Installation SolidCAM 2010

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1. SolidCAM Basics
Autodesk Inentor 2008, 2009, 2010,
Bentley Microstation,J Modeler,
Autodesk Mechanical Desktop 2005,
Autodesk AutoCAD 2005.
1.1.3 SolidCAM Single License installation
1. Insert the SolidCAM Installation CD into the computer CD drie,
the installation starts automatically.
You can also start the installation by running the Setup.exe Fle.
1his Fle is located in the SolidCAMXXXX/Disk1 folder on the
SolidCAM Installation CD ,XXXX stands for the current version
o SolidCAM,.
2. The Choose Setup Language dialog box is displayed.
Choose English.
When you have to install a localized version of SolidCAM, choose
the appropriate language from the combo box.
The installation procedure is continued.
3. The following message is displayed.
Close all running applications and conFrm the message with the OK button.
4. The Installing SolidCAM dialog box is displayed. Click on the Next button.
5. The Choose Destination Location dialog box is displayed.
This dialog box enables you to choose the destination folder for SolidCAM.
\ou hae to either conFrm the deault destination older ,C:\Program Files\
SolidCAMXXXX, with the Next button or choose another destination folder
with the Browse button and conFrm it with the Next button.
6. The Select Components dialog box is displayed.
Choose the necessary SolidCAM components and conFrm your choice with
the Next button.
1. SolidCAM Basics
Make a note that the Program Files component cannot be cleared.
7. The Select Program Folder dialog box is displayed.
ConFrm the deault Program Folder name SolidCAMXXXX with the Next
SolidCAM installation is continued.
8. \hen the installation is Fnished, the Choose Language dialog box is
Choose English and click on the OK button.
When you install a localized version of SolidCAM, choose the
appropriate language from the combo box.
9. SolidCAM installs drivers for the hardware key. When the drivers are installed,
the following message is displayed.
Click on the OK button.
10. \hen SolidCAM is connected to the deFned CAD system ,Solid\orks,, the
following message is displayed.
Click on the OK button.
11. The following dialog box is displayed.
Click on the Finish button.
1he installation is Fnished.
1. SolidCAM Basics
1.1.4 SolidCAM Network License Installation
SolidCAM enables you to install
several SolidCAM copies through
your network and use network
licensing to manage them. In this case,
the SolidCAM Network hardware key
has to be connected to the server. The
License Manager has to be installed on
the network server computer, which
distributes SolidCAM Licenses to
client computers. When the SolidCAM
software runs on a client computer, it
obtains the necessary license from the
Setting up the SolidCAM License Server
SolidCAM network licensing supports TCP/IP network protocol.
1. SolidCAM Network hardware keys are aailable in two conFgurations: or
USB port or for LPT port. Connect your SolidCAM Network hardware key
to the correct port of your server.
2. Install SolidCAM software on the server as explained in topic 1.1.3. During
the installation, the necessary driver for the hardware key is automatically
3. After the SolidCAM installation, the server must be restarted.
4. Install the License Manager software by running Lmsetup.exe application
located in the ..\SolidCAMXXXX\Util folder.
5. Check the IP address of the server in the network by clicking on the Start
button located at the Windows taskbar and then choosing the Command
Prompt item from the All Programs/Accessories submenu. The Command
Prompt window is displayed.
6. Type the ipconfig command and conFrm it with the Enter key.
The IP address of the server will be displayed.
SolidCAM Client Computers
License Server
SolidCAM Network
hardware key
SolidCAM Licenses
Setting SolidCAM licenses on client computers
1. Install SolidCAM on client computer as described in topic 1.1.3.
2. Copy the NethaspTCPIP.ini Fle located in the ..\SolidCAMXXXX\Util folder to
the ..\SolidCAMXXXX\Solidcam folder.
3. Rename the copied Fle rom NethaspTCPIP.ini to Nethasp.ini.
4. Open the renamed Nethasp.ini Fle in the Notepad editor. The
[NH_TCPIP] section in this Fle contains the ollowing string:
NH_SERVER_ADDR = XX.XX.XX.XX, 1his parameter should deFne the IP
address of the License Server. Type the IP address of the server instead of
XX.XX.XX.XX, for example: Save the Nethasp.ini Fle and close
the Notepad application.
After the License Manager is installed on the SolidCAM Licensing server and SolidCAM Licenses
are conFgured on each client computer, the SolidCAM sotware can be launched.

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