Mark Chapter 9b

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Jesus speaks about his death for the second time


v30 They went on from there through Galilee. Jesus did not want anyone to know where they were. v31 This was because he was teaching his *disciples. He told them, They will hand the Son of Man over to men. They will kill him. After three days he will rise from death. v32 But they did not understand what he meant. And they were afraid to ask him. Verses 30-31 The period when Jesus was teaching publicly in Galilee was over. He wanted to avoid crowds so that he could train his *disciples. Hand over means that someone would make it possible for the authorities to arrest Jesus. The words hand over might also mean that God would allow Jesus to die. That was the only means by which God could *save people. Verse 32 The *disciples were too frightened to ask Jesus to explain. On a previous occasion, Jesus had told them that he would suffer. They had opposed the idea then and Jesus had blamed them. Perhaps they did not want to risk such a severe reply again (8:32-33). They might also have learned something worse, and perhaps they preferred not to know.

Real greatness 9:33-37

v33 They came to Capernaum. When he was in the house, Jesus asked his *disciples, What were you talking about on the way? v34 But they kept quiet because, on the way, they had argued. They had argued about which *disciple was the most important. v35 Jesus sat down and he called the 12 men to come to him. Then he said, If you want to be first, you must be last of all. You must be everyones servant. v36 Jesus took a child and he made the child stand among them. Then he took the child in his arms. He said to them, v37 Anyone who welcomes (gives a welcome to) one of these little children in my name welcomes me. And anyone who welcomes me does not welcome me only. He welcomes the Person who sent me. Verses 33-34 Perhaps some of the *disciples were jealous of the three men who had been alone on the mountain with Jesus. But they were all still thinking about a political *kingdom in which Jesus would give them important places. Jesus had taught them that he would suffer. And he would die. But that had not changed their wrong idea about the *Messiahs purpose. The *disciples kept quiet because they were ashamed to tell Jesus. Verse 35 *Jewish teachers sat to teach their pupils. The fact that Jesus sat down showed that he was going to teach his *disciples. If they wanted greatness in his *kingdom, they must not try to take the most important place. They must not be proud and expect to be the masters. They must be willing to serve everyone. Verse 36 In order to emphasise this need for service, Jesus acted a *parable. He used a little child as an example. The *Aramaic word talya can mean both child and servant. Children have no power and they have to depend on the help of adults. The *disciples must serve even little children. But children includes all people who are weak and in need of help. Paul said, As for the man who is weak in *faith, give him a welcome (Romans 14:1). Verse 37 In my name means with my authority and for me. Humble service is service to Jesus himself. As you did it to one of the least .... you did it to me (Matthew 25:40). Jesus was working for God, who had sent him. Therefore, whenever people serve him, they are serving God. There were already arguments in the early church about leadership when Mark was writing his book. Mark probably recorded this incident for that reason.

When to accept other people


This passage has a link with the previous one because it also contains the phrase in my name.

v38 John said to Jesus, Teacher, we saw a man who was sending out evil *spirits in your name. We told him to stop because he was not a member of our group. v39 But Jesus said, Do not stop him. Nobody who does such a powerful work in my name will soon after be able to speak against me. v40 Anyone who is not against us is on our side. v41 I tell you the truth. Perhaps someone will give you even a cup of water to drink because you are *disciples of Christ. That person will certainly receive a reward. Verses 38-39 John spoke for himself and the other *disciples. The man was not in their group. So, they told him to stop sending evil *spirits out of people in the name of Jesus. Some *Jews in Ephesus tried to use the name of Jesus whom Paul *preaches. They failed. They thought that Jesus name might be a magic way to send an evil *spirit out of a person (Acts 19:13-16). But Jesus told the *disciples not to stop a man with *faith who was working for him. Christians should be glad when other people are successful. They should not be jealous of those who *worship and serve God in a different way. Verse 40 A man is either on Christs side or against him. When he is doing good deeds, he is on Gods side. Verse 41 A person may give help to a *disciple of Christ. God will reward that person. A cup of water shows that the help need not be in an important matter. It can be a small act of kindness.

Jesus warns against *temptation

Jesus warns us about two things: 1 We must not cause other people to *sin 2 We must be strict with ourselves

verse 42. verses 43-50.

v42 It will be terrible for anyone who causes one of these young believers to *sin. It would be better for him if someone put a large mill-stone round his neck. People would then throw him into the sea. v43-44 If your hand causes you to *sin, cut it off. It would be better for you to enter life with only one hand than to go to *Gehenna with two hands. That is where the fire never goes out. v45-46 If your foot causes you to *sin, cut it off. You do not want God to throw you into *Gehenna with both your feet. To enter into life on one foot is better than that. v47 If your eye causes you to do wrong things, pull it out. You do not want God to throw you into *Gehenna with your two eyes. To enter the *kingdom of God with one eye is better than that. v48 There the worm (small long thin animal) does not die and the fire never goes out. v49 Fire will salt everyone. v50 Salt is good. But if it loses its true salt taste, you can never make its flavour come back. Have salt in yourselves and live at peace with each other. Verse 42 The *disciples are responsible for those who are young *spiritually as well as for children. It is better to drown than to make a child or a young or weak Christian *sin. A *disciple must be careful about what he teaches. A *disciples bad or careless behaviour may make a young believer imitate him. *Disciples must not cause young believers to lose their *faith. They must not do it by what they teach. And they must not do it by their example. To drown someone with a large weight round his neck was a way to punish people in those days. A mill-stone turned wheat into flour. A large mill-stone was a big round stone with a hole in the middle. A *donkey pulled the stone round over the wheat by a bar of wood through the hole. If someone put a persons head through the hole of this heavy stone, he would certainly drown.

Verses 43-48 The hand, the foot and the eye can cause a *disciple to do wrong things. The fruit that *tempted Eve was a delight to the eyes (Genesis 3:6). It is possible to do something or to go somewhere which may cause you to *sin. Jesus did not mean that a *disciple must remove parts of his *physical body. He was using picture language. *Disciples must be willing to *sacrifice anything that stops their *spiritual life from growing. The *sacrifice may be as painful as it would be to lose a limb. Christians do not only have to give up bad things. Often, they have to give up good things as well. It may be a job, a pleasure or a friendship. It will not be the same for each *disciple. Each *disciple must decide for himself what may be preventing him from obeying God completely. To enter life and to enter the *kingdom mean the same. Life is to enjoy a friendship with God by giving him honour as king. *Gehenna was the name of a valley outside Jerusalem that had become the citys rubbish heap. Worms (small long thin animals) lived on the rubbish, and a fire was always burning there. These words about worms and fire come from Isaiah 66:24. *Gehenna was such a terrible place that the *Jews started to use the name for a place of punishment. It was a place where God would destroy wicked people. People usually translate the word *Gehenna as hell. Verses 49-50 contain three separate things that Jesus said about salt. Jesus may have given them on separate occasions. But together they remind his *disciples of the necessity of pure lives that will help themselves and other people. 1 The *Jews put salt on a gift to God (Leviticus 2:13). It was a sign of the agreement between God and his people. *Disciples should remember to be loyal to God. Also, fire makes things clean and pure. It might therefore mean any experience that makes a Christian pure. We should obey God and we should accept pain and trouble. That is like the fire that makes a Christian life a pure gift to God. 2 Salt gives food flavour. It also prevents things going off. The *disciples of Jesus should make a difference to the world. It should be a better place to live in, as salt gives food a better taste. They should also stop wrong things that are making society bad. Salt that came from the Dead Sea sometimes had other substances in it. Although it looked like salt, it had lost its proper salt taste. Some *disciples may lose their desire to give Gods message. Then they are of no use as the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13). 3 People who were together sometimes put salt on their food as a sign. It was a sign that they trusted each other. Jesus said that the *disciples must have the salt of friendship. He may have said it when they were arguing with each other.

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