Fitrah The New Universal Religion

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Fitrah The New Universal Religion

Fitrah The New Universal Religion

Because God is One and the Universe is One living, conscious, aware individual Being there has to be an essential unity among all things. All separations are arbitrary and ultimately the product of mans imagination. There is no real separation between astrology/astronomy, biology/chemistry, matter/energy, space/time, economics/politics, sexuality/spirituality, God/Universe or Science/Religion. Human beings imagine dividing lines between, for example, the North Atlantic and South Atlantic. The Ocean, itself, however is one and remains, to this day, quite unaware of the imaginary division. Such divisions are a human construction that helps people work with things our minds consider too vast. The danger arises when we take such constructs too seriously and fall into believing such arbitrary divisions are real. That belief in the realness of imagined separations is maya (illusion). The Universe is one statement (uni=one; verse = statement) or one word. That one statement is Nature and the most accurate holy book in the physical realm. The cosmos was a single unit and then split into many celestial bodies and forces. The earths lands were once united (Pangaia) and then, through continental drift, split into separate continents. The human family was once one people but

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Fitrah The New Universal Religion

then split up into various tribes and nations. Religion was once the same. Even up until relatively recent times the religions of Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas were essentially the same. Due to linguistic differences names were different, but the essential nature of the deities and beliefs were so similar that they obviously sprang from the same source. What is Religion? Religion is a way of being, living, conceiving, growing and learning that systematically advances an individual or nation to ever higher states and which serves to connect one and all to Nature and Divinity. The Religion of Fitrah includes nature-based and nature-guided politics, economics, education, technology, medicine, communications transportation, art, music, architecture, defense, agriculture, judicial systems, law enforcement and diplomacy. That Religion (Way of Living) that directly reflects the pattern, process, plan and will of God as established in Nature is called Fitrah. Specifically, Fitrah is the nature of God with which God has innatured man. While it can accurately be said that Fitrah is the newest religion, it is actually the oldest religion in the universe for Fitrah is the Way and Nature of the Original Being Itself as well as the Way and Nature of the Universe. Precession of the Equinoxes The equinoxes precede (go backwards) in the zodiacal circle 1/72 of a degree each year. Whatever sign contains the Vernal Equinox indicates how Religion (life) is expressed during that Age. Because of cataclysms and the changing mode of recording knowledge, little is known about human living before the Age of Taurus. During Taurus the symbol of God was a cow or bull. But when Taurus ended, the wise sages who write scriptures wrote of God Osiris (Ausar) being murdered by his brother Set and 72 Sebau confederates. The 72 Sebau symbolize the 1/72 degree equinoctial precession. In other words Osiris (Age of Taurus) died (passed away) by the action of the Precession of the Equinoxes. The new God-symbol became a ram or lamb because Aries had replaced Taurus and Aries symbol is the ram.
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Fitrah The New Universal Religion

When Aries yielded to Pisces after 2,100 years the new God-symbol became the Fish. Ausarian Egyptian religion dominated Taurus. The Israelite teachings emerged in Aries. Christianity ruled during most of Pisces. The seemingly different religions that emerge in an Age are really expressions of the many phases of Fitrah. As such, Fitrah is ever-renewing itself. Branches of Fitrah Human beings have different temperaments. The wise sages developed many approaches or paths to assist different types of people achieve enlightenment and God realization. There are many types of martial arts. Each is designed for particular types of people. Yet, ultimately, each eventually leads to a transcendent state where the true martial artist wins by avoiding confrontation, not by kicking someone to death. The known religions such as Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Taoism, Shamanism, Sikhism, et al are in their original forms branches of Fitrah. Each branch path was intended to facilitate attaining a state of unshakeable inner peace that the ancient Egyptians named Hotep. Unfortunately, after the original teacher was gone the paths to Hotep were distorted and contorted into separate religions, each trying to impose its supremacy over the others. Imagine all the biologists declaring that all the chemists were heathen pagans and the chemists retaliating by calling all biologists moronic infidels and each fighting the other to the death. Moses never heard of a religion called Judaism. Juda was just one of the 12 Israelite tribes. It would be like calling the religion of the peoples of America Pennsylvaniaism. The Religion of the Jewish people and that of the other Israelite tribes was Shalom (Peace). The word Hindu is derived from the Indus Valley River. The people of ancient Rama (India) was not Hinduism, it was (in Sanskrit) Peace. The religion of the ancient Egyptians was Hotep (Peace).

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Fitrah The New Universal Religion

The religion of the Arabs is also Peace (Islam, Salaam). Peace (the goal of Fitrah) is the true name of every religion which is evidence that religion is actually one. Religion is Like Math Mathematics goes from simple arithmetic to quantum physics. Each system of mathematics is true, but simple arithmeticians cannot recognize the validity of higher math although higher mathematicians recognize the truth of simple arithmetic. When I was in the first or second grade I saw my brother doing equations and I honestly thought hed gone mad. Why on earth was he trying to add and subtract letters? My older brother, Michael, could see the validity of my arithmetic, but I could not see the validity of his algebra. Religions are the same. The organized religions of the West malign the gods and prophets of higher systems like Egyptian Ausarianism, Buddhism and Taoism, but adherents of those systems have nothing but honor, reverence and love for the great masters Jesus, Moses and Muhammad. The physicist can see the truth of 1+1=2, but the arithmetician sees E=MC as heresy, blasphemy and insanity. To perform tasks like balancing ones checkbook, simple arithmetic will suffice. To build a house, geometry would be beneficial. To calculate changing relations, algebra would do best. To work with subatomic particles one needs quantum physics. Similarly, simple religions can suffice for a while in addressing minor issues in life. But when called upon to cure cancer or manage nuclear proliferation, something a lot more complex is needed. Tenets of Fitrah Fitrah embraces, studies, utilizes and respects Astrology, Yoga, the Qaballah, Tree of Life, meditation, psychic abilities, natural medicine, psychic healing, magic (spiritual technology) and all esoteric technologies such as Palmistry, Kundalini and Feng Shui. Fitrah uses sacred oracles such as the Tarot, I Ching, Ifa and Metu Neter. Affirmations and prayers are used and honored to alter ones beliefs and thereby ones experiences.
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Fitrah The New Universal Religion

Fitrah economics is based upon the universes and planets wealth (resource) distribution systems. Fitrah politics is guided by the gods, heavenly bodies, ancestors, Elders and the Mirs (saints and prophets) in the community. The holy books of Fitrah include the Egyptian Pert em Hru (Book of the Dead), Tao Te Ching, Quran, Bible, Upanishads. But none of these is pure. The pure book is the Akashic Record. Unbiased evidence suggests that intelligent beings once colonized earth from another planet. The gods of antiquity might have been colonizers from outer space. But even if those gods did exist, they are gross versions of non-physical deities who were and are encountered on the inner planes. The purpose of Fitrah is to establish systems of life that facilitate the realization of mans destiny transformation into a true and living god. Men and women are equal halves of a whole. Women have equal access to God attainment. Goddesses are revered equally as Gods. Due to bad translations and the occultation of true sages, most technical spiritual terms are poorly understood. Fitrah provides the correct understanding of technical words used in the worlds religions. Fitrah does not acknowledge an end of the world per se. Texts which seem to prophesy the end of time are only pointing out the indicators which mark the conclusion of an Astrological age. As we enter the Age of Aquarius, Aquarius two rulers, Uranus and Saturn, replace Neptune and Jupiter (Pisces rulers) at the apex of the Godhead. The god names Nu, Anu and Amen correspond to Uranus. Sekert, Seker and Kali are some of the names which correspond to Saturn. In the outgoing Age of Pisces all prayers in Christianity, Islam and Judaism ended with amen as a sign that the God Amen (Nu) would replace El, Yah, Zeus and Neptune when the Equinoxes preceded to Aquarius.

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Fitrah The New Universal Religion

Priests, teachers, ministers, therapists and leaders go through Fitrah Initiation (systematic, progressive development). Fitrah is a Work-In-Progress New scientific discoveries, unearthing of ancient texts and the insight of Mirs (prophets and saints) will serve to enhance, broaden, adjust and correct the current understanding of Fitrah. Any technology that can safely improve or accelerate spiritual ascension will be tested and, if found appropriate, utilized by Fitrans. Fitrah and You Since all paths are expressions of Fitrah, you dont have to renounce your present religion to join Fitrah. Christian Fitrah, Islamic Fitrah, Taoist Fitrah, Egyptian Fitrah and Sumerian Fitrah are presently being developed. Incorporate Fitrahs natural principles into the system of your choice. All roads lead to Hotep Amir Fatir

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