Pay Attention To Their Conversations. Don't Eavesdrop, But When They're Talking
Pay Attention To Their Conversations. Don't Eavesdrop, But When They're Talking
Pay Attention To Their Conversations. Don't Eavesdrop, But When They're Talking
them, rude or downright arrogant? These people can be a great source of potential pain, and this article is here to help you sort the arrogant from the not-so-arrogant. Pay attention to their conversations. Don't eavesdrop, but when they're talking to you or to those around you, listen to them. Is it always about them? Do they get mad or irritated if the centre of attention moves to someone else? These are good signs of arrogance Don't be judgmental of arrogant people. They are often trying to hide a lot of pain. Arrogant people have an extremely strong need to look good. When you make them look bad- even if it is the slightest offence- they will usually be very mad at you. This happens when you question (or at least seem to question) their appearance, intelligence, athletic abilities, or anything else relating to their self-image. Most of the time, the need for a strong and unquestionable self-image comes out of deeply rooted pain. Challenge their worldview. Don't be aggressive- just sceptical and curious. If they get upset, gauge their anger. If its minimal, they may be simply having a bad day. But if they're enraged, then they may see you as questioning their 'perfect little world.' And having one of those is usually indicative of arrogance. At some point or another, people realise that the world doesn't revolve around them. Arrogant people counteract this by creating an atmosphere that centres around them, and get angry if they're reminded of the real world.
1. Learn the quality of their friendships. Don't be nosy or gossipy, but if they are happy with someone one day and hateful with them the next, that's a sign of them having a lot of fair weather friends. That's a sign of arrogance, since it is very hard to be a truly good friend to someone who's stuck on themselves. Prideful people have a strong need to look good, and being self-sufficient is an effective way to do that. Since being a good friend to someone usually means helping them, they often can't stand the thought of a good friendship. Ironically, arrogant people often can't understand why they don't have any reliable and supportive friends. 2. How do they treat those not like themselves? In other words, how do they treat those with different beliefs, cultural backgrounds and ways of seeing the world? If it's inherently negative, then they're either over-zealous, ignorant of other people or what to avoid those that contradict their fantasy land that caters
to them and them only. Determine this based on their general personality and the people they're interacting with. Many times prideful people have a serious 'my-way's-the-only-way' attitude. This is simply a protective mechanism for their false image or their fantasy land. 3. What's their personality like? Take note of how they act, talk, and use their social status. Do they have a general sense of 'coolness?' Are they a chatterbox? Do they act like they own the place, or act like the 'big dog?' Are they very keen on their self-image?
Many arrogant people have a false charm that no one seems to see through. But the arrogant person is usually more than happy to show their cruel side to those that they don't like. o When they are cruel, their friends will usually ignore it or not do anything to stop it since they're afraid that they'll be treated badly by their 'friend.' 4. Mention people you know that they don't like. This isn't meant to begin a conflict, but to gauge their rivalries, annoyances and enmities. If their condemnation seems to be reasonable, they probably aren't hubristic. If it's harsh, they are.
For the most part, arrogant people see people that they don't like as threats to their perfect little world. The more they hate someone, the more dangerous that person is to their fantasy land. And in turn, the bigger the threat, the harsher the criticism 5. Ask around to see what they've been saying about you. If they have been saying bad things about you, they may simply not like you. If they're nice to your face, but talk bad about you behind your back like it's their favourite hobby, then they probably have a problem with pride.
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Arrogant people often subconsciously know that they don't have any good friends. They compensate for this by creating the impression that they have a lot of friends- they have a 'quantity, not quality' mentality. Then they simply insult their trophy friends when they aren't looking.
6. remember that there's a big difference between being assertive and being arrogant. 7. Make sure you're not being arrogant. If you are, tone it down and look at the situation objectively, or in a non-biased way. 8. Stay away from arrogant people as much as you can. They can cause you a lot of pain in your life. 9. When it comes to dealing with arrogant people, they nearly always have something to protect: either their self-image or their self-centred universe. If they get the impression that you're questioning either one, they will dislike you.
10. When it comes to popularity contests, why are they popular? Is it because they treat their friends decently, or because they are simply 'cool' to hang out with? o Simply because someone's 'cool' to be around doesn't mean that they treat people respectfully. The main things that make people 'cool' are completely superficial: they're either rich, attractive, athletic, have a good personality (to those that fit their friendship criteria) or have a fake charm. Arrogant people can have all or a mix of these (and other) traits. 11. A summary of symptoms of arrogance include: intolerance of people different from themselves, inability to see different points of view, extremely harsh criticism of those they don't like, inability to form long-lasting relationships, and general narcissism. 12. Do they joke about people who shouldn't be joked about? Making fun of someone going through a hard time is a sign of wanting cheap laughs, and not caring about other people's emotions. o Prideful people usually could care less about how people feel, since they nearly always have a difficult time empathising with others. 13. If you do get involved with arrogant people, and are hurt by them, don't be afraid to seek help, professional or not. (Don't let that info get out, though.) o People going through a difficult time are often the target of jokes and insults by arrogant people. But these comments are made only when they're around people who they know will tolerate them, and not in the eye of the general public. 14. Even though it's hard, don't hate arrogant people. They're usually trying to hide a painful past, an aspect of themselves they don't like, or have been seriously hurt by other people. o Remember that they could be hurt by the same things that have hurt you, but they're simply addressing their pain in the wrong way. Instead of resolving it, they're hiding it. This pain can express itself as arrogance, among many other things. 15. Arrogant people also have a very hard time accepting apologies. o This is particularly true if you've questioned their fantasy land or have seriously questioned (or have seemed to question) their self-image. 16. Arrogant people usually don't have truly good friends. Remember this when you wish you were as 'popular' as they are. 17. they get in your face, leave. They are simply trying to inflate their ego, and insulting or arguing with them will inflate it a lot. Leaving will too, but not nearly as much. o Depending on the situation, leaving might make them look stupid. They will hate you for this, but who wants to keep company with a total jerk? 18. If you must say something to them, make it short and smart. Don't go into platitudes about how arrogance is wrong. Just give a quick answer and tell them that you don't want them in your life. o If they've backstabbed you, point this out. No one- not even the arrogant person's best 'friends'- appreciates that behaviour.
19. Ironically, if you do win the argument or fight, they'll start playing the 'Victim' card, and start appealing to their 'friends' to not only help them feel good, but also make you look bad. o If the arrogant person is considered 'cool' by a lot of people, their use of the Victim card could make you an outcast. 20. If you have to vent about an arrogant person, do so only to your best friends who won't tell anyone else. If your anger becomes common knowledge, it will start a conflict. o There's a good chance that the prideful person won't understand why you don't like them. Just ignore their rude behaviour, and use a short and smart comeback if you must. 21. Don't pay lip service to their perfect world. This will not only help you stay true to yourself, but may help them to see things differently. o Don't actually attack their fantasy land. Instead, say something like 'I don't agree with you on that' or 'I have different opinions on this.' They might get angry, but these chances aren't as high as they would be if you questioned their self-centred universe outright. 1. Instead of saying 'Maybe if you'd get over yourself, you'd see things for what they are', try saying 'What makes you say that?' or 'Why do you hold that opinion?' 22. One of the symptoms of antisocial personality disorder is arrogance and disrespect for other people's rights. This should show how dangerous arrogant people can be. o This is why some arrogant people go on to become criminals.