This document outlines the syllabus for an Android training course. The course covers 15 chapters on developing Android applications, including introductions to the Android platform, building basic apps, activities and UI design, integrating features like intents, files and databases, location services, background services, multimedia, telephony and more advanced topics like Bluetooth, sensors and rich user interfaces. Each chapter provides learning objectives and overviews for key Android development concepts and APIs covered.
This document outlines the syllabus for an Android training course. The course covers 15 chapters on developing Android applications, including introductions to the Android platform, building basic apps, activities and UI design, integrating features like intents, files and databases, location services, background services, multimedia, telephony and more advanced topics like Bluetooth, sensors and rich user interfaces. Each chapter provides learning objectives and overviews for key Android development concepts and APIs covered.
This document outlines the syllabus for an Android training course. The course covers 15 chapters on developing Android applications, including introductions to the Android platform, building basic apps, activities and UI design, integrating features like intents, files and databases, location services, background services, multimedia, telephony and more advanced topics like Bluetooth, sensors and rich user interfaces. Each chapter provides learning objectives and overviews for key Android development concepts and APIs covered.
This document outlines the syllabus for an Android training course. The course covers 15 chapters on developing Android applications, including introductions to the Android platform, building basic apps, activities and UI design, integrating features like intents, files and databases, location services, background services, multimedia, telephony and more advanced topics like Bluetooth, sensors and rich user interfaces. Each chapter provides learning objectives and overviews for key Android development concepts and APIs covered.
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Syllabus: Android Training Course
Chapter 1: Introduction to Android
o o o o o o o o o o o A little Background about mobile technologies Android An Open Platform for Mobile development Native Android Application Android SDK Features Open Handset Alliance What does Android run On? Why Develop for Mobile? Why develop for Android? Android Development Framework Android Application Architechture Android Libraries
Chapter 2: Developing for Android: Your First Android application
o o o o o o Developing for Android First Android application Using Eclipse Running and Debugging Developing for mobile devices Android development Tools
Chapter 3: Android Applications and Activities
o o o o o o o Creating Application and Activities Application Manifest Introduction Android Application Life Cycle Application Priority and process states Externalizing resources Android Application Class Android Acivities
Android Training Course Syllabus
ipsr solutions ltd
Chapter 4: UI Design for Android
o o o o o o o Fundamental Android UI Design Introducing Views Introducing Layouts Creating new Views Drawable Resources Resolution and density independence Creating and Using menus
Chapter 5: Intents, Broadcast Receivers, Adapters and Internet
o o o o o o o Introducing Intents Intents and Intentfilters What are Pending Intents Adapters Using Internet Resources Introducing Dialogs Creating an Earthquake Viewer
Chapter 6: Files, Saving States and Preferences
o o o o o o o o o o Saving Application Data Creating and saving preferences Retreiving shared preferences Creating a settings Activity for an earthquake viewer Introducing the preference Activity and preference Framework Creating a standard preference activity Saving Activity State Saving and Loading Files Including static files as Resources File management tools
Chapter 7: Database and Content Providers
o o o o o o o o Introducing Android Databases Introducing SQLite Cursors and content values Working with SQLite Database Creating new content Provider Using Content providers Creating and Using EarthQuake content provider Native Android Content provider ipsr solutions ltd
Android Training Course Syllabus
Chapter 8: Maps, Geocoding , Location Based Services
o o o o o o o o o Using Location based Services Configuring Emulator to test Location based Services Updating Locations in Emulator Location Providers Selecting a location provider Finding your location Using proximity Alerts Using a geo coder Creating Map based Activity Mapping EarthQuakes Example
Chapter 9: Working in background
o o o o o Introducing Services Using background Threads Lets make a toast Introducing Notifications Using Alarms
Chapter 10: Invading the Phone Top
o o o o o o Home Screen widgets App widgets Earthquake widget example Live Folders Adding Search to your Application and a quick search box Creating Live wallpaper
Chapter 11: Audio, Video, Using Camera
o o o o o Playing Audio and Video Recording Audio and Video Using Camera and taking pictures Adding new media to media store Raw Audio Manipulation
Android Training Course Syllabus
ipsr solutions ltd
Chapter 12: Telephony and SMS
o o o o o o o o o Telephony Reading Phone device details Reading Sim Details Incoming and outgoing call monitoring Tracking Service Change Introducing SMS and MMS Sending SMS and MMS Sending SMS messages manually Emergency responder
Chapter 13: Bluetooth , Network and WiFi
o o o Using Bluetooth Managing Network Connectivity Managing WiFi
Chapter 14: Sensors
o o o Using Sensors and Sensor Manager Interpreting sensor values Using Compass, Accelerometer and orientation services Controlling Device Vibration
Chapter 15: Advanced Android Development
o o o o o o Paranoid Android Using wake Locks Introducing Android Text to speech Using AIDL to support IPC for services Using Internet Services Building Rich User Interface