Esthers Square
Esthers Square
Esthers Square
12 inch square
Copyright 2003 Chris Simon
This pattern is published at
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H hook or size needed Ior gauge. First 4 rounds measure ap-
proximately 4 inches square.
Stitch Guide:
Nothing unusual in this square. Isn't that a treat?
Don't let the shape oI this square throw you oII. It doesn't actu-
ally become square until Round 12!
Variation: Try changing colors every two rows Ior a neat eIIect!
Rnd 1: Ch 6, dc in 6th ch Irom hook. (Ch 3, dc in same st)
twice. Ch 3, join with sl st in 3rd ch oI starting ch 6.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same st, (5 dc in next ch 3 sp, sc in next dc) 3
times. 5 dc in last ch 3 sp, join with sl st in starting sc. (One 5
dc group per side.)
Rnd 3: Ch 6 (counts as dc plus ch 3), (sc in in back loops only
oI 2nd, 3rd and 4th dc oI next 5 dc group), ch 3, dc in next sc.
# * (Ch 3, sc in back loops only oI 2nd, 3rd and 4th dc oI next 5
dc group). Ch 3, # dc in next sc. Repeat Irom * two times, then
Irom # to # once. Join with sl st in 3rd ch oI starting ch 6.
Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in same st, # *(5 dc in next ch 3 sp, sc in 2nd sc
oI next 3 sc group). 5 dc in next ch 3 sp. # Sc in next dc
(corner). Repeat Irom * two times, then Irom # to # once.
Join with sl st in starting sc. (Two 5 dc groups per side.)
Rnd 5: Ch 6 (counts as dc plus ch 3), (sc in in BLO oI 2nd, 3rd
and 4th dc oI next 5 dc group, ch 3) two times, dc in next sc.
# * (Ch 3, sc in in BLO oI 2nd, 3rd and 4th dc oI next 5 dc
group) two times. Ch 3, # dc in next sc. Repeat Irom * two
times, then Irom # to # once. Join with sl st in 3rd ch oI starting
ch 6.
Rnd 6: Ch 1, sc in same st, # * (5 dc in next ch 3 sp, sc in 2nd
sc oI next 3 sc group) two times. 5 dc in next ch 3 sp. # Sc in
next dc (corner). Repeat Irom * two times, then Irom # to #
once. Join with sl st in starting sc. (Three 5 dc groups per side.)
Rnd 7: Ch 6 (counts as dc plus ch 3), (sc in in BLO oI 2nd, 3rd
and 4th dc oI next 5 dc group, ch 3) three times, dc in next sc.
# * (Ch 3, sc in in BLO oI 2nd, 3rd and 4th dc oI next 5 dc
group) three times. Ch 3, # dc in next sc. Repeat Irom * two
times, then Irom # to # once. Join with sl st in 3rd ch oI starting
ch 6.
Rnd 8: Ch 1, sc in same st, # * (5 dc in next ch 3 sp, sc in 2nd
sc oI next 3 sc group) three times. 5 dc in next ch 3 sp. # Sc in
next dc (corner). Repeat Irom * two times, then Irom # to #
once. Join with sl st in starting sc. (Four 5 dc groups per side.)
Rnd 9: Ch 6 (counts as dc plus ch 3), (sc in in BLO oI 2nd, 3rd
and 4th dc oI next 5 dc group, ch 3) Iour times, dc in next sc.
# * (Ch 3, sc in in BLO oI 2nd, 3rd and 4th dc oI next 5 dc
group) Iour times. Ch 3, # dc in next sc. Repeat Irom * two
times, then Irom # to # once. Join with sl st in 3rd ch oI starting
ch 6.
Rnd 10: Ch 1, sc in same st, # * (5 dc in next ch 3 sp, sc in 2nd
sc oI next 3 sc group) Iour times. 5 dc in next ch 3 sp. # Sc in
next dc (corner). Repeat Irom * two times, then Irom # to #
once. Join with sl st in starting sc. Finish oII. (Five 5 dc groups
per side.)
Rnd 11: Join new color with sl st in any corner sc. Ch 6 (counts
as dc plus ch 3), (sc in in BLO oI 2nd, 3rd and 4th dc oI next 5
dc group, ch 3) Iive times, dc in next sc. # * (Ch 3, sc in in BLO
oI 2nd, 3rd and 4th dc oI next 5 dc group) Iive times. Ch 3, # dc
in next sc. Repeat Irom * two times, then Irom # to # once.
Join with sl st in 3rd ch oI starting ch 6.
Rnd 12: (Ch 3, dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in same st as joining. # * 3 dc in
each ch 3 sp and one dc in each sc across. # (2dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in
corner dc. Repeat Irom * two times, then Irom # to # once.
Join with sl st in top oI starting ch 3. Sl st loosely in next dc, sl
st into corner ch 2 sp.
Measure work. II square measures 11 inches, use Rnd 13A. II
square measures 11 1/2 inches, use Rnd 13B.
Rnd 13A: Ch 3, (dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in ch 2 sp, dc in each dc, * (2
dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in ch 2 sp, dc in each dc. Repeat Irom * 2 times
more. Finish oII.
Rnd 13B: Ch 1, 3 sc in ch 2 sp, sc in each dc, * 3 sc in ch 2 sp,
sc in each dc. Repeat Irom * 2 times more. Finish oII.