SFMan 19
SFMan 19
SFMan 19
TABLE OF CONTENTS BACKGROUND MATERIAL ...................................... 3 FEDERATION OR ALLIANCE ..............................................3 WHICH IS MORE PROBABLE? ..........................................3 WHAT ABOUT THE HOME WORLDS? .................................3 PAN GALACTIC CORPORATION: BEAUTY OR THE BEAST? .......4 VOIDLINGS ..................................................................4 ADVENTURE! ......................................................... 8 ON THE ROCKS.............................................................8 INDENTURED SERVANTS ...............................................15 YAZIRIAN FILES .................................................... 16 BROTHER FLIT-TAIL .....................................................16 FOR THOSE WHO HAVE FALLEN ......................................17 HUMOR............................................................... 20 COMMUNITY NEWS ............................................ 21 STAR FRONTIERS AND SPACE ELITISM ..............................21 CHARACTER RACES .............................................. 22 ADRAINIAN ................................................................22 HUNDE .....................................................................25 CREATIVE REFEREEING......................................... 27 AD MAGNETIC COUNTERS............................................27 NOT PAYING ATTENTION CHART ....................................27 CREATURES OF THE FRONTIER ............................. 29 AN ALIENS BEST FRIEND...............................................29 FLORA AND FAUNA OF LACO .........................................38 DWARTZERT ..............................................................40 EQUIPMENT ........................................................ 41 ENERGY BRACER .........................................................41 ELECTRO-GOGGLES .....................................................41 HOLO-WALL PROJECTOR ..............................................42 ARPIS ......................................................................42 SPACE SHIPS ........................................................ 43 DAMAGE CONTROL-REPORT! ........................................43 KNIGHT HAWKS ................................................... 46 SF: 2KH "LIBERATION OF VOLTURNUS" ..........................46 CLASSIFIEDS! ....................................................... 52
The cover is courtesy of AZ_Gamer. Check out his artwork throughout the StarFrontiersman and at
This issue you will see that we have a rather large Creature section. Many have traveled across the Frontier to bring back the knowledge of strange and wonderous beasts. Some are dangerous and some could be considered pets. Just remember to feed them and love them if you decide to take one home. A warning also about the Frontier Fiction PDF Vrusk Headace in the zip file with this issue. It is not necessarily for our younger readers. Please keep that in mind. I have also enlarged the font a point to accomidate all of the feedback from Issue 18.
I recently recovered three Star Frontiers articles written and published on a fan site during the 1990s. The site was the work of Christian Walker and has been lost to us in the general internet as many of the old SF sites have ceased to function. Using an internet archive I found a snap shot of his site and decided his articles needed to be saved. The following brief articles are very insightful and still relevant. -Jedion 357
So whats the big deal? Easy,the Frontier is too new and the individual races too unique and independent to submit to the authority of a Federation. Take the Vrusk for example. In the Alpha Dawn rules Vrusk society is described as, "organized around independent corporations. To a Vrusk, the company he works for is his family and his nation. The company determines everything about the Vrusks life" I could imagine a Vrusk company belonging to an alliance, but a federation never. In addition, while the home world governments of the individual races are not explored in great detail I could not imagine them giving up their colonies to part of a federation. I think they would hold onto their land tenaciously, but would still be willing to contribute goods and materials to communal defense efforts.
Had I written the Star frontiers background, I would have made a few subtle changes. One could argue that they are mostly concerned with semantics, but I feel that even subtle changes of language greatly influence the tone of the setting. In the introduction to the game the author writes, "As the danger increased the Humans, Dralasites, Vrusk and Yazirians formed the United Planetary Federation (UPF) to defend their worlds." Later we find another reference to the UPF when "The UPF created the Star Law Rangers, an interstellar police force, to track the Sathars agents from planet to planet and fight them on their own terms." In my mind, the organization formed by the Frontier worlds would be better described as an Alliance. For support I turn to the extremely well written GURPS Space, an invaluable sourcebook for science-fiction campaign that draws upon a wealth of fiction and scientific theory for ideas. In GURPS Space we find the following definition of Alliance: "An alliance is a group of autonomous worlds. Its key feature is that its members are genuinely self-governing. The alliance controls only interstellar policy - primarily defense policy and foreign relations - and not any members domestic affairs." The article adds that, "There will be an interstellar police force, usually called the Patrol." The definition of Federation is different in some very crucial areas. "Although federations and alliances share many features, they are different in basic philosophy. In an alliance, the individual member worlds dominate the central government. In a federation, the opposite is true the central government takes precedence over its component worlds."
From the Alpha Dawn rules: "The three races met in a large area of space known as the Frontier. There they also discovered the Yazirians, a race of tall, maned humanoids. Soon settled worlds in the Frontier became melting pots for the four races, with dazzling mixtures of architecture and alien cultures." I havent been married long, but what I do know is that relationships take a lot of work and there can be some very bumpy roads along the way. What I always felt was missing from the mix was animosities among the races due to racial bias and the political agendas of their home worlds. The races of the Frontier seem to have melded together quite well, which I feel is too bad in a way. Sure, we like to get along with people around us, but this is a game and it does not do justice to some classic themes of sci-fi literature. What if the Yazirians resented the intrusion of the other races and were hostile? Sure that hostility may have faded over time, but some still might linger. What about the Humans and Vrusk? Many Humans loathe bugs and would find the idea of a large walking one to be horrifying! In addition, what are the agendas of the races home worlds? Lets take the vrusk, who had discovered space travel first. They taught their technology to humanity and were pleased when humanity met them on the Frontier. But humans are driven to explore and settle and would not stay in the Frontier for long. Might the vrusk home world fear the spread of humanity, likening it to some plague? How might the vrusk government seek to contain humanity without appearing too aggressive? PAGE
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On many worlds in the Frontier the various races have settled in relative peace, giving rise to populations that see their Frontier as their only home. After many years they might no longer see the home worlds of their ancestors as having any significance or authority at all. I remember an episode of Robotech where a soldier says something to the effect of, "Earth? I could care less about Earth. I was born in space." How might the home worlds react to this? It could be a situation comparable to the American Revolution. The American colonies appreciated their English heritage but they did not see themselves as subjects and resented the treatment given to them by the Crown. The English on the other hand saw the colonies as their strategic and rightful property and resented the insolence of the colonies. Such social dynamics could lead to a number of fascinating scenarios. For example, a human colony is forcefully put back under Earth control, but the United Planetary Alliance responds in favor of the colony, several different races vie for control of a single colony; a colony wages a violent campaign to be free of the Alliance, Pan-Galactic Corporation, its home world, or from alien influence. In short: politics and social dynamics would be far too complex to allow a relatively peaceful Frontier as presented by the Alpha Dawn set. the beginning Pan-Gal would have operated like this, but as time progressed it would have developed a new imperative: Make money any way we can and subvert those laws that would make us less profitable. I think that a Pan-Gal that is insidious, bullying and out for its own interests makes for much more interesting science fiction. Couple this with the growth of other interstellar corps and you have about a billion opportunities for adventure dealing with the ugly underbelly of galactic business.
Editors Note: Below you will find the 3rd Alex Stone article submitted to the StarFrontiersman. Previously in Issue#15 Alex brought us some insight into Traditional Dralasite Debates and in Issue #17, KiKat-Tu Vrusk Master Magician. We look forward to hearing more reports from the famous reporter.
By Eric Winsor (iggy) Edited by T Quinn Winsor
Alex Stone reporting from Boneyard Station, Cassidine system, via the FMS Solar Wind.
Life on the Frontier provided business interests with a myriad of opportunities. The fledgling colonies needed goods to survive and develop, which required trade networks, mediums of exchanges, etc. The Alpha dawn rules described the Pan Galactic Corporation as the first interstellar corporation which developed a universal trade tongue. Later we find that the Pan-Gal Corporation also created a stable medium of exchange, the credit. The old Earth saying is, "Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely." I have to wonder whether or not Pan Gal developed a bit of malevolent self-interest. The Pan-Gal Corporation would have had few, if any ties to any particular race. Since it was made up of a mix of all races it would have had its own goals and agendas independent of any home worlds politics. With vrusk as members it would have enjoyed fanatically loyal employees. With all that power would it, or even could it, stay good for long? Better yet, lets lose the terms good and evil and instead focus on the true nature of any business: to make money, but to not violate any laws that would undermine the company and therefore make it unprofitable. I think that in PAGE
Last installment I wrote about the Wiggling Brothers Circus. They are a phenomenal act. Well, I was poking around the animal cages after the show and met a most interesting Yazirian. Mr.Gra Lip Grigh is the founder of Timeon Safari on Lossend. We had a fascinating conversation about the lossodragons his company provided to Wiggling Brothers. MrGrigh has invited me to visit Lossend and go on safari with him. So, for the next few issues I am going to be writing while I make my way to Lossend. Currently I am submitting this article from Boneyard Station in the Cassidine system. I am very excited to tell you about Boneyard station and I'll do that next issue, but first I must tell you about getting here. I signed on as a passenger on the FMS Solar Wind, a tramp freighter that is on its way from Fromeltar to Theseus via Prenglar. The Solar Wind is a venerable ship of Yazirian construction that has been hauling freight since before most of us were born. She has seen every edge of the Frontier and all the planets in-between. She is crewed by Captain Thomas South, first officer Jonathan Grey, chief engineer Michael Muldoon, and engineer's mate Cletus. I mention Cletus because he and I have become great friends for all that he has taught me about the Voidlings. Now I know that most of you are thinking, Wait! Aren't Voidlings those weird energy beings in all the tabloids sold at the local EnergyMart? Aren't Voidlings dismissed by respectable scientists and the punch line of a common joke at celebrity parties? Aren't Voidlings those creatures in the scary stories from camp when I was a kid? Well, YES, YES, YES. Voidlings are those creatures that old spacers have been telling new spacers about since void travel was
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Artwork by Albin Johnson
discovered. I learned all there is to know about voidlings on the ride from Fromeltar to Cassidine. Cletus, the engineer's mate, knows everything there is to know about voidlings. Cletus has probably logged more void time than most spacers out there in the black. When he first signed on to the Solar Wind is anybody's guess. If you ask Cletus how long he has been on the Solar Wind he'll tell you that he's been here since the birth of the Solar Wind. If you ask Captain South he'll tell you, Well Cletus. He just came with the ship. He was here when I bought her. He was here when the last owner bought her, and the one before that. Cletus has always been here. I tried everything to get him off but he's bound, set, and determined that he can't leave so I've kept him on doing the job he has always done. Captain South says that Cletus was on the ship with all the previous owners he knows of. And, a check through the ship holo archives shows the same space suited figure in the background of each crew hologram back to the first captain, a Yazirian named Captain GuraHalu. Cletus refuels the atomics and cleans the ion director coils in the engines. Hence Cletus is always in his space suit. If you ask Cletus if he is always in his space suit he will scream Yes! Then he will tell you it is because it keeps the voidlings out! I met Cletus four days out from Fromeltar. I was bored and wandered down to engineering to get a change of scenery. I was talking to Michael Muldoon the chief engineer and leaned against the wall as we humans are apt to do.
Suddenly what I took for an empty EVA suit jumped at me and pulled me away from the wall, loudly and excitedly jabbering something about not touching the outer bulkhead walls. I about jumped out of my skin and yelped like a puppy. The chief and one of his technicians had quite a laugh at my expense. So I returned to the observation lounge figuring this was a trick the engineering crew played on any passengers that happen to poke around where they shouldn't be, like engineering. A few hours later Johnathan Grey the first office checked in on me and I complemented his engineers on the trick. Johnathan quietly and politely chuckled, then told me that it was no trick. This, explained Mr. Grey, was the way Cletus really was and he apologized for him. Then he gave me a few pointers about what to expect from Cletus. This perked my curiosity. I went back to meet Cletus. When I got back to engineering the EVA suit was gone. I asked where Cletus was and the Chief told me that he was out inspecting the plasma coils. At first I thought nothing of it then I realized we were pushing at 1G and I promptly asked the Chief if it was dangerous to be inspecting plasma coils directing the thrust of an active ion engine pushing 1G. Actually I think I included something about crazy and stupid but I can't recall the exact phrase, but it included something about barking mad and Cletus frying himself or spinning off into space. Fortunately the Chief took the query in stride and responded, Anyone else in th e known universe doing PAGE
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this would be downright suicidal but Cletus does it every voyage and insists that it is essential to the reliability and long life of all ion engines. We trust him! The Chief then sat me down at one of the stations and turned on the external inspection cameras, patted me on the back, and said, Enjoy the show.Cletus spent two hours out there with the EVA suit cabled to the stern of the ship and tied off to the fore of the engine being inspected. He crawled up and down each millimeter of the engine getting right out near the ion stream to measure the magnetic fields. He would take measurements move back to the director coil control circuits and make adjustments then measure again. Then he'd move up to the fore of the engine, unhook, and thrust out to swing over to another engine and repeat the procedure. The Chief told me he'd keep this up until he was satisfied that all the engines thrust were balanced. Then right before he was about to come in Cletus went bonkers. He started firing a laser off into space in odd directions. That's when the Chief chuckled and said, Uh Oh! Looks like Cletus is having a run in with the voidlings. Now I have always believed that voidlings were tabloid nonsense. I asked the Chief if voidlings were real and he laughed, Not a lick of truth to the stories, but don't you push Cletus about it. He's convinced and religious about 'em. Now I had to get to know Cletus, and the voidlings.About ten minutes later Cletus emerged from the airlock and started extracting himself from the EVA suit. Somehow he had fit the standard radiation space suit and helmet he was wearing into the EVA suit. I went over to meet him after he got out of the EVA suit and my toxyrad gauge went off. I was not expecting it and moved hastily back in concern but the Chief consoled me, Don't worry, that's just his suit. It's a bit old and has been well used., he smiled. I later learned that Cletus never takes off the space suit and helmet. So, I went over to meet Cletus. At first he was apprehensive about talking to me or letting me near. But then he scanned me with about ten different instruments until he seemed to be satisfied that I was who, what, and where, I was saying I was. It was an odd introduction because Cletus kept the space suit visor down and shielded. I expressed how impressed I was at his ability and control during the EVA. I even likened his skill and motions to the yazirian trapeze artists that I had recently seen on Fromeltar. He seemed to take that as a complement and relaxed. After a bit more talking I asked him to join me on the observation deck but he refused stating that it was bad to be in the fore of the ship during forward acceleration when near jump velocity. When I pressed him as to why he leaned closer and turned his suits speaker volume down to a whisper and said, Voidlings bunch up on the fore of ships when their this close to jump velocity. From the corner of my eye I could see the Chief and his mate grinning and holding back the laughs. I asked him if the voidlings were what he was shooting at before coming in and he said, I wasn't shooting at them but past them. I was out by the ion streams too longs and builded up quite a charge. His S's were drawn out and he PAGE seemed to growl as he said builded. Cletus continued to explain, Voidlings are attracted to ion streams and as close as we are to void transition speed some of them can sense us and drop out for a drink from the streams. I was too charged and they mistaked'd me for something to drink too. He seemed to growl a little when he said mistaked'd too. He concluded telling me that, I shot past them to makes them chase after the sweet tastes of the lasers. Then he described in great detail the many tastes that a laser can have to a voidling. There were details about wavelength and wattage and the combinations of lasing elements in the beam path. He described each taste like a chef reciting recipes. Eventually I sensed there was trust to our conversation so I asked him what voidlings look like and he was about to say something when he noticed the Chief and mate holding back their laughter and he turned and stormed off into the fuel pellet storage locker. Right after the door closed they let loose. I could see that learning about the voidlings was going to take some effort on my part. So I took to spending my days in engineering watching the external inspection monitors, hanging around well after the Chief and his mate were gone. Cletus came over and watched me a few times but I said nothing. Then finally when the others were off for mealtime Cletus came over and asked what I was doing. I responded that I was looking for voidlings because I wanted to see one. Cletus replied, Never going to see one that way. They don show up on video; you got to be out in the black, for 'em to show themselves. Anyway, we're too close to the Jump to go out now. We got to wait for the void and watch them through a port. There's one in the aft cargo tow control but you got to have a suit. I'll go tell the Captain that's where we'll be for the void. Cletus called the Captain then he got me suited up. We sat in the cramped station of the cargo tow control room pressed up against the airlock door. There was barely enough room for the two of us sealed into this little room. Cletus insisted that we not touch the outer bulkhead walls. He insisted that if we did then the voidlings could get in to the ship. But, he assured me that our suits would protect us from any voidling that got into the ship. He was quite adamant that the suits would protect us from the voidlings touching us and tasting the sweetness of our minds. Cletus prepared me fully for everything that I would experience when a voidling was near, what I would see, smell, hear, taste, feel, and know. Here is what I learned: Voidlings are without color and form. The can be red and blue and have a cape like shape. They taste salty and have a flavor of sweet fruit. They make whistling sounds that are heard as groans. Voidlings have no odor and you will notice a scent of ozone when they are near. If they touch you, you will smell their sweetness. Their touch is warm and electric; you will feel nothing as they caress your skull. You will know when they are with you, but do not let them into your mind. Keep your visor down and shielded.
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We transitioned to the void normally and our void time was a few seconds long. Cletus pointed out one voidling after another. I cheerily responded to each and tried my best to see them. As we dropped back into normal space Cletus pointed out how the voidlings were flying around the engines and pressing up against the outer bulkhead walls tasting the ions of the ship. He explained how thousands of them were now packed up on the fore of the ship and that as the pilot turned the ship to re-vector they would begin streaming back into the void and he pointed where he saw the stream of them. Then suddenly one of the engines blew and Cletus was hurrying back into the engineering bay cursing about how a voidling had gotten into the ion director coils because he hadn't cleaned them good enough. The Chief and his mate had to hold him back from going outside right then and there to chase off the voidlings. Unfortunately the engine blow-out ended my travels on the Solar Wind and things got real busy so I didn't get much time with Cletus after that. The Captain and the pilot performed quite the impressive breaking maneuver by spinning to keep the thrust balance of the two remaining engines. But the result was I ended up pretty sick and disoriented after a few hours and went down on meds. When they brought me out of it we had been grappled by the SS ShatterStar and were being towed to Boneyard Station. I did get a little more time with Cletus during the tow but no opportunities for voidling watching. Cletus pointed out that we were too slow now for the voidlings to safely venture out of the void around us. I also learned that the damage would take some time to repair so I should get new passage if possible while on Boneyard Station. Next issue I'll tell you about my time on Boneyard Station before I take off with the crew of the FMS Void Crusher in route to Prenglar. My time with Cletus was great and I gladly call him a friend. The Captain pulled me aside before we docked at Boneyard and asked me what I saw while in the void with Cletus. I asked the Captain if he had ever spent time in the aft cargo and tow control during a jump. He smiled and nodded. I told the Captain I saw all the things that Cletus described. The Captain clapped me on the shoulder and said, Good Answer! We went to the docking collar and I said my goodbyes to the crew when Cletus appeared. He stood in the back of the group and made hesitating steps back and forth. The Captain turned to him and said, Cletus, you best say your goodbyes now. The shuttle has got to go and youre holding her up. Where upon Cletus pushed through the group and stopped at the edge of the ships airlock. He reached in to offer his hand for a handshake but we were too far apart. The steward of the shuttle was pulling me back as the air lock warning sounded. Cletus then reached up and undid the seals on this helmet and pulled it off. His PAGE hair was matted and held tight to his head. It was auburn and naturally wavy, covering and obscuring much of his face like a mane. On the sides of his head two pointed ears were peeking out on either side. Cletus smiled a sharp toothy grin and said, Goodbye Alex! My name is Cle T Esk. It has been an honor to cross the void with you. Cletus's actions had caught the Solar Wind's crew by surprise and they stood wide eyed staring at him. The airlock door began to close and I heard the Chief exclaim in surprise, Call me the son of a monkey! Cletus is Yazirian!
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On The Rocks was first published in Imagine magazine September 1984. This issue also included the plans for the East Indiaman Freighter for Star Frontiers. You can find the plans for this ship in StarFrontiersman Issue #6. Enjoy the module and good gaming.
The East Indiaman UPRS (UP Registered Ship) Clan Chattan spent the last three years on the fairly profitable, but undramatic, Truane-Dixons Star haulage run. The cargoes never made vast profits, but the bank payments and crew wages were always paid on time. One month ago, the last voyage of the Clan Chattan began as had all the others, with Jasmine Cumae, the owner, ships master and pilot, filing her flight plans at the Pale, Truane starport control. The Clan Chattan accelerated away from Truane and jumped into the Void. The ship did not arrive at Laco, Dixons Star. The Clan Chattan had been late in the past, so nobody worried. However, after a week without evidence of the ships fate, the Laco Development Corporation (LDC), as the owners of the ships cargo, declared the Clan Chattan missing, blaming pirate action and/or the crew of the Clan Chattan for the loss. Two days later, the robot prospector ship Romero-4 quietly made its first rendezvous with the asteroid Plutarch, Dixons Star. Plutarchs orbit had changed slightly, and Romero-4 found the cause The Clan Chattan, by a billion-toone chance, had collided with the asteroid. Maintaining radio silence for commercial reasons, Romero-4 completed its survey, and then turned home. Auric Mining & Construction (AuriCon), the owners of Romero-4, did not want the crash of the Clan Chattan to
On The Rocks
By Mike Brunton
On the Rocks is an adventure for the STAR FRONTIERS game. The Referee will need a copy of the Alpha Dawn and Knight Hawks rules to run this adventure. In addition he should also be familiar with the East Indiaman Class Freighter which has been re-mastered in Star Frontiersman Issue #6. If you intend running a character in this adventure, please stop reading here. The mini-module is designed for groups of 3-5 characters, who will need a good variety of skills from the Alpha Dawn rules. They will find it difficult to succeed without Technician, Computer and Military skills. Spaceship skills could prove useful, but are not essential to success-unless the players are very careless of the lives of Non-Player Characters (NPCs) during the course of the adventure.
become public knowledge. Ownership of Plutarch was at stake. Under UPF law, anyone who had survived the crash (however briefly) could claim ownership, and Plutarch was important to the company millions of tons of orbital construction material in a star system without an asteroid belt. Within days, a company police scout was diverted to Plutarch and landed a small team of Regulators to establish the companys mining rights. The Clan Chattans fate did not stay a secret for long. By chance, Nathaniel Cumae Jasmines half cousin worked for AuriCon and saw the Plutarch scanning reports. Risking his future (and his life), he anonymously sent copies to the LDC factor at Pale, Truane. The Clan Chattan and its cargo had been found. Recovery was another matter One week ago, another East Indiaman, the Paltsa Ryby, arrived at Pale, Truane. The LDC factor immediately approached the ships master, Captain Glaz Ptitsy (a Vrusk), and offered him Cr 30,000 and 5% of the cargos value for its recovery, but only if this was done quickly. Glaz Ptitsy accepted on the spot, despite the fact that the crew of the Paltsa Ryby consisted of two people: himself and Milo Hansen his engineer and co-owner.
Captain Glaz Ptitsy is a competent business being he will offer the adventurers the minimum wages he thinks he can get away with. On the other hand, he will not abandon them should a situation deteriorate. Glaz takes care of Milo, keeping him out of jail and as sober as possible and will not hear a word said against him. Glaz knows that AuriCon has an interest in Plutarch, and understands the UPF space laws on ownership. He also has a cargo manifest for the Clan Chattan in his possession. In addition to the surviving cargo listed below, the Clan Chattan was also carrying computers (valued at CR 120,000) and a second transposant pod with 2000 occupied storage class berths (indentured labor valued at CR 7 million). The cargo manifest does not give the surviving cargo, only what was carried when the Clan Chattan left Pale, Truane. Milo Hansen crawled inside a whisky bottle years ago and never came out. His low intellectual and social abilities reflect this, while his melee weapon skill is based solely on his proficiency with broken bottles and chair legs. Drunk or sober, Milo is fully capable of carrying out his duties, and he is devoted to Glaz, his only real friend.
and military skeinsuits, will be waiting in the Spacers Club for the adventurers to appear, and will attempt to capture them. If they succeed in doing so, the characters will wake up as part of the indentured labor force of AuriCon. The course of play from this point is up to the referee. To avoid this, the adventurers need to reach the elevator, which will take them to the Paltsa Rybys dock. Any NPCs on the station who witness the fight Port Authority personnel, off-duty spacers, etc. (the referee should feel free to invent bystanders) will not interfere in what appears to be a commercial vendetta. Once on board the Paltsa Ryby, the adventurers will be introduced to Milo Hansen. The ship will leave the dock, and head for Dixons Star. The flight to Plutarch will take five days, during which time the referee should feel free to invent events of interest. The adventurers will be given crew status as far as the ships security systems are concerned. The crash site of the Clan Chattan stands out as a streak of silver-white debris against the deep black of the rest of Plutarch a color due to the gradual accumulation of eons of interstellar dust.
Plutarch is an interstellar rouge caught in the gravity well of Dixons Star. Deep Black in color, it is made up mostly of carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen compound with small amounts of water ice and nickel-iron ore. Plutarch is potentially very valuable, containing many of the raw materials needed to build and maintain starships and space stations. From Plutarchs constituents, plastics can be synthesized; hydrogen for fuel and oxygen for air can be extracted: the water is valuable in itself, and the metal content is simply a bonus. While Plutarch is quite large when compared to a ship a roughly oblong boulder some 2.5km long, 1km wide and 500m deep its mass is very low. For game purposes assume that the gravitational pull of Plutarch is minimal, i.e. zero gravity conditions. The referee should note the effect that this will have during the game e.g. objects (and people) will tend to float away unless tethered.
Brett, Human Regulator STR/STA 50/60 IM 5 DEX/RS 45/45 RW 53 INT/LOG 40/50 M 35 PER/LDR 30/45 SKILLS Beam Weapons 3, Melee Weapons 1, Computer 1
Regulator 1-6 STR/STA 60/70 IM 5 DEX/RS 50/45 RW 45 INT/LOG 25/30 M 60 PER/LDR 15/10 SKILLS Projectile or Beam Weapons 2, Melee Weapons 3., Medical 1(One Regulator only), Demolitions 1, Technician 2(Two Regulators only)
New Equipment:
Shotgun Sawn-off Damage 8/3/2/1* 8/2* Rate 1 1 Defense Inertia Inertia PB Short Med Long 0-2 3-8 9-18 19-40 0-2 3-4 -
* Damage in D10s the decrease occurs at each range, and is applied to all the targets within the spread of shot (2m wide at point blank and short range, 4m wide at medium range and long range). A shotgun blast only causes 3 points of structural damage, but they are very dangerous weapons to use against space suits. A shotgun blast will cause 1d10 2cm holes in a space suit, each of which has a 60% chance of self-sealing. Space suit armor has a 55% protection rating against a shotgun blast (see Knight Hawks p28). A standard shotgun has a mass of 4kg. Costs CR 450 and takes a 5 shot clip costing CR15. Sawn-off shotguns have a mass of 3kg (the barrel being much shorter), cost CR 600, and are either single shot models or take a three round clip (CR 10). When a character uses a shotgun in zero gravity, he or she should make a dexterity ability check. Failure indicates that the character has been thrown off balance by the recoil, and must spend the next turn recovering or suffer a -50 penalty on the chance of hitting a target.
Fortunately although the majority of the crew did not live to appreciate the fact the Clan Chattan did not strike Plutarch squarely, but at an angle along the asteroids longest axis. The damage to the asteroid was minimal one more impact crater made little difference. Most of the Clan Chattan eventually came to rest against a fracture line caused in a collision with another asteroid centuries earlier. The rest of the ship spread in a thin layer along the line of the crash. The diagram shows the position of the various parts of the wreck, and also gives the location of the Regulators survival unit the wreckage provides a convenient marker for the resupply vessels. Although the Clan Chattan is no longer space worthy, and will never be so again, the ship is not totally destroyed. The angle of the crash, and the ships attitude at impact, meant that much of the momentum of the ship was absorbed by the ships drive nacelles and the parabattery housing. The aft engineering deck and the keel mounted cargo pods also cushioned much of the force of the impact.
Emergency Suits:
These are little more than person-shaped airtight plastic bags with a cartridge that provides 10 minutes of air. An emergency suit has no value as armor, nor is it self-sealing. It can, however, be put on in 3 turns (a vrusk emergency suit takes 4 turns to put on), and a normal space suit may be worn on top. Emergency suits cost CR 400 and replacement air cartridges cost CR 25. Both are freely available at all starports. Being a predominantly human company, Tallyman Associates provide a free human emergency suit for each cabin on any new ship launched from their airdocks.
Editors Note: The Star Frontiersman Issue #4 introduced scatterguns. You can also find shotguns in Issue #9.
The condition of the ship is listed below (the numbers and letters in the brackets refer to the East Indianman deck plans, See SFman #6). The referee will find it useful to mark the damaged and destroyed sections on a copy of the plans. References to areas on board the Paltsa Ryby will be distinguished by a P prefix, ex (P48) the cargo arm. The recreation lounge (16), the guard cabins (17, 18, 25, 26), the lifeboats (22, 23), the toilets (24), the crew mess area (31), the emergency bridge (34), the luggage space (38), the three keel mounted cargo pods (see 39), aft engineering and maintenance (G-Deck), the drive access tunnels and engine struts (46), parabatteries (47), and the drives, have all been totally destroyed. The ship is simply a mass of wreckage, open to space at these points. The hull on B deck is severely cracked and warped and will no longer hold an atmosphere, but apart from superficial damage caused by flying debris, the deck is still in one piece. The Bridge (A deck), and escape pod (9) have survived virtually unscathed, although the Astrogation bubble (1) porthole has a crack in it which has let the ships air out of this deck. The body of Jasmine Cumae, the ships master, will be found in the escape pod. Jasmine survived the crash, only to die of suffocation when the pods life support ran out. The pod was damaged in the crash and could not be launched. Technically, Plutarch is part of Jasmine Cumaes estate. forward airlock (P32) the Paltsa Ryby will be contaminated by the various pesticides. This contamination is handled as though it is a -5/2d10 infection. A character with medical skills can use the Diagnosis and Neutralize Toxins subskill as normal even though these chemicals are rated as an infection rather than a poison. The chemical will result in a permanent loss of 1d10 of a random ability even when cured. POD 2: Transposant Pod 1800 colonial draftees and commercial dissidents, all indentured labor for LDC contracts valued at an average of Cr 3500, total value Cr 6.3 million. Transposant pods are built to withstand a good deal of rough treatment the cargo is, after all, relatively delicate. The transposants are still alive, making this the most valuable salvage of the wreck. The pod cannot be unloaded and the storage berths transferred as this would kill the transposants. The entire pod must be released from the wreck and moved to the Paltsa Ryby. (The replaced pod will have to be abandoned on Plutarch possible for later collection). Removal of the pod is impossible without the aid of the Clan Chattans cargo arm (48), and the pod release mechanism has also been damaged. Once the pod release and arm are working (see repairs), removing the pod and connecting it to the Paltsa Ryby will take 4 hours for three people (one person an each cargo arm, and one supervising). There is a 30% chance (-5% per level of technician skill) that the transposant pod will slip during the transfer, causing 1d10 points of hull damage to the Paltsa Ryby. POD 3: Agricultural Machinery robot ploughs, harvesters and fruit pickers value Cr 35,000. This pod has split open on impact and much of the machinery is damaged only 35% is recoverable (value Cr 12,550). Collecting the various items of machinery and loading them into one of the Paltsa Rybys pods will take 30 labor-hours. POD 4: Mixed Cargo luxury goods and foodstuffs; computer parts; jetcopter spares; three crates of UPF SpaceMail parcels; industrial laboratory equipment total value CR 130,000. 15% of the cargo in this pod has been destroyed, but the most valuable items the SpaceMail and a case of rare wine are still intact, although the sediment in the wine has been disturbed. The SpaceMail and wine are valued at Cr 30,000(for insurance purposes) and Cr 12,500 respectively. Extracting the parcels and the wine from the wreckage will take 4 labor-hours, while recovering the rest of the cargo will take a further 16 labor-hours. POD 5: UPF Chartered Pod weapons and other equipment for the Laco militia battalion value Cr 120,000. The entire contents of this pod have survived intact, and can be
The Cargo
The Clan Chattan was carrying a mixed cargo on her last voyage as might be expected on a ship carrying good for a frontier colony. Of the six pods that survived the crash, two are still attached to the spine of the ship. The others broke free when the ship crashed, and are scattered along the crash line. All the pod hulls, except one, have cracked. Glaz Ptitsys cargo manifest for the Clan Chattan only lists what was on board, not what survived, so unless the adventurers physically inspect the cargo pods or manage to get the Clan Chattans computer working (see repairs), they should not be told what is salvageable. For convenience, the surviving cargo pods are designated 1 thru 6. Pods 1 and 2 (port forward and middle cargo pods) are still attached to the Clan Chattan, the others lie in the positions indicated on the diagram. Listed below are the contents of the various pods, their value and other relevant details. POD 1: Agricultural Chemicals - granulated fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides valued at Cr40, 000. Recovery will take 45 labor-hours. Several of the chemical containers have split, spilling their cargo into the pod. Anyone who enters the pod will automatically pick up chemical dust on his or her spacesuit. Unless this is washed off under the spacesuit shower in the
recovered in 30 labor-hours. The exact contents are left up to the referees discretion, but should include most of the lighter weapons and defensive armor listed in the Alpha Dawn rules. If the adventurers decide to use any of the weaponry from this pod, it should be remembered that it is still in its original packing, and none of the power or ammunition clips are charged or loaded. Readying any of these weapons will take a character with military skill one hour to clean and check the weapon in addition to the time that must be spent charging or loading clips. POD 6: Medical Supplies drugs, surgical consumables and a diagnostic computer value Cr 75,000. The contents of this pod were carefully packed against violent acceleration, and have survived remarkably well. Only 10% of the cargo mostly drugs has been damaged beyond salvage. Recovery will take 35 labor-hours. are pointless without a power source. The Clan Chattans parabatteries are gone, and taking power from the Paltsa Ryby would require the facilities of a dockyard. There is another solution the AuriCon Regulators possess a backup type 2 generator for their survival unit. This is capable of producing enough power for the computer or the cargo arm but not both at the same time. Assuming that the Regulators can be persuaded by whatever means to part with their generator, repairs can be carried out using the appropriate subskills. A character using the Repairing Computers subskill suffers a -30% penalty, and can roll once per hour for success. Once the computer is repaired, the Displaying Information subskill suffers a -15% penalty. These are the only two subskills that can be used on the Clan Chattans computer. A character using the Repairing Machinery subskill to mend the cargo arm (48) and the pod release mechanism suffers a -10% penalty, and a roll for success may only be made every two hours. Once repaired, a dexterity of 60 or more or Technician skill level 2, is required to avoid causing a breakdown (-20% to repair). The use of the Clan Chattans cargo arm is required to move the transposants (pod 2) and will reduce the time that is needed to be spent unloading pod 1 to six hours work for the arm operator.
Major repairs to the Clan Chattan are out of the question, but it is possible to affect some minor repairs to one or two of the ships systems, in particular the pod release mechanism and the cargo arm (48). However, all the repairs
Image by FuFu Frauenwahl, an illustration for Tigres Volants. See more awesome artwork at fufufrauenwahl.com
The Wreckers
Sixty hours after the adventurers begin their salvage operation, another ship will arrive at Plutarch. This is the Lizzie Borden a flying junkyard if there ever was one. The Lizzie Borden has been built from the wreckage of nearly as many spaceships as it has parts it was once a merchant ship, but has, over the years, grown into its current ugly self, absolutely unrecognizable as a definable class of vessel. The Lizzie Borden has the following statistics:
Lizzie Borden (Freighter/Hulk) Hull Points Weaponry Defenses DCR ADF MR 30 Laser Cannon, Assault Rocket Launcher, 2 Rockets Reflective Hull* 20** 1/4*** 1 The Wreckers
STR/STA DEX/RS INT/LOG PER/LDR IM RW M Gosht-e30/50 60/65 40/30 35/60 7 90 50 nan Yazirian Male Beam Weapons 6, Gunnery (energy Weapons) 3, Melee Weapons 2, Battle Rage 35 Steinman 40/60 45/45 40/50 30/45 5 33 25 Human Male Beam Weapons 1, Computer 6, technician 6, Pilot 2, Astrogation 3 Tyler 60/40 70/65 35/50 75/25 7 55 35 Human Female Martial Art 3, Projectile Weapons 2, Technician 4, Robotics 3, Engineering 3 Todd 5/15 80/90 60/75 50/45 9 60 40 Human Male Beam Weapons 1, Projectile Weapons 2, Martial Arts 1, Medical 1, Psycho Social 2 Angel 95/40 20/20 05/05 01/01 2 10 43 Human Male
* The reflective hull only covers part of the ship. There is a 60% chance that a shot on the Lizzie Borden will hit an area without defenses. ** The low DCR reflects the fact that the ship is built from salvaged parts and that the computer cannot cope with the complexity of the problem this presents. *** The Lizzie Borden normally uses ion drives (ADF 1), but at some point the crew salvaged a C type atomic drive which is now attached to one of the ships drive struts. In emergencies this drive is used to give the improved ADF. The referee should note that no deck plans are provided for the Lizzie Borden. The crew will not allow anybody to board the vessel in any circumstances. If the adventurers try to take it by force, the referee should use the small freighter plans supplied in the Knight Hawks set. Gosht-e-nan, a Yazirian, is the leader of the Lizzie Bordens crew, a group of acquisitive souls who live by one motto, If its not nailed down, its ours; if we can pry it free its not nailed down! Gosht-e-nan wants to strip the wreck of the Clan Chattan for spare parts to improve the Lizzie Borden. He will agree to Lt Bretts landing conditions, confining his larcenous ways to the Clan Chattan.
There will never be more than two members of the Lizzie Bordens crew working away from the ship at any one time (Steinman will never leave the ship), They will remove all the useful components of the Clan Chattan that are relatively intact the computer, the escape pod, the electronics on the bridge. They will then turn their attention to the cargo pods, and if not watched will load the contents of pods 4, 5 & 6 into the Lizzie Bordens hold. If they are stopped, they will become hostile. They will retreat to the Lizzie Borden, and after 1d10 hours will attack the adventurers, though again, never more than two of the Wreckers will leave their ship. If they are defeated, they will once again retreat to their ship. Gosht-e-nan will attack the PaltsaRyby using the laser cannon. The instant that the Lizzie Borden suffers damage, they will accelerate away from Plutarch using the atomic drive. The referee should play these NPCs as thoroughly shifty, disreputable types who will (and have) slit throats for the price of a drink. All have space suite and armor. Gosht-e-nan and Steinman are armed with laser pistols and vibro knives, while Todd has a laser rifle. Tyler uses a pair of matched sawn-off shotguns with three-round clips. If a fight breaks out, Angel will be allowed to use an axe - as a special treat.
Indentured Servants
By William Douglass
In the adventure On the Rocks we have the following Pod of cargo to recover: POD 2: Transposant Pod 1800 colonial draftees and commercial dissidents, all indentured labor for LDC contracts valued at an average of Cr3500, total value Cr6.3 million. Now the Knight Hawks Storage berth says the traveler is frozen for the duration of the journey. What does an Indentured Servant in the Frontier mean? An Indentured Servant is classified as a persons or beings that are bound by a labor contract for a certain number of years. There are three types: Freewillers, someone who has chosen to bind themselves for labor for a specific passage to somewhere, Kidnapped persons for political/religious reasons, Convicts who are given the choice of labor verses time in jail, In the Frontier we have evidence with the LDC of using Indentured labor for colonists. A megacorp or government can both utilize this type of labor for starting a colony. If a government has a population issue they can create contracts for beings to be able to start fresh at the new colony. A megacorp would use the contract to create a cheap labor pool for their new colony. I can see both entities using this type of contract to establish a colony, whether it is farming, mining, or population building. Another type of contract could be made by colonists themselves. They could hire a merchant to bring them labor. The merchant would dock at a station and contract with another agent to supply Indentured contract labor for transport to the new colony. The Indentured contract could take several forms, but there are some minimal items one can find in these contracts. The contract will normally be from a range of 5 to 10 years. 7 years being the average. Transportation to the location is guaranteed as part of the contract and supplied by the One more contract type can be used to acquire labor for a colony. A skilled trades being at a colony can hire an apprentice to come and work for them. This contract, as
above, includes transportation to the colony. This would allow a being who may not have a way into a local trade school to obtain some type of skill. In game this would include any of the skills in the AD book. At the end of any of these contracts there will be a compensation package. This could include land, weapons, tools, mining rights, or anything else the GM wishes to include as payment. There are also strict laws on how to treat indentured servants. They will be harsh and possibly unjust. Each race, megacorp, and colony may have their own laws governing how violations are handled. All of this could be a way to set an adventure up for your pcs to start out. Place them in the position of Indentured Servitude and let them play out the roll. This may not seem very action packed to begin with, but remember that an indentured servant could be doing almost anything. NPCs are another good place to use indentured servants. PCs could be trying to rescue an individual from being a servant. Maybe an important persons child was kidnapped and the job is to rescue them. As for the Transposants on the Clan Chattan, They would make a great moral test for a pc. After delivering the cargo pod to the Laco starport, the pcs find out that not all of the individuals being transported are doing so of their free will. Now you can extend the On the Rocks scenario into another adventure attempting to free the kidnapped victims. Another adventure idea following along the lines of kidnapping could be this: The Family of One has decided that they will bring back yazirians from around the Frontier back into the fold. They have started a colony somewhere in the yazirian area of space to bring these kidnapped young yazirians. They are brainwashing them into their beliefs and use them as slave labor with the promise of full membership into the Family of one upon completion of their contract. Now you have a team of pcs going after rumors and clues of this unspoken colony of the Family of One. For more ideas on how to include this in your adventure check here: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/6769.
Brother Flit-tail by Daron Patton
Brother Flit-Tail
By Daron Patton
Kind of an idiotic little verse, isn't it? Funny how a little thing like that can bring back such memories though. Great grandfather was a warrior, too, you know. Didn't talk about it much, but you could tell he was proud of having fought beside the humans in the Big War. He knew funny alien words, human and dral words for things. Used to use 'em now and again. 'Course, I didn't understand 'em back then. They were phrases he picked up from soldiers during the War, I guess..He'd use them without really thinking. Never really dwelt on how he knew them, as far as I know. Unconscious link to his younger days, I suppose. Dang this leg. I thought Staydose was supposed to make it stop hurting. Oh, that's all it does then? No, I told you already, I don't want to be unconscious. I've got troops unaccounted for out there. You just keep a sharp look out for them and make sure we don't get jumped by the worms. Danged stupid trying to hit this convoy. Those Saurians sold us bad intel, Doc. They're first on the list when we get out of here. Mark my words. We got juked here, pure and simple. What'd he do after his warrior years? Well, after soldiering Great-grandfather mined for awhile. That is he did up until the blue lung set in and forced him to retire. When I knew him, I was a young whelp then you understand, he was just a part-time farmer. He was short and bony, 'bout as tall as your average human. But Zow! What amazing strength for his size. I remember trying to wrestle him, as pups'll do and having him hold me down like I was nothing. He didn't have to use his body weight to subdue me; his limbs were more than strong enough to do the job nicely. Sometimes I wish I had spent less time trying to wrestle and more time listening. You ever regret stuff like that, Doc? I guess everybody does. He and great-grandmother raised a small garden and enough gett-hens to keep the family fed. Occasionally they'd have a good year and produce enough eggs to sell, but mostly they just raised enough for us to get by on. Ha, ha. I spent a lot of warm autumn days chasing those fourlegged birds around the yard and just about as many shivering autumn evenings salving the welts great gran put on my backside for running the fat off them.
"Dang my leg hurts, Doc. Hope Glook and K'zakRee made out better than I did. What in gods' names is that?!!! You're not gonna knock me out. I don't care about any flippin' oath of yours. I'm the team leader until I get fired or killed. I don't need help in either of those categories just now! I don't care about that. You want to dope me up; you wait until the rest of my team checks in, you got me? Huh, oh that's just a tattoo I got on my first tour of duty. Ow!! Hey, I thought I told you no drugs, you son of a krik! Just Staydose, eh? Well see this blaster here? Next hypo you stick in me without my crew around me and I'll be the one giving the shots. Dang leg. Gahhhhh, that hurts. Easy with that thing! Huh? It's supposed to be Brother Flit-Tail. He's kind of a... Wha--. Sorry, zoned out there for a second. Glook back yet? Huh? Brother Who? Oh, Brother Flit-Tail. Yeah, he's kind of a myth back where I come from. You sure ask a lot of questions, Doc. Yeah, I guess I got nothin' better to do. Let's see, I must have been about ten when Greatgrandfather first taught me about Brother Flit-Tail. That was what he and all the old timers used to call dzelts. They're bugs about this long and they are everywhere on Yast's favorite moon. Yeah, everyone who's ever been to Exib knows about flit-tails. They're just about as common there as mulkis riding and gett-birds. Anyway, dzelts used to, and as far as I know still do, scare a lot of Yazzie children. Mainly because they look so scary, the bugs, I mean. Of course, its been a dozen years or more since I've last been back. I guess that's part of the reason, the flit-tails being scary, I mean, that somebody made up the story in the first place. Brother Flit-Tail, that is. If you dread the Medib fly Let your Brother Flit-Tail lie If by chance Flit-Tail you kill Fill a bowl of mulk to spill PAGE
Yazirian Files
She and great-grandfather raised me and Heena after our parents died in a crash on some world. I never see her anymore, Heena, 'think she joined SpaceFleet, but nobody in our family really knows for sure, though. We really didn't get along too good after our parents died. We were both pretty angry about a lot of things. Hey! My leg's not hurting anymore, Doc. From the way you're looking at it, I guess that's not good, is it? I was playing with a flit-tail, ya see and I must have been playing too rough, 'cause he pinched me. I didn't really mean to crush 'em, but it was kind of a reflex. You know reflexes, Doc. Anyhow; I picked him up and took him to Great-grandfather. I was all teared up by the time I got to the house. I figured he was going to yell and scream at me, maybe even beat me. Killin' a dzelt's a superstitious thing on Exib. You know what he did? He patted me on the head and took me inside the kitchen. He told Great-grandmother what had happened. She looked kind of upset, but she could see that I had been crying, see? I tried to be all grown up about it, but I figured I had really messed things up for the farm. So, she whispers something in his ear and he reaches up in the shelf and pulls down a little bowl. Then me and him, we walked out to the barn where old Beex stayed. Ever seen a mulkis? You've not missed much. Greatgrandfather hands me the bowl and tells me to fill it up with mulk. I'd mulkedBeex for a couple of years by that time, but I was so nervous that I grabbed her too hard. She yelped and gleephed like I shot her with a gyrojet or something. I got my nerve back, though and pretty soon, I had the mulk. Artwork by Albin Johnson What was the purpose? Well, legend has it that if you kill a flit-tail, you gotta leave a bowl of mulk out overnight for his family. In the morning, if you find sting-fly pieces floating in the mulk, the dzelts accepted your apology. Unhh.Heh, heh, heh.. I guess after all these years, it's finally caught <cough!>, caught up with me. Doc, you gotta promise me something. You gotta make sure Heena knows that I appreciated what she did for me. What did she do? Well, she knew how upset I was that night and she didn't go out to the barn until after she thought I had fallen asleep. But gods knew I couldn't rest and I wondered what she was doing leaving the house in the middle of the night. She was the one who put the stingfly wings into the mulk. She didn't want me to worry, to spend my whole life thinking I was jinxed. Guess I was pretty lucky after all, huh, Doc? Yeah, pretty lu--........"
Heena, Your brother died a valiant death. He wanted you to know how much he appreciated you and the gesture you made so many years ago. He also wanted you to know that he was very proud of you. I enclose his khad'dan and a voucher card for an unspecified sum that he wanted you to have. I am a better person for having known him. Respectfully, Dr. Sadzit Lepnum Senior Physician CFM Merc Team 5011A
The little dive appeared seedy and run down, but that was how it was supposed to look. Its shabbiness was a motif, part of the decor. It looked dirty and rowdy to impress the locals and keep them away. This was a fighting man's bar, but it was one where a fighting man could relax and leave the battle outside. Yazin puffed hard on the third hand rolled choka cigar of the night. Immersed in the sticky smoke, he stubbed the last of the cigar in the proffered ashcan resting on the bar. Fessil, the weasly little dralasite bartender, was nowhere to be found. Yazin suspected that he was probably stocking the day's shipment in the back room. Yazin was alone in the bar this early in the day, which was fine with him. He liked to drink alone when he wanted to think. Today was one of those times. He had ridden out here on his groundcycle to be away from the ebb and flow of his duties with Streel. Now he had the bottle Fessil had set up on the bar for him, and some peace and quiet. But, as all things do, the quiet ended. The door to the bar cracked open and light spilled in washing over Yazin. The glare blinded his night eyes, but he quickly recovered. Yazin was very surprised to see that the newcomer was a familiar face. He smiled and nodded a slightly drunken nod.
Yazirian Files
Valence Dixton clambered onto the barstool next to him and rubbed his shoulder a bit in greeting. She was small compared to the big yazirian, but Yazin knew she was as tough as he was. Albeit, in a different way. "Hawk's been looking for you Yaz," she opened, "We've got a mission in about 12 hours." "Plenty of time to sober up then," Yazin said, slurring the words only slightly. Valence regarded the big yazirian for a moment. She had known him for years, and this was not usual behavior for him. He only retreated this far out of town when something was bothering him. Of course, something was often bothering Yazin. But it usually did not affect his behavior like this. "This is an important one Yaz," she intoned, "some kind of tech grab from an offworld lab." "They're all important Val," Yazin retorted with a bit of cynicism. Valence chewed on that comment for a moment. Something was wrong with Yazin today. Her eye caught the khad'dan that was always strapped to Yazin's side. Its fastening was open and folded back. If she remembered her yazirian lore and etiquette properly, that means that the wearer was expecting bad tidings on the way. Or something like that. "What is it Yaz?" she asked him. Yazin did not look at her, and stared blankly off into space for a bit before answering. "Well, if you saw the morning news brief you noticed that one of the Capellan Free Merchant teams had a tussle with the slimers. Usually they don't mention the unit name for us special groups, but this time they did." "You had a friend in that unit?" Valence asked. "I wouldn't say a friend exactly. More like a link to my past." Yazin remarked. Valence remained silent waiting for her teammate to begin his story. Yazirians did seem to enjoy stories. "My grandfather, Fizzan, you remember him right? Anyway, my grandfather served with an older crewmate aboard the Morning Mist. Fizzan always spoke highly of him and said he learned a lot from him. He said the things that he learned saved his life lots of times." Yazin took out another choka cigar and set his everflame on the bar. "Well, this crewmate was killed in a shuttle accident while on descent to Yast after a patrol rotation. He was coming down to visit Fizzan and he even brought his mate with him. PAGE They were going to have a grand reunion and rehash old times." Yazin took the cigar and set the flame to it. He puffed a few times and the tip glowed brightly. "This was when I was very young, but I remember the day pretty well. Anyway, Fizzan was really upset about this. He blamed himself since his friend was coming to see him. My grandma tried to put that idea out of his head, but Fizzan was a stubborn old spacer. Heh. That's probably where I get it from." After a few puffs, Yazin was enveloped in a cloud of smoke. Then he paused his puffing and continued. "The main problem was that his buddy had two children, a son and a daughter. Fizzan had lost his father when he was very young and he realized that it would be hard on them. So, he gathered together some of his extra credits and tried to make it right for them. He only met the kids once, at their father's funeral. But he kept an eye on their progress from afar and tried to help where he could. He sent lots of letters to their new guardians about what a great soldier their father was. Their guardians, the grandparents, would read the letters to the kids and the stories in them." Yazin puffed a few more times on the cigar and the smoke drifted lazily. He wasn't in any hurry to continue the tale it seemed. Valence could see it was painful for him. "When the kids grew up, they had been filled with the stories of their father the hero. The daughter joined up with spacefleet I think. The son....," Yazin paused for a moment and then caught himself, "the son joined up with a mercenary team for the Capellan Free Merchants." Valence could see the direction the story was taking and she suddenly felt a deep dread about the otherwise innocuous burden she carried. "I don't really know the son, never even met him as far as I know. But I heard about him from my grandfather. He was important to Fizzan. The things that remind me of Fizzan are slowly fading away and I'd hate to lose one more. So I was just sitting here drinking, and wondering. That merc team took some heavy casualties they said. I wonder..." Valence didn't say anything. She could see that Yazin was missing his family clan, and he felt alienated by a long absence from his homeworld. That made this all the harder for her. She reached into her vest pocket and plucked the sealed communication packet from its resting place. It had come for him just after he left, marked with the Delmire clan's crest, and Valence had hoped it would cheer him. Now she wondered if it carried news that would be unwelcome. There was no way for her to know if it
Yazirian Files
contained an irony that she had unwittingly become the bearer of. When the message was set in front of Yazin, he simply sat and stared at it. Then he brought the cigar up to his lips in a mock salute to those who had fallen. A message from home was rare enough to mean only one thing. Valence patted him on the arm again and quietly got up to leave. She turned to go and then stopped. As an afterthought she poured herself a shot from the bottle that Yazin had left on the counter. Raising the glass in a toast, she downed the bitter liquid in one gulp. Then she turned, and quietly left. A long while later, Yazin still sat in silence at the bar. His eyes had not strayed from the untouched communiqu in front of him. The cigar sat cold in his clenched fist. With his free hand he reached down and refastened the clasp on his khad'dan. Bad tidings, it seemed, had already arrived.
Artwork by CJ Williams
Yazirian Files
By John Kovalic
Thank you John for not forgetting all of us hopelessly forgotten StarFrontiersman.
By Jeff Rients
This chart had to be a bit of a heartbreaker for folks who already had PCs they wanted to move into space careers. My mind boggles at the sheer number of XP needed to be a Han Solo type, who could pilot a ship, plot a course, conduct repairs and man the laser cannons. Such a character would need almost superhuman levels of skill mastery. So let's go with that for a moment. In Traveller Pilot is a cool skill but not that much harder to acquire than learning how to brain someone with a club. But in the Star Frontiers universe you need a pretty good grasp of computers and a total mastery of technology (skills are rated level one to six) just to get in to piloting school. Navigation through hyperspace is such a complicated task that only the most elite of computer operators can even attempt to plot a jump course. The best analog here, I think, is the heyday of the American space program. Space ain't for amateurs. Only the best of the best of the best in various terrestrial professions have the chops to learn space skills. Test pilots and aces are allowed near the controls of spacecraft. No one else can cut it behind the wheel of these multi-zillion credit wonders of technology. If you want to be trusted with the cannon on a spacecraft you need to prove that you've mastered smaller weapons. Basically, anyone with even a single level of Piloting, Astrogation, Engineering, Rocket Weapons or Energy Weapons is officially As Cool as an Astronaut. Younger readers may not remember this, but there was actually a time when pretty much everyone agreed that astronaut was the coolest job in the world. They were like real life Captain Kirks living among us mere mortals, but working among the stars. So if I ever ran Star Frontiers again, that's how I would do it. Space travel on the Frontier is still a new and exciting thing, like the glamour of the 60's Jet Set/Space Age but writ large. Starting PCs dream of joining the elite, those who are trusted to operate the small fleet of starships operated by the United Planetary Federation spacefleet, the richest planetary governments and the handful of interstellar corporations. Every spacer has a cool nickname like Buzz or Deke and walks around with the unmistakable swagger that comes from knowing they have the Right Stuff.
But as I get older some parts of the game have started to make more sense to me. Here's one piece that seemed lame back then but I kinda get now: the spaceship skills. The original Alpha Dawn boxed set contained no rules for spaceships. This frustrated the bejeesus out of every purchaser of this game that I have ever met. We all wanted to hop into a spaceship and go all Han Solo on the galaxy. The Knight Hawks follow-up finally gave us all sorts of cool rules for spaceships. The basic game booklet is a meaty little tactical ship-to-ship game that holds up on its own very nicely. However, the ultimate goal of zooming around the universe as easily as Buck Rogers or Starbuck was hampered by this chart:
This image grabbed from starfrontiers.com, where registered members can legally download the old stuff.
Community News
By Victor M. Gil de Rubio
The Frontier and Rim Coalition are but a small part of the universe. Because of this fact I have decided to present a series of articles that will explore the expanse of space beyond the Frontier and offer a wealth of information that Players and Referees can use to increase the scope of their Star Frontiers campaigns.
This information has been adapted by me from the material created specifically for the Star Frontiers (URS) project and has been translated to Classic Star Frontiers stats for ease of play. I hope that you find this and future adaptations from the Star Frontiers (URS) project useful.
Artwork by Emily Vitori
Adrainians possess sharper senses than a human. Their sense of vision extends into the infrared spectrum which allows them to see at night, though they can only see in various degrees of gray. Their sense of hearing is also more developed than a human making it hard to surprise an Adrainian.
Character Races
Adrainians speak a language of complex guttural sounds and low growls that only races with strong lungs (or Bellows) can master. Adrainians though can master most Frontier languages, but find it beneath themselves to speak anything other than their native language and perhaps Pan-Gal. they should use this information, with many Clans urging contact with these newcomers hoping to open new markets for Adrainian made goods.
Str/Sta Dex/RS Int/Log Per/Ldr
Heightened Hearing
Because of an Adrainians heightened sense of hearing they gain a +10 bonus to their Intuition rolls to avoid being surprised. Because of their claws Adrainians gain a +5 bonus to their Dexterity checks to climb. An Adrainians claws add +3 points of damage to their punching damage in combat. Adrainians dense structure reduces damage from blunt attacks by -1 point/die of damage and can even reduce damage taken to 0 points/die of damage.
System Information
The Adrain star system is home to the Adrainian race and is not really spectacular as star systems go. There is a ring of rock and ice crystals that surround the Adrainian home world, requiring that the Adrainians put a ring of orbital weapons platforms in orbit around their planet whose chief job is to destroy asteroids that could pose a threat to the Adrainian cities on the planet. Asteroid mining is common in the rings of Adrain, and the Adrainians have for the longest time been systematically stripping the resources of almost all the planets in their star system to fuel their commercial interests which is the main reason why the Adrainians are constantly looking outside their system for worlds they can exploit.
Adrainians do not commonly get along with any other races, finding them inferior to the might of the Adrainian Empire. They have had several battles recently with Sathar scout ships, and have found Adrain the Sathar to be good target practice for their Location: 99.7 Light years away from Prenglar warriors. In each of these conflicts the Sathar Sun type: K3 have been bested with minimal losses to the Color Classification Temperature Life Radius Habitable Adrainian warships that they have attacked. The * ** *** Sphere Adrainians are not foolish enough however to **** think that the Sathar will not return in larger 0 Orange K3 4,000 K 80, .5 3-6 numbers, and have thus began sending scout 000 ships of their own searching for news of this *Temperature is in degrees Kelvin new enemy. Recently several long range **Lifetime is listed in millions of years Adrainian scout ships have picked up strange ***Radius is listed in terms of Sols Radius (700,000Km) communications coming from an area of space **** Planets in orbit within these orbits have the possibility of they previously thought was devoid of intelligent sustaining life without artificial means being employed to make life. The Adrainians are now considering how the planet usable by human or human-like species.
Character Races
Number of Planets: 8 Planetary Overview Planet Core Type 1-Chunk 2-Green house 3-Green house 4-Pre-Garden 5-Green house 6-Garden 7-Ice Ball 8-Ice Ball
Ave Temp
Orbital Period
Orbital position Number of satellites Diameter Orbital period Rotation period Seasons Axial tilt Core type Gravity Atmospheric pressure Tectonic plates Stress factor Classification Hydrosphere Cloud cover Chance of Precipitation Average temperature Average wind speed Major land masses Minor land masses
3rd 3 102,000km 330 days 40 hours 3 0 28 Liquid rock 1.0 1.1 24 11% Greenhouse 41% 25% 29% 0 101 F 4kph 2 6
670 days 930 days 1,270 days 1,500 days 2,600 days and the Adrainians are forced to wear protective gear when outside to avoid damage to their skin from prolonged exposure (1 point of damage/hour in the rain). The second of Adrains three seasons sees the temperatures return to normal, but the wind remains at about 8kph. The chance of rain also drops to normal levels during this season. The last of Adrains seasons sees the wind speed increase to an average of 12kph and the chance of caustic rains increases to 87%. Natural Resources Platinum Magnesium Gold Tin Copper Iron Adrainium Lead Adriana crystals
Lots of CO in atmo Adrainian Home world Lots of methane in atmo 2 Lots of CO in atmo
5,000cr/ton at source 8,500cr/ton at source 30,000cr/ton at source 3,000cr/ton at source 7,500cr/ton at source 10,000cr/ton at source 50,000cr/ton at source 5,000cr/ton at source 2,000cr/ton at source
Adrain was once a rich jungle world but its jungles have mostly been replaced by gleaming skyscrapers to the point that the once oxygen rich atmosphere has become so polluted that ecologists have begun to warn that the planet might become unlivable within the next 50 years if the Adrainians dont slow down their industry to give the planet a chance to heal. The Adrainians have so far scoffed at the notion of their planet being in danger and claim that it is just propaganda by other trade franchises in the area in the hopes of stopping the Adrainian Mega-Corps from expanding into their markets. Because of the damage to the planet, Adrain has three very dangerous seasons. The first season sees the 0 average temperatures soar to 60 C, while the winds increase to 8kph, and the chance of rain raises to 58%. The rain though during this season is specially caustic
Adrains ring is a field of Asteroids caught within the magnetic field of the planet and is roughly 2,580km across at its thickest point. The asteroids are mostly iron based asteroids that are the site of many mining operations. The asteroids present an occasional hazard for satellites placed in orbit around the planet which has led to the Adrainians creating a network of orbital weapon platforms whose chief job is to destroy any asteroids that may pose a threat to the inhabitants of the planet or the many weather and communication satellites that the Adrainians have launched into orbit around their world. Adrain has three moons, which have all been colonized and are used exclusively to mine for materials which are used to build the many spacecraft the Adrainian need for both its large space fleet, and the many Adrainian trade vessels that each Adrainian Corporation uses to transport its products to their trade partners.
Character Races
Civilization information Classification Progress Level Government type Law level No. Major Settlements Population Planetary Wealth Spaceport type Manufactured resources
Physical Appearance
Fur covers most of their bodies, with coloring varying between blacks, browns, and gold. As they grow older their fur turns grey around their mouths.
By William Douglass
Loyal and kind, they adore humans, making good companions and body guards. They have an innate liking for most humans but with yazirians, they are cautious. The hunde have a hard time dealing with the yazirian battle rage but otherwise they treat them like humans. Upon first meeting, the hunde are nervous around the vrusk. After spending time with them, they warm up and become friendly. They love the dralasite sense of humor getting their jokes like no other race. The dralasites also remind them of a favorite childs toy and they are playful around them. Sharing the same keen sense of smell with dralasites, they love challenging them in games to see who can smell the best.
1.0m to 2.0m Tall. The hunde stand upright on two legs. They have 3 fingers and an opposable thumb.
Attribute Adjustments
Str/Sta Dex/RS Int/Log Per/Ldr
+5 (strength only) +0 +0 +0
The hunde can learn Pan Gal, but their own language is made up of barks, grunts, growls, and howls.
Special Abilities
Bonus in hand to hand Enhanced smell Enhanced hearing Night vision Color blindness Biting 1d10, Brawling +10% +10% to tracking +10% to here distances, but a weakness against sonic attacks -20% +10% but no adverse affects during the day -50% to get any color choice correct. Because of their racial colorblindness, the hunde have a very unusual style of coloring. It can hurt the eyes of the other races because they only see in shades. This can lead to confusion when working with art or wiring diagrams of other races.
The hunde society is made up of family units. These units make up the larger groups of their society. Each group is lead by the strongest and smartest male hunde. These males seek out the strongest and smartest females. This basically puts them at the clan level of government. The strongest clan is the ruler. Leadership is based on ritual fighting. The strongest individual will subdue the other during the duel. Most duels are fought until one individual has given up. Dueling also is a common way to settle disputes. These duels are unarmed combat and no weapons are allowed. Killing is not common during these duels but has occurred when issues were intensely felt. Their main cities on their home planet are large and comparable to any other major Frontier population center. They cling to old religious beliefs in general and have not converted to other religions found throughout the Frontier. In their early history, the hunde had a rapidly growing population. As their industrial centers grew, so did the amount of children being born. Due to this rapid growth, disease spread rampantly. The most significant disease
Character Races
attacked the brain and drove the victims mad with rage, causing them to foam at the mouth and attack others, spreading the contagion. Most victims died within a week. Hundreds of thousands fell to the disease. As the disease spread and the violence grew, a group of scientists discovered a cure and began the vaccines to cure their people. This caused their society to coalesce into a less violent one and led to an age of scientific discovery. The hunde medical sciences are among the most advanced. First contact came when a PGC crew was exploring their star system. At this time, the hunde had developed only system ships and colonized 3 planets in their system. The PGC captain, a Dralasite, got along well with the hunde and fostered positive relations.
I created the Hunde from an idea I had from back in high school. I thought they would be a good counterpoint to the Adrainians and they might be fun for kids to play also.
Frontier Society
In Frontier Society, the hunde tend to seek out jobs in medical, scientific and law enforcement fields. Due to their kindness and loyalty they make excellent Star Law agents. They can track and pursue (sniff out) Sathar agents better than most. They also excel as trackers, body guards, and bounty hunters. They are not overly fond of mechanical constructs. Robots and the like make them nervous and cause them great agitation. Therefore, they do not get along well with mechanons. Their planets have no sentient machines, robots, or automatons. Star Law views them as staunch allies in the cause for Justice, providing fresh recruits for the ever growing Frontier. Hunde Star Law agents are difficult to bribe or corrupt, making them good agents. They pair up well with humans and yazirians. It would probably not be a good idea to partner them up with a dralasite because they would love to sit back and tell jokes to each other all day long. After obtaining jump technology the hunde have colonized one other star system. Of course, like all technological exchanges, they were able to offer up substantial medical advances for the Frontier.
Artwork by Brett Franke
Character Races
Here is an innovative way to help keep your game together. If you have any ideas to share please submit them and share your thoughts and ideas with the Star Frontiers community. This wonderful chart was submitted by Cole Richards. You can find the website it was found on @ www.pvponline.com. Check it out. Feel free to have fun with this and see what the editors idea of a Star Frontiers chart is and create your own.
AD Magnetic Counters
By Eric Winsor iggy
One of my buds wanted to get our Star Frontiers Volturnus adventure going again for Christmas. We had not played in quite a while and one of the blockers for me was that the encounter we were playing used the forest map and AD counters. Well, I lost the counters years ago so I was using paper printed copies of the counter from an excel sheet of counters I found on one of the SF sites. Problem with these is that they are paper thin and hard to pick up or keep in place. A slight wind in the room would blow the counters all over. Worse yet, keeping the counters in place until the next game session a week later was a pain. Well, the game session kept getting delayed and eventually the pieces were knocked all over the place. My solution to get the game going again is shown here.
31-45 46-60
I purchased some 1/4 inch magnet tape, cut 1/4 inch pieces and stuck the paper counters to them and put a copy of the AD box map on a metal plate. Now I am safe from wind and game delays, plus I can easily pick the counters up like the original box set counters.
Creative Refereeing
Williams Star Frontiers Not Paying Attention Chart d% Result 01-05 Cluck like a chicken for 2 minutes or lose a weapon. 06-10 Buy pizza for everyone immediately. You do NOT get to pick the toppings. 11-14 Recite Charge Of Clan Renegade from StarFrontiersman #15 and post it on YouTube or lose access to all the house food and beverages for the rest of the game. 15-20 Give the GM your phone. GM is allowed to answer any incoming calls as Yoda, Question you have, Answer I will. for the duration of the game. 21-30 Lack of attention makes you the group lackey! You must fetch beverages for all players and GM. If this requires a run to the liquor store, so be it. 31-45 Take better notes! You must write up the game report for this session or Star Law shows up to arrest your character. 46-52 Lack focus, you do. For the rest of the game, speak like Yoda, you must or initiative you will lose every combat you face. Hmmm. 53-60 Prepare a traditional Vrusk meal for the next Star Frontiers game session. 61-70 Sing a tune and dance a polka, square dance, or jig or lose 1d5 skill level from a random skill, determined randomly. 71-75 You must bring a new person to the next game session or be unable to make a single dice roll during that same game session. 76-82 Show up next game session in full character costume or suffer a permanent penalty to all your saving throws. 83-89 Maid to order! You must clear the table and clean the kitchen after the gaming session. 90-98 For the rest of the game you must scratch your head like a dumb ape whenever you speak. Lose 10 units of ammo/SEU every time you forget to do this and are caught by the DM or a player. 99-00 Your poly-vox broke for the rest of the game session, no verbal communication with anyone that is not the same race as you or suffer a loss of 1d5 to all of your primary stats permanently each time you violate communications protocol. Your own Personal Not Paying Attention Chart d% Result 01-05
Creative Refereeing
and can adapt to virtually any terrestrial environment as long as there are microbes to feed upon. Apvac have eight legs and a brain stalk that looks very much like a tail sticking skyward at the rear of their body. Each emaciated leg ends in a set of microscopic mouths which are constantly feeding on microbes. The brain stalk has long polypeptide hair filaments dangling from its crown. These filaments, which look much like a horses tail, are shed periodically. Dralasites often weave the long strands, which range from blue to dark red, into intricately designed blankets that are as useful as they are beautiful. Apvac flesh is considered a Dralasite delicacy. Apvacs frequently cast off limbs, often after being frightened, and regenerate new ones all without any sign of pain. Dralasite apvac-herders consume these castings with vigor. Animal behaviorists believe apvacs developed this behavior to allow them to escape from hungry predators by sacrificing easily regrown (1 week per limb) limbs.
Apvac Type: Number: Move: IM/RS: Stamina: Attack: Damage: Special Attack: Special Defense: Native World: Medium Bacteriovore 5-40 Medium (20 meters/turn) 2/20 20 40 (Base Column +4) 1d5 per 5 Apvacs Stampeding (5 Cobalt x Apvacs/5) None None Groth (Fromeltar) - plains
Arphu Type: Number: Move: IM/RS: Stamina: Attack: Damage: Special Attack: Special Defense: Native World:
DESCRIPTION: Apvacs are gentle bacteriovores which scour microscopic plant and animal life from the soil, plants and even animal life they encounter as they wend their way through an area. They are quite climatologically versatile
Small Omnivore 1-10 Medium 6/60 20 30 (Base Column +3) 1d5 Peck/Claw+ Poison/ (5 Cobalt + Poison) None Venomous Leg Spurs (S2/T5) Hum (Fochrik) - forest
DESCRIPTION: These four-legged fowl are found wild in the forests of Hum, but are also commonly kept as livestock in rural Humma communities, where they feed on insects and other pest animals. Their eggs are a staple on many Humma worlds. Arphu will try to dig their venomous rear leg spurs into any creature foolish enough to attack them.
Bolzeen (Metaweasels) Type: Small Omnivore Number: 1-3 Move: Medium (25 meters/turn) IM/RS: 6/60 Stamina: 30 Attack: 30 (Base Column +3) Damage: 1d10 Bite (10 Cobalt) Special Attack: None Special Defense: None Native World: Hum (Fochrik) - forest DESCRIPTION: These tiny creatures seem to be comprised of little more than legs, fur, and a disproportionately large appetite. Bolzeen are scavengers and will eat virtually anything. They have natural immunity to arphu venom, which is fortunate since their favorite food is arphu eggs. The metallic green fur of day-sleeping bolzeen is often matted with broken egg shells, incriminating evidence from their nightly raids. Humma despise these creatures even as food, finding their tough meat hardly worth the effort. They often adorn their battle gear with this critter's pelts to show their appreciation for their raids on domestic arphu nests.
original surveys on Starmist. Built on a roughly crocodilian body scheme, these massive collections of teeth on six legs can reach an average four meters in length, stalk Starmist's deepest rifts. Balts have adapted a hibernation/activity schedule that allows them to survive Starmist's unforgiving rift environment. They are warm-blooded and have thick layers of blubber and fur to keep them comfortable during their active hunting phase. Balts give live birth and a clutch of two genderless, precocious pups are born every other spring. Pups are able to care for themselves the moment they are born and instinctively depart their parent and siblings to avoid being eaten. Keeping balt pups as pets has become the vogue on some planets. However, many owners find that the fully grown adults are more than they can handle. Zoos have discovered that they have no need to fund expeditions to collect these popular creatures. Several have even begun imposing fees for taking balts off their owners' hands while they still possess digits.
Bumba Type: Number: Move: IM/RS: Stamina: Attack: Damage: Special Attack: Special Defense: Native World:
Tiny Photosynthesis-User 1-20 Very slow (1 meter/turn) 1/10 10 None None None (See Description) None Wonma (Osak) - forest
DESCRIPTION: Another widespread pet species, popular due to their low maintenance, is the bumba. These creatures need only sunlight and water in order to survive. Many beings who have managed to accidentally kill every other pet they have ever had have enjoyed great success with bumbas. Bumbas average 10 centimeters in length, possess animal level intelligence and move from place to place by rolling and jumping. They have no apparent sensory organs other than their violet-hued skin, which is rough, rigid, and warttextured. They are easily 'house broken' and excrete only a few grams of waste dust every few weeks. Most Vrusk are highly allergic to bumba dander and will sneeze uncontrollably from their spiracles as long as they are within range of one (5 meters), unless they pass a STA check. Failure means that the character is allergic to that bumba or group of bumbas and will suffer a -1 to all IM rolls and -10% (-1 CS) to any necessary DEX checks as long as he remains around that bumba. Leaving the area provides immediate relief. A passed STA check means that this particular bumba's dander does not affect the character. No further checks are required (for that particular bumbaVrusk relationship that is).
Clade Type: Number: Move: IM/RS: Stamina: Attack: Damage: Special Attack: Special Defense: Native World:
Small Carnivore 1-10 Medium (20 meters/turn) 7/70 50 60 (Base Column +6) 1d10 Claws (10 Cobalt) 3 Attacks per Turn Immune to needlers due to chitinous carapace Kawdl-Kit (K'tsa-Kar) - jungle
DESCRIPTION: Clade are nasty customers resembling archaic books complete with pages and a sturdy cover. These 'pages' are actually razor-edged claws and the 'cover' is a chitinous carapace. These hunters slink about in the tropical undergrowth of Kawdl-Kit feeding on small birds and mammals. They are perpetually hungry and will fearlessly attack species much larger than they are, if smaller fare is not available. Preferring moist, warm climates, they have been known to crawl into air vents on atmospheric craft and smaller, planet-falling starships that have landed in or near their jungle habitat. Clades easily rend vent screening filters with their claws and can enter a ship's ventilation system at their leisure, where they will continue their search for food. Their adaptive nature and proclivity for climbing into ship's vent systems has spread these unpleasant creatures to several worlds. They have also made routine inspections of ventilation systems more common, more thorough and a lot more dangerous than they once were. PAGE
Clootseesi Type: Number: Move: IM/RS: Stamina: Attack: Damage: Special Attack: Special Defense: Native World:
Small Omnivores 1-20 Medium (20 meters/turn) 5/50 5 60 (Base Column +6) 1 Point per Collective Attack None (illness for Humans; See Description) None Kawdl-Kit (K'tsa-Kar) - jungle
Dadakta Type: Number: Move: IM/RS: Stamina: Attack: Damage: Special Attack: Special Defense: Native World:
Very Small Psi Energy Feeder 1 Very slow (1 meter/turn) 3/30 15 Automatic within 1 Meter None Psionic Drain (See Below) Detection Discipline Scramble (See Below) Unknown
DESCRIPTION: Cloots are cube-shaped, gelatinous creatures native to the jungles of Kawdl-Kit. These omnivorous scamps usually travel in groups of 5 to 20 scavenging the jungle floor for bits of detritus. They are, in essence, nature's vacuum cleaners and if it isn't nailed down or alive, it will likely be consumed by these voracious mites. They are innately curious, yet easily unnerved by unfamiliar creatures. They are believed to possess collective intelligence which seems to increase up until a group reaches 20 individuals. Addition of further cloots actually lessens their group intelligence and the creatures are either cognizant of this or avoid forming large r group by instinct. Their intelligence ranges from basic survival as individuals to understanding a limited set of voice commands and performing 'tricks' as a collective of up to 20. Troutella are bacteria that live on cloots. These bacteria pose no threat to the cloots themselves or to non-Humans, but do cause illness in humans. Any human touching a cloots must make a STA check after the first 10 hours following contact and again at 20 hours to see if they become ill. Fever, vomiting and nausea will follow for any Humans failing either of these checks. They will temporarily lose two STA points for two days while they recover.
DESCRIPTION: Dadakta are fist-sized, arthropodian psionic scavengers that appear to be drawn to persons possessing greater than average psionic ability. Once a day, usually while its host sleeps, the dadakta takes a psionic meal. It will draw 1d10 LOG (10 Cobalt) points from its host every day until it is either removed or the person loses their psionic abilities. The creature is harmless to non-psis and may be safely kept as a pet. If psionic energy is not available, dadakta feed on fruit sugars. The dadakta world of origin is still unknown and no mentalist disciplines have proven useful in solving this mystery. They also have an instinctive defense mechanism which scrambles any psionic attempt to determine if they are the cause of local psionic drainage. This defense will make anyone attempting to determine the source of the psionic drainage believe that one of his compatriots, often his closest friend, is the source of his declining abilities. Since they appear to be harmless arthropods (and they are to the non-psi), and cause their hosts no apparent damage, many explorers keep them as pets. They have been carried to a number of worlds and are still Okayed for export by UPF officials, much to the chagrin of mentally gifted persons throughout the Frontier.
Dzelt (Flit-tails) Type: Number: Move: IM/RS: Stamina: Attack: Damage: Special Attack: Special Defense: Native World:
Tiny Carnivore 1-10 Fast (90 meters/turn) 9/90 15 90 (Base Column +9) 1d5 Bite (5 Cobalt) None None Exib (Yast (Athor)) - peridomestic
DESCRIPTION: Dzelt are tiny arthropods that share many Yazirian houses on Exib. They are useful creatures as they hunt the harmful sting flies that typically fill Exibian nights with their buzz and itch and which also carry Milo's Disease. Dzelt are built somewhat like scorpions except they have wings, which they rarely use, and their tail ends not in a sting, but in a third pincer which they use for securing and subduing prey. They can scale walls and ceilings with ease and often suspend themselves from such perches while they wait for their next meal. Dzelt are common pets among young Yazirians and because they keep sting fly populations in check, a myth surrounding the killing of a dzelt has evolved. Yazirians killing a dzelt (accidentally or not) must leave a small saucer of mulk (mulk is milk) out at night in apology to the dead creature's family. The mulk actually draws sting flies, which in turn, draws dzelts. The offender is assumed to be forgiven if the remains of sting flies are found floating in the mulk. Failure to leave the mulk offering or if it is not accepted supposedly bodes bad luck for the offending Yazirian.
Elposha Phorad Type: Number: Move: IM/RS: Stamina: Attack: Damage: Special Attack: Special Defense: Native World:
Parasitic Plant 1 Very slow (1/4 meter/turn) 1/10 20 50 (Base Column +5) 10 Points STA Drain None None Phri'sk (Kashra'sk)
DESCRIPTION: S'sessu society attaches an oddly elevated view of any of their kind who becomes host to this parasitic plant. This creature maintains a constant drain on its host, leaving his STA 10 points less than its normal unaffected state. The plant also confers heightened insight ability to any S'sessu thus parasitized. The creature will parasitize all character races except Dralasites. A special roll must be made to determine if the creature will parasitize a S'sessu. If the roll is equal to or less than a S'sessu's PER score, the plant will accept that individual and blithely grow on his or her neck and shoulder area. Only successfully parasitized S'sessu derive the benefit of heightened insight ability which is determined by rolling percentile dice. The result of this roll is added to the S'sessu's racial ability score or replaces that score, whichever result is higher. Racial abilities may not be raised about 100 points. If the plant dies or is voluntarily excised the host will recover its lost STA points normally and ability insight
modifications are immediately lost, returning the S'sessu to the score he or she had before parasitization. Re-infestation is always possible, but only one roll per host season (roughly 1 standard year) is allowed. Omnimycin is a suitable treatment for those wishing to remove the plant from unwilling hosts.
Fiktif Type: Number: Move: IM/RS: Stamina: Attack: Damage: Special Attack: Special Defense: Native World:
Small Omnivore 1-5 Fast (80 meters/turn) 5/50 40 50 (Base Column +5) 1d5 Bite (5 Cobalt) None Sound Mimicry Pale (Truane's Star) - forests
Kalp Type: Number: Move: IM/RS: Stamina: Attack: Damage: Special Attack: Special Defense: Native World:
Small Carnivore 1-10 Fast (80 meters/turn) 7/70 100 60 (Base Column +6) 1d5 Bite (5 Cobalt) None Scent Gland: 70 (Base Column +7) Homeworld (Capella)
DESCRIPTION: Depending on who you ask, fiktif are viewed as either wonderfully amusing creatures or the bane of all who come into contact with them. These four-winged amphibian fliers have the ability to imitate virtually any speaker of larynx-based languages in the Frontier. They can recall long passages of speech, up to three minutes in length. Fiktif developed this skill in the trees and rivers of Pale where they parrot predatory calls to ward off their natural enemies. They are not overly bright and do not understand even the simplest spoken command. Other than this limited skill, fiktif seem relegated to flying and swimming in their cages.
DESCRIPTION: Kalp are favorite companion animals to Ifshnits. They are so popular that the Capellan Free Merchants successfully lobbied for their export offworld without the usual reproductive restraints that accompany similar decisions about interplanetary transport of native species. This means that kalp which are capable of reproducing are legally transportable to any world in the Frontier. The creature's acquiescent nature, long reproductive cycle (20 years between litters) and low birth rates (average two whelps per litter), doubtless, helped sway the decision makers. Kalp are the very definition of loyal companions, serving their owners until one or the other dies. They look very much like normal mutt dogs except for their red to orange fur and double tails. Kalps are protective of their owners and will not hesitate to risk life and limb to defend them. Their faithfulness, affable nature and good companionship ensure that kalp whelps fetch a high price throughout the Frontier. If threatened, kalp may release a stream of noxious secretions at their enemy. The stench affects all races except Humma causing a -10% (-1CS) for all actions in a five meter radius of the spray victim. The scent and its effects last for 1 hour and will not wash off before that time. Gas masks and space suits are effective protection against the spray. This gland is required to be removed from all kalp removed from Homeworld and also from whelps born outside the Capella System.
Kunyi Type: Number: Move: IM/RS: Stamina: Attack: Damage: Special Attack: Special Defense: Native World:
Small Omnivore 2-10 Fast (100 meters/turn) 9/90 40 50 (Base Column +5) 1d10 Bite (10 Cobalt) None Silicate Shell Provides 1/2 Damage from Melee Weapons Groth (Fromeltar)
DESCRIPTION: Kunyi are pack animals used chiefly by Dralasites. On some worlds, Dralasite apvac herders use kunyi to control their flocks while on others, they are used as guard creatures for their master's homes. Kunyi have silica-hardened shells or tests that protect their vulnerable interiors. They move about on a set of permanently formed pseudopod - like tentacles that may be completely withdrawn inside the test, leaving only a small silicate set of mandibles exposed for defense. Like their Dralasite masters, Kunyi have extremely welldeveloped senses of smell and taste. They also have excellent vision, but see only in the IR ranges. Kunyi reproduce sexually and do not perform well as individual entities, becoming withdrawn if separated from fellow kunyi. They will refuse to eat in such cases and will lose 5 STA pts/day until they either have a fellow Kunyi to consort with or they die. Anyone wishing to employ Kunyi must have at least a pair of them with four to six kunyi being the preferred grouping size.
Medib (Sting Fly) Type: Number: Move: IM/RS: Stamina: Attack: Damage: Special Attack: Special Defense: Native World:
Tiny Carnivore 1-20 Fast (80 meters/turn) 5/50 5 50 (Base Column +5) 1d5 Bite (5 Cobalt) + Disease None None Exib (Yast (Athor)) peridomestic/forest
DESCRIPTION: Sting flies are the bane of any Yazirian on Exib. These creatures not only leave a painful, itching wound when they bite they also vector Milo's Disease in Yazirians (no other races are affected). Feeding during the night, male medib take blood meals from any mammalian host they can find. During feeding microscopic parasites that live in the fly's gut are often regurgitated into the wound. If a Yazirian victim fails a STA check, he will develop Milo's Disease in 1d10 days. Milo's Disease is characterized by spiking fevers and a loss of dexterity (halve DEX scores). The only treatment is costly and does not provide further immunity. Haltine is the drug of choice for treatment and while it does negate the fever and dexterity loss, it does not cure the disease. Furthermore, should someone stop their routine haltine treatment, the symptoms will return within a day. Until a cure can be found, Yazirians with Milo's Disease remain infected for life.
Mulkis Type: Large Herbivore Number: 1-5 Move: Very Slow (10 meters/turn) IM/RS: 5/50 Stamina: 120 Attack: 50 (Base Column +5) Damage: 1d10 Kick (10 Cobalt) Special Attack: None Special Defense: None Native World: Exib (Yast (Athor)) - domestic DESCRIPTION: The first Yazirians to explore Exib reported finding small herds of animals that "stupidly bleat-mooed" at them as they stepped down from their spacecraft. Little has changed to change that perception and no wild mulkis remains on Exib as they were all captured and domesticated with relative ease inside of two years of the colonization effort. Mulkis are famously dull-witted creatures and a common insult among rural Yazirians is to claim that someone does not have the sense that nature gave a mulkis. Yazirians use these creatures for pulling carts and sometimes plows if machinery is not available. Their violet milk, known as mulk, is used as a beverage and when cured makes a fine purple-hued cheese. They are perfectly useless as mounts due to their size and have wicked tempers, as many young Yazirians can attest, when attempts are made to ride them. They are also often the culprits in raids on grape-corn fields, their favorite treat food. Many zoologists and ecologists have marveled at the series of events that allowed mulkis to survive as long as they have. A relative lack of natural predators coupled with their yearly foaling is two factors often cited to explain their otherwise inexplicable survival.
Suskuh Type: Number: Move: IM/RS: Stamina: Attack: Damage: Special Attack: Special Defense: Native World:
Medium Carnivore 1-5 Fast (90 meters/turn) 7/70 250 50 (Base Column +5) 3d10 Bite (30 Cobalt): 2d10 Tail (20 Cobalt) May Attack Two Opponents at Once No Penalties None Kischen (Talkis) - swamp
DESCRIPTION: Suskuh are serpentine creatures that the Saurians brought with them from their homeworld. Their especially long tails make them look very similar to snakes, but they have a strong pair of front limbs which they use to
move around. Suskuh have some mammalian aspects including batwing-like external ears and a light coat of blue to purple fur covering the scales around their legs. The fur turns sandy or grayish as the beast ages. While too small to be used effectively as mounts, Suskuh are loyal guard creatures. They are exceptionally fast and capable in melee situations and are able to attack two opponents simultaneously. Most Saurians use them as hunting creatures relying on their keen sense of smell to track down quarry. There was very little room for Suskuh aboard the colony ships, but the Saurians (especially the Kamier who evolved from the swamp dwelling land dragon of Kischen) are doing an admirable job of transplanting the creatures here in the Frontier. Telpa have an as yet unexplained means of metabolizing any metal they devour into hydrogen, which they use to power their thruster-like limbs as well as other life processes. They have developed exceedingly sharp mandibles and claws which they use to dig for natural resources on asteroids or starships, an obviously attractive food source of food as the processed metal is readily available. The only effective means of removing them from a starship or station hull is to blast them off with lasers or other energy weapons. Fields and screens do not repel them or affect them in any appreciable way.
Telpa Type: Number: Move: IM/RS: Stamina: Attack: Damage: Special Attack: Special Defense: Native World:
Small Omnivore 1- 200 Very Fast (200 meters/turn) 9/90 10 50 (Base Column +5) 1d10 Bite (10 Cobalt) See Description Reflective Skin (1/2 damage from lasers) Shridkai Belt (Tristkar)
T'koom Type: Number: Move: IM/RS: Stamina: Attack: Damage: Special Attack: Special Defense: Native World:
DESCRIPTION: Telpa are bizarre vacuum living creatures that have evolved to meet the rigors of space. Resembling miniature spaceships with four limbs, each ending in a small hydrogen 'engine', they are commonly found on the Shridkai Asteroids where they were first discovered. They also frequently show up on space stations, having hitched rides with passing starships. They are capable of surviving Void transit, but are not fast or strong enough to initiate or maintain the velocity necessary to enter the Void.
Large Herbivore 1-5 Very Slow (10 meters/turn) 5/50 200 50 (Base Column +5) 2d10 Trample (20 Cobalt): 1d10 Sting (10 Cobalt) + Special Sting Carapace (1/2 Damage from PGS Weapons/Melee Weapons) Ken'zah-Kit (K'aken-Kar) desert/jungle
DESCRIPTION: T'koom are arthropodian animals domesticated by the Vrusk on Ken'zah-Kit. They have six tree trunk-sized walking limbs spaced evenly about their bodies, giving them excellent traction in virtually any terrain. They are excellent draft animals. Steering a t'koom is accomplished by dangling Vaykal flowers in the direction
one wants the creature to go. The scent of the delicious (to the t'koom) flower does the rest. If Vaykal flowers are not available, other vegetation will accomplish the job, but not nearly as well. Normally docile creatures, t'koom will not idly stand by if attacked or threatened and will first attempt to trample their opponents. If this does not dissuade their attacker, they will use the sting in their tails, located in the center of their shells. T'koom venom causes lasting neurological damage to a victim, resulting in a permanent strength loss. A STA check is allowed to completely negate the effect, but must be rolled for each time he is hit by the sting. STR loss for any failed STA checks equals 1d10 or (10 Cobalt). Laconian Leophidian Type Medium Carnivore Number 1 to 10 Move Fast (60 meters per turn) IM/RS 6/60 Stamina 95 Attack 60 Damage 3d10 per bite (special) Special Defense Camouflage. Coloration blends in to desert background. Hard to spot farther away than 30 meters Special Attack Jaw Lock and claw rake. 3d10 more damage, no roll needed, skien suits halve damage, inertia suits as per standard rules. Native World Laco - Desert They are known as (imaginatively) Fig-dates. They contain enough energy to keep a human functioning for days on nothing else. But the most widely known use for them is to make Laconian wine, also known as Fig wine. These trees grow to a maximum height of 5 meters and produce fruit year around, and in fantastic volume. The herbivorous Stegogsalluses eat nothing else. The Laconian Leophidians feed on the stegogalluses. The trees are the center of the ecosystem in this biodiversity poor system.
Although the planet, and concomitantly the first ICE war there, is fairly well known throughout the Frontier, the wildlife there is not as well known as the flora and fauna of Volturnus, or The Rhiana system. There has been some cross-contamination since the invention of inter-stellar travel, most notably the discovery of a transplanted Ul-Mor and his loper, by Rauol Debonham, (see POLYHEDRON #9 in a future issue), the native ecosystem has managed to survive by and large unaltered. However, the commercial production of Laconian Braided Fig-date wine, and the artificial irrigation needed for this has artificially increased the numbers of the native wildlife. Should the agri-business surrounding the production of the wine suffer a setback, with the nearly inevitable cut back in irrigation a holocaust of suffering and death among the native wildlife is assured. Laconian Braided Fig wine is one of the most expensive and highly prized alcoholic beverages in the Frontier. Indeed, there is always a surplus of demand, thus raising the price. Let us hope that the wine industry never does suffer such a set-back.
The braided palm tree of Laco is a true marvel of nature. It produces a truly astounding number of fruit. These fruit are an exact cross between a fig and a date.
The Laconian Leophidian or Leophidias Laconisis, is the preimminent predator of Laco. They prey on the Stegogalluses that feed in turn on the Fig-dates which grow in profusion around the few and far between oases scattered around the Laconian Desert.
The Leophidian is a truly strange beast. The taxonomists have not been able to determine if it is an intermediate stage between Reptile and mammal, or an entirely new order. Showing traits of both Lions and snakes, it is easy to see why. The Laconian Leophidian is a very fast carnivore that will attack characters on sight. They run singly, or in small groups, dependant on availability of food. If they manage to bite successfully, they automatically score a hit with both their claws doing 3d10 damage. Skein suits and inertia screens work to shield characters from this damage. Leophidians bear live children, but do not suckle them. The young are ready to run and hunt minutes after birth. They mainly hunt young stegogalluses. They have been known to take Sand Gremlins, but this is an extremely dangerous undertaking that most adult Leophidians eschew. Laconian Stegogalluses Type Number Move IM/RS Stamina Attack Damage Special Defense Medium herbivore 1 10 Fast: 65 meters per turn 7/70 60-120 Special 2d10 per animal present Naturally camouflaged lurker 60% concealment (counts additional +20% concealment vs. terrestrial animals walking in shallow water for 80%) They will not attack, but if they are panicked by a predator, and they will consider characters as such, they are prone to flee in random directions. This could result in trampling of the characters. If they are in the path of the fleeing animals, direction rolled randomly by GM, then there is a 50 percent chance the Stegogalluses PCs will be trampled for 2d10 per animal in the herd. Laco - Desert The Stegogalluses lay clutches of 20 30 eggs that hatch in 15 20-hour days. They breed year round. The Sand Gremlins find these eggs especially delicious and will eliminate an entire clutch in moments when they discover one. Laconian Sand Gremlins Type Small omnivore Number 10 to 100 Move Fast (60 meters per turn) IM/RS 6/60 Stamina 40 Attack 35 Damage 1d10 per bite (special) Special Defense Camouflage:Coloration blends in to desert background. Hard to spot farther away than 3 meters and their burrow entrances are hidden. Same rules as below. Special Attack The Sand Gremlins of Laco attack in large numbers and do not flee until at least of the pack is killed or disabled. There is also an S2 T4 poison from the saliva of the beasts which is accumulative. That is, there is a poison damage for each bite inflicted, however each Sand Gremlin can poison only once per 20 hour day. They also surprise on a roll of 85 or less. This surprise is decreased by 10 % per level of an environmentalist PC in the game Native World Lacos World - Desert These small, vicious omnivores inhabit almost all of Laco. They can be found far from the nearest oasis. They are cantankerous, to say the least. They borrow into the sand, cementing the linings of the tunnel created with their excrement and an enzyme secreted in their saliva to create a surface nearly as hard as ferrocrete. Their burrows are known to run for many kilometers and have numerous hidden and disguised exits.
Special Attack
Native World
This grainy, slightly out of focus solidio is the best image to date of the elusive herbivorous native of Laco. They will not allow any creature larger than a mouse near them. The other creature in the image, a Leophidian, may well explain this reticence. The purpose of the flaps is not known. They are apparently useless as wings, manipulator appendages, or for defensive uses. It is theorized that they may be heat regulators being fanned when the animal is too hot, and exposed to direct sunlight when the animal feels too cold. PAGE
A party traveling in the desert can suddenly, without warning, be surrounded and engaged in combat. Although they are small, they attack in large numbers and attack all out, reserving nothing.
EASY MONEY: "Have I got an easy job for you!" says the deep voice of a taller than average dralasite from Outer Reach. "Pick up a small herd of dwartzerts from Gola Zoo via shuttle and transport them on your ship to Scree Fron. Why Scree Fron? Hrm... message says deliver to Basiloph Church, One Way Street, Hoovaugh, Scree Fron. Some priest needs them for a worship festival." THE HYDRA DWARTZERT: The dwartzert is native to Thesesus. It looks like a cross between a lion and a serpent. Periodically it goes through a molting period where it sheds skin from its tail region. Earlier in the day, an older dwartzert fought with a young cub, the zoo handler tried to move the cub to a new pen using a sonic prod to keep the elder at bay. This enraged the beast; it gave an ear-splitting call causing the pride to stampede. The handler was taken to the hospital due to a broken arm. You are four agents on loan from Pan-Galactic Corporation relaxing at the Trivid Gaming Hall after a dangerous mission. Suddenly there is a blaring alarm from your chronocom followed an emergency public broadcast. Alien creatures have broken out of the Zoological Park! They are terrorizing the city, stay inside, PLMPD has been notified but a major accident on the Spaceport Expresway is occupying most of the patrols! What do you do? Setup: Roll 2d10, this is the number of dwartzert on the loose. If there are more than 8 they will travel in pairs, splitting up to blanket the city in chaos! They will enter libraries, hotels, shops and restaurants running around and breaking things. Assume the characters can travel to the zoo straight away. They will be issued a sonic stunner, needler pistols or rifle (players choice). Note that needlers have sleep darts causing 1d10 +sleep for d100 turns.
By the Son of w00t (Larry Moore)
I created a system to roll creature stamina as opposed to choosing values. The system is based on the Average Creatures tables form Alpha Dawn. Much like rolling hit dice for monsters in D&D, its fun! By w00t
Im blessed to be able to have lunch each Friday at school with the son unit. We decided to use my new tables to create stats for lion/serpent creature on pg. 35 in the Alpha Dawn book. I created a table for rolling STA, which I'll share later.
We give you the Dwartzert! A few wealthy Thesians keep smaller dwartzerts as pets while others can be found in zoos around the Frontier. NAME TYPE NUMBER MOVE IM/RS STAMINA ATTACK ENVIRONMENT NATIVE WORLD Dwartzert Medium carnivore 5-20 Fast 7/65 80 claw 55% 2d10,bite 85% 3d10 Near desert edges and open plains Theseus
DESCRIPTION: With manes of bright red to bright yellow and bodies of golden-brown to golden-orange these creatures are majestic to watch in motion. They appear as a blur floating above the ground moving at almost 80m/turn. Males have star shaped patches while females have blotches; coloring is from black to dark brown. They have excellent eyesight; however their hearing is not as keen.
Editors Note: Now you see that a creature can be used in different ways with a different history. Whether you call it a Leophidian or a Dwartzert, this creature can enhance a game with a little imagination. Thanks son w00t, and Mark H, dont forget Bart has the record of dwartzerts caught still.
By Bill Logan
Energy Bracer
Art by Bill Logan
Coil clips are also tuned to the same biorhythms as the bracers, making them matched and mated to one bracer and therefore one user. Any number of coil clips can be so tuned. A technician without proper equipment can reprogram a coil clip through use of an Operate Machinery sub skill of the Technician skill, but doing so is difficult and carries with it a -10 penalty. The advantages of the energy bracer and its accompanying coil clips are many. If the weapon, defense, or device is dropped or lost, the owners SEU are not lost or dropped with it. Additionally, enemies cannot pick up the weapon, defense, or device and use it against the owner without first spending time ejecting the coil clip and inserting his own power clip. Energy bracers and coil clips are used by many star law agents. Some corporations have policies that all employees permitted to use weapons must use energy bracers and coil clips to help prevent accidents and protect their employees. Some adventurers like them because they effectively allow the wearer to share two power clips among any device they pick up to use.
An energy bracer costs 500 credits and weighs only 1kg. It is legal to own anywhere in the frontier. Coil clips cost 200 credits and have a negligible mass, fitting anywhere a 20 SEU power clip fits. They self-tune to the wearers biorhythms once, the first time they are worn. Primary and reserve 20 SEU power clips sold separately.
An energy bracer is worn on the forearm. It clamps around the wearers flesh securely and cannot easily be removed, especially by accident. The bracer is tuned to the biorhythms of the wearer. Although it could be retuned with a successful use of the Operate Machinery sub skill of the Technician skill, it first must be removed through use of a Deactivate Alarms/Defenses roll. Of course, in a lab equipped with the proper gear and training this could be done without rolling. An energy bracer has a slot for two standard 20SEU power clips. One is labeled primary and the other is labeled reserve. A green indicator lets the wearer know that there is remaining SEU in both power clips. When a small button is pressed, the indicator blinks a number of times to let the wearer know exactly how many SEU remain in the two power clips. The wrist of the bracer contains a series of induction coils designed to induce power into coil clips in hand-held devices (see coil clips, below).
Coil Clips
Any hand-held weapon, defense, or device which is normally powered by 20SEU power clips can instead be loaded with induction receiver coil clips. These coil clips have no energy of their own, but they are physically an identical size as a standard power clip. When the weapon, defense, or device tries to draw SEU units from its source, the coil clip communicates wirelessly to the energy bracer, which provides the power to the coil clip through an induced electro-magnetic field. The energy units are released first from the primary and then from the reserve in sequence, effectively providing 40SEU of contiguous energy. When the primary power clip is depleted the green indicator on the energy bracer goes red, alerting the wearer that he is on reserves and that he can replace the primary at any time.
Technicians all over the frontier rejoice! Electro goggles are designed by Interplanetary Industries. They convert electromagnetic energy into visible wavelengths for wearers. This allows technicians to actually watch electron flow in a circuit. Readouts project into the interior of the visor, allowing the technician to understand the frequency, current, and voltage present in the circuit. It also allows calculated estimates on capacitance, resistance, inductance, etc. Watching strong broadcasts is like a psychedelic work of art! Wearers of electro goggles receive a bonus of +15 to any technician, robotics, or computer skill checks when repairing or engineering solutions. Additionally, it allows the wearer to see
energy wavelengths, strong broadcasts, inertia, albedo, or sonic screens, or to perceive where power conduits run through walls. Electro goggles are also programmed with over seven hundred common circuit designs. The external camera system scans for these common component combinations and identifies them on the display of the technician. This helps him quickly identify complex circuits.
Electro goggles are not commercially available yet. Technicians of Interplanetary Industries are assigned a set and must pay 250 credits to replace them if damaged or lost. A black market source for the goggles has been identified on Triad (Cassidine), the rumored cost is 400 credits.
Holo-Wall Projector
ARPIS is an acronym meaning Automated Robotic Pilot Interface System. It is carried over-the-shoulder and comes with a protective case. Designed with a limited artificial intelligence (actually referred to as an interactive interface), ARPIS is a small and powerful dedicated computer system (not technically a robot). Rather than a standard interface, ARPIS simply has a large screen in a tablet-sized enclosure. The screen normally contains a randomly-generated face that speaks with a randomly-created voice. The faces species, gender, voice, mannerisms, and general appearance varies from one product to the next and is not changeable; the randomness is fixed from time of purchase and is part of the lure of the product, a trademark of Interplanetary Industries.
Popular among espionage agents of various governments and corporations, the holo-wall projector is a small box-shaped device that snaps on a belt or fits in a large pocket. The agent holds the device and scans a wall in front of him. He then mounts it on a wall (magnetically or by extending steel needle tips and pushing with force) and activates it. The device projects a very believable image of the wall which was scanned. If used and placed effectively, pursuers could pass directly by the holographic wall and never know it wasnt a rea l wall. The agent (likely hiding behind the artificial wall) can wait for his pursuers to pass and can retrieve his device and continue his mission. The holo-wall projector is powered by a 20 SEU powerclip. It will continue to project the wall as long as power remains, draining 1 SEU per minute of use. The device is also able to project a type of sonic field as well as the holographic wall. This sonic field restricts noise from passing through the wall. It doesnt eliminate it; it muffles it like a real wall would. If this feature is activated along with the hologram the power will be drained at a rate of 2 SEU per minute. Individuals should normally be fooled by the simple static projected wall. Someone who is very familiar with the corridor or someone who relies on senses other than sight might be permitted an INT check to detect something is amiss.
A holo-wall projector costs 1,500 Credits and is not commercially available at normal shops in the frontier. Acquiring one is often through black market sources or perhaps taken off the body of a recently captured enemy agent. Due to its obviously nefarious purpose, it is generally considered illegal to own, purchase, or sell.
ARPIS is programmed with known maps of all planets in the frontier. It interfaces with global positioning and mapping satellites currently present on most frontier worlds. Through this digital connection, it is able to receive updates, navigate to a destination, suggest dining and entertainment, plan parabattery usage and stops for recharge or replacement, and provide musical and conversational interaction to passengers. ARPIS is not just a GPS system, however. It mounts on the steering mechanism of most modern ground vehicles commercially available in the frontier and includes interface cables. Taking only a few minutes to connect and calibrate, ARPIS is then able to control the vehicle safely and effectively. ARPIS is truly an interactive robotic auto-pilot. It can even operate the vehicle with no passengers in it, given destination and timing orders through a chronocom interface using secure passwords and voice recognition.ARPIS is not recommended for handling high-speed and high-stress piloting or driving situations. Consider any such maneuver to be operated with a Reaction Speed score of only 25%.
ARPIS costs 500 credits for the base model. An advanced model that projects a hologram of the interactive interface AI into the pilots seat is also available for five times the base cost. Both models are normally carried in a protective shoulder-bag and weigh only 4kg. Keeping the device up-to-date isnt free; when arriving at a new planet, ARPIS must download updates and this can cost a regionally-specific fee, typically 10-25cr.
Damage Control-Report!
By Richard M. Hinds
It wasnt any known type of Sathar ship, but that meant nothing. The Sathar had all sorts of ships. "It's powering up its weapons, warned Hortletloo. "Now its closing in. Its got us. Battle stations, Conflict imminent. Lars punched a second button and a warning klaxon sounded in the hall outside the bridge. Running feet pounded past the bridge door as crewmen ran for their combat posts. Lars allowed himself a brief smile. Mr. Harrachi, he said, turning slightly toward the Yazirian weapons officer. Please give our neighbor our warmest greetings. And pray, he thought, that we give them ours before they give us theirs. In the STAR FRONTIERS game, starship combat is played out using the Knight Hawks board-game system. Players in campaigns centered on a starship, like those concerning exploration missions, often find that starship combat is a time when they hang up their characters and concentrate solely on the dice. Here are some suggestions to liven up combat and bring characters out of the background. In the Knight Hawks game, starship combat has two phases, movement and combat, with each side taking turns in a fixed order to perform its actions. Instead, a more flexible initiative system is in order.
Space Ships
Initiative should be dependent on several factors: the maneuver ratings (MR) of the ships, the pilots initiative modifiers, and the gunners initiative modifiers. To determine the starship initiative modifier, find the ship on each side with the highest MR. Add the initiative modifier of either the pilot or the gunner (whichever score is higher) to the ships MR. The total is the starships initiative modifier. Repeat this for as many combatants as needed. Then each side rolls 1d10 and adds the initiative modifier. The highest resulting number becomes side A, the first side to move, and the sequence of play in the Knight Hawks Tactical Operations Manual, page 3, is followed thereafter. After three turns in the advanced Knight Hawks game, there is a repair turn. This does not mean that the starships have disengaged and decided to start repairs, but it instead shows the culmination of efforts over the past three turns. For a more realistic approach, let repair rolls be made at the end of each combat turn. Of course, if the engineer starts work on one project, then another problem requires more attention a few turns later, the character will be faced with some interesting dilemmas. To have the engineer use his DCR rating, he must maintain work on a damaged system for three turns. If he stops to work on something else without completing the previous repair, all his work will go to waste. In the advanced game, percentile dice are rolled when a ship is hit by enemy fire, and the Advanced Game Damage Table from the Tactical Operation Manual, page 12, is consulted. This table has little to offer player characters but major systems difficulties, ending in a quick death for the PCs and the loss of their expensive starship. The modified damage table with this article was developed to take into account other systems that could be damaged in combat. Some of this damage may not be immediately threatening, but it could cause trouble later on. The new results in the modified table are explained below. Hull Size 1-2 3-4 5-7 8-10 11-14 15-18 19-20 Crew Lost 1 1-5 1-10 2-20 (if an Assault Transport or Passenger Liner is hit, 20-200 are lost 3-30 5-50 (if an Assault Carrier is hit, 10-100 are lost 10-100
Cargo hit
One hull unit of random cargo is lost.
5-6 7-8
Ships boats
This hit disables one of the following: 1d10 Disabled boat 1-2 3-4 5-6 7 8 9-10 Life Boat Launch Workpod Shuttle/Fighter(if an Assault Carrier) Fighter Escape Pod 9-10 Intercoms
Computer hit
This hit can be a real menace. First, determine at random which mainframe was hit. Good starship designers have a
Crew casualties
Casualties depend on hull size and, to some extent, ship type. In any case, a single hit cannot reduce the crew to less than half of the last turns total (to save PCs). Below is a table of hull sizes and the number of crewmen and passengers that can be lost:
Space Ships
network of mainframes to prevent the destruction of all the computer programs at once. After determining the mainframe hit, randomly destroy one of the programs in that mainframe. Modified Advanced Game Damage Table Modified die roll Type of damage .20-05 Hull hit: Double normal damage by weapon type 06-10 11-20 21-25 26-45 46-48 49-51 52 53 54-57 58-59 60 61-62 63-64 65-66 67-68 69-70 71-73 74 75-77 78-81 82-84 85-87 88-90 91 92-96 97 98-105 106-115 116 117-120 Ships boats * Crew casualties * Cargo hit* Hull hit: Normal damage by weapon type Drive hit: Lose 1 ADF Drive hit: Lose half of the total ADF (round up) Drive hit: Lose entire ADF Drive hit: Fuel loss* Steering hit: Lose 1 MR point Steering hit: Lose entire MR Steering hit: Continue current course indefinitely Weapon hit: LC; LB; PB; EB; AR; RB; LP* * Weapon hit: PB; EB; LB; RB; T; AR; MM* * Weapon hit: DC; LC; AR; T; LB; FB* *; SM* * Weapon hit: T; AR; EB; PB; LB; RB; TB* * Weapon hit: LB; RB; T; AR; PB; EB; LC Internal systems hit * Power short circuit: Lose all screens and ICMs Defense hit: PS; ES; SS; MS; ICM; ENS* * Defense hit: MS; ICM; SS; PS; ES; MF* * Defense hit: ICM; SS; PS; ES; MS; ENS* * Combat control system hit: - 10% on all attacks Life support hit* Computer hit * Navigation hit: Lose all maneuvering control, moving at random Holo-Entertainment Systems * * * Electrical fire: Roll additional damage at +20 each turn Damage control hit: DCR cut in half Refresher Systems * * * Disastrous fire: DCR cut in half; lose entire ADF and MR; - 10% on all attacks; roll damage at +20 each turn
Space Ships
SF: 2KH "Liberation of Volturnus"
By Richard Rose, AKA: Shadow Shack
Part Two
While the Volturnus Squadrons were engaging the Sathar transports, the main bevy of Sathar warships ventured into deep space to engage allied craft comprising the Truane's Star government, Streel (who co-financed the Volturnus expeditions), and the UPF. While this board game has no direct impact on the player characters, it can be portrayed to determine the final outcome of the Sathar/Volturnus War.
The epic conclusion to the greatest SF game ever! Following the Battle of Volturnus between the Sathar and the united native races of the new world (and perhaps after exhausting the additional adventures on page 32 of the SF: 2 module), characters could be in a position to acquire starship skills (or pretty close to it). Either way, the KH game can still be conducted. The Eorna have discovered a squadron of heavy fighters that they once used long ago, along with a secondary squadron of deactivated Mechanon fighters. Having deduced that these craft can be up and running with minimal effort, they have decided to take the fight to the worms with one final punch to the backs of their wormskulls. Long range sensors report a massive exodus of shuttles returning ground troops and equipment to waiting transports. Even though the battle of Volturnus is over, both the Eorna and the adventurous heroes agree to pursue the worms a little further just to insure they never return to Volturnus again! Of course if players lost the ground battle against the Sathar during the course of SF:2 Starspawn on Volturnus, this game can still serve as a turning point as the Truane's Star/Streel/UPF ships make their way to Volturnus to take charge... If players with Technical or Military PSA characters have sufficient XP to advance toward LVL:1 starship skills, allow them to man a few of the Eorna craft as Pilots, Engineers, and/or Gunners (energy gunners may man the laser turret, rocket gunners may assist the pilot with the forward firing rockets). As such, the game can be conducted using the shaded columns of the KH attack table with skill bonuses. If the players lack the XP, any/all characters may still man the same systems (ultimately the better of the scenarios to maximize player participation), although as such an Eorna pilot will man the helm. In this case use the unshaded columns with no skill bonuses. In either situation, the Mechanon fighters are robotic and unmanned (and will attack as LVL: 1 pilots if the shaded columns are used).
Game #1:
The Volturnus Squadrons
The Eorna and Mechanon fighter craft take the battle to the worms this time, in a free for all in space! Sathar transports are positioned around Volturnus, collecting the retreating troops and their equipment. Several dozen shuttlecrafts are making their way back to their host craft in order to retreat back to their home worlds. The heroes of Volturnus have decided to land one final blow against these invading foes to ensure they never forget their humiliating defeat at Volturnus.
Set Up
Counters 15 7 25 6 6 1 Sathar Destroyers Sathar Light Cruisers Sathar Fighters UPF Fighters UPF Assault Scouts Planet counter
Place a planet counter at the center of the fold out hex map. The 15 Sathar Destroyer counters represent Sathar troop transports recovering Sathar warriors; the 7 light cruiser counters represent freighters recovering equipment and cyber-beasts. The 25 Sathar fighters represent shuttles. All transports start at a speed of zero, shuttles are moving at a speed of three hexes per turn. Troop transports can be placed anywhere but no closer than 6 hexes to the planet, freighters can be placed anywhere no closer than ten hexes to the planet. Shuttles can be placed anywhere, no closer than four hexes away from any transports or three hexes to the planet. The UPF fighters represent Mechanon fighters, the assault scouts are the Eorna heavy fighters. They may begin in any hex orbiting the planet and facing any direction away from the planet (as facing the planet would result in a crash landing), with a speed of 1 hex/turn.
Knight Hawks
Replacements: none, although every three turns (during the repair turn) two sathar shuttles can leave Volturnus' surface (as PC craft, starting with a speed of 1 hex/turn in any orbit hex around the planet) for every three that were destroyed or recovered. This represents the sheer number of shuttle craft that landed versus the limited number of transports that remained to collect them (as there were heavy troop and equipment losses during the ground battle).
Victory Conditions
The Volturnus Squadrons must destroy at least 8 troop transports and four freighters Sathar must evacuate at least 8 troop transports each having recovered at least six shuttles, and 4 freighters each having recovered at least three shuttles. If fewer than 8 transports/4 freighters escape or 8/4 escape without the minimum compliment of shuttles and all Volturnus forces are destroyed in the process, it is a draw (note that characters may bail out of destroyed craft, to be picked up later by a reserve Eorna craft).
Special Rules
Eorna fighters must land on the surface in order to resupply their rockets. They must end their turn in orbit with a speed of zero, the next turn they may enter the atmosphere. The third turn is spent on the ground, by the fourth turn they may exit the atmosphere and rejoin the battle (craft leaving the atmosphere begin with a speed of 1 and may face any direction away from the planet in one of the six orbit hexes around the planet). Care must be taken during these maneuvers...as the Eorna fighters can become sitting ducks to any nearby Sathar transports. No repairs can be made during the re-entry or take off turns (although if the repair turn comes up during the rearming turn, repairs can be affected). Sathar craft must have matching velocities and direction in order for the shuttles to dock. Both ships must be in the same hex to enable this. A freighter can receive four shuttles, a troop transport can receive eight, but once a freighter takes on three shuttles or a troop transport receives six they will attempt to leave the board (although more shuttles may dock if they can match speed and direction). Craft that make it off the board with a minimum compliment of shuttles are out of play and can be considered as safely retreated from the skirmish.
Experience Rewards
Award 2-6XP per player based on participation (2 for low participation, 4 for medium, 6 for highly active). Double XP rewards if the Volturnus Squadrons achieve their goals.
New Equipment
(See also Star Frontiersman #7, p64) Forward Firing Rockets (FFR): Simply put, the FFR is a set of fixed launchers similar to those found on a Rocket Battery, but instead of having a 360 field of fire they are forward firing weapons. Damage Table Modifiers are as a RB system, 2d10 with a range of 40,000km (four hexes), treat as an assault rocket for the resolution with no head on bonuses. Restrictions are FF, MPO, LTD Laser Turret (LT): A smaller scale version of a Laser Battery. Treat as a LB for all regards with a range of 40,000km (four hexes). Pod Laser (PL): As described in Dragon Magazine, the Pod Laser is a set of laser cannons (down scaled laser battery guns) fixed to a fighter's hull. Treat as a Laser Cannon for combat resolution, 1d10 damage and a range of 50,000km (five hexes).
Sathar Freighter DCR: 56 ADF: 1 HP: 60 MR:2 Weapons: Laser Battery Defenses: Reflective Hull, 2xMasking Screens HS: 12 Crew: 12-24 Comm/Detection: SS Radio, Radar Misc: 2 cargo arms Cargo Accommodation: 12 Crew Accommodations: 12 double dream sleep berths Passenger Accommodations: 15 quad dream sleep cabins Ship's Vehicles: 4 shuttles Power plant: 4 Ion Bs
Knight Hawks
Sathar Drop Shuttle DCR: 25 HP: 10 Weapons: None Defenses: Reflective Hull HS: 2 Crew: 1-2 Comm/Detection: SS Radio, Radar Misc: streamlined Cargo Accommodation: 1 (freighter) or 0 (assault transport) Crew Accommodations: 2 seat cockpit Passenger Accommodations: 4 acceleration couches* (freighter) or 50 acceleration couches* (assault transport) Ship's Vehicles: n/a * acceleration couches seat two each
HS: 1 Powerplant: 1 sub-atomic A (jump governor installed) Crew: 0(automated) Comm/Detection: SS Radio, Radar, Camera System Misc: Streamlined, Light Armor COMPUTER Alarm (1) Analysis (4) Astrogation (2) Computer Security (4) Damage Control (1) Drive, Atomic A (4) Guidance/Analysis (3) = LVL:1 pilot; Information Storage (1) Installation Security (2) Laser Cannon (1) Maintenance (1)
E-1A Eorna Heavy Fighter DCR: 40 ADF: 5 HP: 12 MR:4 Weapons: 4x Forward Firing Rockets, Laser Turret Defenses: Reflective Hull HS: 2 Powerplant: 2 sub-atomic A (jump governor installed) Crew: 3-4 Comm/Detection: SS Radio, Radar, Intercom Misc: Streamlined, Light Armor Crew Accommodations: 3 command chairs (optional fourth chair for a rocket gunnery assistant on the bridge) COMPUTER: Alarm(2) Analysis(2) Astrogation(2) Computer LockOut(3) Computer Security(3) Damage Control(2) Drive, Atomic A(4) Forward Firing Rocket(2) Industry(1) Information Storage(1) Installation Security(3) Laser Battery(1) Life Support(1) Maintenance(2)
Knight Hawks
who responded with confirmation of dispatching warships of their own. Sadly the worms were already en route long before the Truane's Star government could muster up an offensive, hence the large scale ground battle between the natives of Volturnus and the worms. But the Truane's Star government did make it to Zebulon while the Sathar were present, despite the immense ground warfare going on. This is the tale of that epic deep space battle, where allied forces comprised of Palean militia vessels, Streel Corporation ships, and detached duty UPF warships acted together in an attempt to cleanse the newly discovered system of the Sathar threat once and for all. Steelwagon, white on dk blue Assault Scout = Solar Flare, and white on brown Frigate = Trudger. Allied forces may begin the game on the left side of the fold out hex map, no more than ten hexes inside the left border. Sathar forces begin at the right side of the map, no more than ten hexes inside the right border. All craft have a start speed of 10 hexes/turn. Replacements: none
Special Rules
The Sathar Supply Ship will not engage in the battle, rather it will hover near the right edge of the map. At least one gunned scout ship will remain behind to escort the supply ship. Any Sathar craft that dock with the supply ship (matching speed and direction in the same hex) can rearm itself. In addition, any sathar ship docked to the supply ship during the repair round may utilize up to half of the supply ship's DCR in addition to the docked vessel's own DCR for repair attempts. Naturally the Sathar should place a priority on defending this vital craft if any enemy craft venture toward its proximity.
Set Up
Counters 1 1 5 1 10 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 Sathar Heavy Cruiser Sathar Assault Carrier Sathar Destroyers Sathar Frigate Sathar Fighters Pirate Corvettes Pirate Frigate UPF Light Cruiser UPF Destroyer UPF Frigates white on orange Frigate white on orange Assault Scouts black on gray Frigate black on gray Assault Scouts freighter UPF fighters black on lt green Frigate white on dk blue Frigate white on dk blue Assault Scout black on yellow Frigate white on brown Frigate
New Equipment
Same as Game #1
Victory Conditions
The Allied Forces must destroy at least half of the Sathar capital ships (cruiser, carrier, destroyers, and frigate), including the heavy cruiser. In addition, the supply ship must be destroyed as well. Once this requirement is met, remaining Sathar craft will attempt to retreat from the battle and escape (possibly taking out any pursuing craft with them, up to and including ramming). Fighters without a carrier to return to will continue fighting to cover the retreat, once this is affected, they will attempt to ram any allied craft. The Sathar Fleet must destroy at minimum all of the Pale militia craft, the Streel corporate frigate, UPF light cruiser, and the destroyer. Once this requirement is met, remaining Allied Craft must retreat and escape. Any other outcome is a draw.
All Sathar counters represent their respective craft. The three pirate Corvette counters represent the Gunned Scout Ships and the pirate frigate counter represents the supply ship. The UPF Cruiser and destroyer counters represent their respective craft; the two UPF frigates represent the assault transports. The white on orange counters represent the Pale militia craft (frigate = frigate and assault scouts = gunned escorts), the black on gray counters represent the Streel ships (frigate = corporate frigate and assault scouts = merchant scouts). The freighter counter represents Streel's carrier conversion, and the 6 UPF fighters represent the Streel fighters. The four colored frigates each represent a government subsidized craft: black on lt green Frigate = Anchor, black on yellow Frigate = Fathom, white on dk blue Frigate =
Knight Hawks
Allied Craft
UPF Detached Duty craft
UPFS Steadfast (Light Cruiser) DCR: 100 ADF:3 HP: 70 MR:2 Weapons: Disruptor Cannon, 4x Torpedoes, 2x Laser Batteries, Proton Battery, Electron Battery, 6x Rocket Battery Defenses: Reflective Hull, ES SS ICM(x8) Weapons Laser Battery Defenses: Reflective Hull Cargo:2 SCS Pike (Freighter-Carrier conversion) DCR: 75 ADF:3 HP: 40 MR:3 Weapons Laser Battery, 4x Rocket Batteries, Fighters (x6) Defenses: Reflective Hull, 2x Masking Screens, 4x Interceptor Missiles SM-21 (6x Streel Model:21 prototype fighter) DCR: 30 ADF:6 HP: 6 MR:4 Weapons: 3x Forward Firing Rockets Defenses: Reflective Hull
UPFS Arcturon (Destroyer) DCR: 75 ADF:3 HP: 50 MR:3 Weapons: Laser Cannon, 2x Torpedoes, Laser Battery, Electron Battery, 4x Rocket Batteries Defenses: Reflective Hull, 2x Masking Screens, 5x Interceptor Missiles
UPFS ST-51 & SM-99 (Assault Transports) DCR: 70 ADF:1 HP: 50 MR:2 Weapons: Laser Battery, 4x Rocket Batteries Defenses: Reflective Hull, 2x Masking Screens, 4x Interceptor Missiles
ADF:4 MR:3
ADF:3 MR:2
Knight Hawks
Sathar Warships
SAS Annihalator (Heavy Cruiser) DCR: 120 ADF:2 HP: 80 MR:1 Weapons: Disruptor Cannon, 6x Torpedoes, 2x Laser Batteries, Proton Battery, Electron Battery, 8x Rocket Batteries Defenses: Reflective Hull, Electron Screen, Proton Screen, Stasis Screen, 8x Interceptor Missiles SAS Provisioner (supply ship) DCR: 150 HP: 50 Weapons: Electron Battery, 6x Rocket Battery ADF:1 MR:3
SAS Razer (assault carrier) DCR: 150 ADF:2 HP: 75 MR:1 Weapons: Laser Battery, Proton Battery, 8x Rocket Batteries, 10x Fighters Defenses: Reflective Hull, 4x Masking Screens, 10x Interceptor Missiles
SIG-25 (10x fighters) DCR: 30 HP: 8 Weapons: 3x Assault Rockets Defenses: Reflective Hull ADF:5 MR:5
SAS Assassin, Dissuader, Eradicator, Saboteur, & Suppressor (Destroyers) DCR: 75 ADF:3 HP: 50 MR:3 Weapons: Laser Cannon, Laser Battery, 2xTorpedoes, Electron Battery, 4xRocket Batteries Defenses: Reflective Hull, 2x Masking Screens, 5x Interceptor Missiles SAS Quash (frigate) DCR: 75 ADF:3 HP: 50 MR:3 Weapons: Laser Cannon,2x Torpedoes, Laser Battery, Electron Battery, 4x Rocket Batteries Defenses: Reflective Hull, 2x Masking Screens, 4x Interceptor Missiles SAS Inciter, Trespasser, Swindler (gunned scout ships) DCR: 50 ADF:4 HP: 20 MR:2 Weapons: Laser Battery Defenses: Reflective Hull
Knight Hawks
Tired of seeing in black & White? Come to Dramune Labs and receive experimental Eyecell Genetic Surgery. Finally see in color-see what those other races are going on and on about and see in the dark as well!
Tawny Nebula will be giving a rare live performance at the Port Loren Grand Morgaine Theater. You will not want to miss this special opportunity. There will be no holo-cast, in memory of her mentor, Wlf Mrt, the vrusk composer. Discounted Tickets 10,000cr. Contact any StarPlay ticket office for further information.
The being known as Ssessera, died of an apparent suicide yesterday, at the High Light Hotel on Triad. He apparently jumped out of the 8th story window to his death. No further investigation by local authorities will be forthcoming. -Tordia
Catch the hot new reality holo-vid STAR LAW. Follow Star Law agents on dangerous missions with danger and intrigue. Watch Pete Grom catch a Sathar agent. See him thwart a Dwartzert fighting ring. View the last chase of the infamous Air Car Bandit. Not all missions will be recorded due to UPF regulations.
InGal's weekly Top 10 countdown! Tune in every Friday at 1900hrs, Standard Galactic Time, and find out whose number 1! 1: Impulse 2: Xenophobe 3: Folded Space 4: The Roids 5: Stardust 6: Red Dwarf 7: Worm Hole 9: The Corsairs 10: Event Horizon Singularity Gremlin in the Machine You Warped My Heart When You Warped Outa My Life Abyss Darkside Love on the Edge of a Black Hole The Black Bootleg Dead Space Chronocom Subspace Relay# 76403926144376358810
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