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There are various definitions given for the term competency. Combining the basic ideas embedded in all definitions, competency can be defined as: A combination of knowledge, skills, attitude and personality of an individual as applied to a role or job in the context of the present and future environment that accounts for sustained success within the framework of Organizational Values. Sometimes competencies are also defined as cluster of successful behaviors. What is Competency? Competency is an underlying characteristic required to perform a given task, activity, or role can be considered as competency. Competency has the following forms: Knowledge Skills Attitude

These three factors are important for identifying competency in a person. Different individual requires different competency for e.g. a person working in a manufacturing unit may require different competency than a person working in an IT sector. Competency difference from industry to industry. According to Harvard Business Review Daniel Katz grouped competency into three areas which later expanded in to the following four: Technical Managerial Human Conceptual

In competency mapping all details of the behaviors (observable, specific, measurable etc) to be shown by the person occupying that role are specified.


1. Motives: The things a person consistently thinks about or wants that cause action. Motives drive, direct, and select behavior toward certain actions or goals and away from others. E.g. Achievement-motivated people consistently set challenging goals for themselves and use feedback to do better.


Traits: Physical characteristics and consistent response to situation or information.

E.g. Reaction time and good eyesight are physical trait competencies of combat pilots.


Self-concept: A persons attitude, values, or self-image.

E.g. Self-confidence, a persons belief that he can be effective in any situation is a part of that persons concept of self.


Knowledge: Information a person has in specific content areas

E.g. A surgeons knowledge of nerves and muscles in the human body.


Skill: The ability to perform a certain physical or mental task.

E.g. A dentists physical skill to fill a tooth without damaging the nerve.


A competency model is a set of success factors (competencies) that include the key behaviors required for excellent performance in a particular role excellent performers on the job demonstrate these behaviors much more consistently than average or poor performers. A Competency model provides a road map for the range of behaviors that produce excellent performance.


Organizations are using competencies in virtually every human resource domain.






Competencies are used as the key criteria for implementing each application. Therefore, competencies can be used as a tool to produce results in each of the above areas. All the Integrated Human Resource Practices can be based on competencies.


Competency Mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for an organization and/or a job and incorporating those competencies throughout the various processes (i.e. job evaluation, training, recruitment) of the organization.



Competency based selection can be a way to gain competitive advantage. The market for human talent is imperfect. A firm that knows how to assess competencies can effectively hire the best at a reasonable price, for example hire under priced but highly entrepreneurial MBAs from lesserknown business schools. There is a need for competency based selection because

The person employed performs poorly in a critical job for he lacks the competencies required for that role. There is high turnover due to high failure rate among new hires. The organization needs to identify new hires with the potential to become future managers or leaders. A gap between the competencies needed and what the organization can hire for indicates the training new hires will need. A lengthy training period may transpire before new hires become productive. New hires with the competencies to do a job become fully productive faster.


Performance has two dimensions a) b) Achieving business results Developing individual competencies These days performance appraisal is seen by managers and employees as a bureaucratic paperwork exercises that they do not take seriously because it has little impact on employee development. Performance appraisals do not address the employees questions about skill development or career advancement. Competency based performance management would

Focus on HOW of performance and not on WHAT of performance i.e. not on results

but how the results are achieved Link to development of the individual and not just rewards Competency based PMS shift the emphasis of appraisal from organization results to employee behaviors and competencies demonstrated and hence help identify development gaps.


If the training programs can be aligned to the development needs emerging out of the appraisal system and to the market led training needs they can contribute better to both individual and business objectives. There is a need to determine the competencies for a particular position Identify the competencies of the person holding that position By mapping the competencies, gaps can be identified in terms of the competencies for that role and the competencies of the person doing that role to diagnose the training and development needs. Identify the most appropriate training and development methodology for each trainable competency


Competency based compensation is compensation for individual characteristics, for skills and competencies over and above the pay a job or organizational role commands. Various elements are considered for arriving at compensation increase. Enhancement in competencies has to be one of them. There is a need for competency based compensation system To attract more competent than average employees To reward for results and competencies developed To motivate employees to maintain and enhance their skills and competencies regularly

By rewarding employees who develop relevant competencies the organization can benefit

by improving its own capability to face the future


Competency mapping can play a significant role in, Recruitment and selection. Performance management. Training and development. Succession planning. Job enrichment and job enlargement.


Effectiveness of an organization is the summation of the required competencies in the organization They are, Gap analysis, Role clarity, Selection, potential identification, growth plans. Succession planning, Restructuring, Inventory of competencies for future planning.


Competency mapping is excessively used in the organization to determine the crucial elements and activities. The basic reason due to which the mapping of the competencies is done is as follows, Once the competencies are determined, proper training can be provided to the individuals to work more efficiently on the processes. Key performance areas can be improved by understanding the fields where there is a gap between the actual and the desired result. If the competencies are determined for the given jobs, then the person whose career planning phase is taking place can consider those competencies and can be ready for the same. Through the competency mapping, the individual is preparing himself for the next set of responsibilities. With the help of the competency mapping the individuals can alter the style of work where the gap exists. By overcoming the differences in the desired level and the actual status of performance the individual can feel the increase in the self confidence and the motivational level. Competency based approach can lead the individual to derive much efficient results (with more accuracy) as compared to work in a non-competency derived situation. Competency mapping plays a crucial role in career planning of the individual in the organization. Competency mapping leads the individual to understand the actual position from the desired status of work. Helps the individuals to determine the areas where the development is required and thus leads the individual to develop a self develop. This is a competency era. It is beyond doubt that it is beneficial and cost effective to have competent people occupy higher level positions. Competency refers to the intellectual, managerial, social and emotional competency. Many organizations in India and abroad are channelizing efforts to mapping competencies and implementing and development centers.


Establish expectations for performance excellence Improved job satisfaction and better employee retention Increase the effectiveness of training and professional development programs by linking them to success criteria Provide a common understanding of scope and requirements of a specific role Provide a common, organization wide standards for career levels that enable employees to move across business boundaries

Identify performance criteria to improve the accuracy and ease of the selection Provide more objective performance standards Easier communication of performance expectations Provide a clear foundation for dialogue to occur between the managers and employees and performance, development and career-oriented issues process

Identify the behavioral standards of performance excellence Provide a more specific and objective assessment of their strengths and the tools required to enhance their skills More clear on career related issues


The study is focused on analyzing the competency skills of employees at TECHINFINITY SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS. Through the competency mapping process. The level of competencies and skills of the employees is analyzed through the various dimensions of competency live Emotional, Intellectual, Motivational and social. The productivity of the company mainly depends on the employees. Competent employees will be more productivity. So the employee competency mapping should be the main concern for any HR department. The HR department has to perform the competency mapping process effectively and must also motivate the employees by providing them with career growth opportunity, training programs, appropriate appraisals, identifying the work and implementation awards and other monetary benefits. Under the above scenario there is a need to study the competency mapping of employees with regards to the above-mentioned factors.


PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: To analyze the competency level of the employees in TECHINFINITY SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS. To enhance organizational capabilities. To prepare employee for higher level jobs

SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: Creating a competency based culture in the organization.

To measure the work quality of the workers in the TECHINFINITY SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS.

To identify whether the employee achieve the competency mapping level.

To know whether the employee who work in TECHINFINITY SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, have a good observation of work.

To know whether the employee has such skill or knowledge to get in the higher level position from their normal position.

To suggest the suitable strategy to enhance the competency mapping level of the employee towards the organization.

To analyze the individual competency using various dimensions of competency such as intellectual, emotional, motivational and social.

To map the distance between the expected level and present level of competency found among the employees.


Creating a competency based culture in the organization. Identifying and building competencies of individuals as efficient and effective managers. To ensure that right people are identified and placed in the right jobs & employee potential is identified, developed and utilized to the fullest extent.


The study is confined only to TECHINFINITY SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS. The sample is limited only to 100 respondents. The study could not be generalized because findings and conclusions were restricted 100 respondents only. Due to short span of time, the researcher was able to meet selected employees in the organization. The response given by the selected employees may be subject bias. The first important drawback is the duration of the training period is only for 45 days. The questions can be increased but due to organizational policy, the questions had been reduced. Some of the respondents are unwilling to respond the questionnaire.

To study the objectives in detail the following research methodology is adopted. DATA COLLECTION: The data for project is collected from using sources of both Primary Data and Secondary Data. PRIMARY DATA: Personal interview method is used to collect primary data. The personal interviews are done for obtaining primary data from the employees with a set of structured questionnaire. SECONDARY DATA: Secondary data is collected from internet sources, organizational manual, and organizational website. SAMPLING SIZE: The selected sample size is 60.

RESEARCH DESIGN: Exploratory as well as descriptive RESEARCH METHOD: Survey method


Research instrument used for data collecting is questionnaire and interview schedule. Questionnaire The questionnaire is prepared in a well-structured form so that it is easily understandable and answerable by everyone. Interview Schedule The interview method of collecting data involves presentation of oral-verbal stimuli and reply in terms of oral-verbal responses. Then the responses are filled up in the questionnaire, for further analysis.

Software remains one of the most innovative and fastest growing sectors of the global economy, generating revenues of more than $150 billion every year. About half of those sales come from software applications, with the remainder split between development tools and infrastructure software (operating systems, network management, middleware, and security software). Microsoft claims a healthy chunk of all three segments -- a continuing point of contention with the US Justice Department.

The Internet has vastly altered the dynamics of the software industry over the past decade. Formerly restricted to a cycle of lengthy R&D concentrated in one geographic area -- followed by an arduous process of distribution through a worldwide network of resellers, systems integrators, and other independent vendors -- the software industry has found new efficiencies on the Web. Companies such as Sun Microsystems and Oracle have employed the Web to anchor their products, in much the same ways that Microsoft used the desktop PC and IBM used the mainframe to corner their respective markets. In the past five years, the formerly explosive market for enterprise resource planning (ERP) software -- which helps companies save money by integrating back-office operations such as accounting, distribution, and human resources -- has given way to software that helps companies make money, including customer relationship management (CRM) and supply chain management software.

The standardization of Internet technologies such as Java and XML (extensible markup language) -- which in tandem enable end users on the Web to interact with data stored on servers for configuring orders or personalizing services -- is speeding up the industry wide conversion to Web-enabled applications. A Business Software Alliance survey of CEOs from software

companies such as Autodesk, Intuit, and Symantec confirmed that trend, predicting that by 2005, two-thirds of all software will be distributed over the Internet (compared to just 12% in 2001).

Companies including Microsoft, AOL Time Warner, and Sun are all jockeying to push Webbased software to the next level, developing a new class of applications loosely referred to as Web services. Designed from standardized building block components, Web services can theoretically be assembled in a variety of ways, allowing companies to develop business applications that function across a variety of software and hardware platforms. While large on hype (mostly centered on Microsofts .NET initiative), the current real-world applications for Web services have been limited primarily to simple integration tasks, such as managing online travel reservations and tracking shipping.

The software business has long been one of the leading and most innovative industries in the United States. What began in the late 1950s as a highly specialized technology business servicing a small number of customers that owned large mainframe computers has proliferated to become an industry where software is embedded in nearly everything, from computers and medical equipment to mobile phones and home appliances. This article will discuss the current state of the software industry and explore the leading risks its industry leaders must recognize and address to better mitigate the risk profile of their business. CURRENT STATE OF THE INDUSTRY The software industry continues to evolve rapidly, expanding due to innovative new product and service applications (apps), hardware platforms, delivery mechanisms and growing global markets. Four key trends dominate the industry today:

1. Innovation and Product Development The first trend is the fast pace of innovation and product development that is creating many new applications, services and platforms on which software is used. The most visible of these is the rise of SaaS (Software as a Service), which started off with standardized off-the-shelf, packaged applications but has moved into customized apps built to the specific requirements of a company. SaaS applications for the business market have been rapidly expanding because many companies perceive them as offering a lower total cost of ownership, potentially reducing the need for inhouse IT staff to manage the applications. A variant of SaaS is PaaS (Platform as a Service), whereby customers or third party software companies add their own applications to an associated SaaS platform (e.g., Salesforce Appxchange and NetSuite SuiteFlex). 2. Mobile Applications the second trend is the burgeoning field of mobile applications, whose growth is being driven by the flurry of new platforms and readily available low-cost devices like smart phones and tablet computers. Businesses and consumers are turning to mobile apps because of their ease of use and constant availability. Even large IT organizations are integrating mobile apps to increase the productivity within their company. 3. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As) The third trend in the industry is an uptick in mergers and acquisitions (M&As). A distinguishing factor of todays M&As, however, is that many of them are oriented towards vertical integration between hardware and software companies. In some cases, it is a hardware firm acquiring a software firm, such as HPs recent announcement of its purchase of Autonomy. In other cases, it is the opposite, such as Oracles purchase of Sun. Such M&As are driving change in the software

industry as companies re-architect themselves to become not just software developers, but providers of full solutions for their clients. 4. New and Expanding Markets The final trend is the meteoric rise of new software developers who appear in the market and rapidly define a brand new playing field. As in the dot-com era, several upstart companies have managed to achieve enormous success by initially hitting it big with a single application, such as game developer Zynga with its popular Farmville game, and then building on that initial success. Social media companies have gone down this path as well. These developers often drive established companies to compete with them as well as inspire other new upstarts to enter the market, creating a virtual cycle of growth and innovation.


Source: Department of IT, Ministry of Communication and IT


Revenue (million Rs.) 2010 11 Compan Employees Export Domestic Tata Consultancy y 6,150 212,150 93 7 Services (TCS) Wipro Technologies 108,071 168,840 76 24 Infosys Technologies 104,850 155,310 99 1 HP India 31,656 154,540 18 82 IBM 76,000 101,010 58 42 Cognizant 48,000 63,100 100 Technology Ingram Micro 1,200 86,200 100 Solutions HCL Technologies 51,979 62,000 93 7 HCL Infosystems 6,077 50,580 100 Redington India 1,700 62,800 100 Cisco India 4,850 58,370 92 8 Oracle India 24, 000 58,080 Intel India 2,500 43,100 90 10 Accenture 40,000 38,000 93 7 SAP India 5,424 32,600 79 21 Dell India 13,000 32,000 100 Tech Mahindra 24,318 36,370 98 2 Microsoft India 5,300 32,630 90 10 MphasiS 33,810 18,810 100 Patni Computer 14,479 25,690 99 1

TISS was established in 2009 in Bangalore. Since then, we have scaled up tremendously in terms of headcount, exposure, experience and infrastructure. We have the capabilities to become a truly integral part of your organization to understand the pain points and provide comprehensive solution to your reporting needs. We are one of the niche players in the IT industry who focuses only on reporting because we are the masters in the segment and would like to gather all our strength to help the client transform towards better tomorrow. We have reached this success ladder truly because of your support and our relentless efforts towards timely, quality and cost efficient deliveries, all meant to drive a high level of customer satisfaction at a compelling cost. A unique blend of mature technical team working on right processes, with high focus on tools and mature understanding of business requirement has made us help our clients become more profitable.


SAP Business Objects, Crsytal Reports, Xcelsius, SAP BI, Business Intelligence, Data Services, HANA, Business Objects 4.0

Venkateswarlu K's Experience

Current :

Director - Operations, Techinfinity Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. IT Services

India, Hyderabad

Working from 2010 Brief summary : Responsibilities: Improve the operational systems, processes and policies in support of organizations mission -- specifically, support better management reporting, information flow and management, business process and

organizational planning. Manage and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Support Services (HR, IT and Finance), through improvements to each function as well as coordination and communication between support and business functions. Play a significant role in long-term planning, including an initiative geared toward operational excellence. Oversee overall financial management, planning, systems and controls. Management of agency budget in coordination with the Executive Director. Development of individual program budgets Invoicing to funding sources, including calculation of completed units of service. Payroll management, including tabulation of accrued employee benefits. Disbursement of checks for agency expenses. Organization of fiscal documents. Regular meetings with Executive Director around fiscal planning. Supervise and coach office manager on a weekly basis.

QUESTIONNAIRE A STUDY ON COMPETENCY MAPPING AS A TOOL FOR EMPLOYEES IN TECHINFINITY SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS. Dear Sir/Madam, I am studying M.B.A final year in SRTIST COLLEGE, Nalgonda508001. I am doing my project on COMPETENCY MAPPING. I attached my project questionnaire based on my objectives. This is for my academic purpose, so please choose the correct answer for all the questions and give your valuable support for my project. PERSONAL DETAILS: 1.Name : a) Designation b) Department c) Age d) Gender e) Marital status Married Single

2. Basic Qualification


3. Total years of work experience at TECHINFINITY SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS. a) 0-3 yrs b) 4-6 yrs c) 7-9 yrs d) 10 & above

4. Are you aware of competency mapping that are followed in your organization? a) Yes b) No

5. Whether you are satisfied with your performance, rightly recognized by your organization? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Dissatisfied

6. Can you clearly understand the level of your individual performance in the organization? a) Yes b) No

7. Do you think the self- competency mapping is a de-motivating factor? a) Yes b) No

8. Whether you are acquired any new skills, knowledge and abilities through the ED program? a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree

9. Does your organization given any adequate opportunities, to implement the newly learnt skills, knowledge and abilities at work? a) Yes b) No

10. Do you feel the existing training schemes and competency development initiatives are enough? Yes No

12. Does competency mapping is an excellent tool for succession planning in your organization? a) Yes b) No

13. Whether you are agreeing with the nature of competencies required its criticality and actual level is required for the position that makes you to go immediately higher? a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree

14. Do you feel the competencies necessary for the required level of immediate higher post? a) Yes b) No

15. Do you aware about the nature of the industry, in which your organization is operating, that keep constantly youre self updated on the industry status? a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree

16. Do you have the good understanding with the major competitors? a) Yes b) No

17. Do you update any existing level of your knowledge, skills and abilities to be on par with the ongoing industry levels? a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree

18. Whenever, a new concept or technology is introduced, do you make sure that you learned it as soon as possible? a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree

19. Do you have time to attend various training programs and seminar conferences? a) Yes 20. Are you well versed with this system? a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree b) No

21. Finally, to conclude, do you think competency mapping serves as an ideal tool for employee development? Agree Disagree

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