Chapter 13
Chapter 13
Chapter 13
Direct time study, also known as stopwatch time study, involves the direct and continuous observation of a task using a stopwatch or other timekeeping device to record the time taken to accomplish a task. While observing and recording the time, an appraisal of the workers performance level is made. These data base are then used to compute a standard time for the task, adding an allowance for personal time, fatigue, and delays. Direct time study was the first work measurement technique to be used, dating back to around 1883 (Historical note 1.1). It is inextricably connected with the origins of industrial engineering. Computerized techniques have improved the accuracy and application speed of direct time study as well as the database management functions that support it. The use of direct time study is most appropriate for tasks that involve a repetitive work cycle, at least a portion of which is manual. This kind of work is common in batch and mass manufacturing. Also, standard for routine office work can often be established using direct time study. Performing a direct time study is time-consuming and is therefore best justified when the job will have a relatively long production run, and/or there will be repeated orders in the future. A limitation of this work measurement technique is that it cannot be used to set a time standard prior to the start of production.
13.1.1 Define and document the standard method Before defining and documenting the standard method, a methods engineering study should be undertaken to ensure that the standard method obeys the one best method principle-the best method that can be devised under the present economic and technological circumstances. All of the steps in the method should be defined. Any special tools, gauges, or equipment that can improve the task should be designed and included in the method. If there are irregular elements in the work cycle, the frequency with which these elements are to be performed should be stated explicitly. If the labor-management climate in the facility allows, the workers advice and opinion should be sought in developing the standard method. Once the standard method has been defined, it should be difficult or impossible for the operator to make further improvements. The standard method should be thoroughly documented. The company should have forms and/or checklist to make certain that all information about the method is included. An example of a methods description form is shown in figure 13.1. The documentation should enumerate details about the procedure (hand and body motions), tools, equipment and the machine settings used for the equipment (e.g., feeds and speeds on machine tools), workplace layout, irregular work elements, working conditions, and setup (section 12.2.2). If there is a work unit associated with the task, then it should also be specified, both its starting and its completed conditions (section 12.2.3). A videotape (or other video medium) of the standard method can also be made as part of the documentation. This is especially helpful for complex tasks in which details of the method are difficult to explain in writing. There are several reasons why thorough documentation of the standard method is important: Batch production. If the task is associated with batch production, then it is likely to be repeated at some time in the future. The tine lapse may be significant between the previous batch and the next batch. A different worker may be assigned to perform the task on the next batch. The statement of the standard method provides the worker and the foreman with a complete description of the task and the procedure for doing it, as well as any tooling or equipment needed. This avoids reinventing wheel. Methods improvement by the operator. At some future time, the operator may discover a way to improve the method. A question then arises: should the methods improvement be incorporated into a new standard method (which would require a change in the standard time), or should the operator be allowed to benefit from the improvement without formally changing the standard
method? The typical labor-management contract only allows for retiming the task if it can be demonstrated that a real change in the method has been made. If the operator has indeed made a method improvement, this can be identified by comparing the method in use with the standard method description. Disputes about the method. If the operator complains that the standard for the task is too tight, or there is some other reason for a dispute about the standard method, documentation of the standard method can be used to settle the dispute. Perhaps the operator is using a lees efficient method than the standard method, or a certain hand tool that should be used in the operation has been neglected. These problems can be addressed by reference to the standard method documentation. Data of standard data systems. Time standard developed by direct time study are sometimes used in standard data systems (chapter 15). Good documentation of the standard method, especially regarding the work elements and associated normal times, is essential in developing the database for a standard data system.
13.1.2 Divide the task into work elements. Any task can be divided into work elements. A work element is a series of motion activities that are logically grouped together because they have a unified purpose in the task. The description of the standard method can be organized into work elements suitable for use in direct time study. Indeed, the most natural way to describe the standard method is often as a list of work elements. Some practical guidelines for defining work elements in direct time study are presented in table 13.1. An important reason for defining the work elements is that the worker may exhibit different performance levels on different elements. Accordingly, these performance levels are rated and recorded separately by the time study analyst. 13.1.3 Time the Work Elements Once the work elements have been defined, the analyst is ready to collect data. The time data are usually recorded on a time study form, similar to the once shown in figure 13.2. Space is provided for a listing of the work elements, which can be referenced to the more complete standard method documentation. Each element should be timed over several cycles to obtain a reliable average, and the form is designed for recording multiple cycles of the task. The appropriate number of cycles can be determined using the statistical techniques described in section 13.2. For the convenience of the analyst, the time study form is usually held in a special clipboard that also holds the stopwatch used in the study.
Table 13.1 Guidelines For Defining The Work Elements In Direct Time Study Guideline Explanation and Examples Each work element should consist of a logical The work element should have a unified group of motion elements. purpose, such as reaching for an object and moving it to a new location (e.g., reach, grasp, move, and place). There would be no purpose in separating the reach from the move motions since they both involve the same object. Beginning point of one element should be end There should be no gap between one element point of preceding element. and the next in the task sequence. Otherwise, the time of the gap is omitted from the recorded total time. Each element should have a readily identifiable A readily identifiable end point can be easily end point detected during the study. It can often be anticipated to allow reading of the watch more conveniently. An audible sound, such as the actuation of a pneumatic device, provides a readily identifiable end point. Work elements should not be too long. If a work element is very long (i.e., several minutes), it should probably be divided into multiple elements that are timed separately. Machine semiautomatic cycle time is an exception. Some machine cycles can take several minutes and should be identified as one element. Work elements should not be too short. A practical lower limit in direct tine study is around 3 sec. Below this, reading accuracy mas suffer. If a video camera is used for timing purposes, shorter elements may be possible Irregular work elements should be identified and Irregular elements are work elements that do distinguished from regular elements. not occur every cycle. The frequency with which they should be performed must be noted. The time(s) for the irregular element(s) are prorated across the regular work cycle when the standard time is computed. Manual elements should be separated from Manual elements depend on the operators machine elements. performance (pace) and therefore vary over time. Machine elements are generally constant values that depend on machine settings. Once the settings are established, the actuation time shows no perceptible variation. Internal elements should be separated from Internal elements are performed by the operator external elements during the machine cycle. In most cases, they do not affect the overall work cycle time. External elements are performed outside of the machine cycle. They contribute to the overall work cycle time.
There are several pieces of equipment that can be used to record the time for the work cycles. We describe the products in section 13.4. The traditional instrument in direct time study is the stopwatch, which is usually calibrated in decimal minutes. There are two principal methods for using a stopwatch in direct time study: (1) snapback timing method and (2) continuous timing method. In the snapback timing method, the watch is started at the beginning of every work element by snapping it back to zero at the end of the previous element. The reader must therefore note and record the final time for that element just as the watch is being zeroed. (Most stopwatches, especially electronic watches, have features that facilitate this reading.) In the continuous timing method, the watch is zeroed at the beginning of the first cycle and allowed to run continuously throughout the duration of the study. The analyst records the running time on the stopwatch at the duration of the study. The analyst records the running time on the stopwatch at the end of each respective element. Some analyst prefers to adapt the continuous method by zeroing at the beginning of each work cycle, so that the starting time of any given work cycle is always zero. This facilitates cycle-to-cycle comparisons during the study. There are two advantages to the snapback method: (1) the analyst can readily see how the element times vary from one cycle to the next, and (2) no subtraction is necessary, as in the continuous timing method, to obtain individual element times. The advantages of the continuous method include the following: (1) when the clock is continuously running, elements are not as easily omitted by mistake, (2) regular and irregular elements can be more readily distinguished, and (3) not as much manipulation of the stopwatch is required as in the snapback method.
Where Tn = normal time, min; T (obs) = observed time, min; and (PR) = performance rating, usually expressed as a percentage but used in the equation as a decimal fraction. The symbols Tn and T(obs) can be used to represent individual work elements or the entire work cycle, depending on how the data are taken and recorded.
Performance rating is the most difficult and controversial step in direct time study. The reason is that it requires the judgment of the analyst to assess the value of PR. The analysts judgment of standard performance may differ from that of the worker who is being observed. It is in the workers interest and advantage to be rated at a high performance level during the study, because that will mean that the normal time and ultimately the standard time for the task will be longer (resulting in a looser standard).thus, it will be easier for the worker to achieve a higher efficiency level as the job continues. This is especially important to the worker if he or she is paid on a wage incentive plan (Chapter 30). We consider performance rating and the issues surrounding it in section 13.3.
13.1.5 Apply Allowance to Compute Standard Time To obtain the standard time for the task, a PFD allowances is added to the normal time, as calculated in the following equation:
Where T(std)=standard time, min; Tn=normal time, min; and A(pfd)= allowance factor for personal time, fatigue, and delays. This is often expressed as a percentage but used as a decimal fraction in our equation. Allowances are discussed in section 12.3. The function of the allowance factor is to inflate the values of the standard time relative to the normal time in order to account for the various reasons why the operator loses time during the work shift. The allowance factor represents an average for the type of work, equipment, and conditions under which the operator works. Some days the worker may lose more time, other days less time, than what is provided by the allowance factor. In the long run it is intended to average out to a realistic value.
Example 13.1 determining a standard time for pure manual work A direct time study was taken on a manual work cycle using the snapback timing method. The regular work cycle consisted of three elements, identified as a, b, and c in the following table. Element d is an irregular element performed every 5 cycles. Observed times and performance ratings of the elements are also given. Determine (a) the normal time and (b) the standard time for the work cycle, using an allowance factor of 15%. Solution:
(a) The normal time for the cycle is obtained by multiplying the observed elements times by their respective performance ratings and summing. In the case of element, this normal time is prorated over 5 cycles. (pag 350) (b) the standard time is computed by adding the allowance. (pag 350)
If the task includes a machine cycle, then company policy may provide for a machine allowance factor (section 12.3.2) to be included in the standard time computation. The standard time equation becomes ( )
Where T(nw)= normal time of the worker external elements, min; Tm= machine cycle time, min; Am= machine allowance factor; and the other have the same meaning as before. If the company does not include a separate machine allowance, then Am=0 in the equation, or it uses the regular allowance A(pfd). Equation (13.3) assumes that there are no internal elements in the cycle. If the work cycle includes internal elements, then it must be determined whether the sum of the worker internal elements or the machine cycle time is larger in order to determine the normal time and the standard time. (Go example 13.2 pag 350)
All of these variations are manifested in the work element times recorded for the cycle. Performance rating is supposed to compensate for the last item, variations in worker pace. However, because performance rating requires judgment by the analyst, that also introduces error and a variation. For analysis purpose, we assume that the observed work element times are normally distributed about the true value of the work element time. For practical purposes, we identify the longest
work element in the cycle, or the most critical element (the one in whose accuracy we are most interested), as the element to focus on. Let us call this element time T(e). Our objective is to able to identify the true value of T(e) within a certain confidence interval. For example, we might state that we want to be 95% confident that the true value of T(e) lies within (+-)10% of the observed average value of the element time. Let us identify the average values simply as . This is illustrated in figure 13.3, which shows the distribution of observed time values taken during the time study. The area under the normal curve between 10% of represent the probability that the true value of element time T(e) lies within 10 of . The general statement of the confidence interval can be expressed as follows: ( ( ))
There are two difficulties with the preceding analysis: (1) we do not know the population standard deviation and (2) the sample size n that we are usually dealing with is relatively small. The standard deviation must be estimated from the sample itself, just as the mean (media) must be determined from the sample. The value of the sample standard deviation is given by (formula 13.5) When the population is less than 30 t distribution is used. Taking these adjustments into account, we can make the following confidence interval statement to replace equation (go equation 13.6). Our objective is to find the value of sample size n that will satisfy our specification of and interval size for the values of x and s that have been determined from the data collected. Let us express the interval size in more general terms: (pag 352 equation 13.6.1) Where k= a proportion that specifies the interval size (e.g., k=10% or 0.10). We will set that equal to (formula distribution t), from which the following can be established: Rearranging and soling for n, we have ( )
The time study analyst may wish to turn problem around; that is, to determine the size of the confidence interval at a certain desired confidence level, given that the observed times have already been recorded for a completed time study. This can be done using equation (13.8) but rearranging to solve for k. Notwithstanding the preceding statistical approach, the problem of determining how many work cycles should be timed often boils down to the practical issue of how much time can we afford to spend doing the time study. Certain observations are germane here: The statistical accuracy of the time data increases when more observations are taken. The equations tell us that. if the task being studied is an important one in the factory operations, then more time should be spent studying high production operations than low production operations. Shorter work cycles allow more cycles to be timed during the study. For work cycles under 1 minute, 30 or more cycles, fewer cycles can be included. For work cycles of 30 minutes, it may only be practical to observe six work cycles (which is 3 hours or more of time study observation). It is a judgment call by the time study departments as to the appropriate number of work cycles to be timed. The judgment attempts to balance the desire for statistical accuracy against the cost of the time study.
13.3 Performance Rating (356) Consistency among tasks. The performance rating systems should provide consistent rating from one task to another. A worker who is able to perform at 125% efficiency on one task should be able to achieve the same efficiency level on any other task. The performance rating used to establish the normal time is a key factor in obtaining this consistency among tasks. Consistency among analysts. The performance rating for a task should not depend on which time study analyst does the rating. Consistency within a group of time study analysts can be measured using the deviations of individual PR values about the group average. Niebel and Freivalds indicate that a deviation of +- 5% is considered adequate. Proper initial training and periodic refresher training for the analyst in a company should provide this is level of consistency. Easily to standard performance. The company should have a well-defined concept of standard performance. To the extent possible, this concept should be documented for reference by workers. Time study analysts should apply this definition when performance rating a task.
Machine-paced element rated at 100%. The operator has no control over machine paced elements and therefore deserves no performance rating for these elements. Any adjustment for machine-cycle elements should be done using a machine allowance when computing the standard time. Performance rating recorded during observation of task. The performance should not be rated and recorded afterward. Worker notification. At the conclusion of the time study observation session, the analyst should inform the worker of the performance rating that was observed. This sets a proper tone for the relationship between the two people. It puts pressure on the analyst to be as fair as possible in the rating process, and it allows the worker to express agreement or disagreement with the rating.