EPFL Student's Guide

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STUDYING AT EPFL 4 About Switzerland 4 About EPFL 4 Bachelor / Master Education at EPFL 4 Bachelor / Master Educational Structure 5 Bachelor 5 Master 6 CMS Special Mathematics Course 6 PolyMaths 6 ECTS Credits 7 Pass Requirements 7 Teaching Languages 7 Typical Academic Year 8 Timetables, Study Plans, Regulations and Course Descriptions 8 Adapted Study Timetable 9 BACHELOR STUDIES 10 Registration Deadlines for Bachelor Courses and Special Mathematics Course (CMS) 11 st Admission to 1 Year Bachelor 11 Admission to the Special Mathematics Course CMS 11 Admission to a Bachelor Higher Year (CPG/ENS Lyon) 12 Entrance Exam 12 Admission to Polymaths 12 Transfer from Another University 13 Changing Programmes at EPFL 13 Army, Military Service 13 MASTER STUDIES Registration Deadlines Admission Requirements BEYOND MASTER STUDIES Doctoral School Continuing Education EXCHANGE - MOBILITY Exchange: IN Exchange: OUT Partner Universities PREPARE YOUR ARRIVAL Getting to EPFL Health & Accident Insurance Housing Residence permit Study Grants Tuition Fees and Cost of Living Visas Welcoming Events Working in Switzerland STUDENT FACILITIES Career Center HELP Housing Office Language Centre Laptops Library 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24

IS-Academia / Student File IT Working methods and personal fulfilment 24 25 25 Foreign Embassies in Switzerland Emergency Numbers Insurance Cantonal Supervisory Body Useful Addresses & Links at EPFL Useful Services 33 33 34 34 34

LIFE ON CAMPUS Associations Childcare Culture on Campus Disabled Students Parking Restaurants Shops Sports Centre Student Card LIVING IN SWITZERLAND Banking Electricity Healthcare Integration Local Customs Medical Emergencies Old age and Survivors Insurance (AVS) Post & Mail Shops & Second-Hand Stores Social Life in Lausanne Telephone Transport USEFUL ADDRESSES Student Services Hotline Swiss Embassies Abroad

26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 33 33 33

CHECKLIST Before you leave for Switzerland Upon arrival in Switzerland During your studies NOTES CAMPUS MAP

35 35 35 35 36 40

Impressum Project: EPFL, Aline Collin Design&layout: www.antidote-design.ch Photos: Alain Herzog Print: Courvoisier+Attinger, Bienne Copyright2012, Ecole polytechnique fdrale de Lausanne




Switzerland is located at the heart of Europe, surrounded by Germany to the north, Austria and Liechtenstein to the east, Italy to the south and France to the west. It has an area of 41285 km2 with a population of 7,785,800 distributed across 26 cantons. Switzerland has four national languages: 63.7% of the inhabitants speak German, 20.4% French, 6.5% Italian and less that 0.5% Romansh. The Swiss Confederation was founded in 1291.

Lausanne, the capital of Canton Vaud, lies on Lake Geneva in the French-speaking area. Its population of 135,000 includes some 25,000 students. Lausanne plays a major role in the field of international sport. In particular, as it houses the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee, it has earned the title of Olympic Capital. The town is characterised by its steep streets and the over 500 m difference in level between the shores of Lake Geneva and the citys heights.

with more than 120 nationalities on campus. The School has a unique organisation to foster cross-disciplinary research and promote partnerships with other institutions and companies. Its more than 250 laboratories and research groups enable EPFL to rank among the worlds most innovative and productive institutions in terms of science. EPFL offers 13 complete study programmes at the Bachelor and Master levels in engineering, basic sciences, computer and communication sciences, life sciences, architecture and the environment. The EPFL Doctoral School enables PhD students of the same subject to work together, transcending the boundaries of their own labs. Students attending the EPFL School of Continuing Education have the opportunity to strengthen and update their skills and knowledge, giving them a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving professional environment.

Civil Engineering Communication Systems Computer Science Electrical Engineering Environmental Engineering Life Sciences (Masters in Life Sciences and Technology or Bioengineering) Materials Engineering Mathematics (Masters in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics) Mechanical Engineering Microengineering Physics



The educational structure at EPFL is in line with the Bologna Convention and includes two successive stages: a Bachelor with 180 ECTS credits (duration approx. 3 years) a Master with 90 or 120 ECTS credits depending on the chosen curriculum (duration approx. 1.5 to 2 years)


Master level only:

Computational Science and Engineering Energy Management and Sustainability Financial Engineering Management, Technology and Entrepreneurship Nuclear Engineering Study plans and regulations for these curricula are available on sac.epfl.ch/study-plans. Detailed information is also available online on the futuretudiant.epfl.ch Prospective Students portal. Programme-specific leaflets can also be ordered using the form on bachelor.epfl.ch/brochures.

The 1st year (so-called propdeutique) focuses on basic training in science. This 1st year is completed in one of the 13 available study sections. However, several programmes offer the possibility of joining the Bachelor cycle (2nd and 3rd year) of a related study plan after passing the 1st year exam. The Bachelor cycle (2nd and 3rd year) introduces the specific courses to be followed in each section, enabling you to gradually master the required skills and working methods. The Bachelor qualification is awarded for mastering the basic knowledge required in a given field. It serves as a passport to enter the Master cycle at EPFL or another university in Switzerland or elsewhere.

Bachelor 180 ECTS

2nd and 3rd year Bachelor 120 ECTS Specific education (approx. 60%): lectures, labs, optional courses, Basic education, ctd (approx. 35%) Education in the humanities (approx. 5%) 1st year Bachelor (propaedeutic) 60 ECTS Basic education: mathematics, physics,
Possility of exchange in the 3rd year

Bachelor/Master Education at EPFL

ABOUT EPFL Apresentation.epfl.ch

EPFL is located on the shores of Lake Geneva and brings together over 10,000 people on a single campus, including more than 8,000 students and about 260 faculty members. Since it was founded in 1853, EPFL has become a world-renowned international institution

Depending on your interests, skills and professional projects you may join EPFL in any of the following study programmes:

Bachelor and Master level programmes:

Architecture Chemistry (Masters in Molecular & Biological Chemistry or Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology)


Master 90-120 ECTS

Minor 30 ECTS Master project 30 ECTS
Possibility of exchange for Master Project

starting university education! Additionally, you can register for language courses free of charge at the EPFL Language Centre. Organised each year in spring (February to end May), Polymaths is a full-time course to master various general aspects of mathematics and physics through a university teaching method. Together with a module on work techniques, Polymaths offers ideal preparation for polytechnic studies.

The EPFL recommends that students starting at EPFL should have minimum C1 level in the teaching languages (as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages scale). For further information:

Master Course Specialisations available

60 or 90 ECTS


CMSSpecial Mathematics Course

Teaching is exclusively in French and a good understanding of this language is needed to follow the courses. Non French mother tongue applicants are required to have B1 level.


Master programmes are based on the knowledge acquired in the Bachelor cycle and build on these skills. They are a gateway to working in industry as well as in research. Master programmes offer great flexibility and freedom of choice as to the subjects, enabling each student to have a tailor-made curriculum. The Master cycle, carrying either 90 or 120 credits depending on your chosen programme and specialisations or minors, is aimed at educating students across disciplines. 120-credit curricula now tend to become the rule. Engineering programmes all include an internship of at least 8 weeks in a company. The last semester is devoted to the Master Project a personal project lasting from 4 to 6 months completed in the framework of research conducted at EPFL, at another university or in industry. Upon completion of your Master studies, EPFL awards the EPFL Master of Science (MSc) in the chosen discipline. Holders of an EPFL MSc are concurrently awarded the title of EPF graduate engineer, mathematician, physicist, chemist or architect (dipl. EPF). All titles awarded by EPFL are acknowledged by the Center of Accreditation and Quality Assurance of the Swiss Universities (OAQ) and engineering degrees are also accredited by the Commission des Titres dIngnieur (CTI) in France, where the Engineer title is protected by law.



The Special Mathematics Course (CMS) is a preparatory course to join EPFL. Over 2 academic semesters, this course serves to acquire the basic understanding in mathematics (calculus, linear algebra and analytical geometry), physics, chemistry and biology that is required to begin EPF studies. The course is aimed at: Swiss or foreign students residing in Switzerland with a vocational baccalaureate or general education diploma (the latter only until the beginning of the 2013 academic year included) students with a foreign secondary school diploma which doesnt allow admission in first year Bachelor (see p. 11 Admission to the Special Mathematics Course CMS)

ECTS CREDITS Abachelor.epfl.ch/ects-credits

The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) serves to assess the level reached by a student by awarding credits to a completed course. ECTS credits are proportional to the volume of work to be completed by the student in the form of either courses, practicals, laboratory work, projects or homework. The ECTS system is based on the assumption that the quantity of work required by a full-time student over an academic year is equivalent to 60 credits. As the workload of students registered for a full-time study curriculum in Europe is usually about 1500-1800 hours per annum, one credit represents approximately 25 to 30 hours work.

PASS REQUIREMENTS Asac.epfl.ch/pass-conditions

All relevant information about the pass requirements for each study cycle (propdeutic year, Bachelor, Master) can be found on our website. The Registrars Office sends students an official grade sheet by post only at the end of each study cycle. Provisional results for interim years may be consulted and printed from IS-Academia (see p. 24 IS-Academia / Student File).

Most courses are given in French although a few (calculus or physics) can be followed in German or English depending on the programme.

POLYMATHS Apolymaths.epfl.ch

PolyMaths is a one-semester optional course dedicated to students qualified to study at EPFL who wish to perfect their knowledge before starting their 1st year. Whether you are taking a few months leave after completing school, are at military service or simply feel the need to strengthen your skills in mathematics, this course may be of interest. For non French-speaking school-leavers, this is also an opportunity to practice your French before

The teaching language is strongly dependent on the chosen curriculum. Some Master programmes are available mostly in English, others in French and some are bilingual. The trend is for most Master classes to be taught mainly in English. Details on the specific page of the Master programme of your choice: master.epfl.ch


Teaching is given partly in French and partly in English depending on course levels. French is the official language for legal texts at EPFL.



Planning Your Time
The academic year at EPFL is divided into two (autumn and spring) semesters of courses, 14 weeks each, followed by 2 to 3-week (winter and summer) exam sessions (see diagram below). Autumn Semester (14 weeks)
Autumn Semester 14 weeks week 38 (mid Sept.) Exams Christmas mid Jan. end Jan.

Academic Calendar


The Academic Calendar provides all major dates and deadlines for completion of your studies, in particular semester start and end dates, exam sessions, deadlines for withdrawal from exams and bank holidays.


Course Planning
Course timetables and descriptions are posted online on is-academia.epfl.ch/publicaccessBachelor-Master several weeks before the start of term. Each course leaflet provides a description of one of the courses to be found in the Bachelor/ Master study plan. This leaflet also gives the teaching objectives, content, required level necessary to follow the course, number of hours, number of credits, bibliography and information regarding exams for the course.

The autumn semester begins in week 38 and courses finish at year end. The following few weeks holiday are for the festive season but also to prepare the winter exams scheduled in January. Spring Semester (14 weeks)
Spring Semester 14 weeks mid Feb. Easter Exams end May mid June mid July

Study Plans and Regulations

Detailed study plans for each programme specify compulsory lectures and available optional courses for each semester, indicating the number of hours and credits. These plans also set when and how teaching assessment takes place. The Rulebooks include legal provisions governing the passing of the exams for each programme. These documents are available on

into account the number of participants it is important that courses registration have been done correctly and within the deadlines. (see p. 35 Checklist At the start of each term)

The spring semester starts in mid February and finishes at end of May, followed by 2 weeks to prepare for the summer exam session scheduled from mid June to early July. Our study programmes are designed for fulltime studying to obtain 30 credits per semester. The information provided during lectures may be substantial as from the start of term, which is why you should schedule practical work and exam preparation as from the onset of the courses. Both the winter and summer exam sessions are preceded by 2-3 weeks revision time during which there are no lectures. These weeks are not holidays and should be used to complete reports on practicals and projects and to revise for the exams.



Important Deadlines
Early September registration and welcoming activities for new students (see p.21 Welcoming Events). Mid September courses start 30 September final deadline for late arrival of admitted students and for eligible students registered at another Swiss university to transfer for their 1st year at EPFL. Early October (end of the 2nd week of courses): final deadline to register for courses and request a section change. 1st December deadline for 1st year students to withdraw without failure and/or register for Polymaths as per the rules set out on polymaths.epfl.ch.


Course Registration
By the end of the 2nd week of each semester at the latest, students should register for courses on is-academia.epfl.ch (login required). You will be automatically registered for exams based on course registration (see p. 25 IS-Academia/ Student File).

If you have a physical disability or are an elite sportsperson or musician, you may subject to certain conditions request an adapted study schedule, or even exemption from certain tests. Elements which will have to be provided by following the procedure available on our website are: elite sportsperson (official certificate from your Swiss sports federation, together with training and competition schedule) musician (official certificate from the Conservatoire de Musique stating the number of hours devoted to music lessons) disabled student (medical certificate mentioning your state of health as well as consequences and mentioning the necessary adaptations you need to follow your studies).

Exam Timetable
Exam timetables are available online on

several weeks prior to the start of each session. In order to prepare the exam timetable taking


Deadline for online registration: mid January to 30 April Online registration form on


admitted into 1st year without an exam into any EPFL section. For certain countries, an admission certificate from an acknowledged university in the same field may be required. See bachelor.epfl.ch/admission-pays The holders of an International Baccalaureate (IB) are admitted into 1st year without an exam subject to certain conditions (see details on our website). Applications by students holding a foreign diploma which does not give access to the 1st year are dealt with by our Admission Committee, which decides whether a student may be admitted to the Special Mathematics Course (CMS), for which there is a limited number of places. (see p. 6 CMS Special Mathematics Course and hereunder Admission to the Special Mathematics Course).

All applications even if incomplete must be validated online by 30 April. They have to be completed with the latest results obtained until 15 July at the latest online. The same online form should be filled in to register for: 1st year Bachelor CMS Special Mathematics Course/ preparatory year Admission to a higher year (2nd or 3rd year Bachelor)


Master 3rd Year Bachelor
Admission on personal record for French CPGE applicants


HES Bachelors
The holders of a Swiss HES (University of Applied Sciences) Bachelor are eligible for admission to the 1st year of any EPFL section.

2nd Year Bachelor 1st Year Bachelor (propdeutic)

PolyMaths CMS


General education diploma (until the beginning of the 2013 academic year included) or vocational baccalaureate
The holders of a vocational baccalaureate or general education diploma are likely to be admitted to the CMS as long as there are available places and if they are under 25 years old. They are required to succeed in this preparatory year to be admitted to 1st year courses.

Swiss Certificates

Foreign baccalaureates accepted for 1 year entry


Other Swiss diplomas and baccalaureates not accepted for 1st year entry (personal record)

Swiss certificates (maturits)

Holders of a maturit acknowledged by the Commission suisse de maturit are eligible for 1st-year admission into the section of their choice.

Foreign diplomas / International Baccalaureate (IB)

Holders of a general, or if applicable, a science baccalaureate from an EU or EFTA member state with an average grade of 70% or over across the following subjects: mathematics, physics or chemistry, the baccalaureate teaching language and another modern language, are

Swiss applicants with a foreign baccalaureate

Swiss applicants with a foreign baccalaureate who do not meet the 1st year admission requirements can apply to the CMS. Admission to the CMS will be reviewed on personal record. They are required to succeed in this preparatory year to be admitted to 1st year courses.

Photo: Sophie Brasey




Applicants who do not meet 1st year admission requirements or fail to be admitted to the Special Mathematics Course (CMS) must pass the EPFL or ETHZ entrance exam to start Bachelor studies. Succeeding in the CMS is equivalent to passing the entrance exam. The registration deadline and fees for the entrance exam are set out on The final decision rests with the CMS and will be notified latest by mid January.

Foreign applicants with a foreign diploma / International Baccalaureate (IB)

Applications by foreign students holding a baccalaureate issued by an EU or EFTA member state who do not meet the 1st year admission requirements cannot be admitted in the CMS. Applications by foreign students holding an International Baccalaureate (IB) who do not meet the 1st year admission requirements, are admitted to the CMS provided that they meet the requirements set out on our website. Applications to the CMS which do not meet the above requirements are reviewed on personal record. The Admission Committee makes its decision known at end of July.


The entrance exam schedule is provided on

Candidates registered with another Swiss University or University of Applied Sciences may apply for a transfer of their registration to EPFL until the end of September. However, transfer will only be accepted provided that the applicant meets the EPFLs own admission criteria. Transfer applications should be sent to the Student Services Desk by e-mail to student.services@epfl.ch. Students no longer entitled to pursue their studies in a Swiss University or University of Applied Sciences may not be admitted to EPFL in the same programme.

The terms of the entrance exam are set out in the Ordinance on Admission to EPFL (French only) on polylex.epfl.ch/page-26075-en.html




After one or two years of French preparatory course



Applicants from preparatory science classes in the higher mathematics (MPSI, PCSI, PTSI, TSI) or special mathematics (MP, PC, PSI, PT, TSI) channels may submit an application file for admission to a higher year (2nd or 3rd year Bachelor) in certain EPFL sections. These files are dealt with in a very selective way. Only students from a top preparatory school with excellent results are accepted and an interview may be required.

Deadline for online registration and submission of paper-based file: 1 December Online registration form on polymaths.epfl.ch in the Inscription section. When submitting your application, please attach all documents required in the admission procedure. Incomplete applications will not be considered by the Admission Committee. Holders of a Swiss maturit or students admitted in a 1st-year EPFL programme may register for PolyMaths (see p. 6 Polymaths) by following the official application procedure. Access to PolyMaths is on personal record as the number of places is restricted (to 80 students). If the number of applicants exceeds this limit, the CMS management will select applicants. In addition to their school record, major emphasis will be put on the candidates motivation.


In the 1st year you may apply for a change of programme before the end of the 2nd week of courses in the autumn semester, either by filling in the Academic Registration Form on IS-Academia (see p.24 IS-Academia / Student File), or by e-mail to the Student Services Desk provided that you have validated this form. As from the 2nd year you must fill in the relevant form on the Registrars Office web page to apply for a change of programme, to be decided by the authorities concerned. In the propdeutic cycle (1st year Bachelor), a single failure in the original section will not be taken into account in the event of final (or double) failure. Students may therefore change programmes at that stage and still have two attempts in their new section.

It has become difficult for EPFL students to reconcile their studies with military obligations. You are therefore advised to complete the whole of your military training before starting your university curriculum, so as to avoid suspending your education at the risk of losing a year of studies. If you decide to take a years leave after leaving school to complete your military training, it would be wise to use the time to do a few compulsory refresher courses or to opt for long service so as to complete your lifes military duties once and for all. You will find further information on the EPFL bachelor.epfl.ch/military-service and the Armys

websites. During your studies requests for leave, postponement or exemption should be submitted to the Army as soon as possible subject to the Registrars Offices prior agreement. The links to fill the relevant forms and all relevant information are on sac.epfl.ch/armee.

Entrance exam to ENS Lyon


Students who have successfully passed the entrance exam to ENS Lyon are admitted to 3rd year EPFL courses in certain sections (see detailed procedure on our website).






The PhD in Science the ultimate degree awarded by EPFL is generally granted after 4 years of research further to graduate studies for a Master, an engineers diploma or equivalent degree. Doctoral theses are often completed in conjunction with paid employment as a PhD Assistant in an EPFL lab or institute. The Doctoral School offers a wide range of high-level courses providing the necessary credits to obtain a PhD. Information about doctoral studies and the relevant application form are provided on our website.


HES Bachelors
Holders of an HES Bachelor (from a Swiss University of Applied Sciences) may be admitted to an EPFL Master Programme in the same field of study, subject to completing a 60 ECTS bridge course. See sac.epfl.ch/study-plans. Highly Specialized Studies admission (HES).

Aformation-continue-unil-epfl.ch Amaster.epfl.ch/entryrequirements

Bachelors from EPFL

Registration deadlines: early November to 15 January and 16 January to 15 April. The application form is totally online and must imperatively be validated before the deadline. All required documents must be downloaded into the form. Once you have validated the form you may no longer alter it. Access to the application procedure and form on page master.epfl.ch/application . Although the Admission Committee for Master programmes meets twice a year, the start of the academic year is only once a year in mid September.

Students with an EPFL Bachelor are automatically admitted to the Master programme in the same field of study without having to apply again. However, if they aim at an EPFL Master in another subject, they should apply online within the set deadline and follow the relevant application procedure.

Bachelors from another Swiss university

Students with a Bachelor from another Swiss university are automatically admitted to the Master Programme linked to their Bachelor studies, although specific conditions may apply (validate additional credits). However, such students should apply online within the set deadline and follow the relevant application procedure.

Foreigner Bachelors
Holders of a foreign Bachelor should apply online within the set deadline and follow the relevant application procedure. An Admission Committee reviews all complete applications. Only students with an excellent academic record and references can be accepted.

The offer of continuing education at EFPL includes a range of courses generally focused on its areas of expertise. They are aimed first and foremost at people who already have work experience. The offer is varied, ranging from a few weeks to longer courses of over a year. Depending on the fields of study, courses may take place either at EPFL or anywhere in the world. Long programmes are generally broken down into modules to make training flexible and enable students to keep up their professional activity. The full list of continuing education courses as well as the admission requirements and deadlines are provided on our website.





The Student Exchange department is in charge of welcoming over 400 exchange students per year from our worldwide partners. To be accepted as an exchange student at EPFL, you must be selected by your home university and announced as such to the EPFL Student Exchange Office. If your home university has no bilateral agreement with the EPFL, you cannot have exchange student status. You will have visitor status and your file will be processed by the Registrars Office (see p. 20 Tuition Fees and Cost of Living). Xchange-EPFL is the student association in charge of welcoming exchange students to EPFL. Throughout the year, it organises events parties, sport weekends, cultural outings, etc.: esn.epfl.ch For further practical information please refer to other chapters in this guidebook.

The M1 line takes you to the EPFL stop in 15 minutes from central Lausanne (Flon stop) or 7 minutes from Renens train station (ticket valid for 1 zone 1 hour). For further information: epfl.ch/tsol

the airport to Lausanne station and the journey takes about 45 minutes.


Health and accident insurance is obligatory. All foreign students must hold an insurance policy approved by the Swiss authorities. European students are entitled to an exemption from the obligation to use Swiss insurers by providing their European insurance card. Students from outside Europe may apply to keep a foreign insurance policy, in certain cases and provided that the foreign health and accident cover is equivalent to that required under Swiss law. For further information on this procedure:

available to EPFL students as a priority. The average monthly rent for rooms and studios is between CHF 560 and CHF 690*. Details and rental application form for a room, studio or apartment on les-estudiantines.ch. The Fondation maison pour tudiants Lausanne (FMEL) manages 7 residences with accommodation (rooms and studios) for EPFL and Lausanne University students only. The monthly rent varies depending on the type of lodgings and duration of stay. For a room in a shared apartment prices range from CHF 480* to CHF 600*; CHF 500* to CHF 620* for a single room with private bathroom; CHF 640* to CHF 760* for a single occupancy studio; and CHF 700* to CHF 820* for a studio with double occupancy. Details and online bookings on fmel.ch/en. There are other student halls. Further information on logement.epfl.ch/student-halls.
prices subject to change. Prices include monthly charges and an Internet connection.

Several bus lines stop at EPFL: TL (Transports publics de la rgion lausannoise):

N 33 Piccard - Mont-Goulin TPM (Transports publics morgiens) mbc.ch N 701 Piccard - Echichens N 705 EPFL - Denges



The Student Exchange Office is also in charge of promoting and organising student exchange programmes. It offers academic exchange opportunities to 3rd year Bachelor and 1st year Master students and for Master projects in the framework of the Erasmus European programme as well as based on agreements signed directly with foreign universities.

Students using the bus and metro in Lausanne may purchase a monthly pass at student rates. Information on rates, timetables and destinations can be obtained from the Flon station or by telephone on 0900 564 900. For further information: sae.epfl.ch/transport

Since PhD candidates are remunerated and considered as employees, they are automatically insured against professional and non-professional accident. Other students must take an accident coverage.

By car
Follow the Lausanne-Sud direction on the motorway and take the EPFL exit (about 5 minutes from the motorway exit).



HOUSING Alogement.epfl.ch/housing
Student Halls
Les Estudiantines halls of residence on campus offer 301 accommodation units (110 individual studio flats, 176 furnished rooms with private bathroom and shared kitchen, and 15 apartments)

Other Accommodation Private rooms

Students may rent a room to a tenant or a private owner or share a flat with other students.

EPFL has exchange agreements with over 190 universities throughout the world. A list of these partners can be found on the website.

By plane
Geneva International Airport is 60 km from Lausanne. There are several trains per hour from

Studio flats and apartments

Apartments and studio flats are essentially




ERASMUS students: copy of the ERASMUS grant contract issued by your country or any other document certifying you are ERASMUS student.

managed by estate agents which often request financial guarantees (guarantor residing in Switzerland) as well as an amount equal to 3 months rent (rental guarantee bank deposit) to be deposited before moving in (for rental guarantee see other housing information below). As flats are usually unfurnished a budget should be foreseen to purchase furniture. Further informationon sae.epfl.ch/supplies

STUDY GRANTS Asae.epfl.ch/grants

Swiss nationals and residents
Swiss and foreign students residing in Switzerland should apply, before they start their studies, to the grant office of the canton of their parents domicile. The office may award a grant based on a scale taking income and family situation into account. The addresses of the cantonal grant offices are listed on sae.epfl.ch/cantonal-grants After a refusal from their canton and exceptionaly, depending on the situation, these students can ask for a scholarship from EPFL:

Emergency accommodation
If you arrive in Lausanne without a place to stay, Lausanne Tourisme provides hotel addresses. There is an office at Lausanne train station and you can also look up logement.epfl.ch/last-minute. At the Estudiantines, EPFL also has 7 fully furnished and equipped rooms to be rent for temporary stays. (minimum stay 1 week maximum 4 weeks) logement.epfl.ch/short-termrooms.

For further information see

Under no circumstances are students entitled to any grant as of right. Grant applications must imperatively be submitted to the Social Service within the deadlines set in the academic calendar:

(contrle des habitants) of your commune of residence within 14 days of your arrival in Switzerland. This procedure also applies to Swiss residents coming from another canton. Commune of residence 1022 Chavannes-prs-Renens 1023 Crissier 1026 Denges 1024 Ecublens 1002 Lausanne 1008 Prilly 1028 Prverenges 1020 Renens 1025 Saint-Sulpice Address Htel de Ville, Ch. de la Gare 46 Ch. de Chisaz 1 Ancien-Collge Place du Motty 4 Rue du Port-Franc 18 Rue de Cossonay 40 Rue de Lausanne 23 Rue de Lausanne 35 Rue du Centre 47


Please make an appointment with the Social Service for any grant application by contacting the Student Services Desk.

Swiss students living abroad

Swiss students living abroad should apply to their canton of origin and to the Association des Jeunes Suisses de lEtranger (AJAS) Alpenstrasse 26 CH - 3006 Berne Tel: +41 (0)31 351 61 04 Fax: +41 (0)31 351 61 01 E-mail: ajas@aso.ch Website: www.aso.ch/en

Other housing information Rental guarantee

EPFL and SwissCaution have formed an exclusive partnership allowing you to provide rental guarantee (as above) without a bank deposit under particularly reasonable terms. No need to block a large amount on a bank account SwissCaution enables you to pay a fixed annual contribution instead of making a cash deposit.

Master applicants
EPFL does not offer social grants to start Master studies. However, a few EPFL Fellowships are awarded to students with an outstanding academic record. For further information:

For other communes, you will find the address of the residents office on www.ucv.ch select Communes and then Annuaire. You should submit the following documents to the residents office : Passport EPFL enrolment certificate (which you can print as soon as you are registered) 3 passport photos 1 document (bank statement, grant, etc.) proving that you have sufficient funds (minimum CHF 2,000 per month on top of housing expenses) to cover your stay in Switzerland.

Foreign students wishing to do a Master in Switzerland may apply to the Federal Commission for Scholarships for a grant by the Swiss government. See

Foreigners not residing in Switzerland

Study grants awarded to foreign students are very rare. In the EPFL framework, such grants are awarded at the earliest after successful completion of the propdeutic year and must meet a number of very specific criteria. You should therefore secure adequate funding before applying to EPFL so as to avoid wasting time and disappointments and to settle in under the best conditions.

Offering accommodation
Looking for a flatmate, to sublet your apartment or to find a new tenant for your studio flat? Dont hesitate to put an ad on the UNIL and EPFL shared database on logement.epfl.ch Other tips on housing on sae.epfl.ch/housing


Exchange students
All EPFL students performing an academic exchange in a university are entitled to an exchange scholarship to cover part of their travel expenses.


You have to register with the residents office




Continuing education
Registration fees, which vary depending on the chosen programme, are listed on

The students remain registered at EPFL during the exchange and continue to pay EPFL tuition fees. On the other hand they are exempted from the host university tuition fees. Cantonal scholarships and grants from the Fondation des Etudiants de lEPFL remain applicable. For further information: sae.epfl.ch/exchange-outgoing


Cost of Living in Switzerland

The cost of living is high in Switzerland and you are strongly advised to prepare a budget in advance of your studies. Amounts may naturally vary according to your consumption habits. However, be prepared to spend more money at the start of your stay.

A Welcome Day is foreseen for all new students on the Friday before the start of term in September. Attendance is compulsory as this enables you to gather important information about your studies and to meet your future lecturers. The programme is set out on

How to be a successful student: during the week before courses start, EPFL offers a range of workshops to prepare you for polytechnic education:

Continuing education and PhD applicants

For members of the EPFL Alumni Association A3, a possibility exists of obtaining an honours loan:

For further information:

Integration Week, extremely useful to establish contacts, is organised in the week prior to the start of term in September by the executive committee of AGEPOLY, the EPFL student association: agepoly.epfl.ch/agepoly/animation/si (see p. 27 Associations) Welcoming Programme for foreign students:


Typical annual budget: sae.epfl.ch/cost-of-living

For further information about social grants awarded by the Fondation des Etudiants de lEPFL please refer to the directive concernant lattribution des bourses dtudes par lEcole Polytechnique fdrale de Lausanne on polylex.epfl.ch/page-26078-en.html. Tuition and supplies Accommodation Food Clothes and personal items Insurance, transport, misc. Total
CHF 2,500 CHF 7,000 CHF 7,000 CHF 2,000 CHF 3,500

Private foundations
The list of private foundations offering financial aid and terms for eligibility are set out on




CHF 22,000


The amounts below are subject to changes by the Board of Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH Board).


Exchange students or visitors

Exchange students are exempted from tuition fees and taxes at EPFL provided that a bilateral agreement exists between EPFL and their home university. Students from a university without a bilateral agreement with EPFL are subject to a tuition fee of CHF 50 per ECTS credit, as indicated in the study plan and to a CHF 53 semester tax. Moreover these students are not allowed to follow courses of Architecture, Management of Technology, Financial Engineering or in the faculty of HEC at the University of Lausanne.



For nationals of an EU country

No visa needed to enter Switzerland, so no administrative steps to be taken from abroad.

Bachelor, Master, CMS and Polymaths

At the beginning of each semester, you will receive an invoice of CHF 633 for tuition fees. New students at EPFL should pay a registration tax of CHF 50 for the holders of a Swiss certificate or CHF 150 for those of foreign certificates at the beginning of their 1st semester at EPFL. Exceptionally and as a last resort only, any student with insufficient means to pay his/her tuition fees and related taxes may apply for assistance from the Fondation des Etudiants de lEPFL. The application should be submitted to the EPFL Social Service by 1 September of each year. You may make an appointment by e-mail to student.services@epfl.ch or by phone on +41 (0)21 693 43 45.

For nationals of an non-EU countries

A visa is compulsory and must be applied for from the Swiss representation (embassy or consulate) closest to your home abroad. The visa application must be submitted at least 3 months prior to the start of your study curriculum by means of the appropriate visa application form. Many information, links and advises are available on our visa webpage and will help you to obtain your visa as soon as possible.

The police cantonale des trangers authorises EU students to work as from the start of their studies at EPFL. They may work maximum 15 hours per week during semesters and fulltime during the academic holiday. Non-EU students are not allowed to work during the first six months of their stay in Switzerland, after which they may work maximum 15 hours per week during semesters and full-time during the academic holiday. For all regular paid work, students holding a B permit must ask their future employer to fill in and sign a form for employment (form 1350 for Canton Vaud). They should then have this document endorsed by Student Services. The form is available on sae.epfl.ch/working

No fees are charged during the period of thesis preparation. The candidate does, however, have to pay a tax of CHF 1200 to sit the oral thesis examination.


Various welcoming activities are organised in the weeks prior to the start of the academic year.




CAREER CENTER Acarriere.epfl.ch
The Career Center is a bridge between EPFL and working life. As such it has a dual role: to provide academic guidance and to support integration into working life at the end of your studies. Academic/career advisors are available should you have questions or doubts about your studies and to take stock of your situation. Individual interviews are made by appointment please call Student Services on +41 (0)21 693 43 45 or e-mail student.services@epfl.ch. In order to help you to be prepared for your working life, the Career Center offers individual sessions and a range of courses on vocational integration and the development of useful skills for working life. These courses can be followed throughout your academic curriculum. Various workshops on career opportunities for engineers are also organised and usually moderated by EPFL Alumni with active careers.

Failure to comply with these rules may result in refusal to extend the residence permit.

Tax at source refunds

Foreign students working in a company are subject to social deductions and tax deducted at source. The latter can be reclaimed in December of each year provided that the students annual income is under CHF 8,000. For Canton Vaud, applications for refunds should be submitted in writing, together with: employers certificates for the given tax year copy of your residence permit copy of your EPFL enrolment certificate your bank or postal account number for reimbursement Administration cantonale vaudoise des impts (Impts la source) Route de Berne 46 1014 Lausanne Tel: +41 (0)21 316 21 21

HELP Ahelp.epfl.ch

The Help network has 4 departments offering the following services:

(help)me- prevention & support (call 222)

The (help)me network aims to promote the quality of human relationships on campus and to support students in various fields: psychotherapeutic consultation, individual interviews in case of personal or economic problems, mediation and individual support, coaching, chaplaincy, health at work, equal opportunities office, etc. Students needing psychological or social support and advice during their studies may contact a (help)me team member at all times. All services are provided in strictest confidence.




the start of the academic year. These courses are aimed at exchange students and students starting a Master course or a PhD course. Courses are free of charge and restricted to members of the EPFL community (French courses for spouses for a fee).

(help)desk - computer problems (call 1234)

Trouble with e-mail, connection to campus computers, your printing account call the IT helpdesk.

Public access
Part of the IS-Academia data is accessible without authentication. This section displays general information such as the list of students registered for courses, course and exam timetables and study plans and regulations.

IT Resources
An e-mail address first name.name@epfl.ch is allocated to you when you first register. Throughout your studies at EPFL, important information, reminders, etc., will be e-mailed to you at this address, enabling EPFL to reach you quickly, either individually or as a group. You are expected to read your e-mails and manage your mailbox diligently. This e-mail address will also be posted in the student directory. To access your account please connect to webmail.epfl.ch In addition to your e-mail account, you can create blogs, wikis and publish your CV on your personal web page. Details on all available communication tools on dit.epfl.ch/page-17404.html In case of computer problems, the IT helpdesk is there to help: support-it.epfl.ch You can also get help from the Poseidon team:

(help)emergencies: safety, prevention & health (call 115 or 021 693 3000)
Advice and assistance concerning safety, prevention & health: Safety, Prevention & Health Domain (DSPS). securite.epfl.ch


Secure access
Access to individual and personal data is protected and you will need a username and password (allocated to you at the beginning of your studies) to view this section. You will log in to the secure section of IS-Academia throughout your studies to perform various tasks, e.g.: check and/or alter your personal data and notify a change of address should you move access and print various documents such as your enrolment certificate, exam results or, at the end of your studies, your exmatriculation certificate complete compulsory formalities for your studies. For instance, at the start of each semester you should validate the academic registration form and register for courses, projects or internships. you can unregister from exams (withdrawal subject to certain conditions, see sac.epfl.ch/academic-calendar) other functions are available such as evaluation of teaching, registration for the compulsory English language test, etc.

(help)to find finding a person, place or unit on campus (call 111)

Our telephonists will gladly help.

HOUSING OFFICE Alogement.epfl.ch

Access to computers is available in dedicated IT rooms. However, in order to study under the best possible conditions your are advised (although not obliged) to purchase a laptop as from your 1st year of studies.

The housing office has a priority to inform and welcome students and help them to find housing. EPFL doesnt offer any accommodation; each student is responsible to find a flat or room by himself/herself. Appointments of individual advise are made by contacting the Student Services Desk by phone +41 (0)21 693 43 45 or by email to

Purchasing a laptop - Poseidon

The Poseidon service enables you to purchase a laptop at preferential rates, with a 3 year warranty, and to benefit from support via the educationoriented helpdesk. In addition, Poseidon promotes the use of open source software in education. For further information: poseidon.epfl.ch



LIBRARY Alibrary.epfl.ch/en

As an EPFL student you are allocated a print account at the start of your studies. For information about reloading your account, rates and print account status please look up

LANGUAGE CENTRE Alangues.epfl.ch

In order to promote the development of the necessary multilingual skills for students to communicate across cultures, the EPFL Language Centre offers various possibilities to learn the following languages: English, French, German and Italian. Various types of training are offered during and between terms with modules for integrated skills, specific skills for academic and vocational requirements, external exam options, intensive and semi-intensive, self-learning in the multimedia centre (with or without support) and tandem with or without tutorial support. Intensive French courses are specifically dedicated to new, non French-speaking students before

The mission of the EPFL Library, located in the Rolex Learning Center, is to help you to succeed in your studies and personal projects. In short, the EPFL library: provides scientific and technical information and documents in the EPFLs education and research fields. offers EPFL students the appropriate tools and methods to conduct documentary research independently. is a place of work, study, documentation and meetings for the EPFL community.


Purchasing a computer
Attractive terms for students via the Poseidon portal: poseidon.epfl.ch

IT Adit.epfl.ch/students
Secure IT services
To access certain IT services on the EPFL website you must identify yourself with a username and password provided to you at the beginning of your first study semester. Identification and authentication principles are set out on dit.epfl.ch/ page-17403.html. You can change the password initially allocated to you on the GASPAR portal:



During the year, courses are offered to support you during your studies and for your personal fulfilment. As a student or PhD, if you have a training project or would like to follow a specific course you have the possibility to submit it to our department to obtain a subsidy if possible.

IS-Academia is your academic management tool this software enables you to consult your personal academic file online. Access to the application is divided into two sections.





ASSOCIATIONS Aassociations.epfl.ch
Student associations
There are over 60 student associations on the EPFL campus, dedicated to all sorts of sports, board or network games, organising acclaimed festivals, acting, singing or playing an instrument or shaping your career. These associations help new students to settle in at EPFL. Please look up the associations.epfl.ch website to give your studies added meaning! You will also find all necessary information should you wish to establish a new association

CULTURE ON CAMPUS Aculture.epfl.ch

For spectators: EPFLs arts and cultural affairs organize events on the campus. Furthermore there are special offers for students in the field of artistic creation theatre, dance, movies, museums, modern and classical music, etc. Please refer to the BLOG, subscribing to the newsletter will keep you informed of special offers: blogs.epfl.ch/culture For actors: You will be able play theatre, sing or play an instrument: associations.epfl.ch

AGEPoly Aagepoly.epfl.ch

DISABLED STUDENTS Asae.epfl.ch/disabled-persons

EPFL is determined to make the life and integration of disabled persons easier. You may request an adapted study plan. This step has to be done as soon as possible and at the beginning of the academic year at the latest. In addition, the EPFL Website provides many useful contacts on campus and beyond for help on access, transport, leisure, adapted housing, travel in Switzerland and abroad, home help and care and legal issues.

AGEPoly is the EPFL student association. It represents the interests of all registered students and promotes them vis--vis the EPFL management via committees in charge of making decisions affecting life on campus. AGEPoly enables students to: join into campus community life make the most of the entertainment activities organised by the association and through its committees (see agepoly.epfl.ch/agepoly/page/commissions) enjoy benefits negotiated by the students for the students obtain various services from the association boutique reload their Myprint print account and CAMIPRO card, bookbinding, purchase EPFL branded sweatshirts and many other goodies purchase books at a discount through the book exchange

PARKING Adii.epfl.ch/mobility-parking

Car parks are available to students on the EPFL site by purchasing a monthly or yearly parking permit from the Accueil-information office located on the Esplanade. Parking permits may be bought at any time, even after the start of term. However, you are advised to opt for public transport as parking spaces are limited. Your parking permit does not guarantee a free space.

CHILD CARE Asae.epfl.ch/childcare

RESTAURANTS Arestauration.epfl.ch

There are two day-care centres on the EPFL campus: La Croquignole and Le Polychinelle. As the number of places is limited you are advised to register as soon as possible or even to put your name down on the waiting list. Do also contact your commune of residence for information on childcare facilities and a list of daycare providers (mamans de jour).

There are 18 restaurants, cafeterias and food stores offering a wide range of food on the EPFL campus. The menus are posted on the website at the start of each week. Meals are usually served Monday to Friday from 11.30h to 14.00h and 18.00h to 20.00h. Students who pay with their CAMIPRO badge which doubles up an electronic purse get a discount. (see p. 28 Student Card). Note that if your badge does not have sufficient



cash, your meal will be charged at full price. You cannot pay part with your card and part in cash, so make sure the balance on your badge is sufficient.

You may open a bank account in Switzerland by submitting ID and your residence permit. There is a bank on the EPFL campus and another at Lausanne University: information.epfl.ch/shops Bank cards/debit cards are widely used for cash withdrawals and accepted for payment in most shops.

SHOPS Ainformation.epfl.ch/shops

Various shops and services are available on campus: Post office CFF train ticket shop La Fontaine bookshop Le Ngoce grocery store Credit Suisse Bank Tech Travel travel agency Les Presses Polytechniques Universitaires Romandes (university publishers).

Swiss currency
The Swiss currency unit is the Swiss Franc (abbreviated CHF or simply Fr.) Coins come in 5, 10, 20, and 50 centimes and 1, 2 and 5 franc pieces. Banknotes come in denominations of CHF 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 1000.

SPORTS CENTRE Aunil.ch/sport

For a better lifestyle or just to do yourself some good while having fun, this exceptional site offers 85 sports to choose from, in cooperation with over 200 instructors. The University Sports Centre is a joint venture between the two universities in Lausanne UNIL and EPFL. A leaflet listing all sports, including schedules, is available at the EPFL Student Services desk. Some sports can be practiced at competition level within the University club. For further information please contact the sports department sports@unil.ch


The standard voltage in Switzerland is 220V. Standard sockets are for three-pin plugs:

Transformers and adapters can be purchased from electronics stores, supermarkets or DIY stores.


STUDENT CARD Acamipro.epfl.ch


Photo: Jol Tettamanti

Your student badge, also called CAMIPRO card, confirms your status as an EPFL student. This microchip badge is imperative and you should always have it with you. It is used to access certain classrooms, sit exams and borrow books. Additionally, you may charge your badge with cash and use it as an electronic purse to pay in campus restaurants at a discount or make photocopies. You will also be able to use your card to borrow free-access bikes. At the start of each term you should update the data on your badge on one of the CAMIPRO infoterminals.

On the campus, primary care consultations with nurses are available for the whole EPFL community at our Health Point. You can find them in the room CM 0351. You will find timetables and details on the page healthpoint.epfl.ch Students in need of medical care can go to the closest medical centre or to the University Hospital CHUV. The list of hospitals, medical centres and emergency services is given on sae.epfl.ch/health

Dental care
Swiss health insurance does not cover dentists bills. It is best to arrive in Switzerland with healthy teeth as dentists can be extremely expensive. You are advised to ask for an estimate before having treatment. The list of dental care centres is on sae.epfl.ch/health



Psychological distress
Students needing psychiatric or psychotherapeutic support may make an appointment with a specialised psychiatrist subject to medical privilege. Consultations take place on campus and you should make an appointment by contacting the Student Affairs Department, BP 1 242, tel. +41 (0)21 693 22 82, or the Student Services Desk +41(0)21 693 43 45,

Treatment centre for poison cases (Zurich)

Call 145

Psychiatric help
(Service de psychiatrie wet de liaison SPL) Policlinique mdicale Universitaire Rue du Bugnon 44 CH - 1011 Lausanne Tel: +41 (0)21 314 61 04 (24/7)


Prescription drugs must be purchased at a chemists.

Psychiatric emergencies
Please call the centre for doctors on duty.




Switzerland is very unusual in that its various language regions have close relationships with their immediate neighbours as they share a language and culture. Thus the French-speaking area (Romandie) has close ties to France, the German-speaking area to Germany and the Ticino to Italy. To help you fit in we recommend the following links and books

According to AVS law, Swiss and foreign students holding a C permit must subscribe for AVS if they do not have any gainful employment. This contribution applies from 1 January of the year following that in which the student reaches the age of 20. Students must pay an annual subscription by means of a payment slip provided by the Agence communale des assurances sociales in Lausanne, even if they do not live in Lausanne. For students who work, AVS contributions during each period of employment are deducted from the annual subscription. Service des assurances sociales Cotisations et prestations AVS/AI/APG Place Chauderon 7 CH - 1003 Lausanne Tel: +41 (0)21 315 11 11

Post offices also offer other services telephone, fax, money transfers, debit card for shopping. You can also open a postal account to manage your funds and pay your bills.



swissworld.org survivalbooks.net myswitzerland.com studying.epfl.ch

EPFL has set up a coaching programme to help new students to fit in by taking advice from a more experienced student: sae.epfl.ch/coaching-en

Most shops are open from 08.30h to 18.30h except on Saturdays where closing time is earlier. Except in train stations and airports shops are closed on Sundays. Most Swiss cities have a fruit and vegetable street market twice a week. A list of second-hand stores is provided on our website.

If you are into movies please look up the programme in Lausanne on lausanne.cine.ch And the local cultural agenda: www.tempslibre.ch Winter sports such as downhill or cross-country skiing, ski mountaineering, snowshoeing, ice skating and ice hockey are extremely popular in Switzerland and Lausanne has several ice rinks. A number of ski resorts are less than an hour away. Summer sports - nautical sports, mountain hiking or climbing, cycling - find an ideal home in Lausanne and the surrounding area.



Call 144 for the medical emergency centre serving the whole canton of Vaud. CHUV University Hospital (Centre hospitalier universitaire du canton de Vaud) Rue du Bugnon 46 CH - 1011 Lausanne Tel: +41 (0)21 314 15 90

POST & MAIL Awww.poste.ch/en

Photo: Jol Tettamanti

Centre for doctors and dentists on 24h duty

(Lausanne) Tel: 0848 133 133

Post offices are generally open from 07.30h to 18.00h Monday to Friday and 08.00h to 11.00h on Saturdays. There is a post office on the EPFL campus: information.epfl.ch/shops Mail can either be sent by A post (delivered on the following day) or B post (which takes 3-4 days).

The city of Lausanne the Olympic capital attracts thousands of tourists every year from all over the world to visit the historic buildings of the towns rich heritage. There are also a number of concert halls, a dense museum network, music festivals, renowned sport events, great restaurants, discos and many other places for your entertainment. Please look up the offer on the citys Tourist Office website


Coin payphones are fast disappearing and have been replaced with payphones operating with phone cards for sale in post offices or at newsagents. For calls in Switzerland please dial 0, then the area code (21 for Lausanne) and a seven-digit number for your correspondent. To call abroad from Switzerland please dial 00 followed by the international code, area code, and your correspondents phone number. The Swiss phone directory is on www.directories.ch To purchase a mobile phone please contact one of the mobile network operators.





The Campus Roule service enables EPFL students to borrow a bike with their student card to cycle on campus and beyond:

In addition, to promote eco-mobility on campus, EPFL provides a bike point service enabling you to hire, purchase or repair a bike or electric bike at low cost. See rumba.epfl.ch/campusbikes


Switzerland has a highly developed public transport network:

The legal age to learn to drive in Switzerland is 18. Holders of a valid foreign driving licence can drive in Switzerland for maximum 12 months, then have to apply for a Swiss licence:

Train (CFF)


Train fares are relatively high in Switzerland. You are advised to purchase a half-fare card which enables you to buy train and boat tickets at half price. Youngsters under 25 with a half-fare card are also entitled to the additional Track 7 (Voie 7) offer, enabling them to take the train free of charge from 19.00h onwards (see www.voie7.ch ). There is a CFF ticket shop at EPFL on the Esplanade.

The speed limits in Switzerland are 120km/h on the motorway, 80 km/h on other roads and vary from 30 to 50km/h in towns and villages. Traffic in town is very dense, radar checks are frequent at major crossroads and parking is for a short time only. You are therefore advised to opt for public transport. As for parking at EPFL please refer to the Parking section in the Campus Life chapter. The Mobility Car Sharing service enables members to have access to a car 24h a day. EPFL cooperates with this service and there are several Mobility cars available on campus as well as in over 400 cities in Switzerland. For further information: camipro.epfl.ch/mobilitycar and www.mobility.ch


The Student Services Desk is the focal point for all academic queries. The desk is open daily from 09.00h to 18.00h during term (shorter offices hours in summer) and located in the BP building hallway. You may also call the hotline on +41 (0)21 693 43 45 or e-mail student.services@epfl.ch. Your query will be answered immediately or, if necessary, an appointment will be made with the appropriate specialised staff in Student Services. You will also find many answers to your academic queries on the student portal


The addresses and phone numbers of foreign representations in Switzerland are given in the link below:



Bus & Metro (TL)

The public transport network in the Lausanne area is highly developed. It is divided into several zones in which you can travel by train, metro or bus with a single ticket or season ticket, whose price is based on the number of zones selected. Tickets can be bought from automatic ticket dispensers at the bus/metro stop, and monthly or yearly season tickets from several points of sale. During the week bus services stop around midnight. On weekends a late service is foreseen. Information on www.mobilis-vaud.ch Bus and metro schedules and routes on www.t-l.ch

Emergencies at EPFL: dial 115 (extension) or 021 693 30 00 (from mobile phone) Police - dial 117 Fire - dial 118 Doctor/Ambulance - dial 144 CHUV - University Hospital, Lausanne, Rue du Bugnon 46, Tel: +41 (0)21 314 11 11


Morges Hospital, Ch. du Crt 2, Tel: +41 (0)21 804 22 11 www.ehc-vd.ch


Travel agency
The travel agent on the EPFL Esplanade offers attractive rates.

The link below provides the list of Swiss embassies abroad. Please contact them for any query relating to visa and residence permit applications.







ORGANE CANTONAL DE CONTRLE Chemin de Mornex 40 Case postale 9716 1014 Lausanne Tl: +41 (0)21 557 47 47 Fax: +41 (0)21 557 47 50 E-mail: info.occ@vd.ch For further information: www.vd.ch/fr/themes/

Make sure you have done the following


If you come from abroad and are not a Swiss national

u u u u



Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne EPFL
Station 1 CH 1015 Lausanne Tel: +41 (0)21 693 11 11 Fax: +41 (0)21 693 43 80 Website: www.epfl.ch

u u

u u

Student Services Desk

EPFL AA-DAF BP 1229 (Btiment BP) Station 16 CH 1015 Lausanne Tel: +41 (0)21 693 43 45 Fax: +41 (0)21 693 30 88 E-mail: student.services@epfl.ch Website: studying.epfl.ch/student_desk

AGEPOLY EPFL Student Association

CP120 Esplanade 13 CH-1015 Lausanne Tel: +41 (0)21 693 20 95 Fax: +41 (0)21 693 20 97 E-mail: agepoly@epfl.ch Website: agepoly.epfl.ch

u u

Passport or ID card Visa (non-EU citizens) European Health Insurance Card (EU-EFTA) Letter from your foreign health/accident insurance confirming coverage of your medical costs in Switzerland (for non-EU students) Letter from your third-party (liability) insurance if you have one Acceptance letter from EPFL Proof of adequate funding to cover your stay in Switzerland (bank statements, grants, etc.) Booked a hotel or lodgings for the first few days Copy of your lease if you have rented a room for your stay A few passport photos Registered for the intensive French course or other language courses: langues.epfl.ch Passport or ID card Swiss insurance card Letter from your third-party (liability) insurance if you have one Acceptance letter from EPFL Booked a hotel or lodgings for the first few days Copy of your lease if you have rented a room for your stay A few passport photos Registered for the intensive French course or other language courses: langues.epfl.ch

Register with the residents office of your commune Send a copy of your European health insurance card to the cantonal supervisory body if you do not have Swiss insurance Register online for the courses (and architecture studios) for the term to come within the set deadlines. Attend the information session for exchange students to collect your student card and the necessary information to begin your studies Register with the residents office of your commune (see p.18 Residence Permit) Check your choice of courses and related schedules Register online for the courses (and architecture studios) for the term to come within the set deadlines Contact your sections Exchange Coordinator with any academic queries Contact the professor in charge of supervising your Master project if applicable Contact the Xchange association

If you are an exchange student

If you are a Swiss national

u u u


At the start of each term

Health Point


u u

u u

Tel: +41 (0)21 693 20 02 E-mail: healthpoint@epfl.ch Website: securite.epfl.ch/healthpoint

Lausanne Tourisme: Tl: +41 (0)21 613 73 73

Lausanne public transport (TL): www.t-l.ch Train timetable: www.cff.ch Taxi Services: 0800 810 810 or Taxiphone 0800 801 802 or Allo Taxi 0800 870 872 Telephone directory: www.directories.ch Weather: www.meteosuisse.ch Info on Switzerland: www.swissworld.org

u u

u u

Centre de langues

CE 2445 (Btiment CE) Case postale 117 CH 1015 Lausanne Tel: +41 (0)21 693 22 89 Fax: + 41 (0)21 693 22 60 E-mail: centredelangues@epfl.ch Website: langues.epfl.ch

Validate the academic registration form Print your enrolment certificate (for family allowances, applications for residence permits, etc.) Register online for course, projects and studios Pay your tuition fees for the term (invoice mailed to your address for the term) Fill in the course assessment forms Possibility of withdrawing from certain exams (see p.8 Academic Calendar).


If you are a new Bachelor or Master student from abroad

During term

u u

Attend registration days (except for exchange students)









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