Muscular System Lab 2007 Answer Sheet

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Muscular System Tour Lab

Name ___________________ Hour _______

3 Types of Muscle
Identify the three types of muscle from the diagram:

Skeletal Muscle
Move your bones. Voluntary (___________) Over _______________ Draw the skeletal

Muscular System
There are more than _____ muscles in the Human Body!!! Muscles are: Needed for _________________________________ Needed for _________________________________ Needed for _________________________________ Needed for _________________________________ Needed for _________________________________




Long _______________

muscle on high power. Label striations.





Smooth Muscle
The muscle of ________ Involuntary (__________) Contract ____________ Can remain______________ Usually_______________________________

Anatomy of a Muscle
Bone Tendon Myofibril Cell Nuclei Fascicle Body of Muscle
fill in the chart

Cardiac Muscle
The muscle of the heart. Involuntary (_________) Works _______________ Strongest ____________ Draw the cardiac

No stripes (striations)

muscle on high power. Only ______________________________ Some_______________________________

A.D.A.M. Video clip: Exercise

Type of Muscle
Walls of body organs (stomach and intestines

Muscle Fiber Which of these (above) is the muscle cell?

A.D.A.M. Video clip: Skeletal Muscle Which is larger, a muscle fascicle or a muscle fiber?

Where found

Voluntary / Involuntary

A.D.A.M. Video clip: Exercise

Weightlifting, pushups, and sprinting are forms of anaerobic/aerobic exercise? (circle one) Muscles fatigue (get tired) fastest with anaerobic/aerobic exercise? (circle one)

Attached to bones

Which is larger, a muscle fiber or a myofibril?

Muscular System Tour Lab

page 2

How a Muscle Works

A skeletal muscle works by __________. The muscle can shorten as much as _______________. Each muscle cell is made up of smaller _____________. The __________ are in contact with a nerve ending. The nerve releases a chemical called a _____________. The __________ stimulates the entire muscle to contract. Label the parts of the diagram.

Muscle to Tendon to Bone

Tendons attach ________ to ________.

Label the two diagrams: Ligament, Tendons, Bone

Opposites Contract and relax

Muscles work in ________. While one muscle in the pair contracts the other must _________.

Muscle Fatigue Weight Lifting

How long did you hold the book before fatigue got the better of you? ________ minutes ________ seconds Which arm felt the fatigue the most? (straight out or by your side) Which muscles experienced the most fatigue? (circle one) a)biceps b)triceps c)deltoids d)pectoralis major

Label all parts of the diagram

Hint: you may want to check the stations with the labeled muscles

Muscle Fatigue Too Tired to Sit

How long did you sit before your legs started to burn like crazy? __________ minutes __________ seconds

Muscle Fatigue To Beat or Not to Beat

How is your heart (cardiac) muscle different from your arm (skeletal) muscle? (just compare how tired your arm got doing the work of the heart)

How did it feel to try to walk right after sitting against the wall? Does cardiac muscle experience fatigue? The funny feeling in your legs is called muscle fatigue. Fatigue is caused by a buildup of __________ __________ in the muscle. So, about how long did you live, anyway?? _____ minutes Does skeletal muscle experience fatigue?

Muscular System Tour Lab

page 3

Muscle Fatigue Get a Grip

What happened to the paper clip even when you kept your hand steady? What caused this? Hint: read the introduction

Muscle Fatigue Clothespin Calisthenics

How many times did you squeeze the clothespin the first one minute? _______ How many times did you squeeze the clothespin the second one minute? ______ The soreness in your and arm is called muscle fatigue. Fatigue is caused by a buildup of ________ _________ in your muscles.
Hint: read the introduction

Why did you feel fatigue in your forearm rather than your fingers?

Making a Temporary Muscle Slide (from Dead Meat)

What are striations? Did you see striations in your slide? Draw your slide here (high power). Label striations.
Have your teacher check your slide and sign here. Teacher Signature ___________________

Describe the feeling of having your muscles artificially stimulated?

Ligaments hold bones together

How many ligaments are shown in the labeled diagram? ____________
Hint: you will need to count the ligaments in the diagram (not bone or tendon)

In this diagram, label these ligaments: Anterior tibiofibular ligament Dorsal talonavicular ligament Dorsal tarsometatarsal ligament

Muscular System Tour Lab

page 4

The Muscles a front view

Label all

The Muscles a back view

Label all

Ligament of wrist


Label: place the letter next

to the name. Gluteus maximus Latissimus dorsi Pectoralis major

Hamstring Tendon

Gastrocnemius Muscles to fingers Triceps Brachioradialis Deltoid Biceps Exterior oblique Gluteus medius

Use your front view and back view diagrams to label these muscles

Muscular System Tour Lab

page 5

The Head

The Anterior Body

Muscle Tutorial m

Or just go to the Label and color these muscles of the Anterior Label and color these muscles of the head: (you can draw arrows) Sternocleidomastoid Obicularis Oculi Obicularis Oris Zygomaticus Masseter Trapezius Frontalis body: Pectoralis major Serratus anterior Deltoid Rectus Abdominus External oblique Biceps brachii Brachialis Triceps brachii Latissimus dorsi

Human Biology/Links
page of our science website ( and click on the

Muscle Tutorial link.

Posterior Shoulder


The Posterior Body

The Thigh/Leg

Infraspinatus Supraspinatus Teres minor Teres major Label and color these muscles of the Thigh/Leg: (you can draw arrows)

Anterior Shoulder
Subscapularis Coracobrachialis Supraspinatus

Label and color these muscles of the Posterior body: (you can draw arrows) Deltoid Trapezius Latissimus dorsi Gluteus medius Gluteus maximus Infraspinatus Teres major Triceps brachii

Vastus medialis Vastus lateralis Satorius Adductor longus Adductor mangus Gracilis Rectus femoris Gastrocnemius Soleus Tibialis anterior

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