National Instructional Programmes Engineering BTELNPEN

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2. National Instructional Programmes: Engineering 2.

Medium of instruction

PLEASE NOTE: The examination papers for most of the study units will be available in English only. This will apply to those study units where the course material and tutorial letters are available in English only.


Availability of study units

Study units marked with an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?) are currently being developed and were not available when this calendar went to press. However, the study material may become available during the year. Students are therefore requested to enquire about the availability, should such a subject be required.


Requirements for Information Technology related study units

Computer facilities are prerequisites for students enrolling for any of the Information Technology related study units. Students must have access to computer facilities or have their own computer with the specic software they will require. Use the following as a guideline to ensure that you have the minimum computer conguration (or higher): an IBMTM compatible machine using a Windows 2000/NT/XP operating system. 20GB harddisk drive 128MB RAM Colour SVGA screen with 4MB controller A mouse Stiy drive CD-ROM drive (54 speed)/ DVD drive Printer (Deskjet or Laser Printer) Access to e-mail facilities and occasional Internet accesses on rst year level Access to e-mail and Internet facilities on higher levels NB Please note that less than the mentioned minimum conguration will not be sucient.

2.10 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: Electrical (Programme code: BTELN) A

One of the following: (i) National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical (S4) with Mathematics III OR (ii) National Diploma In Electrical Engineering (T3) with Mathematics III PLUS the Bridging Subject: Design Project III (DPJ391U) OR (iii) National Higher Diploma in Electrical Engineering (T4) with Mathematics III, PLUS the Bridging Subject: Design Project III (DPJ391U) OR (iv) equivalent relevant qualication. Table B lists all the study units from which a complete curriculum for the degree can be composed. The following minimum requirements for the degree should be met: 1. Compulsory study units: IPR401E Industrial Project IV EMT401E Engineering Mathematics IV A further minimum of 0.6 credits for study units from table B (***). A maximum of 0.2 credits towards the degree may be taken from any of the other instructional oerings in Engineering at level IV.

Admission requirements

2. ***

Purpose and outcomes of qualication

Students will be competent to design, implement and control production, testing, planning, construction, commissioning and maintenance in the eld of Electrical Engineering by applying technical knowledge, engineering principles, innovative design, problem-solving techniques and managerial skills. They will be capable of exercising independent technological judgement and responsible decision making by taking into account the relevant nancial, economic, commercial, social, environmental and statutory factors. A qualied person will be able to register with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) as a Professional Technologist in the eld of Electrical Engineering.


Specic exit level outcomes and associated assessment criteria for this qualication are available in separate internal departmental documents.

Subject prerequisites and co-requisites

Refer to table B for the prerequisites and co-requisites for each subject. A pre-requisite subject is a subject that must be passed before the student can enrol for another subject. A co-requisite implies that the student must register for these study units together with the subject under consideration.

Compulsory subject: Industrial Project IV

Since the subject Industrial Project IV is based on theoretical knowledge gained at BTech level, it is required that at least four technical electrical study units on the BTech level be registered for before registration for Industrial Project IV is allowed.

Practical study units

The student must register for the practical and related theoretical study units simultaneously. Registration fees are payable for all the practical study units. The student can do the practical work either in his/her working environment or attend a practical workshop (ONLY in Gauteng). More details are given in the tutorial letters.

Industrial project IV

Industrial Project IV is the project subject of the BTech: Engineering: Electrical integrating and applying various technologies. This subject is also based on solving an industry-related problem. Students have to identify a suitable mentor in the working environment and together with the mentor identify a eld of study that nds application in his/her working environment. Due to the industrial nature of the subject UNISA cannot provide a student with a project or a mentor. The eld of study as well as the mentor will be approved by a UNISA supervisor. The eld of study forms the basis for the rst stage of the project namely a literature study. During this phase the student familiarises him/herself with all relevant technologies in the eld. Only in the next stage will the student together with his/her mentor and based on the literature study dene a specic project title. The actual project then commences under the supervision of the UNISA supervisor and the guidance of the mentor. Progress reports form the basis of evaluating the students progress and providing the necessary supervision. The nal evaluation takes the form of a presentation which is evaluated by a panel of experts from Unisa and industry according to the standards required by the Engineering Council of South Africa.

Prescribed books

The books prescribed for each subject are specied in the rst tutorial letter of each subject. Tutorial letters are also available on myUnisa.

Suggested curricula

Any non-compulsory study units can be chosen in the composition of a curriculum, as long as the minimum requirements are met. The curriculum would however normally be composed in order to prepare the student for a specic eld of specialisation. Suggested elds of specialisation for curricula are the following: 1. Computer Systems 2. Power Engineering 3. Process Instrumentation 4. Telecommunication 5. Clinical Engineering There are other elds of specialisation for which curriculums can be composed. Refer to table B for alternative study units.

2.10.2 Power Engineering (Programme code: BTELN PEN) 1.


Suggested curriculum

1. IPR401E Industrial Project IV

Design Project III and 4 level IV technical electrical study units. See par. F



Engineering Mathematics Mathematics III IV (MAT301W)



Electrical Engineering III & Electrical Protection III Theory & Practical (ELE391X and ELE3PRA) Electrical Protection III Theory & Practical (ELM381Z and ELM3PRA) Electrical Protection III Theory & Practical (ELM381Z and ELM3PRA) Electrical Machines III Theory & Practical (EMM371R and EMM3PRA) Electrical Engineering III Theory & Practical (ELE391X and ELE3PRA) and Electrical Distribution III Theory & Practical (ELD371R and ELD3PRA) Power Electronics III Theory & Practical (PCE3PRA and PCE361U) Control Systems III and Digital Systems II - Theory & Practical (DIG221X and DIG2PRA) Control Systems III - Theory & Practical (CSY391S and CSY3PRA)



High Voltage Engineering IV (Theory) HVE4PRA High Voltage Engineering IV (Practical) PRT401E PRT4PRA Protection Technology IV (Theory) Protection Technology IV (Practical)




Electrical Protection IV (Theory) ELM4PRA Electrical Protection IV (Practical) EMM401E Electrical Machines IV (Theory) EMM4PRA Electrical Machines IV (Practical) PSY401E PSY4PRA Power Systems IV (Theory) Power Systems IV (Practical)





Power Electronics IV (Theory) Power Electronics IV (Practical) Digital Control Systems IV (Theory) or Control Systems IV (Theory) Control Systems IV (Practical)



10. ECT401E ECT4PRA 11. OPE401E OPE4PRA 12. CAN401E

Electronics IV (Theory) Electronics III Theory & Electronics IV (Practical) Practical (ECT381A and ECT3PRA) Opto-Electronics IV (Theory) Opto-Electronics IV (Practical) Electronics III Theory & Practical (ECT381A and ECT3PRA) Mathematics III (MAT301W)

Circuit Analysis IV (Theory) CAN4PRA Circuit Analysis IV (Practical) Entrepreneurship IV or Engineering Management IV

13. ENT401I ENM401E

The project for Entrepreneurship IV must be engineering-oriented.

A total of eight study units must be passed.

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