Student Centered Approach 5
Student Centered Approach 5
Student Centered Approach 5
Abstract: This paper describes the activities and lessons learned of the Science Program of the Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance (VVOB) in Cambodia. The programs (SEAL) objective is to enhance the science teacher training by strengthening the capacity of lecturers and by stimulating the use of student centered approaches (SCA). The program focuses on basic education and runs from 2008 until 2013. The paper consists of 3 parts. First a short overview is given of problems facing the introduction of SCA in Cambodia. Secondly, the methodology of the project is discussed and finally, some lessons learned are presented. During the presentation a lively account of project activities will be given and how they affect the adoption of student centered approaches. Updated monitoring and evaluation data will be presented to illustrate results.
Cambodia is trying to rebuild a system that was almost completely destroyed during the Khmer Rouge period. The government estimates that 75 percent of teachers, 96 percent of university students and 67 percent of all primary and secondary school students were killed when the Khmer Rouge was in power. Infrastructure was also destroyed or abandoned. Few books remained and the deterioration of school buildings and equipment was widespread (Benveniste, Marshall and Araujo, 2008). A high influx of students caused by high birth rates since the 1990s and increased enrollment threaten to make teacher shortages even more acute. Besides the issue of the quantity of teachers, the quality of teachers is of concern.
A student-centered approach (SCA) is a constructivist learning model that places the student in the center of the learning process. In student-centered approaches, students are active participants in their learning; they learn at their own pace and use their own strategies; they are more intrinsically than extrinsically motivated; learning is more individualized than standardized. Student-centered learning develops learning-how-to-learn skills such as problem solving, cooperative learning, critical thinking, creativity and reflective thinking. Student-centered learning accounts for and adapts to different learning styles of students (MoEYS, 2007, National Center for Research on Teacher Learning, 1999). Rote learning is still prevalent in Cambodian science classes. In class, teachers read from the textbooks and encourage the students to remember what the teacher said. Students are seldom provided with an opportunity to observe phenomena around them and analyze them scientifically. Reasons to stimulate the adoption of SCA are: - quality of teaching is important factor to lower student-dropout levels - familiarity with SCA increases teacher work satisfaction - SCA promote understanding of science - SCA generates interest in science, leading to higher numbers of students studying science and engineering. Barriers to SCA in science education can be clustered into 4 categories (VVOB, 2009): - Lack of content knowledge and access to information resources - Lack of methodological skills - Curriculum and textbook related issues - Issues regarding incentives and national policy The first category relates to the lack of content knowledge and basic understanding of the science curriculum by teachers and teacher trainers. Emphasis is put on recalling scientific knowledge and solving simple problems within familiar settings. Many teachers have critical problems with reasoning skills, in scientifically explaining natural phenomena and in logically drawing rational conclusions (JICA, 2009). This results in low confidence and motivation to adopt SCA. Linked to this is the limited access to information resources in English, due to poor foreign language skills and the lack of internet facilities. Secondly, teachers and teacher trainers request for methodological support on how to integrate experiments and research activities in their lessons. Joined to the lack of science laboratories and/or teaching materials, very few practical applications of sciences are shown during the lessons. Moreover experiments tend to be used merely to confirm theories that are in the textbook and not to challenge students and have them develop scientific skills and attitudes (JICA, 2009). Most teachers and teacher trainers are familiar with the term student centered approaches, but associate it mainly with terms as experiment, exercise, group-work and teaching material and less with critical thinking, exploration and discussion (JICA, 2009). Subject specific teaching hours at the Teacher Training College are divided between lessons of Strengthening the Background (upper secondary level or higher) and Strengthening the Knowledge at Lower Secondary Level (lower secondary level). These two subjects are conducted in the same semester so that students often have to study the contents in the same domain simultaneously but at different educational levels. This facilitates memorizing knowledge rather than constructing scientific concepts gradually (JICA, 2009). Approval of teacher training manuals and school textbooks falls under the responsibility of the MoEYS, eliminating competition and choice for teachers. Practical activities are described in those books but face following problems: - materials are not available in local settings - procedures are too complicated - contents are not related to daily life - objectives are unclear - illustrations and figures are unclear or inaccurate - experiments are not presented as part of the scientific method or as opportunities to do science, but act merely as confirmation of the theory. Issues regarding incentives and national policy relate to factors as admission to the teacher training colleges, teacher pay and complementary activities such as remedial teaching, double shift teaching and multigrade teaching. Interest for admission at teacher training colleges is high, but many young teachers report that the main reason is the lack of better options (Benveniste, Marshall and Araujo, 2008).
In order to stimulate SCA, the SEAL program develops a capacity building program for teacher trainers and teachers from practice schools. Twelve teacher trainers and twelve teachers from practice schools are involved in regular training sessions (1 day per week/ total 25 weeks). During these training sessions new methodologies are introduced and tried-out, first with the peer-group and afterwards in real class settings. The training program started in November 2008 and will continue until June 2011. After this training program, methodologies and activities that are tried and found successful will be summarized in a teacher training manual (in cooperation with the National Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports) and implemented in all teacher training colleges in Cambodia. Teacher trainers and teachers will facilitate and monitor this implementation. The methodologies introduced focus on strengthening problem solving skills, reasoning skills and conceptual science teaching. Science teaching is presented as a way to investigate how the world works instead of a fixed collection of facts. Teacher trainers and teachers learn to use practical activities to stimulate curiosity in students and to introduce an inquiry-based approach to science. Methodologies are localized by teacher trainers, taking into account large class sizes, absence of electricity and study materials and a rigid administrative structure.
Lessons learned
Following lessons learned are identified: 1. Work with a small group of motivated teacher trainers and teachers A small group can be monitored more easily with frequent personal feedback. When this group is convinced and applies SCA successfully in their lessons, they will more easily convince other teachers and student teachers to apply SCA. 2. Work within existing structures of the curriculum and lesson plan Working within the existing structures of the curriculum and the lesson plan structure eases the implementation of SCA. It is crucial to convince teachers that SCA are not additional to their teaching but represent a more active way to teach the topics in the curriculum. Keeping the lesson plan structure to implement SCA decreases the threshold and helps them to understand the objectives of the technique. 3. Monitor progress through peer teaching and try-outs Teachers are accustomed to teach for rote learning and a rigid lesson structure. Introducing SCA requires them to rethink their lesson structure and their role as a teacher. 4. Involvement of teachers from the practice schools Students have 6 weeks of practicum per year during which they observe and teach lessons at a practice school under the supervision of a model teacher. These model teachers should offer a guided practice with attention for SCA for science teaching to the student teachers. All trainers mention the importance of having good model teachers during the teaching practice as they play a significant role in the development of the style/skills/methodology of the future teachers (VVOB, 2009). 5. Focus on the time aspect of SCA Teachers have a strong misconception that SCA are time consuming activities, which do not fit in an overloaded curriculum. A focus on techniques that can be implemented quickly (showing discrepant events, traffic light cards, concept tests) convinces them of the availability of a wide range of techniques. Afterwards, when convinced of the benefits SCA can bring, more fundamental changes to the lesson activities are discussed such as inquiry based science activities. 6. Focus on the beneficiary effects for students and teachers
Short pre-class and post-class student tests are developed to monitor the effect of SCA on students understanding. Teachers can monitor the effect of using various SCA on the learning process of students. They also learn to use short student centered assessment techniques to monitor student understanding during the lesson and to adapt their lessons accordingly. Following threats can be identified: - limited knowledge and confidence: teachers and teacher trainers in general display a low level of knowledge, in particular in understanding and applying scientific knowledge. - superficial application of SCA: Potential SCA are applied without changing the passive nature of the science lesson. - High teacher rotation. Salary reform has been on top of the Education Strategic Plan 2006 2010 and it is considered as a critical stumbling block for improving educational quality (Benveniste, Marshall and Araujo, 2008). - Limited sustainability: (Vice-) directors stress the importance of support from the stakeholders at national level, in order to reduce the risk of obstacles like high rotation of the teaching staff. (VVOB, 2009). - Assessment: Central government exams still focus heavily on factual knowledge reproduction decreasing motivation with teachers and students to focus on conceptual understanding of science and developing scientific skills. - High student-teacher ratio and pupil-class ratio: Both student-teacher and pupil-class ratios illustrate that the average Cambodian classroom accommodates over 40 students.
Benveniste, L., Marshall, J. & Araujo, M.C., (2008), Teaching in Cambodia, The World Bank and Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Royal Government of Cambodia Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance (VVOB), (2010), SEAL Baseline Study Report, 55p Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), (2009), Baseline Survey Report from Science Teacher Education Project (STEPSAM2), Hiroshima University, 108p. Maeda, M. et al., (2006), The Quality of Science Teachers in Cambodia: From a Problem to a Solution, International Conference Education/ Training: The Search for Quality, IRD-IER-NIESAC, HCMC, 18 20 April 2006. Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS), 2007, Child Friendly School Policy, Kingdom of Cambodia, 10p. (available on, Accessed on Nov 9, 2009) National Center for Research on Teacher Learning, (1999), Learner-Centered Classrooms, Problem Based Learning and the Construction of Understanding and Meaning, Available:, Accessed on 09-Nov-2009. Weimer, M. (2002). Learner-Centered Teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.