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European PhD on S.R. & C. 17th International Lab Meeting Winter Session 2011, 13th-14thJanuary 2011
Continuing the series of International Lab Meetings, the European Ph.D. on Social Representations and Communication Research Centre and Multimedia Lab will organise the 2011 Winter Session focussed on the Meta-Theoretical Analysis of the Social Representations Literature and Advanced Training in Complementary Transferable Skills (publishing strategies) . The first day (13th January 2011) of the Winter Session of the International Lab Meeting will be reserved to the European PhD Research Trainees. Coherently with our programs training structure, it will be focussed on Meta-theoretical analysis of the Social Representations literature, providing its state of art and basic guidelines to the European Ph.D. Research trainees, also discussing some exemplary cases of meta-theoretical analysis carried out by some of them enrolled in the 2nd and 3rd year. The second day (14th January 2011) of the event will be open to world-wide participants linked via interactive web-auditorium - upon registration - and foresees: 1. A seminar given by Radim Marada from the Masaryk University of Brno (Czech Republic) on the topic Publishing backstage policies: increasing the odds of getting published. 2. Contributions by Wolfgang Wagner and Caroline Howarth, respectively Founding Editor and Editor the peer-reviewed international journal Papers on Social Representations. The intensive seminar will be open to an interactive discussion with the participants, aimed at exchanging their experiences and improving their chance in publishing scientific articles in peerreviewed journals. Technical Information: The event will be implemented on-line with the support of Marratech Pro, a very
powerful distance-learning web auditorium installed on the server of the European PhD Lab. The audience will consist of two different groups of participants: one group will participate physically in the meeting from the Multimedia Lab in Rome - reserved to the European PhD research trainees - the second group will be connected from various countries worldwide. Both groups will join in the interactive learning process through the "European PhD Web Auditorium. Participants can take part in the event from their Institution or from home as they prefer, choosing the fastest connection available. The only equipment that they need is a Web cam and a Headset.
Target: doctoral research trainees (not exclusively enrolled in the European PhD on Social Representations and
Communication), early stage researchers, post-graduates interested in pursuing scientific career in social sciences.
Funding: Participants enrolled in the European PhD on Social Representations and Communication are covered
for the registration fee, given the International Lab Meeting is a compulsory and integral part of their training. Other participants are admitted upon payment of a scientific fee (150: including the on-line participation in the event, scientific and didactic materials including a book on scientific writing skills -, technical assistance )
The application form is available on: The deadline for applying is 20th December 2010. Applicants are invited to secure their places by early registration. Later applications will be considered if places are still available.
Newsle3er N.24
November 2010
We are pleased to announce the forthcoming publication of the book Education, Professionalization and Social Representations: On the Transformation of Social Knowledge, edited by Mohamed Chaib, Berth Danermark & Staffan Selander (ISBN: 978-0-415-88506-5, pages: 256, price: 75). This book presents a broad range of research related to how social knowledge is shared, transmitted and transformed in the context of education and professional formation. The chapters of this edited collection reflect different theoretical and empirical approaches to that form of common-sense knowledge called social representations, the theory of which was developed almost a half-century ago by Serge Moscovici. Scholars from various research institutions in Brazil, France and Sweden, spanning a wide variety of disciplines within the social sciences, have contributed chapters that are grouped into three main categories related to education, professionalization and transformation of knowledge.
Part I covers theoretical approaches to understanding the transformation of social knowledge from the perspective of social representations. Part II analyzes the impact of the theory of social representations on the transformation of knowledge in the field of education and professional formation. Finally, Part III presents several empirical studies focused on the social and cultural frames that condition the transformation of knowledge. While the book is devoted to education and the emerging field of research on professionalization, it will also appeal to anyone with a general interest in how people acquire their worldviews and how these views influence their actions. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword: Denise Jodelet Introduction: Social Knowledge Shared, Transmitted, Transformed Mohamed Chaib, Berth Danermark, and Staffan Selander Part I: Theoretical Approaches 1. Transformations and Changes in Social Knowledge Towards the Dynamics of Meaning Making Anders Gustavsson and Staffan Selander 2. Social Representations and Power Berth Danermark and Per Germundsson 3. Of Contextualized Use of "Social" and "Professional" Alain Piaser and Michel Bataille 4. Understanding Professionalization as a Representational Process Pierre Ratinaud and Michel Lac 5. The Teachers Work Clarilza Prado de Sousa 6. Education Processes of the Teacher as an Apprentice Vera Maria Nigro de Souza Placco and Vera Lucia Trevisan de Souza 7. Social Representations and Cultures of Action Jean-Marie Barbier Part II: Education and Professional Formation 8. The Theory of Social Representations as a Theoretical and Methodological Tool for Research on Teachers in Brazil: Analyses of Theses and Dissertations Maria Suzana De Stefano Menin, Allesandra de Morais Shimizu, and Claudia Maria de Lima 9. Teacher Students Social Representations of How Adults Learn Mohamed Chaib and Josef Chaib 10. Being a School Teacher in Brazil Alda Judith Alves-Mazzotti 11. Trainers of Adults: Professional Representations and Training Knowledge Patrice Bouyssires and Marie-Pierre Trinquier 12. Training and Ruptures Christine Mias Part III: Socio-Cultural Contexts 13. Social Representations of Belonging in Pre-School Childrens PeerCultures Solveig Hgglund and Annica Lfdahl 14. Transformations of Risk Knowledge The Medical Encounter and Patients Narrative Construction of Meaning Sonja Olin Lauritzen and Robert Ohlsson 15. The Role of the Media in the Transformation of Citizens Social Representations of Suffering Birgitta Hijer and Ulrika Olausson 16. Religiosity as a Way of Appropriating Knowledge Margot Campos Madeira, Luiz Fernando Rangel Tura, Maria Rosilene Barbosa Alvim, and Vincent de Paulo Carvalho Madeira 17. Appropriation of Knowledge and Social Psychology: Milgrams Experiment on Obedience to Authority Sophie Richardot. You can order a copy of the book online or by filling in the order form.
Newsle3er N.24
November 2010
Newsle3er N.24
November 2010
11th International Conference on Social Representations 30th May 2nd June 2012, Evora (Portugal) Following the great success of the ten International Conferences on Social Representations (ICSR) held until now, we are pleased to announce that the next 11th ICSR will be organised in Portugal by the University of Evora, from the 30th May until the 2nd June 2012. The conferences Honorary President is Prof. Jorge Correia Jesuino. Further information will soon be available on the website:
All So.Re.Com.THEma=c NETwork partners are kindly invited to post informa=on concerning editorial news, launching of new projects, call for partnerships and events of general interest to the par=cipants in the European Ph.D. programme and the wider So.Re.Com. THEma=c NETwork scien=c community.
Please send the informa=on you wish to disseminate via the So.Re.Com.THE.NET. @-NEWS and the on-line So.Re.Com.THE.NET. Event Agenda to: European Ph.D. on S.R. & C. Research Centre and Mul=media Lab Piazza dAra Coeli, 1 - 00186 Rome - ITALY