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TK RT Brochure

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Moving more together

ThyssenKrupp Resource Technologies is the combination of ThyssenKrupp Polysius and ThyssenKrupp Frdertechnik

ThyssenKrupp Resource Technologies

We are pooling our know-how

Our new company ThyssenKrupp Resource Technologies merges the expertise of ThyssenKrupp Polysius and ThyssenKrupp Frdertechnik into one single company. The move enables us to provide customers in the mining and cement industry, as well as the minerals processing and bulk materials handling sectors with a comprehensive product portfolio and a tightly meshed sales and service network. Our customers benefit from our decades of experience and our unique know-how, particularly in the fields of research and development, engineering, project management, and after sales service.

More ideas for the mining and cement industry We continuously endeavor to find solutions that are just a little bit different and therefore offer our customers that little bit more added value. At the same time we strive to make better use of natural resources. Especially in an environment sensitive to the topics of ecology and climate protection, and in view of the rising cost of raw materials and energy, our engineering skill has enabled us to create considerable competitive advantages for our customers. Our fields of expertise
P l a n n i n g a n d co n s u lt i n g Research and development Engineering P r o j e c t m a n ag e m e n t Co n s t r u c t i o n a n d a s s e m b ly Co m m i s s i o n i n g A f t e r- s a l e s s e r v i c e Financial services Bulk Materials Handling Min eral Proces s ing

Our portfolio
Min in g
Bucket-wheel excavator systems Conveyor belt systems In-pit crushing systems Service, operation and maintenance concepts Crushing plants Grinding and processing plants Service center and consignment stores Stockyard and port handling systems for bulk materials Service and maintenance concepts Raw materials processing Clinker production Cement production Factory automation Strategic spare parts and service contracts

Cem en t pla nts

Turnkey plants

Everything from one source

M o re The mining and cement industry needs more effective plant concepts in order to cut costs. B et t er To achieve better plant efficiency a wide range of measures is employed. For example, we use substitute fuels to power the energy-intensive burning process typical for the cement industry.

ThyssenKrupp Resource Technologies is represented in 23 countries all around the world and is one of the very few full-range providers for the mining and cement industry from one single item of machinery to complete systems. We also have the right answers when it comes to modernizing existing systems. Our know-how in the field of process engineering is unique. We put together innovative machinery, technologies and processes to form intelligent production and further processing lines designed to meet the specific needs of our customers. Our customers have one single person to contact from the planning stage, to the construction and finally the commissioning of the equipment. That streamlines processes, prevents conflicts of interest and ensures fast, seamless commissioning.

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E ff i c i e n c y i s r a i s e d.

O u r pr o c e s s f o r u s i n g s u b s t i t u t e f u e l h e l p s m i n i m i z e e n e r g y co s t s.

Picture above: Cement plant in Senegal Picture below: Gearless drive system for high-throughput belt conveyor

Over 150 years of engineering skill

Better through experience

M o re Increasingly large deposits are being opened up for mining, as the demand for more coal is rapidly growing. B et t er Our trendsetting engineering is helping make coal mining more efficient and conserving resources. For example, the utilizing of our innovative fully mobile crushers is slashing transport costs in mining by up to 50 percent and they make it possible to do without heavy-duty trucks. That significantly reduces both operating costs and CO2 emissions.

Competition within the mining and cement industry is growing and that makes it all the more important that your machinery, equipment and processes are adjusted for maximum efficiency. This is where our customers benefit from our outstanding engineering skill, which helps us utilize our huge wealth of experience and accumulated knowledge to create innovative products and solutions again and again. All of our solutions feature first-class quality that we continually test and enhance. With our tightly operating worldwide network we make sure our customers work with qualified contacts who are highly familiar with local conditions, wherever they are.

CO2 R e d u c t i o n

T h e u s e o f f u l ly m o b i l e c r u s h e r s m a k e s i t p o s s i b l e to g r e at ly r e d u c e b ot h f u e l co n s u m p t i o n a n d C0 2 e m i s s i o n s.

Beltwagon and two fully mobile crushers at an assembly site

After sales service

All- round service partner for our customers

M o re It is becoming necessary to dig deeper and deeper and move more and more material in order to access the raw materials. That means the machinery and plants have to work increasingly hard. B et t er

Our customers can rely on our comprehensive and, above all, rapid service worldwide. We service plants throughout their entire life cycles and thereby help to reduce operating costs in a sustainable way. We provide 24/7 service for individual machines or plants if required. Due to our servicing and online monitoring as well as preventive maintenance, we know the exact current condition of a plant. That makes it possible to plan maintenance and system shutdowns with precision. The required spare parts are at the ready and can be quickly installed. Our permanent support service enables our customers to profit directly from technical progress. The machinery and equipment we maintain can constantly benefit from the latest knowledge we gain through research and development. Modernization, for example through automation, conversion or refurbishment, lengthens the service life and increases the availability and profitability of the plant.

S e rvice

Our all-embracing service concept makes sure your mining operations run as smoothly as possible. For example, we are in close proximity to our customers with our service centers in the key mining regions of the world. Our excellently equipped workshops and spare parts stores ensure that plants and systems run with as little interruption as possible.

Our loc ally based service centers: Aust ral ia, Peru, South Afric a, Chil e and Ch ina.

Picture left: Mine in South America Picture right: After sales service in a cement plant

Research and development

We think ahead

M o re Mines need to be made deeper and deeper in order to retrieve the raw materials hidden there. B et t er Innovative concepts reduce operating costs. For example, our new skip conveyor transports ore or overburden from where it is mined, upwards over steep embankments to the crushing station on the edge of the mine. That means fewer trucks are needed, which in turn saves purchasing costs, maintenance and fuel as well as reducing CO2 emissions quite significantly.

We carry out continuous research to achieve better solutions for our customers. This work includes both the improvement of existing products and the development of new ones. Furthermore, we keep on finding new fields of application for proven processes. Sometimes we test new plants and machinery on a smaller scale. That saves time, money and makes for a reliable design. The knowledge gained is directly employed to improve the design of the next generation of industrial equipment. Our extensive material database makes it possible to reliably classify raw materials and design equipment with outstanding efficiency.

Skip conveyor

fewe r t r u c k s.

Up to

T h e u s e o f t h e n e w s k i p co n v e yo r m e a n s 5 0 p e r c e n t f e w e r t r u c k s n e e d to b e d ep l oy e d, w h i c h c u t s ope r at i n g co s t s.

Research laboratory

ThyssenKrupp Resource Technologies GmbH Graf-Galen-Strae 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany www.thyssenkrupp-resource-technologies.com

TK 791 e BB

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