Epa Water Treatment Manual Preliminary
Epa Water Treatment Manual Preliminary
Epa Water Treatment Manual Preliminary
document contains
77 aesJ
The Agency personnel involved in the preparation and production of this manual were Ms. Anne Butler, Mr. Gerry Carty, Dr. Matt Crowe, Dr. Paddy Flanagan and Ms. MarionLambert (wordprocessing).
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Figure5.2: Grease Separator Figure5.3: AeratedSkimmingTank Figure6.1: Flow-time graph Figure6.2: Flow Measurement Locations Figure 6.3: Typical Diurnal Flow Pattern in Dry Weather Figure 6.4: Flow Measurement Devices Figure 7.1: Wet Oxidation about Ozone Figure 7.2: Section Through Peat BedBiofilter
Figure 1.1: Wastewater Treatment Process Figure 1.2: Typical Wastewater Preliminary Treatment Processes Figure2.1: HighSide Weir Overflow Figure 2.2: VortexRegulatorThrottle Device Figure2.3. Throttle Pipe Design Figure 2.4: Typical High Side Weir Criteria Figure 2.5: Stilling Pond Overflow Criteria Figure 2.6: Vortex Chamber in CircularShaft Figure 2.7: On-lineandOff-line Storage 3.1: Collected Figure QuantitiesofScreenings from Mechanically Cleaned BarRacks Figure 3.2: RotatingBar Interceptor Figure 3.3: CurvedBar Screen Figure 3.4: Inclined Mechanic ily RakedBarScreen Figure 3.5: Step Screens Figure3.6: Screezer Figure3.7: Drum Screen- Rotamat Type Figure3.8: Discreen Figure3.9: Hydraulic Screenings Press Detail Figure3.10: SolidWaste Screenings - Top Feed Press Figure3.11: In-lineDisintegrator(Muncher) Figure4.1: Cross-section ofParabolic Constant- VelocityDetritus Channel Figure4.2: ProportionalFlow Plate Weir (Sutro Weir) Figure4.3: HelicalFlow Pattern in an AeratedGrit Chamber Figure4.4: Grit Washerand Classifer Figure5.1: Glass-Reinforced Plastic (G.R.P.) Grease Trap
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Table2.1: Flow ControlDevices at Stormwater Oveiflows - Options Table2.2: Recommended Storm Overflow Structures Table3.1: Typical Screen Applications Table3.2: Screen Selection Table3.3: Screen Design Factors Table3.4: OperationalProblems at Screens Table4.1: Settling Velocity ofGrit Table 4.2: Typical Design Data Table 4.3: Problems at Grit Plants Table 5.1. OperationalProblems with Grease Table 6. I:TypesofFlow Measurement Devices and theirOperation Table 6.2:Application ofFlow Measurement in Wastewater Treatment Table 6.3: Typical Criteria Used in the Selection ofFlow Metering Devices (Ref 1). Table 6.4: Evaluation ofVarious Types ofFlow Metering in WasrewaterPreliminaryTreatment Table 6.5: Typical Flow Metering Accuracy Table 7.1: Typical RangesofOdourand SulphurCompound Concentrations in Gas Emissions at
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The EnvironmentalProtection Agency was established in 1993 to licence, regulateand control activities for the purposes of environmental protection. In Section 60 of the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992, it is stated that "the Agency may, and shall ifso directed by the Minister, specify andpublish criteria and procedures, which in the opinion of the Agency are reasonable and desirable for the purposes of environmental protection, in relation to the management, maintenance, supervision, operation or use ofall or specified classes ofplant, sewers or drainagepipes vestedin or controlledor used by a sanitaryauthority in relationto the for the disposal ofany sewageor other effluent to any waters". Criteria andprocedures treatment and disposal of wastewater are being published by the Agency in a number of manualsunder the general heading: 'WastewaterTreatment Manuals'. Where criteria and procedures are published by the Agency, a sanitary authority shall, in the performance ofits functions, haveregardto them. This manual on Preliminary Treatment sets out the general principles and practiceswhichshouldbe followed by those involved in the treatment of wastewater. It provides criteria and procedures for the proper management, maintenance, supervision, operation and use of the processes and equipment required in the preliminary treatment of wastewater. The Agency hopes that it will provide practical guidanceto those involved in plant operation, use, management, maintenance and supervision. Further manuals are planned for secondary and tertiary treatment of wastewater. Where reference is madein the document to proprietary equipment, this is intended as indicating equipment type and is not to be interpreted as endorsing or excluding any particular manufacturer or system.
The Agency welcomes any suggestions which users of the manual wish to make. These shouldbe returned to the Environmental Management and Planning Divisionat the Agency headquarters on the enclosed User
Comment Form.
wishesto acknowledge those who contributed to and reviewed this manual. The draft manual was prepared undercontract to the Agency by M.C. O'Sullivan & Co. Ltd. A review panel was established by the Agency to assist in the finalisation of the manual and we acknowledge belowthose persons who took the time to offer valuable information, advice and in many cases comments and constructive criticism on the draftmanual. We gratefully acknowledge the assistance offered by the following persons:
The Agency
R. Dunne, Dept. ofthe Environment J. Fenwick, DublinCorporation P. Fullam, DublinCorporation J. O'Flynn, Waterford CountyCouncil(representing the County and City Engineers Association) P. Ridge, Galway County Council
The Agency also wishes to acknowledge the assistance of Engineering Inspectors of the Department of the Environment and the SanitaryServices sub-committee of the Regional Laboratory, Kilkenny, both of whom commented on the draftmanual.
Department oftheEnvironment WaterResearch Centre, U.K. Environmental ProtectionAgency Biochemical Oxygen Demand Chemical Oxygen Demand
60 of the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992 permits the agency (EPA) to specify and publish criteria and procedures, which in the opinion of the Agency are reasonable and desirable for the purposes of environmental protection, in relation to the
conditions which apply. Therefore, the criteriafor selection of process and equipment are reviewed, together with the issueswhich arisein day to day operation.
management, maintenance, supervision, operation or use of all or specified classesofplant vested in or controlled or used by a sanitary authority for thetreatment or disposal of sewageor effluent to any waters. This document is prepared in accordance with the foregoing, in respect of wastewater preliminary treatment. Its objective, therefore, is to provide criteria and procedures to properly manage, maintain, supervise, operate or use the processes and equipment required in the preliminary treatment of wastewater.
In considering these issues, regardmust be had to the variations in wastewater flow and other characteristics. Foul flows are subject to variation with daytime peaks and night-time low flows. The effects of rainfall can increase flows substantially and result in greaterloads of grit and screenings brought into the sewers through
gullies. Preliminary treatment processes must, therefore, cater for a range of flow conditions between minimum and maximum.
thefollowing topics:
management: criteria for the establishment of preliminary treatment including siting, design,
process and equipment selection and to meet organisational management performance objectives;
Other constituents of sewage are derived from process water from industry or commercial undertakings. These can give rise to the following
constituents: slaughter house and butcher wastes can include animal hair, bone fragments, blood and offal; creameries result in milk and milk fat wastes which constitute a high carbohydrate load which can result in operational problems in activated sludge plants;
supervision: superintendence of the works, maintenance of detailed performance records and monitoring to check compliance with
operation or use: criteria for optimised operational performance and efficiency of plant including disposal of by-products in an environmentally safe manner, minimisation of nuisance from odours, flies, aerosols or other social impacts either at the plant or disposal
These criteria are considered from the point of view of the purpose, functioning and load
thesludge; and
source plant due to break-down or overloading. In particularcircumstances, the Local Authority may provide for treatment of industrial effluents on behalfof the industry, by agreement.
operation of sewage treatment works. The monitoring of incoming sewage should be sufficient to identify the characteristics which would affect the operation and perfonnance efficiency of the plant. In relation to pretreatment processes, significant issues include:
the amount of floating and suspended matter will influence the amount of screenings and grit to be removed, the nature of these materials and the potential for odour nuisance and disposal difficulties associated with them;
similarly, grease, oils and fat in the sewage stream will require removal if the levels constitute a problem for the downstream treatment process; and
high organic loading, for example milk or bloodwastes, require more stringent standards
separate system: in this system. a dedicated foul sewer is provided for foul flows only, with all stormrun-offdirectedto the separate storm sewers. In all systems, a degree of misconnection occurs and some storm runoff inevitably discharges to the foul system. Typically, 5-10m2 per house is connected to the foul sewer, even in nominally separate systems, producing peak flows of 4-5 times
DWF. Increased storm flows can have a flushing effect upon the sewerage system bringing a quantity of stale sewageand debris to the treatment works in the early period of a storm. This is known as the "first foul flush" and can give rise to very strong sewage with very high loading on the treatment plant and a substantially increased level of grit and other debris resulting from the flushing of gulley pots and the resuspension of bed sediment in sewers. One effect is an increased level of grit and screenings content.
In accordance with the Urban Wastewater Directive, and arising from the application of the "Polluter Pays" principle, there is increased emphasis on treatment ofindustrial wastewater at source. The practical application of Schedule 4 of the Directive will be that many industriallcominercial facilities will be obliged to install/upgrade their wastewater treatment facilities before discharge to the municipal sewer to "ensure that the operation of a wastewater treatment plant and the treatment of sludge are nor impeded". Where pretreatment of industrial wastewaters is discussed, it is not intended to advocate such treatment at the municipal plant. On the contrary, appropriate pre-treatment should be provided prior to discharge to the local authority sewer. Nevertheless, the municipal treatment plant operator should be aware of the nature of such effluent streams and their implications for his works, in the event of treatment failures at the
As the storm continues, the strength of the sewage reduces significantly and can result in a relatively dilute sewage inflow for longer storms, typically during winter rainfall. It follows that
overflows to receiving waters should be as far as practicable, during the first prevented, foul flushstage.
The major effect of rainfall, therefore, is increased flow to the works which, if allowed pass to the treatment process, will result in hydraulic overloading. In activated sludge plants, it will cause flushing out of the activated sludge biomass giving rise to plant upset and possible failure, if a large percentage of the biomass is washed out. Carryover of biomass to the sedimentation tanks will also have an immediate negative impact on effluent quality. Loss of biomass in the process reactor can lead to longterm plant failure until such time as the biomass grows back. Excess flows might also result in flooding of the worksdepending on pipe capacity between the different elements.
domestic sewage which is typically in the range 180-200 1/head. This is based on normal per capita water consumption of 150 1/day, plus some leakage and sewer infiltration. Frequently, the domestic flow is taken to include normal commercial discharges from premises such as public houses, restaurants and similar establishments and a total figure of the order of 225 l/hd per day may be appropriate based on major flow surveys carried out in Ireland. Actual flows should be verified in each case, however; industrial effluent flows are normally the subject of effluent licence conditions which include a requirement for metering. Accordingly, these flows can be metered, providing details of average and peak values. Flows from institutions such as hospitals, schools or from hotels can be estimated from resident or from direct population measurement. Such site measurements are alwaysnecessary prior to the design stage of a new wastewater treatment plant;and infiltration results from leakage into the sewers and will tend to be at a maximum in winter time when the groundwater table is at its highest. Infiltration is a function of the condition of the sewer system and can be
significant in older
For this reason, it is necessary to restrict the forward flow to the treatment plant. This requires overflowing of excess storm flows. In order to prevent pollution of the receiving streams from the effects of these overflows, arrangements arc required to limit the frequency and volume of overflow spill by the use of storage and to prevent carryover of solids by effective use of baffles and screens. This aspect is discussed in detail in Chapter2.
It is particularlyimportant that overflows should not occur during the period of first flush. If the screenings removal equipmentis under designed or inadequately maintained, "blinding" of the screens may occur from the extra screenings load carried down the sewer, resulting in premature
overflows. Such overflows could have potentially very serious pollution consequences due to very high concentrations of BOD, ammonia and the potential for hydrogen sulphide which is extremely toxicto aquatic life.
In this document, flows to the treatment plant are expressed in terms of multiples of dry weather flow (DWF). This is the total volume of sewage during a day which follows 7 days without rain and may also be described as an average daily flow in dry weather.
poor construction practices are employed resulting in leaks at joints and at manholes. The quantity of infiltration can only be established from flow measurement, particularly base night flow measurement. CCTV surveys can also assist in identification ofinfiltration.
weatherflow (DWF). Peak flow is then described as a multiple of dry weather flow (e.g. 3 times DWF). Dry weatherflow will vary according to the nature of the contributing catchment and will include the following elements:
of dry
A further complication arises from seasonal variations. For example, tourism can result in a major increase in foul flows in seaside towns
resulting in markedly increased flows to the treatment plant. This can present serious treatment difficulties and may require mobilisation of standby equipment to meet the seasonal peak flows. Therefore, peak conditions must be catered for in the design and operation of a plant.
Where permanentmeasurement facilities are not available, inflows should be monitored over the full cycle, by fitting of a suitable flow measurement device. This can be combined with
flow proportional sampling to establish the organic loadof the plant.
tertiary systems: sand or microfiltration systems may be employed to enhance the quality of final effluents, where necessary. Othertertiary treatment processesmay include disinfection using UV radiation or ozone
treatment; and
sludge treatment: as discussed below. Further handling and treatment processes are generally employed to deal with the surplus sludge generated within the treatment works. These processes may include the following
elements: sludge draw-off, pumping; flow balancing and
involve chemical and biological processes physical, depending on the required effluent standards, the nature of the wastewater and the scale of the works (Fig. 1.1). Among the processes which may arise in wastewater treatment are the following:
gravity thickening of sludge in circular tanks usually assisted by a rotating picket fence and mechanism. Mechanical scraper thickening is also an option. increasingly used in Europe; stabilisation treatment of sludge may include aerobic or anaerobic digestion treatment; volume reduction of sludge is achieved by mechanical dewatering in belt press or centrifuge system; and inter-stage transfer of sludge is achieved using positive displacement pumps, screw and belt conveyors.
sludge or extended aeration or variants on these. Other biological processes include rotating biological contactors (RBC) and the use of constructedwetlands for full treatment of wastewater. or final polishing NitnficationlDenitification may be provided for to reduce the nitrate concentrations where theeffluentis discharged to a sensitive marine environment;
chemical treatment: may be used to adjust the parameters of wastewater prior to biological treatment (e.g. pH adjustment, reduction in heavy metals or nutrient adjustment). It may also be used in
The purposeof preliminary treatment is to ensurt a satisfactory quality of final effluent and final sludge product and to protect the treatment process from malfunction associated with accumulation of screenings, debris, inorganic grit, excessive scum formation or loss of efficiency associated with grease or oil films or fat accumulations.
Settled Storm
Water Bypass
Biological Treatment
Receiving Water
The principal preliminary treatment processes employed at a wastewater treatment works, therefore, maybe described as follows (Fig. 1.2):
to treatment with facilities for accommodation of excess flows using either on-line storage,
off-line storage or overflow spill pipe;
storm overflows: involve an in-line control device to regulate the maximum forward flow
screening: ma include coarse and fine screening, usually mechanically operated. to intercept floating and suspended debris with ancillary equipment to remove the screenings. flush organic matter hack to the sewage flow and compact the final screenings residue for disposal offsite:
hazard zoning: where pretreatment processes are enclosed in buildings. it is necessary to monitor for hydrogen sulphide. methane,
hydrocarbon concentration and oxygen deficiency. and to give consideration to hazard zoning of the various compartments and equipment contained therein.
inorganic grit prticles including grit washing and storage facilities. Removal of grit prevents its downstream accumulation in process units and the potential for excessive wear in pumps, sludge dewatering plant and other machinery:
oil, grease and fat: facilitiesfor flotation and removal by skimming of oil, grease and fat are
In the following chapters. pretreatment processes are considered from the point of view of purpose, design criteria, control and supervision, types of equipment and specification. nature and disposal
of residues.
necessary where these are significant constituents of the wastewater inflow. This is desirable to prevent blockages and scum formation and the accumulation of fat on conveyors and other elements of the works resulting in reducedefficiency and excessive maintenance requirement. Fatlgrease removal is best achieved on the contaminated stream rather than on the total flow, if practicable. for efficient performance and correct selection of the plantrequired: flow measurement: required to quantify the hydraulic load to treatment normally including facilities for proportional sampling for analysis of organic. nutrient or other parameters. It is also highly desirable to assist in control of sludge flows and the addition of chemicals: nuisance: odours arise at the pretreatment works primarily associated with the removal of material from the sewage stream and the storage of residues. This gives rise to the production of noxious gases. Treatment of odour may require containment and extraction of malodorous air for treatment. Treatment processes can include chemical treatment using ozone, dry or wet scrubbers and adsorption filters. Biological treatment of odours can be achieved using peat or compost beds. Odour masking chemicals have occasionally been used as a short-term strategy for dealing with odours:
maintaining the worksin a clean condition: by regular washing down of screens. walls.
storage areas. etc. Controlling rodents, scavengers and similar pests within plants:
maintaining safe
monitoring and control system: the plant monitoring and control facilities may provide flows, equipment status. wastewater level.
working conditions: including maintenance of gas monitoring equipment and alarms, maintaining equipment guards and following safe working practices. This would involve implementing an occupational Health & Safety plandevised for the scheme by the authority responsible for it: and
effluent quality: ensuring that the works produces a final effluent treated to the
required standard.
To summarise, the plant operator is responsible for carrying out regular and routine maintenance to ensure continued efficient operation of the equipment, maintenance of the plant in a clean
and safe condition to achieve performance objectives, minimising hazards and nuisance to operators, visitors or the public, and maintenOance of detailedoperational records by
means of which performance and plant loadings can be verified. For detailed advice on the operation and maintenance of plants, reference should be made to the Local Authority National Training Group or Sanitary Services Sewage Treatment Trainers Manual. Operatives should follow the detailed requirements in that manual for equipment maintenance and operation, reporting, safe working and hygiene practices recommended therein.
Screenings Washing/Removal
Grit Plant
- GritWashing/Removal
and Splitter
To Secondary Treatment
A critical consideration in the design of a wastewater treatment plant is the determination of peak hydraulic loading or maximum flow to be accommodated through the works. This maximum flow determines the sizing of pipework and the head losses to be providedbetween each stage of the works. Therefore, it influences the process
selection and sizing, including the volume of process units and the surface area of sedimentation tanks. As such, the selection of peak design flow has a substantial bearing on the size of a works and therefore on its cost.
plates or penstocks givesrise to raggingwhich can cause variations in the flows passed. They can be used downstream of screens, where appropriate. Table 2.1 lists characteristics of flow control options, with advantages and
the WRc guidelines (reference ER 304E) to ensure efficient hydraulic control and solids separation/retention. The device must ensure that maximum inflows can be accommodated with minimum increase in the permitted through-flow, while at the same time avoiding overflows until the design through-flow is
combined or partially separate. This approach is applied to all plants up to 2000 p.e. and maywell be desirable up to at least 5000 p.e. Any additional costs for smaller plants are likely to be offset by savings in the omission of storm flow balancing at the works inlet. Ultimately, peak design flow should be determined by optimisation of the total system comprising the collection network and treatment plant.
Forlargetreatment plants, it is common to design the plant for a peak flow of 3 times DWF. In smaller plants, the scale of works and cost implications of a higher design coefficient are less significant and the figure normally taken is 6 times DWF, where the sewerage system is
the overflow should have effective debris containment and be amenable to safe access for maintenance and inspection. The objective should be retention of screenings in the flow
rather than removal at this stage; and
on larger works or where the receiving waterway is sensitive to spills, a level monitor should be incorporated to provide a record of overflow frequency and duration. Details and dimensions of the overflow structure shouldbe determined in accordance with the U.K. Water Research Centre (WRC) guidelines (Ref. 17) in order to achieve relatively quiescent conditions, to minimise carryover of debris. However, it is imperative that a dry weather channel be providedin the invert of the overflow structure with an appropriate profile and gradient to achieve self cleansing conditions during normal flows. The plant operator should ensure that this channel and benching are maintained clean and free from ragging and sludge deposition. A typical overflow weir application (high side weir overflow) is shown in Fig. 2.1. This mayrequire flushing after a stormevent.
2.1.2 FLOW
Flow control requires that a flow control device be incorporated at the inlet works to restrict the forward flow to treatment. Where inlet flows are pumped, the pump capacity determines the flow regime. Flow balancing in conjunction with variable speed drives and PLC controllers can reduce hydraulic loading on the treatment works. The key elements of flow control and overflow
works are:
a flow
control device such as a measuring flume or other appropriate control (e.g. hydrobrake type orifice). The use of orifice
Baffle Plate
Overflow Dry Weather
ThrottlePipe or Orifice
Flow to
Continuation Pipe
Vortex Regulator
Vortex Forms
Overflow level
Downstream manhole
Tailwater level
H0= 1.5V2/2g+V(V-V)/g+Sf.L
Q= C B H3'2
(C approx. 1.805)
Q = Cd A (2g (h1-h2))5
Dia. > 200mm
Proneto ragging andobstruction Smallhead increment gives largeflow increase Needs approach lengthof10 x
Q= l.744BH'5
"V" Notch(90deg.)
Easy to install
Q = 1.42 H25
Vortex Regulator (e.g. Hydrobrake) Fig. 2.2 Vortex generated allowing aircore and high peripheral velocity. (Ref. Manufacturer's Catalogues).
No measurement offlow
Throttle Pipe
Fig. 2.3
Pipe, 200mmdia. orbigger; minimum length: Slope = 0.002,L = 16D =0.004, L =25D
Simple installation Optimum foroverflows in network
Less accurate
Potential for blockage Length maynot be available at works
=0.006,L = 35D
Requires automatic control system
The excess flows spilled at the oserflo may have the potential to cause pollution of receiving waters if discharged without restriction. This requiresconsideration of the following issues:
'1'' is the rate of infiltration. The factor of 2E should he reconsidered \\here the industrial effluent is a high strength waste ith potentially toxic impacts or here it constitutes a significant proportion of the total floss. In these circumstances, a higher factor would he appropriate. This floss should he regarded as a minimum setting and reference should he made to the D.O.E. guidelines in determining the appropriate setting for each site (Ref. 18).
and the aesthetic and general amenity impacts the bacteriological effect of discharges on
receiving waters bathing areas:
as already stated, the storm overflow structures should satisfy the criteria in WRc
publication ER3O4E (Ref. 17) with overflow structures confined to high side eir.stilling basin or vortex chamberoverflows:
located in designated
the potential nutrient load (nitrates and phosphates) in the spill flow:and
maximise the retained flow at a near constant rate within the system capacity and overflow spilling should not occur until the minimum settings have been exceeded. Chamfered or, bevelled outlets should he used to minimise ragging: such an overflow should be designed for effective containment of detritus and floating debris, oil and grease. It should be fitted with adequate baffle plates with adequatefreeboard and depth of immersion: overflow discharge points should be discreetly located and coastal outfalls should be taken, where practical. to belowlow water level:
The minimum overflow setting, above which overflows might be permitted. is defined as that given by "FormulaA", following the report of the Technical Committee on Storm Overflows and the Disposal of Storm Sewage (HMSO 1970) (Ref. 19). This is defined as follows:
to establish containment of "first foul flush" flows having regard to the nature of the catchment runoff (time of concentration. extent of sediment in sewers, etc): and
specific performance objectives in terms of spill frequency are required for dischargesto coastal waters, including bathing waters and recreational amenity waters (3 and 7 spills respectively per bathing season) (Ref. 18). Similarly. spill frequency and volume limitations may apply to other receiving waters having regard to available dilutions and water quality objectives. Frequencies of
efficient solids and screenings retention. Details of each type of overflow are shown diagramatically (Figs. 2.4 to 2.6), giving key dimensions for correct sizing. The characteristics of each typearelistedin Table2.2. Arising from the foregoing selection criteria, it might be concluded that the high side weir or stillingpond option would normally suffice where storage is provided. The storage would be expected to make up for any loss of settlement efficiency. However, where storage is not provided and the receiving water is particularly sensitive, for example, where it supports a high level of visual or general amenity, the vortex separator shouldbe considered.
forward flows can exceed the safe limit in structures with restricted spill capacities or variable head such as leapingweir or "hole in the wall" types; poor solids separation is common. Traditional low side weir overflows can giverise to solids being carried out in the overflow due to longitudinal currents in the mainchannel.The
scumboards have situations; and little effect in such
of solids
such overflows (low side weir, leaping weir, etc.,) commence overflowing before the full forward flow is reached; Recommended overflow structures include "High Side Weir", "Stilling Pond" and "Vortex" overflows. Detailed design recommendations are given for each typeto achieve the objectives of: controlled forward flow at near constant value; deferral of spilling until forward flow is reached; and
Stilling Zone, Overflow Zone,double weirs of specified height and length and storage zone. Include DWF Channel for lm/s at 2 * DWF ExtendedStilling pond chamber, surcharge ofinlet sewer and transverse weir overflow. Secondary currentsin a forcedvortexused to separate solids.
Low gradient
Accommodates to existing inverts Minimum surcharge of u/s sewers Easy maintenance Higherseparation efficiency Shorter structure
High separation Works with high inlet Circulartanksuitedto deep sites or poor
ground velocity efficiency
requirement Outlet must not impede weir Significant drop in invert level required. May surcharge upstream sewer. Normally requires Hydrobrake typeoutlet control
However, many storms are of short duration with concentrated discharges which would give rise to spills of moderate volume but high frequency (with short duration intensityexceeding 6 times DWF). Such spills are potentially unsatisfactory, particularly during summer conditions, when receiving waters are most vulnerable. If fully diverted to storage, many such overflows would be contained without discharge and could be returned back to the treatment works when the storm has abated. Even where discharge is necessary due to the severity of a storm, the beneficial effects of settlement in the tank can be considerable. Therefore, the objective of storm balancing storage should be to intercept all flows which exceed the through flow to treatment up to the capacity of the tank. Where the intensity and duration of the storm results in spill discharges which exceed the tank capacity, the excess flows are then permitted to be discharged to the receiving waters subject to effective containment of floating debris. Such flows have the benefit of substantial dilution and potentially significant settlementin the balancing tank.
for the receivingwaters. Historically, tanks were designedfor up to 6 hours DWF and this volume would generally be satisfactory. Flow balancing might also be desirable to even out the effects of pumping. A direct monitoring and control system is recommended to optimise the use of the total
storage volume.
timer control with return flow commenced linked to a set time delayin smallerworks:
flow proportional return based on inflow rate. For example, storm water return at DWF flow-rate could commence when inflow falls below 2DWF; and this flow proportional return can be optimised by use of variable speed pumps to optimise stormwater handling efficiency. This would also permit flow balancing to the works to even out hydraulic loading.
determined from modelling of the sewerage network combined with spill settings determined
4D 'Stilling length
Benchingin range
Flow to Treatment Plant
Treatment Plant
Weir Crest
____ Flow to
=4D Section
(REF. WRc304E)
Flow balancing can be achieved by a variety of methods including the following: in-line storage upstream of the overflow by means of a tank sewer or largediameter sewer in which the flows are backed up before discharge. Such systems have the benefit of automatic operation. Even though fitted with DWF channels, there is a tendency for retention of settled deposits on benching when stormflows havereceded, whichmayresult in substantial maintenance; horizontal rectangular tank with sloping floor and either pumped or gravity facilities for the returnflow. Traditionally, such tanks provided for separate sludge draw off, but a modern system would ideally incorporate facilities for resuspension of sediments to avoid separate sludge handling facilities. Tanks would be subdivided into a numberof cells;and
should be returned to the pretreatment works to prevent malodours and avoid sludge residues in
the tank. This may involve incorporating measures for resuspension of settled sludge. Alternatively, the tanks can be designed so that the supernatant water is returned for treatment and the sludge dealt with separately.
Where ground conditions are poor, relatively shallow rectangular storm settlement tanks may be most appropriate. Such tanks are particularly suitable where a gravity return of the storedflows is possible, for example adjacent to pumping stations, where flows are returnedto the wet well. Such tanks should incorporate the following
circular radial flow tank with sloping conical floor and central sump fitted with scraper mechanism (similar to primary sedimentation
facilities for resuspension of solids as the tanks are drawn down by means of pumped recycling, tank mixer unit or air/water scour
Where some surcharge or backing up of the trunk sewer to the treatment works is permitted, storage can be achieved within the sewer system to meet some or all of the storage requirement. This "inline" storage is limited by the extent to which surcharging can be permitted without risk of upstream flooding. Its impact on the flow metering devices being utilised should also be
considered. Off-line tanks provide the balance of the storage requirement to meet the overflow spill objectives. Fig. 2.7 illustrates schematically the nature of "on-line" and "off-line"storage. These tanks are commonly constructed in cells with provision for overflowing from one cell to the next. This ensures that the more contaminated overflows are collected in the initial cells with more dilute discharge in downstream cells to the point of ultimate overflow. For smaller storms, only the initial tank or cell is utilised, thereby reducing the maintenance involved in requirement desludging/cleaning.
wherepumped return is required, the optimum design is for a circular radial flow tank similar
to the tanks required for primary sedimentation. These tanks are equipped with a central hopper and scraper system. The sludge is automatically drawn off from the conical sump at the invert of the tank, in conjunction with the returned flow.
The operational management of storm tanks withinthe treatment works requires that:
the tanks are drawn down by recycling of flows to the inlet works at the end of each storm event when flows have returned to a
satisfactory level. For example, a plant designed for three times DWF could accommodate a return rate of DWF when the inflow rate has subsided to twiceDWF:
The design objective is that storm tanks are always emptied completely each time they are
used. This ensures that storage capacity is available for the next rainfall event and also prevents consolidation of sludge in the base of the tank. The whole of the contents of the tanks
storm tanks should be fully emptied at the conclusion ofeach storm event; and the
operator's duties should include thoroughly flushing out the storm tank at the
to achieve this.
Stormwater storage at the inlet to a sewage treatment works is utilised for approximately 5% of the time. For this reason, there may be a tendency to neglect or underestimate its significance as part of the treatment works. The intermittent use of equipment may also lead to breakdown, for example, of scraper mechanisms and pumping plant. Nevertheless, the proper operation of storm balancing storage is critical to the satisfactory operation of the treatment plant and the protection of receiving waters. Given the operational difficulties which may occur with storm balancing storage, it might be considered that treatment plants up to 5000 p.e. and possibly even of larger size (up to 10,000 p.e.) would be designed to accommodate "Formula A" flows through the treatment plant, avoiding the need for balancing tanks. This hydraulic capacity combined with well designed and well maintained overflow facilities could achieve the required objectives without off-line storage, except where higher standards are necessary for the receiving waters. However, this should always be subjected to economic and technical appraisal in order to determine the appropriate option in each case.
Upstream Sewer*
SECTIONA - A TankSewer
Overflow Throttle
Upstream Sewer
DWF Channel Overspill
1 I
Upstream Sewer
b) Off-line TankOverflow
the coarse suspended and floating solids which are present in a wastewater stream and which are retained on bar racks or screens. The smaller the screen opening, the greaterthe quantity of screenings. In addition, the more screenings that are removed in them, the more organic putrescible content will be present.
Screenings comprise
treatment plant by removing suspended solids and BUD. However, in municipal wastewater treatment, the objective should be to minimise the removal of organic matter at the preliminary treatment stage so that the screenings material for ultimate disposal is less objectionable and less likely to give rise to odour nuisance at the plant or disposal site.
To protectdownstream mechanical plant from damage or obstruction due to large objects in the wastewater flow; To separate and remove the larger material
which might interfere with the efficient operation of wastewater treatment processes; and
offal, and
leaves. There are many additional elements of screenings which arise from the nature of the activities connected to the collection network. For example, building works tend to give rise to building debris. Other materials arise from illicit deposition of waste materials in sewers and manholes. The amount of screenings will also vary with flow conditions in the sewer. Storm conditions will tend to increase the quantity of screenings arriving at the treatment works as additional material will be carried in via gulley traps, gratings, and resuspension of material trapped in bed sediments associated with increased sewer velocities. Therefore, screenings design must cater for the maximum hydraulic load to the works and have regard to the likely maximum screenings loadassociated with this flow.
To ensure the absence of unsightly floating matterat outfalls or in receiving waters. The protection of receiving waters from aesthetic nuisance is increasingly the objective in selection of screening plant. For bathing waters, S.!. 84,
1988 entitled "European Communities (Quality of Bathing Water Regulations), 1988" gives effect to the Council Directive No. 76/160/EEC. This requires effective containment of screenings debris for discharges to bathing waters and similar standards are now generally applicable to amenity waters. The National Strategy for Sewage Sludge Management adopted by the Department of the Environment envisages re-use of sludge as far as possible. E.C. Directive 86/278/EEC and the ensuing National Regulations (SI. 183, 1991) set criteria for the use of sewage sludge in agriculture. The successful implementation of a re-use strategyinvolving land spreading requires a consistent, high quality product. This requires that the sludge be free of rags, plastics and other non-biodegradable debris, which would normally be removed by an efficient fine screening process.
The treatment works operator should maintain records of the quantities of screenings. The operator should also note any problems with
In some instances, fine screening can be used to reduce the pollution load entering the wastewater
screening equipment or problems associated with particularly heavy screenings loads. The occurrence of unusual or excessive quantities of screenings should prompt investigation of
potential sources both to alleviate the problem at the works and to avoid potential problems in the upstream sewer network. Catchments with a substantial amount of storm inflow and where sewer gradients are steep can generate large debris which will damage fine screens and screenings handling equipment. Such catchments may require the provision of coarse screens upstream of fine screening to intercept boulders, timbers and similardebris.
The predicted quantity of screenings at any given location is difficult to estimate as there are no data available for wastewater treatment plants in Ireland. However, the following textbook data
provide an indicative range. Volume of Screenings Density ofScreenings Moisture Content Volatile Solids 0.01 -0.03 m3/l.000 p.e.perday
of screenings are extremely variable and dependenton many factors including the nature of activities within the catchment, the nature of the sewer system (combined, partially combined or separate), industrial and commercial activity and the nature of industrial effluents and their pretreatment prior to discharge.
The characteristics
600 - 950kg/m3.
75% - 90%. 65% - 95%.
Coarse screens with bar spacings of the order of 75-100mm are designed to intercept only the largest materials and these are generally held back in the flow to be manually removed. Such materials will generally be rocks, branches and large pieces of timber with little organic
Continental data suggest a figure of 10-15 litres of screenings per person per year for 6mm screens. Fig. 3.1 provides indicative guidelines for screenings volume for a range of screen bar spacings.
Coarse screening of the order of 20 mm spacing have beenfound to have a high rag content. Such screenings will have a relatively high volatile solids content which can be up to 80% and will typically have a dry solids content in the order of
In recent years. there has been a marked increase in the amount of plastic materials arriving at the treatment plants. These plastics are difficult to remove by traditional screening methods and may
be seen at various locations throughout wastewater treatment plants. They have a tendency to float longitudinally. prising through traditional bar screens. 3.6 TYPES OF SCREEN Up to the mid 1970s. the basic type of screen used in sewage treatment in Ireland was a manually raked bar screen, having bar spacings of 20 - 25 mm. These screens have been overtaken to a large extent by the advent of economical mechanically raked screens and the need for finer screening. The screen types may be defined as follows:
Fine screenings retained on screens with apertures of the order of 6mm will also have significant volatile solids contents and are likely to include 5-10% of influent suspended solids. Moisture contents are likely to be somewhat greater than for coarse screenings. They will also contain significant elementsof grease and scum. Because of the high putrescible matter content. including faecal material, screenings require careful handling and disposal. In a raw state, they arehighlyvolatile and will quickly give rise to an odour nuisance if they are stored on site for any significant length of time. Daily disposal is therefore necessary, together with washing down of storage areas.
Screen Type
Coarse Medium Fine Straining
> 50 mm.
80 V
The following table lists the types of screen available, although each type of screen has as many versions as there are manufacturers. Where reference is made to proprietary equipment, this is intended as indicating a type of screen and is not to be interpreted as endorsing or excluding any particular manufacturer or system. In addition, thereare a numberof new typesof screen nowon the market which do not come under the traditional descriptions. Table3.1 lists the screen types and their applications. Strainers have not been included in this list as these are a form of treatment and are not normally used in municipal
wastewater pretreatment.
intervals. These screens are quite ineffective and blind easily. They should be replaced where possible with mechanically raked screens and retained on a by-passbasisonly. 3.8 COARSE SCREENS
3.8.1 TRASH RACKS Coarse screens, such as trash racks, are normally
On many of the older wastewater treatment plants, the only form of screening is the manual bar screen with a bar spacing traditionally of
approximately 25 mm. These bar screens are normally fixed on a guide rail inclined at 45 to 60 to the flow and are fitted with a perforated screenings trough above the water level into which the screenings are raked at irregular
used only in large volume stormwater drainage schemes and upstream of large pumping stations wherethe pumps needto be protected from large objects such as concrete blocks, logs of wood and other solid objects which could damage the mechanical equipment. Pumps on such duties would normally be unaffected by medium sized objects. These trash racks are rarely mechanically raked. They are generally aligned at an angle to the flow to minimise the risk of blinding during floodconditions.
Screen TrashRack
Used at inlet to 'arge stormwater or combined flow pumping stations or before fine screens on a large wastewater treatment plant. These may be manually or mechanically raked.
As for trash rack, but do not needto he cleanedexcept to take out large objects by hand. Useful for interception of boulders, largetimber segments. etc. Used at inlet to small wastewater treatment plants or on by-pass to mechanical screen or disintegrator. Used at inlet to small to medium size wastewater
treatment plants. Intermittent raking. Shallow channels.
Fine or
depth of channel.
Used at inlet to small to large size wastewater treatment plants. Continuous cleaning. Shallow to medium depths of channel. Used at inlet on large wastewater treatment plants. Continuous cleaning. Used at inlet to large wastewater treatment plants and sea outfafls. Continuous cleaning. These machines combine screening. screenings removal and dewatering suitable for medium to large wastewater treatment plants. Intermittent or continuous cleaning.
Cup Screens
Screezer. Rotomat
Fine or
Medium Fine
Disposable Bags
bar interceptors are now used in preference to static trash racks upstream of pumping stations (Fig. 3.2). These consist of rotating bars which, by virtue of their rotation, prevent the accumulation of debris (rags, etc.) on the bars. They do, however, retain larger objects such as concrete blocks, large timber sections, animal carcasses and similar large debris which would be likely to cause pumps blockage. In the event of jamming of the screen, the motors are reversed, reversing the direction of rotation and freeing the obstruction.
upgrade from the manual screen and were generally fitted with mechanical rake or brush facilities to convey screenings to a receiving trough. The -operation of the raking mechanism is normally intermittent, controlled by timer or head loss measurement. Downstream of pumps, it may be activated by pump start-up with timer controlled duration. Automatic bar screens must be fitted with limit switches to prevent damage due to overloading or blockage. The controls also generally provide for a switch to ensure that the rake automatically stops moving at a point outside the screen area to avoid jammingat start-up.
3.9.1 CURVED BAR SCREENS The curvedbar screen is suitable for shallow inlet channels (i.e.. less than 2.5 ml (Fig. 3.3). It is fixed in the channel slopingaway from the flow. A rotating rake (normally double sided) is driven an electric motor and follows the curvature of the screen with the tines interlocking with the screen bars. A tine cleaning device at the top of
or hack raked and are zeI1erall\ hvdraulicall\ or chain operated. The cleaning action mimics a
manual raking action. The cleaning rake is nonall parked in the upper position and is actuated either a timer or a water level signal. The cleaning rake will then travel down to the bottom of the screen v ith the rake in a disengaged or retracted condition. At the bottom of the travel, the rake is engaged into the screen by hydraulic or mechanical means. The rake collects the solids from the screen bars and elevates them to the discharge chute where a hinged wiper pushes the solids into the receiving trough.
the screen sweeps the screenings into a collection trough. Curved bar screens, by virtue of their shape. are very suited to low flows.
vertical and inclined bar screens are variationsof each other and are used for deeper inlet channels. These screens can be either front
screening (3 - 15 mm) is becoming increasingly common forthe following reasons: advances in technology have made fine screens more reliable and more economical to manufacture; protection of bathing waters requires the adoption of fine screens for virtually all applications, particularly where european blue flag standards apply;
are continuously front or back raked by meansof cleaning tines mounted on a chain mechanism. These tines continually lift the screenings for discharge at the upper end, eitherby gravity or by means of a brushedcleaning device(Fig. 3.4).
the quality requirements for sludge re-use require effective fine screening to ensure
removal ofplastics and rags; development of improved and more economical screen washing equipment offsets the extra organic loadremoved by fine screens by returning it to the flow;and improved dewatering and compaction equipment greatly improves the handling and volume reduction of screenings, offsettingthe effectsof increased quantity removed.
perforated plates,
These are assembled to form a continuous belt which filters the effluent and, in fact, the collected screenings provide further filtration. There are a number of methods of removing the screenings from the band screen, eitherby means of a brush systemor a backwash system.
are now, however, a number of other rotating screens which fall into this general category, such as the Huber Rotomat, the Jones & Attwood Vertical Drum Screen and the ContraSheardrum screen.
bar screens set at any inclined angle to the flow, having bar spacings of 5 mm upwards.Screens
Each of these screens operates by having rotating drums immersed to some degree in the sewage flow. In the case of the Rotomat and ContraShear, the sewage enters the inside of the drum and flows through it to a collector channel externally. The screenings are collected on the
inside of the drum and rotated upwards to be dropped out into a receiving chute in the centre. The Jones & Attwood Vertical Drum Screen is a direct replacement for the comminutor and, in this case, the sewage flows from outside to inside of the drum, dropping down from the centre via an inverted syphon. The screenings are retained outside the drum and are liftedto the surface by a lifting tine or conveyor. The Jones & Attwood Vertical Drum Screen is ideal as an upgrade for an existing comniinutor installation, where it can
The Discreenis a variation on the Monomuncher disintegrator and consists of a series of vertical shafts, each fitted with overlapping discs which rotate in the same direction at different speeds accelerating towards the downstream end (Fig. 3.8). The screenings are continuously moved along the screen and kept in the flow, while liquid passes through. The screen does not remove the screenings but retains them in the flow. This screen is suitable for use on stormwater overflows, particularly at pumpingstations and is fitted before the sump overflow pipe.
screen, require a significant level drop whichmay not be available at a gravity plantor in an existing works. All of these machines are effective but are also expensive (both for the mechanical plant and in terms of civil works) with the exception of the
3.11 3.11.1
mesh bag screening is a recent and cheap option which has been marketed by Copa Sacs and takes the form of disposable open mesh bags which are mounted in the flow and collect fine screenings. These screens are not suitable for inlet application, but can be retrofitted to unsatisfactory existing installations to protect the overflow or after primary sedimentation to protect the distribution arms of percolating filters. They could alsobe used on the outlet from a treatment plant to ensure that no floating debrispasses out. If used, the sacks need
Disposable open
The specific screen to be selected will depend on the application. In general, the approach as set out in Table3.2 is suggested. In general, manually raked screens should not be installed on new plants,except in the case of very small plants which would not justify mechanically raked screens. In this case, the area of immersed bar screen must be higher than that for a mechanically raked screen to avoid
to be changed regularly.
5 - 10 mm.
5 - 10 mm.
15 - 50mm.
(BeforeFine Screen)
5 - 10mm.
5 - 10 mm.
Foul Flow)
J&AWeir Mount.
A standby or bypass channel should be provided for all screening facilitiesto avoid the possibility
of flooding or discharge of unscreened and untreated sewage due to a breakdown or clogging of the inlet screen. A manually raked screen should be fitted in this bypass channel. Dual
mesh test: depending on the aperture size, a series of aluminium meshes may be placed in
the sewage flow both upstream and downstream of the screen and the degree of capture on each mesh compared. These mesh sizes would typically be in multiples of the design screen size.
screen channels are appropriate only at large works, say 20,000 population equivalent and over, where a bypass channel should also be incorporated.
3.11.3 DESIGN
The basic designof a bar screen should be such that the velocity through the screen would he sufficient for matter to attach itself to the screen without producing an excessive loss of head or complete clogging of the bars. At the same time, velocities in the channel upstream should be sufficient to avoid deposition of solids. In all cases. the shape of the bar shouldbe tapered from the upstream side so that any solids which pass the upstream face of the screen cannotbe jammed in the screen, thereby causing a trip out of the raking mechanism. The following table gives the design factors for bar screens:
to the large diversity of screen types available, there is no standard method of comparison. If comparison is desired, then a number of simple tests could be carried out. These tests are:
tracer test: a known quantity of mixed items of plastics such as plastic strips, papers.
condoms, sticks. etc.. can be placed in the channel a fixed distance upstream from each screen and the quantity of plastics captured measured: and
Manually Cleaned
Width (mm) Depth (mm) 25 - 80 20 - 50 450 - 60 0.3 - 0.6
25 - 80 5 - 8() 18 - 90
Bar Size:
5 - 15
5- 15
Slope to Flow (Deg) Velocity ThroughScreen (mis)
The minimum head loss which should be allowed for through a screen is 150 mm but this will vary with screen type and design. Allowable head loss will often dependon available head. The degree of clogging of a bar screen will vary with the size of the screen and the wastewater quality. For mechanically raked bar screens, the clogging can be anywhere between 10% for surface water and 30% for wastewater with high solids content. For manually raked screens, the
degree of clogging will be greater due to infrequent cleaning.
Because of the need to control flow velocities through the screen, approach velocities upstream will generally be slow, especially in the case of fine bar screens with an open area of less than 50%. This means that the channel widths will be relatively wide and channel deposition is difficult to avoid. The plant operators must flush such channels cleanon a dailybasis.
It is important in the design of screening installations to ensure that upstream velocities are kept sufficiently high to minimise deposition of sediments which create nuisance.
The following equations maybe used for standard bar screens to calculate the width of channel required and the headloss through the screen:
to manufacturer's technical data sheets for appropriate design criteria. In general, the head available (together with the performance required) will tend to dictate the type of screento be used.
HL = 1.43
2 V
B HL = b
h sinq
perforated plate screens
2gC 1A
With the improvement in screening techniques and the advent of finer screens, the quantity of screenings to be dealt with has greatly increased. This increase will accelerate with the requirement
under the Urban Wastewater Treatment Regulations and Directive to provide wastewater treatment facilities at many more towns,including the larger coastalconurbations. At the same time, finer screening means that more faecalmatterand other undesirable objects are trapped in the screenings making them unacceptable for handling in their raw state.
V v
= =
Bar Width (mm) Angle of inclination ofbars. C Coefficient which should be checkedwith the manufacturer. = Bar ShapeFactor.The values of bar factors for clean rack are summarised as shape follows: 9
= = = = = = = = = = =
Maximum Flow (m3Is) Velocity ThroughScreen (mis) Velocity in Upstream Channel (mis) Depth of Flow (m) Width ofChannel (m) % Screen OpenArea. Head Loss Through Screen (m) 9.81 mis2 (gravity). Head on Screen Upstream (m)
Submerged ApertureArea (mm2)
Since the mid-1980's, much development has taken place in the design of screening dewatering devices. These devices come under four main headings: hydraulic press, screw compactor, washer/dewaterer, and
Bar Type.
2.42 with semi- 1.83 Rectangular circularupstream face. Circular. 1.79 with semi- 1.67 Rectangular circularupstream and downstream faces. Tear shape. 0.76
Sharp-edged rectangular.
centrifuge. Most of these devices include some form of washing to reduce the amount of faecal matter. The success of this washing is very variable. One successful approach is to liquefy the faecal matter by means of pumping or maceration and washing in the flow prior to screening. Alternatively, equipment is available to disintegrate the screenings in the presence of water, after removal from the flow. This will liquefythe faecal matter facilitating its return to the flow, leaving relatively cleanscreenings.
Proprietary screens, such as the Rotomat, Screezer, Contra-Shear, etc., are not covered by these formulae and head losses have to be calculated separately. Reference should be made
deatering is also very variable, depending on the machine used and a further consideration is the compactness of the finished product.
approximately 5O moisture and can accept screenings from multiple screens A more expensive variation of the Launder Press is the Screezer which is a dedicated hydraulic ram press fitted to a vertical drum screen which replaces existingcomminutors. in the larger sizes (25R.M.
and 36R.Mj.
In the hydraulic press, the screenings are deposited into the pre-pressing/wash stage via a hopper. The faecal matter is washed out by means of high pressure waterjets and the hydraulic ram then forces the washed screenings into a compression chamber where a constant pressure is maintained, thereby achieving a high degree of dewatering. The washed and dewatered screenings are discharged by means of displacement by fresh screenings deposited in the press. The most common version of the hydraulic press on the Irish market is the Launder Feed Press manufactured by Jones & Attwood (Fig. 3.9). This achieves a finished product of
Support Legs'
Drainage Tray
Compaction can take place either by a spring loaded flap or merely by gravity on an inclined discharge chute. Some screw compactors incorporate a screw with a decreasing pitch which aids the compression of the screenings.
to the screening installation or remotely in a building. The latter is advisable becausethe final product dry and loose and susceptible to be
In general, screw compactors do not remove much of the faecal matter from the screenings and the compacted cake will have a moisture content
The macerated screenings are pumped to a liquid distribution chamber from wherethe liquid is fed into a centrifuge where separation is effected by a stainless steel paddlerotating at 1,450 r.p.m. The paddle rotates inside a stainless steel screen containing 1.5 mm. holes. This screen is conical in shape. The separated liquid drains through the perforated mesh and returns to the treatment plant while the dry solid materials are ejected through the bottomof the device. The dewatered material is relatively innocuous and aesthetically acceptable. However, it is not compacted and is susceptible to wind scatter if not contained.
This system is compact and efficientin producing a clean product with minimum organic removal from the wastewater.
currently available is the Lisep Process (Haigh Engineering). Screenings are first collected to a macerating pump sump from where they are pumped with maceration to the Lisep unit. The maceration process has the effect of liquefying the faecal matter and separating it by washing from the other materials in a liquid stream. The Lisep device itself can be located either adjacent
number of
The first of these is by far the most common and it is envisaged that this practice will continue in the foreseeable future. It is suggested that where small quantities of screenings are involved, a baggingunit might be appropriate. Incineration is only relevant where an incinerator already exists for the disposal ofsewage sludge or other wastes. This is unlikely to be a practical disposal route in Ireland in the foreseeable future. However, when considering such a route, it should be remembered that screenings have a calorific value of approximately 15 x 106 kJ/tonne dry solids and are not autothermic. It is also important that the screenings should be incinerated at temperatures greater than 800C to avoid malodorous emissions. The of non-biodegradable disintegration screenings and return to the flow should be avoided where possible as this can create problems both in the end use of the sludge and in the final effluent.
consists of a cast iron hollow drum made lip of a number of sections rotating aroundthe ',ertical axis. The drum is a fine screen ith horizontal slots. The drum is fitting in line with flow from outside to inside and discharged from there via an inverted siphon. The solids are retained on the face of the drum and combs fixed at various locations around the drum carried the solids to fixed teeth on the comminutor casing which disintegrates the solids and allows them to pass through the screen with the flow. Problems have arisen with comminutors due to lack of
The comnlinutor
maintenance, deposition in the channels and inverted syphons and the fact that floating plastics frequently pass straight through the slots. Jones & Attwood comminutors can be directly replaced by their Vertical Drum Screen or Screezer. both of which remove the screenings from the flow. This equipment can be retro-fitted relatively easily.
Macerators are basically high speed centrifugal pumps which incorporate rotating cutting edges whichcut the solids against a fixed hardened steel shear plate. A variation on the maccrating pumps is a pump which has a set of cutting knives fixed into the suction pipe separately from the pump itself.
are not, strictly speaking, screens but they have been widely used in the past at the
inlet to wastewater treatment plants. This equipment was designedto chop up the solids for retentionin the flow and removal with the sludge. The practice is no longer favoured for the following reasons:
In-line maccrating may continue to have application for pumped effluents with high levels of screening, for example. hospital effluent. The equipment is useful to liquefy organic solids in screenings prior to compaction. so that the subsequent screenings removal contains a minimum offaeces.
The Muncheris a slow speed high torque parallel shaft grinder (Fig. 3.11). Each shaft is fitted with a series of interlocking cutters and spacers which counter-rotate and trap objectsonto teeth crushing and grinding them. The Muncher can be installed in channels, pipelines and used on the inlets to pumphouses, sewage treatment plants, etc. One of the drawbacks of the Muncher is its high head loss. This drawback has been overcome with the advent of the Discreen which conveys screenings to the Muncher while passing the screen flow through.
(1120 WASTE-TEC)
While there are many locations in which disintegrators are suitable, it is now generally accepted that screenings should be removed wherepossible from the flow.
There should be a Schedule of Maintenance for the screening facility broken down into daily, weekly, monthly, biannual or annual operations. The daily operations should include the removal of the screenings to avoid odour and vermin nuisance. Storage of the screenings in covered containers is desirable which would be removed daily or weekly for disposal. The storage area should be regularly washed and cleaned with a chemical solution such as chlorine or hydrogen peroxide. The screen channels upstream and downstream and the by-pass channels should be cleaned daily to ensure no build-up of sediment or malodorous materials. It should be noted that the screening area is one of the few areas within a
The screen raking mechanism (raking chain, sprockets, teeth and other moving parts) should be inspected daily. Where dewatering devices
have been installed, these should also be inspected daily. All moving parts should be lubricated and adjusted as recommended by the manufacturers. Each screen and dewatering device, where relevant, should be taken out of service for maintenance on a routine basis. The unit should be cleaneddown and thecomponents checked for painting, cables, chains, teeth replacement, removal of obstructions, straightening of bent bars, etc.
Obnoxious odours and vermin,
CAUSE Improper or prolonged storage of screenings, Unusual amount of debris in wastewater. Low velocity through the rack. Automatic rakeactionnot often enough. Low velocities in the channel.
Provide properstorage, increase frequency of removal and disposal. Identify the source of excessive debrisand stop it. Provide a coarser rack. Reset the timer cycleor install a level override. Remove flow irregularities. Reslope the floor. Rake the channel. Flush regularly. Remove the obstruction.
Excessive screenclogging.
Consult manufacturer regarding settingadjustment. Inspect the chains, switches and rakesand replace as necessary.
Screen not being raked but motoris running. Rake will not operate- no visible reason.
Grit consists of sand, gravel, stones, soil, cinders, bone chips, coffee grounds, seeds, eggshells,
glass fragments, metals and other materials present in wastewater whichdo not putrefy.
In general, grit as defined above has a specific gravity between 1.5 and 2.7 as opposed to a specific gravity for organics of approximately 1.02. In addition, grit settles as discrete particles, rather than as flocculant solids which is the case with organics.
Actual data on the quantities of grit in particular systems are difficult to obtain mainly due to the fact that these are not normally recorded in a
wastewater treatment plant. However, the range generally takenis between5 and 50 m3 per 106 m3 of sewage and possibly up to 200 m3 per 106 m3. A typical design value would be 30 m3 per 106
Grit canoriginate from many sources, depending on a number of factors, but particularly on the type of collection system, i.e., separate, partially separate or combined. The following is a listing of someof the sources and types ofgrit:
domestic waste: glass, coffee grounds, seeds, eggshells; industrial effluent: metals, sands, clays, etc.; stormwater drains: sands, pebble, making materials;
In general, the solids contained in wastewater flows are deposited when flow rates are low.
These solids will then be resuspended and transported in the sewers when flow rates increase. Because of its specific gravity, this phenomenon is more common with grit. For this reason, designers of collection systems and ancillary structures try to ensure that selfcleansing velocities (0.75 rn/see) are achieved at least once per day. At this velocity, grit is resuspended in the flow and transported. This cannotalwaysbe achievedand grit can settleout: when flow rates are low; in flat sewer sections;
new construction sites: and, gravel, concrete blocks, stone, etc.; and infiltration: leaching ofsoilfines into the pipe.
The transport of these items within the sewer system will depend on the condition and gradient
typeofcollection system,
topography, condition and gradient
accumulation on the floors of primary settlement tanks. aeration basins and digesters: and
Grit settlement is generally regarded as follo ing Stokes' which ma he stated as:
Stokes Low
settling out in tankage taking up treatment space and causing further depositions of
putrescible materials.
l)d (l I 8q
where: V,, = settling velocity (mis): (mis-): g = gravitationalacceleration = viscosityof liquid (kg/ms): I, = density ofparticle (kg/ni): = densityof liquid (kgim3): and d = diameterof particle (m).
In practice. Stokes' Law is valid only for fine particles (< 01mm). However, the following data may be used to check ther performance of grit
removal chambers been assumed):
0.002 0 0 0.15
0.13 0.60
0.25 0.83
= V0 = V111 = V02 = ye =
diameter ofparticle settling velocity at zero horizontal velocity: settling velocity at critical horizontal velocity: settling velocity at 0.3 mIs horizontal velocity: and critical horizontal velocity.
It can be seen from the foregoing table that the horizontal velocity is of critical importance in determining the size of particle to be settled. Normally, a horizontal velocity of 0.3 mIs is taken as the optimum horizontal velocity. A detention time of 45 - 90 secondsis typically used.
A channel of parabolic cross-section means that the cross-sectional area of the channel at any depth of flow is directly proportional to the rate of flow. In this way, a constant liquid velocity can be maintained. The length of these channels is dictated by the depth of flow in the channel. A number of channels can be provided to cater for varying flow conditions. The number of channels in use at any particular time can be controlled by the use of hand or actuated penstocks.
These channels are often constructed in a trapezoidal shape or, indeed, in a W shape (dual channel) to approximate to the parabolic shape which is difficult to construct. Degritting of the channels may be by means of a mechanical grab or air lift pump. In many of the grit channels in Ireland, degritting is by hand and, in these cases, a standby channel should be provided for use during cleaning operations.
It has been found that the optimum settling velocity for grit is 0.3 mIs. At this velocity, most discrete particles of diameter 0.2 mm and greater
will settle readily while organic material will not. The principle of the constant velocity grit channel is to construct a channel in which the flow velocity is 0.3 mIs in all conditions of flow. This is possible by using either parabolic channels controlled by a flume or channels controlled by a sutroweir (Fig. 4.2).
Abandoned Area
From this formula, the value of b is calculated. The curves of the weir sides may then be calculated from the formula:
The second type of constant velocity grit channel. is the rectangular channel controlled at the downstream end by a sutro weir. This weir is specially shaped as shown in Fig. 4.2 to maintain a constant velocity in a rectangular channel no matter what the head of flow. One of the drawbacks of this weir is that it cannot be backed up at any time and this involves a considerable lossof head in the inlet works.
This plate is shaped according to the formula given for this typeof weir (Ref. 2).
Q =
flow (m3/s): depth offlow over theoretical crest (m):
weir constant: and co-efficient for thin plate weir (normally
The applicationof this formula would mean that the antis of the inverted tee would continue off to infinity. In practice. the armsare shortened andan additionalarea is added to the orificeby lowering the actual crest below the theoretical crest to compensate for the lost area.
4.6.3 LENGTH OF CONSTANT VELOCITY CHANNEL The length of the channel (L) required for grit settlement is the same in both cases and depends on the depth of flow (D) in the channel and the particle size to be settled. As stated, a flow velocity of 0.3 m/s is considered optimal for grit settlement. It is desirable to remove particles down to 0.2 mm diameter and to do this, the theoretical length of channel required may be calculated from:
the jeta from Jones & Attwood. The previous model from the same company installed at many workswas calledthe pistagrit trap. In the hydraulic device, a free vortex is generated by the flow entering tangentially at the top of the unit. The effluent exits through the centre of the
unit at the top. Gravitational forcesmean that the heaviergrit particles are released to the outside of the unit, while the lighter organics are retained in the main flow and rise to the outlet. The grit settles along the outer wall to a sump in the bottom of the unit from where it is abstracted. During the settlement process, further organics are released from the grit so that a reasonably clean grit is obtained. Head loss in this type of unit increases with the size of particle to be removed. The most common unit of this type on the Irish market is the grit king separator from Hydro Research and Development.
L = velocity(0.3m/ s) D
0.016 i.e., Length = 18.75 timesdepth offlow.
and exits the chamber tangentially. A rotating turbine maintains a constant flow velocity within the chamber. The grit settles into a lower hopper from where it is removed at fixed intervals, either by means of an air lift or a grit pump. The most common machine available on the Irish market is
Detention Time. Peak Flow (mm) Dimensions: Depth (m). Length (m). Width (m). Width/Depth Ratio. LengthlWidth Ratio. Air Supply (m3/min per m).
7 - 20 2.5 - 7
1:1 -5:1 3:1 - 5:1 0.2 0.5
1.5:1 4:1
evenly across the full widthof the tank by means of adjustable vanesor deflectors.
The settled grit is moved by means of a rotating scraper to the periphery of the tank where it is discharged into a sump which forms the base of a grit cleaning mechanism Alternatively, the grit can be pumped from the sump to an independent grit washing device.
This type of grit chamber is only suitable for large wastewater treatment plants. i.e.. plants over 20.000p.c.
Grit removed from channels and other separators will contain large quantities of moisture and some organics. In an inefficient grit removal system,
50%. Obviously, this high organic content will putrefy and create odour and vermin nuisance. Typical values detritus are:
unwashed grit: 50-60%; dewatered grit: 30-40%; and washed and dewatered: 15-25%.
Grit was traditionally dewatered by settling on perforated slabs or by decanting over a weir. In
more recent times, mechanical dewatering devices, such as the archmidean screw or reciprocating rake classifiers, have been developed which effectively dewaterthe grit. Air and water washes separate out much of the organic material from the grit. Nevertheless, washed grit is unlikely to contain less than between 10 and 15% organic matter. This washed grit is unlikely to cause a nuisance. Fig. 4.4
ofa grit removal installation Regularmaintenance is of utmost importance to maintain removal efficiency. Grit must be removed on a regular basis and, where mechanical or aerated grit traps are used, the operator must ensure that these are operating correctly by regularly checking all mechanical items.
The organic content of the removed grit should be regularly checked so that the necessary
adjustments to the plant can be made. The mechanical mechanisms shouldbe inspected daily and all moving parts should be lubricated and adjusted as recommended by the manufacturer. Each unit should be taken out of service for maintenance on a routine basis and all necessary repairs made. Depending on the type of grit removal, the accumulated grit may have a high organic content and could cause nuisance if stored for long periods. Ideally, grit should be removed on a daily basis or at the very least on a weekly basis and the whole area thoroughly hosed off with a
disinfectant peroxide.
such as chlorine
or hydrogen
Obnoxious odour.
Hydrogen suiphide formation.
Solution Increase aeration or paddle speed. Wash down walls and channels with chlorine or hydrogen peroxide. Increase air supply or paddle speed.
Organics being settledwith thegrit. Diffusers coveredwith rags or grit. Excessive aeration or paddle speed.
Lowerrecovery of grit.
Fats, oils and grease are a major component of food stuffs. The term 'grease is commonly used and sometimes includes the fats, oils, waxes, and other related constituents found in waste water. Greases are solid products (as long as the temperature is sufficiently low) of animal or vegetableorigin present in municipal wastewater and in some industrial waste waters. They are present either in the form of free particles or, more frequently, coalesced with different suspended solids.
The level of grease and oils in industrial waste water can be much higher and arises principally in theagricultural and food sectors. 5.3 NATURE AND EFFECTS
Fats and oils are compounds (esters) of alcohol or glycerol (glycerine) with fatty acids. They have
of their limited solubility, the degradation of fats and oils by micro organisms is very slow. Fats are among the more stable organic compounds and are not easily decomposed by bacteria. They are present either in the form of free particles or, more frequently, coalesced with different suspended solids. Their presence in sewageresultsin reducedefficiency ofbiological treatment if not removed at the pre treatment stage.
degrees in organic solvents (ether, ethanol, acetone and hexane) while being only sparingly soluble in water. The glycerides of fatty acids that are liquid at ordinary temperatures are called oils and those that are solids are fats or grease. They are quite similar chemically, being composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in varying proportions. A simple fat is a triglyceride composed of a glycerol unit with short or long chainfatty acids attached.
Grease inputs to domestic wastewater include
butter, lard, margarine, and vegetable fats and oils. Fats are also commonly found in meats, cereals, seeds, nuts and in certain fruits. Various liquid products such as vegetable oils, mineral oils and light hydrocarbons are generally referred to as "oils". Petroleum and coal tar derivatives such as kerosene, lubricant and road oils sometimes reach the collection system in
considerable volumes from shops, garages and streets. Light oils can be discharged from machining industries and pharmaceutical plants. Generally oils will float on the surface, although a significant portion can settle out by adsorbing onto settleable solids.
As fats, oils and grease are not easily biodegradable in waste water treatment plants they can cause many problems in the collection network and waste treatment works. If fats and grease are not removed before discharge of the waste, they can interfere with biological life in surface waters and create unsightly floating matters and films. Fats and oils tend to coat surfaces and theytend to interfere with biological action and cause maintenance problems. Grease has a tendency to coat the inside of piping used for transporting primary sludge and scum. They can build up on insulated submersible pump motorscausing over-heating of the motorand can prevent mercury tilt switches from operating. Other disadvantages of fats and grease are their contribution to odour and aesthetic nuisance. A discharge limit on grease content and the absence of iridescent oil films on waste water discharges to natural waters are typical examples of standards that are set for discharges of final effluent. Typical limits of 15 - 20 mg/I of grease content have been set for grease and fat
concentrations ofsuch effluents.
The typical oil and grease content of untreated domestic waste water ranges from 50 - 150 mg/I.
and debris, they cease to he effecti\e and can result in discharge of effluent with high grease concentrations to the collection network.
In waste-waters from the ftod and agricultural industry, such as slaughter houses, food processing and the dairy industry, which contain high amounts of grease. it is advisable to have a separate grease separator installed to remove greaseand fat prior to discharge to the sewer.
removal is a liquidlsolid separation procedure while oil removal is a liquid/liquid separation procedure. Flotation is the method used in the solids/liquid or liquid/liquid separation process and is effective in removing particles whose density is lower than the liquid medium. There are three types of flotation as follows:
natural flotation where the difference in density is naturallysufficient for separation of thesolid from the liquid aidedflotation where external means are used to promote the separation of particles that are
naturally floatable.: and
In industries where oils and hydrocarbons are discharged. such as petroleum production and refining, edible oil mills, cold rolling mills, and the storm water from refineries, storage heating condensers, oil fire stations and hot rolling mills, it is necessary to have separate oil separators in place to remove the oils prior to discharge to the sewer. This is also necessary for stormwater runoff at airports to avoid hydrocarbon contamination of receiving waters If the contaminated flows are accepted into the main sewer, oil and grease removal facilities must inevitably be on a much larger scale, since the size of the facilities is determined by the hydraulic load (i.e..the flow rate). Primary settling tanks can provide some separation of grease which settles at the surface but, in general. the removal efficiency is very poor. Grease collection on the surface can lead to operational difficulties such as scums, and if these accumulate, they may carry-over into the effluent. The accumulation of grease balls on the surface of aeration tanks is quite a common phenomenon and, while it does not cause major operational difficulties, is unsightly and may lead to odour problems. Grease removed with the sludge can accumulate in conveyors and rising mains, causingobstruction and loss of efficiency. At municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants. where largequantities of grease and fat are to be removed, both aided and induced flotation systems are used to separate the grease and fat from the sewage. These systems involve the use of gas (normally air) bubbles to promote the separation of fat and grease particles from the liquid medium in which they are carried. The rising velocity of the gas bubble determines the efficiency of removal of grease and fat.
induced flotation where the density of the particle is originally higherthan that of liquid and is artificially lowered by the linking of the particle with gas (usually air) bubbles to form particle gas' composites with a density less thanthat of the liquidin whichthey occur. Ideallygrease removal is desirable at source, prior
source" removal is recommended and sometimes compulsory at many enterprises, restaurants. hotels, hospitals. garages and filling stations, guest houses. etc. Standardised grease separators (or grease traps) are used and these devices are designedfor a retention time of 3 - 5 minutes and the design velocity is in the range of2-6 m/hr.
Gravity grease traps are usually concrete tanks in series fitted with baffle walls in which grease floats to the surface for manual or mechanical
removal. Proprietary glass reinforced plastic (GRP) sections are now available and these are easy to install and effective in the separation of grease and oils (Fig. 5.1). If operated correctly they can retain up to about 80% of solidified grease. Regular cleaning is essential and water temperature must be less than 30C at the outlet. Unfortunately, many grease traps are poorly maintained. When theybecome filled up with grit
equationwhichis as follows:
Stokes Equation
wastewater treatment works. In general, oil, grease and fat problems should be dealt with at source within the development (at waste outlet, etc), where possible.
under partitions, curtain walls or deep scum boards. This may be accomplished in a separate tank or combined with primary sedimentation, depending on the process and nature of the waste
The typesof grease and fat removal systems used at wastewater treatment plants are dependent on the flow to the plant, the quantities of grease and fat in the influent. These are described in the following sections. It should be restated that these processes are not normally required in municipal
The design of skimming tanks is straightforward only where they are arranged for downward or horizontal flow, the surface area then depending on the minimum rising velocity of the impurities to be floated off. The simplest efficient arrangement is a relatively long and shallow tank
and frames
Concrete surround
End View
with inletsand outlets designed to secure uniform horizontal through flow, with a minimum disturbance of the scum layer. Most skimming tanks are rectangular or circular and provide for a detention period of 1 to 15 minutes. The outlet, which is submerged. is sited at the opposite end to the inlet, and at a lower elevation to assist in flotation and to remove any solids that may settle.
These simple fat removal tanks are generally used on small installations such as the outlet sewer
from garages, service stations, canteens and similaroil and fat producing activities.
of the liquid is carried out by a turbo aerator and air is drawn through the body of the aerator and dispelled towards the bottom of the central chamber as very fine bubbles. Aeration takes place within a central chamber and rising currents are created from the aeration causing circular flow throughout the separator tank. The outlet from the tank is positioned nearthe base of the chamberand the extracted grease accumulates as a floating scumon the top of the tank which is
Aeration skimmed by a rotating surface scraper and transported to a collection hopper.
sweeping velocity greater than 0.15 mIs produced by a mixer. Grit is removed from the bottomof the hopper by means of air lift pumps. The floating grease on the surface is removed by low speed rotating scraper assemblies or by a surface scraper to a collection hopper.
5.4. 1.3 CircularGrit/Grease Separator In this type of unit both grease and grit are removed. The principle for grease removal is similar to that implied in the pista grease separator. The diameter of the unit is 3 - 8 m and its liquid depth at the centre is 3 -5 m. It is again equipped with a submerged turbo aerator which introduces very fine bubbles to the liquid. Water is introduced tangentially into the central. submerged, cylindrical baffle which surrounds the turbo aerator and it is removed through a submerged opening in the tank wall.
The lowertapered zone of the unit forms a hopper with an angle of approximately 450 in which settled grit accumulates in a similar fashion to a vortex grit separator. Settled grit slides on the sloped surface towards the recovery point of the bottom of the unit. This movement is aided by a
5.4. 1.5 Rectangular Grit/Grease Separator The rectangulargrit/grease separator is a tank in which grease and grit removal is carried out and is similar in concept to the aerated grit channel in which spiral flow conditions are produced by the injection of compressed air into the tank. Units are about 4 m wide with a liquid depth of about 4 m and a maximum length of about 30 m. They are suitable for large flows and units can be arranged in serieswith modules of4 metres width.
etc.. and assist in floating it to the surface. v here it is automaticall\ skimmed oft. The design upward flow velocit is generall in the range of 4-6 iii per hour and the air to solid ratio is in the range 0(05 to 0.06 kg of air per kg of solids removed.
incoming sewage entering tangentially at the base of the tank and is maintained by the air lift effect of a row of diffusers mounted close to the opposite longitudinal wall. This produces a slow horizontal forward flow in the tank along with a transverse spiral flow. Water is recovered at the far end of the tank through a wide submerged opening in the wall, passing through a downstream weir to maintain the water level constant.
Grit settles out and is carried into collecting hoppers below the air diffusers. Grit is automatically extracted by either an air lift system extracting grit from individual hoppers or by means of a reciprocating travelling bridge with a mounted air lift pump. In each case the grit is deposited in a grit channel at the side of the unit for disposal or classification.
Flotation of the grease takes place in a calm zone separated from the aerated zone by means of a scum baffle with slotted plates. The grease floating on the surface of this calm zone is scraped towards the end of the unit by a chain scraper or a scraper fittedto the travelling bridge.
Oil separators are normally only required for the treatment of industrial effluents where a regular amount of oil is produced in the effluent and
storm water systems.. The oils and hydrocarbons
can be present in the effluent in either the free state, as fine but unstable mechanical emulsions. more or less absorbed on suspended solids or as
chemical emulsions.
5.4. 1.6 Dissolved Air Flotation In a dissolved air flotation (DAF) system part of the effluent is recycled from downstream of the DAF unit. The recycle flow is retained in a pressure vessel for a few minutes where mixing and saturation of this flow with air occurs. The
recycled effluent, saturated with air, is then reintroduced into the flotation tank. As the pressure returns to atmospheric, the dissolved air comes out of solution in the form of minute bubbles whichbecome attachedto particles of fat,
Oil separation can be achieved under pressure using closed separators and cyclones followedby filtering of the effluent or in an open gravity system where preliminary separation is carried out by longitudinal. lamellar or circularseparators
followed by mechanical flotation units and dissolved air flotation units. The preliminary oil separators can copewith largeand irregularpeaks ofoil as well as large droplets.
digesters for ultimate treatment. This section reviews options for biological removal at pretreatment stage. It should be stated that these processes are rarely used in practicein Ireland.
The biological methods used to remove grease and fat from wastewater involve the use of a select mixture of bacteriaspecifically designed to digest grease deposits. The bacteria are supplied in liquid, dry or gel cultures and the process involves the addition of the bacterial medium to the wastewater flow at the location where the
grease problem is manifesting itself. The bacterial medium contains live bacteria in a dormant state. When added to the wastewater containing grease or fats they secrete enzymes which solubilise the solid fat and grease. This process can take place in the presence or absence of oxygen. In the presence of oxygen, the fatty acids can be converted to carbon dioxide and to the components needed for growth of the bacterial cell. The glycerol molecule is used as an energy source and is metabolised by the bacteria.
plants, the bacterial medium can be used at specific locations where fat and greasebuild up is problematic. The use of the bacterial medium can also assist in the reduction of H2S odours and they can sometimes have a beneficial effect on the settleability of solids.
The rate ofapplication of the bacterial medium is dependent on the manifestation and severity of the grease problem. It normally involves the seeding of the area with a high dose of bacteria and the subsequent continual dosing of the medium at lower dose rates. The cost of dosing is dependenton the application rate, but a reduction in labour and routine maintenance costs can be derived from the use of these biological grease
removal methods;
The bacterial medium is safe to handle, non pathogenic and non toxic. It is normally stored in a cool dry place and minimum safety precautions need to be taken by the operators handling the
In the chemical treatment methods chemicals can be used to either break down the fat or oil to a saponified state to relieve the build up of the
material or assist in the conglomeration of saponified oil and far prior to removal in a physical greaseremoval system. Specific chemicals are used in industrial situations in discriminatory reactions to coalesce fat particles prior to dissolved air flotation or aerated skimming tanks. An example of this is the use of acid or alumino ferric compounds. Another example is described in the next section where recovery and recycling of protein and oil is achieved.
The application of the bacterial medium depends on the type used. Liquid media can be applied at controlled dose rates using dosing pumps or can be applied by the operators in one-off doses by hand. The dry or gel media are normally applied at specific locations, e.g. a pump wet sump, using a suitable tether which can be tied to any convenient point. In this way, with the medium attached to the tether, it can be placed wherever treatment is needed. Over a period, the medium will dissolve, constantly releasing the grease breaking bacteria and this is replenished at
The biological grease removal methods can be used in a number of applications. In collection systems they are used with a high degree of success to dc-grease gravity and rising main lines which have become clogged with grease and fat deposits. At pumping station sites, they can be used to prevent the build up of grease and fat in the station wet well. At waste water treatment
Where grease, fat or oil build up is causing a localised problem chemicals can be used to emulsify or saponifythe material and disperse the problem. A variety of solvents are used as is causticsoda,potassium hydroxide, etc. Generally, this removal method is locally successful but further along the sewer or works the fat particles coalesce again and the problem is transferred to another location. In addition the solvents and other chemicals can have a harmfuleffect on the
environment or biological system.
Sludges from flotation plants, particularly when treating a meat waste may be rendered to recover the valuable oil and protein content. Protein recovery from meat waste can be achieved utilising chemical precipitation. e.g. the Alwatech process. Sodium ligno-suiphonate will precipitate protein from solution at pH 3 which is normally achieved by the addition of sulphuric acid. Dosage rates vary with the composition of the waste. This is essentially a product recovery process rather than a wastewater treatment system.
large plants than in small ones. The coating results in a decrease in the effective diameter and a large increase in pumping head. For this reason low capacity positive displacement pumps are designed for heads greatly in excess of the theoretical head. Build up of head, due to grease accumulation, appears to occur more slowly in systems where more dilute sludges are pumped. In some plants provisions havebeen made for melting the grease by circulating hot water, steam or digester supernatant through the main sludge lines. Availability of hot water pressure washing facilities is recommended at treatment works for this purpose. Scum separates from most wastes as a floating layer, regularly seen in sedimentation tanks. These scums give rise to odours if not removed continuously or at frequent intervals (maximum 3-4 hours). Not only oils, greases or fats separate in this way but other solids of low effective density may enter into such scum layers and it is found that with ordinary municipal sewage only about 20 - 30% of the scumconsistsof substances which would normally be classified as oils, greasesor fats. Because of the low solubility. grease separates from water adhering to the interior pipes and tank walls and reduces biological treatability of waste and produces greasy sludge solids difficult to process. These problems are summarised in Table 5.1
Grease and
scum collected at municipal waste water treatment plants generally cannotbe reused. One possibility is to send it to anaerobic digestion. but this arrangement usually increases the gas production and there is a risk of a production of a scum layer in the anaerobic digester.
CAUSE Floating Greaseor oil in Wastewater Fat accumulation on biological plant Fat absorbed in sludge
Increased head losses in pipes
Consider removal by biological means. Ensureeffective scumboards and removal. Considerremoval at Pretreatment. Remove at scumboards. Allow for increased headin design. Recycle ofdigestion supernatant may clear. Occasional removal usinghot water pressure washer. Clearusinghot water pressure washer. regularly
Fat on Impellers
MEASUREMENT 6.1.1 INTRODUCTION preliminary treatment of waste water invariably incorporates measurement of incoming flow to the treatment plant. This flow measurement is a critical part of the overall treatment process, in that control of subsequent stages will depend on continuous, accurate flow information in order to function correctly and determine the following:
outflow at most plants. Increasingly measurement of sludge return rate is also seen as a critical process control requirement. The most popular method of flow measurement in wastewater treatment is the flume due to its simplicity of operation and performance reliability.
6.1.2 BASIC
hydraulic loading on treatment units; treatment unit retention times; solids and Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) loading; prediction of physical and biological performance of process; prediction of and reaction to shock loads,i.e., industrial and storrnwater; chemical treatment feed rate settings; control of return rates; calculation offlow to mass ratios; calculation oftreatment unit costs,i.e., power, chemicals, labour; and scheduling of maintenance. Operational Control in the modern treatment plant will require automatic and often remote adjustments to be made between balancing tanks, storm tanks, flow to full treatment and chemical treatment, as well as the activation of automatic sampling and alarm systems. These actions and controls will be initiated by the incoming flow measurement device and will therefore be dependent on its continued accuracy and reliability.
Flow can be measured either as a volumetric quantity or an instantaneous velocity (which is normally translated into flow rate). Fig. 6.1 demonstrates the and relationship interdependence of these measurements can be seen. They are defined as follows:
Flow Rate
= =
In practice, the above factors are taken into account by the use of a Discharge Co-efficient (C), which is a measure of the actual volume
flowing through a device divided by the theoretical volume flowing. This together with themeasurement ofheadsor pressures, (H1, H2 or P1, P2), areas (a) and forces of gravity ( g ), are used in practicalflow formulae for the calculation of actualflows.
lime (h)
for Standardisation' (I.S.O.)
The standard units of measurement are those specified in the "Systeme Internationale d'Unites". commonly referredto as S.!. units. The Si. units for measurement ofdistance. weight and time are the meter (m). the kilogramme (kg) and the second (s). respectively. Flow rates therefore are measured as Cubic Metresper Second (m3/s): and Flow quantities therefore are measured as Cubic Metres (nY)
electrical and electronic equipment and installation work should also comply with "The National Rules for Electrical Installations" as published h the Electro - Technical Council of Ireland and of course the Safety. Health and Welfare at Work Act (1989) and its ensuing regulations. 6.1.5 LOCATIONS OF MEASUREMENT DEVICES FLOW
Whilst the S.l. unit of volume is the cubic metre. the Litre (I) is also accepted as measurement of volume and capacity. A litre is defined as being the volume of one cubic decimetre (dm3) and is often used in the measurement of fluids. Thus flow-rates will often be expressed as I/s (lm7s =
1000 l/s).
to the measurement of flows are primarily those outlined in British Standards, as follows:
The standards applying
Flow measurement can be made at many locations throughout the treatment process and the most commonly used are shown diagramatically in Fig. 6.2. It will be noted that while there is only one inflow measurement shown here, there are three possible outlet measurements (treated effluent, storm overflows both direct and via storm tanks). Nowadays. measurement of sludge return and sludge wasting rates are regarded as essential for accurate process control. Although flows should ideally he measured at several locations, in many instances, design and cost constraints limitthe possibilities. Metering at the works inlet and outlet must be considered as a minimum requirement for all plants. in order to meet statutory requirements. For larger plants. the following should be considered as a minimum: inflow. flow to full treatment.
Measurement of LiquidFlow in Open Channels: B.S. 1042: Measurement of Fluid Flow in Closed Conduits: and B.S. 6739: Code of Practice for Instrumentation in Process Control Systems Installation.Designand Practice.
B.S. 3680:
flow to stormtanks, stormwater spillsto receiving waters, outflow, and sludge returnrate. Because of the multiplication of instrument inaccuracy, the deduction of flow measurement from a combination of meters should be avoided where possible.
Metering locations must be carefully considered at the design stage with due regard to the standards and guides referred to in Clause 6.1.4. Although not necessary for all typesof meteringa rule of thumb to ensure primary metering accuracy, is that metering sites should be selected so as to provide 10 diameters upstream and 5 diameters downstream of free, unturbulent, unobstructed flow. This requires straight lengths of channel or pipe, free of valves, sectional variations or othercontrols.
2 3 4
Totalflow Flow to InletWorks Flow to Full Treatment Flow to Full Treatment Flow to Storm Tanks Return from Storm Tanks
8 9 10
Surplus Activated Sludge Draw-off Untreated Storm Effluent Settled Storm Effluent Final Effluent
to the wastewater treatment plant will vary diurnally and seasonally. The range of incoming flow can vary widely, as is indicated by a typical diurnal pattern for a dry day from a gravity sewerage system. Fig. 6.3. Flows of up to 40 x D.W.F. can arise under storm conditions from combined sewer networks.
The flow-rate
additional inflows after flooding, return flows ): unmetered recirculation: and surcharge. cuasing backup meters.
of critical depth
Choice of type and size of metering equipment requires that it be capable of catering for this flow range with acceptable accuracy. Problems are frequently experienced at low flows, with poor accuracy where meters are over-sized or where design flows are not realised in the early stages of plant operation. Other factors which will affect the accuracy of
metering are: location of the meteringsite: turbulence at entry and exit to meter: obstructions matter: and accumulations
A wide variet of flow measurement devices are commercially available and can be used for the
determination of flows in wastewater The selection of the applications. proper measuring method or device will depend on such factors as cost, type and accessibility of flow conduit, hydraulic head available, type and characteristics of liquid stream. In general, wastewater flow measurement falls into two categories as follows: open channels (or open conduits): and pressure pipes (or closed conduits)
of solid
Rate of
(REF. 1)
Q = 4 j,j,, 111.522
Q = discharge of meter(m3/s); W = width offlume throat (m);and H = head ofliquid upstream ofthroat (m).
is based on the
fundamental energy conservation principles of flow in open channels. The flume consists of a quickly converging entrance section, a throat and a slowly diverging exit section, with a constant floor level. The throat creates a restriction which creates critical velocity conditions. The upstream water depth approximates to the total energy which can be related to the critical velocity in the flume. Only one height measurement is required and this is measured in the approach channel and it is converted to flow (Q). Q =C BH where: Q = discharge of meter(m3/s); B = width of flume throat (m); H = head of liquid over throat invert (m);and C = flume constant(typical 1.71).
6.2.5 WEIRS
Weirs are widely used to measure flow in open channels. They are cheap, portable if necessary, and easy to install in partly filled pipes, channels or streams. They act as a dam or obstruction over which the liquid must pass. The weir plate is of a precisely defined shape, (typically rectangular or vee notch), and is set at right angles to the flow.
The flume must be sited such that approach velocities are less than critical velocity, otherwise the readings will be low. On the other hand, if levels after the flume are high, the flume would be drowned, givinga high reading.
Weir operation is by head measurement in that the liquid level over the weir crest, measured at a given distance upstream from the weir, is
proportional to the flow discharge (critical depth/velocity at weir). The head measurement must be accurate and the choice of measuring sensor is therefore extremely important. Weir plates are installed with a chamfered downstream edge to enable the liquid nappe to spring clear. The nappe mayalso need to be vented to prevent negative pressurebuild up.
Pressure Pipes
Type Venturi meter
Operating Principle
Critical Depth conditions at Flume Flow Nozzle meter Differential pressure across nozzles/orifices Orifice Plate Electromagnetic meter Acoustic meter (Ultra sonic) Pitot tube Differential pressure accross obstruction Rise of float in a tapered tube is measured Velocity of rotational element in
flow path
- Rectangular - V notch
Head over crest Head over notch Induced magnetic field and residual voltage measured Sound waves used to measure velocity Dilution Bucket and Stopwatch Change in Reservoir Level Pumping rate Turbine Meter
Current Meter
Open Flow Nozzle- Depth of flow at free falling end partial full pipe Tracer dye concentration Calibrated volume and time to till
Pitot Tube
Depth Measurement
Elbow Meter
Highconstruction accuracy
needed channel Approach velocity must bemoderate
2. Parshall Flume
As I
As I Low head loss Accurate at high and low flows Low maintenance Easeofcalibration
As 1
Expensive to construct
3. Palmer Bowlus
Float Acoustic
As 1
Can be fittedat
4. Weirs
Flow toStormtanks
5. Venturi Meter
As 5
Higherheadloss Liabletoclogging
Critical installation requirements Loss ofaccuracy at low flows
Storm effluents
7. Electromagnetic
Specialised maintenance Accuracy affected by solids,turbulence Needs pipe full flow
As 7
8. Ultrasonic
Piezo- Electric
Crystal Transducer
Highinitial cost
Specialised maintenance Accuracy affected by solids, turbulence Needs pipe full flow
Large conduits
Weirs have some disadvantages in sewage applications, which include a relatively large head loss and possible solids accumulation behind weir plate. They are useful for short-term flow measurement, rather than in permanent applications. Weir flow formulae are as follows:
moving parts. it is expensive to purchase and install. Also it has critical installation requirements and poor accuracy at the low end of its range. They are not particularly reliable for sewage applications.
6.2.7 FLOW
Vee Notch
Flow Nozzle and Orifice Plate Meters are similar to Venturi Meters and work on the same principle. The Flow Nozzle has a short approach section, whilst the Orifice Plate has none and both devices have no recovery section. In each case the pressure is measured upstream and downstream of the restriction and the resultant differential pressure is used to determine the rate of flow. Both are cheap and easy to install. However, they incorporate a substantial headloss and clog easily. They also have critical
installation requirements. together with poor accuracy at the low end of their range.
Q = discharge of weir (m3/s); Cd = coefficientof discharge (Usually 0.6); L' = L-0.2H: L = length ofWeir (m): a = angleofnotch; g = acceleration due to gravity (mIs2); and H = head of liquid upstream ofthroat (m).
called the Magflow Meter, utilises Faraday's law to measure the flow. This law states that if a conductor is passed through a magnetic field, a residual voltage will be induced, which will be proportional to the velocity ofthe conductor.
In electromagnetic meters. the wastewater acts as conductor, a pair of electromagnetic coils mounted on the crown and invert of the pipe create the magnetic field and two electrodes on the pipe side walls measure the induced voltage (mV). This voltage is then converted to a current signal (mA). which can be read as the rate of flow. There is also an open channel version ofthe electromagnetic meter which can be used to measure flows in wastewater collection systems.
common usage in the wastewater industry. A commercially available Venturi Meter consistsof a converging section (called the approach), a throat and a diverging recovery section, all mounted between standard flanges. Due to the converging section the velocity at the throat is increased. As a result, the piezometric head is decreased.
The difference in the piezometric head between the throat and the beginning of the approach is measured by suitably located tappings. usually fed to a differential pressure transmitter. This differential is converted pressure by electromechanical means into a flow reading. based on the direct proportional relationship between headloss and flow.
Whilst the venturi meter is basically simple in operation. with long term reliability and has no
This type of meter offers exceptional accuracy and can measure a large range of flows. Additionally, because there is essentially no obstruction to flow, there is no head loss. Performance can however be affected by
turbulence. viscosity, temperature, conductivity, the presence of suspended solids and possible accumulation of deposits on measuring electrodes. Other disadvantages are the high initial purchasecost and specialised maintenance.
Flow 0.
End View
d >
Crest Chamfer
Head Loss
a Loss
v Head
Field Coil
In the Time of Return Meter, a transducer is mounted above the surface of the liquid at 90 deg to the flow to be measured. Ultrasonic pulses are generated by the transducer and bounced off the
liquid surface. The time of delay between transmitted and received pulses is measured and from this an attached microprocessor unit deduces the flow of liquid, (usually over a flume or weir) and converts the signal to a milliamp reading.
Acoustic Meters have some advantages in that they offer low or no head loss,good accuracy and the ability to be used in any pipe size, no fouling with solids and operation over a wide range of flows. Also in the time of return and Doppler meter, the measuring elementhas no contact with the liquid. However, accuracy and repeatability are difficult to achieve in the Doppler meter. Time of flight meters are susceptible to flow profile effects and the possible accumulation of deposits on transducers. Other general disadvantages include high purchase cost and specialised maintenance.
6.2.10 OTHER
The Doppler Meter is normally used as a clamp on flowmeter, the only necessity being that the flow to be measured must contain some suspended solids and the pipeline must be acoustically transmissive. It operates by making use of the Doppler effect, which states that the
frequency of sound changes if its source changes relative to the listener. A single transducer is mounted on the pipeline at an angle to the direction of flow. Acoustic pulses are directed into the flowstream and if the flowstream contains particles or other discontinuities someof the transmitted pulses will be reflected back to the transducer. The altered frequency of the reflected sound will be proportional to the flow and can be converted by a microprocessor into a milliamp flow signal.
meters are nowbeing developed forflows in large liquid streams (20 Metres wide), and for flows in large partially filled to filled closed conduits. In the electromagnetic versions strip coils and electrodes are used and in the ultrasonic versions cross path multi-point transducers are used. In each case the basic principles are unaltered. Sophisticated calculations are performed by an integral microprocessor unit which also takes into account the conduit profile and open channel,or filledand partially filledapplications. Typically these meters are for use watercourses and stormflow applications. on
The Time of Flight Meter is a transmissive flowmeterin that it relies on the transmission of an ultrasonic pulse through the flowstream and does not therefore rely on the properties of the medium for its operation. The principle of operation is based on the transmission of an ultrasonic sound wave at an angleto the direction of flow between two points, first in the direction of flow and then opposing the direction of flow. In each case the time of flightof the sound wave will have been modified by the velocity of the liquid. The difference between the flight times will be directly proportional to the flow velocity and can be converted by a microprocessor into a
milliamp flow signal.
In thedesign of Preliminary wastewater systems, care must be taken to select the most appropriate flow measurement device to suit the particular need. Unfortunately, there is no device that is perfectfor all situations. This requires evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the available devices in order to choose the one which offers the least overall disadvantage for the situation. Table 6.3 discusses criteria to be considered in the selection and specification of flow metering devices. Table 6.4 contains an evaluation of the different metering devices in
Wastewater Preliminary Treatment.
In pressure conduits, the installation of solids bearing venturi, nozzle or orifice metershouldbe considered. The venturi meter is accurate (+ or 2%), offers little head loss, is free from solids accumulation but is relatively expensive. The orifice meter is inexpensive, has greater flexibility in covering the flow range but has the
disadvantage of high pressure loss and possible accumulation of solids. The flow nozzle meter falls between the two. Electromagnetic meters. while expensive and involving specialist maintenance, are extremely accurate (+ or - 0.1%). will tolerate high suspended solids loading and can be used on ranges of pipework from 32mm up to 1600mm. Ultrasonic meters have good accuracy (+ or 1%). can be used in pipe ranges from 75mm to 1600mm and can be used for fast flow rates of up to 12 m/s.
interconnecting cabling.
The loop signal may also be transmitted over a distance to either a telemetry or remote operator display and may be used in the control of other plant equipment. In these cases, further signal conditioning. isolation and conversion may be introduced into the loop which will further affect the overallaccuracy. Table 6.5 shows the theoretical accuracy of individual meters compared with the expected accuracy of the installed instrument loop for each
Both offer no head loss; however, the ultrasonic meter is susceptible to effects from the liquid such as deposits on transducers. For sewers and open channels. Flumes and Weirs
are commonly used. Flumes can handle wastewater with high suspended solids, are self cleaning and offer low head losses. Weirs are less expensive but require more maintenance and have large head losses. In each case it is now common to use Ultrasonic "time of return" transducers to measure the liquid head. However, installation is critical and flow calculations may give errors due to incorrect installation or inaccurate determination of flume slope and coefficient of roughness or weir crestcharacteristics. Venturi Meters, Parshall Flumes and Palmer Bowlus Flumes have received wide application in wastewater treatment and more recently Electromagnetic Flowmeters are in common use. The operator/designer should undertake an evaluation of operating characteristics for the particular application, taking into account the nature of the measuring site as well as the merits of flow measurement devices.
It should be noted that instruments operating by differential pressure. either in open or closed
conduit applications, incorporate a root formula derivation and are therefore inherently less accurate at low flows than linear instruments. whose accuracy remainsa constant over the flow range. Also, electronic instruments which rely on the velocity of the media will be less accurate at low velocities.
are various methods available for the calibration of flowmeters and the requirements are split into two categories, in situ and laboratory. The most important tests for the operator are in situ tests and it is these that will be dealt with here for open and closed conduit flows.
The most critical area to ensure the ongoing accuracy of all metering is the proper installation and proofing. At the time of installation the operatorshould ensure the following:
all manufacturer's installation requirements have been met in full. In particular, approach
channel alignment may be critical to avoid turbulence at the measurement element;
measurement system is determined by the "Instrument Loop" accuracy. Each measurement system will contain the following components. at minimum:
primary meter calibration figures and curves are provided by the manufacturer;
the meter is factory certified for application, size, range and span; and
flow sensor;
transmitter; recorder/integrator/display; and
on site proofing tests, preferably volumetric, have been undertaken. witnessed and signed.
Application Sizing
Is the meteringdevice suitable for open or closed conduit flow? Is the device appropriately sized for the range offlow that needsto be monitored? Are suitable operating velocities maintained?
Fluid Composition
Is the device compatible with the fluidbeing monitored? Is the solids contentofthe fluid suitable for the measuring device?
Does the device have the recommended minimum clear opening for the fluid being
monitored? Are the wettedcomponents constructedof materials nonreactive with the fluid?
Accuracy and Repeatability
Is the accuracyand repeatability of the device consistent with the application ? Is the stated accuracy of the individual system components consistent with overall system
Has the effectof environmental factorson the stated accuracy been considered?
Installation Requirements
Is the equipment associated with the flow metering device appropriately rated for its intended application to prevent explosion hazard? Where necessary, is the equipment resistant to moisture, dust and corrosive gases (i.e., IP
rating) ?
Have provisions been made to ensure operation of the device within an acceptable temperature range ? Provisionsfor
Flow Range and Accuracy Effects
Loss Cost
Type Max
Application Plant Closed Open Conduit Conduit Size Range (ratio) Mm Max
10 to
-1 rn
20 to I
1 I
Parshall Flume A
3 S
10 to
20 to
20 to
75 to
500 to
Venturi Meter
4 to 1
10 to 3
Flow Nozzle
to to I
Orifice Meter
Y to to
0.1 S
Electromag. Meter
1500 to I
Accoustic Meter
3 3 5
Accuracy (%)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 1
10 5 5 5 5
should be provided for checking that the flume or weir channels are free from obstruction. A datum peg or calibrated measuring gauge should be providedin the upstream stilling pond and the sensor element should be regularly inspected to ensure that it is free from dirt, grease or other solids accumulation. They should be accessible and regularly cleaned to prevent buildup of slime or debris, which would affect measurement accuracy. At routine intervals (preferably weekly) and at a time of day when the flow is reasonably constant, the depth of liquid upstream of the flume or weir should be accurately measured and converted to a rate of flow using the calibration curve.
This exercise should be repeated several times over a period of 30 mins with the time intervals arranged to coincide with movements ofthe meter totalizer (integrator). The various flow rates should then be averaged for the test period and compared with the volume shown on the totalizer.
An alternative but less accurate method of measurement is the dilution test, using lithium chloride or radioactive trace element, metered into the liquid flow upstream of the flume or weir
and retrieved afterwards. By measuring the tracer concentration in the sample(s), the tracerdilution can be established and from this and the injection rate the volumetric flow can be established. This method is more commonly used in sewers and other closed and inaccessible systems.
At the time of commissioning and at appropriate intervals thereafter(preferably every six months), a more thorough positivedisplacement test should be carried out. This should consistof allowing an empty or partially filled tank (i.e. Storm Tank), of known area to fill over a given period oftime (say one hour). Readings of tank level and meter totalizer should be taken at the commencement and end of the time interval. The displaced volume in the tank is calculated by multiplying the area by the displaced level and this volume is
necessary to remove the primary sensing element (differential pressure transmitter) and check its accuracy against a pressure standard, such as a Dead Weight Tester, Bourden Tube or Manometer in an instrument laboratory. This operation is recommended to be done at least
ForElectromagnetic and Ultrasonic Flowmeters it is normally necessary to bring specific calibration equipment to site, which will simulate flow
signals by generating millivolt voltages and ultrasonic pulses and use these to calibrate the particular flowmeter. This operation is recommended to be done at least annually and more frequently in the case of strategically important meters.
issues which arise in connection with a wastewater pretreatment plant are those related to odour, noise and visual impacts. These issues are not unique to pretreatment works and arisethroughout the treatment works.
The nuisance
plants are due to gases or fumes given off by some of the compounds of waste water. The objectionable odours of sewage are due mainly to
As regards preliminary treatment, the specific issues and control requirements can be
summarised as follows:
odours: odourscanarise from septicity in the wastewater flow but is more likely to be caused by storage of screenings and grit containing putrescible matter. The problem is addressed by maintaining effective washing of screenings and grit, regular removal from site and maintenance of clean storage areas. Ultimately, where odour potential exceeds acceptable standards, it may be appropriate to enclose elements of the works with collection and treatment of contaminated air. Where this is necessary. a compact arrangement of the plant is required to avoid excessive costs; noise: noise arises primarily from the operation of mechanical plant such as electric motors, compressors, conveyors, etc. Where necessary. noise is controlled by use of shrouded equipment and ultimately by enclosure of plant units or the whole of the works;
it is
visual: visual nuisance can arise from unsightly views of structures, plants or
accumulated screening or grit. It is also related to the form scale and texture of works. The principal requirement is for effective screening ofsuch works from general view. Standards can be set for noise and odour emissions from parts or the whole of the works. The standards should be appropriate to the particularenvironment, so as to minimise, by best practicalmeans, the adverse impacts.
In long gravity trunk sewers the air emanating from the inlet sewer at treatment plants can be highly odorous having been in contact with sewage for many hours. Under septic conditions, hydrogen sulphide could be present giving rise to odours from the sewer system. Industrial waste discharging to the sewer collection system can also give rise to odours. particularly high strength
organic wastes.
Odour values of 2 ou/m3 would be regarded as slight odour, while values of 5 ou/m3 indicate recognisable levels likely to result in complaint. Sensitivity will also depend on location and
Odours can also arise from grit removal and screening plant at the pretreatment works. Regularmaintenance of grit traps and screens will help to reduce this odour nuisance. Uncovered
storage on site of unwashed screenings, contaminated grit or grease sludges can be a significant source of odours.
7.2.3 NOISE is considered as a level of sound greater than that of the background level. It follows that the impact of noise levels will vary depending on location and local circumstance (i.e..urban, semiurbanor rural).
Noise is a complex sound. characterised by the frequency and amplitude of the pure sounds comprising it. It is expressed in bels or decibels
(dB) according to a logarithmic law.
Inlet Works (gravity feed) Inlet Works (rising mains) Screening Plant
50 - 5,000
1,000- 10,000
100 - 5,000
- 10 - 10
0.5 - 5
0.5 - 5
0.5-5 0.5-1
0.5-5 0.5-1
Grit trap
500 - 5,000
Noise measured at the receiver, as sound pressure levels (Lp) is expressed by the equation:
L = 20
At a pretreatment plant, the noises which would arise result from mechanical equipment such as screens, grit screw conveyors, conveyor belts, scrapers or the maintenance of screens, etc. Aerodynamic noisewould alsobe producedby air blowers or air lift pumps.
Visual appearanceis value laden concept. People have different perceptions, tastes and associations. These can be difficult to take into account at a local level, although visual appearance of sites of national or regional importance will often be protected through various planning designations.
decibels; P, = pressure soundwave in Pascals; and P0 = reference pressure, equivalent to 2x105 pascals (threshold of audible sound). The measurement signal is usually weighted to reflect the response of the human ear. Type A weighting is usually applied in industrial engineering acoustics.
In general, noise criteria for industrial noise in European countries are related to zones such as
residential, etc. industrial, commercial, "Acceptable levels" in various countries can vary from 35 - 60 dB (A) at night and 40-70 dB (A) during the day depending on the type of area. Precedence set in planning conditions in Ireland by various local authorities and by An Bord Pleanala have shown that, for general acceptability, noise level criteria outside nearby residences should be selected within the following ranges: Night 35 - 40 dB (A) Day 45 - 55 dB (A)
The visualimpactof a development is perhaps the most obviousof environmental impacts and forms the basis of initial judgementson the effects of that development; whether they are enhancing, neutral or degrading. It is an impact immediately accessible to public and professionals alike. Most people, for instance, can offer an opinion on the visual qualities of a particular development, knowing nothing of the details of its other
environmental implications. Invariably, the public at large has an adverse reaction to the visual appearance of a sewage disposal works. The public perception of wastewater treatment plants is based, in most cases, on poor experiences at old works where operational procedures are inadequate to prevent visual obtrusions evident from within or outside the plant.
An important aspect of these criteria is the absenceof prominent discrete tonesor impulses.
The selection of the preferred noise criteria values within the range of values above depends on the pre-existing noise levels, the character of the area and the nature of the development. In all instances, the disturbance caused by noise is related to its amplitude as well as its duration, which has given rise to the concept of a noise equivalent level [L (Aeq)] representing the sound pressure level of a noise that, remaining constant for a certain duration, radiates the same sound energy as the combination of sounds of variable intensities, emitting for the same length of time.
Clearly audible and impulsive tones outside dwellings at night time should be avoided, where possible.
in a sewer is
rising main, where in addition to preventing septicity. it can reduce the biochemical oxygen demand of the sewage before it arrives at the sewage works. Ferric or aluminium sulphate or nitrate chemicals can also be used to prevent formation of hydrogen sulphide. The prevention of odour is not always possible and it may be necessary to provide some form of odour control to achiee the required standards. In such cases the optimum solution normally involves the containment and treatment of
nialodorous air. Chemical destruction of malodorous air can he achieved by oxidation with ozone, potassium permanganate. peracetic acid or sodium hypochlorite. Biological treatment is possible by passing the air through beds of peat or compost
passing dried air through a silent high voltage electrical discharge and then drawing it into scrubbing water and spraying it downwards through an inert packing against the upper how of the malodorous air. The treated air passes through a mist eliminator before being returned to atmosphere. (Fig. 7.1
To treat foul smelling gases. the latter must be drawn off and directed towards the treatment unit. In a majority of cases, the premises to be ventilated are maintained in a state of negative pressure. Normally the fresh air input rate should be a maximum of 90% of the extract rate. For buildings with high leakage rates this mayneed to be as low as 75% This usually involveslow level abstraction and high level fresh air inlets.
The tanks and wells, where required. is usually carried out at ventilationrates of 2 - 4 air changes/hour. though cognisance should he taken of the rate of air displacement during the filling of the tank. The ventilationof a building. where required. is usually carried out at rates of 10-15 air changes/hour. Ventilation of the building or a room as a whole may he necessary though the ventilation of localised areas is sometimes acceptable where the odour sources ventilation
Proprietry systems are available, such as Purifil and Puracarh. Purifil is made up of activated alumina pellets impregnated with potassium permanganate and other reagents. The pellets adsorb hydrogen sulphide onto the surface and in moist conditions it is oxidised. Puracarb medium consists of a mixture of activated carbon and alumina impregnated with sodium bicarbonate to
neutralise acid gases and potassium hydroxide and iodide for control of hydrogen sulphide. Inlet and outlet plenums are provided to ensure air distribution across the face of the filters. The media requires replacement regularly. typically annually. in a well designed unit.
7.3. 1.2 BiologicalOdourControlMethods Biological methods using peat and compost beds are finding increasing use for odour destruction at sewage works. where the extra space required can
Preliminary Processes
Air Outlet
Water Separator
Injectors Ozone
Odour Fan
be made available. They utilise moist layers of peat, heather or compost supplied in packaged
units. The malodorous air is extracted and directed into the base of the bed and rises upwards through the peat. The odorous compounds are adsorbed onto the organic material and absorbed onto the layer of water surrounding them (Fig. 7.2).
biofilters are also available with the housing constructed using bolted G.R.P. or stainless steel sections.
The operation of the bio-filter requires little attention apart from the necessity to keep the bed
moist. Short Term OdourPrevention A chemical reaction takes place on the surface of the biofilter material and the components of the waste gasesare broken down by micro organisms. As the odorous gas passes through the filter media the odorous compounds present in the gas stream are oxidised to produce odourless end products such as carbon dioxide, water, nitrates,
and sulphates. Site erected bio filter housings are typically of concrete, bolted glass coated steel panels, bolted G.R.P. panelsor other durable material. The filter medium, slatted raised floors and water sprinkler systems are installed in the housing. Modular Odourmaskingis sometimes used as a short term solution to the prevention of odour nuisance. It involves mixing the odour with a masking chemical which has a more pleasant smell. The chemical is atomised using compressed air and sprayed over the affected area from a height of approximately 4 m. The malodorous substances pass through the atomised chemical and they combineto produce a more acceptable odour. The procedure is not always successful as it is dependant on the proper balance of the masking chemical with the malodour, and other parameters
Foul Air
Inspection Hatch
Support Skid
Water Drain
such as wind direction, wind speed and rates of application can influence the effects of the process. Occasionally, the combination of the malodour and the atomised chemical form another unpleasant odour. The procedure is normally employed as an interim step, pending implementation of a long term solution to the problem. 7.3.2 NOISE NUISANCE CONTROL Noise Criteria
considered. Plant structural design is also a factor in protection againstnoise as is plant layout. It is important to remember that the noise at any point may be due to more than one source and that additionally it may be aggravated by noise reflected from walls (reverberant noise) augmenting the noise radiated directly from the source.
Site selection is an important feature in the control of noise and is based on several criteria such as distance from residential areas, prevailing wind direction and availability of natural sound barriers. The existing ambient noise level can have particular relevance and must always be
89 CONTROL OF NUISANCE NoiseAlleviation
The alleviation of a noise problem can be tackled by addressing these threeelements:
source: the control of noise at source is the most obvious solution, though the feasibility of this method is often limited by machine
design, process or operating methods. Noise levels are slower at lower operating speeds and the resulting frequencies are less disturbing to the human ear. Therefore, the use of rotary machines at low operating speeds is necessary. The choice of air conduits with a diameter to ensure a velocity of less than 12 rn/sec. is recommended, as well as limiting ofthe air inlet and outletvelocities by increasing the size oforifices;
silencing takes place when sound is absorbed by an acoustic absorbent material. Reactive silencing takes place where noise is reflected by changes in geometrical shape. The absorptive silencer normally has the better performance at higher frequencies whereas the reactive type of silencer is more effective for controlling noiseat low frequencies;
path: if the noise cannot be controlled at source, then the reduction of the noise levels between the source and the receiver can be achieved by the following methods:
orientation and location '- control can be achieved by moving the source of the noise away from the noise sensitive area. In other cases where the machine does not radiate equally in all directions, careful
orientation can achieve significant reductions at the sensitive site;
damping - where large panels are radiating noise, a significant reduction can be achieved by fitting proprietary damping double skin construction;
screens - acoustic screens are effective in reducing the direct field component of noise transmission by up to 15 dBA. However, they are of maximum benefit at high frequencies, but of little effect at low frequencies and their effectiveness reduces with distance from the screen; and
absorption treatment - in iituations where there is a high degree of reflection of sound waves the reverberant component can dominatethe noise field over a large part of the work area. The introduction of an acoustically absorbent material in the form of wall treatment and/or functional
absorbers at ceiling height will reduce the reverberant component by up to 10 dBA but will not reduce the noise radiated directly from the source;
the noise generated when air, gas or steam flow in pipes or ducts are exhausted to atmosphere. They fall into two forms,
absorptive and reactive. Absorptive
receiver: where it is not possible to sufficiently reduce the noise levels by source or path treatment, protection of the personnel from noise is necessary. The two major methods of personnel protection are the provision ofa quiet roomor work area and the wearing of either ear-muffs or ear plugs. A quiet room can be provided by the
the noise out. The selection of ear-muffs or ear plugs should be made with care has ing regard to the noise source, the environment
regular paintihg ol gales. doors, huildiilg finishes sLiCll as plitiths. sotfits and tascias.
and comfort of the wearer. Ear plugs are only generally effective up to noise levels of 100 105 dBA while ear-muffs can provide protection at higher noise levels to meet a 90 dBA criterium for the noise received by the wearer.
vibrationmonitoring data shouldbe maintained as a basis for assessing claims of nuisance, should
they arise.
The selection and layout can contribute to minimising visual nuisance. Due regard should be given to cleanliness and proper operation to ensure that unsightly features are kept to a minimum. Careful planting and landscaping of an area with the provision of suitable plant life, including shrubs and areas of well kept lawn and the encouragement of bird life greatly assists cleanliness and appearance within the sewagetreatment plant. proper site
There are many types of gas monitoring equipment available at present for permanent installation in confined spaces or portable monitors for the testingofatmosphere in confined spaces prior to entry by the work force. The monitors can be as simple as a grab sampler with a stain detector tube. More complex units which makea quantitive analysis give a directreadout of contaminant level on a meterand these use either infra red gas analysers or sensors which react with the chemicals and produce an electrical signalproportional to the gas concentration.
substances and represent conditions under which it is believed that n&arly all workers may be repeatedly exposed day after day without adverse effect. The manufacturers of toxic gas sensors and monitors generally use the Control of Substances Hazardous (COSHH) 1988.
to Health Regulations
The hazardous gas warning system can be linked to a local alarm station which gives audible and visual warnings as wellas readout of the levels of gas encountered. Alternatively, the monitoring systemcan activate ventilation equipment or shutdown relevant plant in the vicinity hazardous gas.
of the
Where measurements of air borne contamination levels havebeen made, it is necessary to interpret results against a standard. This interpretation will form the basis for the control strategy. These standards vary for the type ofhazardous gas being monitored and especially in the case of flammable gases and toxic gases.
The standards applied to a flammable gas is dependent on the level of gas in air which will cause an explosion if ignited. For an explosion to occur, three conditions must be present; fuel (gas), oxygen from the air and heat (the ignition source). The explosion can only occur if the gas/air mixture is within specific limits. This is known as the explosive range. (Refer to B.S. 5345; Part 1: 1989, Section 5 and Table7). Below the lower explosive limit (LEL), there is insufficient gas and above the upper explosive limit (UEL), there is too much gas and insufficient air. In the case of methane the LEL is 5% by volume in air while the UEL is 15% by volume in air. Therefore, for a flammable gas warning system, alarm levels are set which trigger audible or visual alarms to warn the operators of the hazardous condition. Electrical equipment in such situations must have appropriate rating in accordance with B.S. 5345, Part I, 1976.
The U.K. Health and Safety Executive guidance note EH4O sets out the long and short term exposure limits for most toxic gases. The level used for hydrogen suiphide is based on the occupational exposure standard (OES) and this is the concentration of an air borne substance (average over a reference period) st which according to current knowledge there is no evidence that it is likely to be injurious to employees if they are exposed by inhalation day after day to that concentration. The hydrogen sulphide eight hour OES is ten parts per million while the ten minute OES is fifteen parts per million. Deficiency of oxygen in the atmosphere of confined spaces can also be measured instantaneously. Portable analysers are available which measure the concentration of oxygen in the air by the depolarisation produced at a sensitive electrode mounted in the instrument. Long extension probes can be attached to the analyser which allow remote inspection of confined spaces. Alarms are normally set at 19 and 18% levels ofoxygenby volume in air.
At pretreatment works it is necessary to satisfy Health and Safety Regulations to have sufficient monitoring equipment to test the presence of hazardous gases in confined areas. As the two main hazardous gases which normally arise at pretreatment works are hydrogen sulphide and methane, portable or permanent monitoring of these gases should be carried out. It is also
necessary to have monitoring equipment available to monitor the oxygen deficiency in confined areas.
The standards applied to a toxic gas refer to threshold limit values for airborne concentration
These requirements will form part of an overall Safety Statement which will incorporate a "Safe System of Work" which must be put in place for all plants. All operators must be familiarwith the contents of the site safety statement and must comply with the work practises and procedures therein. Regular calibration of equipment is
requirements are governedby the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act. 1989 and its associated Regulations. Reference should be made to the Sanitary Services Training Manuals - Safety Module for more detailedinformation on health, safetyand hygiene issues. Ventilation requirements of buildings with a hazardpotential will vary depending on:
The air change rate will be selected based on consideration of the foregoing. Forced ventilation of preliminary treatment buildings is likely to require odour treatment, the design/operating critena for which will be influenced significantly by ventilation rate.
Metcalf& Eddy, 1991. Wastewater Engineering - Treatment DisposalReuse - 3rd Edition., McGrawHill. Escritt, L.B., 1978. Public Health Engineering Practice, VolumeII, Sewerage and Sewage Disposal. 4th Edition, McDonald and Evon Ltd. Benefield, Judkins and Parr, 1984. Treatment Prentice-Hall.
4. 5.
Steel& McGhee, 1979. Water Supply & Sewerage, Fifth Edition., McGraw-Hill. The Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 1992. Handbook of UK Wastewater Practice, 1992 Preliminary Processes, Third Edition.
National Water Council Standing Technical Committee on Wastewater Treatment, 1980. The OperationandMaintenanceofSmall Sewerage Works. National WaterCouncil, United Kingdom. Tillman, G.M., 1991. Basic Mechanical Maintenance Procedures at Water and Wastewater Plants. Lewis. Houser, BA., 1993. Hydraulics for Operators.Lewis.
8. 9.
US Environmental Protection Agency, 1992. OperationofWaste Water Treatment Plants - Volume 1. 4th Edition, Harnet Foundation Inc.
Sanitary Services National Training Group, 1994. Sanitary Services Module 2 Sewage Treatment Trainer/Trainee Manual ofthe LocalAuthorities SanitaryServices Project.Unpublished Sanitary Services National Training Group, 1994. National Vocational Qualification in Sewage Treatment - Level2 - Storm Treatment. Unpublished. Degremont, 1991. Water Treatment Handbook. Sixth Edition, Volume 2. Lavoiser. Qasim S.R, 1994. Wastewater TreatmentPlants - Planning, Designand Operations. The University ofTexasat Arlington. Technomic Publishing Co. Inc.
European Communities (Use of Sewage Sludge in Agriculture) Regulations, 1991 (S.f. No. 183 of
1991) andEU. Directive 86/778/EEC. Stationary Office, Dublin. Environmental ProtectionAgency Act, 1992 (Urban Wastewater Treatment) Regulations, 1994; (5.1. No. 419 of1994) and EU Directive91/271/EEC. Stationary Office, Dublin. British Standards Institute, 1983. British Standard Code of Practicefor Design and Installation of Small Sewage Treatment Works and Cesspools. B.S.6297:1983.
Water Research Centre, 1988. A Guide to the Design of Storm Oveiflow Structures. WRc Ref.
Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Department of the Environment, Ireland, 1995. Procedures and Criteria in Relation to Storm SewerOverflows. (91/271/EEC)
Reportof the Technical Committee on Storm Overflows and the Disposal of Storm Sewage (1970). Her Majesty'sStationary Office.
Weston ETA Ltd., 1993. National Sludge Strategy Report Department of the Environment. Ireland.
Degroment. 1991. Water Treatment Handbook. Sixth Edition, Volumes I & 2. Lavoisier. Ridley. J., 1986. Safety at Work. Second Edition. Butterworth. Hammer, M., 1986. Wastewater and Wastewater Technology. Second Edition, Prentice Hall. Muller. Imhoffand Thistlethwayte, 1971. DisposalofSewage and other Waterborne Wastes. Second Edition, Butterworth.
The Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 1993. Handbooks of U.K. Wastewater
Practice. Second Edition. Smith, E.. 1984. Principlesof IndustrialMeasurement for Control Applications. Instrument Society ofAmerica. Noltingk, BE., 1988. Instrumentation Reference Book. Butterworth. Electrical Technical Council of Ireland. 1991. National Rules Jbr Electrical Installations. Second Edition. Qasim, S.R., 1994. Wastewater Treatment Plants. Technomic Publishing Ltd. British Standards Institute, 1983. British Standard Code of Practice for selection, installation and maintenance of electrical apparatusfor use in potentiallyexplosive atmospheres (other than mining applications or explosives, processingand manufacture). Part I, General Recomendations. Part II, Areas. B.S.5345. Clarification ofHazardous Safety, Healthand Welfare at WorkAct, 1989. Stationary Office, Dublin. Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations. 1993 5.!. No. Stationary Office, Dublin.
29. 30.
31. 32.
44 of 1993.
Activated sludge. A flocculant microbial mass of bacteria, protozoa and other micro-organisms with a significantproportion of inert debris, produced whensewage is continuously aerated.
Adsorption. A surface phenomenon involving the adhesionof molecules to interfaces with which they are brought into contact. Aerobic.A condition in whichelementary oxygenis available and utilisedin the free form by bacteria. Anaerobic. A condition in which oxygenis not available in the form ofdissolved oxygen or nitrate/nitrite. Automatic Sampler. A device which takes a sample continuously or at regularintervals of cumulative flow or time over a stipulated period. Individual increments or samples may have equal volumes or be roughly proportional to the rate offlow at the time ofsampling. Autothermic combustion. The condition under which the calorific value of maintain combustion withoutauxiliary fuel. Bacteria. Micro-organisms, of simple structure and very small size (average unicellular rodsor rounded cells (cocci), occasionally filamentous.
retaining scum.
a sludge
is sufficient to
tm diameter); typically
Baffle. Used to check eddies and promote a more uniform flow through the tank. A scum baffle is used for
Bar screen. A screen for removing gross solids from sewage, consisting of a seriesof bars,either straight or curved, often with the upstream edgeof each bar being slightly wider than the downstream edge. The gaps between the bars of such screens are usually in the range 10 to 150mm. Screens with straight bars maybe set with the bars vertical or at an angleof60 to the horizontal.
Benching.Sloping surfaces on either sideof a channel, at pipe soffit level,designedto reduce deposition of
Biogas. Gas produced by the anaerobic biological degradation of organic matter. The major constituents are
methane and carbon dioxide.
Biomass.The total weightof activated sludge or biological film. British Standards Institution (BSI). A British institution founded in 1901 and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1929, its main purposebeing to prepare and issue codes of practiceand standard specifications (British Standards) forquality,safety, performance or dimensions for use in commerce and industry. Catchment area. The area drainagenaturallyto a watercourse or to a given point. Coarse screen. A screen used for removing gross solids from domestic or industrial wastewater, with spaces betweenthe bars at least 50 mm wide. Combined system. A system of sewerage in which wastewater and surface water are carried in the same drainsand sewers. Conuninutor. A machine, introduced about 1938, whichintercepts gross solids in sewage and shreds them without their being removed from the sewage. It consistsessentially of a largehollow drum with horizontal slots, rotating continuously on a vertical axis and driven by an electric motor. As the drum rotates, teeth projecting from it engage fixed hardened-steel combs; material retained by the screen is shredded by the action of the teeth and combs until small enough to pass through the slots with the sewage.
Constant-velocity grit channel. A channel through hich sevage is passing. the depth of flow being controlled by a standing-wave flume at the outlet end. The channel is so designedthat for an depth of flow the cross-sectional area of the submerged portion is proportionalto therate of t]os so that the velocit of the sewage is maintained constant at about 0.3 ni/s. At this \ elocit grit settles. lea\ing the organic matter in suspension in the sewage. Crest. The highest point on a sill or weir over which a liquid flows.
Critical velocity. In hydraulics, the velocity at which the flow changesfrom laminar to turbulent. Detritus. In sewage treatment, an inorganic grit associated with a relatively high proportion of organic
Discreen. A trade name for a fine-screening assembly which consistsof a number of shafts, each fitted with overlapping and intermeshing discs with an aperture distance to suit the fineness of screening required. The line of shafts is set at an angle to the flow and each shaft rotates slightly faster than its upstream neighbour. thus inducing a conveying action ofsolid across the face of the screen to the dischargepoint. Doppler flow meter. When the liquid flowing in a pipe contains solid particles or air bubbles,the doppler phenomenon can be used to measure the velocity. Two transmitter/receivers are bonded into opposite sides of the pipe. and ultra-sonic pulses are transmitted at an angle of 60C through the flowing liquid. The movement of the particles causes a shift in frequency between the transmitted and received signals which is proportional to the velocity of the particles. Drum screen. A screen used for removing gross solids from sewage. It consists of a cylindrical drum or truncated cone rotating on a horizontal axis, with the sewage passing through the screen radially and flowing away in an axial direction. Gross solids are collected on the inside or outside of the drumas it rotatesand are then washed off the surface.
Dry solids content. The weight of dry solids per unit weight of sludge. expressed as a percentage or as
Dry-weather flow (DWF).When the sewage flow is mainly domestic in character. the average dailyflow to the treatment works during seven consecutive days withoutrain (excluding a period which includespublic or local holidays) following seven days during which the rainfall did not exceed0.25 mm on any one day. With an industrial sewage the dry-weather flow should be based on the flows during five working days if production is limited to that period. Preferably. the flows during two periods in the year. one in the summer and one in the winter, should be averaged to obtain the average dry-weather flow. Effluent. As applied to sewage treatment, a liquid which flows out of a process or system. but more particularly the domestic or industrial wastewater. treated to a greater or lesser extent, which flows out of a section of the treatment plant. or from the treatment works as a whole. Emergency bypass. A channel or pipe which enables a treatment unit or units, or a machine, to be bypassed so that it can be takenout of service for maintenance or repair. or if a power failure occurs. Explosivelimits. The lower explosive limit (LEL) is the lowest concentration in air of an inflammable gas such as methane at which, when the mixture is ignited. sufficient heat is generated to bring the temperature of successive layers of unburnt gas to the ignition point, at which the flame becomes self-propagating. Similarly, the upper explosive limit (UEL) is the highest concentration of an inflammable gas in air at which the flame is still self-propagating. Extended-aeration process. A modification of the activated-sludge process whereby the sewage and activated sludge are subjected to prolonged aeration: the sludge being returned at a high rate. with the aim of bringing about considerable oxidation and aerobicdigestion of the organic matterin the activated sludge. Fine screen. A screen with apertures of 3 to 15 mm.
Foul sewer. A sewer conveying sewage, i.e. wastewater of domestic or industrial origin,excluding rainwater or surface water.
Grease. In sewage treatment, grease includes fats, oils, waxes, free fatty acids, calcium and magnesium soaps, mineral oils, and other non-fatty materials. The typeof solvent used for its extraction shouldbe stated. Grease trap. A receptacle designedto collect and retain grease and fatty substances in kitchen wastesor in an industrial wastewater and installed in the drainagesystembetween the point of production and the sewer. Grit. The heavy mineral matter in sewage, such as silt, sand, gravel, cinders, ashes, metal and glass. It is abrasive in character and may vary in composition seasonally. Soil originating from vegetablewashing and preparation is alsoclassified as grit.
Integrator.A device which indicates the total volume of liquid or gas which has passed over or through a measuring device, or which summates the hours run by operating units or the number of operations carried
International System of Units (SI). Or the Systeme International des Unites, a modified and simplified form of the metric system, approved internationally in 1960 and to whichthe UK has changed. It rationalizes the mainmetric units of measurement and standardizes their names and symbolic representation. The system is based on seven units, the metre (m) as the unit of length, the kilogramme (kg) as the unit of mass, the second(s) as the unit of time, the ampere(A) as the unit of electric current, the degree kelvin (K) as the unit of temperature, the candela (cd) as the unit of luminous intensity, and themole(mol) as the unit of substance
Invert. The lowest point on the internalsurface ofa drain, sewer or channel.
Jeta grit trap. A development of the earlierPista grit trap, its principal difference is an impeller designedto produce an upward spiral flow around the centre to carry lighter sewage solids to the surface with grit settlingin the hopper. Jettingmachine.A machine using high-pressure waterforcleansing purposes.
Level-sensingdevice. A device for automatically controlling the operation of a centrifugal pump, depending on the level in the wet well, or for recordingthe volume of sludge or chemical in a storage tank. Such devices include conductivity or capacitance electrodes, pneumatic tubes or cells, float-mounted relays, ultrasonics, gamma rays, or float systems. Magnetic flow meter. A meter which can be installed in a pipeline for measuring flows, based on the principle that the voltage inducedin a conductor of known length and moving through a magnetic field set up inside the pipe between electrical probesis proportional to the velocity ofthat conductor, and hence to the rate of flow, since the conductor is in this case the fluid. It can also measure the flow when this is in the
opposite direction.
Medium screen. A screen with apertures of 15 to 50 mm. Milligrammesper litre (mg/I). Used for expressing concentration of impurities in a wastewater or effluent. In SI units the equivalent is gmlm3.
Muncher. A trade name for a proprietary design of screenings disintegrator for sewage machine is a twinshaft, slow-speed, high torquegrinder.
or sludge. The
Odour Unit. The number of times a sample must be diluted with odour free air before 50% of an odour panel cannot detect the odour is the odour concentration expressed in odour units per cu.metre (ou/m'). Organic polluter. The pollution of a receiving water due to the consequences ofthe breakdown of excessive
concentrations of putrescible organic matter.
Orifice meter. Used for measuring flows of clean water and of air. A thin metal plate with a sharp-edged circularorifice is installed in the pipe-line conveying the air or water, at right angles to the directionof flow. The difference in pressure at a point a short distance upstream of the orifice and at the orifice is measured and this can be related to the rate of flow, variations ofwhichare recorded on a chart. Orifice plate. A metal plate with a central orifice of smaller diameter than the pipeline in which it is installed by inserting it between flanges; used for measuring the flow of air or liquid through the pipeline. Outfall. The site of discharge of a liquid from a pipe. Applied particularly to the point at which the sewer discharge to a treatment works or receiving water, or the point at which a conduit discharges the effluent from a treatment works into a receiving water.
Peatbed. A biological method of odour treatment. Odorous air is passed into the bottom of a bed made up of layers of peat and heather, and micro-organisms absorb and oxidise odorous compounds to carbon
dioxide, water sulphates and nitrates.
Polluting load. The quantity of polluting matter entering a treatment plant or in the effluent discharged into a receiving water during a given period. Pollution.The impairment of the suitability of water for some considered purpose. Population equivalent. The volume and strength of an industrial wastewater expressed in terms of an equivalent population, based upon a figure of 0.060 kilogramme BOD per capita per day: the population equivalent of an industrial wastewater is therefore calculated using the relationship.
Population Equivalent
Preliminary treatment. The removal or disintegration of gross solids in sewage and the removal of grit. Also sometimes the removal ofoil and grease from sewage, prior to sedimentation. Pretreatment. The treatment which an industrial wastewaterreceives at the source before discharge into the public sewer.Pretreatment ofa sludge refersto conditioning before dewatering.
Primarytreatment. The first major stage of treatment following preliminary treatment in a sewage works, usually involving removal of settleable solids.
Receivingwater. A bodyof water,flowing or otherwise, such as a stream river, lake, estuary or the sea. Rectangular weir. A thin-plate measuring weir ofrectangular shape, at right angles to the directionof flow. Such a weir is 'full width' when the sides are flush with the sides of the channel, or 'contracted' when the weir does not extendacross the full width; it is then saidto have 'side contractions'. Rotameter. A trade name for a float-type variable-area flow meter consisting of a float moving within a vertical graduated tube of uniform taper. As the rate of flow in the tube alters the float rises or falls, changing the area of the annularspace to maintain a constant differential pressure across the float. The flow causes the float to rotate (hence the name),so preventing sticking.
gross solids in sewage intercepted by screens and removed manually or by raking mechanism. The quantity depends on the bar spacing and ranges from 0.01 to 0.03m3/dper 1000 population equivalent. Screenings weigh between 600 and 900kg/rn3and havea dry solids content of from 10 to 20 per cent, the dry solids containingfrom 80 to 90 per cent or organic and volatile matter and calorific value of approximately 15 kJ/kg DS. Unwashed screenings usually have a foul odour and are objectionable in appearance.
Screenings. The
Screeningspress. A hydraulic press used for dewatering screenings. Screezer. A development of the comminutor wherethe rotating drum becomes a fine screen, its movement transferring debristo one side for subsequent removal. Screw compactor. A machine by which free water is squeezed from the debris removedfrom the screens at the inlet to a sewage works. The wet debris is deposited onto the screw which operates against a back pressure inducedby an inclined discharge or a spring tensionedoutlet flap. Some variations incorporate a reducing pitchscrew to promote the squeezing action. Scum. A layerof fats, oils, greaseand soaps together with particles of plastics, plastics wrapping materials and sludge which has risen to the surface owing to gasification, and which collects on the surface of primary sedimentation tanks and anaerobic digesters. Scum baffle. A plate or board which dips below the surface of sedimentation tanksto prevent scum flowing out with the effluent. Alsotermed a 'scum board'. Separate system. A sewerage system in which foul sewage and surface water are conveyed in separate
Septic. A condition produced by lack of dissolved oxygen and oxidised nitrogen (nitrate or nitrite). Putrefaction can occur. Side-weir overflow. A weir constructed along the length of the sewer. When the crest of the weir is below the level of the horizontal diameter of the upstream pipe it is called a 'low side-weir overflow', when above it is calleda 'high side-weir overflow'.
Stormoverflow. A device on a combined or partially-separate sewerage system, introduced for the purpose of relieving the systemof flows in excess of a selected rate, theexcess flow being discharged, possiblyafter removal of grosssolids,to a convenient receiving water.
Storm-sewagetank. A tank into which, in wet weather, is diverted all the sewagebiological treatment. Its purpose is to store as much of the storm sewage as possible, for return to the works inlet after the flow has returned to normal, and to remove settleable solids from the remainder which overflows from the tank to a
receiving water.
Surcharge. A condition obtaining whenthe flow in a sewer increases after it is already flowing full. Ultrasonic level detector. The ultrasonic energy emitted from a combined transmitter/receiver installed above the liquidis reflected backfrom the surface. The time elapsed betweentransmission and reception of thesignalis proportional to thedistance travelled, and hence thedepth oftheliquid canbe derived. Velocityof approach. With a rectangular weir or V-notch, the velocity of the liquid at the point where the upstream headis measured. V-notch weir. A measuring weir of V-shape with the angle at the apex usually 90, used for measuring smalldischarges. Vortex grit separator. A grit separating tank with a cylindrical top portion and a conical bottom. The sewage enters tangentially and separation of grit is assisted by an electrically-driven rotating paddle at the
air issuing from a diffuserring in the hopper. Grit settling in an air-lift to the hopper is transferred by pump a vortex washer whilst the sewage containing the organic overflows a weir. matter peripheral
base of the cylindrical portion and compressed
Vortex grit washer. A grit washer consisting of a chamber at the centre of which is a cylindrical vortex chamber with an open-ended conical bottom. Water-borne grit from the vortex separator enters the vortex chambertangentially and is separated from organic matter by centrifugal force, the washed grit falling from the vortex chamberto the floor of the main chamberfrom whence it is removed by a bucket elevator. The carrierwaterwith the organic matteris withdrawn through a central siphon for returnto the sewageflow.
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Preliminary TreatmentManual
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Landfill Manual Landfill Monitoring. (1995). LandfillManual Investigations for Landfills. (1995). WaterTreatment Filtration.
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The Environmental ProtectionAgencyAct, 1992,wasenactedon 23 April, 1992 and under this legislation the Agency was formally established on 26 July,
The Agencyhas a wide range of statutory duties and powersundertheAct. The mainresponsibilities of the Agency include the following:
through, for example, the encouragement of the use of environmental audits, the establishment of an eco-labelling scheme, the setting of environmental quality objectives and the issuing of codes of practice on matters affecting the environment; the promotion and coordination of environmental research; and generally overseeing the performance by local authorities of their statutory environmental protection functions.
TheAgency's are headquarters locatedin Wexford and it operates five regional inspectorates, located in Dublin, Cork, Kilkenny, Castlebar and Monaghan. MANAGEMENT The Agency is managed by a full-time Executive Board consisting of a Director General and four Directors. The Executive Board is appointed by the Government following detailed procedures laid downin the Act. ADVISORY COMMIUEE The Agency is assisted by an Advisory Committee of twelve members. The members are appointed by the
Environment. Independence is assured throughthe selection procedures for the Director General and Directors andthe freedom, as provided in the legislation, to act on its own initiative. The assignment, under the legislation, of direct responsibility for a wide rangeof functions underpins this independence. Underthe legislation, it is a specific offence to attempt to influence the Agency, or anyoneactingon its behalf, in an improper manner.
selected mainly from those nominated by organisations with an interestin environmental and developmental matters. The Committee has beengiven a wide range of advisory functions under the Act,