Appendix E, 'External Dose Estimates From NTS Fallout'
Appendix E, 'External Dose Estimates From NTS Fallout'
Appendix E, 'External Dose Estimates From NTS Fallout'
External Dose
Estimates from
NTS Fallout
External Radiation Exposure to the Population of the
Continental U.S. from Nevada Weapons Tests and
Estimates of Deposition Density of Radionuclides That
Could Significantly Contribute to Internal Radiation
Exposure via Ingestion
Harold L. Beck
This report provides estimates of the external radiation exposure and whole-body
effective dose received by residents of the continental U.S. during the period 1951-1962
from weapons tests carried out at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). Estimates are given on a
county- by-county basis for each test and for each year of testing. The average committed
population dose from all NTS tests was about 0.5 mSv, about equivalent to 1-2 years of
external radiation exposure from natural background. Residents of the counties
immediately downwind from the NTS incurred much higher doses, in excess of 3 mSv,
while the residents of the Far West, Pacific Northwest and Southeast received lower than
average exposures. The tests and radionuclides that contributed the most exposure are
discussed, as well as the dependence on fallout time of arrival. The most exposed
individuals were outdoor workers; the least exposed were persons who spent most of
their time indoors in heavily constructed buildings.
The deposition of radionuclides that contribute to internal radiation exposure via the
ingestion pathway was also calculated on a county-by-county and test-by-test basis. The
general pattern of deposition, tests contributing the most to the deposition, deposition
density versus distance from the NTS, and the differences in deposition between
radionuclides are discussed. In general the deposition of long-lived radionuclides such as
Sr-90 and Cs-137 was about a factor of 20 less than that from “global fallout” from high-
yield weapons tests carried out in the Pacific and Soviet Union. However, the deposition
of short-lived isotopes such as I-131 was greater than from “global fallout.”
In response to a request by Congress to the CDC and NCI to investigate the impact on the
U.S. population from weapons tests, the NCI contracted with the author of this report to:
“Prepare crude estimates of the doses from external irradiation received by the American
people as a result of the above-ground tests carried out at the Nevada Test Site. These
dose estimates would be:
- based on a review of the readily available open literature and information; it is
not expected that sophisticated computer models should be developed or used
for this purpose. For the purposes of this assessment, the extensive database of
Iodine-131 that was prepared by NCI in the framework of the nationwide NTS
fallout study could be used;
- averaged over large regions of the continental U.S., with indications on how
the high-risk populations would be identified. However, if feasible, primary
calculations should be carried out on a county-by-county basis, and averaged
only for presentation purposes;
- calculated separately for the most important radionuclides produced in nuclear
weapons tests. Those would include, but would not be limited to Te-I-132,
Ba-La-140, Zr-Nb-95, Cs-137, and Np-239;
- provided in terms of average whole-body dose for gamma irradiation and of
dose to the skin for beta irradiation.
- calculated by year and summed over all NTS tests, with a comparison to the
published UNSCEAR latitudinal averages for all tests.
2. Provide a list of references regarding: (1) the history of nuclear weapons testing at the
NTS; (2) the production of important radionuclides during those tests; (3) the
networks of fallout measurements; (4) the assessment of the activities deposited on
the ground; (5) the vertical migration of fallout radionuclides into deeper layers of
soil; and (6) the assessment of the doses from external irradiation.
3. Identify reports that could be declassified. Examples of such reports are those that
would provide the fission and total yields, and those that would greatly facilitate the
estimation of doses due to the plutonium isotopes.”
This report, along with an associated electronic database, is presented in fulfillment of the
above scope of work.
As per the scope of work, this report relies heavily on previous studies of NTS fallout,
e.g., NCI (1997); Hicks (1982, 1990); Church et al. (1990); Beck et al. (1990, 1996).
Exposure rates and deposition densities were calculated for about 60 of the approximately
100 atmospheric tests conducted at the NTS. These 60 tests accounted for over 95% of
the total I-131 produced (NCI, 1997) and corresponded to the majority of tests for which
total I-131 deposition was estimated by the NCI (1997) in their study of I-131 exposure
to the American people from NTS fallout. A few tests considered in the NTS study for
which only local fallout estimates were estimated were not treated in this study. The tests
considered in this report are listed in Table 1. Table 1 also gives some specific
information about each test that was used in the calculations described later in this report.
The basic starting point for the estimates in this report were the daily I-131 deposition
density estimates and associated uncertainty estimates from NCI (1997). All calculations
for this report were carried out separately for each county (and sub-county as defined in
NCI (1997), Appendix 2, and then summed to provide estimates on a test-by-test, annual,
and total NTS basis. The total exposure and deposition density for other nuclides was
calculated from the NTS I-131 deposition densities by using the relationships calculated
by Hicks (1981) for each NTS shot. Besides the total free-in-air exposure rate from
gamma emitters, provided by the Hicks data, estimates were also made of the annual
whole body effective dose, the beta-ray dose to the skin from radionuclides in the surface
soil, and the 50y committed effective dose. The radionuclides that contributed most to
both gamma and beta-ray exposure were identified.
Deposition densities were estimated on a county-by-county basis for each test for the
radionuclides listed in Table 2. These radionuclides were determined by Ng et al. (1990)
to account for over 90% of the potential dose from ingestion in the ORERP (Church et
al., 1990) study. A database (in Excel) containing the estimated deposition density of
each radionuclide listed for each test on a county-by-county basis was provided to NCI
earlier in partial fulfillment of this contract. The database containing these deposition
density estimates and associated uncertainty estimates will be used by the NCI to
estimate internal radiation doses due to ingestion of contaminated food. The patterns of
total deposition for some of the longer-lived nuclides are discussed in this report and the
total deposition of various radionuclides is compared to that from the "global” fallout
resulting from the high-yield tests carried out in the Pacific and in the USSR.
In addition to the references provided in the text of this report, an additional reading list
is provided in fulfillment of item 2 of the scope of work. A list of data that is presently
classified but if unclassified would be useful in improving the estimates made in this
report and allowing similar estimates to be made for weapons tests conducted outside the
U.S. is also included in fulfillment of item 3.
The next section of this report describes in detail the methodology used to calculate
exposure and deposition densities.
Table 1: Tests considered in this study
Test Test Date yield (kT) Type Cs-137/ % Cs-137 Pu-240/ Pu-241/ Cs-137/
Sr-90 from Pu* Pu-239 Pu-239 Pu*
Test Test Date yield (kT) Type Cs/Sr % Cs-137 Pu-240/239 Pu-241/239 Cs/Pu*
Table 2: Radionuclides for which deposition densities were calculated
Sr-89 52
Sr-90,Y-90* 10400
Sr-91 0.4
Y-91m (=0.65 * Sr-91) *
Y-91 59
Y-93 0.4
Zr-97, Nb-97* 0.7
Zr-95, Nb-95* 64
Nb-97m (=0.96 * Zr-97) *
Mo-99 2.8
Tc-99m (=0.96 * Mo-99) *
Tc-99 7.8E7
Ru-103, Rh103m* 39
Ru-105, Rh-105m* 0.2
Rh-105 1.5
Ru-106, Rh-106* 368
I-131 (from NCI, 1997) 8
Te-132 3.3
I-132 (=1.03 * Te-132) *
I-133 0.9
I-135 0.3
Cs-136 13
Cs-137 11000
Ba-140 13
La-140 1.7
Ce-141` 32.5
Ce-143 1.4
Pr-143 14
Ce-144, Pr-144* 284
Nd-147 11
Pm-147 956
Np-239 2.36
Pu-239 24131 y
Pu-240 6569 y
Pu-241 14.4 y
Am-241 430 y
Deposition Densities
The deposition densities of the nuclides listed in Table 2 were calculated from the
corresponding NCI estimates of I-131 deposition density. The daily geometric mean
(GM) I-131 deposition densities and corresponding geometric standard deviations (GSD)
were decay corrected back to H+12 hours. The ratio of the H+12 h I-131 value, which
includes the I-131 that grew in from precursors (NCI, 1997), to the ratio of each of the
radionuclides in Table 2, as a function of fallout arrival time, was calculated using Hicks
(1981). The H+12 h I-131 value for each day of fallout was then multiplied by the
appropriate ratio for a time of arrival corresponding to that day to obtain the respective
deposition density.
Because the fallout estimates based on gummed-film data were decay corrected to the
midpoint of the day of sampling and the test detonations were generally near the
beginning of the sampling period (Beck, 1984), fallout arriving on the same day as
sampling was assumed to have a time of arrival of 0.5 d, on the second day 1.5 d, etc.
Generally, only about 10 days of data had to be considered for a given shot, although a
few shots produced significant fallout for periods of up to two weeks. Daily deposition
densities were calculated only for short-lived nuclides (half lives less than 30 d). For
longer-lived nuclides, the ratio to H+12 h I-131 did not vary significantly over the first
several weeks of fallout and thus their total test deposition could be calculated directly
from the sum of the daily I-131 depositions.
The daily deposition densities were then summed to obtain a total test deposition density.
Since the I-131 deposition densities were given as geometric means with a GSD, it was
necessary to first transform the GM to a mean and the GSD to a variance before
summing, using standard transformations as discussed in NCI (1997). After the means
and variances were summed, the results were transformed back to geometric means and
GSDs, assuming the sum of lognormally-distributed distributions is itself approximately
lognormally-distributed (see NCI, 1997). The Excel spreadsheet database which
accompanies this report contains both the mean values and the GM values. For the long-
lived radionuclides, the deposition densities were calculated by multiplying the summed
I-131 deposition density by the appropriate ratio for that test from Hicks’ data. No
additional uncertainty was assumed due to use of the Hick’s calculated isotope ratios.
Because of the large GSDs associated with the I-131 deposition data, any small additional
error in Hicks’ data would have a negligible effect on the error in the deposition densities.
Besides, the individual test values, the deposition densities for each test series (year of
testing) and for all NTS tests were obtained by summing the individual test results in a
similar manner. The short-lived nuclide deposition densities for radionuclides that did not
contribute significantly to external dose were not summed to obtain annual or total
values. It was assumed that for these short-lived nuclides, the exact week of deposition
would be required to make reasonable estimates of ingestion dose. If annual sums are
desired for these radionuclides, it is a fairly simple task to obtain them since the GM to
mean transformed values are provided in the accompanying database.
A detailed example of the calculation of the deposition density of Cs-137 and Ba-140 for
a representative county for a representative test is given in Appendix 1.
Plutonium isotopes were also contained in the fallout from Nevada weapons tests. Pu
isotopes do not contribute to external exposure and contribute in only a minor way to
ingestion exposure. The main hazard from Pu is generally via the inhalation pathway.
However, the inhalation pathway has been shown to not have been a significant
contributor to population exposure from NTS testing (Church et al., 1990). Because of
the generally high degree of interest by the public in Pu contamination, deposition
densities of Pu-239, 240 and 241, and of Am-241 which is a decay product of Pu-241 are
also estimated in this report. However, only crude estimates can be made for individual
tests since Hicks does not provide any estimates of relative Pu deposition. The ratios of
Pu to Cs-137, Sr-90, etc. are still classified (see Appendix 3). The reason for the
classification still being in place is that knowledge of such ratios would allow one to
estimate the fission efficiency of individual tests. However, one can still roughly
estimate Pu deposition densities for individual tests by assuming an average ratio of
Pu/Cs-137 deposition density from Pu fission based on observed environmental
measurements, if one can estimate the relative amounts of fission due to Pu-239 versus
U-235 for each test.
In Table 1, we list the ratio of Cs-137/Sr-90 activity (Hicks, 1981) and the Pu-240/239
and Pu-241/239 atom ratios for each test (Hicks and Barr, 1984). Table 3 presents the
fission yields for Pu and U-235 for a fission neutron spectrum and for a thermal neutron
Table 3: Fission yields for Cs-137 and Sr-90 (England and Ryder, 1994)
Note that the Cs/Sr ratios in Table 1 range from a value of 1.04 to 2.5. Based on the
fission yields in Table 3, one can infer that the Cs/Sr ratio of 1.04 represents shots where
the fission was entirely from U-235, while the ratio of 2.5 represents fission entirely from
Pu-239. It is assumed that for these low-yield tests essentially none of the fission was
from high-energy neutrons and that for at least most of the tests, no other fissionable
material was used. As can be seen, both U-235 and Pu-239 fueled most of the tests 1 .
Based on Hick’s calculations, the tests inferred to be all U-235 also correspond to those
that produced no Am-241 (Hicks, 1981) and exhibited very low Pu-240/239 atom ratios
and little Pu-241 (Table 1), consistent with a pure U-235 weapon. (A small amount of Pu
will be produced from Np-239 decay even in a pure uranium device since Np-239 is
produced by the activation of U-238). Assuming only a mixture of Pu and U-235 as fuel,
one can then derive equation 1) for the fraction f of Cs-137 activity that resulted from Pu-
239 fission for each shot:
f = 1.71 * (x – 1.04) / x where x is the Cs/Sr activity ratio from Table 1. (1)
Using the Cs/Sr activity ratios from Hicks, given in Table 1, one can then estimate the
fraction of the Cs-137 produced that was from Pu-239 fission for each shot from
Equation 1, above. This fraction is given in the fifth column of Table 1.
Since these were tests, it is expected that the fission efficiency, and thus the ratio of Cs-
137 to Pu-239 from Pu fission probably varied considerably from shot to shot. However,
if we choose a reasonable estimate for the mean for all tests and assign a conservative
error estimate, we can make rough estimates of Pu deposition which, while possibly
significantly in error for a given shot, should provide reasonable total deposition values
when summed over all shots. A Cs/Pu ratio of 4 was thus adopted for tests where all the
fission was from Pu. Using this ratio then results in the crude estimates of total Cs/Pu for
each test shown in the last column of Table 1. The choice of this particular ratio is
somewhat arbitrary but seems to provide estimates of Cs/Pu reasonably consistent with
measurements of Cs-137/Pu-239+240 in NTS fallout (Krey and Beck, 1981).
(The very low Np-239 values given by Hicks for some shots that apparently used very
little Pu, suggests that U-233 may have been used in a few tests.)
across the U.S. from NTS testing. 2 Accurate estimates of Pu deposition from particular
tests will only be possible if additional information on the Cs/Pu ratios for particular tests
is eventually unclassified and thus the Pu results presented in this report should be treated
as only preliminary crude estimates.
Some additional Pu-239 is generated from the decay of Np-239. Np-239 is formed by the
activation of U-238, present in all U fueled weapons and possibly also in Pu-fueled
devices as a tamper. Hicks (1981) provides estimates of Np-239 for each shot and these
were used to estimate the Pu-239 that would remain after the Np-239 had decayed. This
Pu-239 contribution is included in the estimates of Pu-239 in this report. For devices
partially or totally fueled by Pu, this contribution is small. However, for U fueled devices
it is the only source of Pu in the fallout. Np-239 is also a significant contributor to
external radiation exposure rates during the first few days after detonation.
Pu-241 was also estimated from the Pu-239+240 estimate and the reported 241/239 atom
ratios. At this time most of the Pu-241 deposited has decayed into Am-241 with a
resultant Am-241 activity equal to the ratio of Pu-241/Am-241 half-lives (see Table 2).
Hicks (1981) calculated the relative exposure rate versus time for each NTS test using
deposition to exposure rate conversion factors published by Beck (1980). The conversion
factors used by Hicks assume the radioactivity was distributed in the soil with a
relaxation length of about 0.1 cm for all times (the relaxation length is defined as the
depth at which an exponentially decreasing activity falls to 1/e of the value at the
surface). This value was chosen since even fresh fallout is attenuated somewhat as a
result of surface roughness (Jacob et al., 1986; Eckerman and Ryman,1993). However, it
is well established (UNSCEAR, 1993, NCRP, 1999, Miller et al., 1990; Gale et al., 1964)
that radionuclides penetrate deeper into the soil with time. Data from the Chernobyl
accident indicates that that even after a few weeks, a relaxation length of 1 cm is not
uncommon (Likhtariov et al., 1996; UNSCEAR, 1993), particularly in areas with typical
rainfall levels. After a few months, measurements have generally shown that the
distribution reaches about a 3-cm relaxation length before the penetration begins to slow
and asymptote (Beck, 1966; UNSCEAR, 1988; Miller and Helfer, 1985). However, for
heavily watered areas, relaxation lengths of up to 6-7 cm have been observed (Miller et
al., 1990; Beck and Krey. 1980).
Because, as will be shown later, most of the radiation exposure occurred during the first
few weeks, the use of a 0.1-cm relaxation length by Hicks (1981) for all time intervals
had only a small impact on the total integral exposure. However, in this report, an attempt
was made to use a somewhat more realistic model. The 0.1 cm relaxation length used by
Note that the county Pu deposition-density estimates for a particular are correlated since the uncertainty in
Cs/Pu (or I-131/Pu) is the same for all counties for a given test. Thus the uncertainty in the Pu deposited in
the U.S. from a given test will have minimum uncertainty of GSD=1.5. This correlation was accounted for
in calculating the total Pu deposition for the U.S. discussed later in this report.
Hicks was maintained for the first 20 d after detonation, but from 20 d to 200 d, a
relaxation length of 1 cm was used, while for times greater than 200 days, a relaxation
length of 3 cm was used. The corresponding deposition-density to exposure conversion
factors for each of these relaxation lengths are from Beck (1980). Although a gradually
increasing relaxation length would be more physically realistic, the fact that most of the
exposure occurs in the first 20 d, did not warrant the considerable effort that would be
entailed in calculating dose rates using a continuously-variable relaxation length.
Since the penetration into the soil would be slower in more arid regions, maintaining the
0.1 cm relaxation length for the first 20 d provides a slightly conservative estimate of the
exposure for sites with greater precipitation and early fallout arrival times. Table 4
illustrates the dependence of the exposure rate in air on the various relaxation lengths.
Note that the exposure rate is reduced by about 1/3 as the activity penetrates to a
relaxation length of 1 cm and about ½ as the activity penetrates to a relaxation length of 3
cm from 0.1 cm. This accentuates the importance of the first few weeks after a test with
respect to total external radiation exposure to an even greater degree than previous
calculations based only on radionuclide decay.
Table 4: Exposure rate (:R/h per mCi/km2) versus relaxation length for selected fission
products (Beck, 1980)
Since Hicks already calculated exposure rate versus time for the first 0-20 days using a
relaxation length of 0.1 cm, his results for 0.5-20 d were adopted directly and fit to a
function of the form at-x. This function was then integrated to obtain the total exposure
from TOA to 20 d, where TOA is the time of arrival in days. In all cases the correlation
coefficient for the fit over the period 0.5-20 d was greater than 0.99. The variation in the
exponent from shot to shot also turned out to be quite low (x = 1.109 ∀ 0.022). To obtain
the integral from 20 d to the end of the year, the subsequent year, and to 50y, the Hicks’
data for nuclides that contribute to the exposure at those times were entered into a
spreadsheet. The variation with time from 20 d on was calculated directly from the
appropriate Bateman equations that account for ingrowth of precursors and radioactive
decay. By using the appropriate analytical formulae normalized to Hicks’ data at 20 d, it
was possible to integrate analytically over the various intervals of interest. Note that due
to the change in depth profile at 200 d, integration had to be done by first integrating
from 20 d to 200 d (or to the end of the first year if less than 200 d) and then from 200 d
to the end of the year.
Thus for each test, the total exposure was obtained for the year of the test, the next year,
and finally for a total period from fallout time-of-arrival to 50 y. Hicks’ calculations were
normalized to unit exposure rate at H+12 h, which corresponds to a particular value of
effective I-131 deposition density at H+12 h. Thus the ratio of the effective I-131
deposition for each day calculated by the NCI (1997) was multiplied by the appropriate
normalized exposure integral to obtain the actual exposure for that interval and time-of-
arrival. The individual daily estimates were then summed to obtain annual and 50y
committed exposure estimates for each test, test series, and for all NTS tests. Again, no
additional uncertainty was assigned for the exposure estimates since the error in the
deposition density estimate dwarfs the estimated error in exposure rate estimates. The
uncertainty in normalized integral exposure for a particular day is estimated to be at most
10-20%, due primarily to variations in the depth profile from site to site. The errors in the
conversion factors themselves are thought to be less than 5% (Beck, 1980).
A detailed example of the calculation of total exposure for a representative county for a
representative test is given in Appendix 1.
Because the NCI deposition data are given for a particular day, the exposure estimates for
sites where the fallout arrived very early (less than 12 h) are underestimated in this report.
The exposure rate falls very rapidly during the first few hours (see Table 5) and thus the
integral is very sensitive to arrival time for short arrival times. For this report it was
assumed that the fallout that occurred on the day of the test occurred at H+12 h (H + 0.25
h for the 1952 tests due to a different gummed-film sample interval). Thus, for those sites
where significant fallout occurred prior to H+12 h, the data presented here may be
significantly in error (up to 50% too low). This is illustrated by Table 5, which gives the
exposure rate and integral exposure versus time for a typical test. However, the exposure
rates and external doses for close-in sites have been calculated in great detail for each
community (Anspaugh and Church, 1990; Henderson and Smale, 1990; Thompson et al.,
1990) and these dose estimates should be used in lieu of those in this report.
Table 5 also gives the fraction of the exposure occurring in various time intervals. One
can see that that the exposure rate falls off rapidly with time and that over 80% of the
exposure occurs in the first 20 d for an arrival time of 12 h. Thus only a small fraction of
the total exposure (about 1% as shown later) is incurred in the year(s) after the test
occurred unless the tests were very late in the year, particularly for locations where the
fallout arrived within a day or two. The drop-off in exposure rate was of course
accentuated by the penetration of the activity into the soil with time. Previous
calculations that did not take this penetration into consideration overestimated the total
exposure. Note that the common assumption of a t-1,2 decay rate and no penetration would
imply only about 50% of the dose being incurred in the first 20 d!. The difference results
not as much from the greater penetration with time but more to the fact that the exposure
rate drops off much more rapidly than t-1.2 after 20 d (Hicks, 1981).
Table 5: Relative Exposure rate and total exposure versus time of arrival (TOA)*
The exposures calculated in this report are generally based on estimates or measurements
of radionuclide deposition densities and conversion factors from deposition density to
exposure rate. Very few actual measurements of exposure were made outside the
immediate vicinity of the NTS. However, for states immediately downwind from the
NTS, all available data was used to estimate deposition densities including actual
exposure rate measurements if any (Beck and Anspaugh, 1991; Beck, 1996). The
conversion factors relating deposition density to exposure rate in air have been validated
in many studies and as mentioned previously are believed to be accurate to better than
5% for a given depth distribution (NCRP, 1999).
In order to calculate the whole-body dose from the free-in-air exposure data, one must
first convert exposure to dose in air by multiplying by a factor of 0.875 rad/R. Then, to
convert to dose in tissue and account for shielding by the body, one must convert from
rads in air to rem (or in S.I. units, Gy to Sv). In this report we chose to follow the ICRP
guidelines (ICRP, 1991) and estimate the effective whole body dose that weights the
effects on various organs in a proscribed manner. The UNSCEAR (1993) recommends a
factor of 0.75 ± 0.05 to convert from Gy to Sv for adults. This is similar to average values
recommended by the ICRP and others (NCRP, 1999). This factor of course varies with
the energy of the radiation and the orientation with respect to radiation incidence (NCRP,
1999, Eckerman and Ryman, 1993). However, a value of 0.75 is a reasonable average for
fission products (NCRP, 1999). The net conversion from exposure in air to effective dose
is thus about 0.875 * 0.75 = 0.66 for adults. Calculations using computer phantoms have
indicated that the effective dose to young children is about 30% higher (NCRP, 1999).
Thus the dose to adults exposed outdoors is about 2/3 of the outdoor exposure. However,
most people spend most of their time indoors and thus their exposure is reduced greatly
due to attenuation of the radiation by building materials. The amount of shielding (i.e. the
shielding factor) will depend on the type of structure. In general, based on a review of the
available literature, it is estimated that heavily constructed buildings made of brick or
concrete will provide a shielding factor of about 0.2 ± 20% (1 s,d,) while lightly
constructed buildings will provide a shielding factor of about 0.4. ± 20% (NCRP, 1999).
These estimates are fairly conservative and allow for a small amount of radioactivity that
may be tracked into the home from contamination of shoes, etc. Assuming that on
average most persons spend about 80% of their time indoors (UNSCEAR, 1993; NCRP,
1999) with an average shielding factor of 0.3, their whole body effective dose would be
0.66 * (0.2 + 0.8 * 0.3) = 0.29 x Outdoor exposure. However, the UNSCEAR estimated
that persons who work outdoor spend on average only 40% of their time indoors and the
most exposed outdoor worker spends only about 30% of his/her time indoors. The NRC
(1977) made a similar estimate of 40% of time spent indoors for the maximum exposed
individual. Assuming only 30% indoors in a lightly shielded structure for the maximum
exposed outdoor worker, the dose to the most exposed individuals would be
0.66 * (0.7 + 0.3 * 0.4) = 0.54 x Outdoor exposure or almost twice that of the average
exposure. Conversely, the UNSCEAR (1993) estimated indoor workers spend only about
10% of their time outdoors while other estimates indicate some individuals spend even
less time outdoors. Assuming 5% as a reasonable estimate for the least exposed
individual living in a well shielded house and/or working in a well shielded building, the
minimum exposed individual would receive a dose of about 0.66 * (0.05 + 0.95 * 0.2) =
0.16 x outdoor exposure, or about ½ that of the average dose.
Thus the actual dose to any individual can range by about a factor of four depending on
the amount of time spent outdoors and the type of structure the individual lives and works
in. The dose to children could be about 30% higher than that for adults for the same
fraction of time outdoors. In this report, all calculations of dose are based on the average
exposure given above and estimates for any individual should be adjusted up or down
based on the above discussion.
Note that no additional uncertainty has been incorporated in the dose estimates in this
report above that for the uncertainty in the underlying deposition density estimates that
were used to estimate exposure. However, using a S.D of ± 20% for the shielding factors,
± 0.05 for the conversion from rad to rem, and 0.8 ± 0.05 for the fraction of time spent
indoors by an average individual implies that the uncertainty (one S.D.) in the average
conversion from exposure to dose of 0.3 is about 0.04, or about 10%. Even for the sum
over all tests, the uncertainty (GSD) in the outdoor exposure in a given county averages
about 1.3 (GSD). Thus, this additional uncertainty in converting to dose can be ignored
provided one adjusts their individual dose estimate for time spent outdoors on average,
particularly during the first few weeks after each test.
Beta Skin Dose
All of the exposures and doses discussed above refer to exposure to gamma radiation
from the fission products deposited onto the ground. However almost all of the gamma
emitting radionuclides also emit beta rays and a number of fission products emit beta rays
but no gamma rays. Because of their low penetrating power, beta rays are attenuated
rapidly in soil and even in air and thus contribute little to whole-body radiation exposure
(Eckerman and Ryman, 1993; NCRP, 1999). However beta rays can contribute to the
dose to skin, particularly in the days immediately following fallout before the activity has
penetrated more deeply into the soil. Because the beta radiation is so sensitive to the
actual depth distribution in the soil, only a very crude estimate can be made of the dose.
Thus the beta skin dose has been estimated only for a single test, HARRY. The variation
in beta dose from test to test is expected to be negligible compared to the variation due to
variations in depth distribution (penetration rate) in the soil.
Besides the beta radiation itself, the beta rays produce a small amount of gamma
radiation via bremsstrahlung (Eckerman and Ryman, 1993). This gamma radiation,
although only a small fraction of the energy of the beta ray itself, can produce a small
whole-body exposure and add to skin dose. Furthermore, it is generally the only way a
beta emitter can irradiate body organs other than the skin. In order to account for both
beta radiation itself as well as the accompanying bremsstrahlung, we have used the dose
factors calculated by Eckerman and Ryman (1993) to estimate doses to skin for the
deposition densities of the various fission products reported in Hicks (1991).
Unfortunately, however, Eckerman and Ryman (1993) do not separate out beta and
gamma dose contributions in their tabulated results and also did not calculate values for
exponentially decreasing concentrations in soil. Thus the beta dose for beta-gamma
emitters for a 1 cm slab source was inferred by plotting their doses for pure beta emitters
versus their total energy of emitted betas and using this curve to estimate the beta doses
from beta-gamma emitters. The dose for a source with a 0.1-cm relaxation length,
corresponding to the distribution used for gamma rays for the first 20 days, was then
estimated. For this estimate, it was assumed that all the activity is contained in a 0.144
cm thick slab, corresponding to the mean depth of a 0.1 cm relaxation length exponential
distribution and that any activity from depths greater than that would not contribute
significantly due to attenuation. Thus the skin dose values from Eckerman and Ryman
(1993) for a 1-cm slab with 1 Bq/cm3 were multiplied by a factor of 5.3 to correspond to
the concentration in a 0.144-cm slab for a deposition density of 1 nCi/m2 with a 0.1 cm
relaxation length.
The beta skin dose from fallout distributed with a 0.1-cm relaxation length was then
calculated to be about 25-50% of that from a plane source on the soil surface, depending
on the age of the fallout. The early fallout contains a greater fraction of higher energy
beta rays and thus the attenuation in soil is lower. The results of these calculations are
presented in the next section and compared to the gamma ray exposure results.
Fallout Deposition
The total deposition density of Cs-137 from all NTS tests examined through 1962 is
shown in Figure 1. The pattern of deposition is similar to that for I-131, shown in Figure
2 (from NCI, 1997) although, due to its long half life, the drop-off in activity in the
eastern U.S. is less than that for I-131. Deposition densities range from less than 5
mCI/km2 in the western and northwestern states to over 20 near the NTS. As for the I-131
deposition, the regional and local variations are due to variations in precipitation, which
is the main fallout mechanism at distances remote from the test site. The well
documented elevated region in northern New York State was due to heavy thunderstorm
activity during passage of the cloud from shot SIMON in April, 1953 (NCI, 1997; Beck
et al., 1990). The deposition density patterns for most of the other radionuclides covered
in this report were in general intermediate to the patterns for Cs and I, with any
differences reflected by the differences in respective half lives.
The deposition density data for each test for all covered nuclides is contained in the
database accompanying this report. However, the patterns for Sr-90 and Pu-239+240 vary
somewhat from those for Cs-137 and I-131due to the differences in Sr and Pu production
as a function of the device fuel. Figure 3 shows the ratio of total Cs-137 to total Sr-
90..Figure 4 is for the ratio of Cs-137 to Pu-239+240. Note that the Cs to Sr ratio varies
from about 0.8 to 1.9 with relatively low Sr deposition in Idaho, western Montana,
western Nevada and the S.E. states and relatively higher Sr deposition relative to Cs in
areas of the Midwest. The differences, of course, reflect the fact that the fallout in
different regions resulted from different test(s). The Cs/Pu ratios, shown in Figure 3 vary
from 3 to over 50. The highest relative Pu deposition was in counties near the NTS.
However, areas in the mountain states, eastern NM and the Midwest exhibited generally
low relative Pu deposition. For most of the country, the Cs to Pu activity ratio was about
10-20. As discussed previously, the Pu estimates in this report for any particular county
are very uncertain and should be viewed only as illustrative of the variations across the
country due to the varying tracks of Pu-fueled tests versus U-235-fueled tests. The
number of counties within each range is shown in parenthesis in the figure captions.
Figure 5 shows the fraction of the total Cs-137 deposition in the continental U.S.
resulting from each test series. The 1957 Plumbbob series deposited 35% of the total Cs
followed by the 1953 Upshot Knothole series (23%). Of course the fraction of the total
deposition in a particular year for any particular county will differ from this distribution
due to the varying fallout tracks during different years. (The maps shown later of external
exposure versus year reflect the relative annual depositions of fission products in each
area). The ten tests depositing the most Cs in the continental U.S. are shown in Figure 6,
while Figure 7 shows comparable data for the population-weighted deposition density.
Two tests from the 1953 UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE series deposited the most Cs-137
(SIMON and HARRY). HARRY also deposited the most I-131 (NCI, 1997). The
comparable plot for the tests resulting in the highest population-weighted deposition
density differs somewhat from the total deposition. Foe example, HARRY’s impact on a
population-weighted basis was much less than for total deposition, reflecting the fact that
the fallout tracks and deposition patterns for each test differed, sometimes significantly
(NCI, 1997; Beck et al., 1990).
The total amount of Cs-137 deposited in the continental U.S. from all tests was 62500 Ci.
The total deposition for a number of other selected radionuclides is shown in Table 6.
The total deposition density was calculated for several radionuclides in order to compare
with the deposition from “global” fallout as reported by UNSCEAR (1993). For this
purpose, the calculated values for each county were weighted by population and then
summed. Because of the sharp gradations in deposition from west to east, and the higher
populations in the eastern U.S., these population-weighted values are slightly less than
the mean unweighted deposition obtained by dividing the total deposition by the total
area of the continental U.S. However, they are a fairer indicator of the impact the
deposition had with respect to both external and internal population doses. The resulting
population-weighted deposition densities for the U.S. are given in Table 6 and compared
with corresponding estimates by UNSCEAR for the 40-50 degree latitude band of the
northern hemisphere
**for 40-50 degree latitude band, # About 5% of total is from the decay of Np-239.
Thus for the long-lived radionuclides, NTS fallout contributed only about 5% of the total
deposition. The deposition of short-lived radionuclides such as Sr-89, Ba-140 and I-131
was several times that of “global” fallout. These results are consistent with the fact that
although the total fission yield of NTS tests was only about 1 MT, compared to about 150
MT for tests outside the U.S., most of the debris from the large thermonuclear tests
outside the U.S. was injected into the stratosphere. According to the UNSCEAR (1993),
the average residence time for this stratospheric debris before re-entering the troposphere
and depositing is about 1 y. This delay in fallout coupled with a more uniform deposition
over the entire globe accounts for the reduced impact of global fallout and in particular
the very much-reduced short-lived activity relative to the amounts produced.
Another factor contributing to the greater deposition per unit yield in the continental U.S.
of NTS tests is the fact that tests detonated near the ground, either on the surface or from
relatively low towers, deposit a large fraction of their debris locally and regionally
compared to tests detonated higher in the atmosphere. Figure 8 compares the cumulative
Cs-137 deposition versus distance from the NTS as a fraction of that produced for various
types of tests. Figure 9 compares the deposition as a fraction of the total deposited in the
U.S. From Figure 8, one sees that less than 10% of the activity produced in an air burst
deposits within 4,400 km (or within the continental U.S.) compared to about 45% for
tower and surface shots. Balloon-borne devices deposited 30% in the U.S., less than
tower shots but much more than air bursts. (The height of detonation for balloon shots
was generally on the order of 500 m compared to ~100-200 m for tower shots (Beck,
1984)). For all NTS tests, 34% of the Cs-137 produced deposited in the continental U.S.
In terms of the total deposited in the U.S., all types of tests deposited the same
approximate fraction of their total U.S. deposition at distances greater than 2,000 km.
However, tower shots, as expected, deposited a greater fraction very close to the NTS,
while air bursts seemed to deposit a greater fraction from 1,500-2,500 km.
Overall, air bursts deposited only about 8% of the total activity produced within the
continental U.S., consistent with the UNSCEAR estimate of an average tropospheric
residence time of 30 d. assuming a cross-country transit time of about 4 d on average.
The estimates of total deposition and fractional deposition discussed above of course rely
upon the accuracy of the underlying I-131 deposition densities calculated by interpolating
a relatively small number of gummed film measurements and weighting interpolated
values by measured precipitation (NCI, 1997). However, most of the random uncertainty
in total deposition is averaged out when summing over a large number of tests, days per
test, and counties. The calculated propagated uncertainty in total deposition is less than
5% (GSD < 1.05). This assumes of course that there is no large systematic error and that
the daily deposition estimates are not correlated. The values for a particular day are
correlated with values for nearby counties since that is the basis of the kriging method
used (see NCI, 1997), however, results from one day to another and one test to another
should not be correlated.
Exposure and Dose
The geographical distribution of total whole-body effective dose from all NTS tests for a
typically exposed individual (80% indoors, 0.3 shielding factor) is shown in Figure 10.
The specific mean and GM free-in-air exposures for each county for each test, year, and
total NTS are included in the database that accompanies this report. The interested reader
can estimate his/her exposure and dose by multiplying by the appropriate indoor/outdoor
and shielding factor correction factor as discussed in the previous section. As expected,
the dose pattern is similar to the I-131 deposition pattern presented in NCI (1997) since
the exposure rate is closely related to the deposition of short-lived radionuclides. The
most exposed were individuals who lived in states immediately downwind from the NTS.
However, pockets of higher and lower exposures occurred throughout the U.S. as a result
of the uneven deposition of fallout and the variation in tracks of the many tests that
contributed. The geographical distribution of doses varied significantly from year to year
as shown in Figures 11-16. As can be seen, the 1952 TUMBLER-SNAPPER series
impacted areas to the north of the NTS more than did the tests in other years, while the
fallout from the 1955 TEAPOT series was concentrated in the center of the U.S. The
1957 Plumbbob series accounted for much of the exposure to residents of ND, MN and
surrounding areas.
The relative impact of various test series was investigated by calculating the population
exposure, i.e. the product of the exposure for a given county multiplied by its population,
and then summing over all counties. The population exposure versus year of exposure is
given in Table 7.
Table 7: Population exposure and per capita exposure versus year of exposure.
Year Annual 50 y Committed per capita
-------10 person-R---------- mR
1951 2180 2250 13
1952 5040 5310 31
1953 6320 6630 39
1954* 56 0.34
1955 3930 4170 24
1956* 37 0.23
1957 6730 7530 41
1958* 275 1.7
1962 1570 1640 9.7
The uncertainty in the above calculated population exposures was less than 1.1 (GSD) for
all years except 1951 and 1962. The GSD for 1951 was 1.2 due to the large uncertainty in
the I-131 deposition density estimates for some of the early Ranger series tests. The GSD
for the 1962 fallout, which was due mainly to the SEDAN cratering shot, is very large,
1.8, again due to very uncertain estimates of I-131 deposition. The population exposure
for each year includes that from fallout in that year plus from fallout in the previous year,
if any. The per capita exposure of 162 mR corresponds to an average whole body
effective dose of about 0.5 mSv (50 mrem), for the years of testing, about what an
average person would receive from natural background radiation in 1-2 years depending
on the area of the country. Residents of some counties near the NTS received doses in
excess of 3 mSv (300 mrem) while residents of the extreme Western and Northwestern
states and some Midwestern counties received average doses less than 0.25 mSv (25
mrem). The committed (50 y) dose from all NTS tests is about 5 % higher than the dose
received during the testing years. In contrast, the UNSCEAR, 1993, has estimated the
population-weighted per capita dose from external radiation from “global” fallout in the
latitude band 40-50 degrees to be about 1 mSv. Twenty-five tests accounted for over 80%
of the population exposure but no single test accounted for greater than 7%. The ten top
contributors that account for about 50% of the population exposure are shown in Figure
17. Again, the impact of the SEDAN shot is very uncertain (GSD = 1.8) while the GSD
of the population exposures for the other 9 tests are all in the range 1.1-1.3.
A large number of fission products are produced in a nuclear explosion. However, only a
relatively few account for most of the external exposure. Different radionuclides
contribute significantly to the exposure rate at different times and thus determination of
the most important radionuclides with respect to total exposure depends on the time of
arrival of the fallout. Table 8 shows the largest contributors to total integrated exposure
(% of total integrated exposure from nuclide and decay products) for several different
times of fallout arrival. The data are for shot HARRY but vary only slightly from shot to
shot with volatile nuclide contribution being greater for tower and surface shots as
opposed to air bursts. However, as shown earlier, the surface and tower shots account for
most of the radiation exposure to the population of the continental U.S. As can be seen, at
early arrival times the short-lived iodine isotopes contribute relatively more to the
exposure while after a few days, I-132, Ba-140, Zr-Nb-95 and Ru-103 dominate. I-132 is
a major contributor even for later arrival times. Note that by contrast, most of the external
dose from “global” fallout was due to the longer-lived nuclides, with Cs-137 accounting
for about 50% of the exposure and Ru-103, Ru-106, Ce-Pr-144 and Zr-Nb-95 most of the
remainder (UNSCEAR, 1993). In contrast, these nuclides contribute only small amounts
to the integral dose from NTS fallout.
Figures 18 through 22 show the fraction of the total dose from all NTS tests that resulted
from Te-I-132, Ba-La-140, Zr-Nb-95, Np-239, and Ru-103, respectively. Note that as
expected from the dependence on arrival time shown in Table 8, the shorter-lived
nuclides such as Np-239 (2.4 d) have a larger impact close to the NTS while the relative
contribution of nuclides with relatively long half lives such as Zr-95 (64 d) is much
greater at large distances from the NTS. Because of this strong dependence on time of
fallout arrival, the radionuclide composition accounting for the total exposure varies
significantly with distance from the NTS.
Table 8: Percentage of total integral exposure contributed by various fission products as a
function of fallout arrival time
Te-I-132 23 27 20
Ba-La-140 21 35 43
I-133 13 3 <1
Np-239 6 6 4
Zr-Nb-95 6 10 14
Zr-Nb-97, 97m 6 1 <1
I-135 5 <1 <1
Ru-103 3 6 7
I-131 3 4 4
The doses discussed above are from gamma irradiation. Table 9 presents the estimates of
the ratio of beta skin dose to whole body gamma dose outdoors for shot HARRY as a
function of time of arrival of fallout. This ratio is about 2 for fallout shortly after the test
but falls to about 1.0 after a few days. The ratio of dose rates is about 5 at early times and
falls to about 1 at about 5d. Note that it has been assumed that the beta dose can be
neglected after 20 days. The activity is then assumed to be distributed with a relaxation
length of 1 cm, deep enough to reduce the beta-ray flux to a negligible level. The beta
dose estimates determined here are in reasonable agreement with previous results. For
example the ICRU (1977) estimated the beta skin dose rate from a plane source of fission
products to be about 8-16 times the total effective dose. The ratio of dose rates for a 0.1
cm relaxation length for early arrival times is about 3-5 from Table 9. Dose rate ratios
calculated for a plane source for the same beta spectrum (HARRY) ranged from about 7-
11 over the first 2-3 days, with the higher value, that likely corresponds better to the beta
ray spectrum assumed by the ICRU, corresponding to earlier arrival times. Only a
relatively few nuclides emitting higher energy beta rays contribute significantly to the
dose: Rb-88, Sr-91, Y-92, Y-93, Sb-128, Te-129, I-132. I-133, I-135, Ce-143, and Pr-
145. The relative contributions of each to the total dose depended on fallout time-of -
The actual impact of beta exposure is of course even less than the ratios in Table 9. The
average individual would be exposed to beta radiation only for the 20% of time spent
outdoors, resulting in an actual beta skin dose to gamma whole body dose ratio of about
0.2-0.4. Furthermore, since the radio-sensitivity of the skin is generally accepted to be
much lower than for other organs, even the beta dose to the most exposed individuals
who spend up to 70% of their time outdoors can be considered insignificant compared to
their whole-body gamma exposure.
Two sources of beta radiation exposure might be significant in some cases. One is the
direct deposition of radioactivity onto the skin during cloud passage. The second is
contamination to the skin from children playing in contaminated soil, both from soil
adhering to the skin as well as due to a closer proximity to the source. The former case is
only of significance to individuals living close to the test site and was considered by
Henderson and Smale (1990), in the ORERP study. Neglecting the dose from soil
adhering to the skin, the dose to a child playing on the ground would probably be about a
factor of two higher than that to a standing adult due to the closer proximity to the source
plane. However, this would still probably not constitute a significant exposure. A more
significant exposure route would likely be direct ingestion of soil (NCRP, 1999).
Table 9: Beta ray skin dose divided by whole body gamma dose as a function of fallout
time of arrival-shot HARRY
*100% outdoors
Fallout from atmospheric tests at the NTS resulted in an average external radiation
exposure of about 0.5 mSv to the population of the U.S., about half of that incurred from
“global” fallout from the large-scale testing outside the U.S. However, residents in the
states immediately downwind from the NTS received much higher exposures while the
exposures in the Western and Northwestern U.S. and some areas of the Midwest and
Southeast were much less than the average. Most of this exposure occurred with the first
3 weeks of each test and was due to relatively short-lived radionuclides. In contrast, the
exposure from “global” fallout occurred over a much greater span of time (1952-62) and
primarily from a few long-lived radionuclides. Thus the dose rate was more uniform with
time. Almost the entire whole-body effective dose to the population was from gamma
rays emitted by fission products deposited on the ground. The actual dose received by
any individual depended on the fraction of time he/she spent outdoors during the first few
weeks after fallout and the degree of shielding provided by his/her dwelling. The most
exposed individuals at any particular location would have been outdoor workers or others
who spent most of their day outdoors. Beta radiation from fission products in the surface
soil did result in additional dose to the skin when outdoors. However, this contribution
was not large enough to be considered an important component of total fallout radiation
exposure except perhaps for children who played in the soil for significant intervals of
The deposition of fission products contributed to internal radiation exposure via ingestion
as well as external exposure. The deposition densities of all nuclides that could contribute
significantly to ingestion doses were calculated for this study although the internal doses
via ingestion will be treated in a separate report. It is noteworthy that the deposition of
long-lived nuclides was much less than from global fallout, while the deposition of short-
lived radionuclides was generally higher. About 1/3 of the fission products produced by
the roughly 1 MT of NTS explosions was deposited within the continental U.S. Surface
shots and shots conducted on towers produced much more fallout in the U.S. per unit
yield than air bursts.
The annex to this report, in the form of Excel spreadsheet files, gives the calculated
deposition densities of all the radionuclides considered for each test for each county of
the U.S. The free-in-air exposure resulting from each test and test series is also tabulated
for each county. By accessing the data for their particular county of residence for any
given year(s) and applying the appropriate correction factor to convert from exposure to
dose by adjusting for the actual fraction of time spent outdoors, the interested reader can
estimate his/her whole body dose from NTS fallout.
Anspaugh, L.R. and Church, B.W. Historical estimates of external gamma exposure and
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report EML-375. . Environmental Measurements Laboratory, New York, June
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Thirty-First Annual Meeting of the National Council on Radiation Protection and
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Beck, H.L. and L.R. Anspaugh. Development of the County Data Base: Estimates of
exposure rates and times of arrival of fallout in the ORERP Phase-II area.
Comparison with cumulative deposition-density estimates based on analyses of
retrospective and historical soil samples. U.S. Department of Energy report
DOE/NV-320; 1991.
Church, B.W.; Wheeler, D.L.; Campbell, C.M.; Nutley, R.V.; Anspaugh, L.R. Overview
of the Department of Energy's Off-Site Radiation Exposure Review Project
(ORERP). Health Phys. 59:503-510; 1990.
Eckerman, K. and Ryman, J.C. Dose Coefficients for external exposure to radionuclides
distributed in air, water and soil, Federal Guidance report 12. USEPA,
Washington; 1993.
England, T.R. and Ryder, B.F., Evaluation and Compilation of Fission Product Yields,
1993. Las Alamos National Laboratory report LA-UR-94-3106 (ENDF-349);
Gale, H.J., Humphrey’s, D.L.O., and Fisher, E.M.R. The weathering of caesium 137 in
Soil. Nature 201, 257.;1964.
Henderson, R.W.; Smale, R.F. External exposure estimates for individuals near the
Nevada Test Site. Health Phys. 59(5):715-721; 1990.
Hicks, H.G. Results of calculations of external radiation exposure rates from fallout and
the related radionuclide composition. Livermore, CA: Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory; UCRL-53152, parts 1-8; 1981.
Hicks, H.G. Calculation of the concentration of any radionuclide deposited on the ground
by off-site fallout from a nuclear detonation. Health Phys. 42:585-600; 1982.
Hicks, H.G., Report on Plutonium Isotopic Ratios, Reporters transcript of ninth dose
assessment Advisory group Meeting, Feb. 17, 1984, Vol II, USDOE Nevada
Operations Office, 1984 (CIC #41989); 1984.
Hicks, H.G.and D.W.Barr. Nevada Test Site atom ratios: 240Pu/239Pu and 241Pu/239Pu,
Univ. CA Radiation Laboratory, UCRL-53499/1; Feb. 1984.
ICRU. Dosimetry of External Beta Rays for Radiation Protection. Report of the
International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, ICRU-56.
ICRU, Bethesda, MD;1997.
Jacob,P., Paretzke, H.G., Rosenbaum, H. and Zankl, M. “Effective dose equivalent for
photon exposures from plane sources on the ground”, Radiat. Prot. Dos. 14 (4),
299-310; 1986.
Krey, P.W. and Beck, H.L. The distribution throughout Utah of 137Cs and 239+240Pu
from Nevada Test Site detonations. USDOE report EML-400. NTIS; 1981.
Likhtariov, I, Kovgan, L.,Novak, D., Vavilov. S, Jacob, P, and Paretzke, H.G.. Effective
doses due to external radiation from the Chernobyl accident for different
population groups of Ukraine. Health Physics 70. 87-98; 1996.
Miller, K.M. and Helfer, I.H.. In situ measurements of Cs-137 inventory in natural
terrain, p 243-252 in Environmental Radiation ’85, Proceedings of the 18th topical
Symposium of the Health Physics Society. Health Physics Society, McLean, Va.;
Miller, K.M., Kuiper, J.L. and Helfer, I.K. Cs-137 fallout depth distributions in forest
versus field sites-implications for eternal gamma dose rates, J. Env. Radio. 12, 23,
National Cancer Institute. Estimated exposures and thyroid doses received by the
American people from Iodine-131 in fallout following Nevada atmospheric
nuclear bomb tests; October 1997.
NCRP. Recommended Screening Limits for Contaminated Surface Soil and Review of
Factors Relevant to Site-Specific Studies. National Council on Radiation
Protection and Measurements report. #129. NCRP, Bethesda, MD; 1999.
Ng, Y.C.; Anspaugh, L.R.; Cederwall, R.T. ORERP internal dose estimates for
individuals. Health Phys. 59:693-713; 1990.
Thompson, C.B.; McArthur, R.D.; Hutchinson, S.W. Development of the Town Data
Base: Estimates of Exposure Rates and Times of Fallout Arrival Near the Nevada
Test Site. Springfield, VA: National Technical Information Service; DOE/NVO-
374; 1994.
Appendix 1: Example of Calculation Procedure
In this appendix, the calculation of the deposition density of Ba-140 and of Cs-137 for a
particular arbitrarily chosen county, St. Louis (FIPS=29189), from shot HARRY,
5/19/53, is shown in detail. The calculation of the total external exposure for St. Louis
County resulting from shot HARRY is also illustrated.
All calculations start with the measured effective I-131 reported by the NCI (1997).
These measured I-131 values (mCi/km2) for St. Louis County for various days after the
detonation (TOA) are shown in the second column of Table A1. As discussed in the text
a TOA of 1.5 d refers to fallout on the second day after the detonation or in this case on
5/20/53, etc. The corresponding GSD reported in NCI (1997) is given in column 3. The
effective I-131, denoted as I-131*, is just the measured value decayed back to H+12 h
(column 5). The effective I-131 includes the contributions of I-131 that will subsequently
grow in from Te-131 and Te-131m since these contributions are included in the reported
measured I-131 (NCI, 1997).
In order to calculate the corresponding Ba-140 and Cs-137 for each day with I-131
deposition it is necessary to know the ratios of Ba-140/I-131* for each of these days.
These values, from Hicks (1981) are given in columns 5 and 6, respectively. Note that the
values in the Hicks Tables (Ci/km2) for all nuclides are normalized to a unit exposure rate
of 1 mR/h at H+12 h. In each case the value of Ba-140 or Cs-137 for the particular TOA
was obtained from the Hicks (1981) Table for test HARRY and divided by the
corresponding I-131* H+12 h value from Hicks for test HARRY, .819 mCi/km2. The
latter value was obtained from the tabulated values for test HARRY for I-131, Te-131,
Te-131m at H+12 h (I-131* =[ I-131 *193 h + Te-131m * 30 h + Te-131 * 0.417 h] /
193h ) and represents the total I-131 at H+12h plus the I-131 that will subsequently grow
in from Te-131 and Te-131m.
Table A1: Measured I-131 deposition density (mCi/km2), ratios of Ba-140 and Cs-137 to
I-131*, and calculated Ba-140 and Cs-137 deposition densities (mCi/km2).
Multiplying the Ba-140/I-131* and Cs-137/I-131* by the measured I-131* provides the
estimated GM deposition densities of Ba-140 and Cs-137 for each day of fallout. Since
the uncertainty in the Hicks (1981) ratios of deposition densities is assumed to be minor
compared to the larger uncertainty in the measured deposition densities, the GSD for Ba-
140 and Cs-137 are assumed to be the same as that for the corresponding measured I-131.
In order to calculate the total Ba-140 and Cs-137 deposition densities for this county from
shot HARRY, one must sum the daily values. However, one cannot sum GM values so
one must first convert each daily GM to the corresponding mean. As discussed in NCI
(1997), the conversion is given by mean, m = GM * exp (0.5 * s2) where s2 = ln (GSD).
The corresponding variance, var = m2 = [exp (s2 ) –1]. Table A2 gives the calculated
means and variances for the days with fallout.
The mean of the total deposition density of Ba-140 is thus 152 mCi/km2 with a variance
of 6003. As discussed in NCI (1997), the sum of lognormally-distributed distributions
can themselves be assumed to be approximately lognormally distributed with a GM given
by GM = m / SQRT [1 + var / m2 ] and a GSD given by GSD = exp [SQRT (ln {1 + var /
m2 )}. Using these equations, the GM Ba-140 deposition density for this county for shot
HARRY is thus 134 mCi/km2 with a GSD of 1.7. The corresponding Cs-137 deposition
density is 0.235 with a GSD of also 1.7.
In a similar manner, the deposition densities resulting from all other tests conducted in
1953 were calculated and the total Ba-140 and Cs-137 deposition densities from all 1953
(UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE) tests obtained by summing the means and variances of the
individual test results. To obtain the total deposition density from all NTS tests, the
means and variances calculated for each test series were summed. These sums are
provided in the database that accompanies this report along with the calculated
conversions to GM and GSD for each test, test series, and NTS totals.
The calculation of free-in-air exposure again starts with the measured I-131* values and
the I-131* value per mR/h at H+12 h (= 819 mCi/km2) for HARRY given in Hicks
(1981). The exposure rate at any time t is given by the deposition density at time t in
mCi/km2 multiplied by a dose rate conversion factor :R / h per mCi /km2 taken from
Beck (1980). As discussed in the text, these conversion factors are a function of the
assumed depth distribution. For t < 20 d, a depth distribution with a relaxation length of
0.1 cm was assumed. This was the value used in Hicks (1981) for all times. For t > 20 d
< 200 d, a relaxation length of 1 cm was assumed in this report, and for > 200 d, a
relaxation length of 3 cm. The conversion factors for Ba-140, La-140 and Cs-137 for
each relaxation length are given below:
Table A3: Conversion factors from deposition density to exposure rate, :R / h per mCi
In order to calculate the total exposure rate as a function of time from TOA to the end of
the year, and to 50 y after detonation for a particular test, it is necessary to sum the
exposure rates per unit I-131* from each of a large number of radionuclides contributing
to the total exposure rate at any particular time, multiply this total by the measured I-131*
deposition density, and then integrate the total from all nuclides over the period of
interest. For the first 20 d after detonation, a very large number of nuclides contribute to
the exposure rate (>100). Since Hicks already calculated the total exposure rate per unit I-
131* for this period for a range of t, it was not necessary to attempt to recalculate and
tabulate the individual radionuclide exposure rates for this period. They can be obtained
directly from the Hicks (1981) tables if desired. The exposure rates versus time per unit I-
131* for the first 20 d as reported in Hicks (1981) for shot Harry are given below (The
reported exposure rates have been normalized to unit deposition density of I-131* by
dividing by 819.
Table A4: Exposure rate versus time of arrival for test HARRY per mCi /km2 I-131*
In order to calculate the total exposure from any particular time of arrival (TOA) to 20 d
after detonation, the exposure rates in Table A4 were fit to a function of the form a t-b for
the period 12 h to 20 d (480 h). The results of this fit for test HARRY was a = 5.62E-04;
b=-1.0958 with a correlation coefficient r2 of 0.9995. The integral from any time TOA to
20 d is then Ιa t –b dt = [0.4602/ (0.0958)] [TOA-0.0958 –20-0.0958]. The resultant total
integral exposures from TOA to 20 d for various TOA are given in the second column of
Table A5 below. Note that this formulation actually assumes a 0.1-cm relaxation length
for times TOA to 20 d rather than for a period totaling 20 d after deposition. This is
reasonable, however. As the time of arrival of fallout increases due to increasing distance
of the fallout cloud from the NTS, a greater fraction of the deposition is due to washout
from precipitation (NCI, 1997). This wet deposition resulted in greater penetration into
the soil than that from the dry deposition that occurred near the NTS at early arrival
The exposure rate from 20 d post detonation to 200 d could not be taken from the Hicks
(1981) tables directly since we use an exposure rate conversion factor that assumes a 1-
cm relaxation length. However, the number of radionuclides contributing significantly to
the total exposure during this period is much smaller (about 24). It was thus possible to
use the actual time variation of the deposition density for each of these radionuclides
multiplied by the appropriate dose rate factor from Beck (1980) to calculate the integral
exposure for each for the desired interval. For example: the exposure rate for Cs-137 for
the period 20 d to 200 d is given by:
I (t) :R/d = Cs(20 d) mCi /km2 * 6.15E-03 :R / h per mCi /km2 * 24 h/d * exp(- * (t-
20 d) ),
where Cs(20 d) is the deposition density of Cs-137 (per unit I-131*) at 20 d after
detonation, from Hicks (1981) and = ln (2) / T1/2.
The half life of Cs-137 is 11000 d (Table 2). The exposure rates of the other
radionuclides contributing to the exposure rate during this period were calculated in a
similar manner. Note that for a few radionuclides that grow in from precursors (e.g. Nb-
95 from Zr-95), the activity versus time is a function of the parent activity and the
analytical relationship is sometimes more complicated than that for a single radionuclide.
The daughter to parent activity for these nuclides is given by D/P = (T1/2 p)/(T1/2p - T1/2
d) * [1 – exp (- d – p) t], where is the number of daughter atoms produced per parent
decay and the subscripts p and d stand for parent and daughter, respectively. This
equation is easily integrated to provide the integral exposure of the daughter activity in a
manner similar to that for the parent as described above. (If the daughter half life is short
compared to that of the parent the activity of the daughter is approximately equal to that
of the parent at all times, and the exposure rate is just the parent activity multiplied by the
exposure rate conversion factor for the daughter).
Since HARRY was detonated on the 139th day of the year (May 23), there were 226 d
remaining in the year 1953. The total exposure for the year from a deposit on day TOA
was thus the sum of the exposures from TOA-20 d, 20-200d and 200-226 d. For the last
26 days, the calculation was similar to that for 20-200 d except that the integration was
from 200 d to 226 d and the deposition densities from 200-226 d were multiplied by the
exposure rate conversion factors for a 3 cm relaxation length, rather than for a 1-cm
relaxation length. For the year 1954, and for the remainder of the 50 y period for which
the exposure was calculated, only a few radionuclides contributed to the exposure. Again,
the integrated doses were calculated individually for each as shown above for Cs-137,
integrating over the appropriate time interval.
Table A5 gives the final integrated exposure for each of the time intervals of interest,
TOA-20 d, 20-200 d, the entire year (1953), 1954, 1955 – 50 Y, and the total = TOA - 50
Y. By multiplying each of these normalized exposure values by the corresponding
measured I-131* for each day with fallout (from Table A1), one obtains the mean and
GM exposures for St. Louis County for test HARRY shown in Table A6, along with the
corresponding variances and GSDs. Again, the means are calculated from the measured
GM, as described previously for the deposition density calculations, and then summed to
obtain the total exposure resulting from all days of fallout. The total exposure from all
tests in the year 1953, and from all NTS tests, was calculated in a similar manner by
summing the mean exposures from each test.
Table A5: Integral exposure from time of arrival to 20 d, 20 d to end of year, 1953, 1954,
TOA-50 y, per unit I-131* deposition density (mR per mCi/km2)
Table A6: Total exposure from HARRY for St. Louis County, mR
------------- For 1953-------------- --------- -TOA - 50 Y ---------------
TOA GM mean var GM mean var
Although the exposure contribution from each radionuclide was not estimated separately
in the database accompanying this report, the exposure from all tests for a few specific
radionuclides was calculated from the corresponding deposition densities and used to
prepare the data shown in Figures 18 through 22. These figures illustrate the fraction of
the total exposure from these particular radionuclides. The mean deposition densities of
each radionuclide for each test and test series is provided in the database and can be used
to estimate exposures for a particular year from any particular radionuclide by
multiplying by an appropriate dose rate conversion factor from Beck (1980).
Appendix 2: Additional Reading
Anders R.M., Holl, J.M., Buck, A.L. and Dean, P.C., The United States nuclear weapons
program. A summary history. US Dept. of Energy report. DOE/E5-0005 (draft),
March, 1983.
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. The nature of radioactive fallout and its effects on
man, Congressional hearings transcript; 1997.
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. Fallout from nuclear weapons tests, Congressional
Hearings transcript; May, 1959)
U.S. Dept. of Energy. Announced United States Nuclear Tests, July 1945 through
December, 1987. Nevada Operations Office report. NVO-209, Rev. 8; 1988.
Hicks, H.G. Radiochemical data collected on events from which radioactivity escaped
beyond the borders of the Nevada test range complex. Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory report. UCRL-52934; Feb. 1981.
Radiological Health Data. U.S. Dept of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health
Service. Monthly reports, 1958+
Bouville, A. and Beck, H.L. The HASL gummed-film network and its use in the
reconstruction of doses resulting from nuclear weapons tests. Environ. Intl; in
Eisenbud, M. An Environmental Odyssey. People, Pollution, and Politics in the Life of a
Practical Scientist, University of Washington Press, Seattle and Washington,
Harley, John H., A Brief History of Long-Range Fallout, in Health and Safety Laboratory
report HASL-306, Environmental Quarterly, July 1, 1976, pp I-3 to I-1.
Bouville, A., M. Dreicer, H.L. Beck, W.H. Hoecker, and B.W. Wachholz. Models of
radioiodine transport to populations within the continental U.S. Health Phys.
59(5): 659-668; 1990.
(5) The vertical migration of fallout radionuclides into deeper layers of soil:
Beck, H.L.; Krey, P.W. Radiation exposure in Utah from Nevada nuclear tests. Science
220:18-24; 1983.
Lloyd, R.D.; Gren, D.C.; Simon, S.L.; Wrenn, M.E.; Hawthorne, H.A.; Lotz, T.M.;
Stevens, W.; Till, J.E. Individual external exposures from Nevada Test Site fallout
for Utah leukemia cases and controls. Health Phys. 59(5):723-737; 1990.
Simon, S.L.; Till, J.E.; Lloyd, R.D.; Kerber, R.L.; Thomas, D.C.; Preston-Martin, S.;
Lyon, J.L.; Stevens, W. The Utah leukemia case-control study: dosimetry
methodology and results. Health Phys. 68(4):460-471; 1995.
Haskell, E.H., I.K. Balliff, G.H. Kenner, P.L. Kaipa, and M.E. Wrenn.
Thermoluminescent measurements of gamma-ray doses attributable to fallout
from the Nevada Test Site using building bricks as natural dosimeters. Health
Physics 66, 380-391; 1994.
Appendix 3: Classified Data That Could be of Use in Assessing Fallout
Impact on U.S. Population
The ability to estimate fallout deposition from NTS shots was made possible by the
calculations of Hick based on cloud measurements of the relative production of the
various fission products from each test. The composition of debris is very dependent on
the spectrum of neutrons produced in the device and the composition of the fuel. Similar
data for tests carried out by the U.S. and U.K. in the Pacific as well as for tests carried out
in the Soviet Union will be required to allow comparable estimates of fallout deposition
to be made for tests carried out outside the U.S. Such data, if available, is classified.
Also classified is the fraction of the total yield of individual shots that resulted from
fission versus fusion. Again, this information will be needed to make reasonable
estimates of deposition and resultant doses from tests held outside the U.S. In some cases,
even the exact value of the total yield is classified. Since tritium is a byproduct of fusion,
any information on the amount of tritium released from a particular test is probably also
For the NTS tests, the efficiencies of fission are classified as well as any information that
would allow one to infer those efficiencies, such as ratios of Cs-137/Pu activity. Thus the
amounts of residual (unfissioned) Pu in the fallout had to be inferred as discussed in this
report. The resultant crude estimates of Pu deposition thus have relatively large
uncertainty compared to the deposition of fission products.
Figure 1. Cs-137 deposition density due to all NTS tests.
Figure 2. I-131 deposition density due to all NTS tests.
Figure 3. Ratio of Cs-137 to Sr-90 deposition density from all tests. Number of counties in each group shown in parenthesis.
Figure 4. Estimated ratio of Cs-137 to Pu-239+249 deposition density. Number of counties in each group shown in parenthesis.
Cs-137 Deposition
4% TS
Cs-137 Deposition
Figure 6. Ten tests depositing the greatest amounts of Cs-137 in the continental U.S.
Cs-137 Population-weighted
Deposition Density
mCi/sq. km
Figure 7. Ten tests producing the greatest population-weighted Cs-137 deposition density.
Cumulative Cs-137 Deposition
% of produced
air bursts
balloon shots
tower/surface shots
distance from NTS (km)
Figure 8. Cumulative Cs-137 deposition relative to total produced versus distance from
the NTS.
% of total deposition
80 air bursts
60 balloon shots
40 Tower/surface shots
Figure 9: Cumulative Cs-137 deposition relative to total deposited in the U.S. versus
distance from the NTS.
Figure 10: Total dose to average exposed individual from all tests. Number of counties in each group shown in parenthesis.
Figure 11. Dose to average exposed individual from tests in 1951. Number of counties in each group shown in parenthesis.
Figure 12. Dose to average exposed individual from tests in 1952. Number of counties in each group shown in parenthesis.
Figure 13. Dose to average exposed individual from tests in 1953. Number of counties in each group shown in parenthesis.
Figure 14. Dose to average exposed individual from tests in 1955. Number of counties in each group shown in parenthesis.
Figure 15. Dose to average exposed individual from tests in 1957. Number of counties in each group shown in parenthesis.
Figure 16. Dose to average exposed individual from SEDAN and Smallboy. Number of counties in each group shown in parenthesis.
Top ten Contributors to Population Exposure
LO 0/5
ET 5/5
DA 1/5
RR 25/
HO /15
Figure 17. Ten tests with the greatest contributions to total population exposure. The value for SEDAN is much more uncertain than
that for the other tests.
Figure 18. Fraction of total dose from Te-I-132. The number of counties in each group is shown in parenthesis.
Figure 19. Fraction of total dose from Ba-La-140. The number of counties in each group is shown in parenthesis.
Figure 20. Fraction of total dose from Zr-Nb-95. The number of counties in each group is shown in parenthesis.
Figure 21. Fraction of total dose from Np-239. The number of counties in each group is shown in parenthesis.
Figure 22. Fraction of total dose from Ru-103. The number of counties in each group is shown in parenthesis.