Fertilizer Guide

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Fertilizer a common sense guide

Fertilizer adds low or missing nutrients to the soil. Here on the rainy side of the Cascades, soil tends to be low in nitrogen, calcium, and sulfur. It also tends to be acidic. This is due to our rains, the rocks that make the soil, and sometimes human disturbance. When we grow demanding non-native plants such as vegetables, lawns, and many garden flowers, fertilizer may be necessary for the garden to thrive. Compost builds good soil structure. While fertilizer can add nutrients, it cannot replace good soil structure. Good soil structure is loose, crumbly, and teeming with life. These conditions help plants take up nutrients and water to thrive. Poor soil is compacted and depleted of organic matter and soil organisms. In these conditions, plants struggle to meet their needs even if fertilizer is added. Add 1-2 of compost to garden beds and 1/4 to lawns each year to improve soil structure and vitality.

Extra fertilizer does not make stronger plants! Over-fertilization can cause quick, weak growth, leaving plants vulnerable to disease.

Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium

Primary nutrients are listed in the order N-P-K. The numbers refer to the percentage of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K) in the fertilizer.
Look at the fine print on the label for the percent of water-insoluble nitrogen. In slow-release fertilizer this number will be at least half the total amount of nitrogen. So if the fertilizer contains 8% total nitrogen, water-insoluble nitrogen should be at least 4%. Most organic fertilizers are slow-release including aged manure, seed meal, bone meal, rock phosphate, ground limestone, many poultry and fish by-products, and kelp meal. You can also find slow-release fertilizers listed by brand name in Grow Smart, Grow Safe, available on our website.

Step 1:

Choose slow-release fertilizer

Nutrients from slow-release fertilizers are available to plants throughout the growing season. Slow-release fertilizers rely on the work of soil organisms and other processes to release nutrients close to the rate that plants can use them. The nutrients are unlikely to wash away beyond the root zone of the plants.


Primary Nutrients in Fertilizer

(N) Nitrogen promotes strong leaf growth. Look for water insoluble nitrogen that is at least half the amount of total nitrogen. (P) Phosphorus encourages roots, flowers, seeds, and fruits. (K) Potassium or Potash is critical for overall plant health. Secondary and micronutrients are also Important for overall plant health.

Thurston County Environmental Health Division 412 Lilly Rd. NE Olympia, WA 98506

(N) Total Nitrogen...........................................8.00% Water Insoluble Nitrogen ............................7.00% Water Soluble Nitrogen.................................0.89% Ammoniacal Nitrogen ...................................0.11% (P) Available Phosphate .................................2.00% (K) Soluble Potash ..........................................4.00% Calcium.....................1.50% Sulfur .................2.00% Magnesium ...............1.00% Iron ....................2.00% Boron........................0.02% Zinc ....................0.05%

Skip fertilizer-pesticide combinations. Some fertilizers and mulches are combined with weed or insect killers and are not recommended by most professional landscapers, WSU Extension, or the Health Department. Combination products spread pesticides all over, even where not needed, wasting much of the product. Double check the label and use straight fertilizer or mulch. Save weed and insect killers to spot treat specific problem areas after trying less-hazardous methods first. Why add to concerns about water and soil contamination or risk exposure to kids, pets, and wildlife?

When to Fertilize:
Lawns mulch-mow, or leave grass clippings on the lawn, all growing season if you only fertilize once a year, do so in early fall (Sept through mid-Oct) once in April-May if needed, fertilize in early summer (around the 4th of July) Flower/Vegetable Gardens before planting, mix fertilizer into soil below plant or seed fertilize established plants in spring high demand plants may need a second fertilization in early summer Berries Raspberries and Blackberries: in spring when growth begins Strawberries: June harvest: after harvest day-neutral and everbearing: small amounts throughout growing season Blueberries: at bud break, in May, and in late June

Step 2:

Follow package directions

Each fertilizer is blended differently. Follow the directions on how much fertilizer to apply, and how often it is needed. For lawns, use the proper spreader settings described on the package. Important precautions (especially for dogs who like to eat almost anything) are also found on the label. Sweep fertilizer off sidewalks or driveways and spread back onto the lawn or garden. Follow directions for watering. Store any extra fertilizer in a cool, dry place for use in the future.

What about lime? Lime is ground limestone or calcium carbonate, which also adds calcium to the soil. Another form, dolomite lime, adds magnesium as well as calcium. Lime is often used to raise the pH, or sweeten the soil. Many garden plants do best when the soil pH is between 5.5 and 7.5. However, blueberries, rhododendrons, and some native plants prefer more acidic soil (lower pH), so do not add lime near these plants. Soil pH is important because it affects the availability of plant nutrients and toxic metals, and the activity of important soil microorganisms. A general guideline, if you have not yet tested your soil, is to add 30 lbs of lime per 1,000 square feet every 2-3 years in the fall.

Too much fertilizer does not make stronger plants!

Calibrating a Fertilizer Spreader http://aggieturf.tamu.edu/aggieturf2/ calibration/calibration.html WA Dept. of Agriculture Fertilizer Database For data on nutrients and concentrations of nine heavy metals, visit http://agr.wa.gov/PestFert/Fertilizers/Product Database.htm

In fact, over-fertilization can cause quick, weak growth, leaving plants vulnerable to disease and wind damage. In addition, extra fertilizer washes away and can pollute streams, lakes, Puget Sound, and ground water our source of drinking water.

Home Gardeners Guide to Soils & Fertilizers (WSU Extension bulletin EB1971E) http://gardening.wsu.edu/library/lanb003/ lanb003.htm
Composting Information Call 360-867-2491 or visit www.thurstonsolidwaste.org Funded by Thurston County and the Washington State Department of Ecology Printed on recycled paper. December 2009

Consider a soil test. Soil tests provide the most accurate information about your fertilizer needs. The relatively low cost of a soil test may save you money because you can avoid applying unneeded nutrients. Soil tests are available from: Thurston County Conservation District: 360-754-3588 / www.thurstoncd.com Black Lake Organic: 360-786-0537 / www.blacklakeorganic.com Contact them for prices and instructions.

For More Information

For more information on Common Sense Gardening, contact Thurston County Environmental Health at 360-867-2674 (TDD: 360-867-2603) or online at www.co.thurston.wa.us/health/ehcsg

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