LINQ (Language Integrated Query) : From in Select

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LINQ (Language Integrated Query) It is a new Query language that has been designed in .NET3.

5 version near identical to SQL which is used for queering on Relational Databases. 'Linq' is designed in .NET for queering on various objects like Arrays, Collections, SqlServer database, Entities and XML.

'Linq' comes in 4 different parts. 1) Linq to Collections. 2) Linq to Sql 3) Linq to Entities 4) Linq to XML

1) Linq to Collections: - This is specially designed to query on Arrays & Collections by treating them like tables to search as well as sort the data present under them.

To query on a collection or an Array we use the following statement.

from <alias> in <coll | array> [<clauses>] select <alias>

A Linq query resembles a traditional SQL query with some minor differences. In case of Collection we will not be having any column names like a table. So in the query where column name is required in that place we need to use 'alias' name of collection. To use 'Linq' in your class we need to import the namespace "System.Linq".

* Add a class "Class5.cs" and write the following.

class Class5 { static void Main() { List<int> li = new List<int>() { 23, 67, 10, 91, 83, 43, 5, 38, 27, 52, 49, 96, 18, 9, 24, 36, 27 }; var coll = from i in li where i > 40 orderby i descending select i; foreach (int x in coll) Console.Write(x + " "); Console.ReadLine (); } } Note: - A 'Linq' to collection query when executed will return us the values in the form of a new collection which can be collected using the feature implicitly typed variables and Arrays. * Add a class "Class6.cs" and write the following. class Class6 { static void Main() { List<string> ls = new List<string> { "Red", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow", "White", "Black", "Pink", "Brown" }; //var coll = from s in ls where s.Length == 5 select s; //var coll = from s in ls where s.StartsWith ("B") select s; //var coll = from s in ls where s.EndsWith ("e") select s; //var coll = from s in ls where s.IndexOf ("e") != -1 select s; var coll = from s in ls where s.Substring (1, 1) == "e" select s; foreach (string str in coll) Console.Write (str + " "); Console.ReadLine (); } }

Note: - While writing Queries in Sql to retrieve the data from tables we depend upon pre-defined Sql functions whereas while writing Queries in 'Linq' in place of pre-defined Sql functions we consume 'Base Class Library' functions with support of intellisense.

2. LINQ to SQL Probably the biggest and most exciting addition to the .NET Framework 3.5 is the addition of the .NET language integrated Query Framework (LINQ) into C#3.0. Basically, what LINQ provides is a lightweight facade over programmatic data integration. This is such a big deal because data is King. Pretty much every application deals with data in same manner, whether that data comes from memory, databases, XML files, text files, or something else. Many developers find it very difficult to move from the strongly typed object-oriented world of C# to the data tier where objects are second-class citizens. The transition from the one world to the next was a kludge at best and was full of error-prone actions. In C#, programming with objects means a wonderful strongly typed ability to work with code. You can navigate very easily through the namespaces; work with a debugger in the Visual Studio IDE, and more. However, when you have to access data, you will notice that things are dramatically different. You end up in a world that is not strongly typed, where debugging is a pain or even non-existent, and you end up spending most of the time sending strings to the database as commands. As a developer, you also have to be aware of the underlying data and how it is. Microsoft has provided LINQ as a lightweight facade that provides a strongly typed interface to the underlying data stores. LINQ provides the means for developers to stay within the coding environment they are used to and access the underlying data as objects that work with the IDE, Intellisense, and even debugging. With LINQ, the queries that you create now become firstclass citizens within the .NET Framework alongside everything else you are used to. When you work with Queries for the data store you are working with, you will quickly realize that they

now work and behave as if they are types in the system. This means that you can now use any .NET-complaint language and query the underlying data stores as you never have before.

LINQ to SQL and Visual Studio LINQ to SQL in particular is a means to have a strongly typed interface against a SQL Server database. You will find the approach that LINQ to SQL provides is by far the easiest approach to the querying SQL Server available at the moment. It is not just simply about querying single tables within the database. LINQ will use the relations of the tables and make the query on your behalf. LINQ will query the database and load up the data for you to work with from your code (again strongly typed). It is important to remember that LINQ to SQL is not only about querying data, but you are also able to perform Insert/Update/Delete statements that you need to perform which are known as CRUD operations (Create/Read/Update/Delete). Visual Studio comes into strongly play with LINQ to SQL in that you will find an extensive user interface that allows you to design the LINQ to SQL classes you will work with. To Start using LINQ to SQL first open a new Windows Project naming it as "LINQ", then open the Server Explorer and create a new table under our "CSharp6DB" database naming the table as "Customer" with following Columns and also store some initial data in it: Custid (int) [PK] Cname (Varchar) City (Varchar) Balance (Money)

Adding a LINQ to SQL Class When working with LINQ to SQL one of the big advantages you will find is the Visual Studio does as outstanding job of making it as easy as possible. Visual Studio provides an objectrelational mapping designer, called the O/R designer, which allows you to visually design the objects to database mapping. Note: - Object Relational Mapping is a process of converting Relational Types (Tables, Columns, Stored Procedures etc) into Object Oriented Types (Classes, Properties, Methods etc)

To start this task, right click on LINQ Project in 'Solution Explorer' and select 'Add New Item' from the provided menu. From the items in the add new item dialog, you will find LINQ to SQL Classes as an option. Because in this example we are using 'CSharpDB' database, name the file as "CSharpDB.dbml" (Database Markup Language). Click the Add button, and you will see that this operation creates a couple of files for you under the project after adding the "CSharpDB.dbml" file. Under the '.dbml' file we will find 2 components and also some references required get added (CSharpDB.dbml.layout and CSharpDB.designer.cs).

Introducing the O/R Designer Another big addition to the IDE that appeared when you added the LINQ to SQL class to your project was a Visual representation of the '.dbml' file. The new O/R Designer is made up of two parts. The first part is for data classes, which can be database, tables, associations and inheritances. Dragging such items on this surface will give you a visual representation of the object that can be worked with. The second part (on the right) is for methods, which map to the stored procedures and functions within a database.

Note: - When viewing your '.dbml' file within the O/R Designer, you will also have an Object Relational Designer set of controls in the Visual Studio toolbox.

Creating the Customer Object For this example, you want to work with the Customer table from the database, which means that you are going to create a Customer table that will use LINQ to SQL to map to this table. Accomplishing this task is simply a matter of opening up a view of the tables contained within the database from the Server Explorer dialog within Visual Studio and dragging and dropping the Customer table onto the design surface of the O/R Designer in Left Hand Side which will prompt with a window select 'Yes' in it. With this action, a bunch of code is added to the 'designer.cs' file under the '.dbml' file on your behalf. These classes will give you a strongly typed access to the Customer table. Let us have a look into code added in the 'designer.cs' file where you will find a set of classes in it CSharpDBDataContent & Customer. CSharpDBDataContext is an object of type DataContext.

Basically, you can view this as something that maps to a Connection type object. This object works with the connectionstring and connects to the database for any required operations when we create object of the class. Eg: - CSharpDBDataContext dc=new CSharpDBDataContext () DataContext class also provides other methods like 'CreateDatabase', 'DeleteDatabase', 'GetTable', 'ExecuteCommand', 'ExecuteQuery', 'SubmitChanges' etc... Using which we can perform action directly on the database. Customer is the class that represents your table Customer and this class provides required properties mapping with the columns of table and also contains a set of methods 'DeleteOnSubmit', 'InsertOnSubmit', 'GetModifiedMembers', 'SingleOrDefault' etc for performing CRUD operations on table.

*Place a DataGridView on the first form of Project, change the name of DataGridView as 'dgView' and write the following code.

using System.Data.Linq;

Under Form Load: CSharpDBContext dc=new CSharpDBContext (); Table<Customer> tab=dc.GetTable<Customer> (); dgView.DataSource=tab;

Note: - In this case, the 'DataContext' object is used to connect with CSharpDB database and then the 'GetTable' method is used to populate the Table class of type Customer.

*Take a new form and design it as following.

Declarations: CSharpDBDataContext dc; List<Customer> cust; int rno=0;

Under Form Load: dc =new CSharpDBDataContext (); cust=dc.GetTable<Customer>().ToList();

ShowData ();

private void ShowData() { textBox1.Text=cust [rno].Custid.ToString (); textBox2.Text=cust [rno].Cname; textBox3.Text=cust [rno].City; textBox4.Text=cust [rno].Balance.ToString (); }

Under Prev Button: if (rno>0) { rno -=1; ShowData (); } else MessageBox.Show ("First Record of the table","Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessagBoxIcon.Information);

Under Prev Button: if (rno>0) { rno -=1;

ShowData (); } else MessageBox.Show ("First Record of the table","Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessagBoxIcon.Information);

*In the Next Example we have to use 'Insert', 'Update', 'Delete' methods, so we have to know how to use them in LINQ. Steps for Inserting: 1. Create the object of class (Table) into which we want to Insert a record where each object is a record. 2. Referring to properties of object assign the values, as we are aware a property is a column. 3. Call 'InsertOnSubmit' method on DataContext object referring to records (Customers) of table that adds record to the table in a pending state. 4. Call 'SubmitOnChanges' method on DataContext object for committing the changes to Database server.

Steps for Updating: 1. Identify the record that has to be updated by calling 'SingleOrDefault' method on DataContext object referring to the records (Customers). 2. Re-assign values to properties so that old values gets changed to new values. 3. Call 'SubmitOnChanges' method.

Steps for Deleting: 1. Identify the record that has to be deleted same as in update.

2. Call 'DeleteOnSubmit' method on DataContext object referring to the records (Customers) that deletes the record from table in a pending state. 3. Call 'SubmitOnChanges' method.

*Create 2 new Forms as following, change the DataGridView name as dgView and also set its 'ReadOnly' property as 'true'. In second form change the modifier of 4 textbox's, Save & Clear button's as 'Internal'.

Code under First Form Declarations:

CSharpDBDataContext dc; private void LoadData() { dc=new CSharpDBDataContext(); dgView.DataSource=dc.GetTable<Customer> (); }

Under Form Load: LoadData ();

Under Insert button: Form4 f=new Form4 (); f.btnSave.Text="Insert"; f.ShowDialog (); LoadData ();

Under Update Button: if(dgView.SelectedRows.Count>0) { Form4 f=new Form4 (); f.textBox1.Text=dgView.SelectedRows [0].Cells [0].Value.ToString (); f.textBox1.ReadOnly=true; f.textBox2.Text=dgView.SelectedRows [0].Cells [1].Value.ToString (); f.textBox3.Text=dgView.SelectedRows [0].Cells [2].Value.ToString ();

f.textBox4.Text=dgView.SelectedRows [0].Cells [3].Value.ToString (); f.btnSave.Text="Update"; f.btnClear.Enabled=false; f.ShowDialog (); LoadData (); } else MessageBox.Show ("Select a record for updating","Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

Under Delete Button: if(dgView.SelectedRows.Count>0) { if (MessageBox.Show("Do you wish to delete the record?","Confirmation",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,MessageBoxIcon.Question)==DialogResult. Yes) { int custid=Convert.ToInt32(dgView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value); Customer obj=dc.Customers.SingleOrDefault(C => C.Custid == custid); dc.Customers.DeleteOnSubmit (obj); dc.SubmitChanges (); LoadData (); } } else

MessageBox.Show ("Select a record for deleting","Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

Code Under Second Form: Under Save Button: CSharpDBDataContext dc=new CSharpDBDataContext (); if(btnSave.Text=="Insert") { Customer obj=new Customer (); obj.Custid=int.Parse (textBox1.Text); obj.City=textBox3.Text; obj.Balance=decimal.Parse (textBox4.Text); dc.Customers.InsertOnSubmit (obj); dc.SubmitChanges (); btnClear.PerformClick (); MessageBox.Show ("Record added to database table","Information", MessageBoxbuttons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { Customers obj=dc.Customers.SingleOrDefault(C => C.Custid == int.Parse (textBox1.Text)); obj.Cname=textBox2.Text; obj.City=textBox3.Text; obj.Balance=decimal.Parse (textBox4.Text);

MessageBox.Show ("Record modified under database table","Informatino", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }

Under Clear Button: textBox1.Text=textBox2.Text=textBox3.Text=textBox4.Text=""; textBox1.Focus ();

Calling Stored Procedures through LINQ If we want to call any Stored Procedure of Sql Server Database using LINQ we need to first drag and drop the Stored Procedure on Right Hand Side panel of OR-Designer, so that it gets converted into a method under DataContext class with same name of the procedure. If the Stored Procedure has any parameters those parameters will be defined for the method also, where input parameters of procedure becomes input parameters and output parameters of procedure becomes 'ref' parameters of the method. For example if the below Stored Procedure was dropped on Right Hand Side panel of OR-Designer: Create Procedure Add (@x int, @y int, @z int output) The method gets created as following: public int Add(int? x,int? y,ref int? z) If the Stored Procedure contains Insert or Update or Delete or has any output parameters in such case the return type of method will be 'int', where as if the Stored Procedure has any

select statements in it that returns tables as result then the return type of method will be a 'ResultSet'(Collection of Tables).

Now drag and drop 'Employee_GetSal' procedure we have created earlier on the OR-Designer, create a new form as below and write the following code.

Under the Execute Button: CSharpDBDataContext dc=new CSharpDBDataContext (); decimal? sal=null, pf=null, pt=null, nsal=null; int stat=dc.Employee_GetSal(int.Parse(textBox1.Text), ref sal, ref pf, ref pt, ref nsal); textBox2.Text=sal.ToString (); textBox3.Text=pf.ToString (); textBox4.Text=pt.ToString (); textBox5.Text=nsal. ToString ();

Querying data from tables using LINQ to SQL: We can query and retrieve data from tables(s) using a query statement that should be as following.

from <alias> in <table> [<clauses>] select <alias> | new {list of columns}

Now drag and drop the 'Emp' and 'Dept' tables on Left Hand Side of OR-Designer, create a new form as following under the 'ComboBox' add a list of jobs using 'items' collection property.

Declarations: CSharpDBDataContext dc;

Under Form Load: dc=new CSharpDBDataContext(); dgView.DataSource=from E in dc.Emps select E;

Under ComboBox SelectedIndexChanged: dgView.DataSource=from E in dc.Emps where E.Job==comboBox1.Text select E;

Under Button1: dgView.DataSource=from E in dc.Emps where E.Sal > 3500 select E;

Under Button2: dgView.DataSource=from E in dc.Emps orderby E.Sal select E;

Under Button3: dgView.DataSource=from E in dc.Emps orderby E.Sal descending select E;

Under Button4: dgView.DataSource=from E in dc.Emps select new {E.Empno, E.Ename, E.Job, E.Sal, E.Deptno};

Under Button5: dgView.DataSource=from E in dc.Emps group E by E.Deptno into G select new {Deptno=G.Key, Count=G.Count ()};

Under Button6:

dgView.DataSource=from E in dc.Emps group E by E.Job into G select new {Job=G.Key, Count = G.Count ()};

Under Button7: dgView.DataSource=from E in dc.Emps group E by E.Deptno into G select new {Deptno=G.Key, MaxSal=G.Max (E=>E.Sal)};

Under Button8: dgView.DataSource=from E in dc.Emps group E by E.Deptno into G select new {Job=G.Key, MinSal=G.Min (E=>E.Sal)};

Under Button9: dgView.DataSource=from E in dc.Emps join D in dc.Emps on E.Deptno equals D.Deptno select new {E.Empno, E.Job, E.Sal, D.Deptno, D.Dname, D.Loc};

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