Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
1. Introduction Site investigation is the process by which geological, geotechnical, and other relevant information which might affect the design, construction or performance of a civil or mining project is acquired. For the design and construction of any important structure on or in the ground a site investigation in one form or another is required. The types of material present in the construction site and how they would behave under the loading induced by the structure are vital information to the safe and economic design and construction of a project. This information can only be deduced from the results of an adequate site investigation. It may also be necessary to conduct a site investigation for the assessment of the safety of an existing structure or to investigate a failure of a structure during or after the construction. A site investigation for most new construction projects may also be required by local and national regulatory authorities as part of their commitment to ensure public safety and acceptable environmental management. 2. Objectives Soil and rock comprise a wide variety of materials formed by several different and complex natural processes. The physical, chemical and engineering properties of these materials often vary widely and are often undesirable from the point of view of a construction of an engineering project. The objective of a site investigation is therefore to gain a sufficient understanding of these properties to enable engineering assessments required for the construction projects. In general, the objectives of a site investigation are to provide data for the following: Site selection or the assessment of the general suitability of a site for a proposed project. Preparation of an adequate and economic design. Design of temporary works that may be required as part of or to facilitate the proposed construction. Foresee and provide against difficulties that may arise during construction due to ground and other local conditions. Prediction of any adverse effects of the proposed construction on neighbouring structures and properties. Design of remedial works for existing structures. Safety checks for existing major engineering structures.
Site selection: The construction of certain major projects, such as dams, bridges and underground infrastructure is dependent on the availability of a suitable site. These cannot be built safely and economically on the cheapest and most readily available sites because geotechnical problems could occur due to unsuitable ground conditions (i.e. high permeability of dam foundation, instability in dam or bridge abutments and
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foundations). Since the safety of lives and property are at stake, it is important to consider the geotechnical merits or demerits of various sites before the site is chosen for a project of such magnitude. If the safety aspects of the project are adequately dealt with the final cost of the construction of a major project on a geotechnically unsuitable site may be prohibitive. Preparation of an adequate and economic design: For medium-sized construction projects, such as motorways and multistorey structures, generally, factors such as the availability of land at the right price, in a good location from the point of view of the eventual user and the planning consent for its proposed use are of over-riding importance. The sites selected for such projects may not necessarily be ideal from the geotechnical viewpoint. Once the site has been selected based on other considerations mentioned above the geotechnical problems must be solved by a detailed site investigation, in order to allow a safe and economical design to be prepared. Design of temporary works: The actual process of construction may often impose greater stress on the ground than the final structure. While excavating for multi-storey building foundations in an urban area, steep side slopes may be used, and the in-flow of groundwater may cause severe problems and even collapse. A major dam project may require temporary diversion of the river during construction. These temporary difficulties, which may in extreme circumstances prevent the completion of a construction project, will not usually affect the design of the finished works. They must, however, be the object of a serious investigation. The effects of the proposed project on its environment: The construction of an excavation may cause structural distress to neighbouring structures for a variety of reasons such as loss of ground, and lowering of the groundwater table. This will result in prompt legal action. On a wider scale, the extraction of water from the ground for drinking may cause pollution of the aquifer in coastal regions due to saline intrusion, and the construction of a major earth dam and lake may not only destroy agricultural land, but may introduce new diseases into large populations. These effects must be the subject of investigation. Investigation of existing construction: The investigation of the conditions leading to failure of soils or existing structures can also be particularly valuable for obtaining data for use in proposed works on similar soil conditions. The rate of settlement, the necessity for special types of structural solution, and the bulk strength of the sub-soil may all be obtained with more certainty from back-analysis of the records of existing works than from small scale laboratory tests. The design of remedial works: If structures are seen to have failed, or to be about to fail, then remedial measures must be designed. Site investigation methods must be used to obtain geotechnical parameters for remedial works design. Safety checks: Major civil engineering works, such as earth dams and rock slopes etc, have been constructed over a sufficiently long period and their precise construction method and the present stability could be in doubt. Site investigations are used to provide data to allow stability checks and their continued use.
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3. Principal phases of site investigation A standard site investigation program usually comprised the following four phases: Desk study Site reconnaissance Subsurface exploration Laboratory testing Report preparation
3.1 Desk Study The desk study is generally the first stage in a site investigation. It involves collecting and collating published information about the site under investigation and pulling it all together to build a conceptual model of the site. This model can then be used to guide the rest of the investigation. Much of the information gathered at the desk study stage is contained in geological and topographic maps, published papers and reports, aerial photographs and personal experience. Geological maps: provide information on the extent of rock and soil deposits at a particular site. The significance of the geological information must be correctly interpreted to assist in the further planning of site investigation. Topographical maps: provide information on the relief of the land, site accessibility, and the landforms present. The landforms may indicate the general nature of the materials present. Soil survey maps: usually provide information on the first 1 to 1.5 m of the soil profile from an agricultural point of view. These are useful indicators of the parent soil lying beneath. Aerial photographs: allow visual inspection of a site when access to the site is restricted. By careful interpretation of aerial photographs it is possible to deduce information on landforms, topography, land use and geotechnical behaviour. Existing site investigation reports: they can often be the most valuable source of geotechnical information. If a site investigation has been performed in the vicinity in the past, the relevant information may already exist. Published papers also provide very valuable information on case histories. 3.2 Site reconnaissance This involves a walk-over survey carried out by a competent geotechnical specialist, who has been carefully briefed by the lead technical construction professional (architect, engineer or quantity surveyor) as to the forms and locations of construction anticipated at the site. Direct visual observation of surface soil conditions and indirect observation of sub-soil conditions from the differences in the vegetation etc, would be useful to plan further work required for a better understanding of the sub-surface conditions. Any cutting, quarry or river on or near the site would provide useful information. Site access, overhead restrictions, signs of slope instability are further
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examples of aspects which can be observed during a walk-over survey to gain an idea of the work that will be required. 3.3 Subsurface exploration This is the main step of a standard site investigation program and involves direct and indirect observations, in situ testing and recording of subsurface conditions, and collection of soil and rock samples for laboratory testing. For medium to large construction projects the subsurface exploration program is often carried out in several stages, i.e. preliminary subsurface exploration, classification of soil and rock materials by description and simple testing, detailed subsurface exploration, and laboratory testing. The data obtained in one stage may need further work in other stages and this may continue throughout the investigation and even well into the construction stage. An efficient and cost effective site exploration program is necessary for the successful completion of the subsequent steps of a site investigation. Several different methods and techniques are available for ground exploration including the following: Trial or test pit excavation and trenching Test adits and shafts excavation Hand auger drilling (boring) Mechanical auger drilling Light cable percussion drilling Wash boring Rotary drilling Probing and in situ testing Geophysical methods Borehole cameras and TV
Trial or test pits and trenching A trial or test pit is simply a hole dug in the ground that is large enough for a person to enter, observe material types and conditions, and collect samples. A trial pit is often 1.5 m x 3 m in plan area at ground level, and may be excavated by either hand digging or machine excavation. In general, machine excavation is used for shallow pits, whereas hand excavation is used for deep pits which must be supported to prevent collapse during investigation. It is usually impossible to place supports as machine excavation proceeds. Shallow trial pits, which can be excavated by wheeled backhoe excavators, provide a cheap method of examining near-surface deposits in situ. Usually the depth of a machine excavated trial pit is limited to 3.5 to 4 m. Deeper pits up to 6 m, or pits where access is difficult can be excavated by 360 slew-tracked hydraulic excavators. Deeper pits may be excavated by hand digging but the cost increases dramatically with depth, because of the need to support. A ladder may be used to gain access to the base of a deeper pit.
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Trial pits provide the best method of obtaining detailed information on strength, stratification, pre-existing shear surfaces, and discontinuities in soil. Very high quality block samples can be taken from trial pits. Trenching is an extended version of trial pit and is simply a long shallow excavation made to examine the near surface ground conditions. Trial pits and trenching are usually used for soil and completely weathered rock exploration. (Note that many fatalities have occurred due to the collapse of unsupported pits and trenches and one should not enter trenches or pits more than 1.2m deep without either supporting the sides or battering down the sides. Even if a pit remains stable with or without support, a quick means of exit such as a ladder should always be provided.) Test adits and shafts This method is extremely expensive, and most projects do not merit its application. The most common use of test adits and shafts is during preliminary exploration for underground excavation in rock (i.e. power stations, train and bus station, sport facilities and defence chambers etc) where it is necessary to determine the in situ stress regime and rock mass conditions before a safe and economical design can be formalised. Use of this method for large dam foundations design is not uncommon. Hand auger drilling (boring) The hand auger provides a light, portable, low cost method of sampling soft to stiff clays, sand and gravelly soils near the ground surface. At least six types of auger are available: posthole or Iwan auger, small helical auger (wood auger), dutch auger, gravel auger, barrel auger and spiral auger. Hand augers are used by one or two persons, who press down on the cross-bar as they rotate it thus advancing the hole. Once the auger is full, or has collected sufficient material, it is brought back to the surface and the soil removed. Although the method is cheap because of its simplicity, it does suffer from several disadvantages. The most commonly used auger for site investigation is the Iwan auger (Fig. 1). This is normally used at diameters of between 100 and 200 mm. Small helical augers are quite effective in stiff clays, but become difficult to use below the water table. In stiff or very stiff clays, hand-auger progress will be very slow, and the depth of boring may have to be limited to about 5 m. When such clays contain gravel, cobbles or boulders it will not normally be possible to advance the hole at all. In uncemented sands or gravels, it will not be possible to advance the hole below the water table, since casing cannot be used and the hole will collapse either on top of the auger (which makes it difficult to recover the auger from the hole) or when the auger is being removed. Only samples of very limited size can be obtained from the hole. In addition, it will not be possible to carry out standard penetration tests without a frame to lift the trip hammer and weight, so that no idea of the relative density of granular deposits can be obtained. Despite these difficulties, where access for machinery is impossible the hand auger may give valuable information.
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Augers may be classified as either bucket augers or flight augers. Bucket augers (Fig. 2) consist of an open-topped cylinder which has a base plate with one or two slots reinforced with cutting teeth, which break up the soil and allow it to enter the bucket as it is rotated. The top of the bucket is connected to a rod which transmits the torque and downward pressure from the rig at ground level to the base of the hole: this rod is termed a Kelly. Bucket augers require a rotary table rig, or crane-mounted auger piling rig for operation, and this is usually expensive to run. Casing also provides some problems, since a single rig cannot drill in cohesionless soil beneath the water table.
Figure 2 Bucket auger Flight augers may be classified as short-flight augers (Fig. 3) or continuous- or conveyor-flight augers. Short augers consist of only a few turns of flight above cutting teeth or a hardened steel edge. A high-spiral auger may contain three or four turns of flight. The hole is made by forcing the auger downwards at the bottom of the hole, while rotating it. The cutting teeth break up the soil or rock, which is then transferred up the auger flights. When the flights become full, or when the auger has been advanced for the height of the flights, the auger is raised to the top of the hole and the soil flung clear by rapidly rotating it. Once again, the auger is supported by a Kelly rod which transmits the torque and downward thrust from the drill rig to the auger. The principal limitation of short augering is that the hole depth is restricted to the length of Kelly rod which the rig can handle. For many of the rigs commonly in use this is only 3 to 6 m. The use of a crane-mounted auger piling rig will allow holes to be drilled to 20 to 30 m if a telescopic Kelly rod is fitted, but as already noted such rigs are very expensive. The problems of deep drilling with short augers are largely overcome by the use of continuous or conveyor augers. Continuous augers can be classed as: (i) solid stem continuous-flight augers; or (ii) hollow stem continuous-flight augers (Fig. 4).
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Figure 3 Short-flight augers and auger bits Solid-stem continuous-flight augers allow much deeper holes to be drilled with fewer problems. With this type of auger the Kelly never enters the borehole, as the auger flights extend to above ground level. As the auger is rotated and pushed downwards the soil removed from the base of the hole travels up the flights and emerges at the ground surface. Although this type of auger apparently overcomes the problems found in drilling deep holes with short-flight or bucket augers, it presents a serious problem in site investigation because soil moving up from the base of the hole is free to mix with the soil at higher levels on the edge of the borehole. Thus while auger tailings from short-flight augers or bucket augers may be fairly representative (even if highly remoulded), the soil emerging from the top of a continuous-flight auger will be of no use. In addition, in common with all the auger methods above, the need for casing in granular or other collapsing soils presents a problem. In fine-grained soils a casing can be inserted when collapsing soil is encountered, and can sometimes be advanced by jetting; but in coarse gravels the continuous-flight auger is unusable because it must be removed each time a sample or in-situ test is to be carried out. At this stage the hole will collapse. Hollow-stem augers (Fig. 4) consist of an outer spiral continuous flight with a separate inner rod which blocks off the base of the hole when the auger is being advanced. Both the outer flights and the centre plug are furnished with a bit at the base. The auger is forced into the ground in the same way as a solid-stem auger, with the inner and outer sections rotating together. When samples are required, the inner rods and plug are removed and samples can be taken from the material below the base of the auger. Hollow-stem auger drilling would at first sight seem to be the ideal
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method of producing site investigation holes, because it is often fast and reliable. There are, however, several problems which should be considered.
Figure 4 A drilling rig and hollow-stem auger system First, fissured clays or soils with fabric require relatively large samples for the determination of undrained shear strength and consolidation properties. This means that the hollow stem of the auger must have a large internal diameter (typically 140 to 150 mm to allow the use of U100 sampling). This in turn means that a relatively powerful and therefore large drilling rig is required. Even if such a rig is available, access to the site of the borehole may be a problem. Secondly, there are considerable dangers of disturbing soil ahead of the auger if the driller is overeager in soft or firm soils. Heavy downward thrust may cause the auger to be forced into the soil, displacing material ahead of it instead of boring through it. Washboring This is a relatively old method of boring small-diameter exploratory holes in finegrained cohesive and non-cohesive soils. It has been largely replaced by power auger methods, but it is still used in countries where labour is relatively cheap.
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A very light tripod is erected, and a sheave is hung from it (Fig. 5). In its simplest form there are no motorized winches and the drilling water is pumped either by hand, or by a small petrol-driven water pump. Hollow drilling rods are connected to the pump via a flexible hose, and the drilling crew lift the string of rods by hand, or using a cathead (a rotating steel drum, around which a manilla rope is wound). Progress is made by jetting water out of a bit at the base of the rods. These are continuously turned using a tiller, whilst being surged up and down by the drilling crew. Cuttings of soil are carried up the hole by the drilling water (the flush) and emerge from a casing T-piece, being deposited in a sump. Routine identification of the ground conditions at the base of the hole is carried out by the driller placing his hand under the T-piece to collect a sample of cuttings.
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Light cable percussion drilling Often called shell and auger drilling, this method is more properly termed light percussion drilling since the barrel auger is now rarely used with this type of equipment. The drilling rig (Fig. 6) consists of a collapsible A frame with a pulley at its top, a diesel engine connected via a hand-operated friction clutch (based on a brake drum system) to a winch drum which provides pulling power to the rig rope and can be held still with a friction brake which is foot-operated. The rope from the winch drum passes over the pulley at the top of the A frame and is used to raise and lower a series of weighted tools on to the soil being drilled. The rig is very light and very easy to erect, and can be readily towed with a four-wheel drive vehicle.
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In clays, progress is made by dropping a steel tube known as a claycutter into the soil (Fig. 8). This is slowly pulled out of the borehole and is then generally found to have soil wedged inside it. The claycutter normally has a solid or slotted weight, called a sinker bar, attached to its upper end, the top of which is connected to the winch rope. When the claycutter is withdrawn from the top of the hole, the soil is removed with a metal bar which is driven into it through the open slot in its side. In granular materials, such as sands or gravels, a shell is used. At least 2 m of water is put in the bottom of the borehole, and the shell is then surged, moving about 300 mm up and down every second or so. Surging the shell upwards causes water to be drawn into the bottom of the hole, and this water loosens the soil at the base of the hole and forces it to go into suspension. As the shell is dropped on the bottom of the hole the mixture of soil and water passes up the tube of the shell, past the simple non-return valve (sometimes called a clack). As the shell is raised, the clack closes and retains the soil, which precipitates above it. By repeatedly surging the shell up and down at the base of the hole, soil can be collected and removed from the hole. The casing should either be allowed to follow the hole down (if it is loose) or should be driven so that it is just above the base of the hole, otherwise progress will be slow, and either large cavities will be formed on the outside of the casing or the soil will be loosened for a considerable distance around the hole. Of course, casing is nearly always used with the shell, because most granular soils will not stand vertically if unsupported in the presence of water. Casing is not only used when drilling in granular soils, but is also necessary when drilling in very soft soils or when drilling in clays, to seal off groundwater after it is encountered. The presence of water in the base of the hole will allow samples to swell, but the reason that most drillers seal off water is more basic: stiff plastic clays become difficult to recover with the claycutter if large quantities of water are present and if this water cannot be controlled the driller will usually be forced to drill more slowly using the shell. In stiff clays, a light percussion rig with 1000 to 1500 kg capacity using 150 to 200 mm diameter casing and tools will have little difficulty in boring to 45 m depth. But in sandy soils more casing sizes will often be needed to reduce friction. The friction transmitted by sand to the outside of casing will often be too great to allow the rig to pull more than 10 to 20 m of casing out of the ground without the use of short-stroke hydraulic jacks. Under these conditions strings of casing of different diameters are used to allow a greater depth of drilling. As an example, if a borehole were to be advanced to 50 m in sand, the driller might start the boring using 300 mm diameter casing and tools and drill until the rig began to have problems pulling the casing, which might occur at 15 m depth. At this stage the driller would insert a string of 250 mm diameter casing and pull back the larger casing 1 m or so to make sure that it would still be loose at the end of boring the hole. The inner 250 mm dia. casing, of course, would receive no friction on the upper 14 m of its length, and the hole could now be advanced until its second string became tight, when a 200 mm string of casing would be inserted at, say 30 m below ground level. At the end of boring the hole might be cased with four different sizes, as in Table 1.
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Table 1 Example of casing for 50 m borehole Depth of hole (m) Casing dia. (mm.) 0 to 14 0 to 29 0 to 41 0 to 50 300 250 200 150
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Rotary drilling In hard soils and rocks power-operated rotary drilling techniques are used. Rotary drilling uses a rotary action combined with downward force to grind away the material in which a hole is being made. Rotary methods may be applied to soil or rock, but are generally easier to use in strong intact rock than in the weak weathered rocks and soils. Rotary methods may be used to produce just an open hole in rock without sampling (open holing), or they may be used to obtain cylindrical samples of rock while the hole is being advanced (core drilling). Rotary drilling requires a combination of a number of elements as illustrated in Fig. 8, including: a drilling machine or rotary rig, at the ground surface, which delivers torque and thrust; a flush pump, which pumps flush fluid down the hole, in order to cool the mechanical parts and lift the drill cuttings to the ground surface; a string of hollow drill rods, which transmit the torque and thrust from the rig, and the flush fluid from the flush pump to the bottom of the hole; and a drilling tool, for example drill bits (cutters) which grinds away the rock and a core barrel if samples are to be recovered.
Open holing: is the formation of a hole in the subsoil without taking intact samples. It can be carried out in a number of ways, but in site investigation a commonly used tool is the tricone rock roller bit (or roller core bit) (Fig. 9). In site investigation such methods are usually used to drill through soft deposits, which have been previously sampled by light percussion or auger rigs. Sampling during open-holing is usually limited to collecting the material abraded away at the bottom of the borehole, termed cuttings, as it emerges mixed with flush fluid at the top of the hole. But, in soil formations, once the hole is sunk to a desired depth, providing the hole remains open without collapsing or a casing is driven through the unstable soil, sampling and in situ testing may be carried out inside the hole after withdrawing the drill rods. For instance undisturbed tube samples may be taken from clay deposits and standard penetration tests (SPT) may be conducted in sandy soil.
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Core drilling: This is regarded as the most satisfactory method of assessing the character of rock formations which lie at depth below the ground surface. Specimens of rock in the form of cylindrical core are recovered from the hole by means of a core barrel. The core barrel is provided at its lower end with a detachable core bit (cutter) which carries industrial diamond chips or tungsten carbide in a matrix of metal. Rotation of the barrel by means of drill rods causes the core bit to cut an annulus in the rock, the cuttings being washed to the surface by a stream of water (drilling fluid) pumped down the hollow drill rods. The drilling fluid also cools the drill bit. Air or bentonite slurry can also be used as flushing medium. Core barrels are made in various types and sizes depending on the depth of hole, type of rock and the size of the specimen required. The barrels are also made in various lengths with 1.5 and 3.0 m being common for site investigation. It is the usual practice to employ double-tube barrels for small diameter foundation investigation borings. An inner tube is attached to the core barrel head by a swivel connexion which allows the inner tube to remain stationary while the outer barrel and drill bit rotate. There are variations in the detail design of double-tube barrels depending on the extent to which the inner tube projects into the core bit, so giving protection to the core. The most efficient design for good core recovery in friable rocks is the bottom discharge bits in which the drilling fluid does not come into contact with the core except in its lowest extremity. A spring-steel core catcher is provide in some types of barrel to retain the core. Triple-tube barrels are also in use and are identical to double-tube barrels except that a tight-fitting liner tube is used inside the inner barrel. This may be made of metal or plastic. The inner liner is removed when extracting the core, which assists the retention of weak or broken rock. Hard clays can be sampled in the triple-tube barrel where the inner liner protects the core from swelling and softening. When using a triple tube barrel, the internal diameter of the catcher and core bit must, of course, be reduced to suit. The advantages of using a third barrel are primarily that the core can easily be withdrawn from the core barrel, at the end of a run, by pulling the inner liner while holding the barrel horizontally, and that the core can be stored in the liner without disturbing it from its position when drilled. The use of this system seems to have produced a significant improvement in the quality of core available for logging. Core barrels and core bits are available in several diameters and steel casings and casing bits are also available for each comparable core bit size. These have been standardised using a combinations of letters to identify the diameter of drill hole and core specimen. The main factor which decides the size of core barrel is the type of rock. Thus small diameter E-size cores (22 to 28 mm) can be satisfactorily recovered from strong rock. However, for most purposes a larger diameter core of N-size (54 mm) or H-size (76 mm) for weaker rocks will be necessary. For very week friable rock much larger diameter core bits and barrels may be required. Probing and in situ testing A wide range of dynamic and static penetrometers are available, with different types being used in different countries. The objective of all probing is the same, namely to provide a profile of penetration resistance with depth, in order to give an assessment of the variability of a site. Probing is carried out rapidly, with simple equipment. It
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produces simple results, in terms of blows per unit depth of penetration, which are generally plotted as blow count versus depth graphs. The two most widely used techniques in Australia are standard penetration test (SPT) and static cone penetration test (CPT). When the foundation consists of soft clays the shear strength of the materials can be determined by the vane shear test. In this test a small four-bladed vane is pushed into the clay and rotated, and the maximum torque necessary to cause rotation is measured. The shear strength of the clay can then be calculated. The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is carried out in a borehole, by driving a standard split spoon sampler (Fig. 10) using repeated blows of a 63.5kg (140 lb.) hammer falling through 762 mm (30 in.). The hammer is operated at the top of the borehole, and is connected to the split spoon by rods. The split spoon is lowered to the bottom of the hole, and is then driven a distance of 450 mm (18 in.), and the blows are counted, normally for each 75 mm (3 in.) of penetration. At the end of driving the split spoon is pulled from the base of the hole, and the sample is preserved in an airtight container. The penetration resistance (N) is the number of blows required to drive the split spoon for the last 300 mm (1 ft) of penetration. The penetration resistance during the first 150 mm (6 in.) of penetration is ignored, because the soil is considered to have been disturbed by the action of boring the hole. This information enables the bearing capacity of the foundations to be deduced from empirical graphs that give the safe bearing pressures of the more commonly occurring strata. Correlations between SPT N value and soil or weak rock properties are wholly empirical, and depend upon an international database of information. Because the SPT is not completely standardized, these correlations cannot be considered accurate in some cases, and it is therefore important that users of the SPT and the data it produces have a good appreciation of those factors controlling the test, which are: the variations in the test apparatus; the disturbance created by boring the hole; and the soil into which it is driven.
As can be seen from Fig.10, the major components of SPT apparatus are the split spoon, the rods and the hammer. Whilst split spoon design does vary to some extent, it is not thought to have a major effect on penetration resistance. Rods and hammer characteristics affect penetration because, in a given soil, N is inversely proportional to the energy delivered to the split spoon. Thus if two different hammer/rod systems deliver different energies, two different penetration resistances will be recorded. The energy delivered to the SPT split spoon is theoretically the free-fall energy of a 63.6 kg mass falling through 762 mm. In practice, however, it has been shown that up to 65% of this free-fall energy may be lost as a result of: a) inertial energy absorbed by over-heavy rods, and the weight of the SPT hammers anvil; b) energy spent in heat and noise when the SPT weight impacts with the anvil;
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c) bending energy, when rods which are bent, or rods of too small a second moment of area are used; d) input energy reduction due to hammer not being lifted to the full 762mm; and e) energy losses due to friction between the various hammer components, or between lifting ropes, sheaves and catheads on the drilling rig.
Fig. 10 Equipment for the standard penetration test In addition, the effects of borehole disturbance on the SPT can be severe, leading to reductions in penetration resistance as high as 70 to 80%. But the actual amount and effects of disturbance vary considerable with soil type, and as a result of the method of drilling and casing the hole, and its diameter. The maximum depth to which disturbance affects the soil below the base of a borehole is, in broad terms, a function of its diameter. Most evidence suggests that disturbance can be significant down to three borehole diameters below the base of the
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hole. The diameter of hole used for SPT testing may vary considerably, from washbored 60 mm dia. holes, through typical 200 mm dia. light-percussion boreholes, to pile holes of more than 1 m dia. In wash-bored, boreholes the maximum depth of disturbance was not likely to exceed 180 mm, and the borehole was maintained full of fluid by virtue of the drilling method. Granular soils are the most severely affected, particularly fine-grained or silty sands which are prone to disturbance, and this disturbance results from boiling into the base of the borehole, if the hole has not been kept full of fluid, and soil has boiled into its base. It is certainly true that fine-grained and silty sands are at risk, if uncemented, but this is also true for all uncemented granular soils, including coarse alluvial sands and gravels. It is virtually impossible to prevent boiling occurring in this type of soil if the drilling process uses casing which extends to the bottom of the borehole, and if tools are withdrawn from the hole without the water level being constantly recharged. Thus the relatively large light-percussion or shell and auger boring cannot give good results, even when the most exacting specifications and the highest levels of supervision are applied. The best results are obtained by using small-diameter rotary or wash-bored holes, with mud flush, where drilling tools are withdrawn slowly from the borehole, and with the casing kept a minimum of 1 m above the base of the hole where possible. Unfortunately such drilling techniques are only suitable in sands. When the test is carried out below the water table in fine sands or silty sands, the pore pressure tends to be reduced resulting in a transient increase in effective stress. Terzaghi and Peck (1948) suggested that, when field N value is greater than 15, the corrected N value may be obtained from: Ncorr. = 15+0.5(N 15) The measured N value is also influenced by the confining pressure at the depth of measurement, and a correction should be made with respect to the effective overburden stress. A number of correction factors have been published. Thorburn (1963) proposed a correction factor, CN=N/N, of between one and four, where N is the corrected N value and N is the actual number of blows recorded (Fig. 11).
Fig. 11Estimation of N from N value (after Thorburn, 1963) The maximum value of four given for CN is often considered to be too high. Peck, Hanson and Thorburn (1974) proposed a maximum value of two as shown in Fig. 12).
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Fig. 12 Correction of SPT N value for overburden stress (after Peck, Hanson and Thorburn, 1974) When interpreting SPT results the measured penetration resistance, N, should also be corrected for hammer energy, to give the standard value of N (denoted as N60). In addition since the SPT brings the soil to failure, and the strength of granular soil will be strongly dependent on effective stress level, it will be necessary to correct N values from sands and from gravels to a standard overburden pressure level when the test is used to determine relative density. Where penetration resistance is corrected, the reference vertical stress level is 1 kg/cm2, or 100 kPa. The penetration resistance corrected both for rod energy and for overburden pressure is termed (N1)60. Cone Penetration Test (CPT), developed in Holland, is carried out in its simplest form by hydraulically pushing a 60 friction cone, with a face area of 10 cm2 (35.7 mm dia.), into the ground at a constant speed (2 0.5 cm/s) whilst measuring the force necessary to do so (Fig. 13). The shear-force on a 150 cm2 friction sleeve, with the same outer diameter as the cone and located immediately above the cone, is then also measured. Both electrical and mechanical means of measuring cone resistance and side friction are currently used, with the shape of the cone differing considerably according to the method in use. The cone is driven from ground surface, without making a borehole, using a special mobile hydraulic penetrometer rig. The CPT was originally used as a means of locating and evaluating the density of sand layers within the soft deltaic clays in Holland for driven pile design. The value of the original cone was significantly increased by introducing the mechanical friction cone (Fig. 13). Further developments led to the introduction of the electric friction cone, where measurements are made using strain gauges or transducers located immediately above the cone. Measurement of the pore pressures developed at the cone end during penetration is also possible using the modern electric piezocone, especially when testing in soft, primarily cohesive, deposits. A porous element is
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included in the apparatus, with an electronic pore pressure transducer mounted in a cavity behind it.
Fig. 13 Original Dutch cone and improved mechanical Delft cone As shown in Fig. 14 there are three popular positions for this porous element.
Fig. 14 Positions of porous tips on piezocones The major applications of the piezocone are as follows: Profiling. The inclusion of a thin pore-pressure-measuring element allows the presence of thin granular layers to be detected within soft cohesive deposits. Such layers are of great importance to the rate of consolidation of a soft clay deposit. Identification of soil type. The ratio between excess pore pressure and net cone resistance provides a useful (although soil-type specific) guide to soil type. Determining static pore pressure. Measurements of the static pore pressure can be made in granular soils (where dissipation is rapid), and estimates can be
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made in clay, either when the cone is stopped to add rods, or by deliberately waiting for full dissipation of the excess pore pressures set up by penetration. Determination of in situ consolidation characteristics. In clays, the horizontal coefficient of consolidation, c, can be determined by stopping the cone, and measuring pore pressure dissipation as a function of time.
The basic measurements made by a CPT are: (a) the axial force necessary to drive the 10 cm2 cone into the ground at constant velocity; and (b) the axial force generated by adhesion or friction acting over the 150 cm2 area of the friction jacket. For piezocones, the basic measurement is the pore pressure developed as penetration proceeds. Routine calculations convert these measurements into cone resistance, local side friction and friction ratio. Typical results of a CPT are given in Fig. 15.
Fig. 15 Typical record of a friction cone penetration test The classification of soils is normally carried out on the basis of the value of cone resistance in combination with the friction ratio. Generally, the diagnostic features of the common soil types are as given in Table 2. As with the SPT, the CPT provides important data in cohesionless soils, from which good-quality undisturbed samples for laboratory testing cannot be easily obtained. Empirical correlations are widely used to
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obtain estimates of relative density, effective angle of shearing resistance ('), and stiffness. It should be borne in mind that empirical correlations are soil-type dependent, and therefore are of limited accuracy. Table 2 Diagnostic features of soil type
Soil type Organic soil Normally consolidated clay Sand Gravel Cone resistance Low Low High Very high Friction ratio Very high High Low Low Excess pore pressure Low High Zero Zero
When calculating the point resistance of piles in sand based upon cone resistance, it is normal to consider the static cone penetrometer as a model of the pile, and simply apply a reduction factor of between two and six to give allowable bearing pressure. Sand deposits are rarely uniform, and so an averaging procedure is used with the qc values immediately above and below the proposed pile tip position. The side friction of piles may be calculated directly from the side friction of the cone, or by correlation with cone resistance. In cohesive soils, the CPT is routinely used to determine both undrained shear strength and compressibility. In a similar way to the bearing capacity of a foundation, cone resistance is a function of both overburden pressure (v) and undrained shear strength (cu):
provided that Nk is known, or can be estimated. Field vane shear test. This is used exclusively to measure the undrained shear strength of soft or firm clays. The vane shear test basically consists of pushing a four-bladed (cruciform) vane, mounted on a solid rod, into the soil and rotating it from the surface. Vane tests may be carried out either in the field or in the laboratory. In the field they may be carried out either from ground level, or from the base of a borehole. In its conventional form (Fig. 16), the field vane has four rectangular blades and a height to diameter ratio of two. Four types of vane are in use. In the first, the vane is pushed unprotected from the bottom of a borehole or from ground surface. In the second, a vane housing is used to protect the vane during penetration, and the vane is then pushed ahead of the bottom of the vane housing before the test is started. In the third, the vane rods are sleeved to minimize friction between the ground and the rods during the test. Finally, some vanes incorporate a swivel just above the blades, which allows about 90o of rod rotation before the vane is engaged. This simple device allows the measurement of rod friction as an integral part of the test. In all tests it is important that the vane is pushed ahead of disturbance caused either by the vane housing or any boring operations. Once the vane has been pushed into the ground, it is rotated at a
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slow rate, preferably using a purpose-built test apparatus with an inbuilt geared drive (Fig. 16). Torsional force is measured, and is then converted to unit shearing resistance by assuming the geometry of the shear surface, and the shear stress distribution across it.
The vane test is routinely used only to obtain undisturbed peak undrained shear strength, and remoulded undrained shear strength. The undrained strength is derived on the basis of the following assumptions: penetration of the vane causes negligible disturbance, both in terms of changes in effective stress, and shear distortion; no drainage occurs before or during shear; the soil is isotropic and homogeneous; the soil fails on a cylindrical shear surface; the diameter of the shear surface is equal to the width of the vane blades; at peak and remoulded strength there is a uniform shear stress distribution across the shear surface; and there is no progressive failure, so that at maximum torque the shear stress at all points on the shear surface is equal to the undrained shear strength, c.
On this basis, for a vane blade where H = 2D the maximum torque is:
The results of a vane shear test may be influenced by many factors, namely: (a) type of soil, especially if permeable fabric exists; (b) strength anisotropy; (c) disturbance due to insertion of the vane; (d) rate of rotation or strain rate; (e) time lapse between insertion of the vane and the beginning of the test; and (f) progressive/instantaneous failure of the soil around the vane.
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It may readily be appreciated that the assumptions involved in the interpretation of the vane test are rarely, if ever, likely to be correct. As a result, as stated above, only a very limited range of soil may be tested. In common with other in situ tests, it is necessary to carry out the vane test rapidly, in an attempt to ensure that the shear surface remains reasonably undrained. The presence of sand or silt lenses or laminations within the test section will certainly make this assumption invalid, but (again in common with many in situ tests) it is not normally possible to know what type of material is about to be tested. Sands and gravels will drain instantly, thus invalidating any test carried out in them. The presence of stones or fibrous peat may mean that the assumption of a cylindrical shear surface with a diameter equal to the vane blade width is invalid. Perth sand cone penetrometer (PSCP: a 20 lb weight falling 20 inches and driving a 5/8 inch diameter solid rod into the soil. This actually a model pile driving test on a reduced scale from SPT. Geophysical methods Geophysical methods such as seismic refraction may be used for determining: the thickness of soft, superficial deposits, and the depth to rock, and in establishing weathering profiles, usually to provide cross sections; the location of aquifers, the delineation of saline intrusion, the exploration of the extent of sand and gravel deposits, and rock for aggregate; the location of critical buried features, such as voids (mineshafts, natural cavities, adits, pipelines) and buried artefacts (old foundations, wrecks at sea, etc.); and the engineering parameters, such as dynamic elastic moduli, and soil corrosivity. In some instances (for example, the determination of small-strain stiffness) they may be used in the same way as other in situ tests, but generally they are used as a supplement to direct methods of investigation, carried out by boreholes and trial pitting.
Geophysical surveys should be planned as an integral part of the site investigation. The desk-study information must be available so that the most effective techniques are used, and (as with direct methods of investigation, such as boring and trial pitting) the targets of each part of a geophysical survey must be clearly understood. TV and borehole cameras TV and borehole cameras can be placed inside a relatively small hole (75 to 150mm) and can, therefore, be used with conventional drilling methods to examine deep features. TV cameras are usually used to examine the sides of a borehole for jointing and other features, and to investigate the extent of old mine workings.
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