Sleeping Pattern Among Students Report
Sleeping Pattern Among Students Report
Sleeping Pattern Among Students Report
1.1 Background Information & Review 1.2 Objectives of the Study 1.3 Methodology 1.3.1 Sampling 1.3.2 Instrumentation 1.3.3 Data Collection 1.3.4 Data Analysis and Discussion of Findings
Appendix A: Sample Questionnaire Appendix B: Sample Responses Appendix C: Articles Appendix D: Drafts
1.1 Background Information & Review Sleep Patterns and the Effect on Theirs Academic Performance. Sleep is a complex process with many stages including drowsiness, moderate sleep, deep restorative sleep and dream sleep. Sleep can be beneficial or give drawbacks to peoples lives. According to Dr. Van Cauter (n.d.), a professor of medicine at the University of Chicago, chronic sleep loss may increase the severity of age-related ailments such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and memory loss. This shown that sleep patterns can give negative side effects on a person. Based on our observation, this problem is also quite rampant in Pahang Matriculation College (KMPH). Sleeping at late night and also sleeping all day has become a habit of some students. They gave excuses like feeling tired, not enough time finishing assignments and so on. A North Western University study of 500 preschoolers found that those whose slept less than 10 hours in 24-hour period including daytime naps were 25% more likely to misbehavior problems, such as aggression and oppositional or non compliant behaviour. In view of the problem, we feel that it is timely and important to explore into this matter so that we can know what is the main factor of this problem and does it really effects KMPH students. Thus, this study is carried out to identify the sleep pattern among the KMPH students, to find out the reason of the sleep pattern and the achievement of the students on their academic performance. 1.2 Objectives of the Study The objectives of this study are: 1. To investigate the sleep pattern among the KMPH students. 2. To find out the reasons of the sleep pattern. 3. To analyses the KMPH students achievements in their academic performance. 1.3 Methodology 1.3.1 Sampling The subjects of this study were 50 KMPH students consisting of 12 students from Physical Science course, 27 students from Life Science course, and 11 students from Accountancy course. The respondents comprised 10 male and 40 female students from various ethnicity and different socio-economic background.
1.3.2 Instrumentation The survey instrument for this study is a set of questionnaire. A total of 50 sets of questionnaires were distributed to 50 KMPH students to gain information about their sleep pattern. The questionnaire is divided into three sections. Part A consists of seven items which focuses on the sleep pattern and the factors of their sleep pattern. Part B consists of ten items that implies their opinion about sleeping. Part C consists of four items which elicit the students background information; namely the gender, race, course and examination result. 1.3.3 Data Collection The data were collected by researchers at Pahang Matriculation College. A number of 50 respondents were involved in this study. The data collection involved only one phase; distributing the questionnaire to the respondents and covered the span of only a day. Prior to answering the questionnaire, the responding were given a short briefing on the purpose of study. Each item in the questionnaire was explained to the respondents. Other than that, explanation on how to respond to the questionnaire was also given to avoid difficulty in understanding on part of the respondents. 1.3.4 Data Analysis and Discussion of Findings The researchers checked through all 50 respondents questionnaires. The data were in the form of responding to either strongly disagree, disagree, agree or strongly agree as well as in the form of score with the numeric scale of 1 to 6. In this study, the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The responses in the questionnaires were tabulated, percentages calculated and the results were presented in forms of graphs and charts as well as textual discussions.
Figure 1: Students Hours of Sleeping Analysis of Data Figure 1 shows that 10% of KMPH students sleep less than 2 hours during weekends. 30% of them sleep 2-5 hours per day and 14% of them sleep 2-5 hours on weekends. The highest percentage is sleeping 6-8 hours per day which contribute to 62% and 46% for 6-8 hours on weekends. Next, 6% of students sleep 9-11 hours per day and 14% of students sleep 9-11 hours during weekends. Then, 14% of the students spent more than 11 hours of their days for sleeping during weekends. The smallest percentage is 2% which present for not sleep at all per day and all sleeping during weekends. Discussion of Findings The majority of KMPH students sleep 6-8 hours during weekdays and weekends. This is because they need to prepare for their lessons on the next day. They need enough rest and energy to gain their knowledge, so that it can give improvement towards their academic performance. This is also proven by Joy Paquin, (n.d.), a teacher and co-author of Brain Based Learning with Class who says, Children who dont get enough rapid eye movement (REM) sleep have trouble concentrating during the school day. The minority is not having enough sleep and oversleeping. This is maybe due to the last minute studying. The remaining are mostly sleep 2-5 hours.
Entertainment, 28%
Figure 2: Reasons of Sleeping Late Analysis of Data Based on Figure 2, 60% of KMPH students sleep late because of study problems. Then, 28% of them are giving entertainment as the reasons. The rest of them which are 4% who mentioned having health problem, go socializing and others. Discussion of Findings The majority of KMPH students choose study problems as their reason of sleeping late. This is maybe due to the last minute studying, finishing assignment and doing revision. The minority of them are having health problem, go socializing and others. This is probably that the students are suffering from insomnia and stress. This is proven by Dr. Avi Sadeh, At Tel Aviv University, (n.d.), who says who tended to focus on their emotions and anxiety during the high-stress period were more likely to shorten their sleep, while those who tended to ignore emotions and focus on tasks extended their sleep and shut themselves off from stress.
2.00 a.m. 1.00 a.m. 12.00 a.m. 11.00 p.m. 10.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 12.00 p.m. 11.00 a.m. 6.00 a.m. 0% 2% 2% 5% 10% 15% 4% 4% 4% 8% 10%
Figure 3: Time Students go to Sleep Time Night Late Night Evening Noon Gap between 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. on class weekdays Early in the Morning Ranking 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Figure 4: Preferred Time to Sleep Analysis of Data Figure 3 shows the time for KMPH students go to sleep. The largest percentage of students goes to sleep is at 12.00 a.m. which is 40%. The second highest percentage is 16% at 2.00 a.m. and 10% at 1.00 a.m. for the third highest percentage. While, 8% of KMPH students go to bed at 12.00 p.m. 4% of them go to bed at 4 p.m., 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. The remaining 2% sleep at 6 a.m. and 11 a.m. Figure 4 indicates that night time is in the first rank for the KMPH students preferable time for sleeping. Late night and evening were ranked second and third respectively. The fourth place and fifth places were filled by noon time and the gap between 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. during class weekdays. The last place was presented by early in the morning for them to sleep. Discussion of Findings Based on Figure 3, the majority of the KMPH students sleep at 12 a.m. This is maybe due to the last minute studying, finishing assignment and doing revision. Most of the students only have their free time during night time. Their class ended late evening and they felt very tired at that time. Thus, the only time for doing revision is only at night. The minority of the KMPH students go to sleep early in the morning. This maybe due to they sleep late because finishing their assignments. Based on Figure 4 the time they preferred to sleep were complements to their actual time of sleeping. Most of them sleep at late night although they prefer to sleep at night time than in the late night. This probably caused them for having obstacle in managing their sleeping time due to their assignments demanding.
Sleeping 24%
Figure 6: Semester 1 Cumulative Grade Point Average (PSPM 1 CGPA) Analysis of Data Figure 5 shows the favourite activities done by KMPH students during weekends. Study is the most frequent activities they did on weekends which carry 44% of the percentage. The next activity done is sleeping (24%). Social networking gives out 20%. 12% is presented by others such as watching television. Figure 6 indicates the PSPM 1 CGPA of the KMPH students. 82% of the KMPH students get 3.01 4.00 for their PSPM 1 result. Another 18% obtained 2.01 3.00 in their PSPM 1. Discussion of Findings Based on Figure 5 the majority of KMPH students are studying during weekends and sleeping is also the other activity that usually done by them. This shows that studying and sleeping should be balance equally so that our learning strategy is functioning effectively. They also think that sleeping can reduce their stress level but oversleeping is wasting their time that they should spend on studying. The result obtained by the KMPH students is quite excellent based on Figure 6 which majority of them was getting the highest result.
This probably shows that the KMPH students have managed their sleep pattern wisely and balance their time between studying and getting enough rest. The remaining of them were getting lower results probably because of their sleep pattern is not suitable.
Items a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) I like to sleep I like to sleep during lecture hour I get enough sleep everyday Sleeping make me feel refreshed and can give improvement towards academic performance Reduce my stress level Cause me to feel more tired and dizzy I feel lazy to start my revision and thus continue my beauty sleep Sleeping is wasting my time that I should spend on studying. Reduce my academic performance Sleeping is the best activity in the world Table 1: Opinion on Sleep Pattern Analysis of Data
Disagree 12% 72% 52% 12% 14% 66% 52% 40% 70% 34%
Agree 88% 28% 48% 88% 86% 34% 48% 60% 30% 66%
Table 1 shows the opinion of KMPH students about their sleep pattern. 88% of the students like to sleep. Next, 72% of them disagree that they like to sleep during lecture hour. They also disagree about not getting enough sleep everyday (52%). 88% agree that sleeping can make them feel refreshed and can give improvement towards their academic performance. They also agree that sleeping can reduce their stress level (86%). However, 66% of them disagree that sleep cause them to feel tired and dizzy. Moreover, 52%of the KMPH students also disagree that sleeping make them feel lazy to start their revision and thus continuing their sleep. They agree that sleeping is wasting their time and they should study rather than sleeping (60%). Apart from that, 70% of them disagree that sleeping can reduce their academic performance. Lastly, 66% of the KMPH students agree that sleeping is the best activity in the world. Discussion of Findings The majority of KMPH students agree that sleeping is their favourite activity. This is maybe due to that they are feeling tired as they were learning for the whole day. They also think that sleeping can reduce their stress level, feel refreshed and give improvement towards their academic performance. This is because sleeping is the best way for them to reduce stress in studying. This is proven by Dr. Alexandros N. Vgontzas (n.d.) who says,
It is not just because of what they worried about. Rather its due to increase vulnerability of sleep to stress hormones.
Wikipedia. (n.d.). Sleep. Retrieved from
(29 November 2010) Science Daily. (May 13, 2008). College Student Sleep Patterns Could Be Detrimental. Retrieved from Health Tree. (2010). Normal Sleep Patterns and the Stages of Sleep. Retrieved from
Appendix C: Articles
Appendix D: Drafts