#Bloggab #Bloggab: 2Nd of April
#Bloggab #Bloggab: 2Nd of April
#Bloggab #Bloggab: 2Nd of April
2nd of April
Date: 04/03/2013
Session #BlogGab
Retweets Links
Replies Pictures
26 12
Tweets Checkins
106 0
74 0
646.363 Impressions
Potential impact
Total tweets 97 74 20 16 11
% 44 34 9 7 5
Original Tweets 84 74 12 13 9
RT 13 0 8 3 2
Users 8 14 7 7 5
105.026 Users
Potential reach
num. tweets
tweets followers
tweets 4
28 mar
29 mar
29 mar
30 mar
31 mar
1 apr
1 apr
2 apr
3 apr
tweets followers
num. users
3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
3 2 1 2
1000-1500 1500-5000 5000-10000 >10000
tweets followers
num. followers
5 6
tweets followers
tweets followers
>5 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 4
num. users
tweets followers
Categories Rankings Potential Reach Topic Replies Links Number of impressions Topic Replies Links Number of users Replies Topic Links Number of tweets Topic Replies Others Retweets Topic Links Others
4 5
Others Positive
4 5
Others Positive
4 5
Others Positive
4 5
Links Positive
4 5
Positive -
Charts Impressions per category Tweets per category Users per category
Categories Rankings Category Topic Replies Links Others Positive Total tweets 97 74 20 16 11 % 44 34 9 7 5 Original Tweets 84 74 12 13 9 RT 13 0 8 3 2 Users 8 14 7 7 5 Impressions 264.902 220.682 92.977 44.927 22.875 Potential Reach 21.549 34.517 57.761 26.162 11.693 Tweets/ User 12,1 5,3 2,9 2,3 2,2 Followers/ User 2.693 2.465 8.251 3.737 2.338
Number of users Top 5 users Most active users
Number of users per category
Number of tweets per user
Number of impressions per user
tweets profkrg
followers tonibirdsong profkrg
tweets MCTheWriter profkrg
impressions OrganizerSandy
4 5
tweets NHDaveH
4 5
followers wordwhacker
4 5
impressions NHDaveH
num. categories profkrg MCTheWriter
num. of RTs profkrg
original tweets
num. categories MCTheWriter BlogTrends
num. of RTs NHDaveH
original tweets
num. categories
num. of RTs
original tweets
4 5
num. categories BlogGab
4 5
num. of RTs profkrg
4 5
original tweets VanayeHamilton
num. categories
num. of RTs
original tweets
Followers per user
4 1 0
influence level
Very low 0 to 10 followers Low 10 to 50 followers Medium-low 50 to 200 followers Medium 200 to 500 followers Medium-high High 500 to 1000 1000 to 5000 followers followers Very high >5000 followers
Users list
patricksplace Total Tweets: 101 profkrg Total Tweets: 31
MCTheWriter Total Tweets: 19 VanayeHamilton Total Tweets: 18 NHDaveH Total Tweets: Prakky Total Tweets: 17 5
CollinKromke Total Tweets: 1 DigitalKaitlyn Total Tweets: 1 GRTaylor2 Total Tweets: KimanziC Total Tweets: 1 1
Michelle_Mazur Total Tweets: 1 OrganizerSandy Total Tweets: 1 TedtheThird Total Tweets: netster23 Total Tweets: 1 1
Tweets related with the topic of the chat
tweets Tweets from this category
21.549 264.902
potential reach potential impact
tweets / user
00:01 - 31 Mar 13
16:01 - 02 Apr 13
I don't want LEADS, I want READERS. I don't want CUSTOMERS, I want COMMUNITY. #Blogchat #Bloggab #Blogtrends
Be sure to join us for #Bloggab, tonight at 9pm ET. Topic: How much does your blog actually cost you?
17:01 - 02 Apr 13
20:01 - 02 Apr 13
What does your blog cost you? Which paid plugins/themes/services are worth the money? Tonight's #Bloggab at 9pm ET!
Be sure to join us for #Bloggab, coming up tonight at 9pm ET. Topic: How much does your blog actually cost you?
20:56 - 02 Apr 13
21:01 - 02 Apr 13
Super topic! @patricksplace: Be sure to join us for #Bloggab, coming up tonight at 9pm ET. Topic: How much does your blog actually cost you?
How much does your blog cost you? Which paid plugins/themes/services are worth the money? Tonight's #Bloggab at 9pm ET!
BlogGab @BlogGab
23:00 - 02 Apr 13
23:00 - 02 Apr 13
What do you spend on your blog? Which paid plugins/themes/services are worth the money? Tonight's #Bloggab at 9pm ET!
What do you spend on your blog? Which paid plugins/themes/services are worth the money? Tonight's #Bloggab at 9pm ET!
00:00 - 03 Apr 13
01:00 - 03 Apr 13
Think fast: what does your blog cost? What services/plugins/features are worth the money? Tonight's #Bloggab at 9pm ET
Welcome to #Bloggab. Tonight's topic: how much does blogging cost us? Paid services we can't do without.
01:01 - 03 Apr 13
01:05 - 03 Apr 13
How much do you spend on your blog each year or each month? Have you ever figured up the cost? #bloggab
I pay for a domain and privacy protection, so together that's about $20 a year or so, I think, just for the domain. #bloggab
01:05 - 03 Apr 13
01:06 - 03 Apr 13
I do shared hosting, and I end up paying about $8 a month for that. Maybe VPS one day, but need revenue first. :) #bloggab
01:07 - 03 Apr 13
01:08 - 03 Apr 13
A1. I spend about $40 a year for my hosting account with @bluehost. #bloggab
Not bad at all! RT @VanayeHamilton: A1. I spend about $40 a year for my hosting account with @bluehost. #bloggab
01:09 - 03 Apr 13
01:12 - 03 Apr 13
.@NHDaveH Knowing you have an audience is more than half the battle in building a successful blog! :) #bloggab
01:12 - 03 Apr 13
01:13 - 03 Apr 13
I actually have a standing offer to move my blog to another site, with them paying for everything, and paying me to write it. #BlogGab
Where do you all host at if not on Blogger or another free site? #BlogGab
01:14 - 03 Apr 13
01:14 - 03 Apr 13
I self-host and run the blog off WordPress. RT @NHDaveH: Where do you all host at if not on Blogger or another free site? #bloggab
It's a small offer, but I'm considering it. RT @patricksplace: @NHDaveH Impressive! :) Must be nice! HA!! #BlogGab
01:14 - 03 Apr 13
01:15 - 03 Apr 13
@NHDaveH I host with @bluehost. They are affordable and super easy to navigate. I've tried others but plan on sticking with them. #bloggab
01:16 - 03 Apr 13
01:17 - 03 Apr 13
Wordpress! @NHDaveH: Where do you all host at if not on Blogger or another free site? #BlogGab
@NHDaveH So if someone else will pay for your hosting & design, will you still have full editorial control? #bloggab
01:17 - 03 Apr 13
01:18 - 03 Apr 13
HA! I feel your pain! :) RT @profkrg: @patricksplace Im afraid to know how much I spend on my blog. #bloggab
Where do you blog at?! Mine is free, Wordpress! @VanayeHamilton: A1. I spend about $12 a year for my domain. #bloggab
01:19 - 03 Apr 13
01:20 - 03 Apr 13
Actually, yes I believe I am. RT @profkrg: @NHDaveH Are you following me? ;) #BlogGab
Never heard of @clickhost. How did you find them, why did you pick them? #BlogGab
01:21 - 03 Apr 13
01:21 - 03 Apr 13
@NHDaveH I found out about @ClickHost at WordCamp Atlanta...was able to meet them in person and discuss my needs face to face. #bloggab
@NHDaveH I blog because I love that it's mine. It's what I want to share. What I've learned and how it is applicable to my readers. #bloggab
01:22 - 03 Apr 13
01:23 - 03 Apr 13
I love @studiopress. No looking back from that decision. The child themes also have helped me practice my limited coding abilities. #bloggab
01:24 - 03 Apr 13
01:25 - 03 Apr 13
.@profkrg I've seriously considered using something like @StudioPress, but find it too intimidating. #bloggab
I'd love to say I'm fully confident to know all there is to know about the workings of a website, but I'd be lying. :) #bloggab
01:25 - 03 Apr 13
01:25 - 03 Apr 13
My current theme was about $50, I think. I'd love to go custom design some day, but just can't swing that kind of cost. #bloggab
+1 MT @patricksplace Id love to say Im fully confident to know all there is to know about the workings of a website but Id be lying #BlogGab
01:28 - 03 Apr 13
01:29 - 03 Apr 13
Aside from domains, hosting and themes, what else are we paying for where blogging is concerned? #bloggab
I pay for @HootsuitePro and @Crowdbooster to focus on marketing for my blog and social media. #bloggab
01:30 - 03 Apr 13
01:30 - 03 Apr 13
I pay for the @bufferapp upgrade because it's the easiest way to share as many items as I want. I schedule as I read. #bloggab
Oops...yeah, did that, too. LOL RT @profkrg: @patricksplace a lot of people pay for logo and/or header design. #bloggab
01:31 - 03 Apr 13
01:32 - 03 Apr 13
+1 RT @NHDaveH: I buy things to write about at times also bought a camera to get photos Not technically for blog but thats excuse #bloggab
.@profkrg Does the @BufferApp upgrade give you any kind of analytics? How do you feel about the premium features? #bloggab
01:33 - 03 Apr 13
01:33 - 03 Apr 13
I have also used SproutSocial, which is similar to Hootsuite. Loved Sprout's interface, but Hoot also works with G+. #bloggab
I tried Scribe because @MichaelHyatt recommends it, but I'm not sure I saw a big difference for the price. #bloggab
01:34 - 03 Apr 13
01:34 - 03 Apr 13
@patricksplace it gives you the same basic analytics. It just allows unlimited sharing for $10 a month. #bloggab
Ok! Hope it doesn't cost you too much. @NHDaveH: @MCTheWriter Not right now, but I will soon as I buy my own domain. #BlogGab
01:35 - 03 Apr 13
01:36 - 03 Apr 13
@patricksplace I didn't realize that @hootsuite works with G+. That's a bonus! Is there a Chrome toolbar extension? #bloggab
What do you mean by sharing many items?! I used Wordpress, so this is news to me. @profkrg: I pay for the @bufferapp #bloggab
01:37 - 03 Apr 13
01:37 - 03 Apr 13
For my blog's logo, which I also use on Facebook and other media, I used 99designs dot com. #bloggab
You can use their "logo store" and have the option to make it exclusively yours. #bloggab
01:37 - 03 Apr 13
01:38 - 03 Apr 13
Nice. RT @profkrg: you can schedule times and days of the week, including customizing times for specific days on @bufferapp. #bloggab
Good question re what we pay for @patricksplace Wondering if anyone purchases imagery? #bloggab
01:38 - 03 Apr 13
01:39 - 03 Apr 13
@MCTheWriter I use @bufferapp to schedule sharing of my blog posts and items I read online at various times on social media. #bloggab
01:39 - 03 Apr 13
01:39 - 03 Apr 13
+! RT @profkrg: @VanayeHamilton @patricksplace I hate paying for things I can do myself. Its just difficult to find the time. #bloggab
@patricksplace having @bufferapp in my Chrome toolbar for easy sharing is a big benefit for me. #bloggab
01:40 - 03 Apr 13
01:40 - 03 Apr 13
I use stock photography on my blog. Used to use istockphoto but their prices are too high. #bloggab
@patricksplace No, Scribe is an internal SEO optimizing tool. It helps you identify and use keywords, etc. #bloggab
angie_seattle @angie_seattle
01:40 - 03 Apr 13
01:41 - 03 Apr 13
@patricksplace I have used 99designs also. Artist was easy to work with for customization. #bloggab
For stock photography, I now use Stockfresh & Crestock. Smallest image size = $1 (or less depending on credits purchase). #bloggab
01:41 - 03 Apr 13
01:42 - 03 Apr 13
@patricksplace I think I looked at that site for ideas when I redesigned my site. #bloggab
Ah, ok...I'm using Yoast. (Free) RT @profkrg: Scribe is an internal SEO optimizing tool. It helps you identify & use keywords, etc. #bloggab
01:42 - 03 Apr 13
01:43 - 03 Apr 13
I have used iStock for my official site but prefer my own images including Instagram for my blog. #bloggab
.@VanayeHamilton I don't have an easy way in my theme to add a photo credit, so I try to avoid using those photos. #bloggab
01:44 - 03 Apr 13
01:44 - 03 Apr 13
It depends on the images you select. RT @Prakky: @profkrg @patricksplace Also @iStock can look impersonal - readers know. :) #bloggab
01:45 - 03 Apr 13
01:45 - 03 Apr 13
Usually better when practical! RT @profkrg: I like to use my own photos when I can. #bloggab
01:46 - 03 Apr 13
01:46 - 03 Apr 13
Any services you've tried and you felt just weren't worth the money? #bloggab
01:46 - 03 Apr 13
01:47 - 03 Apr 13
Agree. 98% of the pictures I use were taken and edited (sometimes) by me. @profkrg: I like to use my own photos when I can. #bloggab
Understood, but I prefer SOME images to all-text. RT @NHDaveH I prefer no images than "canned" ones. #bloggab
01:47 - 03 Apr 13
01:48 - 03 Apr 13
Canned?! @patricksplace: Understood, but I prefer SOME images to all-text. RT @NHDaveH I prefer no images than "canned" ones. #bloggab
I'm thinking that about Scribe. @patricksplace: Any services you've tried and you felt just weren't worth the money? #bloggab
01:49 - 03 Apr 13
01:50 - 03 Apr 13
.@MCTheWriter "Canned" photos means stock photography (as opposed to photos you take yourself) #bloggab
.@profkrg Give Yoast a shot...an SEO expert at WordCamp recommended it; I've been impressed. And $0 price is right! #bloggab
01:51 - 03 Apr 13
01:53 - 03 Apr 13
I'm looking for a reasonable blogging backup plugin/service. Anyone know of a good one (or affordable one)? #bloggab
01:54 - 03 Apr 13
01:58 - 03 Apr 13
That I wouldn't be buying! Too expensive for me. @patricksplace: Jetpack offers VaultPress at $15/month. Hate to pay that much. #bloggab
When I start getting pay for my post , I'll spend money on it. @patricksplace: @MCTheWriter #bloggab
01:59 - 03 Apr 13
02:04 - 03 Apr 13
LOL RT @MCTheWriter: When I start getting pay for my post , Ill spend money on it. @patricksplace: @MCTheWriter #bloggab #bloggab
Let's go for it! RT @VanayeHamilton: @patricksplace How to choose blog post topics? I would like to hear how others do it. ;-) #bloggab
Positive tweets
tweets Tweets from this category
potential reach
potential impact
tweets / user
01:09 - 03 Apr 13
01:16 - 03 Apr 13
.@NHDaveH Interesting. So you wouldn't want to try hosting your own site with a more basic plugin BEFORE expense of custom design? #bloggab
01:20 - 03 Apr 13
01:23 - 03 Apr 13
What's their price?! @patricksplace: I host with @ClickHost...great customer service and definitely affordable. #bloggab
Ok! Thank you.. Will check it out! @patricksplace: @MCTheWriter Here's their site: I'm on the $7.95/month plan...very reasonable. #bloggab
01:39 - 03 Apr 13
01:45 - 03 Apr 13
Great question! RT @Prakky: Good question re what we pay for @patricksplace Wondering if anyone purchases imagery? #bloggab
Ok! Thank you.. Definitely will give it a try. @profkrg: @MCTheWriter @bufferapp Yes! There's a free version you can try. #bloggab
02:01 - 03 Apr 13
02:04 - 03 Apr 13
That hour feels like it went by quickly! Thanks, everyone for coming to #Bloggab tonight. Any suggestions for next week? #bloggab
Thanks, everybody! Hope you have a great rest of the week! #bloggab
02:09 - 03 Apr 13
Thanks for hosting us, @patricksplace! Thanks, everybody! Hope you have a great rest of the week! #bloggab
Page 1: General Overview: This page shows at a glance the evolution and the global statistics of the session. Statistics Number of Tweets: Total number of Tweets sent during the session, RTs and replies included. It is shown below, a breakdown of the types of tweets: original tweets (those containing text only) tweets with links, retweets, conversations (tweets as part of a conversation between several users), check-ins and photos. - Number of users: Total number of users who participated in the session using the given hashtag. It also includes users who only sent RTs. - Potential Impact: Number of impressions of the hashtag, which is the number of times that people could have seen the hashtag. This is important because it tells you how many times it has been possible to visualize the hashtag. This number is calculated by multiplying the number of followers of each user by the number of number of Tweets and adding those results. Example: If a user sends 2 tweets and he has 100 followers, the number of impressions generated by the users would be 200. If another user sends 3 tweets and he has 50 followers, the number of impressions generated by this person would be 150 which would make a total of 350 impressions of the session. - Potential Reach: Number of users who have been unable to see the hashtag and could have been impacted by the hashtag. This number is calculated by adding all the followers of each user who participated in the session. Using the previous example, if the session had 2 users, one with 100 followers and the other one with 50, the reach will be 150 followers, regardless of the number of tweets sent. IMPORTANT: both the impact and reach are 'potential' because not everyone may have seen the hashtag and users can have other users in common. - Average number of Tweets per user: this number is the average of Tweets sent per each user. This number is calculated by dividing the number of tweets between the number of users who have participated. RTs included. - Average followers per user: the average number of followers that users of the session have. This figure indicates how influential are the participants in our session. Given that the average number of followers that a Twitter user has is about 250, you can calculate if participants in your session exceed that average. This number is calculated by dividing the sum of followers by the number of users who have participated. - Difference between Total Tweets and Tweets: The Total Tweets include RTs, links, replies, links and 'Tweets'. 'Tweets' are the ones containing only text. ChaRTs There are different types of graphs in the report Tweet Category: Temporal Evolution: shows the time evolution of the tweets sent by users. Tweet Category takes the first and last tweet and draws the timeline of the session. Thanks to this chart you will be able to identify the moment people tweeted the most or the least. Influence of Users: shows the influence of the users who participated in the session. On the vertical axis you will find the total number of users and on the horizontal one, the number of followers of those users. As we move to the right part of the graph you will see the users who have a greater number of followers and therefore influence. The higher the columns on the right, the higher influence of your users. User activity: shows the number of tweets sent by users. The vertical axis shows the number of tweets sent and the horizontal one the number of users who have participated. Page 2: Statistics of the categories: on this page you will find the detailed statistics for each category.
Rankings of categories: This ranking shows which categories have reached the top 5 according to several statistics. It is interesting to note that although a category may have a greater number of tweets that another one, it could have a minor number of impressions (lower impact). The rankings show the categories with the highest reach, impact, number of users, number of tweets and number of RTs.
ChaRTs: Impact by category: This graph shows which category has the highest number of impressions and therefore the highest impact. Tweets by category Chart: This chart shows which category has the highest number of total tweets. Users by category Chart: This chart shows which category has the highest number of users. Table of categories: This table shows detailed statistics for each category; these statistics are the same variables as the global statistics of the session but applied to each of the category. Thus you can see which category gets more impact, more users, and so on. It is worth taking a second to consider this table as very interesting conclusions can be obtained from it. Page 3: User Rankings Tweet Category offers different kinds of user rankings: Most active users: the ones who tweeted the most using the hashtag. RTs included. Most popular users: the ones who have the highest number of followers in the session. Users with the highest impact: the ones who generated the highest number of impressions. Most participative users: the ones who participated in more categories. Most retweeter users: the ones who sent the highest number of RTs. Most original users: the ones who sent the highest number of original tweets (No RTs).