B&W FBC Boiler Opeating Experience With U Beams
B&W FBC Boiler Opeating Experience With U Beams
B&W FBC Boiler Opeating Experience With U Beams
S. Kavidass M. Maryamchik Babcock & Wilcox Barberton, Ohio, U.S.A. Presented to: Pittsburgh Coal Conference September 14-18, 1998 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. C.S. Price Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois, U.S.A. A.K. Mandal Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Ltd. Renukoot, U.P., India
This paper updates operating experience of two Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) coal-fired, internal recirculation circulating fluidized-bed (IR-CFB) boilers. The first boiler is located at Southern Illinois University (SIU) in Carbondale, Illinois, U.S.A. and is designed for 35 MW t output for cogeneration application, utilizing high sulfur, low ash Illinois coal. The second boiler is located at Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Ltd. (KCIL) in Renukoot, India and is designed for 81 MWt output for captive power requirements, firing high ash, low sulfur coal. This boiler was supplied by Thermax B&W (TBW) Ltd., a joint venture company of B&W and Thermax in India. The CFB technology is selected for these two units based on the fuel and environmental considerations. This paper discusses the various aspects of the two IR-CFB boilers design features, performance, and operating experience including emissions. coal-fired repowering boiler projects: Rostovenergo/Nesvetay in Russia and AES/Beaver Valley in the USA. Both projects involve repowering of existing PC-fired units with the IR-CFB boilers within existing structural steel. These projects clearly show the advantage of the compact IR-CFB design. These recent projects are in various stages of final project approvals, permitting, financing, etc. The B&W IR-CFB boiler is unique in design due to the use of U-beam impact type particle separators as opposed to cyclone separators. Worldwide, B&W offers IR-CFB boilers up to 150 MWe, both reheat and non-reheat with full commercial guarantees, and is currently scaling up the CFB design to 300 MWe.
90 (21.3)
~ ~ ~ ~
Furnace Height, ft (m)
Dilute Bed
70 (21.3) 60 (18.3) 50 (15.2) 40 (12.1) 30 (9.1) 20 (6.1) 10 (3.05) 0 1500 (816) 1550 (843) 1600 (871) 1650 1550 (899) (843) 1600 (871) 1650 (899) 1700 (927)
b. the SIU boiler has a water cooled screw for bottom ash removal, and the KCIL boiler has a fluid bed ash cooler. The B&W IR-CFB boilers design features are: Two-stage solids separation for high carbon burnout efficiencies and better limestone utilization Controllable solids recirculation (better load change response and wider turndown ratio) Use of in-furnace surfaces (division and wing walls) for furnace temperature control
Sand Hopper
Furnace ESP
Division Wall
PF Fans
Less refractory in the boiler for quick start-up and less maintenance that leads to lower operating cost Low and uniform velocities at the furnace exit allowing to eliminate or significantly reduce erosion in the upper furnace and primary solids separator Gravity fuel feed and simplified secondary ash recycle system Absence of hot expansion joints allowing significantly reduced maintenance
The crushed coal is introduced from a coal silo via two volumetric drag chain feeders through the front wall for KCIL and one gravimetric feeder through the side wall for SIU. Design conditions and fuel data for the CFB boilers are listed in Tables 1 and 2. The KCIL boiler is designed with two fuel feed points (SIU has one feed point) and four secondary solids reinjection points (one secondary solids reinjection for SIU) that are located on the boiler rear wall in the primary zone. The KCIL boiler has two furnace bed drains and two fluid bed bottom ash coolers (one bed drain with a bottom ash screw cooler for SIU). One sand (<250 microns-average) feed system at each boiler is used to provide make-up (for emergency use only) and start-up inventory in the furnace. Each boiler has two 15.12 Mkcal/hr (60 MBtu/hr) over-bed burners (oil-fired for KCIL and gas-fired for SIU), located at the boiler rear wall, capable of heating the bed for start-up on coal. The SIU boiler also has two gas-fired 6.3 Mkcal/hr (25 MBtu/hr) in-bed lances, installed on the front wall to carry 67% MCR load in combination with the over-bed burners. The bubble caps for primary air distribution are installed between the boiler tubes that form the bottom of the furnace (Figure 5). The balance of combustion air is admitted as overfire air through nozzles at two levels in the front and rear walls of the furnace for staged combustion. The primary and secondary air are supplied by separate fans. Both KCIL and SIU are balance draft with an ID fan installed. One hundred percent standby redundancy is provided for all fans for KCIL; single fans are provided at SIU.
Furnace Rearwall
To Baghouse
Both the boilers have vertical pendant type superheater banks located within the water- cooled, gas-tight membrane enclosure, as shown in Figures 3 and 4. A horizontal economizer is located downstream of the superheater. Underneath the economizer, a three-pass tubular air heater with flue gas outside the tubes is located for KCIL. An electrostatic precipitator for KCIL and a baghouse for SIU are installed for final particulate control. Each boiler is equipped with a DCS system to monitor and operate the units.
Boiler Furnace
The furnace cross section dimensions are 4.32 m wide x 4.57 m deep (14 ft 2 in. x 15 ft) for KCIL and 3.1 m wide x 3.66 m deep (10 ft 2 in. x 12 ft) for SIU (see Figure 6). The furnace is made of gas-tight membrane enclosure water-cooled walls with 76 mm (3 in.) tube diameter on 102 mm (4 in.) centers. For KCIL, in addition to the enclosure walls, one division wall, reaching about 40% of the furnace depth, is installed to achieve the desired furnace temperatures. The furnace plan area at the primary zone is reduced to provide good solids mixing, promote solids entrainment, and operate the boiler at low loads with reasonable flue gas velocities. The upper furnace superficial velocity is 6 m/s (20 ft/s) for KCIL and 5 m/s (16 ft/s) for SIU. The primary air flow is about 60% of the total air flow. A thin layer of refractory, as shown in Figure 7, is applied to all lower furnace wall surfaces (including a division wall) to protect against corrosion and erosion. Based on previous operating experience, an ultra high strength, abrasion resistant low cement alumina refractory is used for the lower furnace up to 7.3 m (24 ft). Refractory 16 mm (5/8 in.) thick for KCIL and 25 mm (1 in.) for SIU is installed over a dense pin studded patterns. Refractory is also installed at the furnace roof panel, Ubeam enclosure side walls and U-beam transfer hopper. To reduce the erosion commonly experienced at the refractory interface in the lower furnace, a 450-600 mm (18-24 in.) band of metal spray has been applied to the furnace and division walls.
2 x 3 Pattern Low Cement High Alumina Rammed Refractory 16 25 mm
Furnace Depth
Furnace Depth
Furnace Width
Gas Flow
for SIU, reducing the gas-side pressure drop (<25 mm or 1 in. of water column) as compared with cyclone-type separators (>150-250 mm wg or 6-10 in. wg). Four rows of external U-beams, installed behind the furnace rear wall plane, collect most of the solids passing the in-furnace U-beams. A particle storage hopper is located at the bottom of the external U-beams. The separated solids are recycled internally into the furnace via discharge ports from the transfer hopper.
The two rows of in-furnace U-beams are able to collect more than 75% of the solids entering the primary separators. The Ubeams are made of TP309H material for KCIL and RA 253 MA material for SIU. The flue gas velocity across the U-beams is around 8 m/s (26.5 ft/s) for KCIL and is around 6.4 m/s (21 ft/s)
Furnace Roof
U-Beam Support
Ash Silo
Ash Recycle
Air Heater Furnace Rearwall >8 Air Slide Valve I Pass Ash Disposal
Furnace Sidewall
Furnace Sidewall
Ash Disposal
1505 1200 E
C L of Manhole
Cooling Air
The bubble caps are designed to distribute the air uniformly, preventing the back sifting of solids even at low load operation, create good turbulence, and promote fuel, limestone and bed material mixing in the primary zone.
Table 1 KCIL IR-CFB Boiler Performance Data @ 100% MCR Steam Conditions Design & Predicted 105,000 (231) 6.4 (913) 485 (905) 180 (356) 60-100 3.5:1 140 (284) 25,760 (56.7) 860 (1580) Performance Test Data 103,000 (227) 6.2 (884) 483 (901) 180 (356) 60-100 4:1 130-140 (266-284) 21,760 (47.9) 865-880 (1589-1616) 865-880 (1589-1616) 600-680 (23.6-26.8) 300-380 (12.0-15.0) 88.8 16-20
Steam Flow, kg/hr (klb/hr) Steam Pressure, MPa (psig) Steam Temperature, C (F) FW Temperature, C (F) Steam Temperature Control Range, % MCR Turndown Flue Gas Temperature Leaving Airheater, C (F) Coal Flow Rate, kg/hr (klb/hr) Furnace Bed Temperature, C (F)
Upper Furnace Temperature, 878 C (F) (1612) Furnace Bottom P, mmwc (in. wc) Furnace Upper P, mmwc (in. wc) Boiler Efficiency, % Excess Air, % Performance Coal Analysis Proximate Analysis, % by wt Ash Moisture Sulfur Volatile Matter Fixed Carbon Ultimate Analysis, % by wt Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Sulfur Nitrogen Moisture Ash Higher Heating Value, kCal/kg (Btu/lb) Coal Size, mm (in.) 32.00 2.10 9.82 0.40 0.68 10.00 45.00 3500 (6300) 6.4 x 0 (1/ 4 x 0) 45.0 10.0 0.4 18.0 24.0 610 (24.0) 340 (13.4) 87.9 20
Boiler Start-up
The KCIL boiler erection was completed in July 1996. Initial pre-commissioning activities began in August 1996, 20 months after full release of detail boiler drawings. The whole project was delayed six months due to late delivery of some of the major equipment such as structural steel, Turbine-Generator (TG) set, coal handling and crushing system, and a few vendor equipment items. The boiler hydrotest was performed in May 1996. The refractory installation and curing were done in September 1996. The steam blow operation was completed in October 1996 with oil firing, utilizing over bed start-up burners. The turbine rolling, stabilization, and TG synchronization were completed in December 1996 with oil firing. The first coal firing was established in January 1997 and commercial operation started in February 1997. Boiler performance testing was completed in September 1997. The SIU boiler erection was completed in February 1996. Boiler hydrotest was completed on November 1995, 24 months after full release of detail boiler drawings. While beginning startup and initial commissioning activities, the project was delayed for a period of eighteen (18) months due to problems with the customers scope of supply and a permitting problem related to the universitys stoker boilers. Start-up commenced in the summer of 1997. Performance testing was completed in September 1997. During the commissioning period in the summer of 1997, higher than designed gas temperature leaving the economizer was observed. The reason was found to be economizer tube fouling with fine ash passing the MDC. The problem was resolved by installing sootblowers that were not included in the initial design. By operating the sootblowers twice a day, the gas temperature was brought to the design level.
40.00 3.20 8.83 0.22 0.91 9.40 37.40 3910 (7038) 6.4 x 0 (1/4 x 0) 1200 (0.05)
Mid Size (d50), micron (in.) 750 (0.03) Emissions NOx, ppm (lb/10 6 Btu) Particulate before ESP, mg/Nm3 (lb/10 6 Btu) SO2 w/o Limestone, mg/Nm3 (lb/10 6 Btu) CO 100 (0.16) 300 (0.24) <1200 (<0.96)
KCIL boiler performance test data are given in Table 1. The boiler operating data indicates that the boiler has been successfully operational for the past 1.5 years. The boiler efficiency (88.8% on HHV basis) and combustion efficiency (>99%) are higher than predicted. This is mainly due to the very low unburned carbon (<1%) and low flue gas outlet temperature (130C or 266F). NO x emission is less than 75 ppm (0.12 lbs/MBtu). The sulfur content in KCIL fuel is negligible and, therefore, no limestone injection system is added. The boiler availability was 91.8% for 1997 and is 95.8% through the 2nd quarter of 1998 (see Figure 12).
Upper Furnace Temperature, 875 C (F) (1607) Furnace Total P, mmwc (in. wc) Boiler Efficiency, % Excess Air, % Ca/S Ratio Performance Coal Analysis Proximate Analysis, % by wt Ash Moisture Sulfur Volatile Matter Fixed Carbon Ultimate Analysis, % by wt Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Sulfur Nitrogen Moisture Ash Higher Heating Value, kCal/kg (Btu/lb) Coal Size, mm (in.) Mid Size (d 50), mm (in.) Limestone Size, micron (mesh) Emissions NOx, ppm(lb/106 Btu) SO2, % removal CO, ppm (lb/106 Btu) <170 (<0.28) 90 200 (0.20) 65.13 4.50 5.88 3.10 1.51 11.38 8.50 6492 (11,686) 12.7 x 0 (1/ 2 x 0) 3 ( 1/8 ) 1180 x 0 (16-) 8.50 11.30 3.10 34.00 46.20 864 (34.0) 86.6 20 2.3
SIU boiler performance is shown in Table 2. As can be seen, all performance targets were met or surpassed. Since completing performance tests, the boiler experienced only planned outages associated with load demand (the plant was serving predominantly heating/cooling needs of the university) and the plants equipment inspection/repair schedule. The boiler availability data is shown in Figure 13.
Boiler Availability, %
Some characteristics of both boilers performance are given below: The boilers cold start-up is achieved within five hours to reach 100% MCR load without considering turbine warmup and TG synchronization. The boiler dynamic load response observed is 5-6%/minute. Boilers turndown of 5:1 is achieved without auxiliary fuel (3.5:1 / 4:1 is guaranteed) All guarantees have been met or surpassed including emissions. All major boiler equipment and parts have shown reliable performance.
clone-based CFB boilers. Some of the following key areas for the boilers that will require virtually no maintenance are: U-beam solid separators Air-assisted gravity fuel feed system Pendant superheaters Secondary ash reinjection system (MDC/ESP) Bed ash cooler Refractory (Minor maintenance may be required on furnace refractory interface.)
The KCIL and SIU IR-CFB boilers are successfully operating with coal firing at 100% MCR. The final acceptance test on coal firing was completed. Operation has proven that the IRCFB is a reliable technology to burn high-ash as well as highsulfur coals. B&W has developed and demonstrated a unique IR-CFB boiler design that combines simplicity and lower operating cost with high boiler performance. The boilers met the customers steam and power requirements, utilizing the lowgrade high-ash and high-sulfur coals with high efficiency, while meeting the local and state emissions regulations.
1. Kavidass, S., Alexander, K.C., Belin, F., James, D.E., Operating Experience with high ash waste coal in a B&W CFB Boiler, Power-Gen Asia 94, Hong Kong, August 23-25, 1994. 2. Steam/its generation and use, 40th edition, Chapter 16, Atmospheric Pressure Fluidized-Bed Boilers, Babcock & Wilcox, Barberton, Ohio, U.S.A., 1992. 3. Kavidass, S., Szmania, M.J., Alexander, K.C., Design Considerations of B&W Industrial and utility reheat / non-reheat IR-CFB Boilers, Power-Gen Asia 96, New Delhi, India, September 17-19, 1996. 4. Lindsey, D., Price, C., Gittinger, J.S., Internal Recirculation CFB boiler for Southern Illinois University Update on Start-up and Initial Operation, ASME International Joint Power Generation Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, November 1997. 5. Diwakar, K.K., Bakshi, V.K., Kavidass, S., Overview and status of first 25 MWe IR-CFB boiler in India, 14th International Conference on FBC, Vancouver, Canada, May 11-14, 1997. 6. Kavidass, S., Silvey, M.L., Price, C.S., Diwakar, K.K., Bahety, T.D., Design, start-up and initial operating experience of B&Ws IR-CFB coal-fired boilers, Power Gen Asia 97 conference, Singapore, September 1997.