Hamon is a century-old company that designs and builds various types of cooling towers for industrial applications. It started in Europe and has expanded globally. Hamon is a leader in wet cooling towers, air-cooled heat exchangers, air pollution control equipment, and chimneys. The document discusses Hamon's expertise in natural draft cooling towers, mechanical draft cooling towers, fan assisted natural draft towers, plume abated towers, and sea water cooling towers. It emphasizes Hamon's flexibility in designing solutions that meet customers' budget, performance, and environmental requirements.
Hamon is a century-old company that designs and builds various types of cooling towers for industrial applications. It started in Europe and has expanded globally. Hamon is a leader in wet cooling towers, air-cooled heat exchangers, air pollution control equipment, and chimneys. The document discusses Hamon's expertise in natural draft cooling towers, mechanical draft cooling towers, fan assisted natural draft towers, plume abated towers, and sea water cooling towers. It emphasizes Hamon's flexibility in designing solutions that meet customers' budget, performance, and environmental requirements.
Hamon is a century-old company that designs and builds various types of cooling towers for industrial applications. It started in Europe and has expanded globally. Hamon is a leader in wet cooling towers, air-cooled heat exchangers, air pollution control equipment, and chimneys. The document discusses Hamon's expertise in natural draft cooling towers, mechanical draft cooling towers, fan assisted natural draft towers, plume abated towers, and sea water cooling towers. It emphasizes Hamon's flexibility in designing solutions that meet customers' budget, performance, and environmental requirements.
Hamon is a century-old company that designs and builds various types of cooling towers for industrial applications. It started in Europe and has expanded globally. Hamon is a leader in wet cooling towers, air-cooled heat exchangers, air pollution control equipment, and chimneys. The document discusses Hamon's expertise in natural draft cooling towers, mechanical draft cooling towers, fan assisted natural draft towers, plume abated towers, and sea water cooling towers. It emphasizes Hamon's flexibility in designing solutions that meet customers' budget, performance, and environmental requirements.
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Wet Cooling Systems
T O W E R S 2 Hamon in a few words Hamon started its industrial activ- ity in Europe (Belgium and France) a century ago and developed the cooling tower business with grow- ing mining and heavy industry sectors. Demand growth prompted Hamon to move into the energy business. Hamon spread its wings geo- graphically in the seventies and further consolidated the thermal business in the nineties. Hamon became a world leader in the product lines it chose to be in, respectively: wet cooling towers air-cooled heat exchangers air pollution control: ESP, bag l- ters, ue gas treatment chimneys Concept of centers of excellence was implemented. Hamon Thermal Europe with its engineering de- partment and R&D center sup- ports a network of factories and sister companies, which locally assure contracting, procurement and eld services in the UK Ger- many Spain Italy South Africa United Emirates India Korea China Thailand Indonesia Australia Brazil... Numerous installations and equip- ment operating worldwide in a wide range of industrial plants are evidence of Hamons capabili- ties and experience. Whatever the industry you name, Hamon has supplied cooling towers for it: power plant, renery and down- stream petrochemical plant, ferti- liser, paper industry, steel mill, sugar mill, zinc smelter and other metallurgical installation, chemical plant, etc. 3 Hamon Thermal aims at offering the best economical solution for the whole lifetime of eld erect- ed cooling towers. Hamon cares for most of the industries and is particularly expert in: accurate design meeting ex- pected performance economical solutions with the best cost/quality ratio strong eld capabilities development of new solutions reducing further environmental impact repair and maintenance dismantling recycling used PVC components Our commitment to the industry Hamon has a wide range of heat transfer media suitable for: any industrial water sea water low pH solution Depending on the application re- quirements, the equipment is designed to customer preferred combination for efciency, long- life expectancy, power saving and respect of environmental local regulations. In order to meet these specica- tions a wide choice of solutions is available in layout, arrange- ment, structure, internals and mechanical equipment. 4 Natural draft cooling towers In the seventies and early eighties, many large power plants were built and equipped with tall natural draft cooling towers (NDCT) in Europe, US, South Africa, India, China, etc. NDCT were erroneously associat- ed with nuclear plants. Since the mid-eighties, very few were built in the Western countries because of lack of large power plant pro- jects, visual impact constraints, and a general feeling of pollution as- sociated with them. The trend is now reversing as in many places, natural draft towers are now regarded as environ- mentally friendly thanks to the power saving that they generate. Beyond the power saving, NDCT offers the following advantages: limited plot area no mechanical noise (no fan) limited maintenance high longevity (generally more than plant life expectancy) The payback period of an NDCT is 8 to 16 years depending on sev- eral factors. The main one is the local con struction cost, which may dramatically vary from one country to another. Hamon can either sup- ply the turnkey tower or the ther- mal part with services like civil work design, construction steer- ing, supervision, erection... Hamon has designed and built more than 300 NDCT and has a wide experience even for high seis- mic and severe weather conditions. Hamon is at your disposal to help you developing your project any- where on the globe, preparing budget proposal, civil work in- cluded, and selecting the most appropriate solution for perform- ance, heat transfer media, noise reduction, etc. 5 The fan assisted natural draft cool- ing tower (FANDCT) is an attrac- tive option when:
Natural draft cooling tower rehabilitation Along the years the environmen- tal concern and consequent rules, have strengthened and the water rejection conditions have been changing; the use of chemical ad- ditives has been restricted. There- fore, the water characteristics are such that scaling and fouling will occur more frequently. Another exchange surface than the origi- nal one should be selected for the new water conditions. Indeed, the thermal performance must be considered on a long-term basis. The media which seems to offer the best qualities can lose them very rapidly if operating conditions and water quality have not been taken into account. Hamons ex- perience will help you evaluate the most effective heat exchange surface. Rehabilitation will restore the per- formance of the original design of a Hamon cooling tower. In other cooling towers, we will probably reach a performance improvement. Another concern may also be the time available for such an opera- tion resulting in the total shut- down of the tower. Our erection teams have proven their efciency and commitment to safety: e.g. a NDCT of 106 m diameter and 126 m height. Scope: removal of existing lm ll, installation of 10 000 m new ll, replacement of sprayers, removal, cleaning and re- installation of drift eliminators, repair of de-icing system grids and several small other repair works. Work performed in 3 shifts, 6 days/ week in 22 days. Hamon is also fully qualied to re- move asbestos cement sheets and to replace them with the best suited material. Hamon also offers solutions for the recycling of the PVC in order to re-use it as raw material in oth- er production processes. Fan assisted natural draft cooling towers the available plot area does not allow mechanical draft narrow bar construction height is limited for visual reason due to the climate conditions fans to boost the air ow are required. The investment in a tall shell becomes therefore eco- nomically unjustied. Fan assisted natur ThE ing tiVE Fan assisted natur ThE ing tiVE 6 Thanks to its exibility and cost effectiveness, the mechanical draft cooling tower (IDCT) ideally an- swers most cooling duties and plant requirements. With approxi- mately 5000 references in this type of tower, Hamon has come across most of the application re- quirements and has developed the technology to meet them. Each customer takes full advantage of this technology data base and en- joys a product that is ne tuned and lls his requirements and budget. We build any size of IDCT with all type of structures (steel, wood, FRP, prefab concrete, cast con- Mechanical draft cooling towers crete) and many heat exchange surfaces (from splash grids to high performance lm). All system ele- ments, beyond customer specic requirements guide our design:
water quality air environment (chemicals, dust, ...) noise and plume limitation available plot area local labor costs All our equipment is supplied with an O&M manual that clearly species operation, maintenance, health and safety requirements and recommendations. For all cooling towers, we clearly advise the impact on the environ- ment such as performance, drift loss, noise level, etc. In order to help in the prevention of legionella, our cooling tower designs follow the best practices and allow clean- ing and access to the internal parts of the tower. 7 A plume abated cooling tower (PABCT) is the best avail- able solution where local constraints are such that the presence of plume is not accepted in normal conditions (along motorways, airports, close to residential areas...). This tower is an IDCT offering the same exibility, adapt- ability and all features listed in the previous page. Com- pared to other technical solutions, it combines the following advantages: no plume visibility outstanding performance of an evaporative cooling tower cost attractiveness In this area, also called hybrid or wet/dry, Hamons tech- nology is unrivaled. Plume abated cooling towers 40 30 20 10 0 Absolute humidity S a tu ra tio n M ixing line T e m p e r a t u r e 1 0 % 2 0 % 4 0 % 6 0 % 8 0 % 1 0 0 % 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 4 3 3 1 Inlet 2 Exit wet section - supersaturated air - visible plume 3 Exit dry section - heated and dry air 4 Exit cooling tower - no saturated air Principle of plume abatement Outlet air of the wet section of the cooling tower @ is mixed with the air heated @ by the nned tube bundles installed in the walls above the wet section. Outlet air characteristics @ will then be positioned on the line linking points @ and @. If the line linking points @ and @ does not cross the 100% humidity curve, no plume will be visible. Ners Ners 8 Sea water When close to the sea shore, many plants are cooled by a once through sea water system. The investment for such a system is huge and the heat rejection back to the sea can either generate hot water recirculation and/ or impact the sea ecosystem beyond acceptable levels. Replacing the once through system by a cooling tower circuit tremendously reduces both initial investment costs and sea environmental impact of the power plant. The design of the cooling tower will take, among others, the salt concentra- tion into account. Special care is given to construction materials (structure in concrete, protection for mechanical parts, etc.) and ll media type. Hamon sea water cooling towers are cooling millions of cubic meters in many places in the world. All design arrangements are available with sea water: NDCT, FANDCT, IDCT, PACT. Noise attenuation In order to limit the noise level, actions can be taken at three level: at the source with low noise fans and mechanical devices at the emission area with louvers, bafes, motor enclosures, special casing type between the noise source and the reception point with screens, walls or embankments Flue gas dispersion through natural draft cooling towers In thermal power plants, where ue gas are treated by wet desulphurization, ue gas temperature is such that large chimneys and ventilation extracting systems are required. A cost effective alternative is to reject these gases in a NDCT, where they are then mixed with exhaust air and rejected at high level. The natural draft cooling tower assures a better dispersion in the atmosphere than a conventional chimney. Hamon has developed a design in which the ue gas pipe is supported by the shell and penetrates it at ue gas washer exit level. Cooling towers for zinc electrolysis Hamon has developed a cooling tower specially designed to handle zinc electrolyte solution or highly corrosive liquid (PH =1). This process has been proving its efciency for many years. Due to the very aggressive environment in which these towers are operating, easy maintenance is essential. We have therefore improved the internal accessibility no scaffolding is necessary and we use removable sprayers. The drift loss has also been minimized to 0.001% and lower. Special applications 9 The selection of the heat transfer media is essential to guarantee the optimal efciency of your cooling tower. As a result of Hamons continuous thermal research, we can offer you a full range of lls covering all cooling water types. The COOLDROP @ , the real splash ll, is the all purpose solution suitable for most water qualities, including sea water and heavily contaminated water. This heat transfer media consists of trays (the Hamon diamond grids) hung from beams located above the water distribution. The dia- mond grids, their supports and spacers are made of polypropylene; the wires according to the water aggressiveness are in SS316 or in a more exotic alloy. Maximum debris size (diameter): 50 mm The DROPPACK @ ll combines splash and lm heat exchange process with the advantages of low fouling capability of the splash ll and the good thermal efciency of the lm ll. It is well adapted to any induced or natural draft cooling tower using poor industrial water quality. Water with high concentrations of suspended bres is not recommended. Maximum debris size (diameter): 30 mm The COOLFREE @ is the most advanced lm ll combining low-fouling and low-scaling properties whilst retaining good thermal performance. The main application is for cooling towers using very poor water quality, in some cases even without water treatment. It is also very good for lm ll cross-ow cooling towers. Maximum debris size (diameter): 30 mm The CLEANFLOW @ lm ll is qualied worldwide as the best lm ll combining low fouling properties with good thermal performance. It is well adapted to any induced draft or natural draft cooling tower using poor quality industrial water. It is also suitable for other severe applica- tions such as laminated decanting and gas cleaning. Maximum debris size (diameter): 32 mm The CLEANFLOW PLUS @ is the improved technology of the cleanow ll by increasing its thermal performance whilst retaining its fouling resist- ance. It is well adapted to any induced or natural draft cooling tower using poor industrial water quality, in particular sea water. Maximum debris size (diameter): 22 mm The COOLFILM @ is probably the most thermally efcient ll worldwide. It is well adapted to any induced draft or natural draft cooling tower using normal industrial water quality. Maximum debris size (diameter): 17 mm Heat transfer media @ @ @ @ @ @ 10 A preventive maintenance pro- gram is essential to ensure smooth operation avoiding unexpected costly shutdowns and problems associated with legionella. Further- more, for several reasons (ageing tower, increased power need, tech- nical improvements, etc.) other works are required during the life time of the cooling tower. Customers recognize Hamon for its nely tuned service assuring: short shutdowns reliable diagnosis focus on the action needed Thanks to the outstanding cool- ing tower competence of its site teams, Hamon can consider any type of repairs and upgrades. Here are some non exhaustive exam- ples of regularly performed jobs. ll: replacement of asbestos-ce- ment sheets by polypropylene grids in a natural draft tower instal- lation of a new wooden frame- work and new lm ll Service drift eliminators: replacement of eliminators to improve efciency cleaning of existing: (disas- sembling cleaning wave by wave reassembling with new spacers and rods) water distribution: replacement of steel or asbes- tos cement pipes with FRP/PVC materials partial renovation of distribu- tion pipes replacement of wooden open trough with FRP material. installation of anti-slip roof cov- ering, restoration of the casing material fan-motor group replacement of cardan shafts by composite transmission shafts replacement of fan and gear- box by low noise devices installation of a walkway to gearbox installation of backstops to the fan repair of fan blades... replacement of wooden or steel fan stacks with FRP material 11 structure wood: partial or total removal and replacement of the upper part of the tower, local re- placement or reinforcement of the frame... concrete: partial renovation or consolidation renovation of large natural draft cooling towers conversion of a cross ow to a counter ow cooling tower hybridisation of an induced draft cooling tower split of double cells in single ones
Our test team consisting of high level, experienced thermal Engi- neers can perform any test: per- formance, fan ow, hydraulic, noise, vibrations. Hamon spare parts centre located in France is servicing our traditional commercial channels, which remain at your disposal for spare parts. Your local ofce will liaise with the centre if required. Hamon man- ufactures its own products (fan stacks, lm lls, drifts eliminators and water distribution compo- nents). Hamon can supply all your spare parts requirements such as: Fan stacks manufactured in Hamon factory Fan-motor group fan blades, hub, clamping blocks, hardware gearbox, all gearbox spares transmission shaft transmission shaft spares replacement of steel shafts by composite ones motor vibraswitch Drift eliminators manufactured in Hamon factory wave 45 and 25 mm pitch cellular Distribution Hamon design pipes, sprayers, nozzles, head supports Heat exchange media manufactured in Hamon factory see page 10 Spare parts BELGIUM HAMON THERMAL EUROPE (BE) Axisparc A Rue Emile Francqui, 2 B-1435 MONT-ST-GUIBERT Tel: +32(0)10 39 05 00 Fax +32(0)10 39 05 01 info.hteb@hamon.com FRANCE HAMON THERMAL EUROPE (FR) Perspective Seine 84, rue Charles Michels Btiment C 93284 SAINT-DENIS Tel: +33 (1) 55 87 78 78 Fax: +33 (1) 55 87 78 79 info.htef@hamon.com ITALY HAMON THERMAL EUROPE Italian Branch Via G. Durando, 38 20158 MILANO Tel.:+39 02 39325888 Fax: +39 02 39316046 info.htei@hamon.com GERMANY HAMON THERMAL GERMANY GmbH Alte Wittener Strasse 30 44803 BOCHUM Postfach 1106 44711 BOCHUM Tel: +49 (234) 93550 Fax: +49 (234) 9355111 info.htg@hamon.com UNITED KINGDOM HAMON UK LTD Units 1 & 2, Ropery Park Alfred Street HU3 2DF Hull Tel: +44 (0) 1482.787.767 Fax: +44 (0) 1482.706.151 info.huk@hamon.com