Exceptional Hardship Application - April 2014
Exceptional Hardship Application - April 2014
Exceptional Hardship Application - April 2014
When completing this application, please provide as much information and evidence as you can. For further clarification or assistance on how each area should be completed, please refer to the exceptional hardship help guide. This will help ensure that your application can be considered as quickly as possible. Where information is required and is not provided, we will contact you and ask you to submit it. When sending supporting documentation, please provide originals or copies certified by a solicitor or other appropriately qualified person. Contact details
First person 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Title First name Surname Capacity in which the application is made (delete as applicable) First name Surname Company / organisation name (if applicable) Contact address (of agent, if applicable) Applicant / person with power of attorney / solicitor / agent Second (if joint applicant)
Telephone number 0.10 (evening) Email address 0.11 (if applicable) 0.12 Address of the property which you are applying for
Please tick the boxes below where you consider that you meet the procedure criteria as set out in this guidance. Applications which do not meet all of the criteria are likely to be rejected. Interest in property Proximity to Thames Tideway Tunnel Efforts to sell No prior knowledge of the Thames Tideway Tunnel proposals Exceptional hardship
Please include with this application evidence to support your answers. Evidence provided should be originals or certified copies, and may include one or more of the following: All applicants proof of ownership deeds, conveyance to current owner or Land Registry office copy entry. proof of residency at the property for the required duration e.g. utility bills or bank statements dated at least six months apart within the last 18 months. Owner-occupier of business premises copy of business rates bill if commercial property. Mortgagees details of any mortgage, roll or reference number with contact details for the bank / mortgagee. Personal representatives of a deceased person death certificate, power of attorney, grant of probate, last will and testament if personal representative.
Please include with this application evidence to support this description. To meet this criterion, the property must be within 100 metres of the area identified as being part of a works site for the Thames Tideway Tunnel. Outside this limit the independent panel that will review all applications may exercise its discretion, based on the particular circumstances of the case. Evidence provided should be originals or certified copies, and may include, for example: a copy of sales particulars of the property the filed plan held at the Land Registry a map pinpointing the precise location of the property, where identification by address might be difficult. The published proposals for works sites may be found on the project website www.thamestidewaytunnel.co.uk. Alternatively, please contact the helpline on 0800 0721 086 with your property address and we will provide this information to you ahead of completing this form.
Name, address and telephone number of agent(s) approached to obtain suggested asking price
When was the property first placed on the market? What was the initial asking price for the property? What is the current asking price for the property?
What offers have you received for the property? 3.8 Date of offer 3.9 By whom / via which estate agent? 3.10 Offer
Name, address and telephone number of agent(s) currently marketing the property.
Please include with this application evidence to support your answers. Evidence provided should be originals or certified copies, and must include: the instruction letter from an estate agent, or estate agents if joint or multiple agency appointment and at least one of the following: valuation and marketing proposal letters from prospective agents from whom you took advice prior to placing the property with your appointed agency proof of date on which marketing commenced mailshot, newspaper advert, internet entry evidence of marketing activity feedback from viewings of the property other letters and relevant documentation held by your agent(s) marketing the property, including evidence of offers received. You should continue to actively market your property with an estate agent throughout the exceptional hardship application process. We will assist with any questions raised in connection with the project.
Please include with this application relevant supporting evidence, all of which should be originals or certified copies. Depending on the reason(s) put forward, this evidence may include, for example: documentation confirming a change in employment location or job offer proof of additional dependents legal documentation setting out the terms of divorce or change in marital status medical report(s) explaining illness or state of health and if applicable reason for need to relocate without delay financial documentation such as letters from lenders or accounts setting out financial difficulties and how pressing they are. 5.2 Please tick the boxes for each section that you have completed and provided evidence for Interest in property Proximity to Thames Tideway Tunnel Efforts to sell No prior knowledge of the Thames Tideway Tunnel proposals Exceptional hardship
5.3 Please list all the supporting evidence that you are sending along with this application form.
5.4 Please provide any other information that you think is relevant to your application.
If necessary please enter additional details on a separate sheet or in the appropriate section at the end of the form.
I / we understand that you will use the information I have provided on this form to determine my claim under the exceptional hardship procedure, and that you may check some of that information with third parties, including those whose details I have provided. I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct and complete. I understand that if I knowingly give information that is incorrect in order to secure financial gain, I may have court action taken against me. Signature of the applicant(s): Date: Send completed application forms, along with supporting evidence to: Exceptional Hardship Procedure (EHP) Administrator Thames Tideway Tunnel 7th Floor The Point 37 North Wharf Road London W2 1AF All documents will be returned by recorded delivery.
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Call: 0800 0721 086 Lines are open 24 hours a day Visit: www.thamestidewaytunnel.co.uk Email: info@tidewaytunnels.co.uk For our language interpretation service call 0800 0721 086