ID Fan Boiler
ID Fan Boiler
ID Fan Boiler
ByK.K.PARTHIBAN,BoilerConsultantVenusEnergyAuditSystemEmail Today many Boiler users are quite knowledgeable, to buy a boiler with high heat transfersurfacesata competitive price. After installation suddenly they are perplexed why the boiler does not generate the required steam to meet the process demand. Sometimes the problems are related to fan and the draft systemdesign. Authorwishestosharehisdesignandtroubleshootingexperienceforthebenefitofboilerusersandthe boilermakers.Inthisarticlethecasestudiesarepresented. CASE1 The boiler was a 30 TPH bagasse fired one. In this installation two 60 % capacity ID fans were provided. Both ID fans had to be kept in operation to meet the steam demand. The furnace draftwas inadequate.Therewas lotofbackfiringwhenevertheboiler loadwasincreasedbeyondapoint.TheID fan inlet ducting arrangement was provided as shown in figure 1. The pressure drops were checked alongtheFluegaspathandfoundtobeOKasperdesign. It was doubted that there could be interrupted gas flow, as the gas had to split into two streams in opposite directions. Hence a partition plate was introduced in the inlet ducting as shown. And it worked. The smooth flow of gas in to the ID fan inlet now ensured the design performance of the ID fans. CASE2 The boiler was provided with a high pressure FD fan to meet the combustion air requirement of a 30 TPH FBC boiler. Client reported problem of noise & vibration from the FDfanparticularlyatpartially loaded condition. FAN vendor could not resolve theproblem.Thesoundcouldbeheardatthefactory entrancewhichwasnearlyhalfakilometerawayfromtheboilerhouse. Onacloseinspectionoftheinlet guide vane (IGV), it was observed that the IGV would induce a swirl motion to the entering air in a direction opposite to that ofFanrotation.The linkageswereremovedandtheIGVwastotallymodified so that the rotation of swirl was in the same direction to that of FAN. Incidentally the Fan vendorhad triedjustreversingtheIGV.Thiswouldnotchangetheswirldirection. TheproblemwassolvedaftertheturbulencecreatedbytheIGVwasremoved.Seefigure2. CASE3 Theboilerwasprovidedwithafluidizedbedcombustor.Thecapacityoftheboilerwas6tph.TheFD fanwasnotdevelopingtherequiredhead.Thebedcouldnotbefluidizedundercoldcondition.
Client had planned for replacement of FD fan. Yet it was felt that the problem could be related to obstruction at Fan mouth. The FD fan was provided with a circular damper as shown in figure 3. The fan was too small to provide an Inlet guide vane. The FD fan inlet damper was too close to the Fan inlet. As such the FD fan entryvelocitiesarekeptashighas25m/sbyfanvendors.Itisverynecessary tohaveaproperinletsystem,whichwouldensureafreeuninterruptedflowtotheeyeontheimpeller.
A small length of duct wasprovidedinbetweentheDamperandtheFan.Thefanservedits purpose.It is necessary tocheckthevelocityattheinletflangeoffanandprovidenecessarytransitiontoreducethe velocityandthusthedamperdraftloss. CASE4 In this case the fan assembled by the vendor was wrong there was no overlapping of the Inlet mouthpiece in to the Impeller. This overlapping is very important to realize the design performance of the Fan. Recirculation of air / gas is reduced by the overlap. The overlap was provided and the fan proveditscapacity. CASE5 It was a case again related to improper assembly. There was excess overlapping and the impeller had been placed much forward than what was designed. Some manufacturers do specify the back plateto impellerclearance.Sincethiswasashopassembledfanfromvendor, thisinformationwasnot available. Once the impeller was pulled out,keepingaminimumoverlappingbetweenimpellerandinlet mouth,the problem got solved. Innarrowwidthimpellersthiswouldbea commonproblem.Whenthemouthpiece is projected too much inside, the full impeller width is not utilized and hence both volume handled and headdevelopedwillbelow. CASE6 There were 5 x 35 TPH boilers with this client. The client had complained that the boilerperformance was OK for the four years. Later on the boiler never generated rated steam capacity. The entire flue path was checked for any airingress.Theleakageswerearrested.Yettherewasashortfallincapacity. The ID fan was opened and inspected. It was found that the portion of inlet mouthpiece was cut and removed. On inquiry with maintenance staff,itwaslearntthatthishadtobedoneforreplacementofID fanimpellersinallfiveboilers. It was true that the ducting system did not have any provision for removal arrangementof theimpeller. The suction ducting should have been provided with a spool piece or an expansion joint, to facilitate easyreplacementoftheimpeller. CASE7 Once a client owning a rice mill called up for solving his chimneyvibrationproblem.Notonlythat. The residents around the plant could not use their phone, as there wasnoiseinterference.Peoplewhohave thehabitofsleepingonfloorcomplainedthattheyhearhummingnoise. The problem boiled down to fan design. There is a minimum clearance to be maintained between the casing and the impeller at the cut off. When this is less, the fan develops high frequency air pulsation equal to no of blades multiplied by fan rpm. This high frequency noise had lead to chimney vibration.
The clearance at cut off was reduced and this solved not only the chimney vibration but also the nuisancetothesurroundingresidents.Seefigure5. CASE8 A common ducting arrangement followed by the boilermakers is shown in figure6.Inonecase, theID fan was mounted on concrete slab of the first floor. The ducting arrangementwasasshowninfigure6. The Client experienced vibration of the floor slab. He had procured a new ID fan from different manufacturer to solve the problem. The vibration continued. Client always blamed the vibration due to improperbalancing.TheIDfanwasbroughttogroundandrunwithoutanyconnectedductingon
suction side. Of course on the discharge side adamperwasputtoavoidoverloadingofthemotor.The fan ran smooth. Client realized thatthecirculardamperandthebendductinginfrontofthefanwerethe causes. The bend &damperhadpreventedthesmoothflowofgasintotheimpellereye.A suctionbox designwasadoptedasshowninfigure7,toremovethevibration. CONCLUSION The fan performance is linked to ducting system associated with it, both at suction side and discharge side. Improper ducting leads to poorperformanceoffan.Beforeweblameitontheboiler/combustor, acloserexaminationofductingsystemisrequired.