Ec 63 - (Antennas and Wave Propagation) Question Bank
Ec 63 - (Antennas and Wave Propagation) Question Bank
Ec 63 - (Antennas and Wave Propagation) Question Bank
&Name Year/Semester : EC 63 & ANTENNAS AND WAVE PROPAGATION : III/VI Staff Name: K.Gopalram
UNIT-I ANTENNA FUNDAMENTALS PART A 1. State Reciprocity Theorem. 2. Define Antenna. 3. What is meant by Radiation Pattern? 4. What is Effective Aperture of an Antenna? 5. What do you mean by Directivity? 6. Define Effective Length of an Antenna. 7. What are Antenna Parameters? 8. What is Beam Solid Angle? 9. What are the types of Polarization? 10. What is Bandwidth of an Antenna? 11. What do you mean by gain of an Antenna? 12. What is Antenna Temperature? 13. Define Input impedance of an Antenna. 14. Write the Statement of Equivalence of Radiation Pattern of an Antenna. 15. State Equivalence of impedance of an Antenna.
PART-B 1. State Reciprocity Theorem.Also derives the two input and load impedances of Reciprocity Theorem. (16) 2. Write Short notes on Radiation Pattern of an Antenna. (8) 3. State and explain the Directivity steps of a Antenna.(8) 4. Explain in detail about the derivation of Effective Aperture of an Antenna.(8) 5. Briefly explain the Effective Length or Height of an Antenna. (8) 6. Explain in detail about Beam Solid Angle.(8) 7. Explain the different types of Polarization of an Antenna. (12) 8. Briefly explain about Antenna. (8) 9. Write Short notes on Bandwidth. (6) 10. Explain the different types of Gain of an Antenna. (10) 11. What are the Factors affecting the Antenna Temperature and explain it. (8) 12. Explain in detail about the derivation of Input impedance of an Antenna.(8) 13. Write the Statement of Equivalence of Radiation Pattern of an Antenna with Comparisons. (4) 14. State Equivalence of impedance of an Antenna and explain it. (4)
UNIT-II WIRE ANTENNAS AND ANTENNA ARRAYS PART A 1. Define Wire Antenna. 2. What are Antenna Arrays? 3. What is meant by Linear Array? 4. What is Two Element Array? 5. What do you mean by Uniform Array? 6. Write the statement of Pattern Multiplication Method. 7. Define Parasitic Array. 8. State Collinear Array. 9. What are Binomial Arrays? 10. Define Short Dipole Antenna. 11. What is meant by Half Wave Dipole Antenna? 12. What do you mean by Monopole Antenna? 13. Define Loop Antenna.
1. Derive the Root Mean Square Power radiated by the Half Wave Dipole Antenna with Electric Field Components and Magnetic Field components. (16) 2. Give an Expression for the Electric and Magnetic fields of Short Dipole Antenna at a distance from the dipole.How does the field at the far Zone differ from that at near Zone. (16)
3. Define Monopole Antenna. Also derive an expression for radiated power of Monopole Antenna and Radiation Resistance. (16) 4. Explain in detail about the field Components and radiation resistance of Loop Antenna(16) 5. Derive the expression for Electric field of Broadside array of two point sources and also find the Maxima direction, Minima direction and Half Power Point Direction. (16) 6. Derive the expression for Electric field of End fire array of two point sources and also find the Maxima direction, Minima direction and Half Power Point Direction. (16) 7. Two identical isotropic point sources are Spaced byd meters apart and fed with currents of Equal Magnitude but with phase difference or different phase or opposite phase. (16) 8. Two identical isotropic point sources are Spaced byd meters apart and fed with currents of Equal Magnitude but with equal phase or Same phase. (16) 9. Two identical isotropic point sources are spaced byd meters apart and fed with currents of Unequal Magnitude but with any phase. (8) 10. Explain in detail the method of Pattern Multiplication. (12) 11. Explain the array of Polynomial distribution for Binomial Array.(8)
UNIT-III APERTURE ANTENNAS PART A 1. Define Aperture Antenna. 2. State Uniqueness Theorem. 3. Write the principle of Duality of an Antenna. 4. Give the Statement of Field Equivalence Principle of an Antenna. 5. What is meant by Slot Antenna? 6. What is Horn Antenna? 7. What do you mean by Reflector Antenna? 8. Define Lens Antenna. 9. What are Pattern Properties? 10. What is the method of images of an Antenna? 11. State relation between magnetic currents and its fields.
1) What is Slot Antenna? Write the relation between the impedances of Slot Antenna. (12) 2) Derive the design equations of Horn Antenna and half power beam width. How will you find Directivity and Power Gain of the Horn Antenna? .(16) 3) Define Reflector Antenna. Also explain the different types of Reflector Antenna with neat diagram and design equations. (16) 4) Explain how E-plane type metal plate lens antenna is developed and derive an expression For spacing between the plates. (16)
5) Explain in detail about principle of Duality of an Antenna.(6) 6) State Uniqueness Theorem. (4) 7) What is Field Equivalence Principle of an Antenna and explain it. (4) 8) Explain in detail about the Pattern Properties. (8) 9) Write the Statement of Method of images of an Antenna. (4) 10) State and explain the relation between magnetic currents and its fields. (6) UNIT-IV SPECIAL ANTENNAS AND ANTENNA MEASUREMENTS PART-A 1. What is Travelling Wave Antenna? 2. What are Special Antennas? 3. What do you mean by Long wire Antenna? 4. Define V Antenna.and its applications 5. What is meant by Rhombic Antenna? and its radiation characteristics. 6. What are uses of Yagi Uda Antenna? 7. What do you mean by Turnstile Antenna? 8. What are the types of Helical Antenna,and its applications. 9. What is Biconical Antenna? 10. Define Log Periodic Dipole Array. 11. What are Spiral Antennas? 12. What is meant by Microstrip Patch Antenna? 13. What are Wireless Antennas?
14. How will you measure the Anechoic Chamber Measurement? 15. What are Antenna Measurements? 16. What do you mean by Gain Measurement? 17. What is Directivity Measurement? 18. Define RadiationPattern Measurement. 19. Mention the types of feed method for micro strip antenna.
PART-B 1. What is Rhombic Antenna? Also explain the various configurations of Rhombic Antenna.and its design(16) 2. Explain in detail about the design principles of Log Periodic Array with neat diagram and derivation.(12) 3. With neat sketch,explain the operation of Yagi Uda Antenns.Also give its Applications.and current and voltage equation for 2 element yagi (12) 4. Define V Antenna? Also explain the various configurations of Rhombic Antenna.(16) 5. Explain the different design directions and methods of Turnstile Antenna with applications. (12) 6. State and Compare the relation between Axial Mode Helix and Normal Mode Helix with diagrams. (12) 7. Briefly explain about Biconical Antenna on the Comparision with different types of Horn Antenna. (12) 8. Explain in detail about the design principles of Microstrip Patch Antenna with neat diagram and derivation.(16) 9. Explain the different types of Wireless Antennas. (8) 10. Explain the following Antenna Measurements,
i) ii)
Radiation Pattern Measurement. (8) Gain Measurement. (8) Anechoic Chamber Measurement. (8)
11) Explain about what are the steps involved in the measurement of Directivity.(8) 12) Draw and explain the different methods of 13) Draw and explain the function of helical antenna and various modes of radiation.Highlight some of its applications(12) 14) Explain in detail about long wire antennas(8)
UNIT-V RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION PART-A 1. What are types of Radio Wave Propagation? 2. Define Radio Wave Propagation. 3. What are Surface waves? 4. Define Skip Distance. 5. What is Critical Frequency? 6. Define MUF. 7. What is Ground Wave Propagation? 8. Define Troposheric Propagation.
9. What is meant by Ionospheric Propagation? 10. What do you mean by Free Space Propagation? 11. What is Virtual Height? 12. Define Critical Frequency. 13. What are Whistlers.
PART-B 1. Derive the expression for refractive index, Skip Distance and Critical Frequency of Ionosphere also draw its structure.(16) 2. Define Ground Wave Propagation .Also to find the Field strength and Attenuation Characteristice of Ground Wave Propagation. (16) 3. Explain the Troposheric Scattering with different Scattering Methods. (8) 4. Write Short notes on effect of Earths magnetic Field.(8) 5. Explain the Power radiated by the Free Space Propagation Method. (8) 6. Explain the different types of Ground Reflection with neat diagrams. (12) 7. Briefly explain about Faraday Rotation. (8)