The Ideal Realm

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My concept of a perfect world or perfect universe or perfect realm is an ideal infinite realm where all is well and everything is perfect. In this realm there will be perfection in every sense and every event and everything. Each and everything will have a perfect law associated with it while anything and everything will be in perfect order. Everything across the infinite universal realm spanning across the infinite time and infinite space dimensions is going as per the plan of the divine creator who generates, organizes and destroys anything and everything. The 5 ultimate elements that constitute the material universe/universal realm shall be fire, water, air, earth and ether from the lowest level to the highest level of complexity. The entire universal realm shall be complex consisting of the real and the unreal/imaginary, the material and the immaterial. Everything and every event in this universal realm are linked. Everything irrespective of whether it is a mental concept/physical quantity will be perfectly defined. The entire universe/universal empire will be divided into galaxies which in turn will be divided into solar systems which will be divided into planets, moons, asteroids which in turn will be divided into zones which in turn will be divided into regions which in turn will be divided into provinces which in turn will be divide into states which in turn would be divided into cities which in turn would be divided into municipalities (industrial areas) and villages (agricultural areas) with earth as the mother base. Public Referendums shall be prohibited/banned in order to maintain the stability and prosperity of the empire. All men will be very handsome with perfect body and body metabolism while all women will be very pretty with perfect body and body metabolism. Biological evolution of mankind shall achieve its zenith. There will be no castes, no creeds, no religions, no unwanted differences like nations, nationalities, citizenships, races etc. There will be only one race-Human race, only 2 castes-male (men) and female (women), only one nation the entire earth and everything will be perfect/unified/globalized. Love/Humanitarianism will be the only religion and fraternity will be the only creed. English will be the only language of communication/global language. All national symbols/representations like national anthem, national song, national flag, national motto and all other national entities will be duly selected and established by the constitution makers after the global nation is formed. All laws will be rigidly framed and strictly followed without flexibility/leniency except in the case of laws regarding science/technology as knowledge is an ever growing and infinite entity which necessitates the amendment of the corresponding laws. Every citizen will be inculcated with holistic education in schools, colleges and universities along with all the virtues while teaching them not to get involved in the vices. There will be a perfect moral global standard/code with perfect set of ideals, principles, values, ethics, customs, habits, courtesies, formalities and etiquettes for personal, professional and social life which will be strictly followed by everyone in the realm. Civilians resorting to arson and treason leading to mass genocide/mass suicide will be awarded capital punishment (after firing from job and arrest) by injection(tranquilizer) and gas(carbon monoxide) method (painless death method) .Civil cases will be decided in a speedy manner by courts while criminal cases will be decided in a slower manner by courts. Crimes such as homicide/murder due to personal enmity leading to death/suicide of the single victim will also be awarded capital punishment which is death by injection (tranquilizer) and gas (carbon monoxide) method (painless death method). Law and Order will be maintained properly by enacting acts and creating regulations to ensure that the laws are followed/observed properly. Violence will be strictly prohibited in every area except in real battlefields during encounters between defense forces and criminal forces/outlaws and for training/simulation in defense academies. Any mandatory references to violence in any media shall be reviewed by special committee set

up by the government and will be allowed to be broadcast/displayed/exhibited in written and pictorial form only after receiving license. Laws will be enacted in and followed in a very strict manner to ensure that crime level is maintained at approximately/almost zero level in every area in the realm where crime level corresponds to the percentage of the human population affected by crime which includes both the perpetrators as well as the victims. Global politics will be conducted in a perfect manner with decency and decorum as the highest values of moral conduct among all other morals. No political parties will exist. Right to pardon accused with conviction (in case the accused is an accomplice who deserves capital punishment and turns into an approver) and Right to kill accused without conviction (in case the accused has a criminal record and the defense authorities are sure that he is guilty and deserves capital punishment even though lack of evidence/circumstances inhibit his clear-cut conviction) are 2 rights vested in the hands of the President or Leader of the administration which can be used at discretion with a limit of 10 pardons/10 kills per year (perfect-10-policy). It can be used only in favor of or against common men/women and not with respect to political/military people. The president/leader of the administration can have maximum of 2 terms (double shot policy) of service in his lifetime. Gross misuse of political power by Government leading to mass genocide/suicide will be awarded capital punishment (after impeachment and arrest) by injection(tranquilizer) and gas(carbon monoxide) method(painless death method).Mankind will be able to conquer anything and everything in this infinite realm created by the infinite god. But they will not be able to conquer death as death is inevitable for any creature that is born. Anything that has an origin must have an end irrespective of whether it is living or non-living entity in this universal realm with the exception of the infinite time, infinite space and infinite universe itself. A common globalist manifesto with the aim of maintaining harmony, peace and love in the universal environment and across humanity as a whole will be established. Elections will be held every 4 years to elect members/representatives to the central global congress (world parliament) and governments will be formed based on popularity votes within the central global congress. Everything in the political setup/bureaucracy will be centralized. Judiciary will be independent of the influence of government or parliament or the ministries/departments of the bureaucracy and will be the interpreter and defender of the constitution. A supreme court will be established at the capital of the earth where the government and parliament function from. This Supreme Court will be for the entire universal realm with branches at each and every municipality/village. Candidates will be allowed to contest based on merit derived from social service, scientific achievement, military feat, political achievement and economic achievement. Candidates/Voters will be allowed to register/vote on a first come first serve basis in local/regional polling booths using electronic machinery to avoid data collision as in the case of online voting/registration. Global research and technology centers/universities, colleges and schools will be established for development and application of science along with educational purposes. Science and Technology will be given top priority in government expenditure. Gross misuse of science/technology in unethical/evil manner leading to mass genocide/suicide will be awarded capital punishment (after relieving from service and arrest) by injection(tranquilizer) and gas method(carbon monoxide) (painless death method) .Cyborgs(robo-sapients/bio-sentients) which are semi biological machinery made from human tissue ,Biotics which are experimental creatures made from genetically modified human genes and Robots/Androids with artificial intelligence will be developed/manufactured and updated/upgraded with the latest cyber ware/machine ware

to perform all the major tasks(99% of the tasks) for humanity while leaving the minor tasks(1% of the tasks) to humanity on a concrete principle(99-1 rule) of perfect symbiosis and mutual co-existence. All citizens will be literates and graduates/post graduates/doctorates/post doctorates with specialization in some science field. Cyber ware(software) and Machine ware(hardware) will be developed/manufactured respectively with state of the art technology and all of them will be extremely hi-tech while suiting the needs of the ever evolving ultra-modern society which will be fuelled/powered by the twin turbo engines called Welfare Governance and Hardcore Capitalism. Matter and Antimatter shall be used for defensive as well as peaceful purposes. All imperfections/bad events across the Infinite realm shall be released as data and material in solid, liquid, gaseous, plasma or energy form into the black holes in the stellar vicinity which shall spew out the processed products at a rapid rate after wiping out all the bad data and material and producing new matter/energy for creation of new galaxies which constitute the Universe and hence help to maintain and expand the perfect Universal realm/empire. All products and processes will be eco-friendly and recyclable/reusable irrespective of whether they are domestic/commercial in nature. Extraction of the infinite knowledge and exploration of the infinite universe across infinite time and infinite space will be given utmost importance apart from application of the infinite knowledge and survey of the infinite space up to the level where life is certainly possible and beyond where possibility of life is uncertain along with perfection of the realm while in reverse time exploration up to the creation of imperfect mankind that made the universe imperfect and beyond up to the infinite beginning of the infinite time and while in forward time exploration to predict/forecast the future events with probability analysis to prevent/minimize crimes and minimize the casualties in case of natural disasters/catastrophes to the maximum by exploring up to the infinite end of the infinite time. Any alien species if found shall be exploited if unintelligent and subjugated as imperial servants to the empire if intelligent. They will be given limited autonomy with imperial protection/defense within their reserved areas in the space colonies but will have to pay taxes/tribute to the mighty human empire. Any alien rebellion or resistance against the empire shall be dealt with as acts of treason and arson of the highest order and will be crushed in complete brutality and absolute totality without mercy. Human supremacy and survival over the entire universal realm shall not be compromised under any circumstances. Any threat to human interests from aliens shall not be tolerated and shall be completely annihilated. Space teleportation using hyper space travel and time teleportation using hypo/hyper temporal traversal will be achieved by mankind using interdimensional synchronization to link the space-zones and time-zones across wormholes(spatial gateways) and time-portals(temporal gateways) across the infinite universe/realm of infinite space and infinite time. God will be accepted to be an infinite entity beyond all science and everything and worshipped in a formless and nameless form for he cannot be realized/understood based on finite human perception as God is infinitely powerful/almighty (omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient) to be understood as regards his physical nature (gas, liquid, solid, plasma, energy), characteristics/powers, physical/visual form, constituents of his self and cannot be given any name or physical form for he doesnt have any finite origin or finite end. But he can only be experienced through his creation which is the infinite realm or everything. Global military factories, academies, barracks, control centers and R&D centers will be established. Gross misuse of military power leading to mass genocide/suicide will be awarded capital punishment (after relieving from service and arrest) by injection (tranquilizer) and gas (carbon monoxide) method (painless death

method). Global defense will be given a huge proportion of government expenditure along with the other 4 fields namely Global Economy, Global Culture, Global Politics, Global Science and Technology. 5 strategic defense commands will be established-navy command for the watery sub realms, air command for the atmospheric sub realms, army command for the earthy sub realms, space command for the spatial sub realms and cyberspace command for the temporal and cyberspace sub realms. All the latest research and development will be imparted leading to all the latest technology being updated/upgraded each and every moment. Weapons to maintain peace/security and military equipment for saving people/reducing casualties during natural catastrophes like Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Asteroid Collisions etc. will be manufactured/developed. Global economy will be established for the global nation or earth which the people would call the mother base with colonies spanning across inhabitable planets, asteroids and moons across the universe with single global currency at steady annual inflation/deflation rate and no poverty which implies everyone will be employed in the realm and have adequate means to a comfortable/mandatory livelihood. Gross misuse of economic power by corporate giants leading to mass genocide/suicide will be awarded with capital punishment for company administration (after taking over/liquidating the corporate assets and selling it to another private entity which has excellent corporate record in that field of business while sharing the profit among the employees of the defamed corporate) by injection (tranquilizer) and gas method (carbon monoxide) (painless death method). Luxury will be a non mandatory livelihood and can be achieved through hard work and excellence by people in their respective fields. This will become a reality by 3000 A.D. The ideal realm is achievable and will be achieved by humanity. That shall be the ultimate moment of reckoning when the earth makes tryst with its destiny. That shall be the occasion when the entire Universe/Realm transforms from a perennial inferno (hell) into a perennial paradise (heaven) purified of all sins and evils to the maximum extent. A new world order shall arise that will shake the very foundations of humanity and create a completely clinical/perfect/flawless realm never ever imagined in the wildest of dreams. It will be a realm where rationality and logic precede sentiments and emotions, where people learn to give with joy just as they take with joy, where people learn to coexist with kindness and affection rather than cruelty and brutality, where people learn to exist and live as humans rather than merely existing as humans while living as beasts and where people shed tears of joy and happiness and not tears of sorrow and sadness. It would be a world where people learn to spend time to respect and admire the beauty of nature and naturality rather than merely enticing and engrossing themselves in man-made pleasures/entertainment and artificiality, a world/universe with living people but loving people which would be a salvation so far from our generation yet so near to our civilization, a world where men and women learn to live and act as perfect gentlemen and ladies in each and every wake of their lives (personal/professional/social) since there will be a uniform/universal code of conduct for all humans. It would be an empire that radiates an ethereal aura of unparalleled divinity and endless glory across its span. A powerful revolution fuelled by peoples frustration and anger against the injustices and evils that scourge this masked evil realm would lead to the unmasking and destruction of the current realm and from its ashes the formation of this universal realm based on liberty, altruism, justice and freedom which would be blissful(blessed),meaningful and purposeful and not damned(cursed),meaningless and purposeless like the current realm based on greed, avarice, jealousy and selfishness in which we shall spend our lifetimes.


Universal Perfection is not really impossible but rather apparently improbable. -Sir Thomas Jefferson,(Legendary American Founding Father and Politician /Freedom Fighter during American Revolution/Former American President who lived in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. He was the man who wrote and signed the famous declaration of independence of the 13 American colonies as the United States of America from the British Empire. He was the legend who coined the concept of inalienable rights of humans of which the foremost being the right to life, the right to liberty, the right to pursue happiness and created the 2 memorable phrases of paramount affiliation with the American Revolution No taxation without representation! and Give me liberty or give me death! . He founded the worlds first democratic republic and presumably the worlds greatest nation-state empire of liberty and freedom for all times.) Possible is a relative term and not an absolute term. Possible becomes impossible when the environmental conditions are not favorable while impossible becomes possible when the environmental conditions are favorable. -Pradeep Mathiannal, Greatest is he who faces the world with courage and resilience at the darkest hour of his life when everything that he had as his dream seems to shatter, everything that he felt dear to him seems to crumble, and his entire world seems to fall apart for he shall live as a hero, achieve glory and die as a legend. -Sir William Wallace, (Legendary Scottish historic personality who lived in the 13th century and fought his way to glory and paved the way for freedom for his country and countrymen. He is fondly remembered as 'Brave Heart' by everyone around the world.) There exists infinite number of problems in the infinite realm of the infinite universe, infinite time and infinite space and for each and every problem there exists an infinitely ideal solution. -Pradeep Mathiannal, Your fate may take terrible twists and terrific turns for it is human-steered but your destiny remains the same for it is God-driven. Be just and fear not. -Mahatma Gandhi, (Legendary leader, visionary and freedom fighter of the twentieth century who envisaged a peaceful yet powerful weapon to achieve freedom for India which was non-violence. He lived in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.) Fools beg to differ while Legends dare to differ. -Pradeep Mathiannal,

Ultimate triumph does not come without sacrifice and true victory never comes to those who fail to persevere. -Jeanne DArc, (Legendary heroine in French history of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries who rose from the status of simple peasant hood to that of a messiah. Joan of Arc or The Maid of Orleans as she was popularly known proclaimed herself as the messenger of God and the savior of France. She assumed the responsibility of retrieving French territories that were annexed by the British through diplomacy and finally integrated nearly all of France. After that the heir known as The Dauphine was coronated as the King of France. As soon as he became the king, he said that he as well as the royal administration believed that her purpose was served and hence she may very well be asked to return to her peasant life. After her demise,The Roman Catholic Church beatified her as a saint which was followed by canonization. She became St.Joan of Arc posthumously and remains a guardian angel in the history of France with a legacy that inspires awe and admiration from her countrymen and outsiders alike.) The gift of foremost knowledge is the greatest gift that any person could ever attain for it propels the bearer to the pinnacle of glory. -Pradeep Mathiannal,


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