Instability of A Nonlinear Differential Equation of Fifth Order With Variable Delay

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 68 2012

Instability of a nonlinear differential equation of fth order with variable delay

Cemil Tunc

AbstractIn this paper, we study the instability of the zero solution to a nonlinear differential equation with variable delay. By using the Lyapunov functional approach, some sufcient conditions for instability of the zero solution are obtained. KeywordsInstability, Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, delay differential equation, fth order.

We write Eq. (2) in system form as follows x = y, y = z, z = w, w = u, u = a1 u a2 w g (y )z h(x(t (t)), ..., u(t (t)))

I. I NTRODUCTION Study on the instability of fth order non-linear differential equations without delay is not a new topic. Signicant results in this direction have been obtained by Ezeilo ([2]-[4]), Li and Duan [7], Li and Yu [8], Sadek [9], Sun and Hou [10], Tiryaki [11], Tunc ([12], [13]), Tunc and Erdogan [19], Tunc and Karta [20] and Tunc and S evli [21] on instability for some fth order nonlinear differential equations without delay. Throughout all of these papers, based on Krasovskiis properties (see Krasovskii [6]), the Lyapunovs second (or direct) method has been used as a basic tool to prove the results established therein. This method is one of the powerful and fruitful techniques that has over the years, gained increasing signicance in studying qualitative behavior of solutions of differential equations. However, to the best of our knowledge from the literature, an author has considered instability of the solutions of fth order non-linear differential equations with varying time delays (see Tunc [14]-[18])). Thus, it is worthwhile to continue to investigate the instability of the solutions of fth order non-linear differential equations with varying time delays in this case. It is worth mentioning that in 1979, Ezeilo [3] proved an instability theorem to the fth order nonlinear differential equation without delay

f (x) +
t (t)

f (x(s))y (s)ds,


where a1 and a2 are some positive constants, (t) is variable delay, the primes in Eq. (2) denote differentiation with respect to t, t + = [0, ); g, h and f are continuous functions in their arguments on , 5 and , respectively, and with f (0) = 0. The continuity of these functions is a sufcient condition for the existence of the solution of Eq. (2) (see [1], pp.14). It is also assumed that g, h and f satisfy a Lipschitz condition in their respective arguments so that the uniqueness of solutions of Eq. (2) is guaranteed (see [1], pp.15). We assume in what follows that f is also differentiable, and x(t), y (t), z (t), w(t) and u(t) are abbreviated as x, y, z, w and u, respectively. The motivation for the current paper comes from the works of Ezeilo [3] and Tunc ([14]-[18]). Our results extend and improve the results obtained by Ezeilo [3] for the instability of the zero solution of Eq. (2). Furthermore our result complements existing results on qualitative behavior of solutions of fth order nonlinear differential equations. In the following theorem, we give basic idea of the method about the instability of solutions of ordinary differential equations. The following theorem, due to the Russian mathematician N. G. Cetaevs (see LaSalle and Lefschetz [5]).

x(5) +a1 x(4) +a2 x +g (x )x +h(x, x , x , x , x(4) )+f (x) = 0. Theorem A (Instability Theorem of Cetaevs). Let be (1) a neighborhood of the origin. Let there be given a function In this paper, instead of Eq. (1), we consider nonlinear V (x) and region 1 in with the following properties: (i) V (x) has continuous rst partial derivatives in 1 . differential equation of the fth order with variable deviating (x) are positive in 1 . (ii) V (x) and V argument (t) : (iii) At the boundary points of 1 inside , V (x) = 0. (iv) The origin is a boundary point of 1 . x(5) + a1 x(4) + a2 x + g (x )x Under these conditions the origin is unstable. +h(x(t (t)), x (t (t)), ..., x(4) (t (t))) Let r 0 be given, and let C = C ([r, 0], n ) with +f (x(t (t))) = 0. (2) = max |(s)|, C.
r s0

C. Tunc is with the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Y uz unc u Yl University, 65080, Van-Turkey, e-mail: Manuscript received xxx; revised xxx.

For H > 0 dene CH C by CH = { C : < H }.


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 68 2012

If x : [r, A) n is continuous, 0 < A , then, for each t in [0, A), xt in C is dened by xt (s) = x(t + s), r s 0, t 0. Let G be an open subset of C and consider the general autonomous delay differential system with nite delay x = F (xt ), xt = x(t + ), r 0, t 0, where F : G n is a continuous and maps closed and bounded sets into bounded sets. It follows from these conditions on F that each initial value problem x = F (xt ), x0 = G has a unique solution dened on some interval [0, A), 0 < A . This solution will be denoted by x()(.) so that x0 () = . Denition. The zero solution, x = 0, of x = F (xt ) is stable if for each > 0 there exists = () > 0 such that < implies that |x()(t)| < for all t 0. The zero solution is said to be unstable if it is not stable. II. M AIN RESULTS Our main result is the following theorem. Theorem. In addition to the basic assumptions imposed on the functions g, h and f that appear in Eq. (2), we assume that there exist non-zero constants a2 , a4 , a5 , M0 and M such that the following conditions hold: a4 > 1 2 a , f (0) = 0, f (x) = 0 when x = 0, |f (x)| |a5 | , 4 2 h(x(t (t)), 0, ..., u(t (t))) = 0, yh(x(t (t)), ..., u(t (t))) a4 y 2 . If 1 , sup (t) < 4 M M |a5 | 0 0t<

for all sufciently small > 0, which veries the property (K1 ) of Krasovskii [6]. Using the Lyapunov functional V and (3), the time derivative of V yields that V = M yh(x(t (t)), ..., u(t (t))) + M w2 +(a2 M + 1)yw + z 2 M y
t t (t)

f (x(s))y (s)ds

(t)y 2 + (1 (t))

t t (t)

y 2 (s)ds.

(5) Using the assumptions of the theorem and applying the estimate 2 |mn| m2 + n2 , we get the following estimates for some terms included in (5): yh(x(t (t)), ..., u(t (t))) a4 y 2 , M y
t t (t)

f (x(s))y (s)ds

M |y |

t (t)

|f (x(s))| |y (s)| ds
t t (t)

1 2 1 2 M |a5 | (t)y 2 M |a5 |

y 2 (s)ds.

Then, we have V M a2 y 2 + M w2 + (a2 M + 1)yw + z 2

1 2 2 1 2 M |a5 | (t)y (t)y + {(1 (t)) 2 M |a5 |}

t t (t)

y 2 (s)ds

1 (M a2 + 1)y =M w+ 1 2M

then the zero solution of Eq. (2) is unstable for all arbitrary a1 . Proof. We dene a Lyapunov functional V = V (xt , yt , zt , wt , ut ) by V
2 = 1 2 M [a1 z 2 g ( )d ] 0 y

1 2 2 2 +1 {(4a4 a2 2 )M 2M a2 1}y + z 4M 1 2 2 1 2 M |a5 | (t)y (t)y + {(1 (t)) 2 M |a5 |}

t t (t)

y 2 (s)ds.
1 2

+[yz M {a1 yw + yu zw +
0 t 0 t (t) t+s

x 0

f (s)ds}] (4)

Let 1 (t) V

and =

1 2

|a5 | M. Hence

y ()dds,

where s is a real variable such that the integral

(t) t+s

y 2 ()dds is non-negative, and is a positive con-

1 M w + M 1 (M a2 + 1)y 2 1 1 2 2 M {(4a4 a2 2 )M 2M a2 1}y 4 +z 2 M |a5 | (t)y 2 .

stant which will be determined later in the proof. It is clear that 1 V (0, 0, 2 , , 0)= M ( a1 4 + 3 ) > 0 2

2 It follows that the coefcient (4a4 a2 2 ) of M is positive. We can also assert that 2 (4a4 a2 2 )M 2M a2 1 1


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 68 2012

when M > M0 for sufciently large M0 M0 (a2 , a4 ) > 0 so that V 1 1 (M0 a2 + 1)y M0 w + M0 2 1 1 +{ M0 M |a5 | (t)}y 2 + z 2 . 4 sup (t) < 1 , 4M0 M |a5 |
2 2


then M0 w + 1 M 1 (M0 a2 + 1)y V 2 0 + y 2 + z 2 > 0 (6)

for some positive constant , which veries the property (K2 ) of Krasovskii [6]. = 0 necessarily implies that Indeed, because of (6), V y = 0 = z = w. This fact in turn leads to x(t) = (constant) u = w = 0, u = 0. (8) (7)

The substitutions of (7) and (8) in (3) gives that f ( ) = 0 which by the assumptions f (0) = 0, f (x) = 0 when x = 0 and h(x(t (t)), 0, ..., u(t (t))) = 0, implies that = 0. = 0 implies necessarily that Thus V x = 0 = y = z = w = u, which veries the remaining property (K3 ) of Krasovskii [6]. By this discussion, we conclude that the zero solution of Eq. (2) is unstable. The theorem is established. R EFERENCES
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Cemil Tunc Cemil Tunc was born in Yesiloz Koyu (Kalbulas), HorasanErzurum, Turkey, in 1958. He received the Ph. D. degree in Applied Mathematics from Erciyes University, Kayseri, in 1993. His research interests include qualitative behaviors of solutions of differential equations. At present he is Professor of Mathematics at Yuzuncu Yil University, Van-Turkey .


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