LazyBot evolution
Welcome to the LazyBot Manual. In it you will find all information on how to successfully use LazyBot.
English World of Warcraft client!
Retail World of Warcraft server!
No addons!
.Net framework 3.5
Reset Keybindings
Press ESC
Select "Key Binding"
Press "Reset to Default" text.
Tip: If you do not want to reset you keybindings create a copy of you wow installation and use it for botting
Warning: If you continue without resetting you keybindings the bot may not function correctly.
Advanced users: The most common keys can be changed in the settings after this wizard are done. The rest
of the keys used by LazyBot are located in Settings\Keys.xml file.
Note: LazyBot does not use Click To Move to navigate the game world. This makes the movement a bit
more unprecise as LazyBot simulates keypresses like if a real player where controlling the character. This do
however make LazyBot harder to detect by Warden.
Auto loot
Press ESC
Select Interface
Select Controls
Enable Auto Loot.
Flying engine
You can access the settings using the "Engine settings":
Loading a profile:
Please note that LazyBot does not know how to land on the ground instead of the water. Your profile
should be made so that the waypoints is in the air above solid ground.
The profile used for fishing should have a waypoints distance of 20 and the waypoints should be located
above solid ground.
Grinding engine
The grinding engine is what you want to use to level your char from 1-85.
The grinding engine uses a type of profile called a graph profile. The graph profile is a replacement of
waypoint navigation.
As I've previously mentioned a graph is a web of nodes, spots and POIs. You define three points and they
are connected through paths (= a triangle). You add another node -> Two additional paths are added (two
existing points -> new point) and so on.
By adding four points close enough to each other there will be six paths the bot can travel on (a rectangular
and cross-like shape).
To give you an imagination how a graph could look like, take a look at a graph I made at Dwarf starting
The green dots are Spots defined in the sub profiles - they are the once the bot will try to visit.
How to? - Theory
- Define a fine map around the borders of the designated area
- Define spots where mob spawns are
How does the bot decide which spot to check next?
- If you enable "Follow Spots in order" it will take the spots in the order you place them, it the option is
disabled it will use a random generator to select a spot.
My bot skips some spots
- Just try to setup additional meshes around your green spots. Try to have at least one path through your
My vendor path does not work
- Same as above, give the bot alternative paths and check that all points / paths are connected to your
grinding area
My bot gets stuck very often!
- Try to avoid areas with many obstacles like rocks, trees, graves etc. and make sure you define very precise
routes around obstacles. Check your Graph for points that could be the reason for this behavior.