3 MBE900 04a
3 MBE900 04a
3 MBE900 04a
The general specifications for the MBE 900 engine arelisted in Table 1 .
Engine Type Cooling System Combustion Principle Number of Cylinders Bore Stroke Displacement (total) Compression Ratio Starting Speed Direction of Engine Rotation (viewed from flywheel) Starter Coolant Capacity of Engine (Does not include capacity of cooling system.) Lubricating Oil (In standard pan, including oil filter.) Cold-Start Temperature Limit (Without starting aids and with battery 75 percent charged) Engine "Dry" Weight Valve Lash (with engine cool) Exhaust = 0.60 mm (0.024 in) Intake = 9.7 mm (0.38 in) Valve Lift (at maximum valve clearance) Exhaust = 10.7 mm (0.42 in) At idle rpm = 50 kPa (7 psi) Engine Oil Pressure At maximum rpm = 250 kPa (36 psi) Minimum opening pressure = 24 500 kPa (3553 psi) Fuel Injectors Maximum opening pressure = 25 700 kPa (3727 psi) Opening temperature = 81 to 85 C (178 to 185 F) Coolant Thermostat Normal operating temperature = 95 C (203 F) 4 102 mm (4.02 in) 130 mm (5.11 in) 4.25 liters (259 in) 17.4:1 Approximately 100 rpm Counterclockwise Electric Motor Max. 8.5 liters (9.0 qt.) Max. 15.8 liters (17.0 qt.) Max. 12.5 liters (13.2 qt.) Max. 25.0 liters (26.4 qt.) 6.37 liters (389 in)
4-Cylinder Engines
6-Cylinder Engines
Vertical, in-line cylinder block with turbocharger and charge-air cooler Liquid Circuit 4-Stroke direct-injection diesel 6
Table 1
(Rev. 3/03)
1. Turbocharger 2. EGR Rotary Valve 3. EGR Cooler 4. EGR Cool Air Mixer
5. Reed Valves (Models 904, 924 and 926) 6. Water Return Line 7. Water Inlet Line.
Figure 4a
(Rev. 3/03)
The EGR system consists of: Turbocharger EGR Cooler EGR Rotary Valve Reed Valves EGR Mixer The MBE 900 engines for on-highway EPA 2004 regulation applications use a water cooled EGR system. Exhaust gases from the front three cylinders on six cylinder engines (all four cylinders on four cylinder engines) are routed from the exhaust manifold through the EGR cooler, past control and reed valves (not on MBE 906), and mixed with the intake manifold charge air. The addition of cooled exhaust gases back into the combustion airflow reduces the peak in cylinder combustion temperature. Less oxides of nitrogen (NOx) are produced at lower combustion temperatures. The recycled exhaust gases are cooled before engine consumption in a twin tube-and-shell engine water cooler. See Figure 4b .
Figure 4b
(Rev. 3/03)
The MBE 904, MBE 924 and MBE 926 engines have reed valves to assist in the transport of exhaust gasses. In order to drive exhaust gas transport to the engine, the pressure in the exhaust manifold must greater than the charge air pressure. The pressure of gasses in the exhaust manifold changes over time, peaking when the exhaust valves open. Exhaust gasses pass through the reed valves during these pressure peaks. The reed valves permit transport of exhaust gasses only during the time when the exhaust gasses pressure is greater than the charge air pressure. See Figure 4c for the location of the reed valves. See Figure 4d for a top view of the MBE 906 EGR engine, indicating major EGR parts.
3. Reed Valves (Models 904, 924 and 926) 4. EGR/CA Mixer Tube (Model 906)
Figure 4c
Reed Valve Location (MBE 904, MBE 924 and 926 engines only)
(Rev. 3/03)
1. Charge Air Tube 2. Grid Heater 3. Reed Valve (904, 924 and 926 models only) 4. Fuel Filter Pre and Main 5. Thermostat Cover and Housing 6. Coolant Inlet Tube 7. EGR Delivery Pipe
8. EGR Cooler Flange Heat Shield 9. Coolant Return Tube 10. EGR/CA Mixer 11. Turbocharger 12. EGR Cooler (upper and lower) 13. Charge Air Housing 14. EGR Rotary Valve
Figure 4d
(Rev. 3/03)
1. Starter Motor 2. Flywheel Housing 3. Exhaust Manifold 4. Cylinder Head Cover 5. Air Intake Manifold
6. EGR Cooler 7. Turbocharger Compressor Out 8. Breather Tube 9. Turbocharger Heat Shield 10. Oil Pan
Figure 4e
Right Rear View of MBE 900 2004 EGR Engine and Components
(Rev. 3/03)
1. Air Compressor 2. DDEC-ECU 3. Pre Filter 4. Main Fuel Filter 5. Oil Fill Cap
6. Oil Centrifuge 7. Air Intake Manifold 8. Cylinder Head Cover 9. Flywheel Housing 10. Oil Pan
Figure 4f
Left Rear View of MBE 900 2004 EGR Engine and Components
(Rev. 3/03)
The general specifications for the MBE 900 EGR engines arelisted in Table 1a
Engine Type
Vertical, in-line cylinder block with turbocharger and charge-air cooler Liquid Circuit 4-Stroke direct-injection diesel 4 102 mm (4.02 in) 130 mm(5.11 in.) 4.25 liters(259 in) 18:1 106 mm (4.17 in) 136 mm (5.35 in.) 4.8 liters (292 in) 106 mm (4.17) 106 mm (4.17) 6.37 liters (389 in) 18:1 Approximately 100 rpm Counterclockwise Electric Motor Max. 8.5 liters (9.0 qt.) Max. 12.5 liters (13.2 qt.) 6 136 mm (5.35 in.) 136 mm (5.35 in.) 7.2 liters (439 in) 17.5:1
Cooling System Combustion Principle Number of Cylinders Bore Stroke Displacement (total) Compression Ratio Starting Speed Direction of Engine Rotation (viewed from flywheel) Starter Coolant Capacity of Engine (Does not include capacity of cooling system.) Lubricating Oil (In standard pan, including oil filter.)
Max. 25.0 liters (26.4 qt.) Down to 20 C (4 F) 530 kg (1169 lb) Intake = 0.40 mm (0.016 in)
Cold-Start Temperature Limit (Without starting aids and with battery 75 percent charged) Engine "Dry" Weight Valve Lash (with engine cool) 395 kg (871 lb)
Exhaust = 0.60 mm (0.024 in) Intake = 9.7 mm (0.38 in) Valve Lift (at maximum valve clearance) Exhaust = 10.7 mm (0.42 in) At idle rpm = 50 kPa (7 psi) Engine Oil Pressure At maximum rpm = 250 kPa (36 psi) Minimum opening pressure = 24 500 kPa (3553 psi) Fuel Injectors Maximum opening pressure = 25 700 kPa (3727 psi) Opening temperature = 81 to 85 C (178 to 185 F) Coolant Thermostat Normal operating temperature = 95 C (203 F)
Table 1a
(Rev. 3/03)
Figure 5
(Rev. 3/03)
(Rev. 3/03)