Self Control and Discipline
Self Control and Discipline
Self Control and Discipline
of Rev 1:5,6 Jesus Christ has made us kings and priests unto God. The function kings is to rule and govern. One area of rule is over our own lives. To rule in our own lives for God. 2. 3. Rom 5:17 God has given us, in Christ, abundance of grace, and the gift of righteousness so that we might reign in our own lives for God. God calls us to rule over self and this is sometimes called temperance or self control, or self discipline, 2Pet 1:5-7, Tit 1:8, Ac 24:25. A disciple is one under discipline. Gal 5:23 mentions the fruit of the Spirit and one of these is self-control or temperance. This is the God given ability to rule over your life, (body, soul, and spirit), for God. The meaning of self control or temperance is inward strength, given to us by God, to enable us to rule over our whole being, so that it is purposefully directed towards the fulfilling of Gods Will and the ministry He has called us to. 1Cor 9:24-27 and Rom 12:1 urges us to rule over our own body and its desires. We are all in the race of life, and to win the race and gain the prize, Mat 25:21, we need to bring our body and its desires under the rule of Gods Word and the Holy Spirit. In the natural, the athlete will discipline his eating, sleeping, drinking, exercise, training, reading, social life, thinking and thought life, towards the goal of winning the race or game. In the race of life we can all win. There is only one competitor in our race, and thats me, but we have to exercise discipline over our whole life to win, and overcome the flesh, the world, and the devil, Rom 8:5-8. In 1Cor 10:1-11, the Word describes the results of the Israelites failure to exercise self control. 2Cor 10:5 speaks of controlling our minds and what we think about. Col 3:2, Is 26:3, Phil 4:8, Rom 12:2, Eph 4:23. Job 31:1 is an area of self discipline for every young man, I have made a covenant with my eyes that I will not look lustfully upon a young maid. Mat 5:28 - Rule over what you look at. The discipline of our eyes and what we look at is a key to progress in the way of the Lord. We have to avoid looking at worthless things, scenes of violence, immorality and the occult, Is 33:15b. This eliminates a lot of TV and video, magazines, and media in general. Our eyes are the windows of the soul. Keep your eyes from beholding evil and focus them on what is pure and clean, Ezek 44:23.
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Lk 9:23 - To be a disciple of Jesus, He calls us to rule over self will, and choose His Will instead. Pro 25:28 - Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down without walls. Not only must we rule over body and soul but also over our spirit area, 1Cor 14:32. Christians can become influenced spiritually by false spiritual influences. There are deceiving spirits, false prophets, familiar spirits that can pretend to be departed loved ones and so on, which must be resisted strongly in Jesus Name. Jesus had to rule in this realm of the spirit. Mat 4:3,4,6,7,8-10,1Pet 5:8,9, 1Tim 4:1. 1Jn 4:1-4 says test the spirits. 1Cor 12:10 tells us of the gift of discerning of spirits. If we do not rule over own our spirits by the truth of Gods Word and the Holy Spirit, then unholy evil spirits will bring us into their captivity, and deception, Pro 25:28 e.g. JWs. Pro 16:32 - He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city. 1Cor 6:12 - Rule in your life over things that are not profitable or they will control you. I knew a man, who, in his first job, was invited by his workmates to the pub for a drink after work, before heading home. He said that after doing this for a few days the thought of going to the pub after work, started to dominate his desires and thoughts right through the day. He could not think of anything else. Realising that he was being taken over in his mind and desires, and was losing control of life, he took the step of refusing to go to the pub any longer. After an inward battle he won through to freedom (not just for himself but also for his wife and family). So we have covered the need for each one of us to rule over our own lives in the areas of our body, soul (mind, will, emotions), and spirit. Pro 29:11 - A fool vents all his feelings but a wise man holds them back.