61('A-1','L.T. road','Status Hotel', 4 state61(1,'Maharashtra','Mumbai',400092), 5 contact_detail61(28994177,28182729,' ankitabhatt@ yahoo. com', 28994177,9818967345)),1,10000,'HOD','17-aug-1984')));

1 row created. SQL> insert into dpt_refernce values(1,'Mumbai','Sales',

2 staffTableType(staff61(2,'Smita Mehta', 3 address61('C-1','D. N. road','', 4 state61(1,'Maharashtra','Mumbai',400069), 5 contact_detail61(26321285,26331739,'sweta. meht a@', 26321116,918967345)),1,6000,'HOD','04-nov-1984')));

1 row created. SQL> insert into dpt_refernce values(2,'Mumbai','Accounts',

2 staffTableType(staff61(3,'Seema Duggal ', 3 address61('C-1','M.G. road','Hinduja Hospital', 4 state61(1,'Maharashtra','Mumbai',400078), 5 contact_detail61(28331112,28987058,'sam_dave@ hotmail. com', 28982430,9833196734)), 2,2000,'clerk','28-sep-1984')));

1 row created. SQL> insert into dpt_refernce values(3,'Mumbai','Purchase',

2 staffTableType(staff61(4,'Anita Salunke', 3 address61('E-2','B.S.road','Vikas Kendra', 4 state61(2,'Goa','Panji',419832), 5 contact_detail61(26831112,26897058,'anitasakunde@gmail. com', 26897059,9820636448)), 3,7000,'','09-sep-1984')));

SQL> insert into dpt_refernce values(3,'Mumbai','Purchase',

2 3 4 5 staffTableType(staff61(5,'Pratik Dhuri ', address61('E-2','Nehru road','HDFC Bank', state61(1,'Maharashtra','ChunaBhatti',400056), contact_detail61(26149172,26157058,'pathik_ doshi@',

26897059,9820739488)), 3,9000,'','29-sep-1985')));

1 row created. Q u eri es: 1. Display staff ID and department name of all employees. SQL> select p.dept_name, q.staff_id from dpt_refernce
p,table(p.emp) q; DEPT_NAME ------------------- ---------Sales 1 Sales 2 Accounts 3 Purchase 4 Purchase 5 STAFF_ID

2. How many workers are in particular department. SQL> select p.dept_id,p.dept_name,count(q.staff_id) as number_of_employees
2 from dpt_refernce p,table(p.emp) q where p.dept_name='Purchase' 3 group by dept_id,dept_name; DEPT_ID DEPT_NAME NUMBER_OF_EMPLOYEES ---------- -------------------- ------------------3 Purchase 2

3. Find department name for particular staff name. SQL> select p.dept_id,p.dept_name from dpt_refernce p,
2 table(p.emp) q where q.staff_name='Ekta Bhatt' ;

no rows selected 4. Display department-wise report. SQL> select p.dept_id,p.dept_name,count(q.staff_id) as number_of_employees

2 3 from dpt_refernce p,table(p.emp) q group by p.dept_id, p.dept_name ;

DEPT_ID DEPT_NAME NUMBER_OF_EMPLOYEES ---------- -------------------- ------------------1 Sales 2 2 Accounts 1 3 Purchase 2

5. Display age and birth date of particular employee. SQL> select q.dob,q.getAge() as Age from dpt_refernce p,
2 table(p.emp) q where q.staff_name='Ankita Bhatt' ; DOB AGE --------- ---------17-AUG-84 24


A] Tempora l Databases
Table Structure: SQL> create table empant
2 3 4 5 6 7 ( acc_no number(10), aname varchar2(20), join_date date, retire_date date );

Table created. Inserting records in the ta bles SQL> insert into empant values(1, 'Batista', '22-mar-2001', '21-mar-2004'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into empant values(2, 'John Cena', '04-nov-2008', '04-nov-2058'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into empant values(4, 'Triple H', '22-mar-2001', '21-mar-2025'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into empant values(5, 'Booker T', '22-mar-2001', '21-mar-2054'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into empant values(6, 'Shawn Micheals', '22-mar-2001', '21-mar-2004'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into empant values(7, 'JBL', '22-mar-2000', '21-mar-2010'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into empant values(8, 'Ray Mysterio', '22-mar-2001', '21-mar-2004'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into empant values(9, 'Brook Lesner', '22-nov-2001', '21-mar-2024'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into empant values(10, 'CM Punk', '2-mar-2001', '21-mar-2020'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into empant values(3, 'Undertaker', '22-mar-2001', '14-May-2006'); 1 row created. Q u eri es: 1.Find the employees who have joining date 22-Mar-2001 SQL> select * from empant where join_date = '22Mar-2001' ; ACC_NO ANAME


---------- -------------------- --------- --------1 Batista 22-MAR-01 21-MAR-04 4 Triple H 22-MAR-01 21-MAR-25 5 Booker T 22-MAR-01 21-MAR-54 6 Shawn Micheals 22-MAR-01 21-MAR-04 8 Ray Mysterio 22-MAR-01 21-MAR-04 9 Brook Lesner 22-MAR-01 21-MAR-24 3 Undertaker 22-MAR-01 14-MAY-06 7 rows selected. 2.Find the employees who have retirement date 14-May-2006 SQL> select * from empant where retire_date = '14-May-2006' ; ACC_NO ANAME JOIN_DATE RETIRE_DA ---------- -------------------- --------- --------3 Undertaker 22-MAR-01 14-MAY-06

B] Temporal Da tabases
Table Structure: SQL> Create table tbl_shares15 2 ( 3 cname varchar2(20), 4 nofshares number(5), 5 pricepshare number(5), 6 transtime timestamp(6) 7 ) 8 / Table created. Inserting records in the ta bles SQL> insert into tbl_shares15 values('Sail',250,25,systimestamp); 1 row created. SQL> insert into tbl_shares15 values('Tata',205,20,'05-jun-04 am'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into tbl_shares15 values('Wipro',250,25,'10-mar-03 pm'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into tbl_shares15 values('Reliance,250,25,systimestamp); 1 row created. SQL> insert into tbl_shares15 values('Patni',115,15,'08-may-01 am'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into tbl_shares15 values('TCS',140,12,'14-apr-05 pm'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into tbl_shares15 values('Hero ',100,250,'21-aug-04 pm'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into tbl_shares15 values('Google',310,30, '08-may-01 am'); 1 row created.

SQL> select * from tbl_shares15; CNAME NOFSHARES PRICEPSHARE TRANSTIME ---------- ----------------- -------------------- ---------------------

Sail 250 Tata 205 Wipro 250 Relianc 250 e Patni 115 TCS 140 Hero 100 Google 310 8 rows selected.

2 5 2 0 2 5 2 5 1 5 1 2 250 3 0

07-MAR-09 PM 05-JUN-04 AM 10-MAR-03 PM 07-MAR-09 PM 08-MAY-01 AM 14-APR-05 PM 21-AUG-04 PM 08-MAY-01 AM

Q u eri es: 1.Find all the names of a company whose share price is more than Rs.100 at 11:45 A.M. SQL> select cname from tbl_shares15 2 where pricepshare>15 3 and to_char(transtime,'HH12:MI:AM')='11:45:AM' 4 / CNAME -----------------Tata 2. Find the name of company which has highest shares price at 5.00 P.M. SQL> select cname from tbl_shares15 where pricepshare in 2 (select max(pricepshare) from tbl_shares15 3 where to_char(transtime,'HH12:MI:AM')='05:30:PM') 4 / CNAME -----------------Hero

C] Tempora l Database
Table Structu re: C rea t i n g trigg er SQL> create or replace trigger trigemp_appnt 2 before insert or update 3 on empant 4 referencing new as new 5 for each row 6 7 /*declaring variables*/ 8 9 declare 10 nssn_old number(5); 11 vname_old varchar2(10); 12 drec_old date; 13 dret_old date; 14 nssn_new number(5); 15 vname_new varchar2(10); 16 drec_new date; 17 dret_new date; 18 drec_min date; 19 dret_min date; 20 drec_max date; 21 dret_max date; 22 23 /*procedure begins*/ 24 25 begin 26 27 /*assigning old values in the record*/ 28 29 nssn_old:=:old.acc_no; 30 vname_old:=:old.aname; 31 drec_old:=:old.join_date; 32 dret_old:=:old.retire_date; 33 34 /*assigning values passed by the user*/ 35 36 nssn_new:=:new.acc_no; 37 vname_new:=:new.aname; 38 drec_new:=:new.join_date; 39 dret_new:=:new.retire_date; 40 41 /*retirement date must not be less then recruitment date*/ 42

43 if drec_new>dret_new then 44 raise_application_error(-20001,'record cannot be added'); 45 end if; 46

47 /*on inserting values*/ 48 49 if inserting then 50 select max(retire_date) into dret_max from empant 51 where acc_no=nssn_new; 52 53 /* the new recruitment date must be greater to last retirement date of the employee */ 54 55 if drec_new<dret_max then 56 raise_application_error(-20001,'record cannot be added'); 57 end if; 58 59 update empant 60 set retire_date= drec_new-1 61 where join_date not in (select join_date from empant where 62 retire_date>join_date) and acc_no=nssn_new; 63 end if; 64 65 if updating then 66 if nssn_old!=nssn_new then 67 raise_application_error(-20002,'record cannot be updated'); 68 elsif vname_old!=vname_new then 69 raise_application_error(-20002,'record cannot be updated'); 70 elsif drec_old!=drec_new then 71 raise_application_error(-20002,'record cannot be updated'); 72 end if; 73 end if; 74 end; 75 / Trigger created.

Inserting records in the ta bles SQL> insert into empant values(109,'ekta','12-jan-2000', ' '); 1 row created. SQL> select * from empant; acc_no aname ---------------- ---------------101 sam 102 anne 103 smith 104 harry 105 jyo 107 nick 108 abc 109 ekta join_date ------------------- 22-mar-01 04-apr-99 01-dec-98 15-may-00 10-aug-95 22-mar-01 12-sep-00 12-jan-00 retire_date ------------------------21-mar-04 10-may-05 10-jun-02 14-may-06 09-aug-05 20-mar-05 14-may-06

8 rows selected.

D] Tempora l Database
Table Structure: SQL> create table emp_15 2 ( 3 emp_no varchar2(5), 4 ename varchar2(25), 5 addr varchar2(50), 6 email varchar2(50), 7 sal number 8 ); Table created. SQL> create table update_15 2 ( 3 emp_no varchar2(5), 4 old_sal number, 5 up_sal number(10), 6 e_date date, 7 primary key(emp_no,e_date) 8 ); Table created. Crea ting trigg ers SQL> create or replace trigger ins_sal15 2 after insert on emp_15 3 for each row 4* insert into update_15 values(:new.emp_no,null,:new.sal,sysdate) SQL> / Trigger created. SQL> create or replace trigger upd_sal15 2 after update on emp_15 3 for each row 4* insert into update_15 values(:new.emp_no,:old.sal,:new.sal,sysdate); Trigger created. Inserting records in the ta bles SQL> insert into emp_15 values 2* ('a01','ekta','borivali','e ks@red m',15000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp_15 values 2* ('a02','anita','andheri','anita',8900); 1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp_15 values 2* ('a03','sharmila','borivali',' m',15000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp_15 values 2* ('a04','sweta','goregaon','sweta',16000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp_15 values 2* ('a05','romil','parle','romil2u@ yaho',12000); 1 row created. SQL> 1 insert into emp_15 values 2* ('a06','aarti','bandra','aartishah@ ya',11500); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp_15 values 2* ('a07','bikram','dahisar','',10900); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp_15 values 2* ('a08','vaibhav','matunga','vaibha v_7ir@yaho',19000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp_15 values 2* ('a09','dharmesh','poisar','dhirajb hatt@ yaho',7000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp_15 values 2* ('a10','madhu','santacruz','sweetmadhu',16500); 1 row created. SQL> select * from emp_15; Output: Emp_No Ename Addr Email ------------ --------------- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------- a01 ekta borivali 15000 a02 ani andheri anitasaku ta a03 sharmila borivali m a04 sweta goregao swetakm@ yaho n a05 ro parle romil2u mil a06 aa bandra aartisha h@ya rti a07 bikram dahisar a08 vaibhav matung vaibha v_7ir@ yaho a a09 dharmes poisar dhira jbhatt@yahoo h Sal

8900 1500 0 1600 0 120 00 115 00 109 00 190 00 700 0



santacr uz

165 00

10 rows selected.

SQL> select * from update_15; O u t p u t : Emp_No Old_Sal Up_Sal E_Date ------------ ---------------------------------------a01 15000 28-JAN-06 a02 8900 28-JAN-06 a03 15000 28-JAN-06 a04 16000 28-JAN-06 a05 12000 28-JAN-06 a06 11500 28-JAN-06 a07 10900 28-JAN-06 a08 19000 28-JAN-06 a09 7000 28-JAN-06 a10 16500 28-JAN-06 10 rows selecte d. Updat ing table: SQL> update emp_15 2 set sal=20000 3* where emp_no='a01'; 1 row upd ated . SQL> update emp_15 2 set sal=22000 3* where emp_no='a01';

1 row upd ated . SQL> update emp_15 2 set sal=17500 3* where emp_no='a03'; 1 row upd ated . SQL> update emp_15 2 set sal=18000 3 * where emp_no='a03'; 1 row upd ated . SQL> update emp_15 2 set sal=19000 3* where emp_no='a03'; 1 row upd ated . SQL> update emp_15 2 set sal=9700 3* where emp_no='a02'; 1 row upd ated .

SQL> update emp_15 2 set sal=18100 3* where emp_no='a04'; 1 row updated. SQL> update emp_15 2 set sal=13000 3* where emp_no='a05'; 1 row updated. SQL> select * from update_15; Output: Emp_No Old_Sal ------------ -------------a01 a02 a03 a04 a05 a06 a07 a08 a09 a10 a01 15000 a01 20000 a03 15000 a03 17500 a03 18000 a02 8900 a04 16000 a05 12000 18 rows selected. Q u eri es 1.Display the latest salary of all the employees. SQL> select emp_no,up_sal from update_15 2 where up_sal in(select max(up_sal)"Latest Salary" 3* from update_15 group by emp_no); Emp_No Up_Sal ----------------------------- a09 7000 a02 9700 a07 10900 a06 11500 a05 13000 Up_Sal ----------- 1500 0 8900 1500 0 1600 0 1200 0 11500 1090 0 1900 0 7000 1650 0 20000 22000 17500 18000 19000 9700 18100 13000 E_Date --------------- 28-JAN06 28-JAN06 28-JAN06 28-JAN06 28-JAN06 28-JAN06 28-JAN06 28-JAN06 28-JAN06 28-JAN06 28-JAN06 28-JAN06 28-JAN06 28-JAN06 28-JAN06 28-JAN06 28-JAN06 28-JAN06

a10 a04 a08 a03 a01 10 rows selected.

165 00 181 00 190 00 190 00 220 00

2.Display employee name that has got more than 2 user events. SQL> select a.ename,b.emp_no,count(b.emp_no)"User Event" 2 from emp_15 a,update_15 b 3 where a.emp_no=b.emp_no group by b.emp_no,a.ename having 4* count(b.emp_no)>2; Ename Emp_N User Event ------------------- ---------------------------- ekta a01 3 sharmila a03 4 3.Display employee name that has got an increment of 5000 in one increment. SQL> select a.emp_no,b.ename from update_15 a,emp_15 b 2* where a.up_sal - a.old_sal>=5000 and a.emp_no=b.emp_no; Emp_N Ename ---------------------------- a01 ekta 3.Display employee name and salary of all the employees at second increment. SQL> select e1.ename"Ename", 2 e1.sal"salary", 3 e2.up_sal"Increment" 4 from emp_15 e1,(select emp_no, count(*) up_sal from update_15 5 group by emp_no) e2 where e1.emp_no = e2.emp_no 6* and up_sal=2; Ename salary Increment ---------------- ------------- --------------anita 9700 2 sweta 18100 2 romil 13000 2 4.Display employee name, total salary and total increment. SQL> select a.ename,b.emp_no,min(b.up_sal)"Initial Salary", 2 max(b.up_sal)"Latest Salary",max(b.up_sal)-min(b.up_sal)"total incr", 3 count(b.up_sal)-1 "Increments"

4 from emp_15 a,update_15 b where a.emp_no=b.emp_no 5* group by b.emp_no,a.ename;

ENAME EMP_N ------------- -----------ekta a01 anita a02 sharmila a03 sweta a04 romil a05 aarti a06 bikram a07 vaibhav a08 dharmes a09 h madhu a10 10 rows selected.

Initial Salary Latest Salary Total Incr Increments ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ---------------15000 22000 7000 2 8900 9700 800 1 15000 19000 4000 3 16000 18100 2100 1 12000 13000 1000 1 11500 11500 0 0 10900 10900 0 0 19000 19000 0 0 7000 7000 0 0 16500 16500 0 0

8. A] A ctive Databases
Table Structure: SQL> create table Empl(
2 3 4 5 6 7 eno number(8) primary key, ename varchar(20), hrs number(8), pno number(8), super_no number(8) CONSTRAINT sup UNIQUE );

Table created. SQL> create table Project (pno number(8),pname varchar2(50),thrs number(8),super_no nu mb er( 8)); Tab le cre ate d. Inserting records into tables SQL> insert into Empl values(1,'Prachi',7,10,101); 1 row created. SQL> insert into Empl values(2,'Amita',10,20,102); row created. SQL> insert into Empl values(3,'Sheetal',12,30,103); 1 row created. SQL> insert into Empl values(4,'Sulaxana',15,40,104); 1 row created. SQL> insert into Empl values(5,'Anagha',13,50,105); 1 row created. SQL> insert into Empl values(6,'Pooja',12,60,106); 1 row created. SQL> select * from Empl;
ENO ENAME HRS PNO SUPER_NO ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------1 Prachi 7 10 10 1

2 Amita 3 Sheetal 4 Sulaxana 5 Anagha 6 Pooja

1 0 1 2 1 5 13 1 2

2 0 3 0 4 0 5 06 0

1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

SQL> insert into Project values(10,'Sun',7,101); 1 row created.

SQL> insert into Project values

2 (20,'Moon',8,102);

1 row created. SQL> insert into Project values

2 (30,'Earth',9,103);

1 row created. SQL> insert into Project values

2 (40,'Jupiter',13,104);

1 row created. SQL> insert into Project values

2 (50,'Pluto',16,105);

1 row created. SQL> create or replace Trigger thrs

2 after insert on Empl 3 for each row 4 when(New.pno IS NOT NULL) 5 begin 6 update project 7 set thrs=thrs + :New.hrs 8 where pno=:New.pno; 9 end; 10 /

Trigger created. SQL> select * from Project;

PNO PNAME THRS SUPER_NO ---------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------10 Sun 7 1 0 20 Moon 8 10 21 30 Earth 9 0 40 Jupiter 1 10 3 4 50 Pluto 1 1 6 0

Creating Trigger SQL> create Trigger thrs1

2 after update of hrs on Empl 3 for each row 4 when(New.pno IS NOT NULL) 5 begin 6 update project 7 set thrs=thrs+:New.hrs-:Old.hrs 8 where pno=:New.pno; 9 end; 10 /

Trigger created. SQL> update Empl

2 set hrs =1 0 3 wher e eno= 5;

1 row updated. SQL> select * from Project;

PNO PNAME THRS SUPER_NO ---------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------10 Sun 7 1 0 20 Moon 8 1 0 30 Earth 9 1 0 40 Jupiter 1 10 41 50 Pluto 13 3 0 SQL> create Trigger thrs2 2 after update of pno on empl 3 for each row 4 when(New.pno IS NOT NULL) 5 begin 6 update project 7 set thrs=thrs+:New.hrs-:Old.hrs 8 where pno=:New.pno; 9 end; 10 /

Trigger created. SQL> update Empl

2 3 set pno=10 where eno=2;

1 row updated. SQL> update Empl

2 3 set pno=20 where eno=4;

1 row updated. SQL> select * from Project;

PNO PNAME THRS SUPER_NO ---------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------10 Sun 0 1 0 20 Moon 8 1 0 30 Earth 9 1 0

40 50

Jupiter Pluto

1 13 3

10 41 0

SQL> select * from Empl;

ENO ENAME HRS PNO SUPER_NO ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------1 Prachi 7 10 101 2 Amita 10 1 10 0 2 3 Sheetal 12 3 10 02 31 4 Sulaxana 1 5 0 0 5 Anagha 1 5 1 0 0 0 6 12 60 10 Pooja 6

6 rows SQL> create trigger thrs4

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 after delete on Empl for each row when(OLD.pno IS NOT NULL) begin update project set thrs=thrs-:OLD.hrs where pno=:OLD.pno; end;

9 10 / Trigger created.

SQL> delete from empl where eno=1; 1 row deleted. SQL> select * from Empl;
ENO ENAME HRS PNO SUPER_NO ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------2 Amita 10 10 10 3 Sheetal 12 30 10 2 31 4 Sulaxana 1 2 5 0 0 5 Anagha 1 5 1 0 0 0 6 Pooja 12 60 10 6

B ] Active Database:
Table Structure: SQL> create table stud1 (roll_no number(5),sname varchar2(50)); Table created. SQL> create table stud2(roll_no number(5),sname varchar2(50)); Table created. Crea te Triggers: SQL> create or replace trigger stud
2 3 4 5 6 7 / after insert on stud1 for each row begin insert into stud2 values(:new.roll_no,:new.sname); end;

Trigger created. Inserting records into tables SQL> insert into stud1 values(1,'Vikas'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into stud1 values(2,'Neeta'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into stud1 values(3,'Harshda'); 1 row created. SQL> select *
from stud1; ROLL_NO SNAME ---------- -------------------------------------------------1 Vikas 2 Neeta 3 Ha rsh da

SQL> select * from stud2;

ROLL_N O SNAME ---------- -------------------------------------------------1 Vi kas 2 Neet

a 3 Harshda

C] A ctive Database:
Table Structure: SQL> create table empd
2 3 4 5 6 7 ( dept_no varchar2(5), eno varchar2(5), ename varchar2(20), salary number(10) );

Table created. SQL> create table deptd

2 3 4 5 ( dept_no varchar2(5), total_sal number(10) );

Table created. Crea ting Trigg er SQL> create or replace trigger ins
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 / after insert on empd for each row when(new.dept_no is not null) update deptd set total_sal=total_sal+:new.salary where dept_no=:new.dept_no

Trigger created. SQL> create or replace trigger del

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 / after delete on empd for each row when(old.eno is not null) update deptd set total_sal=total_sal-:old.salary where dept_no=:old.dept_no

Trigger created. Inserting records into tables: SQL> insert into deptd values('a1',0); 1 row created. SQL> insert into deptd values('b1',0); 1 row created. SQL> insert into deptd values('c1',0); 1 row created. SQL> insert into empd values('a1','a01','Sujata',10000); 1 row created.

SQL> insert into empd values('a1','a02','shamal',8000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into empd values('b1','b01','shweta',5000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into empd values('b1','b02','anita',5000); 1 row created. SQL> select * from empd;
DEPT_ ENO ENAME SALARY ----- ----- -------------------- ---------a1 a Sujata 100 0 00 a1 a shamal 80 0 00 b b shweta 50 1 0 00 b b anita 500 1 0 0 SQL> select * from deptd; DEPT_ TOTAL_SAL ----- ---------a1 0 b1 0 c1 0

SQL> delete from empd where eno='b02'; 1 row deleted. SQL> select * from empd;
DEPT_ ENO ENAME SALARY ----- ----- -------------------- ---------a1 a Sujata 100 0 00 a1 a shamal 80 0 00 b b shweta 50 1 0 00

SQL> select * from deptd;

DEPT_ TOTAL_SAL ----- ---------a1 0 b1 50 000 c1

A] XML Da tabase:

Crea te different Types a nd Tables

SQL> create table emp_xml15( 2 dept_id number(4), 3* employee_spec XMLtype) SQL> / Table created. Insertion of different values in the tables SQL> insert into emp_xml15 values(1,XMLtype( 2 '<emp id="1"> 3 <name> sharmila </name> 4 <email> dave@</email> 5 <acc_no>23456</acc_no> 6 <mgr_email>rekha.sha</mgr_email> 7 <doj>12/12/2003</doj> 8* </e mp >')) SQ L> / 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp_xml15 values(1,XMLtype( 2 '<emp id="2"> 3 <name> anita </name> 4 <email> ani@</email> 5 <acc_no>234346</acc_no> 6 <mgr_email>rekha.sha</mgr_email> 7 <doj>2/6/2003</doj> 8* </e mp >')) SQ L> / 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp_xml15 values(1,XMLtype( 2 '<emp id="3"> 3 <name> ekta </name> 4 <email> ektabhatt@ yaho</email> 5 <acc_no>2343456</acc_no>

6 <mgr_email>ekta.b hatt@ ho</mgr_email> 7 <doj>24/5/2001</doj> 8* </e mp >')) SQ L> / 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp_xml15 values(1,XMLtype( 2 '<emp id="4"> 3 <name> nancy </name> 4 <email> nanc yshah@ yahoo .com</email> 5 <acc_no>2343678</acc_no>

6 <mgr_email></mgr_email> 7 <doj>21/5/2002</doj> 8* </emp>')) 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp_xml15 values(1,XMLtype( 2 '<emp id="5"> 3 <name> falguni </name> 4 <email> falgunishah@ ya</email> 5 <acc_no>2343345</acc_no> 6 <mgr_email>falguni.sha h@ m</mgr_email> 7 <doj>1/8/2002</doj> 8* </emp>')) 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp_xml15 values(1,XMLtype( 2 '<emp id="6"> 3 <name> sweta </name> 4 <email> swetame hta@ ya</email> 5 <acc_no>2343890</acc_no> 6 <mgr_email>sweta.mehta@</mgr_email> 7 <doj>2/1/2001</doj> 8* </emp>')) 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp_xml15 values(2,XMLtype( 2 '<emp id="7"> 3 <name> aarti </name> 4 <email>aartigupta@ya</email> 5 <acc_no>23433898</acc_no> 6 <mgr_email> m</mgr_email> 7 <doj>4/9/2002</doj> 8* </em p>')) SQL >/ 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp_xml15 values(2,XMLtype( 2 '<emp id="8"> 3 <name> sandy </name> 4 <email>sa</email> 5 <acc_no>23567898</acc_no> 6 <mgr_email></mgr_email> 7 <doj>4/4/2004</doj> 8* </em p>')) SQL >/

1 row created.

1.Retrieve the names of employee: SQL> select e.employee_spec.extract('//name/text()').getStringVal() "EMP_NAME" from emp_xml15 e; EMP_NAME ------------------------------sharmila a n i t a e k t a n a n c y f a l g u n i s w e t a a a r t i s a n d y 8 rows selected.

2. Retrieve the acc_no of employees: SQL>select e.employee_spec.extract('//acc_no/text()').getStringVal() 2* "Acc_No" from emp_xml15 e; Acc_No --------------------------------23456 234346 2343456 2343678 2343345 2343890 23433898 23567898 8 rows selected. 3. Retrieve the names, acc_no, email of employees: SQL> select e.employee_spec.extract('//name/text()').getStringVal() 2 "NAME",e.employee_spec.extract('//acc_no/text()').getStringVal() 3 "ACC_NO",e.employee_spec.extract('//email/text()').getStringVal() 4 "EMAIL" from emp_xml15 e 5/ NAME ACC_NO EMAIL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------sharmila 23456 d a ve @ ya ho o . c o m anita 234346 ani@yaho m ekta 2343456 ektab hatt@yahoo .com nancy 2343678 m falguni 2343345 om sweta 2343890 om aarti 23433898 m sandy 23567898 sagu pta@yaho 8 rows selected.

4 Update the 3rd record from the table and display the name of an employee: SQL> update emp_xml15 e set employee_spec=XMLtype('<emp id="3"> 2 <name> ekta </name> 3 <email> ektabhatt@ yaho</email> 4 <acc_no>2343456</acc_no> 5 <mgr_email>ekta.b hatt@ ho</mgr_email> 6 <doj>24/5/2001</doj> 7 <update>This is the updated record</update> 8 </emp>') 9 where 10 e.employee_spec.extract('//name/text()').getStringVal() 1 1 * = ' e k t a ' S Q L > / 1 row updated. SQL> select e.employee_spec.extract('//name/text()').getStringVal()"NAME", 2 e.employee_spec.getClobVal() "EMP_SPECIFICATION" 3 from emp_xml15 e where 4* e.employee_spec.extract('//name/text()').getStringVal() ='ekta ' SQL> / NAME ----------------------------------------------------------- EMP_SPECIFICATION ---------------------------------------------------------- ekta <emp id="3"> <name> ekta </name> <email>ektabhatt@</email> <acc_no>2343456</acc_no> <mgr_email></mgr_email> <doj>24/5/2001</doj> <update>This is the updated record</update> </emp>

5. Delete the 4th record from the table: SQL> delete from emp_xml15 e 2 where e.employee_spec.extract('//name/text()').getStringVal() 3 * = 'n a n c y ' S Q L > / 1 row deleted. SQL> select e.employee_spec.extract('//name/text()').getStringVal() "NAME" from 2* emp_xml151 e S Q L > / N A M E -------------------------------------- sharmila a n i t a e k t a

f a l g u n i s w e t a a a r t i 6 rows selected.


B ] XML Databa se
Tables Structure: SQL>Create table candidate( 2 cand_id varchar(3) primary key, 3* biodata xmltype) SQL> / Table created. Inserting record into tables SQL> insert into candidate 2 values('C01', 3 xmltype(' <cand> 4 <name>Ekta</name> 5 <address>Vile Parle</address> 6 <skill> 7 <compskill> 8 <lang>Java</lang> 9 <networkskill>Windows 2000 server</networkskill> 10 </compskill> 11 </skill> 12 <expr> 13 <programmer>5</programmer> 14 <projectmgr>5</projectmgr> 15 </expr> 16 <Objectives> To be an Enterpreneur</Objectives> 17 </cand>' 18* )); 1 row created. SQL> insert into candidate 2 values('C02', 3 xmltype(' <cand> 4 <name>Sweta</name> 5 <address>Dahisar</address> 6 <skill> 7 <compskill> 8 <lang>C</lang> 9 <networkskill>Windows NT</networkskill> 10 </compskill> 11 </skill> 12 <expr> 13 <programmer>10</programmer> 14 <projectmgr>3</projectmgr> 15 </expr>


<Objectives> To be a Project Manager</Objectives>

17 </cand>' 18* )); 1 row created. SQL> insert into candidate 2 values('C03', 3 xmltype(' <cand> 4 <name>Sharmila</name> 5 <address>Borivali</address> 6 <skill> 7 <compskill> 8 <lang>C</lang> 9 <networkskill>Windows XP</networkskill> 10 </compskill> 11 </skill> 12 <expr> 13 <programmer>10</programmer> 14 <projectmgr>5</projectmgr> 15 </expr> 16 <Objectives> To have my own software firm</Objectives> 17 </cand>' 18* )); 1 row created. SQL> insert into candidate 2 values('C04', 3 xmltype(' <cand> 4 <name>Anita</name> 5 <address>Andheri</address> 6 <skill> 7 <compskill> 8 <lang>C++</lang> 9 <networkskill>Windows 98</networkskill> 10 </compskill> 11 </skill> 12 <expr> 13 <programmer>7</programmer> 14 <projectmgr>2</projectmgr> 15 </expr> 16 <Objectives> To make my knowledge to better use</Objectives> 17 </cand>' 18* )); 1 row created. SQL> insert into candidate 2 values('C05', 3 xmltype(' <cand> 4 <name>Nancy</name> 5 <address>Bandra</address> 6 <skill> 7 <compskill>

8 <lang>VB</lang> 9 <networkskill>Windows XP</networkskill> 10 </compskill> 11 </skill> 12 <expr> 13 <programmer>5</programmer> 14 <projectmgr>1</projectmgr> 15 </expr> 16 <Objectives>To gain more knowledge</Objectives> 17 </cand>' 18* )); 1 row created. SQL> insert into candidate 2 values('C06', 3 xmltype(' <cand> 4 <name>Falguni</name> 5 <address>Vile Parle</address> 6 <skill> 7 <compskill> 8 <lang>Java</lang> 9 <networkskill>Windows 2000 Professional</networkskill> 10 </compskill> 11 </skill> 12 <expr> 13 <programmer>15</programmer> 14 <projectmgr>10</projectmgr> 15 </expr> 16 <Objectives>To design my own language</Objectives> 17 </cand>' 18* )); 1 row created. SQL> insert into candidate 2 values('C07', 3 xmltype(' <cand> 4 <name>Sandeep</name> 5 <address>Goregaon</address> 6 <skill> 7 <compskill> 8 <lang>SQl</lang> 9 <networkskill>Windows XP</networkskill> 10 </compskill> 11 </skill> 12 <expr> 13 <programmer>18</programmer> 14 <projectmgr>12</projectmgr> 15 </expr> 16 <Objectives>To earn upto my needs</Objectives> 17 </cand>'

18* )); 1 row created. SQL> insert into candidate 2 values('C08', 3 xmltype(' <cand> 4 <name>Gautam</name> 5 <address>Malad</address> 6 <skill> 7 <compskill> 8 <lang>Web designing</lang> 9 <networkskill>Windows NT</networkskill> 10 </compskill> 11 </skill> 12 <expr> 13 <programmer>20</programmer> 14 <projectmgr>15</projectmgr> 15 </expr> 16 <Objectives>Creative is my motive</Objectives> 17 </cand>' 18* )); 1 row created. SQL> insert into candidate 2 values('C09', 3 xmltype(' <cand> 4 <name>Akshay</name> 5 <address>Kandivali</address> 6 <skill> 7 <compskill> 8 <lang>VB</lang> 9 <networkskill>Windows 95</networkskill> 10 </compskill> 11 </skill> 12 <expr> 13 <programmer>12</programmer> 14 <projectmgr>8</projectmgr> 15 </expr> 16 <Objectives>To learn and master VB</Objectives> 17 </cand>' 18* )); 1 row created. SQL> insert into candidate 2 values('C10', 3 xmltype(' <cand> 4 <name>Rayo</name> 5 <address>Mumbai Central</address> 6 <skill> 7 <compskill>

8 <lang>Java</lang> 9 <networkskill>Windows XP</networkskill> 10 </compskill> 11 </skill> 12 <expr> 13 <programmer>21</programmer> 14 <projectmgr>15</projectmgr> 15 </expr> 16 <Objectives>To build a compiler some day in java</Objectives> 17 </cand>' 18* )); 1 row created. Q u eri es: 1. Select names of candidates who have programming experience greater than 5 and language skills in java: SQL> select cand_id "ID",c.biodata.extract('cand/name/text()') "Name" 2 from candidate c where 3 c.biodata.extract('//expr/programmer/text()').getStringVal() >5 and 4* c.biodata.extract('//skill/compskill/lang/text()').getStringVal() ='Java' SQL> / ID Name -----------------------------C06 Falguni C10 Rayo 2. Display Candidate having project manager level experience: SQL> select c.extract(biodata,'/cand/name/text()') 2 " Candidate Name" from candidate c 3* where c.biodata.existsNode('/cand/expr[projectmgr>1]')=1 SQL> / Candi date Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ekta S w e t a S h a

r m i l a A n i t a F a l g u n i S a n d e e p G a u t a m A k s h a y R a y o 9 rows selected. 3. Display Candidate Name and skills of all candidates: SQL> select c.extract(biodata,'cand/name').getStringVal() "Name",

2 c.extract(biodata,'/cand/skill/compskill/lang').getStringVal() "Lang Known",

3 c.extract(biodata,'/cand/skill/compskill/networkskill').getStringVal() "NetworkSkill" 4* from candidate c; Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lang Known ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NetworkSkill -------------------------------------------------------------------------------<name>Ekta</name> <lang>Java</lang> <networkskill>Windows 2000 server</networkskill> <name>Sweta</name> <lang>C</lang> <networkskill>Windows NT</networkskill> Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lang Known ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NetworkSkill -------------------------------------------------------------------------------<name>Sharmila</name> <lang>C</lang> <networkskill>Windows XP</networkskill> <name>Anita</name> <lang>C++</lang> Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lang Known ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NetworkSkill -------------------------------------------------------------------------------<networkskill>Windows 98</networkskill> <name>Nancy</name> <lang>VB</lang> <networkskill>Windows XP</networkskill> <name>Falgu ni</name> Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lang Known ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NetworkSkill

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<lang>Java</lang> <networkskill>Windows 2000 Professional</networkskill>

<name>Sandeep</name> <lang>SQl</lang> <networkskill>Windows XP</networkskill> Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lang Known ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NetworkSkill -------------------------------------------------------------------------------<name>Gautam</name> <lang>Web designing</lang> <networkskill>Windows NT</networkskill> <name>Akshay</name> <lang>VB</lang> <networkskill>Windows 95</networkskill> Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lang Known ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NetworkSkill -------------------------------------------------------------------------------<name>Rayo</name> <lang>Java</lang> <networkskill>Windows XP</networkskill> 10 rows selected. 4. Delete record for address is Borivali: SQL> delete from candidate c 2* where c.biodata.extract('//address/text()').getStringVal()='Borivali'; 1 row deleted. SQL> select c.extract(biodata,'cand/name').getStringVal() "Name" 2* from candidate c S Q L > / O u t p u t

: Name -------------------------------------------------------------------------------<name>Ekta</name> <name>Sweta</name> <name>Anita</name> <name>Romil</name> <name>Mayank</name> <name>Sandeep</name> <name>Gautam</name>

<name>Akshay</name> <name>Rayo</name> 9 rows selected. e) Update Experience of Candidates where candidate-Id is C10: SQL> update candidate 2 set biodata=xmltype('<cand><expr><projectmgr> 100</projectmgr> </expr></cand>') 3* where cand_id='C0 1' SQL>/ 1 row updated. SQL> select e.biodata.getClobVal() "EMP_SPECIFICATION" 3 from candidate e where 4* e.cand_id='C0 1' SQL> / EMP_SPECIF ICATION <cand><expr><projectmgr>100</projectmgr></expr></cand>

8. A] Spatial Database
Table Structure: SQL> create table university_15 (
2 mkt_id number primary key, 3 name varchar2(32), 4 shape mdsys.sdo_geometry);

Table created. SQL> insert into university_15 values(

2 1, 3 'abc', 4 mdsys.sdo_geometry( 5 2003, -- 2-dimensional polygon 6 null, 7 null, 8 mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,3), -- one rectangle (1003 =exterior) 9 mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(1,1, 5,7) 10 -- only 2 points needed to 11 -- define rectangle (lower left and upper right) with 12 -- cartesian-coordinate data 13 );

1 row created. SQL> insert into university_15 values(

2 2, 3 'pqr', 4 mdsys.sdo_geometry( 5 2003, -- 2-dimensional polygon 6 null, 7 null, 8 mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,1), 9 -- one polygon (exterior polygon ring) 10 mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(5,1, 8,1, 8,6, 5,7, 5,1) 11 );

1 row created. SQL> insert into university_15 values(

2 3, 3 'mno', 4 mdsys.sdo_geometry( 5 2003, -- 2-dimensional polygon 6 null, 7 null, 8 mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,1), 9 -- one polygon (exterior polygon ring) 10 mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(3,3, 6,3, 6,5, 4,5, 3,3) 11 );

1 row created. SQL> insert into university_15 values(

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4, 'xyz', mdsys.sdo_geometry( 2003, -- 2-dimensional polygon null,null,mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,4), -- one circle mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(8,7, 10,9, 8,11) );

1 row created. SQL> insert into user_sdo_geom_metadata values (

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 'university_15', 'shape', mdsys.sdo_dim_array( mdsys.sdo_dim_element('x', 0, 20, 0.005), mdsys.sdo_dim_element('y', 0, 20, 0.005) ), null -- srid );

1 row created. Crea ting index : create index university_spatial_idx on university_15(shape) indextype is mdsys.spatial_index; Index created. Q u eri es: 1 .Find the topological intersection of two geometries. SQL> select sdo_geom.sdo_intersection (c_a.shape, c_c.shape, 0.005)
2 from university_15 c_a, university_15 c_c 3 where = 'abc' and = 'mno'; SDO_GEOM.SDO_INTERSECTION(C_A.SHAPE,C_C.SHAPE,0.005)(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_PO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARR AY(4, 5, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5, 5, 4, 5))

2. Find whether two geometric figures are equivalent to each other. SQL> select sdo_geom.relate(c_b.shape, 'anyinteract', c_d.shape, 0.005)
2 from university_15 c_b, university_15 c_d 3 where = 'pqr' and = 'xyz'; SDO_GEOM.RELATE(C_B.SHAPE,'ANYINTERACT',C_D.SHAPE,0.005) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FALSE

SQL> select sdo_geom.relate(c_b.shape, 'anyinteract', c_a.shape, 0.005)

2 from university_15 c_b, university_15 c_a 3 where = 'pqr' and = 'abc';


------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUE

3.Find the areas of all direction locations. SQL> select name, sdo_geom.sdo_area(shape, 0.005) from university_15;
NAME SDO_GEOM.SDO_AREA(SHAPE,0.005) -------------------------------- -----------------------------abc 24 pqr 16.5 mno 5 xyz 12.56637 06

4. Find the area of only one location abc. SQL> select, sdo_geom.sdo_area(c.shape, 0.005) from university_15 c
2 where = 'abc'; NAME SDO_GEOM.SDO_AREA (C.SHAPE,0.005) --------------------------------------------------------------- abc 24

5. Find the distance between two geometries.

SQL> select sdo_geom.sdo_distance(c_b.shape, c_d.shape, 0.005) 2 from university_15 c_b, university_15 c_d 3 where = 'pqr' and = 'xyz'; SDO_GEOM.SDO_DISTANCE(C_B.SHAPE,C_D.SHAPE,0.005) -----------------------------------------------.846049894

B ] Spatial Database
Table Structure: SQL> create table university_11 (
2 3 4 mkt_id number primary key, name varchar2(32), shape_11 mdsys.sdo_geometry);

Table created. Inserting records ino table: SQL> insert into university_11 values(
2 1, 3 'main_gate', 4 mdsys.sdo_geometry( 5 2003, -- 2-dimensional polygon 6 null, 7 null, 8 mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,3), -- one rectangle (1003 =exterior) 9 mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(1,5,2,8) 10 -- only 2 points needed to 11 -- define rectangle (lower left and upper right) with 12 -- cartesian-coordinate data 13 );

1 row created. SQL> insert into university_11 values(

2 2, 3 'canteen', 4 mdsys.sdo_geometry( 5 2003, -- 2-dimensional polygon 6 null, 7 null, 8 mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,3), -- one rectangle (1003 =exterior) 9 mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(9,1, 11,3) 10 -- only 2 points needed to 11 -- define rectangle (lower left and upper right) with 12 -- cartesian-coordinate data 13 );

1 row created. SQL> insert into university_11 values(

2 3, 3 'arts_building', 4 mdsys.sdo_geometry( 5 2003, -- 2-dimensional polygon 6 null, 7 null, 8 mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,1), 9 --one polygon (exterior polygon ring) 10 mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(4,2, 7,2, 8,3, 7,4, 4,4, 4,2) 11 );

1 row created.

SQL> insert into university_11 values(

2 4, 3 'lab', 4 mdsys.sdo_geometry( 5 2003, -- 2-dimensional polygon 6 null, 7 null, 8 mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,3), -- one rectangle (1003 =exterior) 9 mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(8,6, 10,9) 10 -- only 2 points needed to 11 -- define rectangle (lower left and upper right) with 12 -- cartesian-coordinate data 13 );

1 row created. SQL> insert into university_11 values(

2 5, 3 'print_facility', 4 mdsys.sdo_geometry( 5 2003, -- 2-dimensional polygon 6 null, 7 null, 8 mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,3), -- one rectangle (1003 =exterior) 9 mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(8,4, 10,7) 10 -- only 2 points needed to 11 -- define rectangle (lower left and upper right) with 12 -- cartesian-coordinate data 13 );

1 row created. SQL> insert into university_11 values(

2 6, 3 'science_building', 4 mdsys.sdo_geometry( 5 2003, -- 2-dimensional polygon 6 null, 7 null, 8 mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,1), 9 -- one polygon (exterior polygon ring) 10 mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(8,10, 11,10, 11,13, 7,13, 8,11, 8,10) 11 );

1 row created. SQL> insert into university_11 values(

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7, 'playground', mdsys.sdo_geometry( 2003, -- 2-dimensional polygon null,null,mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,4), -- one circle mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(5,5, 7,7, 5,9) );

1 row created. SQL> insert into user_sdo_geom_metadata values (

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

'university_11', 'shape_11', mdsys.sdo_dim_array( mdsys.sdo_dim_element('x', 0, 20, 0.005), mdsys.sdo_dim_element('y', 0, 20, 0.005) ), null -- srid );

1 row created. Crea ting Index: SQL> create index university_spatial_idx11

2 on university_11(shape_11) 3 indextype is mdsys.spatial_index;

Index created. Q u eri es: 1.Find the distance between two geometries: 1.1 Distance between main gate and playground: SQL> select sdo_geom.sdo_distance(c_b.shape_11, c_d.shape_11, 0.005)
2 from university_11 c_b, university_11 c_d 3 where = 'main_gate' and = 'playground'; SDO_GEOM.SDO_DISTANCE(C_B.SHAPE_11,C_D.SHAPE_11,0.005) -----------------------------------------------------1

1.2. Distance between main gate and canteen: SQL> select sdo_geom.sdo_distance(c_b.shape_11, c_d.shape_11, 0.005)
2 from university_11 c_b, university_11 c_d 3 where = 'main_gate' and = 'canteen'; SDO_GEOM.SDO_DISTANCE(C_B.SHAPE_11,C_D.SHAPE_11,0.005) -----------------------------------------------------7 . 2 8 0 1 0 9 8 9

1.3. Distance between main gate and arts building:

SQL> select sdo_geom.sdo_distance(c_b.shape_11, c_d.shape_11, 0.005) 2 from university_11 c_b, university_11 c_d 3 where = 'main_gate' and = 'arts_building'; SDO_GEOM.SDO_DISTANCE(C_B.SHAPE_11,C_D.SHAP E_11,0.005) ------------------------------------------------------

2 . 2 3 6 0 6 7 9 8

1.4.Distance between main gate and science building:

SQL> select sdo_geom.sdo_distance(c_b.shape_11, c_d.shape_11, 0.005) 2 from university_11 c_b, university_11 c_d 3 where = 'main_gate' and = 'science_building'; SDO_GEOM.SDO_DISTANCE(C_B.SHAPE_11,C_D.SHAP E_11,0.005) -----------------------------------------------------6 . 3 2 4 5 5 5 3 2

1.5. Distance between main gate and lab:

SQL> select sdo_geom.sdo_distance(c_b.shape_11, c_d.shape_11, 0.005)

2 from university_11 c_b, university_11 c_d 3 where = 'main_gate' and = 'lab'; SDO_GEOM.SDO_DISTANCE(C_B.SHAPE_11,C_D.SHAPE_11,0.005) -----------------------------------------------------6

1.6. Distance between main gate and print facility: SQL> select sdo_geom.sdo_distance(c_b.shape_11, c_d.shape_11, 0.005)
2 from university_11 c_b, university_11 c_d 3 where = 'main_gate' and = 'print_facility'; SDO_GEOM.SDO_DISTANCE(C_B.SHAPE_11,C_D.SHAPE_11,0.005) -----------------------------------------------------6

1.7. Distance between college buildings and canteen. SQL> select sdo_geom.sdo_distance(c_b.shape_11, c_d.shape_11, 0.005)
2 from university_11 c_b, university_11 c_d 3 where = 'arts_building' and = 'canteen'; SDO_GEOM.SDO_DISTANCE(C_B.SHAPE_11,C_D.SHAPE_11,0.005) -----------------------------------------------------1

SQL> select sdo_geom.sdo_distance(c_b.shape_11, c_d.shape_11, 0.005)

2 from university_11 c_b, university_11 c_d 3 where = 'science_building' and = 'canteen'; SDO_GEOM.SDO_DISTANCE(C_B.SHAPE_11,C_D.SHAPE_11,0.005) -----------------------------------------------------7

1.8. Distance between science and arts building SQL> select sdo_geom.sdo_distance(c_b.shape_11, c_d.shape_11, 0.005)
2 from university_11 c_b, university_11 c_d 3 where = 'arts_building' and = 'science_building'; SDO_GEOM.SDO_DISTANCE(C_B.SHAPE_11,C_D.SHAPE_11,0.005) -----------------------------------------------------6 . 0 8 2 7 6 2 5 3

2.Find out the distance of the main gate from all other objects SQL> select sdo_geom.sdo_intersection(c_a.shape_11, c_c.shape_11, 0.005)
2 from university_11 c_a, university_11 c_c 3 where = 'lab' and = 'print_facility';


SDO_SRID, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARR AY(8, 7, 8, 6, 10, 6, 10, 7, 8, 7))

3.Find the intersection area of lab and print facility 3.1.Spatial relationship between lab and print facility: SQL> select sdo_geom.relate(c_b.shape_11, 'anyinteract', c_d.shape_11, 0.005)
2 from university_11 c_b, university_11 c_d 3 where = 'lab' and = 'print_facility'; SDO_GEOM.RELATE(C_B.SHAPE_11,'ANYINTERACT',C_D.SHAPE_11,0.005) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUE

3.2.Spatial relationship between canteen and print_facility SQL> select sdo_geom.relate(c_b.shape_11, 'anyinteract', c_d.shape_11, 0.005)
2 from university_11 c_b, university_11 c_d 3 where = 'canteen' and = 'print_facility'; SDO_GEOM.RELATE(C_B.SHAPE_11,'ANYINTERACT',C_D.SHAPE_11,0.005) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FALSE

4.To find if any spatial relationship exists between playground and print_facility: SQL> select sdo_geom.relate(c_b.shape_11, 'anyinteract', c_d.shape_11, 0.005)
2 from university_11 c_b, university_11 c_d 3 where = 'playground' and = 'print_facility'; SDO_GEOM.RELATE(C_B.SHAPE_11,'ANYINTERACT',C_D.SHAPE_11,0.005) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FALSE

5) Return the areas of all different locations. SQL> select name, sdo_geom.sdo_area(shape_11, 0.005) from university_11;
NAME SDO_GEOM.SDO_AREA(SHAPE_11,0.005) ---------------------------------------------------------------- main_gate 3 canteen 4 arts_building 7 lab 6 print_facility 6 science_building 10 playground 12.5663706

7 rows selected.

6) Return the area of science_building:

SQL> select, sdo_geom.sdo_area(c.shape_11, 0.005) from university_11 c

2 where = 'science_building'; NAME SDO_GEOM.SDO_AREA(C.SHAPE_11,0.005) -----------------------------------------------------------------science_building 10

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