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LALIT GARG Rm 210, Floor 1, Dar Guzeppi Zahra (Computing Building) Faculty of Information & Communication Technology, University

of Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta e-mail: web: Phone: +356-79233327 Executive Summary x PhD in Computing and Information Engineering (specialization: healthcare modelling and medical informatics, thesis title Unified modelling for care of the elderly), University of Ulster, UK. x More than 10 years of teaching and research experience. Academic distinctions x The 2009 award of best paper published in Faculty Research Conference by Research Graduate School, University of Ulster, UK. x Nominated for the Operational Research Society Doctoral Prize "Most Distinguished Body of Research leading to the Award of a Doctorate in the field of OR". x Awarded research studentship in Healthcare Modelling to carry out research studies leading to award of the degree of philosophy in the faculty of computing and engineering at University of Ulster, UK. x Qualified in GATE 1999 (Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineers 1999) in Electronics and Communication Engineering and awarded scholarship to complete Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology at ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management, Gwalior, India. x Peer Reviewer for many reputed international journals and conferences including IEEE transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Health Care Management Science, European Journal of Operation Research and IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. x Co-chaired the 2010 Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland (CASI 2010), chaired a session at the International Conference on Technology and Information Systems (ICTIS-2010), and co-organized The Second International Health and Social Care Modelling Conference (HSCM-2008) and National conference on Software Engineering Principles & Practices (SEPP 2004). x Supervised 54 Master of Science dissertations (University of Liverpool, UK) and 4 Master of Engineering (Thapar University, India). Many of these were sponsored by industrial organizations. Publications x x x x x x x x x x 13 papers published in refereed journals 5 refereed book chapters, 1 contributed book and 1 edited book 16 papers in refereed international conferences 15 other (extended) abstracts in conferences Google Scholar: H-Index: 4 (total 80 citations and 30 indexed publications) The Scopus: H-Index: 4 (total 29 citations and 23 indexed publications) The ISI Web of Science: H-Index:2 (total 16 citations and 16 indexed publications). DBLP: 10 indexed publications IEEExplore: 12 indexed publications NCBI Pubmed: 2 indexed publications

Qualifications October 2006 - April 2010: PhD Computing and Information Engineering, University of Ulster, UK. Thesis title: Unified modelling for care of the elderly, Supervisors: Professor Sally McClean & Professor Brian Meenan, External Examiner: Professor Jeff Griffiths, Internal Examiner: Professor Bryan Scotney, Chairman: Dr. Philip Morrow July 1999 - January 2001: PG Diploma in Information Technology, ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, India (CGPA:7.69) July 1995 - July 1999: Bachelor of Engineering (ECE), Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India (70.7%)

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