Organization Structure Study - Esennar Transformers

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ESENNAR Transformers
Introduction Electrical energy has become one of the major parts of our daily life giving power to most of the household appliances and industrial machinery. Voltage fluctuation is a major power problem that causes several appliances to malfunction. Electrical transformers are the best solutions to avoid fluctuating problem. A transformer can be defined as a static device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupled conductors the transformer's coils. This varying magnetic field induces a varying electromotive force (EMF) or "voltage" in the secondary winding. This effect is called mutual induction. An electrical transformer basically works on the principle of mutual induction, which was discovered independently by Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry in 1831. However, Faraday was the first to publish the results of his experiments and thus receive credit for the discovery. It was not until 1836 that the first device, an induction coil, was invented. William Stanley, who designed the first commercial model, introduced the term "transformer" in 1885. An electrical transformer switches voltage to an additional value or from one value to another. It, basically, consist of two sets of windings or coils connected to a magnetic field. If there are more coils, voltage is much higher. If there are fewer coils, the voltage is low. The coils are of two types which functions as conductors they are primary and secondary. A varying current in the first or primary winding creates a varying magnetic flux in the transformer's core and thus a varying magnetic field through the secondary winding. This varying magnetic field induces a varying electromotive force (EMF) or "voltage" in the secondary winding. Transformers typically change values of voltage and current and are always used in transferring power through electromagnetic induction between circuits at the same frequency. Transformers allow the transfer of power in an efficient, timely, and more economical manner. There are several types of transformers like power transformers, isolation transformer, audio transformers, current transformer, electrical transformer, high voltage and low voltage transformers, step-up and step-down transformers etc. Each of these kinds has their own properties and usages in transferring voltage based on the appliance it is attached with.

In the above figure, the induced voltage in the secondary winding (Vs) is in proportion to the primary voltage (Vp), and is given by the ratio of the number of turns in the secondary (Ns) to the number of turns in the primary (Np) as follows:

The most important use of electric transformer is to transfer electricity from power plants to businesses and homes. Electric transformers can convert alternating current from one circuit into another through electromagnetic induction. They are widely used in many applications in radio and electronics. One of their main applications is within mains power supplies. Here the transformer is used to change the incoming mains voltage (around 240 V in many countries, and 110V in many others) to the required voltage to supply the equipment. With most of today's equipment using semiconductor technology, the voltages that are required are much lower than the incoming mains. In addition to this the transformer isolates the supply on the secondary from the mains, and thereby making the secondary supply much safer. If the supply were taken directly from the mains supply then there would be a much greater risk of electric shock. The following are some other uses of transformers:

Electric power transmission over long distances. High-voltage direct-current (HVDC) power transmission systems Large, specially constructed power transformers are used for electric arc furnaces used in steelmaking. Rotating transformers are designed so that one winding turns while the other remains stationary. A common use was the video head system as used in VHS and Beta video tape players. These can pass power or radio signals from a stationary mounting to a rotating mechanism, or radar antenna. Sliding transformers can pass power or signals from a stationary mounting to a moving part such as a machine tool head. An example is the linear variable differential transformer, Some rotary transformers are precisely constructed in order to measure distances or angles. Usually they have a single primary and two or more secondary windings, and electronic circuits measure the different amplitudes of the currents in the secondary windings, such as in synchros and resolvers. Small transformers are often used to isolate and link different parts of radio receivers and audio amplifiers, converting high current low voltage circuits to low current high voltage, or vice versa.

The transformer is an invaluable component in today's electronics scene. Despite the fact that integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices seem to be used in ever increasing quantities, there is no substitute for the transformer. The fact that it is able to isolate and transfer power from one circuit to another whilst changing the impedance, ensure that it is uniquely placed as a tool for electronics designers.

Industry Profile Power Sector The electricity sector in India supplies the world's 6th largest energy consumer, accounting for 3.4% of global energy consumption by more than 17% of global population. The Energy policy of India is predominantly controlled by the Government of India's, Ministry of Power, Ministry of Coal and Ministry of New Renewable Energy and administered locally by Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs). About 64.75% of the electricity consumed in India is generated by thermal power plants, 21.73% by hydroelectric power plants, 2.78% by nuclear power plants, and 10.73% by Renewable Energy Sources. More than 50% of India's commercial energy demand is met through the country's vast coal reserves. The country has also invested heavily in recent years in renewable energy utilization, especially wind energy. In 2010, India's installed wind generated electric capacity was 13,064 MW. Additionally, India has committed massive amount of funds for the construction of various nuclear reactors which would generate at least 30,000 MW. In July 2009, India unveiled a $19 billion plan to produce 20,000 MW of solar power by 2022. Due to the fast-paced growth of India's economy, the country's energy demand has grown an average of 3.6% per annum over the past 30 years. In December 2010, the installed power generation capacity of India stood at 165,000 MW and per capita energy consumption stood at 612 kWh. The country's annual energy production increased from about 190 billion kWh in 1986 to more than 680 billion kWh in 2006. The Indian government has set a modest target to add approximately 78,000 MW of installed generation capacity by 2012 which it is likely to miss. The total demand for electricity in India is expected to cross 950,000 MW by 2030. According to a research report published by Citigroup Global Markets, India is expected to add up to 113 GW of installed capacity by 2017. Further, renewable capacity might increase from 15.5 GW to 36.0 GW. In the private sector, major capacity additions are planned in Reliance Power (35 GW) and CESC (7 GW). Electricity losses in India during transmission and distribution are extremely high and vary between 30 to 45%. In 2004-05, electricity demand outstripped supply by 7-11%. Due to shortage of electricity, power cuts are common

throughout India and this has adversely effected the country's economic growth. Despite an ambitious rural electrification program, some 400 million Indians lose electricity access during blackouts. While 80 percent of Indian villages have at least an electricity line, just 52.5% of rural households have access to electricity. In urban areas, the access to electricity is 93.1% in 2008. The overall electrification rate in India is 64.5% while 35.5% of the population still live without access to electricity. According to a sample of 97,882 households in 2002, electricity was the main source of lighting for 53% of rural households compared to 36% in 1993. Multi Commodity Exchange has sought permission to offer electricity future markets. Total Installed Capacity (as on 28-02-2011) is 171,926.40 MW. Transformer Manufacturing Industry Overview The power sector value chain comprises generation, transmission, and distribution (T&D). Electricity generated at a power plant is transmitted to the nearest grid via step-up transformers and then to the state grid (via step-up or step-down transformers). Then it is transmitted to a power substation via stepdown transformers. Finally, distribution transformers are used to transmit power from the sub-transmission point to end consumers.

Transmission Lines

Power Generating Station (1.1 KV 33 KV) Distribution Transformer (33KV 220KV)

Step-up Transformer (220KV 765KV)

Receiving Substation (220KV 765KV)

Transmission Lines

Step-down Transformer (33KV 220KV)

Step-down Transformer (330KV 220KV)

End users (Residential / commercial users)

Power transformers account for 70-75% of the total installed capacity while distribution transformer accounts for the remaining 20-25%. In the power transformer segment, step-down transformers account for 75-80% of the total installed capacity while step-up transformers account for the rest. India has set for itself ambitious targets of investments in the power sector, in view of the significant power deficit and sustaining the economic growth momentum. The momentum of capacity addition is expected to improve in the later half of the Eleventh Plan and continue at a higher rate during the Twelfth Plan, with large capacity additions lined up by the private sector. Investments of INR3.5 trillion and INR4.7 trillion are expected in the power sector during the eleventh and twelfth five-year plan periods, respectively. Capacity addition of 54,000MW is expected during the eleventh plan and 1,00,000MW is planned for the twelfth plan periods. With huge power plants coming up, the need for transmission will drive demand for transformers. Industry is going to witness a turnaround in FY12. Going forward; transformer segment is going to witness a turnaround, even in face of intensifying competition, as a Capex of approximately Rs.6,40,000 crore in T&D sector over the next 5-6 years will ensure the optimum capacity utilization for major players. Key demand drivers will be PGCIL capex for 12th five year plan, capex by the SEBs and revival in industrial capex cycle. As for import threat from China and Korea, there is a clear policy shift towards preference to local manufactures, evident by PGCIL making it mandatory to have 50% local manufacturing content, a qualification to bid for 765 KV transformers.

20% 15% 10% 05%

-5.36% 3.65% 1.69% 12.43%


9.09% 3%


-05% 10% -15%


-3.89% - 6.42% -4.62% HY 2009-10

Q1 2009-10

Q3 2009-10

FY 2009-10

Power Transformers Distribution Transformers Total Transformers Export and Import Status of the Transformer Industry In The Global market, performance of Indian product is acknowledged as technically at par with the leading international companies Since the transformer industry has matured enough as a reliable supplier, it is exporting transformer in various parts of the world including countries like USA, Europe, South Africa, Cyprus, Syria, Iraq and other Middle East countries and Far East countries. Exports of Transformers grew by 63.97% for FY 200809 to Rs 18163 million, whereas import increased by 41.13% to Rs 2705 million. Statistic Related to export-import is provided below:

Imports Transformer Class (In Rs. Millions) 2007-08 Transformers upto 650 kVA Transformers above 650 kVA Total Export Growth 1,028 2008-09 416 2009-10 791

Exports (In Rs. Millions) 2007-08 637 2008-09 1993 2009-10 2788

888 1,916

2,289 2,705 41.13%

7143 7934 193.29%

10,417 11,054

16170 18163 63.79%

15192 17980 -1.01%

For the financial year 2009-10, Overall Exports growth was slightly negative (1.01%) with improvement in export of Transformer upto 650 KVA. For Year 2009-10, import increased at staggering rate of 193.29%. Considerable imports of industrial transformers, mainly from Korea and China were reported. Technological Trend in the Industry India has technology and capacity to manufacture a wide range of power transformers, distribution transformers and other type of special transformers for welding, traction, furnace etc. Indian Companies are capable of manufacturing energy efficient transformers with low losses and low noise levels. Towards introduction of next voltage level in High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC), implementation of +/-800KV, 6000 MW HVDC Bi-pole line from north eastern region to northern region have commenced. The Link shall pass through chicken neck area of north eastern region and shall be transmitting power over an distance of more than 2000 kms. With regards to alternative current (AC), establishment of 1200 KV Ultra High voltage(UHV) AC test station at Bina in Western region is under process as a collaborative

effort with manufacturers, who would be able to field test their indigenously developed 1200 Kv equipment on long term basis. Indian Companies are capable of Producing 420 KV Class transformers, as HDVC/UHV system is being developed due to capacity addition requirement during 11th and 12th Plan period. Growth in 765 KV Transmission during 11th plan period is expected to be from 1704 circuit Kilo meter (ckm) at the end of 10th plan to about 7132 ckm by year end of 11th Plan. 765KV substation transformation capacity would increase from 2000 MVA at the end of 10th plan to 53000 MVA by end of 11th plan. Power grid is developing 1200KV Transmission to transfer huge power as required by 11th and 12th plan. The Transformer at UHV Level will assume priority due to operation of national grid, currently having capacity of 20000 MW, which will be augmented to 38000 MW by 2012 and linking the trunk lines for inter-transfer of bulk power from surplus to deficit states. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is actively working to ensure that quality products are procured by the electricity boards and has accordingly stipulated mandatory star rating for distribution transformers. It has issued a mandate on 9th January 2010, that all distribution transformers to be purchased shall be at least of 3-star ratings. Most manufacturers have upgraded pr are planning to upgrade to meet these requirements. Players in Transformer industry have updated their manufacturing facilities to cope with technical requirement at national and international levels. They have established in house R&D Labs and are regularly updating their technical capabilities to develop transformers of latest technology and design. Few big players are also considering setting up manufacturing unit to cater new 765KV and higher category. This technical competency provides them competitive advantage in global market place. Demand Analysis of Industry a. Demand generated from capacity additions: Large scale capacity additions with matching transmission & distribution infrastructure and reduction of Technical & Commercial (AT&T) losses will create huge demand for transformer industry. A target of capacity additions of 78,700 MW was set in 11th five year plan. The working group of power has recommended capacity additions of 82,200 MW for 12 th plan. At 60% target achievement, estimated generation capacity works out to be:


Capacity in MW Installed capacity at the end of 10th plan Installed capacity as on 31 march 2010 Capacity additions till march, 2010 (for first 3 years of 11th plan) Capacity addition targets for plan period Target Capacity addition (for the remaining two years in the 11th plan) % Target achievement (assumed) Estimated Capacity Additions

11th Plan 1,32,329 1,59,398 27,069

12th Plan

78,700 51,631




b. Replacement Demand: Approximately 97,456 MVA of transformer capacity was added during 1983; 887 & 238,150 MVA during 1987-91. As average life of a transformer is 25 years, these transformers are expected to be replaced during the 11th and 12th plan period. Thus demand from replacement for the remaining 1 year of 11th plan and 5 years of 12th plan work out to be: MVA Transformer Capacity Added 1983-87 97,456 11th Plan Average yearly Demand Average Total Demand for the period 19491 19,491 1987-91 2,38,150 12th Plan 47630 2,38,150


According to Annual report 2009-10 of Transformers & Rectifiers (India) Ltd., about 10 MVA transformer demand per MW of generation capacity added has been observed. MVA demand per MW of generation capacity has improved due to more emphasis on curtailing AT&C losses. On this basis future demand from generation capacity addition works out to be as under: Total Years by end of 12th Plan Period A. Demand from added generation Expected Capacity Addition for 11th and 12th plan period Transformer Capacity requirement /MW A. Demand from added generation B. Replacement Demand For remaining year of 11th plan For 12th five year plan B. Total Replacement Demand Total Transformer Demand (A+B) Average Yearly Demand 19491 238150 257641 1060627 176771 80,299 10 802986 6

c. Transmission lines expansion: Besides capacity addition, a strong inter-state and inter-regional transmission system has also been planned not only to evacuate the planned generation capacity but also to provide open access for transfer of power from surplus to deficit areas. Programme of expansion of interregional transmission capacity from 14,100 MW at the end of 10th plan to 37,700 MW at the end of 11th plan has been given. d. Industrial Sector demand: Industrial sector demand is the largest consumer of electric energy in India. Industrial segment demand has been from various power consuming industries viz. steel, aluminium, cement, oil & gas, automobiles, engineering, mining & minerals, paper, chemical and petrochemicals etc.


With the growth of Indian economy in last decade, industries have increased their manufacturing capabilities by many folds and this has increased their power usage. Industries are now increasingly relying on captive power plant as it is much more economical and reliable as compared to power supply from the grid. Revival in the economy will increase the Capital Expenditure incurred by the industries. Industries are expected to incur part of this amount on captive power plant, which in turn will generate demand for transformers. The installed capacity of captive power plants was 24,680 MW in March 2007. It is envisaged that during the 11th plan period about 12,000 MW capacity power plants would be added to the system which will take care of the demand of the industry and also power to the grid. The GoI has reserved coal block with reserves of 3.2 billion tonnes of coal for allotment by Screening Committee of Ministry of Coal for merchant and captive plants. About 10,000 MW of capacity is expected to be developed through this imitative. e. Export Demand

Indian export of transformers for the year 2009-10 plummeted by 1.01% and grew by 63.79% for previous year 2008-09. Export demand declined for the year 2009-10 as worldwide economies were affected by economic slowdown. Though there exists significant export opportunity for Indian companies to grab, with the expected economic revival. Indian players have built considerable presence in accordance with global standards. Indian players are expected to tap markets like Australia, Oman, Eygpt, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia and middle East. Conclusion: The massive program of generation, transmission and distribution outlined in 11th & 12th plan envisages huge demand of transformers and generators. Going forward, transformer segment is going to witness a turnaround, as a Capex of approximately Rs.640,000 crore in T&D sector over the next 5-6 years will ensure the optimum capacity utilization for major players. Growing Indian economy, growth in electricity consumption, growing industrial demand, expanding export market, large scale generation capacity addition, setting up of national grid, rapid expansion of urban and rural distribution infrastructure have been key drivers of the transformer market in India. Thrust and policy of GoI to electrify all villages by 2020 and


publicly funded programmes like the Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Vidyutikaran Yojana is one of the factor which will provide opportunities to transformer manufacturer and propel growth in the transformer industry.


Company Profile ESENNAR Transformers is a transformer manufacturing unit, located at Industrial development area at Pashamailaram, in Hyderabad, which is one of the biggest industrial estates in Andhra Pradesh. Apart from having facilities such as banks, hospital, and post office in its vicinity, the factory, also, has the advantage of uninterrupted power supply and good roads. It also has the geographical advantage of being located in an area where the relative humidity is less than 30%, which means that the material procured and finished goods will last for a longer time without getting corroded and such conditions are also favourable in the manufacture of the transformers, as high humidity causes the reduction in the efficiency of the transformer and also increases the time taken to produce the same. The factory is located in a spacious area of about 5000 sq. m of land with a built up area of about 8000 Sq. ft. The shop floor consists of the following: Receiving bay for incoming material Core building shop Winding shop Assembly shop Tanking shop Dry & vacuum impregnation Computerised testing lab Finished goods storing section Raw material storing section

The factory started with a modest manufacturing range up to 33KV class of transformers and gradually expanded and upgraded to 132 KV class in the year 2008. The company has also developed its own engineering strength, has an expeditious design department, and firmly believes in its quality policy, procedures, and strategies. The young, talented and dedicated work force, strive to achieve excellence in its area of expertise and as a result it got an ISO 9001 2008 certification in the year 2010 by UKAS, UK and ANSIRAB, USA. It is one of the few transformer companies to have the opportunity of being audited. The company has also managed to streamline its manufacturing process to an extent that there is no wastage of time, material, man power etc. All the


departments work together in tandem, to complete the contracts in hand in time. Every stage in the manufacturing process, at ESENNAR Transformers, right from material procurement to dispatch of finished goods is viewed through ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software; this enables quicker decisions and making fewer errors. Apart from the above advantages the ERP software also has the following advantages: Sales forecasting, this allows inventory optimization. Order tracking, from acceptance through fulfilment. Revenue tracking, from invoice through cash receipt. Matching purchase orders (what was ordered), inventory receipts (what arrived), and costing (what the vendor invoiced).

ERP systems centralize business data, bringing the following benefits: They eliminate the need to synchronize changes between multiple systemsconsolidation of finance, marketing and sales, human resource, and manufacturing applications They enable standard product naming/coding. They provide a comprehensive enterprise view (no "islands of information"). They make realtime information available to management anywhere, anytime to make proper decisions. They protect sensitive data by consolidating multiple security systems into a single structure. History of the Company: The company was founded by Shri. Mr. Sridhar Reddy in the year 2000. Initially the company would produce transformers up to the range of 33 KV class and gradually expanded and upgraded to 132 KV class. Over the past decade the company has grown by leaps and bounds, from a company that had limitations like limited space for the shop floor, finding customers etc. to a company which is self sufficient, with a sprawling manufacturing facility and boasts of a number of clients. The company got its first ISO certification in 2002, where it was declared an ISO 9001-2000 certified unit by UKAS of UK & ANSIRAB of the USA. The company has been maintaining the track record of maintaining international quality


standards at its manufacturing facilities, and presently it is a certified ISO 9001:2008 company. Since the beginning the company strictly followed its stringent quality policy, which has earned it the Best Quality Award given by The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) in the year 2010. The firm has developed its own technology to build Power and Distribution transformers 50000KVA of 132KV class, Furnace transformer, Rectifier transformer, Dry type transformers, natural/forced types, with enclosures/bare type transformers without oil for Indoor use in special and critical area use-without cumbersome maintenance with all automatic protection provisions. In the year 2010 the company expanded and moved to the present location, where the production takes place in a more efficient and work is done in a more systematic way. Location: The manufacturing unit is located at D6 Ida Phase-1, Pashmailaram near Patancheru, Medak (Dist.) The corporate offices are at Hyderabad and Chennai. Goal: It has an ambitious goal of going global with international standards to manufacture transformers in the range up to 132 KV class. Mission: To manufacture high quality electrical power transformers and to excel as an employer, as a contributor to the betterment of the global environment and a responsible corporate citizen by enabling reliable power supply. Profile of the Products and Services: ESENNAR designs and manufactures the following range of electrical power transformers:


Distribution transformers 10KVA @ 1.1KV to 3000KVA @ 11KV Power transformers 3000KVA @ 33 KV to 60 MVA @132 KV Power transformers 3000KVA @ 33 KV to 60 MVA @132 KV Furnace Transformers up to 10MVA -33KV grade Isolation transformers in 1.1 KV grade up to 1MV

Dry Type Transformers: Varnish impregnated / Resin cast type air cooled transformers. Natural/forced types, with enclosures/bare type transformers without oil for Indoor use in special and critical area use-without cumbersome maintenance with all automatic protection provisions. All the products manufactured by ESENNAR come with a warranty of one year after commissioning the product. If snags develop during the operation within the warranty period, the company would repair/replace the unit as per the guidelines and also takes up repair works of older transformers on chargeable befitting tagline: QUALITY IS NOT AN OBSESSION ... BUT A PROFESSION AT ESENNAR. Client List of ESENNAR Transformers: The following are a few customers of ESENNAR transformers: KMMI Steel Pvt. Ltd., Bellary, Karnataka Webel SL Energy Systems Ltd., Kolkata,WB AP Paper Mills Ltd., AP SLR Steels Ltd., Karnataka Deccan Cements Ltd., AP Satyam Computer Services, RR District E-design Services Project TCS, Hi-tech City, Hyderabad, AP Hetero Labs, AP The Madras Aluminium Company, Tamil Nadu BPL Engineering Ltd., AP Deccan Chronicle Holdings Ltd., AP KVK Bio-Energy, Chhattisgarh Larsen & Toubro Ltd ECC Division Nagarjuna Construction Company Hyderabad Central University, AP


Aurobindo Pharma, Hyderabad, AP Benaka Sponge Iron Ltd., Bellary, Karnataka Yashoda Super Speciality Hospitals, Hyderabad, AP Organizational Structure: An organization implies the formalized intentional structure of roles or positions. That is people, working together, are asked to fill in roles and these roles should be intentionally designed to ensure that the required activities are done and that activities fit together so that people can work smoothly, effectively, and efficiently in groups. The structure of an organization determines the ease with which the work flows through it. As a result many a times it is the structure of an organization that makes or breaks a company. A well tuned structure imparts stability to the organisation and also brings in improved clarity in communication, reduces the role conflicts that may arise and also helps managers and supervisors to have a good control over the activities that are taking place in the organization. The organisation structure gives definite shape to the organisation. It specifies division of work activities and shows how different functions are linked to each other. The structure also indicates the organisations hierarchy and reporting relationships. The organization structure should be such that the number of levels involved should be minimized to the extent possible, as more levels are expensive, and more effort is required in managing the departmental activities, the cost of facilities for the personnel, etc. Numerous departments and levels complicate the process of planning and control. A plan that may be definite and complete at the top level loses coordination and clarity as it is sub-divided at lower levels. The organization structure at ESENNAR Transformers can be categorized as wide spanned. The main characteristic of a wide spanned structure is that it has it has a few organizational levels. This can be clearly seen in the organizational chart of ESENNAR Transformers in the following page:


Organisational Structure Managing Director Marketing

Management Representative

Accounts In-charge

Personnel In-charge

Marketing In-charge

Purchase In-charge

Design In-charge

Stores In-charge

Production In-charge

Quality Control In-charge


Marketing Engineers

Design Engineers

Store Keeper

Technicians & Work men

Quality Control Inspectors



The following are the characteristics of the organizational structure and staff: Thorough training of subordinates Clear delegation and well defined tasks Well defined plans for repetitive operations Verifiable objectives used as standards Use of appropriate techniques, such as proper organization structure and written and oral communication Effective interaction between superior and subordinate Effective meetings Competent and trained manager Mature subordinates Simple / Routine tasks

Logic of organizing: The following steps are used in the process of organizing in any company: a. Establishing enterprise objectives b. Formulating supporting objectives, policies, and plans c. Identifying, analyzing, and classifying the activities necessary to accomplish these objectives d. Grouping these activities in light of human and material resources available and the best way, under circumstances, of using them e. Delegating the head of each group the authority necessary to perform the activities f. Tying the groups together horizontally and vertically, through authority relationships and information flows Factors affecting the organizational design: The following are the factors that have influenced the organizational structure at ESENNAR Transformers: a. Organizational size The larger an organization becomes, the more complicated its structure. As an organization grows it becomes increasingly difficult to manage without more formal work assignments and some delegation of authority. Therefore, large


organizations develop formal structures. Tasks are highly specialized and detailed rules and guidelines dictate work procedures. Inter-organizational communication flows primarily from superior to subordinate, and hierarchical relationships serve as the foundation for authority, responsibility, and control. EESNNAR being a small scale industry, the total workforce at ESENNAR is around 110, out of whom most of them are skilled workers and occupy the bottom rung of the organization structure. An organization with large labour force ought to have few levels of authority. The decisions taken by the respective in-charges are easily and directly communicated to the managing director. b. Product manufactured: Advances in technology are the most frequent cause of change in organizations since they generally result in greater efficiency and lower costs for the firm. In the early 1960s, Joan Woodward found that the right combination of structure and technology were critical to organizational success. She conducted a study of technology and structure in more than 100 English manufacturing firms, which she classified into three categories of core-manufacturing technology: i. Small-batch production is used to manufacture a variety of custom, madeto order goods. Each item is made somewhat differently to meet a customer's specifications. A print shop is an example of a business that uses small-batch production. ii. Mass production is used to create a large number of uniform goods in an assembly-line system. Workers are highly dependent on one another, as the product passes from stage to stage until completion. Equipment may be sophisticated, and workers often follow detailed instructions while performing simplified jobs. A company that bottles soda pop is an example of an organization that utilizes mass production. iii. Organizations using continuous-process production create goods by continuously feeding raw materials, such as liquid, solids, and gases, through a highly automated system. Such systems are equipment intensive, but can often be operated by a relatively small labour force. Classic examples are automated chemical plants and oil refineries. At ESENNAR, we have the third type of production process. The production of transformers is done continuously, (depends on the number of contracts in hand, but the coil manufacture is a continuous process). And since only transformers alone are manufactured, and different types of transformers


require the same set of basic operations, the same people are required for the manufacturing process, at different stages of production. c. Organization life cycle: Organizations, like humans, tend to progress through stages known as a life cycle. Like humans, most organizations go through the following four stages: birth, youth, midlife, and maturity. Each stage has characteristics that have implications for the structure of the firm.

Birth: In the birth state, a firm is just beginning. An organization in the birth stage does not yet have a formal structure. In a young organization, there is not much delegation of authority. The founder usually calls the shots. Youth: In this phase, the organization is trying to grow. The emphasis in this stage is on becoming larger. The company shifts its attention from the wishes of the founder to the wishes of the customer. The organization becomes more organic in structure during this phase. It is during this phase that the formal structure is designed, and some delegation of authority occurs. Midlife: This phase occurs when the organization has achieved a high level of success. An organization in midlife is larger, with a more complex and increasingly formal structure. More levels appear in the chain of command, and the founder may have difficulty remaining in control. As the organization becomes older, it may also become more mechanistic in structure. Maturity: Once a firm has reached the maturity phase, it tends to become less innovative, less interested in expanding, and more interested in maintaining itself in a stable, secure environment. The emphasis is on improving efficiency and profitability. However, in an attempt to improve efficiency and profitability, the firm often tends to become less innovative. Stale products result in sales declines and reduced profitability. Organizations in this stage are slowly dying. However, maturity is not an inevitable stage. Firms experiencing the decline of maturity may institute the changes necessary to revitalize.

Although an organization may proceed sequentially through all four stages, it does not have to. An organization may skip a phase, or it may cycle back to an earlier phase. An organization may even try to change its position in the life cycle by changing its structure. As the life-cycle concept implies, a relationship exists between an organization's size and age. As organizations age, they tend


to get larger; thus, the structural changes a firm experiences as it gets larger and the changes it experiences as it progresses through the life cycle are parallel. Therefore, the older the organization and the larger the organization, the greater its need for more structure, more specialization of tasks, and more rules. The organization under study can be categorized under the youth stage, where the company has become customer centric. It manufactures the transformers as per the wishes of the customers, and is in the process of expanding its business throughout the country. The companies turnover has been increasing every year and had recently expanded and has started its manufacturing operations as a larger unit, and as the organization grows the structure might change as few more levels can be brought into the organization structure.

d. The Nature of Demand: Up on seeing the industry analysis of the transformer manufacturing units, it is very likely that the demand for transformers may increase. Various factors like wear and tear, increasing demand by the people for power etc. have led to this conclusion. In this case the company has to increase its man power and hence the entire organizational structure might change, the number of levels in organisation structure might increase or the number of in-charges monitoring the same activity might increase, this would entirely depend on the kind of increase in the demand. e. Goals and objectives to be achieved: Statements of "Goals" and "Objectives" represent what the organisation wants to achieve. They change from time to time as a result of the changing environment in which the organisation lives. As Goals and Objectives change so will the organisations structure. Advantages and disadvantages of the above organization structure Advantages: a. Superiors are forced the delegate b. Clear policies must be made


c. Subordinates must be carefully selected d. There are less layers of management to pass a message through, so the message reaches more employees faster e. It costs less money to run a wider span of control because a business does not need to employ as many managers Disadvantages: a. Tendency of overloaded superiors to become bottlenecks b. Danger of superiors loss of control c. Requires exceptional quality of managers Future plans for growth: The company has expanded recently, in the year 2010, by moving into a larger manufacturing facility and is looking forward to expand its business at the national level. At present, it looks forward to expand in terms of turnover and size and is trying to increase its market share. Five to ten years down the lane the company looks forward attain self sufficiency in the manufacturing of transformers (tanks of transformers are not manufactured at ESENNAR Transformers) and also to expand its product range in the field of power transmission. It plans to do so by diversifying its customer base, product range, and increasing its market share.


Functional Departments Before the roles and functions of various departments are looked into, its first necessary to know the various steps involved once the tender is obtained. Firstly, the requirement of the transformer, with all its specification, to the last detail, is floated in the form of a tender document. The tender is received by the marketing department, where necessary documentation is done and is forwarded to the design department. Here, in the design department drawings are prepared and the weight of the transformer is calculated (the weight of the transformer plays an important role. The tendency of the customer is that more preference would be given to a heavier transformer compared to a lighter one, as the heavier one would have more material or more components) price is also decided upon jointly by the marketing head and the design head and is sent back to the customer along with terms and conditions. The customer would have enquired with three to four vendors for the transformer and with the prices in hand, he can also call all the vendors for a negotiation meeting, where the final price is negotiated, and the contract is awarded to the bidder who has the required credentials. Once the contract is awarded, at ESENNAR, the customer has to pay an amount as advance and only then will the work commence. The amount could be anywhere from 30% to 50% of the contract value. Once the payment is received, the accounts department notifies the marketing department, which in-turn notifies the customer about the order acceptance and also goes ahead with the paper work, where the work order number is allocated to the job; this is the order advice stage. The marketing department also communicates to the design department, which prepares detailed drawings and calculates to the material requirement and this requirement is sent to the purchase department. The design department communicates with the customer only when the customer has technical quires. The design department also requires the clients approval for the plinth levels before the manufacturing process commences. Once the approval for the plinth levels are given by the client the order can be considered as fully finalized. Once the material requirement is sent to the purchase department, its the responsibility of the purchase departments to procure the material in time for the manufacturing process. The material is made available in the stores, and the production work commences. In the mean time the marketing department keeps the customer informed regarding the status of their order.


During various stages in the manufacturing process, the components used, and parts manufactured are subjected to stringent quality checks. Once the product is finished it undergoes a final quality test to ensure that it is in perfect working condition. The product is released only when the marketing department gets the confirmation from the accounts section that the full amount is paid by the customer. The above process is illustrated in the form of a process map in the following page:


Process map



Order Finalisation

Receipt of Order Acceptance of Order


Order Advice

Design & Development


Material Requirement

Quality Control & Testing

Production & Stores




Marketing Department The marketing department plays a very important role in any organization. It acts as an interface between the outside world and the organization, it is also responsible for the sales of the organization and hence the profit made by it. Marketing is used to identify the customer, satisfy the customer, and keep the customer. If the marketing department is weak, there is every chance that the product or services offered might go unnoticed by the consumers, no matter how good the products / services are. The marketing department at ESENNAR headed by the companies Managing Director, Mr. Sridhar Reddy, himself. The department not only has a better understanding of the market prices and conditions but also closely monitors the competition faced by the organization in the market. Keeping the market in mind, the company has a strong strategy to promote its transformers. The following conventional and modern methods of advertising are used: a. Door to door advertisement: Here is where the companys marketing executives approach potential customers and give necessary details about the product. b. Advertising via the internet: Advertising is done in some of the most popular web sites like c. Bill boards: The Company also publicise its products by advertising on bill boards in industrial areas. d. Magazines: The Company advertises in famous technical magazines E.g. the Electrical Magazine, to promote its products. For the marketing department to be successful, the most important element is communication. The information gathered by the department should be shared with various other departments, for the continual improvement of the products manufactured. Also, the personnel should be wary of their surroundings and should act up on the tenders or orders received by them spontaneously. The companys marketing department targets the customers who build factories and buildings for the others i.e. building contractors, for example a big firm that has no knowledge of engineering and construction, like a bank or a hospital, wants to expand and wants to construct an establishment. It gives the job of constructing a building to a contractor, and its known that big


buildings or a group of buildings require transformers, so the marketing department approaches such contractors to expand the business. The company approaches power manufacturing companies (E.g. APTRANSCO) as such firms frequently would be requiring transformers for their day to day business. The company also targets the real-estate sector and the industry sector. Roles and responsibilities of Marketing Manager: Develop the companys marketing strategy Estimate the demand for products and services offered by the firm and its competitors Identify potential marketsfor example, business firms, Contractors, government etc. Pricing strategy to help firms maximize profits and market share while ensuring that the firms customers are satisfied Monitor, review and report on all marketing activity and results Manage and coordinate all marketing, advertising and promotional staff and activities determine and manage the marketing budget Design Department The design department plays a vital role in a way that it designs the transformer according to the specifications given by the customer. The customer approaches the design department in case of any query regarding the product. The department specializes in transformer technology and also various softwares used in designing transformers E.g. Auto CAD, Pro E. The following are some of the responsibilities if the design department at ESENNAR: Works to understand the client's needs - type of transformer, circuit requirements, finishing requirements. Uses client specifications and input forms Creates a rough design for the specific transformer including size, capacity, & hardware needs Contacts the client to discuss rough design - determining if there is a need for revision


Determines & plans specific parts and specifications - defines all technical parts of transformer and process Communication with client is continuous when needed Gives the material requirement to the procurement department for the manufacturing process Keeps records of previously executed projects and keep templates of important components ready for faster execution of drawings Helps in product price estimation Unlike the Marketing department, this department has relatively lesser need to communicate and has more to do with the technical knowledge. Therefore its very important for the people in this department to be highly knowledgeable in the subject of transformers. The work is carried out in two phases. In the first phase the drawings are prepared and sent for the approval of the client, and after getting the clients approval the detailed drawings are prepared and also the drawings are tested for the stresses developed in the long run. The basic design is done in Auto CAD environment and the testing is done in the Pro E software. The time taken to complete one drawing depends on the capacity of the transformer. If the capacity is more the time taken for the drawings and the time taken for the testing will be more. At times the delay could be on the part of the customer. The customer has to approve the drawings and the plinth levels for the transformer, without which work will not progress, and he fails to do it on time. In such cases the marketing department follows up with the customer to approve the drawings. The following are the roles and responsibilities of design department incharge: Receiving order advice from the marketing department Carrying out design and development activities for all types of transformers Study the order received from the customer Issue work instructions, procedures and check lists to production Maintaining list of standards, equipment and monitoring & measuring devices Handling non-conforming products in the production Liaison with customer / third parties relating to inspection and testing of transformers


Carrying out research and development if required Purchase Department Purchasing refers to a business or organization attempting for acquiring goods or services to accomplish the goals of the enterprise. The purchase department is responsible for the timely availability of materials in the stores and any delay on its part will result in the failure of meeting the deadlines. The following are the objectives of the department at ESENNAR Transformers: To maintain uninterrupted flow of materials to support the development schedules To procure materials economically at a cost consistent with the quality and service required. However, generally all purchases may be attempted at the lowest cost To provide the necessary expertise, advice, information to the managing director with regard to the best quality of material available in the market, suppliers capability and performance etc. To develop and maintain good buyer-seller relationship To promote source development To maintain companies reputation and credibility in the market by fair dealings and prompt payment To maintain records of the vendors who supply in time and also maintain the record of all the previous transactions with the vendor The following are the roles and responsibilities of the purchase in-charge: Analysing quotations and bids etc., and preparation of comparative statements Negotiating contracts Issue of Purchase Order Verification and passing of suppliers bills to see that payments are made promptly Correspondence and dealing with suppliers, carriers etc., regarding shortages, rejections etc., reported by the Stores Department Maintenance of vendor performance records/data Keeping various Departments/Divisions informed of the progress of their indents in case of delay in obtaining supplies Serving as an information centre on the materials knowledge i.e. their prices, source of supply, specification and other allied matter


Development of reliable and alternate sources of supply Have thorough knowledge of how long it takes to manufacture what type of transformer Production Department The function of the production department is to produce our products on time, to the required quality levels, at the defined product cost. Note that Production can only meet its targets if Sales secure orders. Also production costs are dependent on the price we pay for components and materials, etc. Securing sales is outside the direct control of Production, but the relationship between Production & Sales is intense. If sales are down, production targets cannot be met, on the other hand if Production fails to meet its target output monthly income is down and customers are likely to complain about late delivery. There is scope for friction between sales and production personnel. Component and materials procurement is another factor that strongly influences production, production targets, and delivery. If components cannot be purchased at the target price, profits are down. If components arrive late at the factory production targets may not be met and customers may experience late delivery. Here is a brief description of how the transformers are manufactured at the factory. Manufacturing process at the plant Esenar's corporate thinking is driven by the commitment to quality. The complete in house manufacturing process helps us to ensure optimum quality of the transformer. We have complete testing facility to test and check all the major raw-materials used in manufacturing the transformer. CRGO laminations are cut and annealed in house to achieve minimum magnetic flux distortion. To ensure the best quality of the Coils of the transformer, winding wires and strips are also manufactured in house. The tanks are manufactured by a third party and quality person of ESENNAR Transformer posted at that location ensures the robustness, quality, and fine finish of the tank and radiators of the transformer. The manufacturing process of Transformer covers the following sections:-


a. b. c. d. e. f.

Coil Winding Core Assembly Core-Coil Assembly Tank-up given as a contract to third party Transformer Tank Painting & Finishing

a. Coil Winding: Coil Winding is of two types:High Voltage Coils: H.V. Coils are the components of finished transformers. They are made on automatic layer setting winding machines. A solid cylindrical former of predetermined diameter and length is being used as base over which is made. Generally round insulated wire of either copper (Cu) or Aluminium (Al) is used as basic raw material. The coils are made in number of layers. The starting and finishing leads of each coil are terminated on either side of the coil. These leads are properly sleeved and locked at number of points. Low Voltage Coils: L.V. Coils are also one of the components of transformer. The procedure of making low voltage coil is generally same as described earlier. The shape of the basic raw-material (Al or Cu) is rectangular. Quality test: The "Turn Test" is carried out on the H.V. Coils as per the specifications. b. Core Assembly: The basic raw-material is COLD ROLLED GRAIN ORIENTED (CRGO) Silicon Steel It is in the form of thin sheets & cut to size as per design.


Generally three different shapes of core laminations are used in one assembly. Notching is performed to increase the magnetic path. The laminations are put through annealing process. These laminations are assembled in such a manner that there is no air gap between the joints of two consecutive sheets. The entire assembly is done on a frame commonly known as core channel. These frames being used as a clamping support of the core assembly. c. Core Coil Assembly: The components produced in the coil winding and core assembly stages are then taken into core-coil assembly stage. The core assembly is vertically placed with the foot plate touching the ground. The top yoke of the core is removed. The limbs of the core are tightly wrapped with cotton tape and then varnished. Cylinder made out of insulating press board/ pressphan paper is wrapped on all the three limbs. Low Voltage Coil is placed on the insulated core limbs. Insulating block of specified thickness and number are placed both at the top and bottom of the L.V.Coil. Cylinder made out of corrugated paper or plain cylinder with oil ducts are provided over L.V.Coil. H.V. Coils are placed over the cylinder. Gap between each section of H.V. Coils including top & bottom clearances is maintained with the help of oil ducts, as per the design/drawings. The Top Yoke is refilled. Top core frame including core bolts and tie rods are fixed in position. Primary and secondary windings are connected as per the requirements. Phase barrier between H.V. phases are placed as per requirement. Connections to the tapping switch (if required) are made. Finally, the component is placed in the oven.


d. Tank Up: The core-coil assembly and tank are taken into tank-up stage. The procedure is : The core-coil assembly is taken out of the oven and the "Megger test" is carried out. Only if the megger value is as per the specification, the assembly may be taken for tank-up. The tanks, supplied by the third party are brought to tank-up section duly painted. Fittings like drain valves, HV& LV Bushings, conservator, oil level indicator, and explosion vent are fitted in the tanks. The Core-coil assembly is then placed into the tank and properly locked up. Pure filtered transformer oil is filled in the tank to immerse the assembly only. Connections of primary and secondary to the terminal bushings are made. Operating handle for ratio switch is fitted, wherever required. e. Painting process: Painting: The entire procedure of painting is done under two stages: Note: These stages are carried out by a third party and is not done at ESENNAR transformers i. Cleaning of tanks The cleaning of tank is done normally by chipping/grinding. The outside surface of the tank is short blasted to achieve a very fine and smooth finish ii. Painting of tanks After cleaning the tanks, a coat of hot oil resistance paint is applied on the internal surface of the tank. The outside surface is painted with a coat of Red Oxide primer and subsequently with one coat of enamel paint as per customer's requirement.


f. Finishing: Fittings and accessories as per customer's specification and drawing are checked. Air Pressure test is subjected to avoid any leakage and seepage on all transformer. Transformers are filled with oil up to the minimum level marking, wherever necessary. Loose accessories like, earthing terminals, bimetallic connectors; dial type thermometers are also checked for proper fittings. Once the transformer is finished, the customer is made aware of the same and once the balance payment is made by the customer, it is dispatched to the address mentioned by the client. ESENNAR also takes up commissioning work of the transformers. If the client wishes that the transformers are to be commissioned i.e. to bring the transformer to active service, at the site, the concerned personnel from the company visit the site and carry out this task for the customer. The following are the functions of the production in charge: Maintenance of equipment Responsible for purchase of production operation equipment Responsible for recruitment/ selection/ orientation/ training of personnel of the production department Responsible for directing the production activities to ensure the current and future plans of the organization are met Develop, direct the implementation of production business strategies and activities to enable the production to achieve output and quality objectives Keep the production costs within the budget allocated Ensure the products are produced in a safe work place in accordance with the environmental guidelines Maintain quality standards at all levels of the production process Adhere to the schedules and ensure that the production targets are met


Human Resource Department Human resource management (HRM) is a management function that helps in recruiting, selecting, training, and developing members for an organization. The workforce of an organization, the manpower is what is termed as human resource and the people who manage them are called human resource Professionals. A separate department is dedicated in every organization for carrying out such activities. The HR department has a huge responsibility on its shoulders as it is the one which gives strength to the organization. Strength is provided by hiring the best manpower who match the management standards and who will take the organization to new heights with their zeal and hard work. Hiring, recruitment or staffing is not the only work performed by HR managers. Their scope of work may range from staffing to organizational design and development to maintaining a liaison between the employees and the management to rewards and benefit management to learning management (Training and development). The primary goal of HR Department at ESENNAR that it strives to maximize ROI (Return on investment) on human capital and minimize financial risk and secure future survival and success. Its the responsibility of the HR department to look after all the issues of the employees (personal and professional) and ensure that they adapt to the working environment and work culture comfortably. They have to respect the dignity of the workforce and not at any cost should reveal the employees personal information to any external agency or individual. The following are some responsibilities of the HR department at ESENNAR Transformers: Maintaining awareness of and compliance with local, state and federal labour laws Recruitment of individuals who would do their best for the organization Employee record-keeping and confidentiality Industrial and employee relations Human resources (workforce) analysis and workforce personnel data management Compensation and employee benefit management Training and development (learning management) Employee motivation and morale-building (employee retention and loyalty)


Human Resource Planning: The human resource planning at ESENNAR is based solely on the turnover of the company. If the demand in the market is high and there is an increase in the turnover, the company recruits personnel. Before recruiting, the HR takes feed-back form all the departments enquiring about the requirements in each department. Depending on the feedback given the candidates are recruited. Recruitment Policy: Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization or firm. Here at ESENNAR Transformers, only fresh graduates are recruited. There is only an interview stage and potential candidates are selected through the interview. The vacancies are published in news papers, and also interested candidates with known acquaintances at ESENNAR also appear for the selection process. The company is open to only to novices because, they believe that their process of manufacturing is unique and if people with experience are recruited, they may suggest other ways of doing things which is not acceptable to the companys management. Another point to be mentioned is that the company doesnt recruit employees on contract basis. All the employees are permanent; as the company is rapidly growing there has not been any downsizing yet. Appraisal policy and benefits: At ESENNAR transformers the appraisal of a candidate is done by his senior. The HR department has the final authority whether to promote the employee or not. Usually one gets promoted in every two to five years. Promotions are strictly based on the performance. Apart from getting a good pay from the company, the employees get bonuses on yearly basis. The benefits also include mediclaim insurance form the company, where the employees and their families are covered in case of a major illness. They also have the provident fund facility.


Training Policy: Training actually provides the opportunity to raise the profile development activities in the organization. At ESENNAR Transformers training is given top priority and is seen as a vital part in the organization. The workforce at the company can broadly be classified in to two categories highly skilled workmen, who do the blue collared job and the employees, who do the white collared job. The skilled workmen are already trained by the institutes from which they graduate like the ITIs (Industrial Training Institutes) and on the other hand the employees are fresh graduates who can be easily moulded to the needs of the company. All the employees are placed under a probation period of three months where they get acquainted to the companies policies and their jobs. This period can also be considered as a training period, as the fresh graduates get to learn from their superiors. It is On the job training that is given to all the employees of the company for a period of three months. The workers are also encouraged to learn various skills apart from the ones that they specialize in. This is called the Job Rotation, where a person is put in various sections in his department, so that he can manage the operations in case of expansion or in the absence of his superior. Roles and responsibilities of HR Manager at ESENNAR Transformers: Maintain and develop HR policies, ensuring compliance and to contribute the development of corporate HR policies To ensure timely recruitment of required level / quality of Management staff, other business lines staff, including non-billable staff with appropriate global approvals in order to meet business needs, focusing on Employee Retention Ensure appropriate communication at all staff levels To facilitate development of staff with special focus on Line Management Responsible for overall centralized HR admin function Counselling and Guidance cell - provide support to Managers in case of disciplinary issues Ensure a motivational climate in the organization, including adequate opportunities for career growth and development


Finance Department The finance department of a business takes responsibility for organising the financial and accounting affairs including the preparation and presentation of appropriate accounts, and the provision of financial information for managers. The main areas covered by the financial department include: a. Book keeping procedures: Keeping records of the purchases and sales made by a business as well as capital spending. These records today are typically kept on computer files. But we still use the term ledger entries to refer to the days when all financial transactions were carefully recorded in thick books (ledgers). At ESENNAR Transformers the Cost Basis of accounting is followed i.e. actual cash receipts and actual cash payments are recorded. Credit transactions are not recorded at all until cash is actually received or paid. The only disadvantage of cost basis of accounting is that it doesnt record outstanding transactions, like outstanding incomes and outstanding expenses. But it is ESENNARS policy that the goods manufactured are not sold on credit basis, thus, eliminating the disadvantages of the cost basis of accounting. FOCUS software is used to maintain accounts. There are two main sources of funds for ESENNAR Transformers: i. ii. Loans Customer Advances / Sales

The fund allocation is as follows: At least 68% of the funds obtained are allocated to purchasing raw material, 10% of it is used to pay the workmen i.e. is it is given as salaries and 18% of it is used to pay for the electricity bills , water bills, telephone bills and other miscellaneous expenditure and a of the total income 4% goes for taxes . The same is represented in the pie chart below:


Fund Allocation at ESENNAR Transformers

Raw Materials Salaries Others Taxes

b. Creating a balance sheet and profit and loss account: Financial statements need to be produced at given time intervals, for example at the end of each financial year. Trial balances are extracted from the ledger entries to create a Balance Sheet showing the assets and liabilities of a business at the year end. In addition, records of purchases and sales are totalled up to create a Profit and Loss (P&L) account. The purpose of the profit and loss account is to:

Show whether a business has made a PROFIT or LOSS over a financial year. Describe how the profit or loss arose e.g. categorising costs between cost of sales and operating costs.

A profit and loss account starts with the TRADING ACCOUNT and then takes into account all the other expenses associated with the business. In financial accounting, a balance sheet or statement of financial position is a summary of the financial balances of a sole proprietorship, a business partnership or a company. Assets, liabilities, and ownership equity are listed as of a specific date, such as the end of its financial year. A balance sheet is often described as a "snapshot of a company's financial condition".


The following table shows excerpts from the balance sheets and Profit & Loss Accounts of ESENNAR Transformers (all units are in crores, except for the ones mentioned): S No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Cost Head Material Consumption Closing Stock of Material Net Consumption of material Direct Expenses Cost of production Trading Profit Operating profit Profit before Interest / Depreciation Profit after interest Profit after Depreciation Profit before tax Net Profit Sales Turnover Income through borrowing Current Assets Current Liabilities Net current assets 2008 19.91 2.18 1.77 51.21 lakhs 18.23 5.17 2.34 2.69 2.67 2.42 2.28 1.36 23.41 1.42 6.82 5.08 1.74 2009 24.00 3.79 2.02 77.98 lakhs 20.99 4.67 1.43 2.88 2.86 2.59 2.37 0.96 25.66 1.73 8.88 7.10 1.77 2010 26.09 3.24 2.28 83.90 lakhs 23.67 5.26 2.02 3.06 3.00 2.55 2.29 1.41 28.93 2.63 8.84 6.74 1.72


c. Providing management information: Managers require ongoing financial information to enable them to make better decisions. For example, they will want information about how much it costs to produce a particular product or service, in order to assess how much to produce and whether it might be more worthwhile to switch to making an alternative product. d. Management of wages: The wages section of the finance department will be responsible for calculating the wages and salaries of employees and organising the collection of income tax and national insurance for the Inland Revenue. e. Rising of funds for the business: The finance department will also be responsible for the technical details of how a business raises finance e.g. through loans, and the repayment of interest on that finance. In addition it will supervise the payment of dividends to shareholders. The company has tie up with HDFC bank, which provides financial support, by providing loans to the company. Auditing: At ESENNAR Transformers Internal audits are done every three months Excise audits are done on monthly basis ISO audits are done every quarter Quality Department At ESENNAR transformers a strict code for quality is maintained so that the products manufactured are free from defects. The quality policy of the company is as follows:


Quality Policy: The quality policy of ESENNAR Transformers is as follows: We at ESENNAR TRANSFORMERS Aim and believe in quality culture and distinguish our self as one of the market leaders in design, manufacture and supply of high quality transformers with strong commitment to enhance customer satisfaction through continual improvement of quality management systems and performance of employees to achieve excellent business results. Quality Objectives: a. b. c. d. e. f. To improve customer satisfaction Design quality to meet customer requirement and ease to manufacture Timely procurement of material To maintain minimum inventory and preserve the items To improve productivity and conformance to quality To involve people for continual improvement of quality management systems g. To facilitate quality improvement through analysis of data In order to ensure that the products are free from defects the following tests are carried out on the transformers: Measurement of Insulation Resistance Measurement of Voltage Ratio and Check of Voltage Vector Relationship Separate Source Voltage Withstand Test Induced Over-voltage Withstand Test Measurement of No Load Loss and Current Measurement of Impedance Voltage/Short Circuit Impedance and Load Loss Measurement of Winding Resistance Unbalance Current Oil Dielectric Test Temperature Rise Test Air Pressure Test Vacuum Test Oil Leakage Test


Responsibilities of the quality department: To maintain the ISO standards at every level of manufacture of the transformers Perform quality checks immediately without delay Maintain documentation regarding drawings (of transformers), quality procedures etc. Inspect the raw material before accepting the same from the vendors and issue MRIR (Material Receipt Inspection Report) Prevent and check any misuse of raw material & wrong practices in production Responsibilities of quality in-charge: Develop, implement, communicate, and maintain a quality plan to bring the Companys Quality Systems and Policies into compliance with quality system requirements. Manage documentation related to Quality System guidelines Manage and maintain the Companys internal quality audit program and assess improvement initiatives resulting from all Quality Audits internal and external Establish an auditing program and lead compliance audits of third party suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors. Personally conduct / supervise the final testing of the transformer Responsible for the equipment calibration


SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing an organization and its environment. It is the first stage of planning and helps marketers to focus on key issues. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Opportunities and threats are external factors. The following is the SWOT analysis of ESENNAR Transformers: Strengths: The location of the factory is such that the humidity is less than 30%, this helps in reducing moisture content, and also the presence of banks, hospitals, and good connectivity via road is an added benefit for the company Highly streamlined process of procurement, manufacturing, and delivery Strict adherence to quality policy helps manufacture better quality of products Young, dynamic, committed and skilled work force Spacious and well maintained shop floor, that gives enough space for storage of material, manufacturing of transformers and also helps in prevention of accidents to workmen Good working conditions, provision for cross ventilation and use of roof extractor with ventilation fans Good incentives for the workmen to keep the morale high Timely delivery of goods to the customers State of the art production and testing equipment Timely payment of money to the vendors for raw materials Weaknesses: Time is consumed during the initial set up of core manufacture, due to the use of packing material for measurement Use of outdated software in computers and lack of IT infrastructure Absence of safety department The web-site of ESENNAR Transformers is not developed properly, lacks detail and, hence the competitors have an extra egde over it The tanks of the transformers are procured form other vendors, thus reducing their profit margin Doesnt recruit personnel with work experience Little or no diversity in the work force


Not listed in the stock market, there could be a chance of assets getting liquidated Opportunities As the power sector is booming the transformer industry too will follow suit Can better utilize the cheap resources as well as the skilled employees Good financial position creating a good reputation for future bank loans and borrowings Broadband technology has been installed in the area (useful for Internet users) Use of state of the art technology in the field of testing The Managing Director is a very influential person and hence helps get more orders from potential customers Its competitors were established long time back and dont have latest technology Decrease in the excise duty of steel in the present budget 2011-12 Most raw materials are readily and locally available Uninterrupted power supply by the government of AP Financial support by HDFC bank Threats: Prices of raw transformers dependent on the volatile steel prices Sales tend to go down in the rainy and winter seasons as most of the construction takes place only during the summer Presence of many transformer manufacturing units in the vicinity Increasing interest rates (increases borrowing repayments, etc) Rising cost of wages (Basic wage, etc)


Recommendations and Suggestions The following are some suggestions and recommendations basing on the study: 1. The work force needs to be diversified in order to achieve the goal of becoming a global player 2. Needs to look out for more ways of advertising its products 3. There is need to immediately develop its web site and add more information regarding the products, achievements, goals etc., as these are what potential customers look at to find out about a company 4. In the initial set up of core building, packing material is used for the purpose of measurement, which is not a good practice and is also time consuming, instead a prefabricated structure, with precise dimensions can be used. 5. The software used in all of the systems is outdated. The IT infrastructure and the software need to be upgraded. 6. Safety personnel need to be recruited on permanent basis as there is lot of scope for accidents, as the work men deal with high voltages. 7. Personnel with sufficient work experience need to be recruited as such people make lesser errors during execution of the work and can better deal with emergency situations 8. There is plenty of vacant space in the shop floor; this space can be utilized for the setting up of a fabrication shop, where the tanks of transformers can be manufactured. This will not only help the company to becoming self sufficient but also increase the profit earned by the sale of one unit 9. Should consider entering the stock market to improve the money inflow Modifications to the Organization Structure: The following suggestions to the structure are made keeping in mind the various aspects: a. There should be a safety department in addition to the already present eight departments. This is because, if the company wants to be a global player it needs to have an immaculate track record of safe and accident free working environment.


b. The role of Management Representative consists of the roles of the quality in-charge which are carried out by the design in-charge. c. In case of wide spanned organization structure the number of levels is less and hence it becomes difficult for employees to get promotions, this may lead to dissatisfaction among the employees. d. In case of ESENNAR Transformers, the number of subordinates under a manager is less therefore the services of the managers are underutilized.

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