Welcome to Enhancing Quality & Productivity through presentation & interview skills course
Interview Skills
- Nothing can with stand the powers of the determined and resolute mind. Barriers fall, everything succumbs ---if positively inspired the very gates of heaven open.
Tutor Introduction
Head Training Group, NPO Pakistan Head of the Department, LCCI TQM Bureau Management Representative, LCCI Master of Business Administration (MIS) Master in Educational Leadership and Management IRCA Registered Lead Auditor ISO9000/14000/18000 Six Sigma Green Belt (Korea Productivity Center-Seoul) Certified Productivity Specialist (APO Tokyo Japan) Certified Management Consultant (JPC-SED Tokyo) Developed five role model organizations on TQM principals Provided ISO9000, TQM and BPR to more than 75 companies Trained over 35000 participants of different sectors and conducted more than 400 courses. Conducted more than 40 audits for QMS
Interview Skills
Interview Skills
Start on time. Only one conversation. Listen for understanding. Be open to new ideas. Ask Why? Dont repeat points already made. Everyone participates. No rank. Remember the red key words Switch off Your mobile phone. Have fun!
Presentation Framework
Interview Skills
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Importance of competency based education in Pakistan Importance of Presentation Skills Preparation for Interview Polishing your Image Responding to questions Managing the interview process Getting the best deal : Pay Negotiations & Conditions
Interview Skills
Interview Skills
Interview Skills
There are following typical problems that people deal with most of the time in the industrial sectors:
lost due to equipment failures Billing errors Contract errors Change work instruction due to error in design. Misspelled written material Wrong data entry and calculation
Interview Skills
Files Stock shortages Hotel guest taken to unmade rooms Reservations not honored Purchase order changes due to error Rejections due to incomplete description
Interview Skills
Checking Rectifying
Interview Skills
Interview Skills
Independence 1947 Population 140m Area 796,000 sq. km N. Resources: Many Econ. results: (-) Budgeted Expense for Education: 7%
Independence 1965 Population 4m Area 685 sq. km N. Resources: Zero Econ. results: (+) Budgeted Investment for Education: 30%
Interview Skills
Interview Skills
Interview Skills
Interview Skills
Job offers are won or lost on the thoroughness of the preparation a person makes for the interview. Preparation for the interview will depend on what Job description is being made specifically by the interviewing authority. A professional-looking CV emphasizing a persons achievements. A well written application form, which refers to a personals CV and emphasizes the strengths.
Interview Skills
career objectives (or Include statement of objective) Chronologically lists each former employer ( work history) Presents a clear picture of all position held Outlines skills and accomplishments with broad- brush statements and bullets Lists any technical skills and credentials Education details Appears clean and crisp with proper spacing and margins Grammatically correct
Interview Skills
A strong covering letter detailing how closely a person matches the job specification. A positive covering letter confirming the interview arrangements and how much you are looking forward to the meeting. Help your interviewer to sense your personals strengths
Interview Skills
Use a career Statement: Clear picture of what type of job is being searched, to foresee a career statement in this aspect. A career statement has an impact on interviewer of creating right expectation. The statement should be brief and powerful, highlighting all rump cards and skills from the previous jobs. This statement can be very helpful in portraying a personals self briefing and by showing complete image of ones personality.
Interview Skills
structure: -
Interviewers are trained in two major areas: how to ask question & how to structure an interview. A structure known to a person will assist a personal in preparation and also can anticipate the question areas. Two basic interview structures (a). Seven point Plan. (b). Five point Plan.
Interview Skills
(b). Five point Plan:- Impact on others, - Qualifications & Experience, - Innate/inborn abilities, - motivation, - Emotional adjustments
Interview Skills
The Interview Objective: To get on the shortlist To get to the interview with the line manager To find out if you want the job or to work for the organization Concentrate on the background of interviewer for his expertise to tackle the questions asked A Useful saying is If you dont know where you are going, you will end up some where else.
Interview Skills
To be interviewed first is the worst The interviewer takes time to settle down and to be warmed up and get into the stride of interviewing To be interviewed last is as worst as to be interviewed first Some times personals are given choice to choose, so choose well
Interview Skills
cover letter Investigating the company Understanding the position description Strong career Statement Resume tips
Remember: Know your strengths to maximize your selection
Interview Skills
Interview Skills
A ppearance (First Impression is the last impression) R apport (Have eye Contact, friendly and cordial) T houroughness of Response (Think before you respond) N ote your surroundings E xpress yourself clearly R elflect on the good & the not so good
Interview Skills
Look good, Be good: Looks has a tremendous influence on a personals success rate Physical attractiveness has a influence on selection committee as according to the Phenomenon Impression Management Personals should be Vigorous and have a good stamina for hard work and should look smart The person with good health and who is fittest will get the job if all other credentials match
Interview Skills
Likelihood of success is by ensuring that you give out positive Non-verbal clues Major Non-verbal clues are as follows
(a) (b) (c)
A higher smile rate Nodding the head when the interviewer is speaking Leaning forward while listening and when replying (More receptive) A high level of eye contact
Interview Skills
To look interviewer in the eye will make you appear more confidant A person having good qualification but no eye contact will be considered as lacking self-confidence To act confidently and see interviewer directly with eye ball to eye ball contact will make person more suitable for the asked task
Interview Skills
Dress is an important part of impression management strategy People who look attractive and well-groomed generally receive higher ratings than applicants who look unattractive or inappropriately dressed More attractive employees achieve greater career success Dress to suit yourself, be traditional, wear dark colors, wear clean & good shoes, co-ordinate the dress accordingly
Interview Skills
Responding to Questions
Types of Questions
Interview Skills
What gets/keeps you excited about your work? Where do you want to go in your career? What technical and Professional Skills do you bring to this job? What if .? What keeps you going each day? How do you fit within the organization its culture and its mix of people?
Interview Skills
Interview Skills
Interview Skills
Negative information has a greater significance for interviewers than positive information Just choose a trait about your character or personality which is obviously true (mannerism) Extend that trait until it becomes a fault Put it back in distant past and then show how have you over come it Confirm that it is no longer a problem Stay silent
Interview Skills
The thrust areas would be motivation, personal style & interpersonal skills Questions about your Course/Degree Career Questions Potential Employer Questions Personality & interest Questions Miscellaneous Questions
Interview Skills
How did you come to choose your degree/discipline? What do you like most/least about your subject? How will your studies relate to your work? Tell me about any project work you have under taken? What is your strongest/weakest subject? Why? What developments in your discipline have taken your interests recently?
Interview Skills
Tell me about your career aspirations/desires? What attracted you in this industry/sector? How will your studies support your career? Where do you see yourself in 5/10 years time? Why are you interested in management? Tell me something about your ambitions?
Interview Skills
Why do you apply to us? How much do you know about our organization? Why should we select you? What do you think you have to offer to benefit this organization? What do you think are the main problems and opportunities that our organizations/industries are facing at this time?
Interview Skills
e. f.
How would you describe yourself? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What do you look for in a good manager? What sort of manager do you think you will make? What motivates you? What positions of responsibility do you hold/have or would held?
Interview Skills
5. Miscellaneous Questions
a. b. c. d.
Tell me a little about your family? What will you do if we do not take you? What other firms/organizations have you applied to? Are you prepared to take the responsibilities and show the commitment level?
Interview Skills
Interview Skills
starts as soon as you reach the car park and ends as you leave the premises test
Staircase Interview
is never over until you are out of sight and earshot of all the company personals
Interview Skills
Final judgments can be unduly influenced by initial impressions Once an impression formed by the interviewer, its difficult to change it As is says First impression is the last impression - The way of dressing - Smile rate and eye contact - Body language - Remember your P-A-R-T-N-E-R technique
Interview Skills
This is also known to be as False assumption of Attribution Theory people behave in interview as they do at work. Do not take an interviewer head on head, even if you feel that it was warranted Do not question the competencies of the interviewer Use softening statements Show that the description in your resume suits the specific needs Try to reduce interviewers risks.
Interview Skills
Do not put yourself into over load by taking on even more tasks Avoid anything being served to you during an interview (1 in 20 people spill the drink in saucer and 1 in 150 knock the cup out because of anxiety) Dont eat because digestive system can sometimes talk back to the interviewer Dont smoke There is a time and place for Humor but by and large the interview is not the place nor the time
Interview Skills
Avoid mentioning negative information about yourself or your work Dont put your self in making excuses, offering prepared justifications/ or apologies Use DTBs only when required and provide justifications and end in a positive note DTBs are likely to maintain ones self-esteem because they justify personal inadequacy, but are not really to enhance ones employment opportunities
Interview Skills
6. References
Referee should be chosen as his or her status rather than any thing else Best reference comes from someone who holds an executive position in the industry or field you wish to join The interview will tell you as much about the requirements of the job as it tells your prospective employer about you Once a personal as been interviewed you will be in best position to brief your referees as to what the prospective employer is looking for.
Interview Skills
a Better Deal: -
The major reason why people move jobs is to ensure that they get a better deal An old adage is that if you dont ask, you dont get The iron rule of wage says that employer will pay you as little as they can to get, keep and motivate you A person should him/her self try to get the recognition and what it can contribute to the value of an organization
Interview Skills
May you all be blessed with good and innovative job opportunities so that to prosper and strengthen your future life and of learning more & more Thank you