Automotive Chassis Design

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1. Why a clutch is needed in the driveline of an automobile? 2. List out the factors governing the torque transmission capacity of a dry fr iction clutch. 3. Name different types of gears used in automobile transmission and give thei r relative merits. 4. What are the differences between a constant mesh and sliding mesh gear trai n? 5. How are intermediate gears decided? 6. List out the various components of a clutch. 7. What are the materials for clutch lining? 8. Define the terms traction and tractive effort . 9.What is the condition for maximum traction? 10. Why is cone clutch more effective than single plate clutch? 11. Explain the difference between constant mesh gearbox and sliding mash gear b ox PART B 1.. Expalin the difference between centrifugal clutch and cone clutch. (8) 2. A single plate clutch is to have a maximum capacity of 56 KW at 1800r.p.m.The clutch facing has a coefficient of friction of 0.4 and permissible of 207 KPa. The c lutch is engaged through 12 springs. Determine. The diameters of the clutch facing, i f the inner diameter is 0.7 times the outer. Find also the spring force of each spring w hen the clutch is engaged. 3. A torque of 350 Nm is transmitted through a cone clutch having a mean diamet er of 300 mm and semi- cone angle of 150.the maximum normal pressure at the mean radius is 150 KN/m2.the coefficient of friction is 0.3 calculate the width of the contact surface. Also find the axial force to engage the clutch. 4. A gear box with three speeds forward and one reverse is to provide the speed reduction as follows. top 5.1 :1, intermediate 8.8:1, low 16.5:1, reverse 19.8:1 with a reduction5.1:1. at the rear axle. Assuming that the smallest pinion has not less than 15 than and speed of the lay shaft half that of main driving shaft , find the suitable number of teeth of different wheels.

5. A centrifugal clutch is to transmit 15 KW at 900 r.p.m the shoes four in nu mber. The speed at which the engagement begins is th of the running speed. The inside radius of the pulley rim is 150 mm and the centre of gravity of the shoe li es at 120mm from the centre of the spider. The shoes are lined with ferrodo for which t he coefficient of friction may be taken as 0.25 determine: 1. mass of the shoes, and 2. size of the shoes, if angle subtended by the shoes at the centre of the spider is 60 0 and the pressure exerted on the shoes is 0.1 N/mm2.

6 Explain the difference between constant mesh gearbox and sliding mash gear box 7 A single plate clutch is to have a maximum capacity of 60 KW at 1900 r.p.m. The clutch facing has a coefficient of friction of 0.4 and permissible stress o f 209 KPa . The clutch is engaged through 12 springs. Determine. The diameters of the c lutch facing, if the inner diameter is 0.8 times the outer. Find also the spring force of each spring when the clutch is engaged. 8 . A torque of 400 Nm is transmitted through a cone clutch having a mean diamet er of 350 mm and semi- cone angle of 150.the maximum normal pressure at the mean radius is 160 KN/M 2 the coefficient of friction is 0.3 calculate the width of th e contact surface. Also find the axial force to engage the clutch. 9. d A gear box with three speeds forward and one reverse is to provide the spee

Reduction as follows. Top 5.1:1, intermediate 8.8:1, low 16.5:1, reverse 1 9.8:1 with a reduction 5.5:1 at the rear axle. Assuming that the smallest pinion has not less than 15 than and speed of the lay shaft half that of main driving shaft, f ind the suitable number of teeth of different wheels. 10. A centrifugal clutch is to transmit 18 KW at 950 r.p.m the shoes four in num ber. The Speed at which the engagement begins is th of the running speed. The insid e radius of the pulley rim is 160 mm and the centre of gravity of the shoe lies at 130 mm from The centre of the spider. The shoes are lined with ferrodo for which the c

oefficient of friction may be taken as 0.25 determine: 1. mass of the shoes, and 2. size of the shoes, if angle subtended by the shoes at the centre of the spider is 60 0 and the pressure exerted on the shoes is 0.2 N/mm2.

11. Calculate them maximum bending moment and maximum section modulus for the side member of vehicle frame having channel section and the following par ticulars Wheel base =180 cm Overall length =360 cm Equal over hang on either side 270 Kgf acting 45 cm in front of front axle 180 Kgf acting at 45 cm behind front axle 180 Kgf acting at 45 cm in front of rear axle 67.5 Kgf acting at 45 cm behind the rear axle In addition there is a uniformly distributed load of 1.75 Kgf/cm run over the entire length of the frame. Assume dynamic stress in twice as that of static stre ss. 12. A semi elliptical leaf spring of a vehicle as leaves of 75 mm width an 10 m m thickness with an effective length of 900 mm. If the stress is not to ex ceed 220 725 Kpa when a spring is loaded to 4905 N, estimate the required number and spring deflection under load. If the spring is just flat under the load find it s initial radius of curvature. Take E = 196.2 X 106 Kpa. 13. The load distribution between the front and rear axle of a motor vehicle we ighing 1350 Kgf is 48% load to the front axle and the remaining to the rear. The front wheel track is 140 cm and the distance between the spring pads is 66 cm. Design a suitable for I- section for a axle beam assuming the width of flange and its thick ness are 0.6 and 0.2 of the overall depth of the section. The thickness of the web is 0.25 of the width of the flange. Assume a working stress of 915 Kgf/cm2 14. The wheel base and wheel track of a motor car are 284 cm and 142cm respecti vely. The kingpins are 127 cm apart and the angle between the track arm and the longitudinal axis of the car in the straight ahead position is 20. Find th e turning circle radius of car. 15. A car pivot pins 1.14 m apart, the length of each track arms is 0.1525 m an d the track rod behind the axle is 1.04 m long. Determine the wheelbase for true roll ing of all

wheels when the inner wheel stub axle is at 55 to the centre time of the car. 16. An automobile engine develops 30 kw at 1500 r.p.m and its bottom gear ratio is 3.06. It a propeller shaft of 40 mm outside diameter is to be used, assuming a safe shear stress of 55 X 103 kPa for the mild steel

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