Derivative Markets Solutions
Derivative Markets Solutions
Derivative Markets Solutions
c Yufeng Guo
Introduction 9 Parity and other option relationships 10 Binomial option pricing I 11 Binomial option pricing II 12 Black-Scholes formula 13 Market making and delta hedging 14 Exotic options: I 20 Brownian motion and Itos lemma 21 The Black-Scholes equation 22 Exotic options: II 23 Volatility 24 Interest rate models vii 1 23 91 107 125 149 161 167 177 179 183
c Yufeng Guo
This is Guos solution to Derivatives Markets (2nd edition ISBN 0-321-28030-X) for SOA MFE or CAS Exam 3 FE. Unlike the o!cial solution manual published by Addison-Wesley, this solution manual provides solutions to both the evennumbered and odd-numbered problems for the chapters that are on the SOA Exam MFE and CAS Exam 3 FE syllabus. Problems that are out of the scope of the SOA Exam MFE and CAS Exam 3 FE syllabus are excluded. Please report any errors to This book is the exclusive property of Yufeng Guo. Redistribution of this book in any form is prohibited.
c Yufeng Guo
Recommendations on using this solution manual: 1. Obviously, youll need to buy Derivatives Markets (2nd edition) to see the problems. 2. Make sure you download the textbook errata from http://www.kellogg.
c Yufeng Guo
Chapter 9
V0 = 32 W = 6@12 = 0=5 N = 30 F = 4=29 S = 2=64 u = 0=04 F + S Y (N ) = S + V0 S Y (Gly ) 4=29 + 30h0=04(0=5) = 2=64 + 32 S Y (Gly ) S Y (Gly ) = 0=944 Problem 9.3. V0 = 800 u = 0=05 =0 W =1 N = 815 F = 75 S = 45 a. Buy stock+ sell call+buy put=buy S Y (N ) F + S Y (N ) = S + V0 $ S Y (N = 815) = V0 + F + |{z} S = 800 + (75) + 45 = 770 |{z} |{z}
buy stock sell call buy put
So the position is equivalent to depositing 770 in a savings account (or buying a bond with present value equal to 770) and receiving 815 one year later. 770hU = 815 U = 0=056 8 1
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS So we earn 5=68%. b. Buying a stock, selling a call, and buying a put is the same as depositing S Y (N ) in the savings account. As a result, we should just earn the risk free interest rate u = 0=05. However, we actually earn U = 0=056 8 A u. To arbitrage, we "borrow low and earn high." We borrow 770 from a bank at 0.05%. We use the borrowed 770 to nance buying a stock, selling a call, and buying a put. Notice that the net cost of buying a stock, selling a call, and buying a put is 770. One year later, we receive 770hU = 815. We pay the bank 770h0=05 = 809= 48. Our prot is 815 809= 48 = 5= 52 per transaction. If we do q such transactions, well earn 5= 52q prot. Alternative answer: we can burrow at 5% (continuously compounding) and lend at 5=6 8% (continuously compounding), earning a risk free 0.68%. So if we borrow $1 at time zero, our risk free prot at time one is h0=0568 h0=05 = 0=00717 3; if we borrow $770 at time zero, our risk free prot at time one is 0=00717 3 770 = 5= 52. If we borrow q dollars at time zero, well earn 0=00717 3q dollars at time one. c. To avoid arbitrage, we need to have: S Y (N = 815) = V0 + |{z} F + |{z} S = 815h0=05 = 775= 25 |{z}
buy stock sell call buy put
d. F S = V0 S Y (N ) = 800 NhuW = 800 Nh0=05 If N = 780 F S = 800 780h0=05 = 58= 041 If N = 800 F S = 800 800h0=05 = 39= 016 If N = 820 F S = 800 820h0=05 = 19= 992 If N = 840 F S = 800 840h0=05 = 0=967 Problem 9.4. To solve this type of problems, just use the standard put-call parity. To avoid calculation errors, clearly identify the underlying asset. The underlying asset is 1. We want to nd the dollar cost of a put option on this underlying. The typical put-call parity: F + S Y (N ) = S + V0 hW F , N , S , and V0 should all be expressed in dollars. V0 is the current (dollar price) of the underlying. So V0 = $0=95. F = $0=0571 N = $0=93 is the internal growth rate of the underlying asset (i.e. 1). Hence = 0=04 Since N is expressed in dollars, S Y (N ) needs to be calculated using the dollar risk free interest u = 0=06. 0=0571 + 0=93h0=06(1) = S + 0=95h0=04(1) S = $0=02 02 c Yufeng Guo 2
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS Problem 9.5. As I explained in my study guide, dont bother memorizing the following complex formula: 1 1 F$ ({0 > N> W ) = {0 NSi > >W {0 N Just use my approach to solve this type of problems. Convert information to symbols: 1 The exchange rate is 95 yen per euro. \ 95 =1 or \ 1 = 95 Yen-denominated put on 1 euro with strike price Y100 has a premium Y8=763 $ (1 $ \ 100)0 =Y8=763 Whats the strike price of a euro-denominated call on 1 yen? N $ 1\ Calculate the price of a euro-denominated call on 1 yen with strike price N (N $ 1\ )0 = ? 1 $\1 100 1 The strike price of the corresponding euro-denominated yen call is N = =0=01 100 1 1 1 $\1 = (1 $ \ 100)0 = (\ 8=763) 100 100 100 0 1 Since \ 1 = , we have: 95 1 1 1 (\ 8=763) = (8=763) =9= 224 2 104 100 100 95 1 $ $ \ 1 =9= 224 2 104 100 0 1 So the price of a euro-denominated call on 1 yen with strike price N = 100 is 9= 224 2 104 1 $ \ 100 $
c Yufeng Guo
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS Problem 9.6. The underlying asset is 1. The standard put-call parity is: F + S Y (N ) = S + V0 hW F , N , S , and V0 should all be expressed in dollars. V0 is the current (dollar price) of the underlying. is the internal growth rate of the underlying asset (i.e. 1). Well solve Part b rst. b. 0=0404 + 0=9h0=05(0=5) = 0=0141 + V0 h0=035(0=5) V0 = $0=920 04 So the current price of the underlying (i.e. 1) is V0 = $0=920 04. In other words, the currency exchange rate is $0=920 04 =1 a. According to the textbook Equation 5.7, the forward price is: I0>W = V0 hW huW = 0=920 04h0=035(0=5) h0=05(0=5) = $0=926 97 Problem 9.7. The underlying asset is one yen. a. F + NhuW = S + V0 hW 0=0006 + 0=009h0=05(1) = S + 0=009h0=01(1) 0=0006 + 0=008561 = S + 0=008 91 S = $0=00025
b. There are two puts out there. One is the synthetically created put using the formula: S = F + NhuW V0 hW The other is the put in the market selling for the price for $0=0004. To arbitrage, build a put a low cost and sell it at a high price. At w = 0, we: Sell the expensive put for $0=0004 Build a cheap put for $0=00025. To build a put, we buy a call, deposit NhuW in a savings account, and sell hW unit of Yen. w=0 0=0004 0=0006 0=009h0=05(1) 0=009h0=01(1) $0=00015 W =1 VW ? 0=009 VW 0=009 0 0=009 VW 0 W =1 VW 0=009 0 VW 0=009 0=009 VW 0
Sell expensive put Buy call Deposit NhuW in savings Short sell hW unit of Yen Total
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS At w = 0, we receive $0=00015 yet we dont incur any liabilities at W = 1 (so we receive $0=00015 free money at w = 0). c. At-the-money means N = V0 (i.e. the strike price is equal to the current exchange rate). Dollar-denominated at-the-money yen call sells for $0.0006. To translate this into symbols, notice that under the call option, the call holder can give $0=009 and get \ 1. "Give $0=009 and get \ 1" is represented by ($0=009 $ \ 1). This options premium at time zero is $0.0006. Hence we have: ($0=009 $ \ 1)0 = $0=0006 We are asked to nd the yen denominated at the money call for $1. Here the call holder can give f yen and get $1. "Give f yen and get $1" is represented by (\ f $ $1). This options premium at time zero is (\ f $ $1)0 . First, we need to calculate f, the strike price of the yen denominated dollar 1 call. Since at time zero $0=009 = \ 1, we have $1 = \ . So the at-the0=009 1 money yen denominated call on $1 is f = . Our task is to nd this options 0=009 1 $ $1 =? premium: \ 0=009 0 Well nd the premium for \ 1 $$0=009, the option of "give 1 yen and get $0=009." Once we nd this premium, well scale it and nd the premium of "give 1 yen and get $1." 0=009 Well use the general put-call parity: (DW $ EW )0 + S Y (DW ) = (EW $ DW )0 + S Y (EW ) ($0=009 $ \ 1)0 + S Y ($0=009) = (\ 1 $ $0=009)0 + S Y (\ 1) S Y ($0=009) = $0=009h0=05(1) Since we are discounting $0.009 at W = 1 to time zero, we use the dollar interest rate 5%. S Y (\ 1) = $0=009h0=01(1) If we discount Y1 from W = 1 to time zero, we get h0=01(1) yen, which is equal to $0=009h0=01(1) . So we have: $0=0006+$0=009h0=05 = (\ 1 $ $0=009)0 + $0=009h0=01(1) ( \ 1 $ $0=009)0 = $2= 506 16 104 1 1 2= 506 16 104 \ 1 $ $1 = (\ 1 $ $0=009)0 = $ = $2= 0=009 0=009 0=009 0 2 2= 784 62 10 = \ 3= 094 784 62 102 = \ 0=009 c Yufeng Guo 5
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS So the yen denominated at the money call for $1 is worth $2= 784 62 102 or \ 3= 094. We are also asked to identify the relationship between the yen denominated at the money call for $1 and the dollar-denominated yen put. The relationship is that we use the premium of the latter option to calculate the premium of the former option. Next, we calculate the premium for the yen denominated at-the-money put for $1: $$\ 1 0=009 = 1 ($0=009 $ \ 1)0 0=009
1 = $0=0006 = $ 0=0 666 7 0=009 1 = \ 7= 407 8 = \ 0=0 666 7 0=009 So the yen denominated at-the-money put for $1 is worth $ 0=0 666 7 or \ 7= 407 8. I recommend that you use my solution approach, which is less prone to errors than using complex notations and formulas in the textbook. Problem 9.8. The textbook Equations 9.13 and 9.14 are violated. This is how to arbitrage on the calls. We have two otherwise identical calls, one with $50 strike price and the other $55. The $50 strike call is more valuable than the $55 strike call, but the former is selling less than the latter. To arbitrage, buy low and sell high. We use W to represent the common exercise date. This denition works whether the two options are American or European. If the two options are American, well nd arbitrage opportunities if two American options are exercised simultaneously. If the two options are European, W is the common expiration date. The payo is: Transaction Buy 50 strike call Sell 55 strike call Total w=0 9 10 1 W VW ? 50 0 0 0 W 50 VW ? 55 VW 50 0 VW 50 0 W VW 55 VW 50 (VW 55) 5
At w = 0, we receive $1 free money. At W , we get non negative cash ows (so we may get some free money, but we certainly dont owe anybody anything at W ). This is clearly an arbitrage. c Yufeng Guo 6
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS This is how to arbitrage on the two puts. We have two otherwise identical puts, one with $50 strike price and the other $55. The $55 strike put is more valuable than the $50 strike put, but the former is selling less than the latter. To arbitrage, buy low and sell high. The payo is: W W W Transaction w = 0 VW ? 50 50 VW ? 55 VW 55 Buy 55 strike put 6 55 VW 55 VW 0 Sell 50 strike put 7 (50 VW ) 0 0 Total 1 5 55 VW A 0 0 At w = 0, we receive $1 free money. At W , we get non negative cash ows (so we may get some free money, but we certainly dont owe anybody anything at W ). This is clearly an arbitrage. Problem 9.9. The textbook Equation 9.15 and 9.16 are violated. We use W to represent the common exercise date. This denition works whether the two options are American or European. If the two options are American, well nd arbitrage opportunities if two American options are exercised simultaneously. If the two options are European, W is the common expiration date. This is how to arbitrage on the calls. We have two otherwise identical calls, one with $50 strike price and the other $55. The premium dierence between these two options should not exceed the strike dierence 15 10 = 5. In other words, the 50-strike call should sell no more than 10 + 5. However, the 50-strike call is currently selling for 16 in the market. To arbitrage, buy low (the 55-strike call) and sell high (the 50-strike call). The $50 strike call is more valuable than the $55 strike call, is selling less than the latter. The payo is: W W Transaction w = 0 VW ? 50 50 VW ? 55 Buy 55 strike call 10 0 0 Sell 50 strike call 16 0 (VW 50) Total 6 0 (VW 50) 5 but the former
W VW 55 VW 55 (VW 50) 5
So we receive $6 at w = 0. Then at W , our maximum liability is $5. So make at least $1 free money. This is how to arbitrage on the puts. We have two otherwise identical calls, one with $50 strike price and the other $55. The premium dierence between these two options should not exceed the strike dierence 15 10 = 5. In other c Yufeng Guo 7
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS words, the 55-strike put should sell no more than 7 + 5 = 12. However, the 55-strike put is currently selling for 14 in the market. To arbitrage, buy low (the 50-strike put) and sell high (the 55-strike put). The payo is: W W W Transaction w = 0 VW ? 50 50 VW ? 55 VW 55 Buy 50 strike put 14 50 VW 0 0 Sell 55 strike put 7 (55 VW ) (55 VW ) 0 Total 7 5 (55 VW ) ? 5 0 So we receive $7 at w = 0. Then at W , our maximum liability is $5. So make at least $2 free money. Problem 9.10. Suppose there are 3 options otherwise identical but with dierent strike price N1 ? N2 ? N3 where N2 = N1 + (1 ) N2 and 0 ? ? 1. Then the price of the middle strike price N2 must not exceed the price of a diversied portfolio consisting of units of N1 -strike option and (1 ) units of N2 -strike option: F [N1 + (1 ) N3 ] F (N1 ) + (1 ) F (N3 ) S [N1 + (1 ) N3 ] S (N1 ) + (1 ) S (N3 ) The above conditions are called the convexity of the option price with respect to the strike price. They are equivalent to the textbook Equation 9.17 and 9.18. If the above conditions are violated, arbitrage opportunities exist. We are given the following 3 calls: Strike N1 = 50 N2 = 55 Call premium 18 14 50 + (1 ) 60 = 55 $ = 0=5 0=5 (50) + 0=5 (60) = 55 Lets check: F [0=5 (50) + 0=5 (60)] = F (55) = 14 0=5F (50) + 0=5F (60) = 0=5 (18) + 0=5 (9=50) = 13= 75 F [0=5 (50) + 0=5 (60)] A 0=5F (50) + 0=5F (60) So arbitrage opportunities exist. To arbitrage, we buy low and sell high. The cheap asset is the diversied portfolio consisting of units of N1 -strike option and (1 ) units of N3 -strike option. In this problem, the diversied portfolio consists of half a 50-strike call and half a 60-strike call. The expensive asset is the 55-strike call. c Yufeng Guo 8
N3 = 60 9=50
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS Since we cant buy half a call option, well buy 2 units of the portfolio (i.e. buy one 50-strike call and one 60-strike call). Simultaneously,we sell two 55strike call options. We use W to represent the common exercise date. This denition works whether the options are American or European. If the options are American, well nd arbitrage opportunities if the American options are exercised simultaneously. If the options are European, W is the common expiration date. The payo is: W VW ? 50 0 0 0 0 0 W 50 VW ? 55 VW 50 0 VW 50 0 VW 50 0 W 55 VW ? 60 VW 50 0 VW 50 2 (VW 55) 60 VW A 0 W VW 60 VW 50 VW 60 2VW 110 2 (VW 55) 0
Transaction buy two portfolios buy a 50-strike call buy a 60-strike call Portfolio total Sell two 55-strike calls Total
27= 5 + 28 = 0=5 VW 50 2 (VW 55) = 60 VW 2VW 110 2 (VW 55) = 0 So we get $0=5 at w = 0, yet we have non negative cash ows at the expiration date W . This is arbitrage. The above strategy of buying units of N1 -strike call, buying (1 ) units of N3 -strike call, and selling one unit of N2 -strike call is called the butter y spread. We are given the following 3 puts: Strike N1 = 50 N2 = 55 Put premium 7 10=75 50 + (1 ) 60 = 55 $ = 0=5 0=5 (50) + 0=5 (60) = 55 Lets check: S [0=5 (50) + 0=5 (60)] = S (55) = 10=75 0=5S (50) + 0=5S (60) = 0=5 (7) + 0=5 (14=45) = 10= 725 S [0=5 (50) + 0=5 (60)] A =5S (50) + 0=5S (60) So arbitrage opportunities exist. To arbitrage, we buy low and sell high. The cheap asset is the diversied portfolio consisting of units of N1 -strike put and (1 ) units of N3 -strike put. In this problem, the diversied portfolio consists of half a 50-strike put and half a 60-strike put. The expensive asset is the 55-strike put. c Yufeng Guo 9
N3 = 60 14=45
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS Since we cant buy half a option, well buy 2 units of the portfolio (i.e. buy one 50-strike put and one 60-strike put). Simultaneously,we sell two 55-strike put options. The payo is: W VW ? 50 50 VW 60 VW 110 2VW 2 (55 VW ) 0 W 50 VW ? 55 0 60 VW 60 VW 2 (55 VW ) VW 50 0 W 55 VW ? 60 0 60 VW 60 VW 0 60 VW A 0 W VW 60 0 0 0 0 0
Transaction buy two portfolios buy a 50-strike put buy a 60-strike put Portfolio total
Sell two 55-strike puts 2 (10=75) Total 0=05 21= 45 + 2 (10=75) = 0=05 50 VW + 60 VW = 110 2VW
21= 45 + 2 (10=75) = 0=05 110 2VW 2 (55 VW ) = 0 60 VW 2 (55 VW ) = VW 50 So we get $0=05 at w = 0, yet we have non negative cash ows at the expiration date W . This is arbitrage. The above strategy of buying units of N1 -strike put, buying (1 ) units of N3 -strike put, and selling one unit of N2 -strike put is also called the butter y spread. Problem 9.11. This is similar to Problem 9.10. We are given the following 3 calls: Strike N1 = 80 N2 = 100 Call premium 22 9 80 + 105 (1 ) = 100 $ = 0=2 0=2 (80) + 0=8 (105) = 100 F [0=2 (80) + 0=8 (105)] = F (100) = 9 0=2F (80) + 0=8F (105) = 0=2 (22) + 0=8 (5) = 8= 4 F [0=2 (80) + 0=8 (105)] A 0=2F (80) + 0=8F (105) So arbitrage opportunities exist. To arbitrage, we buy low and sell high. The cheap asset is the diversied portfolio consisting of units of N1 -strike option and (1 ) units of N3 -strike option. In this problem, the diversied portfolio consists of 0.2 unit of 80-strike call and 0.8 unit of 105-strike call. The expensive asset is the 100-strike call. c Yufeng Guo 10
N3 = 105 5
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS Since we cant buy a fraction of a call option, well buy 10 units of the portfolio (i.e. buy two 80-strike calls and eight 105-strike calls). Simultaneously,we sell ten 100-strike call options. We use W to represent the common exercise date. This denition works whether the options are American or European. If the options are American, well nd arbitrage opportunities if the American options are exercised simultaneously. If the options are European, W is the common expiration date. The payo is: Transaction buy ten portfolios buy two 80-strike calls buy eight 105-strike calls Portfolio total Sell ten 100-strike calls Total w=0 2 (22) 8 (5) 84 10 (9) 6 W VW ? 80 0 0 0 0 0 W 80 VW ? 100 2 (VW 80) 0 2 (VW 80) 0 2 (VW 80) 0 W VW 105 2 (VW 80) 8 (VW 105) 10VW 1000 10 (VW 100) 0
Transaction buy ten portfolios buy two 80-strike calls buy eight 105-strike calls Portfolio total
W 100 VW ? 105 2 (VW 80) 0 2 (VW 80) 10 (VW 100) 8 (105 VW ) A 0
Sell ten 100-strike calls 10 (9) Total 6 2 (22) 8 (5) = 44 40 = 84
84 + 10 (9) = 84 + 90 = 6 2 (VW 80) + 8 (VW 105) = 10VW 1000 2 (VW 80) 10 (VW 100) = 840 8VW = 8 (105 VW ) 10VW 1000 10 (VW 100) = 0 So we receive $6 at w = 0, yet we dont incur any negative cash ows at expiration W . So we make at least $6 free money. We are given the following 3 put: Strike N1 = 80 N2 = 100 Put premium 4 21 80 + 105 (1 ) = 100 $ = 0=2 0=2 (80) + 0=8 (105) = 100 S [0=2 (80) + 0=8 (105)] = S (100) = 21 0=2S (80) + 0=8S (105) = 0=2 (4) + 0=8 (24=8) = 20= 64 c Yufeng Guo 11 N3 = 105 24=8
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS S [0=2 (80) + 0=8 (105)] A 0=2S (80) + 0=8S (105) So arbitrage opportunities exist. To arbitrage, we buy low and sell high. The cheap asset is the diversied portfolio consisting of units of N1 -strike option and (1 ) units of N3 -strike option. In this problem, the diversied portfolio consists of 0.2 unit of 80-strike put and 0.8 unit of 105-strike put. The expensive asset is the 100-strike put. Since we cant buy half a fraction of an option, well buy 10 units of the portfolio (i.e. buy two 80-strike puts and eight 105-strike puts). Simultaneously,we sell ten 100-strike put options. The payo is: W VW ? 80 2 (80 VW ) 8 (105 VW ) 1000 10VW 10 (100 VW ) 0 W 100 VW ? 105 0 8 (105 VW ) 8 (105 VW ) 0 8 (105 VW ) A 0 W 80 VW ? 100 0 8 (105 VW ) 8 (105 VW ) 10 (100 VW ) 2 (VW 80) 0 W VW 105 0 0 0 0 0
Transaction buy ten portfolios buy two 80-strike puts buy eight 105-strike puts Portfolio total Sell ten 100-strike puts Total
Transaction buy ten portfolios buy two 80-strike puts buy eight 105-strike puts Portfolio total Sell ten 100-strike puts Total
2 (4) 8 (24=8) = 206= 4 2 (80 VW ) + 8 (105 VW ) = 1000 10VW 206= 4 + 10 (21) = 3= 6 1000 10VW 10 (100 VW ) = 0 8 (105 VW ) 10 (100 VW ) = 2 (VW 80) We receive $3= 6 at w = 0, but we dont incur any negative cash ows at W . So we make at least $3= 6 free money.
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS For two European options diering only in strike price, the following conditions must be met to avoid arbitrage (see my study guide for explanation): 0 FHxu (N1 > W ) FHxu (N2 > W ) S Y (N2 N1 ) if N1 ? N2 0 SHxu (N2 > W ) SHxu (N1 > W ) S Y (N2 N1 ) if N1 ? N2 a. Strike Call premium N1 = 90 10 N2 = 95 4
F (N1 ) F (N2 ) = 10 4 = 6 N2 N1 = 95 90 = 5 F (N1 ) F (N2 ) A N2 N1 S Y (N2 N1 ) Arbitrage opportunities exist. To arbitrage, we buy low and sell high. The cheap call is the 95-strike call; the expensive call is the 90-strike call. We use W to represent the common exercise date. This denition works whether the two options are American or European. If the two options are American, well nd arbitrage opportunities if two American options are exercised simultaneously. If the two options are European, W is the common expiration date. The payo is: W W W Transaction w = 0 VW ? 90 90 VW ? 95 VW 95 Buy 95 strike call 4 0 0 VW 95 Sell 90 strike call 10 0 (VW 90) (VW 90) Total 6 0 (VW 90) 5 5 We receive $6 at w = 0, yet we our max liability at W is 5. So well make at least $1 free money. b. W =2 u = 0=1 Strike N1 = 90 Call premium 10
N2 = 95 5=25
F (N1 ) F (N2 ) = 10 5=25 = 4= 75 N2 N1 = 95 90 = 5 S Y (N2 N1 ) = 5h0=1(2) = 4= 094 F (N1 ) F (N2 ) A S Y (N2 N1 ) Arbitrage opportunities exist. Once again, we buy low and sell high. The cheap call is the 95-strike call; the expensive call is the 90-strike call. The payo is: c Yufeng Guo 13
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS W VW ? 90 0 0 4= 75h0=1(2) 5= 80 W 90 VW ? 95 0 (VW 90) 4= 75h0=1(2) 95= 80 VW A 0 W VW 95 VW 95 (VW 90) 4= 75h0=1(2) 0=80
Transaction Buy 95 strike call Sell 90 strike call Deposit 4= 75 in savings Total
4= 75h0=1(2) = 5= 80 (VW 90) + 4= 75h0=1(2) = 95= 80 VW VW 95 (VW 90) + 4= 75h0=1(2) = 0=80 Our initial cost is zero. However, our payo is always non-negative. So we never lose money. This is clearly an arbitrage. Its important that the two calls are European options. If they are American, they can be exercised at dierent dates. Hence the following non-arbitrage conditions work only for European options: 0 FHxu (N1 > W ) FHxu (N2 > W ) S Y (N2 N1 ) if N1 ? N2 0 SHxu (N2 > W ) SHxu (N1 > W ) S Y (N2 N1 ) if N1 ? N2 c. We are given the following 3 calls: Strike N1 = 90 N2 = 100 Call premium 15 10 1 90 + (1 ) 105 = 100 = 3 2 1 $ (90) + (105) = 100 3 3 1 2 F (90) + (105) = F (100) = 10 3 3 2 1 2 1 F (90) + F (105) = (15) + (6) = 9 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 (90) + (105) A F (90) + F (105) F 3 3 3 3 Hence arbitrage opportunities exist. To arbitrage, we buy low and sell high. 1 The cheap asset is the diversied portfolio consisting of unit of 90-strike 3 2 call and unit of 105-strike call. 3 The expensive asset is the 100-strike call. Since we cant buy a partial option, well buy 3 units of the portfolio (i.e. buy one 90-strike call and two 105-strike calls). Simultaneously,we sell three 100-strike calls. The payo at expiration W : c Yufeng Guo 14
N3 = 105 6
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS W VW ? 90 0 0 0 W 90 VW ? 100 VW 90 0 VW 90 W 100 VW ? 105 VW 90 0 VW 90 3 (VW 100) 2 (105 VW ) A 0 W VW 105 VW 90 2 (VW 105) 3VW 300 3 (VW 100) 0
Transaction buy 3 portfolios buy one 90-strike call buy two 105-strike calls Portfolios total
Sell three 100-strike calls 3 (10) 0 0 Total 3 0 VW 90 0 15 + 2 (6) = 27 VW 90 + 2 (VW 105) = 3VW 300 27 + 3 (10) = 3 VW 90 3 (VW 100) = 210 2VW = 2 (105 VW ) 3VW 300 3 (VW 100) = 0
So we receive $3 at w = 0, but we incur no negative payo at W . So well make at least $3 free money.
Problem 9.13. a. If the stock pays dividend, then early exercise of an American call option may be optimal. Suppose the stock pays dividend at wG . Time 0 ... ... wG ... ... W Pro and con for exercising the call early at wG . +. If you exercise the call immediately before wG , youll receive dividend and earn interest during [wG > W ] . Youll pay the strike price N at wG , losing interest you could have earned during [wG > W ]. If the interest rate, however, is zero, you wont lose any interest. . You throw away the remaining call option during [wG > W ]. Had you waited, you would have the call option during [wG > W ] If the accumulated value of the dividend exceeds the value of the remaining call option, then its optimal to exercise the stock at wG = As explained in my study guide, its never optimal to exercise an American put early if the interest rate is zero.
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS a. The only reason that early exercise might be optimal is that the underlying asset pays a dividend. If the underlying asset doesnt pay dividend, then its never optimal to exercise an American call early. Since Apple doesnt pay dividend, its never optimal to exercise early. b. The only reason to exercise an American put early is to earn interest on the strike price. The strike price in this example is one share of AOL stock. Since AOL stocks wont pay any dividends, theres no benet for owning an AOL stock early. Thus its never optimal to exercise the put. If the Apple stock price goes to zero and will always stay zero, then theres no benet for delaying exercising the put; theres no benet for exercising the put early either (since AOL stocks wont pay dividend). Exercising the put early and exercising the put at maturity have the same value. If, however, the Apple stock price goes to zero now but may go up in the future, then its never optimal to exercise the put early. If you dont exercise early, you leave the door open that in the future the Apple stock price may exceed the AOL stock price, in which case you just let your put expire worthless. If the Apple stock price wont exceed the AOL stock price, you can always exercise the put and exchange one Apple stock for one AOL stock. Theres no hurry to exercise the put early. c. If Apple is expected to pay dividend, then it might be optimal to exercise the American call early and exchange one AOL stock for one Apple stock. However, as long as the AOL stock wont pay any dividend, its never optimal to exercise the American put early to exchange one Apple stock for one AOL stock. Problem 9.15. This is an example where the strike price grows over time. If the strike price grows over time, the longer-lived valuable as the shorter lived option. Refer to Derivatives We have two European calls: Call #1 N1 = 100h0=05(1=5) = 107= 788 W1 = 1=5 Call #2 N2 = 100h0=05 = 105= 127 W2 = 1 option is at least as Markets Page 298. F1 = 11=50 F2 = 11=924
The longer-lived call is cheaper than the shorter-lived call, leading to arbitrage opportunities. To arbitrage, we buy low (Call #1) and sell high (Call #2). The payo at expiration W1 = 1=5 if VW2 ? 100h0=05 = 105= 127 Transaction Sell Call #2 buy Call #1 Total w=0 11=924 11=50 0=424 W2 0 W1 VW1 ? 100h0=05(1=5) 0 0 0 c Yufeng Guo W1 VW1 100h0=05(1=5) 0 VW1 100h0=05(1=5) VW1 100h0=05(1=5) 0 16
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS We receive $0=424 at w = 0, yet our payo at W1 is always non-negative. This is clearly an arbitrage. The payo at expiration W1 = 1=5 if VW2 100h0=05 = 105= 127 Transaction Sell Call #2 buy Call #1 Total w=0 11=924 11=50 0=424 W2 100h0=05 VW2 W1 VW1 ? 100h0=05(1=5) 100h0=05(1=5) VW1 0 100h0=05(1=5) VW1 ? 0 W1 VW1 100h0=05(1=5) 100h0=05(1=5) VW1 VW1 100h0=05(1=5) 0
If VW2 100h0=05 , then payo of the sold Call #2 at W2 is 100h0=05 VW2 . From W2 to W1 , 100h0=05 grows into 100h0=05 h0=05(W1 W2 ) = 100h0=05 h0=05(0=5) = 100h0=05(1=5) VW2 becomes VW1 (i.e. the stock price changes from VW2 to VW1 ) We receive $0=424 at w = 0, yet our payo at W1 can be negative. This is not an arbitrage. So as long as VW2 ? 100h0=05 = 105= 127 , therell be arbitrage opportunities. Problem 9.16. Suppose we do the following at w = 0: 1. Pay F d to buy a call 2. Lend S Y (N ) = NhuO at uO 3. Sell a put, receiving S e
e 4. Short sell one stock, receiving V0 e The net cost is S e + V0 (F d + NhuO ). The payo at W is:
If VW ? N Transactions Buy a call Lend NhuO at uO Sell a put Short sell one stock Total w=0 F d NhuO Se e V0 e S e + V0 (F d + NhuO ) 0 N VW N VW 0
If VW N VW N N 0 VW 0
The payo is always zero. To avoid arbitrage, we need to have e S e + V0 (F d + NhuO ) 0 Similarly, we can do the following at w = 0: c Yufeng Guo 17
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS 1. Sell a call, receiving F e 2. Borrow S Y (N ) = NhuE at uE 3. Buy a put, paying S d
d 4. Buy one stock, paying V0
e The net cost is F e + NhuE S e + V0 . The payo at W is: If VW ? N Transactions Sell a call Borrow NhuE at uE Buy a put Buy one stock Total w=0 Fe NhuE S d d V0 e F e + NhuE S e + V0 0 N N VW VW 0 If VW N N VW N 0 VW 0
The is always To avoid arbitrage, we need to have e payo zero.e F + NhuE S e + V0 0 Problem 9.17. a. According to the put-call parity, the payo of the following position is always zero: 1. Buy the call 2. Sell the put 3. Short the stock 4. Lend the present value of the strike price plus dividend The existence of the bid-ask spread and the borrowing-lending rate dierence doesnt change the zero payo of the above position. The above position always has a zero payo whether theres a bid-ask spread or a dierence between the borrowing rate and the lending rate. If there is no transaction cost such as a bid-ask spread, the initial gain of the above position is zero. However, if there is a bid-ask spread, then to avoid arbitrage, the initial gain of the above position should be zero or negative. The initial gaindof the position is: e S e + V0 [F + S YuO (N ) + S YuO (Gly )] Theres no arbitrage if e S e + V0 [F d + S YuO (N ) + S YuO (Gly )] 0 In this problem, we are given c Yufeng Guo 18
The dividend is 0=18 on November 8, 2004. To nd the expiration date, you need to know this detail. Puts and calls are called equity options at the Chicago Board of Exchange (CBOE). In CBOE, the expiration date of an equity option is the Saturday immediately following the third Friday of the expiration month. (To verify this, go to Click on "Products" and read "Production Specications.") If the expiration month is November, 2004, the third Friday is November 19. Then the expiration date is November 20. 11@20@2004 10@15@2004 36 W = = = 0=09863 365 365 If the expiration month is January, 2005, the third Friday is January 21. Then the expiration date is January 22, 2005. 1@22@2005 10@15@2004 W = 365 Calculate the days between 1/22/2005 and10/15/2004 isnt easy. Fortunately,we can use a calculator. BA II Plus and BA II Plus Professional have "Date" Worksheet. When using Date Worksheet, use the ACT mode. ACT mode calculates the actual days between two dates. If you use the 360 day mode, you are assuming that there are 360 days between two dates. When using the date worksheet, set DT1 (i.e. Date 1) as October 10, 2004 by entering 10.1504; set DT2 (i.e. Date 2) as January 22, 2004 by entering 1.2204. The calculator should tell you that DBD=99 (i.e. the days between two days is 99 days). 1@22@2005 10@15@2004 99 = = 0=271 23 So W = 365 365 If you have trouble using the date worksheet, refer to the guidebook of BA II Plus or BA II Plus Professional. 11@8@2004 10@15@2004 24 The dividend day is wG = = = 0=06 575 365 365 S YuO (Gly ) = 0=18h0=06575(0=019) = 0=18 S YuO (N ) = Nh0=019W e e S + V0 [F d + S YuO (N ) + S YuO (Gly )] = S e + 84=85 F d + Nh0=019W + 0=18 c Yufeng Guo 19
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS N 75 80 85 90 75 80 85 90 W 0=0986 0=0986 0=0986 0=0986 0=271 2 0=271 2 0=271 2 0=271 2 Fd 10=3 5=6 2=1 0=35 10=9 6=7 3=4 1=35 Se 0=2 0=6 2=1 5=5 0=7 1=45 3=1 6=1 e e d N ) + S YuO (Gly )] S + V0 [F + S YuO ( 0=2 + 84=85 10=3 + 75h0=0190=0986 + 0=18 = 0=29 0=6 + 84=85 5=6 + 80h0=0190=0986 + 0=18 = 0=18 2=1 + 84=85 2=1 + 85h0=0190=0986 + 0=18 = 0=17 5=5 + 84=85 0=35 + 90h0=0190=0986 + 0=18 = 1= 15 0=0190=271 2 0=7 + 84=85 10 =9 + 75h0=0190=271 2 + 0=18 = 0=14 1=45 + 84=85 + 0=18 6=7 + 80h = 0=17 3=1 + 84=85 3=4 + 85h0=0190=271 2 + 0=18 = 0=19 0=0190=271 2 6=1 + 84=85 1=35 + 90h + 0=18 = 0=12
b. According to the put-call parity, the payo of the following position is always zero: 1. Sell the call 2. Borrow the present value of the strike price plus dividend 3. Buy the put 4. Buy one stock
If there is transaction cost such as the bid-ask spread, then to avoid arbitrage, the initial gain of the above position is zero. However, if there is a bid-ask spread, the initial gain of the above position can be zero or negative. The initial gain of the position is: d F e + S YuE (N ) + S YuE (Gly ) (S d + V0 ) Theres no arbitrage if d F e + S YuE (N ) + S YuE (Gly ) (S d + V0 )0 0=06575(0=02) S YuE (Gly ) = 0=18h = 0=18 S YuO (N ) = Nh0=02W d F e +S YuE (N )+S YuE (Gly )(S d + V0 ) = F e +Nh0=02W +0=18(S d + 84=85) N 75 80 85 90 75 80 85 90 W 0=0986 0=0986 0=0986 0=0986 0=271 2 0=271 2 0=271 2 0=271 2 Fe 9=9 5=3 1=9 0=35 10=5 6=5 3=2 1=2 Sd 0=25 0=7 2=3 5=8 0=8 1=6 3=3 6=3
d F e + S YuE (N ) + S YuE (Gly ) (S d + V0 ) 0=020=0986 9=9 + 75h + 0=18 (0=25 + 84=85) = 0=17 5=3 + 80h0=020=0986 + 0=18 (0=7 + 84=85) = 0=23 1=9 + 85h0=020=0986 + 0=18 (2=3 + 84=85) = 0=24 0=35 + 90h0=020=0986 + 0=18 (5=8 + 84=85) = 0=30 10=5 + 75h0=020=271 2 + 0=18 (0=8 + 84=85) = 0=38 6=5 + 80h0=020=271 2 + 0=18 (1=6 + 84=85) = 0=20 3=2 + 85h0=020=271 2 + 0=18 (3=3 + 84=85) = 0=23 1=2 + 90h0=020=271 2 + 0=18 (6=3 + 84=85) = 0=26
Problem 9.18. Suppose there are 3 options otherwise identical but with dierent strike price N1 ? N2 ? N3 where N2 = N1 + (1 ) N2 and 0 ? ? 1. c Yufeng Guo 20
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS Then the price of the middle strike price N2 must not exceed the price of a diversied portfolio consisting of units of N1 -strike option and (1 ) units of N2 -strike option: F [N1 + (1 ) N3 ] F (N1 ) + (1 ) F (N3 ) S [N1 + (1 ) N3 ] S (N1 ) + (1 ) S (N3 ) The above conditions are called the convexity of the option price with respect to the strike price. They are equivalent to the textbook Equation 9.17 and 9.18. If the above conditions are violated, arbitrage opportunities exist. N 80 85 90 W 0=271 2 0=271 2 0=271 2 Fe 6=5 3=2 1=2 Fd 6=7 3=4 1=35
85 = (80) + (1 ) (90) $ = 0=5 a. If we buy a 80-strike call, buy a 90-strike call, sell two 85-strike calls A 80-strike call and a 90-strike call form a diversied portfolio of calls, which is always as good as two 85-strike calls So the cost of buying a 80-strike call and a 90-strike call can never be less than the revenue of selling two 85-strike calls What we pay if we buy a 80-strike call and a 90-strike call: 6=7 + 1=35 = 8= 05 What we get if we sell two 85-strike calls: 3=2 2 = 6= 4 8= 05 A 6= 4 So the convexity condition is met. I recommend that you dont bother memorizing textbook Equation 9.17 and 9.18. b. If we sell a 80-strike call, sell a 90-strike call, buy two 85-strike calls A 80-strike call and a 90-strike call form a diversied portfolio of calls, which is always as good as two 85-strike calls So the revenue of selling a 80-strike call and a 90-strike call should never be less than the cost of buying two 85-strike calls. What we get if we sell a 80-strike call and a 90-strike call: 6=5 + 1=2 = 7= 7 What we pay if we buy two 85-strike calls: 3=4 2 = 6= 8 7= 7 A 6=8 c Yufeng Guo 21
CHAPTER 9. PARITY AND OTHER OPTION RELATIONSHIPS So the convexity condition is met. c. To avoid arbitrage, the following two conditions must be met: F [N1 + (1 ) N3 ] F (N1 ) + (1 ) F (N3 ) S [N1 + (1 ) N3 ] S (N1 ) + (1 ) S (N3 ) These conditions must be met no matter you are a market-maker or anyone else buying or selling options, no matter you pay a bid-ask spread or not.
c Yufeng Guo