Shah Commission of Inquiry - Interim Report I
Shah Commission of Inquiry - Interim Report I
Shah Commission of Inquiry - Interim Report I
I .
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(Appointed under Section 3 of the Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1952)
March 11, 1978
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(Appointed under Section 3 of the Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1952)
March 11, 1978
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~ 1
CHAPTER I Notification appointing a Commission of Inquiry and the staff sanctioned, and Categorisation of Complaints
CHAP\ER II Important enactments and amendments of the Constitution
CHAPTER. HI Procedure followed by the Commission explained
CHAPTER rv Scheme of the Report
CHAPi;rn V Cirt:umstanccs leading to the declaration of Emergency on June 25, 1975
CHAPTER VI The working of the media of information under the I & B Ministry during the Emergency
CHAPTER VH Specific cases :
I. The case regarding the reversion of Shri Justice R. N. Aggarwal of Delhi Hii:h Court
2. Refusal by Smt. Indira Gandhi to extend the term of Shri Justice U. R. Lalit of the Bombay High Court
3. Deviation from established procedure and irregularities in the appointment of Shri K. R. Puri as Governor
of Reserve Bank of India .
4. Subversion of lawful processes and well-estabiished conventions in the appointment of Shri T. R. Vardachary
as Chairman of the State Bank of India
5. Deviation from established procedure and irregularities in the appointment of Slui T. R. Tuli as Chairman and
Managing Director of the Punjab National Bank .
6. Deviation from csrnblishe<l procedure in public sector undertaking in the case of Lt. Genl. Satarawala's
appointment as Chairman-cum-Managing Director of LT. D.C.
7. Deviation from established procedure in the appointment of Air Marshal H. C. Dewan as Chairman,
International Airports Authority of India
8. Misuse of powers and institution of false criminal complaints against four senior officials by the C.BI at the
instance of Smt. Indira Gandhi
9. Unlawful detention of Textile/Customs employees under MISA by Delhi Administration and institution of
false CBI cases against four of them
. IO. Misuse of powers and miscarriage of justice in the case of Shri Sudarshan Kumar Verma by the CBI officials
: J I. Deviation from established procedure by Shri T. R. Tuli, Chairman of the Punjab National Bank in allowing
a clean overdraft to M/s Associated Journals Limited
12. Deviation from established procedure in sanctioning facility by way of opening three foreign letters of credit
by the Punjab National Bank in favour of M/s KRSMA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. , . .
. 13. Concessions by Punjab National Dank in fovoll.Lllf Maruti Limited
, 14. Deviation from established procedure in the reconstitution of the Boards of Air India and Indian Airlines
is. l)cdsion pnx:csses leading to the purd1asc of 3 Boeing 737 Aircrart by Indian Airlines
16. Detention of Smt. Gayatri Devi an.d Lt. Col. Bhawani Singn under COFEPOSA Act, 1974
17. Detention of Shri Bhim Sen Sach:!r and seven others
18. Improprieties committed in regard to Shri Mangat Behari, IAS of Rajasthan cadre and termination of
the services of Smt. Chandrawati Sharma, Asstt. Teacher
64-67 .
7 5 ~ 7 8
86- 93
9 .1. '11
In exercise 0 the powers under Section 3 of the
Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1952, the Central
published on May 28, 1977, a notification
appointing a Commission of Inquiry.
1.2 The notification reads as follows :
New Delhi, the 28th May, 1977
S 0. 374(E) .-Whereas there .is a widespread
demand from different sections of the public
for . an inquiry into several aspects of
allegations of abuse of authority, excesses
and malpractices committed and action
taken or purported to be taken in the wake
of the Emergency proclaimed on the
25th June, 1975 under Article 352 of the
Cons ti tu tiort;
And whereas the Central Government
is of the opinion that it is necessary to
appoint a Commission of Inquiry for the
purpose of IIJ.aking ._inquiry into a definite
.matter . of publit ' importance, that is,
excesses, ma/practices ail<l misdeeds during
the Emergency or in the days immediately .
preceding the said prodamation, by the
polilical authorities, public servants, their
friends and/or relatives and in particular
allegations of gr0ss misuse of powers of
arrest or detention, maltreatment. of and
atrodties on detenus and other prisoners
arrested under DISiR, compulsion and use
of force in the implementation of the family
planning programme and indiscriminate and
high-handed demolition of houses,
shops, buildings, structures and destruction
of property in the name of slum clearance
or enforcement of tow11 plan11i11g or land
use schemes in the dtie.s and towns resulting,
inter alia, in large number of people
becoming homeless or having to move far
away from the places of their vocation.
Now, therefore, in exercise of the
powers conferred by Section 3 of the
Commissions of Inquiry A.ct, 19.52 ( 60 of
1952) the Ct:ntral Government hereby
appoints a Commission of Inquiry consisting
of .. the following, namely,
Chainnan-Shri J. C. Shah, Retired Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court
of India.
2. The terms of reference of the Commission shall
be as follows :
(a) to inquire into the facts and circumstances
relating to specific instances of-
( i) subversion of lawful processes and well-
established conventions, administrative
procedures and practices, abuse of
authority, misuse of powers, excesses
and/or malpractices committed during
the period when the Proclamation of
Emergency made on 25th June, 1975
under Article 352 of the Constitution was
in force or in days immediately preceding
the said Proclamation,
(ii) misuse of powus of arrests or issue of
detention orders where such arrests or
orders are alleged to have been made oil
considerations not germane to the pur-
poses of the relevant Acts during the
aforesaid period,
. (iii) specific instances of maltreattnent of and/
or atrocities on persons arrested under
DISIR or detained and their relatives and
close associates during the aforesaid
(iv) specific instances of compulsion and use
of force in the implementation of the
family planning programme during the
aforesaid period,
(v) indiscriminate, high-handed or unautho-
rised demolition of houses, huts, shoP,s,
buildings, structures and destruction Bf
property in the na111e of slum clearanee
or enforcement of 'J;'own Planning or land
use schemes, during the aforesaid period,
Provjded th::it the i'nquiry shall be in
rega.rd to acts of such abuse of authority;
misuse of powers, excesses, malpractices
etc. alleged to have been committed by
public servants, and
Provided further that the inquiry shall
also cover the conduct of other individuals
who may have directed, instigated or
sided or abetted or otherwise associated
themselves with the commission of such
acts by public servants;
(b) to consider such other matters which, in
the opinion of the Commission, have any
relevance"to the aforesaid allegat.ions; and
' I
. !
(c) to recommend measures- which may be
adopted for preventing the recurrence of
such abuse of authority, misuse .of powers,
excesses and malpractices.
3. The inquiry by the Commission shall be in
regard to--
(i) complaints or allegations aforesaid that may
be made before the Commission by any
individual or association in such form and
accompanied by such affidavits as may be
prescribed by the Commission, and
(ii) such instances rdatable to paragraph 2(a)(i)
to (v) as may be brought to its notice
by the Central Government or a State
Government or an Union Territory for
4. The Commission shall make interim reports to
the Central Government oh the conclusion of inquiry
into any particular allegation or series of allegations
and . will be expected to complete its inquiry iand
submit its final report to the Central Government on
or before 31st December, 1977.
5. The Central Government is of opinion that
having regard to the nature of the inquiry to be made
and other circumstances of the case, all the provisions
of sub-section (2), sub-section (3), sub-section (4),
and sub-section (5) of Section 5 of the Commissions
of Inquiry Act, 1952 ( 60 of 1952) , should be made
applicable to the said Commission and the Central
Government hereby directs under sub-section (J) of
the saiQ. Section 5 that all the provisions aforesaid shall
apply to the said Commission.
[No. II/ 16011/ 32/77-S&P(D.II)J
T. C. A. SRINIV S ~ VARDAN, Secy."
. . 1.3 Subsequently, the Central Government issued
the following notification extending . the time for the
completion of the Inquiry to June 30, 1978 :
New Delhi, the 16th December, 1977
S.O. 544(E) .-In exercise of the powers
conferred by Section 3 of the Commission
of Inquiry Act, 1952 (60 of 1952) , the
Central Government hereby makes the
following amendment in the Notification of
the Government of India in the .Ministry of
Home Affairs No. S.O. 374(E), dated
28th May, 1977, (relating to the Commission
of Inquiry on excesses during emergency)
namely :-
In para 4 of the said Notification for . the words
and figures "on or before 31st December,
1977" the words . and figures "on or
before 30th June, 1978" shall be
[No. II/ 18011/ 32/ 77-S&P(D.Ilj Comsec. ]
1.4 The Commission issued notices under rule
5(2) (b) of the Commissions . of Inquiry Rules.
Pursuant thereto, 48,500 complaints were received in
the office of the Commission.
1 .:'i The Govcrnmcl1t o( l ndia made the services o[
the following officers and staff available to the
Commission for investigation of the various complaints
and other cases which came for scrutiny before the
Commission :-
(1) (2)
1. Secretary
2. Joint Secretary
3. I.G.P ..
4. Director & equivalent
5. Addi. I. G.
6. Commissioner
7. Under Secretary Class I senior scale
equivalent-A.0.-S.A. to Chairman
8. Junior Scale Officer/O.S.D.
9. Accounts Officer
1 O. Section Officers
11. P. S. to Secretary
12. Cou.rt Master
13. Steno Grade 'B'
14. Inspectors
15. Steno Grade 'C'
16. Assistants
17. Sub-Inspectors
18. Hindi Translator
19. Steno Grade 'D'
20. U.D.C.
21. Junior Reception Officer
22. L.D.C.
23. Staff Car Driver
24. Motor Cycle Driver
25. Gestetner Operator
26. Constables
27. Peons .
28. Daftri
29. Jamedar
30. Farash . .
31. Sweepers . .
32. Contingency paid staff
Numbers Numbers
Sanclioncd presently
ted into
a D.I.'G.
who has
over) .
. I
2 .
I Peon &
9 55 Con-
1 ti ngency
l . 'j paid
2 staff
2 maki ng .
38 J a total o(
j 56*.
- -;includes 3 pers.ons taken against vacant posts of Constables.
. 1
... , ... _____ ____________ ________________ ,, __ .. . , ...._,,, ___ , ... ,._ ... , ,_.,,.,, ................. .
1.6 In a number of cases the records of the
Government of India were called for by the
Com.mission and investigations were directed by the
Comruission in regard to the matters appearing before
it within any of . the five heads of the Terms of
1.7 The Commission fixed July 31 .. 1977', a::; the
last date for filing complaints. The Commission did
not entertain any complaints received thereafter. The
complaints received by the . Commission were
categorised as under :
( I) Complaints which do not fall within the
,purview of the terms of reference of the
Commission-.-to be filed and complainants
informed accordingly.
(II) Complaints which do not fall within the
purview of the terms of reference of the
Commission but contain serious allegations-
to be referred . to the Central/State
Governments for inquiry and appropriate
(III) Complaints falling within the terms of
reference of the Commission buf not
serious enough to warrant inquiry by the
Commission itself.._to be referred to the
Central/State Governments with a request
to have them looked into at an appropriate
level and action as deemed fit taken there-
on under intimation to the complainants.
. ! (IV) Complaints falling within the purview . of
the terms of reference of the Commission
which are serious enough but cannot be
' handled by the Commission's staff itself--
.. t o be referred to the CentraljState Govern-
ments for an inquiry by a committee}
. authority appointed under section 11 of
Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1952, and the
findings and recommendations of authority
to be submitted to the Commission for
disposal as and when completed. The
State Governments have also been
requested to take whatever remedial action
they deem fit in the meanwhile.
(V) Selected complaints will be dealt with by
the Commission through its own investiga-
ting agency.
1.8 From Sc.ptember 29, 1977 the Commission
.of oral evi,dence of witnesse.s in
cases falling within 1ts terms of reference and which regarded as of sufficient importance .
i.9 Since the terms of reference did not name any
individual or body of individuals as responsible for
the comn.Ussion of an excess as understood in a
compendious sense, and the excesses were also set
out in general terms, the Commission in the first
instance invited persons, who appeared from the
made by the officials of the Commission
and from the complaints received, either to . be
responsible for the excesses or to be victims of the
excesses, or being otherwise able to throw light upon
the commission of the excesses, and examined those
1.10 At that stage, the Commission requested the
persons concerned to come before the Commission
and to assist the Commission in regard to certain
transactions. A large number of persons appeared
in pursuance of the request of the Commission. Some
of those requested did not choose to appear before the
Commission, some appeared. at certain stages and
thereafter did not appear and raised objections after
appearing before the Commission and declined to
partieipate in the proceedings of the Commission.
1.11 Evidence of the persons who showed willing-
ness to assist the Commission was heard in an but
a very few cases, in open Session. In the larger
public interests, in-camera sittings were held in a few
cases for examining certain witnesses. If on a
consideration of the evidence, it appeared to the
Commission necessary to inquire into the conduct of
any pc:rson or the Commission was of the opinion that
the reputation of any persons was likely to be affected
by the inquiry, the Commission issued notices to such
persons giving them opportunities of being heard in
t.he inquiry and to furnish to the Commission, state-
ments relating lo the matters specified in the notice
under rule 5(2) (a) of the Corm'nissions of Inquiry
(Central) . Rules, 1972. The Commission also .
issued summons under section 8B .of the Act affording
them reasonable opportunities of '; being heard in the
inquiry and to produce evidence regarding their
versions: The Corntnission also afforded
opportunities to these persons to cross-examine
witnesses other than the witnesses produced
by them and to address the Cominission. The
Commission also afforded opportunity to all the
parties to be represented by legal practitioners.
1, 12 After hearing the cvidertce of the persons to
whum notices under section 8B were issued and of
the evidence of the witnesses produced in support of
the verninns of those . parlit1s and nlso considering lhe
evidence of the witnesses, who had been examined
for the Commission and whose presence was requested
by the parties to whom :1oticcs under SB had
been issued, the Commission gave to the parties or
lheir Advocates opportunity t o address the Commissioti
on the evic'lenr.c:.
1.13 It may, however, be observed that the request
made by Smt. Indira Gandhi, to whom notices under
section SB had. been issued, to examine the investiga-
ting officers, was not allowed because the investigating
officers were neither witnesses to the transactions in
regalld to which the evidence was collected, nor were
they' witnesses for the Commission. No request was
made to exam inc the investigating otlicers as witnesses
in support of the version of Smt. Gandhi,
2.1 A mintes before the' midnight of June 25,
1975, the President of India proclaimed Emergency
under Article 352 of . the Constitution. The order
promulgating the Emergency was published in the
Gazette of India, Extraordinary, on the June 26,
1975. It reads :
G.S.R. 353(E). The following Proclamation of
Emergency by the President of India, dated
the 25th June, 1975, is published for gene-
ral information :-
"In exercise of the powers conferred by
clause ( 1) of Article 352 of the Con- ,
stitution, I , Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed,
President of India, by this proclamation
declare that a grave emergency ex.ists
whereby the security of India is thre:it-
ened hy internal disturbances."
2.2 There ' was, however, already in force a Pro-
clamation of Emergency, which was issued on Deeem-
ber 3, 1971, by the President of India on the ground
that the security of India was threatened by external
aggression. Thereafter on December 4, 1971 the
Defence o'f India Rules, 1971 were published.
2.3 By virtue of Article 358 of the Constitution
freedoms guara'nteed under Article 19 of the Consti-
tution restricting .the power of the State to make any
law or to take any executive action which the State
wouh;I but for the provisions contained in Part III be
.. competent to make or to take, remained suspe'nded
till the withdrawal of the Emergency proclaimed . on
June 2S, 1975.
2.4 After the declaration o'f Emergency, the
President of India issued an order under Article 359
of the Constitution on June 27, 1975, suspending the
right to move any court for the enforcement of funda-
mental rights conferred by Article 14, 21 and 22 of
the Constitution.
2.5 The following important statutory provisions
were made :-
1. The Defence of India (Amendment) Act, 1975
(No. 32 of 1975) dated 'July 31, 1975.
This Act extended the pfovisions of the Defence of
.India Act, 1971, till the proclamation of Internal
Emergency lasted and for a per1od of six months
thereafter; It also added woros like internal security
and internal disturbances i'n the preamble of the prin-
ciP-1.e Act.
2. The Conservation of Foreign and Pre-
vention of Smuggling Activities (Amendment)
Act, 1975 (No. 35 of 1975) dated August 1,
This amendment provided for the followi'ng :-
(a) no detention order under the A.ct should. be
invalid or inopuative merely because. some
of the grounds of the order are vague, non-
existent, not relevant or invalid for any
r eason;
(b) no person detained under this Act shall
released on bafl, bail-bone,! or othenyise ;
(c) the detention could be made for dealing
effectively with the Emergency and in such
contingency no grounds need be conveyed
to the detenu.
J. The Mai11tcna11c1' of /11/emal Securily (A111cnr/-
11w111) Acl, 1975 (No. 39 of 1975) dated August
5, 1975.
This amendment provided for :-
( b)
revocation of a detention order shall not
bar making another detention against the
same person;
person detained under section l 5 shall not
be released on bail, bail-bond or otherwise; .
and , .
a new well-known section 16A was added
barring provisio'ns of grounds and approach
to a law Court.
4. The Election Laws (Amendment) ' Act, 1975
(No. 40 of 1975) dated August 6, 1975.
This . amendment provided for : -
every case ot disqualification under 5cction
SA shall be referred to the President who
could condone it in consultation with the
Election Comm'ission;
Section 77(i) of the Act was amended. to
replace date of publication of the
tion calling the elections . by words "the .
date on which he has been nominated'' l!Jld
also excluding the actions . of the govern-
ment servants in normal discharge of their
duties like making arrangements etc.;
pubFcation in gazette notification regarding
appointment and resignation of a govern-
ment servant shall be treated as an effective .
. proof of the same.
The above ame'ndments were g1ven
effect. covering even. the .electio.n petitions pending.
before the . Courts including befory . the .
Supreme Col,lrt.
S. The Constitution (11iirty-eighth
Act, 1975 dated August 1; 1975.
'By the Thirty-eigl).th Amendment Act power to.
issue Ordipances by the President, the Governor and
the Adm,inistratQr under the relevant provisions of
the Constitution was conferred, laying down that
their satisfaction as to the necessity of immediate
.action shall be final and conclusive and . shall not be
. questioned ill any Court on any ground. The Thirty-
. eighth. Amendment also entitled the President to issue
different proclamations on different grounds and to
make satisfaction of the President as to the emer-
gency final and condusive. During the Emergency
the satisfaction and the of the Emergency
. could not be questioned in any Court. on any ground:
6. The Constitution (Thitty-ninth Amendment) Act,
1975 dated August 10, 1975.
-This amendment inter tilia provided for :- .
. (a)
the. election of President and Vice-President
shall not be questioned in any Court;:
similarly, elections of the Priine Minister
and the Speaker o'f the House were placed
above .the law Courts and were to be judg-
ed by a Body/Authority to be co11stituted
by the Parliament.
. The above mentioned amen'aments prevented even
filing of election petitions against tl1:e "named persons
and .even pending .
7. The Maintenance of Internal Security (Amend-
. ment) Act, 1976 (No. 14 of 1976) dated
January 25, 1976.
"The amendment Inter alia provided for :-
. ,(_a) re-detention of a persqn whose order . has
been earlier revoked;
authorising Central Government to obtain
details regarding detentions from the State
making the grounds of detention as con-
fidential and barring its disclosure to any
8. The Maintenance of Internal Security (Second
A(rlendment) {I.ct, 1976 (No. -n of 1976) dated
Aug.ust .25, 1976.
This amendment made Section 16A applicable
from June 29, 1975 with retrospective effect. By
.this amendment the maximum period of detention
was extended from 12 to 24 mont.hs.
S/39 HA/77-2
9. The Press Council ,Ac(, 1976_ (NQ., i4
of 1976) d_ate.d February .2
. .. The Press Council Act, 1965 was . repealed fr-0m
January 1, 1976 dissolving the Press Council of
India and also abating of cases, suit, appeals etc.,
pending before Court in which Press Council was a
1 O .. The Prevention .of Publication of Objectionable
Matter Act, 1976 (No. 27 of 1976) dated
February 2, 1976.
This Act provided for .-
(a) inclusion in the
matter" any words, signs or v1s1ble
sentations which are defamatory of the
President of India, the Vice-President of
India, the Prime Minister or the Speaker of
the of the People . or the Governor
of a State;
(b) seizure of copies bl the publication made in
disobedie'nce of the Central Government
order prohibiting the printing or
tion closure of any printing press or other
instrument or apparatus used in the publi-
( c) power to dema'lld security from the presses,
publishers and editors of newspapers and
news sheets, when it appears to the compe-
tent authority that the
tains any objectionable matter;
( d) power of the Central Government . to .declare
certain publications forfeited., " -.
11. Parliamentary Proceedings (Protection of' .Publi-
cation) Repeal . Act, (No. 28 of 1976)
dated February 11, 1976.
By this Act the Parliamentary proceedings (Pro.-
tection of Publication) Act, 1965 was repealed and
came in force from December 8, 1975 .
< . I
12. The Constitution (Forty
Act, 1976 dated December 18, 1976.
The Constitution was extensively amended by 59
13. The Representation of the Pe
te) (Amendment)
Ordinance, 1977 (No. 1 of 1 .
The Ordinance amended the sectio'n of the
Act substituting the words the
act on the advice of the Election Comm1ss1on
regard to disqualification : ."shall the Election
Commission and , the Election Commission may for
this purpose make such enquiries as it thinks fit".
14.: The) Disputed : Elections (Prirr;e Minister and
Speaker) Ordinance, 1977 (No. 4 of 1977).
:By this Ordinance a council was constituted in
case of csprited elections of the Prime Minister and
. the Speru,.cer as per the earlier amendment in the
People's Representation .. Act.
15. The Presidential and Vice-Presidential Efedfons
(A'mei1dment) Qrdinance, 1977 (No. 3 of 1977).
This Ordinance made similar provisions as above
in case of President and Vice President.
. 2.6 After the declaration of a number
of legislative and regulatory meas\lfes . were taken
with a view to impose censorship on the Press. On
June .26, 19.75, a Censorship Order was passed by
the Central Government under. Rule ( 1) of the De-
fence of .India Rules; 1971. On July 5; 1975, the
Central Government directed that an order made
under Rule 48 of the Defence and Internal Security
by .a State Government or by any office 01
authorised in .this behalf oy the State Gov-
ernmet July 15, 1975, should not continue on
9r that date, except in accordance with such
as . the Central Government give to
tlie State Government in that behalf.
, : 2.7 On July 6, 1975, a notification was issued by
the Central Government and a new sub rule was in-
. scirted in Rule 48. The Censorship Ordei; was amend-
ed OD July 6, 1975, and on July 13, 1975, conq-
dential instructions were issued by the Chief Censor
fo the Censoring in the States. On July
31, 1975, the Defence of India (Amendment) Act,
1975 (Act 32 of 1975) was repealed -and re-enacted
as the Defence of India (Amendment) Ordinance,
1975. On August' 5, 1975, guidelines for the Press
were issued by the Chief Censor. On August 11;
1.975, a notification was issued by the Central Gov-
criunent further amending Rule 48 by enacting De-
fence and .Internal Security of India (Second Amend-
ment) Rules, 1975. On August 12, 1975, a notifi
cation . was issued by the Central Government enact-
ing the _Defence and Internal Security of India (Third
Amendment) F,ules, 1975, whereby Rule 48 of the
saia Rules was further amended.
.t.8 On January 8, 1976, a Presidential Order was
issued under Article 359 (1) of the Constitution sus-
pendin'g the righl to move any court for the enforce-
ment of fundamental rights conferred . by Article 19
of the Constitution. On March 13, 1976, orders
issued by the Central Government amending the
Central Censorship order.
2.9 The declaration of EmcrgCJ1cy and the conse-
suspension of the fundamental rights
Article 19, resulted in the suspens.ion of the protec-
tion of Articles 14, 21 and 22 by the issue of the'
Presidential order in exercise of the powers under
Article 359 .of the and by the amend-
ment. of Article 352 inaking the satisfaction of th.e
President final and conclusive and not liable to be
questioned in any court on any ground and subject :
to the provisions of clause (2) taking away the juris-
diction of the Supreme Court or any other court to
entertain any action on any ground regarding the
validity of the declaration made by the proclamation
of the President to the effect mentioned in cla'\lse {l)
or to the continued operation of the proclamation,
and restrictions imposed upon the authority of the.
courts to grant protection .. against the infringement
of basic human rights enumerated in Article 19; all
protection against arbitrary action was taken away for
the duration of the Emergency. The right of equality .
under Article 14, the right of fundamental guarantee
against deprivation of life and personal liberty
according to procedure established by law alsq
suspended and the protection against arrest and de-
tention could not be challenged the courts .
The right of free speech an_d expression, right to
assemble peacefully, to form associations and unions;
to move freely throughout the territory of India; ,tQ
reside and settle in any part of the territory of India;
to acquire, hold and dispose of property and t o
practice any profession, or to carry on anv occupa-
tion, trade or business, which were guaranteed under'
clause (1) of Article 19, could not thereafter be:
2.10 As a sequel to this a number of restrictions
were imposed upon the newspapers by the issue of
Censorship Orders and the amendments . thereafter
from time to time. Jurisdiction of the Courts to
entertain actions designed to challenge the validity of
actions,_ legislative and executive, of . the State were
l ;
.... , ..
In the 'first instance the procedure followed by the
Commission may be explained because certain persons
and . _especially Smt. fodira Gandhi, former Prime
Minister; .arid Shri _.Pranab .Kumar Mukherjee, a
fqi:ri1er of S.ta.te in the Ministry of Finance,
'raised . objections to .. the legality of the procedure
followed by the Commission; and . have on the plea
of illegality of procedure declined not only not to
assist the Commission but even have declined to file
statements relating .to _their. versions of the tra.i:lsactions
which formed the subject-matter of inquiries into
excesses in which tl].ey appeared to be concerned and
'to take oath and give evidence pursuant to notices
under section 8B of the Commissions of Inquiry Act,
1952. Section '3 of the Commissions of Inquiry Act,
1952, provides-
." ( l) The appropi:iate Government .may, if it is
of opinion that it is necessary so to do, and
shall, if a resolution in this behalf is passed
by the House of the People or, as the case
may be, the Legislative Assembly of the
State, by notification in the Official Gazette,
appoint a Commission of Inquiry for the
purpose of making an inquiry into any
defiriite matter of public importance and
performing such functions and within such
tirile as may be specified in the notification,
. at)d Jb.e so. appointed shall--make.
. : . : - ." the . inquiry and perform the functions
>: accordingly :
:.:.: .. '
.Provided that
* * * *
. (2)
* * * *
* * * *
* * *
. 4 provides that the Comnussion shall
.. _, pave the powers of a civil court, whife. trying a suit
under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, in respect
of the .following nrntters, namely :-
. . "(a) summoning and enforcing of attendance
. bf any person from any part of India and
examining him on oath;
. (b) requiring the discovery and production
of any document;
(c) receiving evidence on affidavits;
(d) requisitioning any public record or copy
thereof from any court or office;
( e) issuing commissions for the examination
of witnesses or documents;
() any other matter which n;i.ay be prescribed."
Section 5 . provides for the c.onfermertt of additional
powers on the Commission:
" ( 1) Where the appropriate Government is of
opinion that. having regard to the nature of
the inquiry to be made and other circum-
stances of the case, all or any of the
provisions of sub-section (2) or sub-section
(3) or sub-section (4) or sub-secti6D. (5)
should be made applicable to a Commission,
the appropriate Government may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, direct
that all or such of the said provisfons 'as
may be in the notification shall
apply to that Coln.mission and on the issue
of such a notification, the said provisions
shall . apply accordingly.
(2) The Commission shall have the power to
require any person, subject to any privilege
which may be claimed by that person under
a11y law for .the time being in foi:ce; to
furnish.information on such points or matters
as, in the opinion of the Commission, may
be useful for or relevant to, the subject
matter of the inquiry and any person so
required shall be deemed to be legally
bound to furnish such infotmation within.
the meaning of section 176 and section 177
of the Indian Penal Code.
(3) The Commission or officer, not below
!h.9 of a gazette_Q: officer, specially
authorised ln this behalf by the Commission
. , .... ....
may enter any building or place .where the
Commission has reason to believe that any
books of account or other documents relating
to the subject-matter of the inquiry may be
found, and 111ay seize any such b90ks of
iiccount or documents or t.ake extracts or
copies therefrom, subject to the proyi$i0ns
of section 102 and section 103 of the-Code
of Criminal Proce<lure, 1898, in so 'far as
they may be applicable.
* *
Under section SA it is provided :
"(1) The Commission may, for the. purpose of
conducting any investigation pertaining to
the inquiry, utilise tpe services,- .
(a) in the case of a Commission appointed by
the Central Government, of any officer or
investigation agency of the Central
Government or any State Government * *
* . .
(2) For the purpose of investigating into any
matter pertainiilg to the inquiry, any officer
or agency whose services are utilised under
. .
sub-section (1) may, subject to the direction
and control of the Commission,-
(a) summons and enforce the attendance of any
person and exanrine him ;
(b) require the and production of
any document ; and
(c) requisition any public record or copy
thereof from any office.
* * *
The officer or agency, whose. services arc
utilised under sub-section (1) s}?all investi-
gate into any matter pertaining to the in-
quiry and submit a report thereon (her.e-
after in this section referred to as the
investigation report) to the Commission.
within such period * * *
The Commission shall satisfy itself about the
correctness of the facts stated and the con-
clusions, if any, atTived at in the investi-
gation report submitted to it under sub-
section (4), and for this purpose the Com-
mission may make such inquiry (including
the examination of the person or persons,
who conducted or assisted in the investiga-
tion) as it think_s fit.
No statement made by a person in the course
of . giving evi<;leqce before the Commission
shall , subject him to, or be used against
him in, any civil pr criminal proceeding ex-
cept a prosecution for giving false evidence
by such statement : '
Provided that the statement-
(a) is made in reply to a question which he is
required by the Commission to answer,
(b) is \ relevant to the subject-matter of tht>
Section 8 provides :
"The Commission shall, subject to any rules that
may' be made in this behalf, have power to
regulate its own pr'Ocedure (including the
fixing of places and times of its sittings and
'deciding whether to sit in public or in
Section 8B provides:
"If, at any stage of ' the inquiry, the Commis-
(a) considers it necessary to inquire into the
conduct of any person; or
(b) is of opinion that the reputation of any
person is likely to be prejudicially affect-
ed by the inquiry,
The Commission shall give to that pe1'Son
a reasonable opportunity of being heard in
the inquiry and to produce evidence fo his
Provided that
SC provides :
"The appropriate Government., every person re-
ferred to in section 8B and, with the per-
mission of the Commission, any other per-
son whose evidence is recorded by the
Commission,- ,
(a) may cross-examine a witness other than .a
witness produced by it cir him ;
(b) may address the Commission ; and
(c) may be represented before the Commission
by a legal practitioner or, with the per-
mission of the Commission, by any other
Section 11 provides :
"Where any authority (by whatever name called), .
other than a Commission appointed under
section 3, has been (>r is set up unde1; any
resolution or order of the appropriate
Government for the purpose of making an
inquiry into any definite matter of public
i{nport:ance and that Government i-s of
opinion that all or any of the provisions of
this Act should be made applicable to that
authol'ity. The Government may, subject to
the prohibition contained in the proviso to
sub-section (1) of section 3, by notification
in the Official Gazette, direct thatthe said .
provisions of this Act shall apply to that
authority, and on the issue of such a
cation that. at1thority shall be deemed to be
' a Commission appointed under section 3 for
the purposes of this Act."
By Section 12 power is conferred upon the appropriate
Government to make Rules, to cal'.ry out the purposes
of the Act.
3.1 Pursuant to the power conferred by section
12; the Central Government haye published on 'uly
15, 1972, the Commission of Inquiry (Central)
Rules, 1972. Rule 5 sets out the procedure of
" ( 1) A Commission may sit in public or in
pr.ivate as it thinks fit :
. Provided .fuat a. Commission shall sit in
private on a request being made by the
Central Government in that behalf.
(2) A Commission shall, as soon as may be
after its appointment-
( a) issue a notice to every pers.on. who in its
opinion should be given an opportunity
of being heard in the inquiry, to furnish
to the Commission a statement relating
to such matters as iay be specified in
the notice;
; .
(b) issue a 'notification, to be published in
such .manner as it may deem fit, invitmg
all persons acquainted with the subject
matter of the inquiry to furnish to
Commission . a statement relating to sutli
matters as may be specified jn the
(3) Every statement furnished under clause (a)
of sub-rule (2) shall be accompanied by an
affidavit in support of the '.facts set out in
the statement sworn by the person furnish-
ing the statement. .
(6) *
( 7) The Commission shall have the powers of
a civil court to make local investigation,
either personally or through any person,
duly authorised by it, into any matter falling
within 'its terms of reference.
( 8) A Commission .shall ha ye the power to
regulate its own procedure in respect of
any matter for wbich no provision is made
in these rules."
3.2 The Commission framed certain Regulations
relating to Regulations of Procedure to be followed
by the. Commission iii exercise of the powers conferred
by clause (8) of Rule 5.
( 4) person furnishing a statement under
clause (a) of sub-rule (2) shall also furnish
to the Cotnmission along with the statement
a list of the documents, if any, on which he
proposes to rely and forward to the Com- 3.3 By the Act the appropriate Government is
mission, wherever practicable, the . originals authorised to set up a Commissio'.il of Inquiry for
or true copies .of such of the uocuments as determining the facts and circumstances relating to
may be in his possession or control and any matter of public imp9rtance. The appropriate
shall state the name and address of the Government .is authorized to appoint a Commission,
person from whom the remaining docu- which shall exercise the powers set out in section 4
ments may be obtained. of the Act. The Cominission may be invested with
additional powers under sections 5 and 6 for utilising
.(5) (a) A Commission shall examine all the the services of officers and favestigating agencies for
statements furnished to it under clause (b) conduct of investigations pertaining to the Inquiry. The
of sub-rule (2) and it, after such examina- function of the Commission is to determine facts rela-
tion, the Commission considers it necessary ting to the matters of definite public importance for the
to record ev.identc, it shall first r ecord the purpose of making inquir1es thereto.
i!vidence, i'f any, pr.oduced by the Central
Government and may thereafter record 3.4 The proceedings of the Commission are, neither
evidence .in such order as it may deem fit,-- of the nature of a civil suit, where contesting parties
(i); the evidence of any person, who 'has are arrayed on opposite sides, one pleading that a civil
. furnished a statement under clause (a) right has be.en infringed and the other contesting .that
of sub-rule (2) and whose evidence the claim. Nor are the proceedings of the nature of a
Commissfon having regard to the s.tate- cdminal proceeding, in which it. is pleaded that a per-
son or persons have committed infraction of the law
ment, considers relevant for the purpose and has or have on that account incurred liability for
of the .inquiry ; and imposition of a penalty prescribed by law. In the case
' (ii) evide1.1ce of an person, .,. fondal .. of a suit the ftfnction of the court is to deter-
ev1dence m the opm1on of the Commts- mjne the ci:vil rights and to grant appropriate relief
sion is relevant to the inquiry : to the person claiming to be aggrieved ; if the infraction
of his fight is proved, the liability of the person infring-
ing the r.ight is established : 'in a crimi'nal trial- the
function of the court is
to determine whether the
action of a person charged with the commission of ail
infraction of a law is' established to have been com-
mitted by him and whether such an infraction is
established beyond reasonable doubt. These proceedings
are adversary proceedings-one {>arty alleging existence
of a certain right and the other party denying the dght
or the statement cf the alleging infraction
of the law by the other party and the other party
denying such infraction.
Provided that the Commission may dispense with
the at.te_ndance .of any pe'rson for the purpose
of g1vmg evidence before it if in its
(i) attendance cannot be enforced
except by causing m:due hardship or
inconvenience to that person ; or
(ii) such attendance should be dispensed
' with for any other sufficient reason to be
recorded by it in writing.
(b). If after ail the evidence is 'recorded under
clause (a) of sub-rule ( 5) , the Central
Government applies to the Commission to
recall any witness ,already examined or to
examine any new witness, the Commission,
if satisfied that it is necessary for the proper
determination of any relevant fact to do so,
shall recall such witness or exmine any such
new witness:
3.5 Functions of the Commission under the Act
are, however, of an entirely differe'nt nature. The Com-
mission is not concerned with the establishment of any
civil ,rights or the infraction of those rights. The Com-
mission is also not concerned to determine the
infraction of any laws involvi'ng the imposition of any
penalty upon a person charged with the commission of
infraction of a law. The proceedings before the
mission are not of, an adversary character. It is the
. .
duty of the Commission appointed for that puryose to
make an inquiry into the subject matter of the iriquiry
if the subject-matter is of definite public importance.
For that purpose, the Commission is invested with
certain set out fn. section 4 and 5 of the Act.
3.6 The CQmn;iiss.ion, constituted under section 3
o'i. the Commissions of Inquiry Act, may be called
upon tp 'hold a jYadety of matters of
definite public importance. The matters of public im-
portance . may relate to the coilduct of a paFticular
person, or a group of persons, or as in the presep.t case
. to investigate into a definite matter/matters of public
importance. The Comniission may b.e invested wit,h
the powers to hold au inquiry into certain transactions
without specifying the names of persons responsible
therefor ; and leaving lt to the Commission to deter-
mine : (i) whether the transaction relating to a matter
of public importance, referred to in the terms of
reference has been committed; and (ii) to identify the
person or persons primarily responsible therefor. In
view of the variety of transactions or subject matters
in respect o'f which the Commission may be appointed
to inquire, the Legislature has not prescribed any defi-
nite form of procedure; and has left to the Commis-
sion PY section 8 to regulate its own procedure. This
power is, however, not unguided and Is subject to the
Rules that may be made in that behalf by the Ceritral
Government. The Commission is, in each case, having
regard to the nature of the inquiry to be made and
having also regard to the nature of the definite matters
of public impo.rtance, which it is called upon to inquire
into, aufhorised to regulate its own procedure, hut
subject to such Rules which the Central Gover"nment
may make in that behalf. Certain other rest.rictions
are also impose<J by sections 8B and 8C on the power
of the Commission to regulate its own procedure. In
other words, the Ccm1mission must be guided in adopt-
ing its procequre by the Rules prescribed in that be-
half; and also comply with the requirements, of sections
8B and SC of the Act.
3.7 In disposing of the objections raised by Smt.
Indira Gandhi by . the order of the Commission dated
December 5, 1977, the Commission observed that it
proposed to follow a procedure, which a'fter consi-
derable thought the Commission felt ad.vised to follow
in holding the inquiry in regard to the terms of refe-
. rence for making inquiry : first, to determining whether
an excess falling within the terms of reference was
committed : and if the Commission was satisfied on a
consideration of the materials placed before it that
there was, prima jacie, evidence of the commission of
any excess. or excesses and such other evidence which
may be given before the Commissio"n to supplement
the same, by persons invfted to appear before the
Commission, the procedure prescribed for summoning
persons, who may appear to be involved in the com-
mission of those excesses,- would be resorted to, to
appear before the Commission, and expfain after an
appropriate notice under rule 5(2)(a) was issued and
an opportunity was given to such persons under section
SB of the Act.
3.8 It was made clear that at that stage the Com-
mission was not compelling any person to come before
the Commission. The C::ommission. was only inv1tmg
persons who could assist the Commission in the investi-
gation with regard to the alleged e/(.cesses ; to appear
before the Commission ; and that if the Commission
was satisfied on a. perusal of the materials placed
before it :
"(i) as to the commission of an exc.ess; and
. (ii) the prima f acie evidence of . his or her
involvement in the commission of that
the inquiry would be held strictly in accorctance
the terms of sections 8B and 8C of the Act;
3.$> After consideration of the evidence o' witnesses,
who had come to assist the Commission in regard to
various transactions fn the light of the investJgations
made by investigating staff; and the documents withh1
its cogmzance, the Commission issued notices to several
other persons under rule 5(2)(a) of the Commission
of Inquiry Rules, 1972, calling upon them to file their
statements relating to certain matters; spec.ified in the
notices issued to them. Summonses were also issut>d
under section 8B of the of Inquiry Act.
3.10 Smt. Indira Gandhi objected to this procedure ;
and declined to file a statement pursuant to the notice
under rule 5 ( 2) (a) and in the manner prov.ided in
rule 5 (3) and to take oath or give evidence on oath ;
and . raised a number of objections, which are
(i) that the procedure followed by the Com-
missfon is improper or illegal ;
(ii) that her refusal to file a reply or a statement,
as required under rule 5 (2 )(a) .is justified
because the notice was not issued, with- thy
least practicable.delay and in any event when
a notice/summons under section 8B of the
Act has been Jssued,--suclr a notice under
rule 5(2)(a) cannot be issued; and
(iii) that the appropriate procedure for hearing
of the Commissiori must be analogous to the
procedure in a criminal trial, that is, the
person, .to whom a summons is issue<;! under
section 8B is in a position of au accused
person ; and, therefore, cannot be subjected
to cross-examination .
Objections were also raised on a number of subsidiary
matters, inter alia,-
( a) that the terms of re'ference of the Commission
are vague;
(p.) that the Commission-has no power to inquire
into the circumsta'nces, which preceded .the
declaration of Emergency and the manner in
w'hich the advice . for the declaration. of
Emergency was given ;
( c) that the transactions, which commenced after
June 25, 1975, or shortly before that may be
inquired into, but no transaction, which com-
menced at a point of time appreciably longer
than a few days prior to June 25th, 197'5;
can be inquired into;
1---"' '
that no opportunity -to note the .demeanour
.of .the witness, who had already bee:n examin-
ed by the Commission was given to persons
to whom summonses under section 8B were
issued and, therefore, the proceedings would
be regarde9 as_ vitiated ; and . .
( e) tftat since u'nder the CommissiOns of Inquiry
Act that failure to tell the truth before the
investigating officer or making a statement
inconsistent with. a statement made before
the investigating officer is liable 'to be made
the subject matter of a prosecution for per-
jury, the investigating officers must be
examined by the Commission or be brought
before the Comriliss'ion, so that the person to
whom a summons is issued under section 8B
is entitled to cross-examine those i'nvestigating
. In dealing with these object.ions the Commis-
"ston that the proceedings before the
-Commissii:m are taken under the terms of reference for
determi'ning the truth in respect of certain transactions
. or certain matters, set out in the terms of reference.
The proceedings, therefore, cannot assume the form
of it' proceeding of a civil trial nor of a cr'iminal trial,
where some person is accused of the comniission of
a'il offence. It was also observed : .
. . It . is necess'ary to emphasise this fact because the
argument persistently. advanced before me by Counsel
for Smt. was. _tat the . proceedings before .. the
_,:(;oinmission ini.Ist be, If not actually assimilated, m.ade
similar to a proceeding relating to a criminal trial ; and
.. in svpport of that contention, the argument was pri-
marily bilsed upon the terms of section 8B of the Act.
It i11ay
be pointed out that the proceedings before a
Commission of Inquiry disclose characterists sub-
stantially different from a trial of a su'it or a criminnl
prosecution. Ftoin the very nature of the proceedings,
it will not be an adversary proceedings, i.e. where
there is either a plai'ntiff or defen.dant or a prosecutor
: and an accused person, but the proceedings will be of
the nature of ' inquisitorial'. When I say 'inquisitorial',
it. must be shorn of all the sinister aura the expression
'inquisitorial' has acquired because of associatio'rl in
certain . foreign countries where inquisitions were 11eld
circumstances as a part of religious persecution.
(When I say 'hiquisitorial'. it means that the presidi'rig
officer takes upou himself the duty to ascertain the
. facts through witnesses after giving opportunity to per-
sons concerned, who tnay be affected by the determina-
tion of facts.) Whether the inquisitorial method is
better in an academic sense, than the adversary method
is -not a matter with which I am concerned The Act
has adopted the inquisitorial method. Qn that I can
do no better than cite what Lord Justice Salmon said
in hfS report on the Cotnmission on Tribunals of
Irtguiry, 1966 :
"27. The exceptional inquisitorial powers con-
ferred uoon a Tribunal of Inquiry under the
Act of 1921 necessarily exposes the ordinary
citizen to the. risk of having aspects of bis
private Iife
uncovered which should otber-
wise remain prh:ate and to risk 9f havi'ng
baseless allegations made against him. This
may cause distress and injury to reputation ..
For these reasons, we are strongly of thy
opinion that the inquisitorial machinery set
up under the Act of 1921 sp.ould never be
used for matters of local or minor . public
importance, but always be confined to matters
of Vital public importance concerning which
there is something in the nature of nation-
wide crisis of confidence. In such cases, we
considered that no other method of investi-
gation be adequate."
"28 . . Normally persons cannot be brought before
.. a Tribunal and questioned save in civil or
criminal proceedings. Such proceedings are
hedged around by long-standing and effective
safeguards to protect the individual. The
inquisitorial procedure is alien to the .concept
of justice generally accepted in the United
Kingdom. There are, however, exceptional
cases in which such procedure must be used
to preserve the purity and integrity of our
public life, without which a successful demo-
cracy is impossible. It is essential that on
the very rare occasions whe'tl crises of public
confidence occur evil if it exists shall be
exposed so that' it may be rooted out or if it
does not exist, the public shall be satisfied
that in reality there is no substance in the
prevalent rumours and suspicions by which
they -have been. disturbed. We are satisfied
that this would be difficult, if not
without public investigation by an inquisi-
torial 1'iibunal possessing the ooi1-
ferred by the Act of 1921. Such a Tribunal
is appointed by Parliament to enquire and
"30. There are important distinctions in-
quisitorial procedure and the procedure in
an ordinary civil or criminal case. It is in".'
herent in the i'nquisitorial procedure that
there is no lis. The tribunal directs the en-
quiry and the witnesses are necessarily. the
tribunal's witnesses. There is no plaintiff or
defendant, nq prosecutor or' accused; there
are no pleadings defining issues to be tried,
no charges; indictments or depositions. The
inquiry mav take a fresh turn at any moment.
It is, therefore, difficult for persons involved
to know in advance of the hearing what
allegations may be :Jnade against them."
3.11 After setting out the terms of reference, it was
observed that the Commission had 'the power under
section S of the Commissions of Inquiry Act and was
obliged to devise a procedure, which would be fair to
every one concerned and within which the Commis8ion
would effectively perform the duties entrusted to it to
hold t.he inquiry. For that purpose, it was considered
necessary to have investigation made by the investiga-
ting staff of the Commission. In the very natur.e :of
things, sucb could not be complete, It
was, therefore, thought necessary to ask persons
: :
cognisant of the transactions to rappear hefdre the
Commission to assist the Commission in making the
inquiry. It was then made clear that there was no
compulsion upon anyone to come before the Commis-
sion. It was only a request to assist the Commission
in the due performance o'f ,its duties.
3..12 After settllig out the. terms of .rule 5, it was
- observed that it was qbligatory upon the Commission
to issue a notice, both under clause 2 (a) of rule 5 aud
notijication under clause 2(b). A notification was
issued generally inviting the public to make complaints
under clause 2('b). - But rule 5 (2) (a) could not be
complilf4 with at that stage because under the terms
of reference, the Commissio'n could not without adding
a preliminary inquiry ascertain the .persons, who may
be given an opportunity of being heard in the inquiry
un<;ler rule 5(2)(a). The Commission was called upon
to make an inquiry into certain matters, but without
indicating the invol.vement of any named persons. It
was, therefore, necessary for the Commission to identify
the persons to whom notice must be given. It was also
necessary in order to maintain some regulation and
control over , the _proceedings, before the Commission
was, prima facie, satisfied, whether there 'had or had
not been committed an excess, following the terms of
reference. For that purpose letters of request were
sent to various persons to come before the Commission,
whose names appeared to have been disclosed on the
investigatic;ins made by the officers. After holding this
inquiry . and perusing the statements made before the
investigating. staff, it was thought necessary, when it
appeared that the Commission could fo.rm an opinion
that certain persons should be given an opportunity
of being heard in the inquiry, and notices under rule
5(2)(8.) were given. The Commission was also satis-
fied that if inquiry is held, which it was directed to
make in regard to the five items, the holdi"ng of .the
inquiry may_ affect the reputation of certain persdns,
or that it would be necessary to investigate foto ftbe
conduct of those or certa'in other persons. The Com-
mission, accordingly, directed that summonses be issued
under section SB of the Act. Thereupon, notices under
rul!'l 5(2) (a) and summonses under section SB were
issued by the Commission. Pursuant to these notices rule 5(2) (a) some persons filed their statements,
while others did not.
. . .3.13 Referr'ing to the contentions that notice under
rule 5(2) (a) was not issued "as soon as may be"
after the appointment of the Commission, the Com-
mission observed that an earlier stage for issuing the
notice against any person, who in the opi'nion of the
Coo1mission, should be, given an opportunity of being
heard in the inquiry, could be conceived of unless
that person was identified. It '.was for-that reason that
. the preliminary inquiry was hel,d to identify the person,
who, in the opinion of the Commission, should be
given an opportunity of heard. The Commission
gave them opportunity to furnish statements relating
to such matters by issuing notices under rule 5 (2) (a).
The Commission pointed out that rule 5 (2) (a) makes
-it obligatory for the Commission to issue the notice
to'everv person, who, in the opinion of the Commission.
should be given an opport.unitv of being heard in the
-inquiry to furnish to the Commission a statement relat- .
ing to such matters, as may be speeified i'n the notice.
The Commission has no power to dispense with the
issue of the notice and the submis.sion of the counsel
to dispense with the notice couid not be
acceded to. The notices, in faet, .had been.
issued, requmng the persons to whom they
were issued, to file their version and statemerit of
facts in support of the version set out in their state-
ments. They were also required to file lists of d,ocu
tnents on which those persons r'elied and to forward
to the .commission those documents. This was the
stage at w'hich the person, who in the opinion of the
Commission was required to furnish a statement rela-
ting to the matters specified in the notice, was identifiqd.
At no earlier stage could such notice be given. Under
the provisions of the Act, the next stage of holding
an inquiry on the stateme'nts filed the Commis- .
sion commences thereafter. At the earlier stage, wit-
nesses would be would be witnesses for
the Commission. If, however, it appeared to the
mission it was "necessary to inquire into the conduct
of any person, or in the opinion of the Commission
the reputation of any person was likely to be prejudi-
cially affected by the inquiry, the Act made it obligatory .
tha.t summons under :.section SB shall be issued. '
'. '. 3.14 Therefore, the Commission observed that '
there was no warrant for the view t.hat once a notice
under section 8B is issued, there is no obligation on the .
part of the Commission to issue a notice under rule . .
5 (2) (a), nor that the issuance of the notice under
5 (2) (a) is dispensed with, when a S\lmmons under
section SB is issued. It was observed :
"Rule 5(2)(a) and section 8 operate in different
fields. Rule 5(2)(a) deals with a demand
from the Commission, in what may be loosely
called "pleading of the perso'n to whom. the
notice :is issued". Persons who, in the opinion
of the Commission, should be called upon \o
have on that account an opportunity of
explaining certain matters, which have come
to tbe notice of the Con1mission at that stage.
The person to whom a notice has been issued,
is required to come and submit his statement
in regard to what his version of the matters
specified in the notice is. It is after the
statement is filed, the i'nqtiiry commences and
it is in the course of the inquiry that the
notice under section SB will, if at all, be
issued. In order, however, that time may
not be wasted,
* *
* *
it was found necessary by me to issue a notice
under rule 5 (2 )(a) and also because it
appeared to me (Commission) from mate:.
rials disclosed .in the evidence at the stage of
the i'n.quirv collected by the investigating
officers and, further, on 'the preliminary in-
quiry held by me (Commission) that it will
be 'necessary to iriquire in'to the' conduct cf
certain persons and also that the reputation
---- -----.. ----------------
persons was likely to be prejudi-
cially affected by the inquiry. On that
account this summons under section 8B 'fas
. 3.15 The Commission rejected the contention of the
counsel for Smt. Indira Gandhi that once a summons
under section 8B is issued by the Commission, there
can be no scope for .issui'ng a notice under r"!le
5(2)(a), or that the proceedings the.
sion are either of the nature of a cnm1nal mqu1ry or
quasi criminal inquiry or that the inquiry is in the
nature of a criminal proceedings.
. 3.16 It was also emphasised the proceedings
before the Commission are 'for determining the truth
in the manner provided by the Act in. respect of
ti1atters of public interest specified in the terms of
reference. They are not civil proceedings, nor are they
criminal proceedings. They are not .adversary proceed-
ings. They are proceedings .in truth has
to . be determined by the adoption of a pro-
cedure to be devised by the Commission having regard
to the of the inquiry and which is essentially
inquisitorial in character, as prescribed by the Act.
. 3 .17 .The Commission also rejected the contention
raised by the counsel that it was obligatory upon the
Commission to issue a notice under rule 5 (2 )(a) a:;
_ soon as it appeared. from any statement made __
the investigating officer that some persons were con-
cerned in the commission of any excess specified in lhe
terms of reference and if the notice was not issued
soon thereafter,. such a notice could not be issued at
. .
,_ 3.lS also rejected the contention
u1;ged in the' alternative that the appropriate procedure
should have been that as soon as a witness appeared
before the Commission at the stage of the preliminary
hearing and made some statement which involved a
person in the commission of some impropriety, the
Commission was hound to issue a summons
tiun SB and that the Commission had no option to
act otherwise. It was observed that on the terms of
section .. 8B if the Commission at any stnge of the
either deems it t9
Conduct Of any pe,rson Or the lS OfOPlnlOn
Lhat reputation of any person 1s to he pre ..
judicially affected by the inquiry, notice
section must be issued. But until the
entertains, on materials placed before it, an op1mon
after consideration of the materials, . there can he no
Cor issuing summons . section SB.
. SB requires that the Comm1ss1on consider 1t
necessary to inqu:re Into the conduct '. of any person ;
and merely because some statement is. made before
the Commission involving directly or indirectlv anv
person in the commission of an excess, without examin-
inl.!' whether the statement in the light of the rest of the
evidence and Circumstances is reliable. or whether
such a can be acted upon. it woold be
impossible and, in anv event, impropey for the Com-
mission to a summons under 8B, merely
becnu<;e some statement was made by some one
attributing impropr'iety to another person.
S/39 HA/77-3
. .'
13 .'
3.19 The contention raised by the counsel that the
person to whom a notice under rule 5(2)(a) or a
summons under section 8B is issued, cannot be called
upon to disclose his version of the incidents, which
form the subject matter of inquiry, because when a
serious allegation is made, which affects the reputation
of a person, the proceeding from. that statement .as-
sumes the form of a criminal trial or a proceeding
similar to or analogous to a criminal trial .and that the
difference between the proceedings under section SB
and a criminal proceeding would be minimal, was also
3.20 Referring to the contention urged by the
counsel that the person to whom a notice .is issued
under rule 5 (2)(a) cannot be called upon to disclose
his version of the incidents referred to in the notice,
because that would amount to "pre-empting he
defence" of that person. it was pointed out that
contention is based upon a misconception of tbe true
nature of the proceedings and the express provisions
made in the Rules, which are part of the Act. Under
rule 5 (2) (a) the Commission is under a statutory obh-
"ation to call upon.persons, who in the opinion of the
Commission should be given an opportunity of being
heard to furnish to the Commission a statement relat-
ing such matters as may be specified in the notice ;
and obviously it could not mean that even though a
person is given an opportunity of in . nn
inquiry, he should not be upon to turmsh to the
Commission a statement relating to the matters as may
be speCified in the notice. Under the Act opportunity
must be given in those cases in which there is SOJ?e-
thing to be investigated into or inquired into a finding
on which might be prejudicial to the conduct of the
person to whom notice has been issued.
,. 3.21 The Commission pointed out that rule 5 (3)
expressly provides that disclosure be
on affidavit in support of the facts stated m the state-
ment sworn by the person furnishing the same.
3.22 lt was contended that by calling UJ?.On a person
to file a stalen1en1 unde'r 1'ule S(2)(a) disclosing his
version as regnrds certain incidents, 'there is pre-emp-
. ting of t'he defence h'ecimse that person is called upon
to make a statement in an inquiry before Com-
missio'n : it was emphasised that the Comm1ss1on has
to ascertain the facts and in ascertaining those fa::ts
assistance of persons, who should be gi'Ven opportunity
of being heard is asked for, and the persons, whQ are
g\ven opportunity should make . statements <?1'1 6atfJ
and also produce documentary evidence on which they
rely ; accordingly, therefore the contention was
3.23 The Commission also reiected the contention
raised by counsel for Smt. Gandhi that a oerson to
whom a summons is issued under section 8B cannot
be cross-examined, since section 8C contemplates
cross-examination of witnes$es onty and a person whG .
deposes to the involvement of the person against wh_om
an inquiry is being made and n.ot a .. oers<;>'n
whom or ip whose conduct an mqutry 1s being made.
. I
This argument was sought to be supported on three
(i) rule 5(2) (a) every person notwith-
standing the amplitude o1 the expression
used therein still excluded persons against.
whom some allegation of impropriety was
(ii) the terms of section SB, referred to a defonce
to be made by a person whose conduct was
being inqujred into or the reputation of that .
person was likely to be prejudicially affected ;
in terms of section 8C the right pf cross-
examination is con(erred upon certain persons
and by implication it means that the person
whose conduct is b,eing inquired into, is not
a person who can "be cross-examined.
3.24 The. Commission rejected these contentions
and observed that section SB confers the .
basic protection to any person that he shall not be
condemned unheard by the Commiss.ion, i.e. his con-.
duct should not be adversely commented upon by
reaching a tinding that his version is 'not true, without
gi_v1ng him an opportunity of being heard, The finding
may be of impropriety or of an act which may amount
to an Q.ffence or .anything which might bring him into
disrepute. If the. Commission\ thinks it- necessary to
inquire into the c9nduct of such a person, it is necessary
to give a notice under section 8B and that such a perso"n
woulq obviously be a person against whom there is an
allegation made by someone. Similarly, it would be
necessary to issue a summons to the person, who in the
opinion of the Commission is likely to be prejudicially
affected by the holding of the inquiry. It was pointed
out that section 8C defines the contours of a reasonable
opportunity of being heard in the.course of the inquiry.
Reasonable opportunity of be,ing heard is not merely
of making an oral representation or denyi'ng what
alleged but including right to : appear by counsel, arid
to cross-examine witnesses who depose against him
and to lead evidence to rebut that evidence and to
address the Commission. That, however, does not
mean that when the Commission is holding a"n inquiry
into the condct of any person, such a person . is
immune from cross-examination. The procedure,
which the counsel suggested should be followed is
that once a summons is issued under section SB, there
is no scope for the issue .of notice under rule ( 2) (a) ;
and all the witnesses on behalf of the person who have
either made a complaint or whether there was no com-
plaint, where a reference has been made on behalf of
the Commission should be examined, should be allow'.!d
to be cross-examined by the person whose conduct is
under investigation and thereafter such a person may
be examined by the Commission but not by counsel
appearing for other persons, or even bv counsel for
tlie Union or by cou'nsel for the Commission.
3.25 It was observed that tl.1ere is nothing either
in the Rules nor in the Act, which supports the
contention. There is not even an indication that such
a procedure is intended to be followed, unless it is
assumed that when conduct is attributed to a person
--- - -------
which may ultimately result in some action to be
taken for impropriety. if the of the: Commis-
sion is accepted, the proceedings before the Com
mission itself assume the form of a c;;riminal trial. FQr
such an assumption, there is no warrant.
3.26 It was pointed cut that the procedure has to
be devised by the Commission in each case having
regard to the nature of the inquiry to be made; anc;l
rarely there would be any two Commissions, w)1ich
would follow the same .procedure. There may be . a
case, where no person may be involved directly or
indirectly; but only certain matter,; are to be investi-
gated by the Commission. There may be cases in
which no person may be named as responsible for,
any impropriety and such persons may have to be
identified and their involvement jn the impropriety
determined; ,there may be other cases in which the
person alleged to be responsible for improper conduct
may be named. In each such case the procedure
would be different" and Commission bas to devise
a proccdurc, subject to the Rules and affording pro-
tection or safeguards provided by the statute to the
persons against whom inquiry may have to be rnade.
It was also observed that section 8C has no indeperi-
de?t existence : it i:nerely gives 9cmtent to the z:ight
bemg heard, as given by section SB. Section SC
is not intended to restrict the .scope of the inquiry
which has to be made by the Commission. or to attri-
bute to the inquiry a form di fferent from the normal
form of an _inquisitorial
3.27 The Commission is obliged to devise a proce-
dure under section 8 of the:;, Act having regard to the ,
nature of the inquiry to be made. The procedure,
however, has to be subject to the Rules, which may
be made by the Commission in that . behalf. The
Commission is entitled, however, to regulate pro-
cedure subject to the basic safeguards provided in
sections SB and 8C. The Commission has also to .
issue, as soon as may be, a notice to every person
who, in the opinion of the Commission should be
an opportunity of being heard in the inquiry to furnish
to the Commission_ a statement relating to s.uch matters
as may be specified .in the notice and that such person
should be required to submit suct1 a statement under
clause ( 3) of rule 5. by an affidavit in support of the .
. facts set out in,J he. s.taternent .sworn by the person
furnishing the statement. Apart from that the Com-
mission has the additional power of ca!Eng upon any
person to furnish information on such points or
matters as, in the opinion of the Commission, may
be useful for or relevant to the subject matter . of the
inquiry and the person, so required, is legally bound
to furnish such-information.
3.2S The proceedings of the Commission are not
analogous to proceedings fo a civil tr.ial or enforcement .
of a civil right or obtaining relief for infringement . of
a civil right, nor of a criminal trial in which the
conduct of a person or persons for the commission
pr infraction of the law is sought to be investigated.
The function of the Commission is to determine facts
relating to matters of public importance and by adop-
tion of a procedure, which is not adversary in charac-
ter, but inquisitorial in . character.
3.29 Under section .5 bf the Commissions of In-
.quiry Act, Commission may be invested with
additional powers which are set out .in that section.
By section 5 (2) the Commission has the power to
any person subject to any privilege, which
niay be claimed by that person: under any law for
the . time being in . force, to furnish information . on
such points or matters, as in the opinion of the Com-
mission, may be useful for, or relevant to, the subject
matter of the inquiry and any person, so required,
shall be. deemed to be legally bound to furnish such
information within , the meaning of section 176 and
; section 177 of the fodian Penal Code.
. 3.30 One objection, which was strenuously urged
before the Commission by counsel appearing for Smt.
Indira Gandhi in the proceedings beforn the Commis-
siOn was that in view of the oath of secrecy takep
by' a Minister entering upon his office under clause ( 4)
of Article 75, according to the forms set out in th-e
III Schedule to the Constitution and on that accolint
Smt. Gandhi was unable to disclose any information
relating to the matters of the State which l>he dealt
with in the course of her functioning as the Prime
Minii;ter . of India till she relegated that ofiice. Article
75,, clause (1), provides that the Prime Minister
be appointed by the President and the othe.r Ministers
a1so &I1al1 be appointed by the President on the _advice
of the Prime Minister. .Clause ( 4) provides that
before a Minister enters upon his office, the President
shall administer to hiin the oaLhs of ofiice and of
secrecy, to the forms set' out for , the purpose
in the Third Schedule. The forms of oath of office,
as set out in the Third Schedule are as follows :-
"I,' A B. (:., do swear
* * *
that L will -bear true faith and allegiance
, . to the _ Constitution -of India, as by law
established, that I will uphold the sove-
reignty and integrity of India, that I will
faithfully and discharge my
duties as a Minister for the Union and fftat
I will do right to all of people m
accordance with the Constitution and the
law, without fear or favour, affection or ill
The form of oath of . secrecy for a Minister for t.l.J.e
Union is as follows :-
"I, A, .............. , do swear
that I will not directly or indirectly com:
municate or reveal to any person or persons
any matter, which shall be brought under
my consideration or shall become known
to me as a Minister for the Union except as
may be required for the due discharge of
my duties as such Minister."
3.31 The Commission had ruled that the oath of
secrecy of office taken by a Minister of the
does not prohibit a Minister from disclosing the infor-
mation before a Commission of Inquiry especia.lly
when the Central Government has directed the holding
of an Inquiry for the purpose of ascertaining facts
relating to matters of public interest. The Constitution
requires that the Minister shall take an ,oath of ,office
but does not provide for any penalty for breach of
such oath. Again, the obligation is not absolute but
is subject to the communication being made or the
informati'on being revealed, as may .be required in
the due disc'harge of the duties as such Minister. In
the view of Commission, the disclosure of
mation before a Commission of Inquiry 11eld in_
pursuance to a direction of the _Goyernment
after a person has ceased to be a Minister, .d,oes _not
art1ount to a breach of the oath of secrecy of, the
Minister concerned.
. ..
---- -----------------
' .
4.1 The terms of reference to the Commission are
divided into five heads : The Commission is directed
to inquire into the facts al1d circumstances relating to
specific. instances of- .
. (i) of lawful processes and well-
established conventions, administrative -pro-
cedures and practices, abuse of aufaority,
misuse of power, excesses a.nd/or mal-
practices committed during the period when
the rroclamation of Emergency made on
June 1975 under Article 352 of the
Constitution was in force or in days imme-
diately preceding the said Proclamation;
misuse of PQWer of arrests or issue of deten-
tion orders where such arrests or orders are
alleged to have been made on considerations
not germane to the purposes of the relevant
. Acts during the period;
specific instances of maltreatment of and/or
atrocities on persons arrested under DISIR
or detained and their relatives and close
associates during the aforesaid period;
spedflc of compulsion and use of
force in the implementation of family
planning programme during the aforesaid
indiscriminate, high-\1anded or unauthorised
demolition , of houses, huts, shops, buildings,
structures and destniction of property in _the .
name of slum clearance or enforcement of
Town Planning or land use schemes, during
the aforesaid period.
* * *
4.2 The inquiry is directed into specific instances
of excesses or malpractices committed during t{1e
aforesaid periocJ. The inquiry is further directed to ex-
cesses of powers of arrests or issue of detention orders;
maltreatment of and/or on persons arrested
under the Preventive Detention procedures; use of
force in the implementation of the Family Planning
Programme and indiscriminate, or un-
authorised demolition of houses, shops and structures .
4.3 lf the primary activity disclosed in a partic1,1lar
case falls under a particular head, it will be dealt with
under that head regardless of the fact that the case
discloses .some other activities like subversion of law-
ful process or conventions, disregard of administrative
procedures or abuse of authority. For example, where
the excess committed relates to the issue of a detention
order, despite the fact that the excess may have beeri_
committed by ignoring the established conventions and
by abuse of authority, the case will be dealt with under
the head "misuse of powers of arrests or issue oi
detention .orders". Similarly, where the specific excess
committed relates to the use of force in the implemen-
tation of the family planning programme, even if it
appears that it was by "abuse of authority" or "misuse
of power", it will be dealt with under the head
"Compulsion and use of force in the implementation
of the family planning programme". Similarly, where
there been indiscriminate, high-handed or unautho-
rised demolition of houses and structures by the abuse
of authority or misuse of power, it will be dealt with
under- the head "Unauthorised demolition of houses,
huts, etc."
4.4 Out of a number of cases which came to its
notice by virtue of the complaints made to it or on
the basis of the information developed by the Com-
mission,. the Commission took up for open hearing
only those cases in which it that there had
been a blatant abuse of authority or misuse of powers
relating to instances falling under one of the five heads
of the terms of reference. In this regaru one general
principle wtich has been kept in mind is that the
excess complained of must be of a nature which would
be capable of creating a crisis of confidence or wnich
is one of national importance.
In the Elections held to the Lok Sabha in 1971 from
the Rai Bareily Consituency Smt. Indira Gandhi was
dedared elected, defeating Shri Raj Narain and others
who had contested the election . . Shr i Raj Narain then
Illed a petition in the High Court of Allahabad chal-
lenging the election of Smt. Indira Nehru Gandhi on
number of grounds, inter alia, alleging misconduct
against her. The High Court of Allahabad pronounc-
ed its judgment on June 12, 1975. Shri J.M. L.
of Allahabad High Court ordered :
"In view of my findings . . ....... . .. this petition is
allowed and the election of Smt. Indira
Nehru Gandhi respondent No. 1 to the Lok
Sabha is dedared void."
The Court further ruled that :
"The respondent No. 1, accordingly, stands d1s-
qnalified for a period of six years from the
date of this order, as provided in section 8A
of the Representation of the People Act. "
_The Cour t fut the{ directed :
"The operation of the said order is accordingly
for a period of twenty days. On
. - . the:texpiry of the said period of 20 days or
'"".. as 'soon as an appeal is filed in the Supreme
. __ Court, whichever takes place earlier, ' this -
order- shall cease to carry effect."
5.2 Following the judgment of the Allahabad High
Court setting aside the election of Smt. Indira Gandhi
there was a spurt of political activity in Delhi in parti-
. cular and in lhe rest of India in
5.3 Apparently, an effort was mndc by the follow-
) ers of Smt. Indira Gandhi. to create an atmosphere that
she should, notwithstanding that she was unseated and
disqualified to stand for election, continue to r emain
and funct.ion as Prin'lc Minister of India -regardless of
the High ' Court verdict. With that object in view,
a rlumher of demonstrations, r allies and meetings were
arranged by her supporters in Delhi and elsewhere.
5.4 The post-judgment scene in Delhi and some of
the adjoining States was spoken to by a number of
witnesses. Shri Bhawani Mal, the then Inspector
General of Police, Delhi, stated that there was no
denying the fact that there had been a spurt of activity
in wake of the announcement of Shri Justice
Sinha's verdict. Several :Jemonstrations, rallies and
public meetings were organised between J une 12 and
25. Most of these were in favour of the former
Prime Minister, while a few were directed against her,
and all this generated tension but no untoward incident
occurred during that. period.
I 7
5.5 Shri Krishail Chand, the then Lt. Governor,
Delhi, stated that so9n after the pronouncement of
Allahabad High Court judgment, he was called to the
Prime Minister's House, but he sent Shri
Chawla, his Secretary, to proceed to the Prime
Minister's House. He stated that he learnt from Shri
Navin Chawla that in order fo cope up with H1e law
and order situation that might develop from the threa-
tened opposition rallies, it was decided to organise
ralJicc; in support of the Prime Minister; and for this
purpose people had to be collected from various places.
Shri Krishan Chand also stated that he was told that
public utility services would also be mobilised for the
purpose. These services included New Delhi Munici.:
pal Committee, Delhi Transport Corporation and Delhi
Electric Supply Undertaking. _ He further stated that
rallies and of people to the House of the
Prime Minister continuea after the 12th of June in
order to .i;upport to the Prime Minister.
5.6 The records of Delhi Transport .Corporation
show that 17 61 DTC buses were l,iy the
AU India Congress Committee or the Delhi Pi:aqesh
Congre!1s Committee for organising rallies in
port of Smt. Indira Gandhi between June lZ, 1_915
and June 25, 1975. Shri J. R. Anand, who was
working as a Traffic Manager in Delhi Transport
Corporation (DTC) stated that buses were mostly
' tlo oked onhis own orders as the Traffic Manager and
that he did it in pursuance of. the decision taken by
the Chairman of the DTC, wh6 was also the Lt.
Governor. . The instructions were given in a meeting
held at Raj Nivas that full cooperation should be
given by the DTC by,:'arranging buses to carry people
who were taking part in rallies to be organised to
express solidarity to the then Prime Minister. Shri J. R.
Anand has stated that according to the DTC Rules
for special hire by a private party, a.n application in
prescribed proforma accompanied by advance payment
is requir ed; but this formality was not observed in the
case of the bookings made by tfo:: AICC. The buses
were booked on the basis of :telephonic instructions
received from Shri Navin Chawla, the then Secretary
to the Lt. Governor. In the cases of major bookings, -
the details regarding the number of buses and the
parties and places to which M1ey would teport, were
given by Shri Navin Chawla. In small bookings, Shri
J. :,R. Anand stated that Shri Navin Chawla told him
to , get in touch with certain Congress leaders for de
tails. Sh.ri Anand further stated that in the case c:if
heavy number of buses booked on June 12 and 20,
the buses had to be withdrawn from the scheduled
operations, thus affecting the normal services; that
the number of buses booked during the period June
12 to 25, 1975, on special hire, was much above the
normal booking allowed for private parties, which is
five buses per depot; that the total number of buses
which could be 0ooked was 95 a day which was far
exceeded in the cases of the buses booked by the AICC
and the individual Congress lei1.ders. This adversely
affected the normal operations of the DTC and caused
. much inconvenience to the public. Shri J. R. Anand
has also stated that an amount of 4 lakhs on
account of special hire charges oi the buses is Still
out:.tanding against .the AICC ann DPCC for over
two years.
5.7 On June 13, 1975 the entire fleet of 983 buses
plying on the Delhi rqutes was taken off ti1e rd'ad and
the buses were diverted to converge on the Prime
Minister's House, No. 1, Safdarjung Road to register
their support in favour of Smt. Inc\ira Gandhi. Resi-
dents of Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pra.-
desh, which are the States adjacent to Delhi, were
sent in vehicles commandeered by the State aufaorities
for the purpose. A large majority of those vehicles
did not observe the Route Permits Rules required
under the Motor Vehicles Act; and in many cases
Government vehicles were used for which no payment-
was made.
5.8 The recorqs of the DTC clearly support the
evidence of the witnesses that Government employees
were pressed into service for organising these rallies.
A number of buses deputed in connecti'on with these
rallies were required to report to the Government
servants including some senior officers. The state-
. . mcnt of Shri Jaswant Singh, pepot Manager, ,DTC,
gave the names/designations of such officials, numbers
, of buses which were deputed to report to them and
. the relevant date3, which are given below :-
Name of the Officer and designation
S.H.O. Police Station, Faridabad ,.
Smt. Mecnaxi D!ltfa, SOM ..
S.P. New Delhi, Parliament Street Police
Station, Shri K.D. Nayar.
S.H.O. Police Station, Gurgaon
$.H.O. Police.Station, Rai
Shri Bakshish Singh Gill, Dy .. S.P., En-
Director .
Sbri B. L. Anand, S.D.M.
Si)ri Sareen, Sadar Bazar Police station
Date of No. of
report buses
Shri Sarecn, Dy. Director, Delhi Admn.,
Delhi 17-6-75 2
Hayalan, PA to Chief Secretary, U.P. 19-6-75 GO
PA to Chief Minister, Bihar 20-6-75 40
5.9 Rallies were held at New Delhi to register
support for Smt. Indira Gandhi' to continue in office
as Prime Minister notwithstanding the order of the
Allahabad High Court. Government organisations
like Delhi Transport Corporation, New Delhi Munici-
pal Committee and Ddhi Electric Supply Undertaking
participated in these rallies. Shri K. D. Nayar, the
then Superintendent of Police, New Delhi, has stated
that he used to visit and supervise law and order
arrangements in the vicinity of the Prime Minister's
House. According to him the participants in these;.
rnllies carried the banners indicating their organisations
and the Unions to Which they belonged ; and that the
participants of those rallies used transport belonging
to their organisations for the purposy of participating
in rallies.
5.'10 The statements of Shri B. K. Mital, Assistant
Secretary (Education) NDMC ; Shri S; P. Goel, As'sis-
tant Engineer I, NDMC ; Shri .Devi Singh, Painter,
NDMC ; Shri Krishan Lal Cha_u(fhary of the HortiCul-
ture Department; -Shfr v. K. Kaushik, A.E.III(E);
Shri Chandari Bedhab; President, Workers Union ;
Shri Mohan Singh, Junior Engineer and Shri. J. C.
Wadhwa, Senior Clerk, all NDMC employees and
S/Shri Dhan Ram, President of the Employees Ul}ion;
Madan Lal, Senior Vice President, Employees Union
and Dalip Singh, Party Leader, all of Delhi Milk
Scheme have also supported the participation of these
organisations' employees and resources in the pro-1Prime
Minister rallies.
5.11 The participation in the rallies was not
confined to Delhi alone. Shri Krishan Chand,
Lt. Governor deposed that
" ... .. ...... some neighbouring States like
Haryana, Rajasthan, Western U.P. also sent
"ont.ingents for .the purpost. All these
arrangements were made under instructions
from the P.M.'s House conveyed through
Mr. Dhawan and the P .M. was kept informed
about the developments from time to time.''
5.12 The. records of DTC also clearly show that a
number. of buses were deputed to make trips outside
the Union Territory of Delhi. Under the M9toi:
Vehicles Rules, the buses going outside the Union
Territory of Delhi are required to be issued special
permits from the State Transport Authority for this
purpose. (See 9). The Secretary, State Trans-
port Authority, has, however, informed the Co1nmis-.
sion by his let-ter dated November 28, 1977,
" . .. . . ..... as per records maintained in this
office no contract. carriage permits were
issued to the DTC for . carrying contract
parties outside the Union Territory of Delhi
or to any private parties for use of the DTC
vehicles outside the Union Territory of Delhi
during the period from 12th June, 1975 to
25th June, 1975.''
According to Shri J. R. Anand, the then Traffic
Manager, a number of buses booked by AICG through
the Secretary to L. G. during this period were also sent
outside the territory of Delhi, and tha.t under the Motor
Vehicles Act route permits had to be obtained. for
sending vehicles outside the Union Territory of Delhi,
which was not 'done in this case ; and that at a high
level meeting at Raj Niwas, it was decitled that the.
buses should be sent to the neighbouring districts of
Haryana and U.P. and the instructions to allow the
buses to pass the barriers had been given ; that to
ensure that the buses reached their destinations in. the
1 .
. .
,, :
.. ::
neighbouring S_tates, the office.ts of the DTC were also
deployed to acco_mpany the buses ; and that he had
also been assured by Shri Navin Chawla that the police
authorities and the State Transport . authorities had
been properly briefed and instructed to ensure that
the buses crossed the borders without any route
5.13 Shri Raj Roop Singh, Inspector, SHO New
Industrial Township, Faridabad, has stated that after
the of the Allahabad High Court judg-,
ment, he received a telephonic from the police
Headquarters, Gurgaon, that as -informed by the
Deputy Commissioner, Gurgaon, .about 100 DTC
.buses would be al'riving from Delhi for the purpose of
rallies in favour of Smt. Indira Dandhi ; that he was
told, that the buses would report to the police station
and that on demand _from the Labour Inspectors,
Officers of Industries Department and other Govern-
ment Agencies, Shri Raf Roop Singh should permit
them to take the buses with Lhem; that the police
station started receiving telephonic messages from
various places and the buses were directed to report to .
the officers concerned; that the majority of the buses .
were taken by the officers of the Labour Depar tment
and Iridustries Department and people from the
factories located in Faridabad were carried . to Delhi
Oh those buses ; that no records Were maintained
regard to the number of buses received or despatched ;
that the police was asked to arrange supply of trucks
or 0M1er conveyance, e.g. four wheelers, for carrying
the people to Delhi ; that the police used to ask the
'Truck Unions and Transport companJes to supply the
required number of vehicles ; that tWs was done under
the direction , of the District Magistrate and the trucks
were collected in SDM's court at Ballabgarh, where
the Block .Qffi.cers (BDOs) . or Tehsildars
used to take charge of the vehicles ; and that the
Patwaris and Grainsewaks were detailed to take trucks
to the villages and to 901lect tl'ie people from there to
carry them to Delhi.
5.14 Sub-Inspector Khan C:rnnd; SHO Sadar
Pol ice Station, Gurgaon, stated that _the SSP Gurgaon
nnd the senior Civil Officers ' ha<l also arriv.ed on the
scene and-under the directions of senior officers some
huscs were sent to the city while others were sent to
various Hictories for carrying people to Delhi.
Inspec.tor Jagdish Lal, SHO Police - Station City,
Gurgaon, has. stated that :- .
" ..... . .. . The empt trucks passing the road
. were also sometime detaiiied and asked to
report at the Tehsil Headquarters for the
purpose. . ..... , ..... ... BDOs and Tehsil-
dars used to take charge of these vehicles
and detailed the Patwaris, Gramsewaks etc.
for taking these vehicles to villages and
bringing people from there for taking them
to Delhi."
S . .15 Shri N. K. Garg, District Magistrate, Rohtak
has stated that oq June 12, 1975, Shri Bansi Lal,
Chief Minister. Haryana, xang him from Haryana
Bhawan. New Delhi. round about 10.30 a.m. and
informed him that the Prime Minister had been un-
seated in the Allahabad High Court judgment, and
desired that truck loads of people, as many as possible
be sent from 2.30 p.m. onwards to the P.M.'s House;
and that in that connection Shri Garg should contact
the local MLA, Lala Shri Kisban Das who would
muster . the Congress workers and that Bansi Lal had
also directed that the persons should raise slogans ;
that pursuant thereto he immediately got in touch
with Shri Krishan Das and conveyed the whole message
to him and called Shri S. H. Mohan, SSP and asked
him that he should make an effort to get as many
trucks as possible for takit1g these people to Delhi.
He also stated that he had received a similar message
froin Ch. Dalbir Singh, the Deputy Minister for
Shipping in the Central Cabinet.
5.1 6 The statement of Shri Garg is supported by the
statement of Shri S. H. Mohan. Shri M. K. Miglani,
who was then holding the office of the District Magis-
trate, has also confirmed in his statement the instruc-
tions given by Shri Bansi Lal, the then Chief Minister,
Haryana. According to Shri Miglani, he learnt from
the local leaders that out of 100 DTC buses that had
come to Faridabad factory area oniy about 40 buses
load could be sent, whereas the remaining buses had
to return empty because they were unable to muster
enough factory workers for thi $ purpose.
5.17 On June 13, 1975 :rnd again on June 18, 1975,
about 800 to 900 employees of DESU participated in
pm-P.M,. rallies outsidG the residence of Smt. Indira
Gandhi at the call of the Delhi State Electricity
Workers Union. This is supported by Shri S. N.
Srivastava, Chief . Labour Welfare Officer, DESU and
Shii K. P. Saxena, Controller Rajghat Power House.
5.18 Another major rnlly took place on June 20,
1975, where as many as 497 DTC buses had been
requisitioned by the organisers of the rally as against
the permissible number of 95 buses, which could have
bee.n booked on special hire by private parties on one
single day. Efforts were also made in the State of
Haryana to contribute to the rally and this is seen
from t he statements of N. K. Garg, District
Magistrate, Rohtak ; S. H. Mohan. SSP Rohtak and
M. K. Miglani, District Magistrate Gurgaon. Accord-
ing to Shri N. K. Garg, J:?istrict Magistrate, Shri Bansi
Lal had told him that this was a p1estigious rally a11d
a personal and crucial affair.' So, the District
Administration sho.1J]d not lag behind in this task.
5 .19 The state of affairs in this regard was not
different in the Stare of The Chief Secretary,
Shri R. S. Talwar, has stated that :
"When it came to my that official
machinery was being 'utilfsed for organising
transport and mustering men and money for
the purpose, I adviSed the then Chief,
Minister not to let Government and semi",
Government agencies and their personnel'
being used in support of a political struggle
with which they as such were not concemed.
This advice was not liked, nor did it have
much effect and official machinery continued
to be? utilise(! for mobilising men, money and
transport to be sent to Delhi."
5.20 According to the records of the Northern
Railway, three special trains wer'e arranged--one each
Varanasi, Lucknow and Kanpur on June 19,
1975, which arrived in New Delhi/Delhi on June 20;
1975. Two of these special trains had been booked
by known Congressmen. The identity of the pa1ty
requisitioning the special ex-Varanasi s.pecial. train
was not available on the file but the special tram was
arr.angeq for the Congress delegates. For return
journey two special were sent on June 21, +975.
5.21 From the State of Rajasthan also, according
to the Raja$than State Electricity Board records, 58
trucks belonging to the State Electricity Bo1,1rd were
ordered by the Chief Minister to be placed at the
disposal of the Workers' Union. Even though the
Chairman of the Electricity Board, Shri Mangal Beha:-i,
had directed that appropriate charges should be made,
but no. payment of .hire charges was made either by
the Government or by the Workers' Union.
5.22 On June 22, 19_75, the Opposition parties
11ad organised a rally which was to be addressed by
Shri Jaya Prakash Narayan. This caused considerable
concern in the official circles. This is seen from the
statement of Shri Krishan Chand, Lt. Governor, who
stated that
"S:!veral meetings were also held in the Home
Ministry ,to consi<lel' as to how best . the
situation "developing from the speeches of
Shri Jaya Prakash Narayan could be dealt
with. At the o$cial level, the view was that
whatever might !be done in respect of other
leaders, Shri .Taya Prakash Narayan's arrest
would make it more difficult to preserve
. public peace than if he was not arrested
. .. _ ....... This view eventually did not
prevail. However, Shri Jaya Prakash
Narayan could not come to Delhi to address
the meeting al Ramlila Grounds on June 22,
5.23 While Government bodies were vying with
each other to show their support to or sympathy for
the Prime Minister by misusing Government resources,
there were Government employees, both highly and
lowly placed, who were not willing to be a party to.
what they thought was wrong and improper in terms
of employment of Government resources for a political
party for partisan pur'poses. Shri R. N. Bhatnagar of
the NDMC opposed the diversion of the NDMC trucks
from the normal duties to proceed to the P.M.'s House,
and lay in front of a truck of the NDMC. which was
sought to be diverted to proceed to the P.M's House;
He pleaded. th;it if employees and the.
wanted to s1gmfy their support to Smt. Indu-a Gandhi,
they were welcome to do so but not at the cost of the
civic resources.
5.24 Certain employees of the DESU, who refused
to participate in these rallies, were allegedly beaten up
by the more enthusiastic amongst the supporters of
the Prime Minister.
5.25 Shri Mangat Behari; TAS, the Chairman of the
Rajasthan Electricity Board became the victim of the
' .. . .. ' .
wrath of the State Government of Rajasthan as be
had refused to fall in line "'.ith the demand for sending
the Electricity Board workers in the Electricity. Board
trucks, free of cost to attend the ralfy in Delhi arranged
on June 20, 1975 to show support to and solidarity
with Smt. Indira Gandhi. The details of the inciqent
will be set out hereafter when the Commission deals
with the case of Shri Mangal Behari.
5.26 While the Government resources in Delhi and
d sewhere were being utilised to demonstrate support
in favour of the Prime Minister. the law was also
discriminately applied to the Congress party as against
the other parties. Enforcement of prohibition of
meetings under section 144 of the Criminal ProceduI'e
Code, which had become a - normal feature in the
vicinity of the Prime Miriister's House, was relaxed
when it came to demonstrations and rallies arranged
by the Congress party in support of the PI'ime Minister.
This matter was reported to the President, who sent
for the Lt. Governor of Delhi and enquired of him as
to why the other parties were not being given the same
faciliti es as were being_ given to the Congress party.
The Lt. Governor stated before the Commission that
he had told the President that if the opposition parties
were also directed to have the same facilities, that
would have led to clashes creating a law and order
situation. The Lt. Governor further stated that this
relaxation was made in favour of the Congress party
in the order under section 144 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure at the instance of the then Prjme Minister.
5.27 While these demonstrations of sympathy and
. support to the Prime Minister were going on apace,
the Intelligence Bureau of the Government of India
was being used to maintain surveillance on the activjties
of som,e of the important Congress leaders and
Ministers. The Commission oame across a Top Secret
note dated June 18, 1975, sent by the then Director,
Intelligence BurealJ, to the Prime Minister's Secretariat.
It contains matters which among other things could
have been compiled only on the basis of a physical
watch and telephone tappings of the persons concerned,
This raises a very important issue which has relevance
to the assault on the privacy of the individuals and
even of Ministers of Govemment for purposes which
are other than those strictly nccegsary for ensuring the
security of the Stale.
5.28 Shri Jagjiwan Ram, then Minister in
Indira Gandhi's Cabinet stated before the Commission
that even before the imposition of the Emefaency, his
rriovements weI'e watched and that his telephone was
tapped. This he was able to assert on the basis of
the information, which was furnished to him by the
concerned officials, who owed loyalty to him. He
was very critical of 'the Intelligence Bureau, who he
said, was feeding the Prime Minister with information-
some correct, some incorrect and some fabricated.
After the imposition of the Emergency, the watch on
him was intensified. Shri Jagjiwan Ram felt very
strongly about the physical watch on the Ministers
and citizens as it was a gross. interference with the
riclits of citizens and their individual freedom which
should not be permitted in a democracv. He felt that
this was haopening even before 'the Emergency and
was intensified during the Emergency and according
to him it had ceased even after the Emergency.
He was also cnt1cal of the employment of the Intelli-
gence . Bureau for assessing the election prospects of
the Congress, through the Intelligence the smtab1hty of candidates. for contesting the
electwn on behalf of the Congress Party . . Intelligence
B?-reau. conducting such inquiries were fed
with. m1sleadmg information by interested ca11didates
and m consequence the feed back to the Prime Minister
by . the Intelligence Bureau proved equally misleading.
. The decision to take certain drastic steps
including even the declaration of Emergency was
apparently, in contemplation even as early as June 22:
1975. On June 22, 1975, Shri R. K. Dhawan rang
. up Andhra Chief Minister Shri J. Vcugala
Rao, and told him to be available at Delhi on June 24
1975, when of the Supreme Court relating
to t_h7 stay order applied for by Smt. Gandhi pending
of the appeal filed by her was expected to be
annpunced. Presumably, the order which the Supreme
Cou1t would make was to be the deCiding factor on
whether. the drastic action contemplated to be taken,
should in effect be instituted. If the judgment had
been in the n.ature of a categorical and an uncondi- .
tional s_tay, probably no action of the nature, which .
was ultimately taken, would have followed. But the
Supreme Court . gave only a conditional order. On
June 24, 1975, Shii Justice Krishna Iyer delivered his
. judgment on the appeal of Smt. Indira Gandhi. The
opcl'ative portions of the judgment are as follows :
! :
""(i) Subject to paragraph (iii) below there will
be a stay of the operation of the judgment
and order of the High Court under appeal.
.. . (u) Consequently, the disqualification imposed
upon the appellant as a statutory sequal under
section 8A of the Act and as forming part
of the judgment 'aild order impugned witl
also stand suspended. That is to say, the
petitioner will remain a Member of the Lok
Sabha. for nll purposes except to the extent
restricted by Da.ra (iii) so long as the stay
lasts. .
The appellant petitioner, a Lok Sabha
.Member, will be entitled to sign the register
kept in the House for the purpose and attend
the Session of the Lok Sabha. But she will
neither . tnkc psirt in the pi'Ol\(\1.xlings in
Lok Sabha nor vote. nor draw a remunera-
tion in her capacity as a Member of the
Lok Sabha.
(iv) Independently of the restrictions under para
' (iii) on her Membership of the Lok Sabha,
her right as Prime Minister or Minister so
long as she fills that office .. to speak in and
otherwise to ta.JCe pa1t in the proceedings of
either House of Parliament or attend sitting
of the Houses (without the right to vote)
and to discharge other functions such as are
: .laid down in .the Article 74. 75, 78, 88 etc.
or under anv other law. and to .draw salary
as Prime Minister, shall not be affected or
. detracted from on acco1int of the conditions
contained in the stay order,"
S/39 HA/77-4 ' .
5.30 Since the judgement was conditional, it appears
to ,have been decided that the plan of taking drastic
:.ct1on was to be gone through with expedition and
5.31 According to Shti Krishan Chand, the Lt.
Delhi, even as early as the evening of 23rd,
a dec1s1?n had been taken to take the Oppasition
leaders mto custody soon after the Opposition rally,
s_cheduled fot Jl!ne 24, was held. Lists of the Opposi-
tion leaders, which were to be arrested also under
5.32 !!ppears from the report dated June 18, 1975,"
of the Director of the Intelligence Bureau, Shri Atma
Jaya Ram that considerable political activity took place
between June 15 and 18. The important aspects of
the political activity were that Shri Krishan Kant
Shri Chandar Shekhar and Shri Mohan Dharia
active in putting forth the view that Smt. Indira Gandhi
should step down and that the party should elect a
new leader. Smt. Lakshmi Kaothamma was also of
view. Shri Krishan Kant pointedly expressed the
view that .so long as Smt. Gandhi remained in office
the Opposition would get "a one-line programme" and
it could snowball into a revolutioti. Shri Mohan Dharia
was advised by Shri Y. B. Chavan in the afternoon of
June 17 not to .raise any dissent in the Parliamentary
Party meeting on June 18. S/Shri Chandar Shekhar
and Krishan Kant met Shri Bahuguna on June 17,
1975 at U.P. Nivas. Substantial portions of this report
have not been verified to be cor;ect and some of them
have been denied by Shri Jagjiwan Ram, who made
his statement before the Commission.
Some of the important events between June 23 and
25, 1975 . i
5.33 It was that a rally would fake place,
headed by Shn J aya Prakash Narayan on June 24,
1975. In the evening of June 23 an inditation was
given to Sht'i Krishan Chand, LL Governor by Shri'
R. K. . Dhawa.n that the Opposition Leaders may have
to be taken mto custody after the rally on June 24
and lists of prominent pplitical leaders to be arrested
were prepared by S. P. (CID) at P.M's House. Shri
Krishan Chand stated that he was shown the lists and
that changes were made in the lists and continued to
be made from tiine to time as a result of continued
diRcnRsions at P.M's House, but that he did Il.ut see
the final list. He ' also stated that the Opposition rally
did n.ot take phice on June 24 as announced to take
place on that day, and so the action prdposed to be
taken on June 24 was stayed.
5.34 On June 24, Shri Krishna Iver
announced the judgment. The Hindi version of the
judgment broadcast over the All India Radio gave the
complete story. This gave rise to certain angry re-
actions a.nd the Minister spoke to the Director of
News. Within a short time a revised Hindi version
was broadcast which was intended fo be favourable to
smt. Indira Gandhi, as brQadcast in the EnP.lish bulletin
at 4 p.m. . In the meanwhile, the authentic copies of
the. iudgment were obtained. Accordini? to Shri
Krishan Chand, after the import of the judgment was
fully realised, it was' decide4 to take drastic action
------ --------------------------------
_____ A ___ _ , ,.., .. _,, , ,,,,_..---
against the OpP<>sition leaders soon as thel'e were
tangible signs of any_, on their part to _dislodge
tile Prime Minister from her office and it was decided
by the Prime Minister -that action would be taken on
June 25 after the Opposition rally.
5.35 On June 24, 1975, Shri J. Vengala Rao
received a telephonic message from Shd R. K. Dhawan
requesting him to meet the Prime Minister on June 25.
Shri Vengala Rao has stated that Smt. Indira Gandhi
. informed him that having regard to the prevailing
conditions and the contemplated country-wide agitation,
it had been decided to take strong and deterrent action ;
and as this was sul'e to cause resentment and there
was a possibility of some violent action, it would be
necessary to take all preventive actions including
of presons who were likely to cause disturbance.
He further stated that he was requested to pass on
the message to the Chief Minister of who
could not be present and th:;.t both the Chief Minister
of Karnataka and Shri Vengala Rao were asked to be
available on the telephone on June 25 when the final
decision of -the Government of India would be com-
municated to them by Shri Dhawan. Shri Vcngala
Rao left by an IAF plane, which was specially arranged
for him for making a trip to Bangalore. He stated
that he met the Chief Minister of Karnataka at Banga.::
lore, apprised him of what the Prime Minister wanted
him to tell him and in the evening he reached
Hyderabad by the same plane.
,,.5.36 Shri P. C. Sethi, Chief Minister of Madhya
Pradesh, was told at the residence of the Prime Min.ister
on the morning of June 25 by Shri Om Mehta. Minister
of State for Home Affairs, abont the guidelines that
he would have to observe in taking into custody certain
persons. who were capable of creating disturbances.
According to Shri P. C. Sethi, it took place in the
presence of the Prime Minister.
5.37 The Prime Minister tried to !!Ct in touch with
Shri Harideo Joshi, Chief Minister of Rajasthan, but
she was unsuccessful in conveyin!? that message to
Shri Harideo Joshi on telephone. Shri Sethi was then
asked to contact Shri Harideo Joshi at Banswara on
his way to Bhopal and convey the <;ame mi;:ssage to
him. Accordingly. Shri Sethi went to Bhopal via
Banswara. by an IAF aircraft. At Bhopal Shri Sethi
took steps in pursuance of the instructions that had
been given to him by the Prime Minister. Shri Haridco
Joshi returned to Jaipur by the same which !
after leaving Shri Sethi at Bhopal, had come to Bans-
wara for this purpose.
5.38 The records maintained at the Air Headquar-
ters of the IAF confirm the flights -of Shri Vengala
Rao, Shri P. C. Sethi and Shri Harideo Joshi by the
IAF aircrafts on June 25, 1975. No payments were
apparently made by anyone for the use of the IAF
5.39 Shri S. K. Misra, who was the Principal
Secretary to the Chief Minister, Haryana. has in his
statement before Hie Commission. stated that between
12 noon and 2- p.m. on _June 25, 1975, he received
from Delhi a telephonic_ information from Shri Bansi
Lal, the then Chief Minister of Haryann, asking him
to alert the Deputy Commissioners to remain at their
Headquarters and -be available on telephones and also
to reserve huts at Sohna Tourist Complex for two
VIPs, who were to _ reach there on the night of June
25/26, 1975. Lists of persons to be taken into cus-
tody were to be ;prepared by A."J:?.I.G., C.I.D. Shri
Misra met Shri Bansi Lal at about 10 p.m. on his
return from Delhi. At that time the latter told him
that Emergency was expected to be declar.ed that night.
This statement of Shri S. K. Mi$ra is corroborated
by the statement of Shri N. K. Garg, the then Deputy
Commissioner, Rohtak, who had also met Shri Bansi
Lal at Rohtak at apout 4.30 p.m.
5.40 Shri M. K. Miglani, who was _the Deputy
Commissioner at Gurgacin, had taken steps to reserve
two huts in Sohna Tourist Complex on June 25 in
pursuant to the message received from Shri S. K.
Misra. He also contacted the Lt. Governor of Delhi
and in response to his directions detailed one of his
officers to reach Haryana Bhawan, New Delhi, at
about 10 p.m. on the night of June 25, l 975, where
the Delhi Administration authorities were to contact
5.41 The District Magistrate, Darbhanga (Bihar)
had conveyed to the then Chief Minister of Bihar a
message, which he had received from Patna, to _ the
effect that the Chief Minister of Bihar was to contact
the Prime Minister's House at about- 9 p.m. on the
night of- June 25, Accordingly, the Chief Minister
contacted . the Prime Minister's House and after the
trl.ephonic talk thl!-t the Chief Minister had witt1 the
. Prime Minister, the Chief Minister is reported to have
told the District Magistrate that he wanted to get back
to Patna the same night by road and he wanted to
know the provisions under the Defence of India Rules
with regard to the Press. The Chief Minister told
the District Magistrate to convey to the .Home Secre
tary and TGP the desire of the Chief Minister- that
they should meet him- at his residence at about 2.30
a.m. on the night between June 25/26, 1975.
5.42 According to the statement of Slui Krishan
Chand, all arrangements in connection with the .. im-
pending arrests were discussed at a meeting in the
afternoon of June 25 in the room of Shri R. K.
Dhawan in the presence of Shri Om Mehta, the
Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Bansi Lal
and Shri Bajwa, S.P. (CID), Delhi Administration.
Shri Krishan Chand then called a meeting at about
7.30 p.m. at Raj Niwas at which the Chief Secretary,
LG. Police, Deputy Commissioner, DIG (Range) and
others were present. The Chief Secretary of Delhi
Administration. Shri J. K. Kohli had been instructed
to visit the Tihar Jail to arrange necessary accommo-
dation in the jail for those who would be rounded_ up
in the course of the night between June 25/26, 1975
and taken to Tihar JaiL Accordingly, Shri Kohli had-
visited the Tihar Jail at about 8.15 p:m . . in the night,
checked up the availability of accommodation there
and had tipped off the Superintendent of Jail that he
should be prepared to receive about 200
Political -Prisoners", by the next.morning. __
5.43 Efforts were .also i:nade to ensure that some
important newspapers were prevented from bringing
out morning iditions on June 26, 1975. Shri B. N.
Ex-General Manager, Delhi Electric Supply
has stated that he was called to Raj
Niwas by the Lt .. Governor at ab<lut 10 p .. m. and told
that the electricity connections to the Press were to
be disconnected from 2 a.m. that 1iight and Shri
Krishan Chand said that these were the orders from
the Prime Minister's House and had got to be carried
. out. Shri Mehrotra carried out the orders and report-
ed compliance thereof af about 2 a.m. to Shri Navin
Chawla, Secretary to the Lt. Governor.
5.44 Efforts were also made to prevent publication
of newspapers in Chandigarh and Bhopal. Shri N. P.
. Mathur, who was the Chief Conimissioner at Chandi-
garh, had not received any direct instructions either
. Ho01;e Secre!ary oi: from any other respon-
sible quarters m Delh1. Shn N. P. Mathur had con-
.taeteq over the phone oil June 25, 1975 the Houie
. Sect:::lary, . Shri S. L. Khurana to obtain confirmation
. of .the instructions of the Chief Minister of Punjab.
Shri Khurana any knowicc.lge on the subject.
He, therefore,. did not act Ori tl).e verbal instructions
received by him from Shri Z<lil Singh, Chief Minister
of Punjab, to lock up "The Tribune" and its Editor,
Shri Madhavan Nair at Chandigarh.
5.45 Initially irisfructions we:rc issued by the Chiet
Minister of Ma_dhya Pradesh at aboul 9 or 10 p.m.
on June 25, 1975 to the effect that news about the
arrests should notappear 1o, the newsp;ipers of Bhopal .
and other importanf'pfaces. The same imtructions
were subsequently countermanded as . testified by Shri
Narendra Prasad, the then S.P., Bhopal.
' 5.46 It would, therefore, appear clear in vary-
Jng degrees the Chief Ministers of several States were
.into confidence as early as th0 m9rning of
Jui1e_ 25, and they had been instructed to take steps
'to take action on receipt of the advice from the Prime
Minister's. House (hat night. Those who infor-
mation to this effect were the Chief Ministers of
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh,
Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, Bihar and West Bengal.
The Lt. Governor of Delhi was fully in, the picture
even before June 25, 1975. .
5.47 Shri Sidharlh Shankar Ray, Chief Minister of
West Bengal, has stated that he received a message
from the Prime Minister's Secretariat on the morning
of June 25, and, accordingly, he went to her house.
When she came into the roorri where '.1e W3:S wait:ing,
.she had some reports in her hand and she stated that
the country \YaS in great difficulty; and that in view
of tlw indiscipline and lawlessness, she want-
. ed that something shOuld be done. According to
Shri Ray, she had told him on two er three occasions
prior to this that India required a: shock treatment
arid something had to be done and some sort of
emergent power or dtastic power was necessary. Shri
Ray, .remembered that one such occasion when she
had mentioned about the -shocli: treatment was some-
time. before the announcement of Allahabad judgment
on 12, 1975. On this occasion he had told her
that .they could manage with the Jaws, which were
already on oooks. In this context he had
also mentioned the success with which they lmd tackled
the law and order problems of West Bemzal within
the framework of the laws then in force. According
to Mr. Ray, the reports that she read out indicated
that there was lawlessness or threats of lawlessness in
many parts of the Northern India; that while they were
a bearer came in with a piece of paper
from which she read out arid said that this was a
report giving advance information about what Shri
Jaya Prakash Narayan was going to say at a public
meeting scheduled for that day in Ddhi; that Shri
Jaya Prakash Narayan would be calling for a mass
movement within two or three days all over India and
that the usual things would be said by him; such. as,
parallel administration, parallel courts, students not to
join Universities,. Schools and Colleges; appeal to
policemen and to armed forces not to obey what were
supposed to be illegal orders etc. Shri Ray said that-
he did not know from. where this report originated.
According to Shri Ray, there were certairi things, which
when they came from the Prime Minister, he could
not say that they w_ere totally wrong, particularly if
. they were factual; but, according to hiin, she was
firm on the factual aspect that thos-e reports indicated
_that India was drifting towards chaos and anarchy.
.Shri Ray then stated that he told her that he would
like to consider the steps that had to be taken, after
consulting the relevant literature on the subject ; that
she gave. him the impression that she was seribusly
and sincerely disturbed with the conditions prevailing
,.. in the country; and that he asked for some time lo
consult the relevant law and left the Prime Minister's
.. hOi.ise; that lie fame back at about 4.30 or 5 p.m. and
told her that she could consider if she so desired,
Article 352 of the Constitution for the purpose of
imposing internal Emergency; and thereupon she . ask-
ed Shri Ray to go along with her to the President
immediately. The President was then contacted and
an appointment was taken and she went to the. Presi-
deui along with Shri Ray. She gave to the
a summary of what she had told Shri Ray with regard
to the facts; that the President heard her fbr about
20 minutes to half an hour and then asked Shri Ray
as to what were the exact words in the Constitution;
that the President then told the Prime Minister to
make her recommendation; and when she was return-
ing with him from the President's house, he told
that she should involve the other leaders also in that
decision; that though he did not name anyoi1e in par-
ticular, except the name of Shri Ka11t Barobah,
who was the President of the Indian Natiqnal Congress,
he wanted that she should involve the other leaders
and talk to them about this matter; that she wanted
to know the answers to three question::;, which she
had raised:
"Firstly, she to take a decision , without
going to the Cabinet. Ts it possible ? Can
it be done?
Secondly, what should be t.he laugtiage of the
Jetter to be addressed to the President ?
Thirdly, what should be the text of the Procla-
Shri Ray thereafter consulted the Business Rules and
a notification pertaining to proclamation of Emergency
in 1971. According to Shti Ray the first
dealt with which tnust go to the Cabmet; the
se_cond category 'dealt with matters, which need not
go at all to the Cabinet; and the third category dealt
'Yith matters which could be dealt' with by the Prime
Minister, but had to be ratified by the Cabinet. Smt.
Gandhi said that she wanted to take the decision her-
self and that she would call a meeting of the Cabinvt
early next morning. $hri Ray then told her .that it
She Wanted to take the decision herself, she should
write recommending to the President the prodamation .
of Internal Emergency and avail herself of the relevant
Rules, as provided in the third category of the Business
Rules. Shri. Ray prepared two drafts. According to
hjm, the letter, which Smt. Gandhi had written to the
President :recommending the proclamation of the
Emergency and which was published subsequently in
the proceedings of the Commission, was not the draft
which he had made on the subject and given to the
Prime Minister. According to Shri Ray, Shri Barooah
was also called in latei in the evening and his advice
was sought by Smt. Gandltl as to the kind of speech .
she should make on the radio announcing the procla-
mation of Emergency. Smt. Gandhi, Slui Barooah and
Shri Ray worked over the speech and this exercise
, took a long time-perhaps about three hours. This
was because Shri Sanjay Gandhi used to come into the
room and ask his mother to come out. Smt. Gandhi
would then go out and n.ot return for 5 to 1 O minutes,
and what she did when she went out, Shri Ray did nol
know .. Aflcr finishing the speech writing, when he
was gomg the door of the room, Shri Ray
heard to .his S\lrpnse from Shri Om Mehta that orders
had been passed to loc!<-up the High Courts, the next
day and to . . cut off the electricity connections'' to all
-.newspapers, .Shri Ray was surprised because he had
told her under the. Emergency one could not
any action ';Inless rules were framed. Shri Ray
said .that the Iockmg up of the High Courts and cuttinl!
off of electricity connections could not just happen and
he told that . to those who were present there. He
on and wanted to see smt. Gandhi and convey
to her reactions. He said that he wou1d not leave
and l!ntil she saw him because what was hap-
penmg was important Smt. Gandhi was late in com-
a?d he waiting Shri Sanjay Gandhi met
him m a highly excited and infuriated state of mind
and told him quite rudely and offensively that he did
not kn_?w how to rule the country. Shri Ray did not
lose his temper but made him understand that he
min.d his own business and should not try to
with what was not his sphere. Later Smt.
Gandhi came and he told her about the impending
c!osure of High and cutting off of electri-
city connections to newspapers. Smt. Gandhi im.medi-
ately said that this shoulll be stopped.
5.48. Om MeDta in his deposition before the
stated. that had given information
to. Shn Ray in the Pnme Mmister's house that ni2ht
regarding closure of the courts and cutting
off. of electnc1ty,. . had come to his knowledge
while he was wa1tmg tn one of the rooms of the Prime
Minister's house on that night.
.5:49 Shri Reddy, the Ho1ne
Mm1ster, has said m his statement that he was called
to the house of the Prime Minister at about 10.30 p.m.
a.nd was told that on account of the deteriorating law
and order situation it was felt necessary to impose
Internal Emergency. He told Smt. Gandhi that there
was already an Emergency on and that the powers
already available under the existing Emergency could
be availed of to deal with the situation. TI1ereafter,
he left, but he was sent for again a little later and he
was told by Smt. Gandhi that his earlier suggestion
bad been examined and it was found that the declara-
tion of Internal Emergency was considered necessary.
Shri Brahmananda Reddy thereupon told to do
what she thought was best. He has stated that on
this occasion he also signed a letter to the President
of the Republic making reference to the
conversation which the then Prime Minister had with
the President and appended the draft proclamation of
Emergency for the President's assent along with his
letter. The letter signed by Shri Brahmananda Reddy
was on a plain sheet of paper and was not on a sheet
with the letter-head of the Home Minister of India.
5.50 Shri Akhtar Alam, who functioned as the
Special Assistant to the President of India, has stated
that an important letter from the Prime Minister's
house was delivered to him at about . 10 .30 p.m. on
June 25, 1975, and that he delivered it to the Presi-
dent, who sent for his Secretary, Shri K. Balachandran
and also Shri Ncclkanthan, Deputy Secretary, who dealt
with such letters. Some discussion ensued between th1,;
President and the Secretary about the wording of the
letter aoout which Shri Balachandran raised certain
doubts. At about 11.20 p.111., Shri Dhawan came and
he brought with him some papers. He says that he
did not know what the papers were and he did not
know whether the President signed those papers. The
next morning at about 10.30 or 11 a.m. Shri Akhtar
Alam was given by the President the letter from the
Prime Minister and he kept it in his custody till he
handed it over to Shri Balachandran when Shri Akhtar
Alam left the post in February, 1977.
5 .51 Shri K. Balachandran i11 his depo.sition has
referred. to top secret letter received from the
Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi to the President. .
This letter referred to the discussion which the Prime
Minister haci with the President earlier in' the day.
She had stated . that President was satisfied on the
score of the imminent danger to the security of India
due to internal disturbances. She had also stated that
if the President was satisfied on this score, a procla-
mation under Article 352( 1) of the Constitution had
beconl.e necessary; and that she was enclosing a copy
of the draft proclamation for the President's consi-
deration. Shri Balachandran has stated that there was
no draft proclamation enclosed with the letter. Accord-
ing to Shri Balachandran the Prime Minister had also
stated that she was not consulting the Cabinet due to
shortage of time and the matter was urgent; and that
she was, therefore, permitting a departure from tiie
Transaction of Business Rules in exercise of her
powers under Rule 12 thereof. 'According to Shri
Balachandran he had advised the President that it-
would be Constitutionally impermissible for him to
act in the manner suggested in that letter; and that he
had to act on the advice of his Council of Ministers;
and, therefore, his personal satisfaction in this matter
would not arise. The letter from the Prim(t Mi11ister
ipdicated that the had not considitred the
matter. Moreover, it was worded in such a manner as
would make it appeat that the decision to deeiare
Emergency was that of the President based on bis
_personal The President, apparently, saw
the force of this argument and contacted the Prime
Minister on the telephone immediately thereafter.
After\vards, be 1eft the President's room, and came
after about 10 minutes; lo the iQterveiling brief
period, Shd .IX1awan had.,. visited the President and
had delivered the draft of the proclamation of Erner- .
gency for his signature. . The President told him that
he had signed the proclamation and given the same to
Shri Dhawan, who had. taken it back with him along
with the Prime Minister's letter. The next day Shri
Akhtar Alam had told Shri Balachandran over the
telephone that a revised letter had been received trom
the Ptiine Minister, which was subsequently passed
on to him by Shri Ald1tar Alam in February 1977,
he kept it in his file.
.. ,
5.52 The Prime Minister's letter and the procla-
mation of Emergency which are available in the
}>resident's office file are reproduced below :-
NEW DELHI -June 2s; 1975.
"Dear Rashtrapatiji,
. As already explained to you, a little While
ago, information has reached us which indicates
. that there is an imminent dallger to the security
of India threatened by internal disturbance.
. The is urgent.
"I would have liked to have taken this tu
but unfortunately this is not possible to-
mght. I am, therefore, condoning or permitting
a departure from the Government of India
. (Trnnsactiori of Business) Rule 1961, as amend-
. ed up-to-date by virtue of my powers , under Rule
1.2 there0f. I shall mention the matter to the
,Cabinet. first thing tomorrow morning.
. "In the Circumstances and in case you are
so satisfied,. a requisite ProClamation under Arti-
cle 352(1) has become rtecessary. I am enclos-
ing a cOpy of the draft Proclamation for your
consideration. As you are aware, under ArHcle
352(3) even when there is an imminent danger
of such a threat, as mentioned by me, the neces-
sary Proclamation under Article 352(1) can be
"I recommend that such a . proclamation
should be torught, however, late if may be,
: and all arrangements wiJl be made to make it
public as early as possible thereafter.
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Sd/- !ndira. Gandhi)"
In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause
1 of Article 352 of the .Constitution; I, Fakhruddin
Ali Ahmed, President of India, by thi.S Proclama-
tion that a grave emergency exists whereby
the security of India is threatened by
New Delhi.;._25th June, 1975.
5.53 On the basls of the evidence it is clear that .
some of the important flinctionaries in the Home
Ministry, Cabinet Secretariat and the Priine._Minister's
Secretariat, who should have been consulted before
such an important decision was taken, did not know
anything about the proclamation of Emergency till
very late and some of them about it only on
the morning of June 26, 1975 .
5.54 Shri l>; N. Dhar, Secretary to the Prime
Minister, in bis statement has said that he. knew about
it only when he was called to the Prime Minister's
House around U.30 p.m. on Jurie 25, when he was
given for perusal the draft of the speech that the Prime
Minister was going to make over _the All India RadiO.
5.55 Shri B. D. Pande, the recei-
ved a phone-call from the Prime MlDlster's House at
about 4.30 a.m. on June 26, and was told that a
Cabinet meeting was scheduled to tak.e place at 6
that morning. He knew about the proclamation of
Emergency for the first time that' moxning only. He
was surprised as to how and who functioned to bring
about the large . number of arrests which had taken
place between 25th and 26th June. Normally, all
instructions for such .expeditious actions wete touted
through the Ministry of Honie Affairs which used their
own channels of communications. -
:;5.56 According to S!1ri B> D. Pam.le, the need
for the declaration of emergency or the situation in
. the country. warranting any such declaration had not
figured in any of the . Cabinet meetings. preceding
June 26, 1975.
5.57 Shri Atma Jayaram, Director, Intelligenc.e
Bureau, has stated that he le.amt about the proclama-
tion of Emergency only after he went to the office on
June 26th.
5.58 S. L. Khurana, who was the Home Secre-
tary to the Government of India, had known about jt
only when he the Cabinet meeting Oil 26th
morning for which he received intimation past 6 a.m.
Accordingly, he arrived at the Cabinet meeting only
around 6.30 when the meeting was already on.
5.59 Shri H. R. Gokhale, former Minister of Law
and'. Justice, carne to know about the proclamation of
Emergency, for the first time at Cabinet n1eeting
held on the morning of June 26, '1-975. Neither he
nor his Ministry was consulted with regard to the
proclamation of Emergency at any titn.e before, nor
. was the proclamation vetted_ by him or by his Ministry.
., .
. ;
Some of the special features of the proclama-
tion of Emergency, as gathered from the official re-
cords, are as follows :-
(a) on the economic front there was nothing
alarming. On the contrary, tlte whole-sale
price index had declined by 7.4 per cent
between December 3, 1974 and the last
week of March .1975 as per the Economic
Survey 1975-76, a Government of India
.(b) on the iaw an_d order front, the fortnightly
reports sent by the Governors of various
States to the President of India and by the
Chief Secretaries of the States to the Union
Home Secretary indicated that the law and
order situation was under complete control
all over the country;
(c) the Home Ministry had received no reports
from the State Governments indicating any
significant deterioration in the law and order
situation in the period immediately preceding
the proclamation of Emergency;
( d) the Home Ministry had not prepared any
contingency plans prior to June 25, 1975,
with regard to . the imposition of intern:il
(c) the Intelligence Bureau had not submitted
, . any report to the Home Ministry any time
. between 12th of June and 25th of June,
1975, suggesting that the internal situation
in the country warranted the imposition of
internal Emergency;
(f) the Home Ministry had not submitted any
report to the Prime Minister expressing ifs
concern or anxiety about the internal situa-
tion in the country. Till after the Emergency
was lifted, the Home Ministry did not have
on its file the copy of the communication
which was sent by the Prime Minister to
the President recommending imposition of
the Emergency;
(g) while the Director of Intelligence Bureau,
the Home Secretary, the Cabinet Secretary
. and the Secretary to the Prime Minister had
. not been taken into confidence, Shri R. K.
Dhawan, the then Additional Private Secre-
tary to the Prime Minister had been asso-
ciated with the preparation and promulgation
of the Emergency right from the early
(h) Shri Om Mehta, the then Minister of State
iri the Ministry of Home Affairs, appears to
have been taken into confidence much earlier
than the Home Minister, Shri K. Brahma-
nanda Reddy, who came .into the picture
only when the draft proclamation was
forwarded to the President;
.(i) while the Lt. Goyern9r of. Delhi and the
Chief Ministet'S of Hary_ana, Punjab, Madhya
Pradesh, Rajasthan, Kamataka, Andhra
Pradesh, Bih;:ir and West Bengal had been
given advance intimation by the Prime
Minister about the contemplated action, no
such. advance information was given to the
Governments of U.P., Maharashtra, Gujrat,
ramil Nadu, J&K, Tripura, Odssa, Kerala,
. Meghalaya and other Union Territories. In
tact, shri H. N. Bahuguna, the then Chief
Minister of Uttar Pradesh has stated in his
.aflidavit that he came to know about the
:.proclamation of Emergency on the morning
of Jilne 26, when he was having break-fast ..
along with Shri Uma Shankar Dikshit and
Shri Keshav . Deo Malav_iya, the Central
Ministers, and they . were. as surpdsed as he
was _about the promulgat\on of Emergency.
-5.61 'As: a under rule S{2)(a)
of. the. ,Commis:;i6Jis of Inquiry Rules was issued to
Sint: Gandhi her to file her . statement in
terms of rule 5{3) . . . No such statement was filed by
her. Smt. Gandhi was also issued a summons undcr
section 8B of the Commissions of Inquiry Act. Though.
she responded to the summons under section 8B of
the Act, she declined to take oath. and give evidence
on oath when the Commission desired to examine her
under section 5(2) and according to .the procedure
analogous to the provisions of the Civil Procedure
Code. But in one of the letters addressed by her to
the Commission, dated November 21, 1977, in res-
ponse. to the invitation which was initially extended
to her to assist the Commission, . Smt. Gandhi had
submitted a detailed reply to the Commission in regard
to certain matters and, inter alia, raising certain
objections to the procedure adopted by the Commissfon.
Jn .tl.1e course of her reply, she touched on the subject
of oeclaration of Emergency and stated : '
"I should further like to point out .that the terms
of reference of this Hon'ble Commission
are one-sided and politically motivated.
While they . empower the Hon'ble Commis-
sion to enquire. into the excesses committed
during the emergency, they are silent about
the circumstances which Jed to its declara
tion. This country i.s vast and beset with
deep-rooted and wide-ranging problems.
The administrative machinery is fragmented.
Urgent measures have to be taken. Pro-
grammes are implemented at various levels
. and by different individuals and agencies .
Some excesses in their implementation can-
not always be avoided nor do they always
come to notice at that time. I have publicly
expressed regret for any unjust hardship
-caused to any individual.. But if the
fessed purpose of the inquiry is to check
abuse of power in the future, it is equally
imperative that the circumstances which
created chaotic conditions in the nation before
. t.he emergency should also be enquifed into
and not allowed to be repeated. For two-,
years prececlmg the emergency the country
was in the grip of grave crisis. The econo-
mic situation had: detedor.a.ted due mainly to
in tern al and international causes. beyond our
control. Interested parties and groups wished
deliberately to aggravate the situation for
their own gain. Freedom of speech and
expression were used to spread hatred- and
parochial regional sentiments. Noble insti-
. tutions of were turned into hot-beds
of political intrigue. Public property was
destroyed at the slightest excuse. A Minis,tet
in the present cabinet is repo.rted to have
pI'oudly claimed, "In November last (1975)
m the Union State of Karnataka alone, we
caused derailment of 52 trains". The attempt
was to paralyse nationaf life. .The dissolu-
' tion of the Gujrat Assembly was forced by
undemocratic means. Duly elected legislators
were beaten and 'infjmidated into resigning
from their seats in the Assembly.
"Relying upon the judgment of the Allahabad High
Court, the demand for my resignation was
made in the name of deri1ocracy and mora-
lity. But what was that morality and how did
democracy come in ? If at all, moral consi-
. derations were on my side as nothing had
been found by the High Court against me
which smacked of moral turpitude. I had
lost on a legal technicality btit law also gave
me the tight to reconsideration of the judg-
ment by the highest court. And the act of
seeking to remove a duly elected leader of
the majority party through threats to gherao
me and with a call io the Army and the
Police to revolt could not be jqstified. in the
name or any known democratic principles.
A chaotic state of affairs similar to that in
India before July 1975 prevailed in France
when de Gaulle came to power in
His major response was constitutional reform
and the intl'Oductio11 of Article 16 in the
new Constitution which goes a long way to
: show how 1iecessary it became for my
inent to resort to the .emergency provisions
:in the Constitution if India were to pull
herself out of the impending disaster. The
new Article provided inter alia that "when
the regular -functioning of the constitutional
governmental authorities is . interrnpted, the
President of the . Republic shall take the
measures commended by the circumstances''
to restore order.
/ 'It inust also be borne in mind that it would be.
impossible for a democratically elected
government to function effectively if it is to
live under the fear of oolitica11y . inspired
fnQuisitorial proceedings its policies
and decisions by. a subsequent government:''
. . 5, 62 Smt. Gandhi sent yet another . reply dated
December 2, 1977, in . response to another invitation,
, whkh was extended to her by the Commission when
the case dealing with the circumstances leading to the
dectaration of Emergency was up for the First
St-age of its hearing .before the C9mmi'ssion from
December 5, 1977 and the following days. The relevant
pottions of her reply are reproduced below :
"In fact, tha't t]le declaration of Emergency,
accordirtg to this Hon'ble Commission,
ruight . be an excess and, therefore, calls fot
ari inquiry, is a matter which does not fall
within . the ourview of this Hon'ble Com-
mission: The proclamation oC Emergency
by the President was a Constitutional step.
lt . was approved by the Cabinet and duly
ratified by both of Parliament in
terms of Article 352(2) of the Constitution.
After the ratification, the proclamation which
was political in character, became an Act
of Parliament. In the United States the
exercise of power by the President
has been held to be beyond challenge. Chief
Justice Marshall observed in Marbury v.
"By . the Constitution of the United States tlw
President is with certain impor-
ta1H political powers m the exercise of
. which he is to use his own discretion, and
is accountable only to his country in his
political character and to his own
cience ........... , . . The Subjects are
political. They respeet the nation, not
individual rights, and being entrusted to
the Executive, the decision of the
is conclusive.'
"Under the Indian Constitutio.!1, on the other hand,
the proclamation of Emergei1y has been
made subject to ratification by parliament.
No authority in this country, not excluding any
commission appointed under the Com-
missions of Inquiry Act, can sit in
over suth an Ac;:t of Parliament. For arty
p<> the Government under_
. Constltut1on is answerable _.only to ,Parha- .
ment. Jf this Hon'ble Commission arrogates
to itself the power to dete1mil1e that . the .
. dedaration of . Emergency was an excess,
this Hon'ble Commission will not only be .
stultifying the Constitutional Scheme,
also establishing a precedent which will make
serious inroad into Parliamentary supremacy
with disastrous to Parlia-
mentary freedom. Even the terms of
refe1ence of this Hon'ble Commission do tiot
warrant such an inquiry. They are strictly
confined to the determination of --alleged
excesses during the emergency or in the days
immediately prFceding it,
But apart from this, I shouJd like to bring to the
notice of the Hon'blc Commission that while
making its ptonouncement on my submission
that tlie te1ms of reference were one-sided
and politically motivated and that it was
equally imperative that this Hon'ble Com-.
mission. should go into the circumstances
which led to the declaration of Emergency,
this Hon'ble;ion observed .. -
.. follows :
'But one thing I propose to bring to the notice,
I am onlv concerned with the declaration
of Emergency, if itamounts to an
and not otherwise. lf on consideration of
the material before me, . I am prima f acie
of the view that of Emergency
could be regarded as an excess, an inC!uiry
in open will te made. If, however, there
is view formed by nie, no such
inquiry will be made.'
"This observation of the Hon'ble Commission,
I most respectfully submit, is not sustainable.
In the first place it is tantamount to saying :
There shall be an inquiry into the declaration
of Emergency if I can be damned in the
process, but there shall be no inquiry if others
whose actions justified .the declaration of
Emergency, .. are lik;ely , to. be damned.
Secondly, rt is Qifficult to imagine how this
Hon'ble .Commission can take any decision
regarding the declaration of Emergency with-
out full consideration of the range of circum-
i;tances and incidents which had accumulated,
for a long nine preceding thc- proclamatiml,
into an imminent threat to paralyze duly
elected Governments at the Centre and in
During that period, ostensibly the attacks were
concentrated upon me. In reality the politi-
cal opposition had b.een using this strategy f
to weaken the Central Government and
subvert its socialist and progressive pro- .
grammes for quite some years. It was a
question of change versus the status q\)o.
Secular, democratic socialism on the one
hand and retrograde, communal and capi-
talistic forceson the.other had been struggling
against each other to gain the upper hand.
The split in the Congress in 1969 gave an
edge to this confrontation. The nationalisa-
tion of banks and other measures which
distmbed entrenched privileges and vested
interests, and offered opportunity and help
to the poor and weaker sections of our
created such tremendous popular
upsurge that communal and capitalistic
elements probably lost all hope of being able
to successfully fight on an ideological plane.
Hence they changed their methods. Similar
such political phenomenon was not peculiar
to India. Recent hi5tory is replete with such
The vicious campaign of assassination
and denigration waged by political opponents
denuded Indian politics of all ideological
debates. Even. in the 1971 Lok Sabha
. elections, the opposition did not put forth
any alternative economic or social pro-
J?ramme. I was the focus of attack as the
first target. human . decency was
lost in the process. Their decisive defeat .
at the polls frustrated their faith in the
dePlocratic process. There was then a short
interlude. <;!urine which. India faced one of .
the .ttavest challenj?es with which any nation
has been confronted. The influx of ten mil-
lion refUgees from aggression
and the -subsequent war, unorecedented
country-wide drought and the global infla-
tionarv spiral aggrjlvated by the oil crisis,
and other . factors. would have upset the eco-
nomic baJance of. anv rich and develOPed
country. .India was fill'hfim? for her econO-
mic It was durio2. this period that
the then Ool>bsition resorted to extra-<:onsti-
. tutional means t9 pa_ralyse our democratic
institutions. As I have explained. in my PI.'
vious statement, there was hardly any sphere
of national life which was not sought to be
The inevitable distress of m.any sections of our
people . was exploited to mount attacks
on duly elected Governments and Assemblies
of the day. We c.anno't forg<'.t .' the . tragic
. circumstances leading to the dissolution of.
the Gujrat Assembly only a few months
after its constitution.
It was. in this political atmosphere prevailing in
the country that the judgment of the Allaha-
bad High Court was delivered and was seized
upon by the opposition to whip up
frenzy against_ me. Although was m the
immediate target, the real design was to
dislodge the Congress Go_vernment and to
capture power through extra-constitutional
means. If a duly elected Government can
be allowed to be pulled down. by threats of
violence and demonstrations in the streets
and by incitement of the army an4 the police
to revolt, the democratic stru_clure of tpe
nation would collapse. In 1958, while
putting the case for constitutional reform the
French Prime Minister, M Gallard said,
"Democracy is only in consequence an
anarchy if those who hold power by the
will o{ the majority do not also enjoy an
authority corresponding to the responsibilities
which they assume."
"As Prime Minister of the country I could not
abdicate my resp0nsi!Jility to stem the
impending disaster merely for fear that my
motive in proclaiming the emergency could
be suspected. When the democratic institu-
tions of a nation are held to ransom, and the
Government of the day rises to the occasion -
to meet the challenge, cet'tain freedoms of
some individuals might be affected. That
in fact is the rationale behind Article 352 of
the Constitution whic;h authorises the decla-
ration of Emergency. Emergency was riot .
intended to cause suffering and I have
expressed deep sorrow for any : hardship
It may not be out of Place .to draw the attention '
of this Hon'ble Commission to the
Prime Minister, Shri Morarii Desai' s recent
. pbservations in the Rajya Sabha that there
was "nothing like absolute right to anybodv."
"Every right is subiect to the rif!ht of the
whole societv. If thre ri2hts of . the whole
societv are in the Government / is
bound to take action to prevent that danger:"
In . these circumstances. the Hon'ble Commis
sion;s predetermination of certain . dates:
while the scope :of its in<Juiry,
belies reality; It has been. repeatiedlv pro-
claimed by members of the Union
Goverriment th:it it allee:edlv of
tlie High COurt of the
12th Jtin,e. 1975. and the analifled i;:tav iriven
by the Supreme Court on 22nd of June, that
- I
the Emergency was declared for personal
reasons, namely, to stultify the judgment by,
extra-legal means and to niaintain my posi-
tion as Prime. Miriister by extra-constitutional
methods. I have to point out, with utmost
respect, that the Commission appears to
have projected the theory propagated by my
political opponents.
By putting the inquiry beforehand into a prede-
termined _chtonological -mattix the evidence
would naturally proceed under the condi-
tioning of this predetermined matrix, and
this untested material will be systematically
publieised to make it appear as proof . . This,
in my humble opinion, directly defeats the
ends of justice."
5.63 In response to th.e Commission's inquiry, the
Cabinet Secretariat has brought to the notice of the
Commission the relevant portions of the Government
of India (Transaction of Business) Rules, 196L Rule 7
of these Rules reads as follows :
''All cases speeified in the Second Schedule to
these Rules shall be brought to the Cabinet."
5.64 Clause (da) of the Second Schedule of ' the
Government of India (Transaction of Business) Rules,
1961, reads as follows :
"(da)-Cases relating to a proclamation of emer-
gency under Articl_es 352 to 360_ of the
Constitution - and other matters related
thereto." -
.5,65.:ln light of the foregoing rule, it is not
under'stoOd how tbis provision could have been circum-
. by the application of Rule 12 of the same .
Tratisactk>n of-Business Rules; Rule 12 of the Govern-
ment of India (Transaction bf Business) Rules reads
as -follows : -
" 12. ; Departure from Rules : The Prime Minister
may, in; any .case or classes.of cases, permit
or condone a departure from these rules to
the extent he deems necessary."
5.66...-Jn this context, the following information
furnished by the Cabinet Secretariat regarding the
Transaction of Business is relevant t9 the issue :
. .
"The business of the Government is transacted in
accordance with the Transaction of Business
Rules and the Allocatfon of Business Rules,
both of which have been promulgated under
Article 77 of the Constitution-. The
_ tion of Business Rules provide that the
. business of the Government shall be transact-
ed in the Ministries, Departments, Secre-
tariats and Offices specified . the_ First
Schedule to these-rules. The distribution of
subjects among the departments is :specijied
in the Second Schedule to these rules. While
the President can, on the advice of the
Prime Minister, change the allocation of
business between departments, nothing in the
rules seems to provide for the Prime Minis-
ter's Secretariat transacting any business
allotted to a particular :Ministry.
-S/39 HA/77-S -
.By virtue of entry 27 under the Haine Ministry,
matters relai'ing to the emergency provisions
of the Constitution (other. than financial
emergency) are t6 be dealt in the Home
Ministry. This, read with_ Rule 3 of the
TransactiOn of Business Rules, therefore,
requires that i:tll business pertaining to the
emergency provisions shall be transacted in
the Home Ministry, with cases relating to
the proclamation of Emergency being
brought the
The normal procedure for submission of cases to
the Cabinet is for the .Ministry concerned to
send a Note for the Cabinet to the Cabinet
Secretariat. This note contains the proposal
needing Cabinet appr,oval and should have the
approval of the Minister concerned. There-
after the item is pfaced befot'e the Cabinet and
approval, if accorded, is conveyed to the
- Ministry by the Cabinet Secretariat. If time
is short, the Cabinet Secretariat obtains the
approval of the Prime Minister under Rule 12
of the Transaction of Business Rules, and
thereafter authorises the_ Ministry concerned
to proceed further in the matter."
"Since the Home Ministry has a116tted the work
relating to the Emetgency provisions of the
Constitution, proposals relating to the pro-
clamation of Emergency should normally
originate from that Ministry. This would be
particularly so when the Emergency is to be
declared on gwunds of internal disturbances,
as the Home Ministry deals with the Intelli-
gence Bureau, Preventive detention and
National Tntegration. It is the Home Ministry
which is in touch with the State Governments
on matters relating to law and ol'der. The
Cabinet Secretariat did not. however, receive
any proposals from the .HoID;e Ministry in
respect of the Proclamation issued ort the
_25th of June."
5 .67 It may be pointed out_ that even in 1971
when a war was being waged with Pakistan, a pro-
clamation of -Emergency1 was issued without
Rule -12 of the Transactfon of Business Rules. A
regnlar JI1eeting of the C'?uncil - Ministers was
convened and the.Proclamation _was issued thereafter,
after obtaining clear.ance, from the Home
The Cabinet Secretariat conveyed to the Home Ministry
the authorisation to issue the proclamation. Thereafter,
the Presidential proclamation was issued.
5.68 The circumstances leading to the "dilclaration
of pursuant to the advice 6 'the
Minister leave little room for doubt that the decmon
to impose Emergency, when, there was already in exist:-
ence an Emergency proclaitned as early as- 1971, was
exclusively the decision of the Prime Minister. None
of her Cabinet- Ministers. - except Shri Brahmananda
Reddy was even aware of the proposal to advice the
President pursuant to whiCh_ a of Emergency
was . to be made. Even Shn Brahmananda Reddy,,
Home Minister, not consulted; but he was merely
informed shortly before the advice was tendered and
assistance was taken only for -obtaining a letter
froni him intimating the decision of Smt. G!indhi and
for forwarding the draft Proclamation to the President,
pursuant to which the declaration. of Emergency was
issued. This assistance of Shri Brahniananda .Reddv
. appears to have been taken only as a matter of forn1
.and merely because his assistance was perhaps required
to formally forward the draft Proclamation to the
.5.69 It is necessary, however, to say .something
about the Internal Emergency, which was declared.
Under Article 352, as it stood on the relevant date,
"( 1) If the, President is that a grave emer-
gency exists whereby the security of India or of any
part of the territory thereof is threatened, whether by
war or' external aggression or internal disturbance, .he
., may, by Proclamation, make a declaration to
effect"; The condition on which an Emergency may
be proclaimed is : the satisfaction of the President that
emergency exists whereby the security of India or any
part of the territory of India is threatened, whether
(a) by war, or (b) by external aggression, or (c) by
internal disturbances. The satisfaction may be based
on. any one or more of the three grounds. The decla-
ration of Emergency by the President has no different
effect according as the of the President
depends upon the existence of the State of war or of
external aggression or of internal disturbance. Once
a decJaration of Emergency is made on satisfaction
of one or more of the grounds, the consequences des-
cribed by Articles . 353 and 358 come into operation.
It iS open to President to d.::clare that the right
to move court for enforcement of any of the rights
conferred. by Part III of the Constitution as may be
mentioned m the order shall remain suspended for
the period during which proclamation is in force,
or for such shorter period that may be specified jn
the order. The contemplates declaration
. of only .one Emergency, whe'tl1er the satisfaction of 'fhe
President depends upon the existence of Emergency
arising out of war or out of external aggression or in-
ternal disturbance. The Emergency declared has no
different qualities or connotations, according as the
ground on the President is satisfied, depends
upon the existence of war or external aggression or
internal disturbances. It may be recalled that there
was an Emergency already declared and was in opera- .
tion since December 1971. That Emergency had
never been The Defence of India Rules
in operation as promulgated under the Defence
of India enacted as an, aftermath of the Emergency.
The provlSlons .of Article 358, by which the funda-
mental rights under Article 19 were suspended were
also in The Constitution. in the opin'ion of
. the Comm1Ss1on does .. not contemplate the issue of an
Emergency upon an Emergency already existing nor
prevents the courts from entertaining any challenge to
declaration of this additional Emergency. But
the p.rovisions of the Constitution were amended by
the 39th Amendment of the <;onstitution Act which
prevented a challenge being raised. But when
there was already in. existence . and in operation an
Emergency under which powers could be exercised,
another Emergency was declared and the original Rules
i.e., Defence of India Rules were modified as Defence
and Internal Security of Ru1e.s; 1975.
5.70 11..Jis was more in the nature of a shock treat-
ment, thlltl a legally permissible Emergency, wbich
could be declared according to the law then in force.
5.71 If, however, an Internal Emergency could be
declared apart from the External Emergency, the
powers which were exercised before any Rules ' were
framed, i.e. disconnecting the electricity connections of
newspaper offices were wholly unauthorised, since
there was no law which conferred upon any authority
such power. Again, the action taken by the autho-
rities under the directions of the Prime Minister to
arrest a number of political leaders was not supported
by any
)apv. As will J}M:- pointed out hereafter, orders
could in facl',tissued under the Maintenance
of Internal Security Act or any other statutory provi-
sion by any authority competent . in that behalf after
<lue satisfaction on \matters submitted before that
authority. Prima facie, therefore, the disconnection ot
electricity connections of a number of newspapers and
-Orders for arrests of a number of political leaders and
others without complying with the requirements of
law, was unauthorised and amounted to wrongful
arrests and detentions; and the disconnection of the
electricity was against -the provisions of the Indian
Electricity Act., 1910,
5.72 It may be necessary also to mention that the
conclusions arrived at by the Intelligence Bureau after
U\)<m political lea?ers and
mcludmg tappmg of therr telephones raise a grave issue
of public interest. It has relevance to the assault on
the liberty of an individual, which in a democi:atic
country has very great importance ancj significance,
Even the Ministers of the Government were not spared
in the a<;tion taken by the In'telligence Bureau. They
were subjected to the indignity of being shadowed and
telephones were tapped. Such a power, if at
all, could be exercised only. when aut}Jorised by statu-
tory provisions an'.d circumstances strictly necessary for
ensuring the security of the State in grave times either
of internal disturbance or external aggression or war
and not at other times. On the materials placed
before the Commission, there does not appear. to be .
ariy statutory authority pursuant to which this action_ .
of the Intelligence Bureau was taken. In his
ment to the Commission, Slui Atma J aya Ram the
then Director, Intelligence Bureau, has stated "it
was the normal or usual practice to give such intelli-
gence orally or in writing". Such action does not
appear to .be justified by the existence of any circums-
tance necessary for ensuring the security of tne
State against External aggression" war or internal
Emergency. .
5.73 As. already submitted, it is for the Government
to decide whether or not the Intelligence Bureau may
be used for collecting information for purposes other
than those strictly necessary for the security of the
State. It would certainly be a travesty of the demo-
cratic institutions if the Government constituted by a
political party is entitled to watch the activities of other
political parties and even of members of its own party.
If, however, such power is to be conferred on this
institutio'n, it must be by a statute or statutory Rules
authorising it in that behalf. It is also to be ensured
that this watch or surveillance does not degenerate into
" '
abuse and/or misuse of auth,ority, may we4
i:llilitate against individual freedom and liberty. A
provision should, therefore, be made to see that it is
resorted to only in extreme emergencies, when it is
thought that is approprfate to do so. In any eveut,
this watch of the 10.teliigence agency on individuals
az:id the materials collected thereby should be open to .
scrutiny to a Board or a Panel composed of officers or
of public men before authorising the continuance of the
watch. It should be possible to harmonise the demands
of the security of the State With the democratic
5.74 The problems that the l.B. is being caijed upon
to .handle are increasingly becoming more and more
cqmplex, to be left to the judgment and decision of 011e
iridividual or even a hierarchy of individuals invoived
directly with the job. It. needs to be realised that the I.B.
as an institutio'il plays a .very important and vital role
in the life and affai,rs of the nation. On its being able
to function efficiently, effectively and yet impartially
and objectively, depends not oilly the security of the
Stafe' but also the liberty of its citizens. Considering,
the.refore, the stakes that are involved the proper
and purposeful functioning of the J.B., it is imperative .
that it gets the benefit of ad.vice, guidance and wisdom
of .a body of emJnent, experienced and patriotic gr<.rup
of individuals drawn from different disciplines and
whose loyalty and . personal integrity cannot ever be
called into question. This in tutn will generate the
requisite faith and confidence of the citizens of the
country in this very important institution on the. fair,
. correct and proper functioning of which alorie would
eventually depend the safety, the security a'rid the liberty
of the people of this. country.
' 5.15 This is oA!y to emphasise that the Intelligence
Bureau should not be entitled to act as a super-watch-
men over t'he activities of politicians to whatever party
they belong and the activities of the Intelligence
Bureau should be subject to regulation and control in-
sofa1 as these activities concern some of the clandestine
parts which have come to the notice of the Commission,
to e'nsure that this does not degenerate into .misuse or
abuse .of authority. In a strict th1::otetical sense in a
democratic country any secret operation of tJ1e nalur.e
conducted by the Intelligence :Buteau; which have come
to the notice of tlte Cornmission, would be contrary to
: democratic norms. The Intelligence Bureau should
not be its own judge of its operations with regard to
the necessity or the propriety thereof, nor should it be
allowed to act as an agency or an instrument of politi-
cians or to degenerate into an institution of controlling
.the opponents of . the politii::al party in or ele-
ments within the party in power with which the' control-
authority of the party does not see eye to eye.
5. 7 6 In the present cas.e the watch on. a senfor
Mi'nister of the Cabinet rank and tapping of the tele-
phone of Shri Jagjiwan Ram could not be justified. It
is sorilewha.1 of a mysterious circumstance, that such
stirveillance should have been maintained and allowed
to continue. There is D.6 evidence as tO who ordered it,
what steps were to ensure that the reports
emanating from the Bureau were- tested_and found to
be correct ; and what were the safeguards the Govern-
ment took to prevent and protect itself from acting on
in_correct and incomplete information? ''
5.77 The Water Gate affair and its aftermath in
. the United States of Ainerica led to some very useful
.improvisations of built-in sategilaids for the
activities of that country's InteUigence Agencies.
5.78 The Commission that appropriate
safeguards are necessary and sh9uld be devised by the
Government so as to protect the activities of the In-
telligence Bureau being used as an . iitstrument of
political spying either by ' the Goverlimeilt or by some-
one;) hi the Government. This issue has been raised
to concentrate attention and if considered. appropriate
to generate public debate on the question. ' '
5. 79 lt ,is also necessary to iilvite attention to the
inisuse of Air Force aircraft. . It appears that for the.
benefit of individuals for travelling on State duty or
for State work Indian Air Force aircraft have been surreptitiously and, according to the existing
Rules, those persons were not entitled to the use of
the Aircraft. The Commission recommends to the
Government . the framing of appropriate RuleS in this
behalf and also to scrutinise Whether the use 6f the
Aircraft on June 25, 1975 in the circumstances was
warranted and, if not, whether bills for charges a:P-
propriate in that behalf were duly tendered and, if not
tendered, to identify those respbsible for breach of
the Rules. '
5.80 Attention may also be invited to the gross
irreglarities to which the provisions of the Mainten".'
ance of lliternal Security Act and provisions of the
Defence of India Rules were misused to the detriment
of :political opponents. This question will be dealt -
with at some length hereafter. But it . may . suffi..:
cient at this stage to observe that the minimum require..:
ments bf the provisions of the Maintenance of Internal
Security Act and the Defence of India Rules were not
complied with, either at the b'ehest of Smt. Indira
Gandhi or her aides and orders were made without
any g1'0unds, without any satisfaction or maintenance
of any record regarding
the satisfaction. of competent
authOrities; and personal liberty of many Citizens was
taken way and they continued to remain deprived of
th;tt liberty for substantial periods even in face of the
. safeguards which were incorporated against misuse
of section 16A of MISA which was disregarded with
5. 81 In Delhi and in the States, which had advance
information about the promulgation of Emergency,
a large number of arrests/ detentions followed under
MISA in which the safeguards guaranteed against the
misuse of the Act were ignored and grounds of
tentions were not furnished in a large number of cases
and in many cases grounds of detentions were prepar-
ed and even pre-dated and sent many days after the
persons concerned had been arrested/detained in jails.
In a number of cases grounds of detentions had no
relevance to the factual positions and in a f4w case
grounds were fabricated by the police and Magis-
trates did not hesifate to sign them. Ail era of collu-
sion between the police and the Magistracy ensued. In
many .cases. oral inst'rtictions issued froi;n . the
State Headquarters for of persons ni:ier MIS.A.
In quite a few cases tbe persons were initially takeu
into custody under the pn;ventive sections of law and
tliereafter detai,iied Ul)der. 1 MISA. . This was. the 9e-
vice, which appears to have bee.t:t resorted to in the
Union Territory of Delhi '.shortly after the promulga-
tion.of Emergency. A number of persons were arrest-
ed on false charges uudec 108 or section 151
of. the Code of Criminal Procedure or under both
these sections. Such persons were produced . before
the. Magistrates and the Magistrates in a number of
cases either declined to grant bail or there was <lelay
in e.ffecting the orders of bail and in the meanwhile
orders of detentions were. prQCured frQm the Magis-
trates,. which were passed not infrequently on non-
existent or fabricated grounds. The manner in which
the provisions of MISA were used was 1,1othing short
of perversion and mbckery of its provisions and all the
safeguards and guarantees that had been promised. in
the Parliament _when the MISA B.ill was enacted,
to.tally disregarded.. Many apprehensions, which were
by the Members of Parliament, who sp0ke
against conferment of such wide pow.ers when the Bill
was enacted; . came true.
5.82 The safeguards enshrined in the enactment
were rendered meaningless by .the callous misapplica-
tion of this Act by the police and the Magistracy, in
many cases with the full knowledge and cc>nctirrence
of some of the State Governments. . The "ijSe and/or
the misuse of this. Act raises issues, which requires
examination in the larger context. At no time, either
nor111al or , abnonal, should there be any possibility
of misuse of the powers of arrests. It needs to be
niade clear to all those responsible for overseeing the
correct ap_{llication of the powers of arrest/detention
by the jmor officers, that the senior functionaries at
the bureaucratic and political levels would be held
directly accountabfo for any misuse or abuse of the
powers of a1}d detention. . .
' .
. 6.1 The Commission availed "itself of thl! opportu
nity of going through a large number of tiles of the
.Information & Broadcasting Ministry relating to t.'ie
enunciation of policies on various aspects coruiected
. with the management of the different media of the
Government during the Emergency. Quite a number
of _items also, came up for hearing the
Comm1ss1on and . several witnesses made statements
before the Commission with regard to the information
that was in their possession or the experiences that they
personally had undergone as a result_ of the policy
' then followed by . the Information and Broadcasting
Ministry of the Government. The ite1ns that have
been brought out ,,and which are being reproduced
below are based on documents of the Government and
statements of the witnesses, both official and non
6.2 The Commission feels that it is necessary to
place on record the actual working of tile I. & B.
Ministry during the Emergency, as a part of the
record . of the times, in so fat as it is reflected in the
following pages.
6.3 Having regard to the voluminous nature of
'the evidence, the Commission has not thought it ap-
propriate to issue any summons under setioil SB of
'the Conunissio.ils of Inquiry Act or notice under rule
5(2)(a) of the Conunissioils of Inquiry Rules to any of
the persons figuring in the note. -The Commission,
. therefore, refrains from drawing any adverse inference
or making any comments which would affect the
reputation of any of the individuals concerned. This
is, however; without prejudke to the notices under
rule 5(2)(a) and summons under section 8B of the
Act .. issued to Shri V .. C. Shukla with regard to the
fqllowing three cases, which are being dealt with
separately : .
(i) Translation of the Congress manifesto;
.(ii) Printing of pc'>sters; and.
(iii) Treatment meted out to Shri Kishol'e Kumar.
6.4 The media policy of the Goverruilent was enun-
ciated by the then Prime Minister, Smt. Indira Gandhi
at a .. high level meeting which was held under her
C!hairmanship on July 26, .1975, which was attended
amqngst others by the Law Minister, Shri l!. R.
khate, the.I. & B. Minister Shri V. c: Shukla and the
Chainnan Policy Plabning Committee .of the Ministry
of Affairs, Shri G. Parthsarathy. At this
meeting it been a law should be made
to prevent scurrilous, malicious and -mischievous writ-
ings in newspapers and journals, that news agencies
should be re-structured, that the Government policy
regarding issue of advettise(Uertts by DAVP should be
reviewed, that the 'Press Council should be allowed to
die a natural death, and a review should be made of
all facilities which had been given to Press correspon-
dents by the Government. .
6 .. 5 While explaining the reasons fo1 the imposition
of Emergency, Smt. Gandhi had said that it was the
newspapers which were .inciting the people and creating
a berrible situation. According to her, the agitation
was only in the newspapers and once the newspapers
were placed under censorship there was no. agitation.
Similarly, in a letter which she wrote to Shri Sar<:>j
Mukherjee, Member of Parliament, she said that the
Press had been fomenting trouble baselessly and had
exaggerated rumours.
6.6 Shri B. G. Verghese, former Editor of the 'Hin
dustan Times', New De1lii, who was examined by
the Commission, s11id that Shri V. C. Shukla in bis
first meeting with Delhi Editors had told them that
no confrontation would be permitted between the
Press and the Goverrunent and he explained that this
meant, the end of dissent and protest. Shri Shukla,
has, however, explained that what he meant by the
word 'confrontation' was that there should be
no fight or quarrel a free .Press and a
Government elected by deinocr;:itic processes.
6.7 'J;'he reasons for the measures taken against the
media in gene.ral and the Press in particular
according to Shri B. G. Verghese, W 1he p_ublic
, * ,feat.
m wcfuddal, politH;al, parha
J.llim1acy_agd judicial and it .. aJi .i.nstiiJ.,. .
ient news wanagenient rumi:.4 at .controll
Shti Raj Mohan Gandhi, Editor of"""tffin:ifuat' Bombay
has confirmed that censorship was used to eliminate
dissent and it vastly exceeded the 1-equirements of the
Defence and Internal Security of India Rules. said
that Government achieved this total power to prevent
publication of dissent in a manner, because
it did not want the stigma of officially imposed pre-
censorsbip. The Government, according to Shri llaj .
Mohan Gandhi wanted the powers of a dictatorship:
with theptestige of a democracy Shri Romesh Thapar,
Editor of 'Seminar' New Delhi has testified to the at-
mosphere of fear that surrounded everyone in the
profession.. Even Editors of. national . dailies would
not speak openly the that the
ment had taken agalJ'lst the media.
6.a This pervasive atmosphere <?f fear in the media
forced many periodicals. to close down publication -as
they could not find any printer to print their copies.
Thus, Shri A. D. Gorwala, &,litor of 'Qpinion', . coul'1
ndt find a printel' and ultimately he resorted to cyclo-
styling bis magazine and mailing the issues to indivi-
dual subscribers. Shri S. M. Joshi of 'Sadbana',
'l ___ --- - -
- --- ---- -- ----- ------ ---------------'------
- - -------- --- - ---- -------------
Poona, also b_ad to cJ:iange_ his press as the-.1keeper of
the press 'Janwani' was issued with a notice as to
why hls press should not be forfeited for printing
'Sadhana'. Shri Romesh Thapar has also testified as
to bow the 'Statesman' press refused to print his
magazine unless he allowed the 'Statesman's' lawyers
to first check the articles.
. 6.9 The functioning of the media during ' the Emer-
gency period can be discussed under three main
A'. Censorship.
B. Other pressures on tlie Press.
C. Functioning of Government Media Units par-
ticularly, A.I.R. and Doordarshan.
(1) Imposition of Cen'Sorship and disconnection of
6.10 Consequent upon the .declaration of Emergency
o June 25, 1975, control of the media had become
necessary . . At the Cabinet meeting held at 8.30 p.m.,
on June 26, 1975 the Cabinet, While reviewing the
Emer:gency situation agreed with the recommendations
of the Ministiy of Home Affairs to impose Press Cen-
sorship. During the 2 or 3 days when the censorship
app<iratus being set up, power supply to the news-
paper offices in Delhi remamed disrupted. The Go'-
vemment disconnected electricity tef./ the newspaper
. offices on the night of the June 25, 1975. when Eme:r-
gency was imposed. Shri B. N. Mehrotra, 'Who 'Was
the then General Manager of Delhi Electric Supply
Undertaking was given oral orders on the night of
June 25, 1975 by the Lt. Governor of Delhi, Shri
Krishan Chand that electric. supply to the newspaper
. . offices in the city should be disconnected. Though
under the provisions of the Electricity Supply Act m
the Electricity Act this was not within the competence
of the General Manager, Delhi Electric Supply Under-
taking, the disconnection wos carried out on lhc basis
of certain security reasons that were adduced without
any formal orders oil that behalf. As some of the
newspapers lay outside Babadul'shah. Zafar Marg area
(the Motherland in Jhandewalan, Hindustan Times and
the Statesman in Connaught Place) the electricity to
these papers c9uld not be disconnected simultaneously.
However, electricity to all newspaper offices on Baha-
dursbah Zafar Marg was disconnected whereas in
other areas disconnection took place only on June 26,
1916. Two or tht'ee days later after the cen&0rshlp
apparatus had been set up, electridty supply was res-
tored to all the newspaper offices. According to Sbri
K.rishan Chand, the then Lt. Governor of Delhi, the
instructions f()r disconnecting power supply came
dul'ing one of a series of meetings at the Prime Minis:..
ter's House on June 25, 1975; but be was upable to
recollect as to who gave the specific orders.
(2) Rule_ 48
6.11 Censorship was impOsed under Rule 48 of
Defence and Internal Security of India Rule&. This
gave authority to the Government to censor or
pre-censor matters only in !'espect of the
subjects :-
(i) Defence of India;
(ii) Civil Defence; .
(iii) Public Safety;
(iv) Maintenance of Public Order; and
(v) Efficient conduct of
6.12 On June 26, 1975 the Government issu'ed
Statutory Order 275(E) under Rule 48, which listed
the subjects which came within the scope of pre-
censorship. This order was subsequently expanded
to include additional subjects.
( 3) Censorship Guidelines
. 6.13 In practice, however, censorship was carried
on through a set of guidelines issued by the Chief
Ce1faor from time to, both to subordinate office.s
and to the Press. It is to be noted that it was speci-
fically mentioned that th;ese guidelines were . themselves
not to be published.
6. 14 The first set of guidelines were issued on
July 3, 197? . and supplementary guidelines on
July 4, 1975. According to Shri H. J. D'Penha, the
then to the Government, . these guidelines
were hurriedly drawn up and were vague and, ther.e-
fore, a fresh set of guidelines were prepared i,ind issued
on July 13, 1975. These guidelines were pl'epared by
Shri K. N. Prasad, Additional Secretary, fuformation
a.nd Broadcasting Ministry and were finalised al a
meeting with the then Secretary, I & B Ministry, -Shri.'
, J:.. J. Kidwai and Shri H. J. D'Penha. These guide-' .
Imes were appl'oved by the Minister, Shri Vidya_ .
Charan Stmkla. These guidelines exceeded the scope :
of the llule 48 of 'the Defence and Internal Security
of India. Rules insofo1' as they prevented Edit.ors
leaving editorial columns blank or filling them with
quolations from great works of literature or ff'om
national leaders like Mahatma Gandhi or Rabindra
Nath Tagore or conveying di.sapproval of the Gov;.
ernment's measures undermining public confidence in
national credit or any Government loan. The
mation and Broadcas.ting Ministry did not attempt to
find out whether these guidelines were within the
scope of the Defence and Internal Security of India
Rules or not According to Shri H. J. D'Penha, a sug-
gestion had been made by him that the approval of. .
Law Ministry should be. obtained f?r these guide-
lmes so that they would be m conform.tty with Statu-,:
tory order 275 (E). The Minister had, however, ins-
tructed that in case these guidelines were challenged in
court, appropriate action could then be taken. Shri
Shukla during his testimony before the Commission
said that these were not intended to have any statutory
force !111d that guidelines were devised merely
to ass1st the ed1tors, and therefore, no action was
taken to find out whether they were in eonsonance with
the law on the subject. Merely disobeying the guide-
lines would not have warranted any action against the
newspaper concerned.
. 1
. 6.15 However, this contention of Shri Shukla that
the guidelines did not have any force of law, and that
disobeying them would not warrant action, does not
appear to be correct. Counsel fol' the Union Gov-
ernment and for the Chief Censor had in the 'Bhoomi-
putra' case the Gujarat High Court Wmself
relied upon these guidelines in support of the impug-
ned order of on 'Bhocimiputra'. . The
Gujarat High Court, h6wever, held that these guidelines
were illegal and inoperative. The Gujarat High
Court also said that Rule 48 had been made, the
Central Government and the Chief Censor had gone
stride after stride beyond the scope of Rule 48 ..
6.16 Similarly, in .the Binod Rao's case, the Bom-
bay High Court held that under the censorship orders,
the Chief Censor could not possibly issue instr'Uctions
in the guise of directions which go beyond the scope
of censorship.
( 4) Censorship of.. Parliament and Court
Censor Office1 before it could be published. A long
series of 'dos' and 'donts' had been given in these
guidelines, but they were all subject to the final proviso
that any or news which was violative of cen-
sorship rules in force at that tiin.e would not be per-
6.20 From the January Session of Parliament, a
Censor Room started functioning from Room No. 64,
1st Floor, Parliament House. . Censors worked there
in tv-{6 shifts from 10.30 a.m. to 3 p.Iil. and 3 p.Iil.
to 10.00 p.m. It was also decided that there would
be no name board affixed on the door to show that it
was the Censor Room.
6.21 On January 14, 1976 all. news etc., relating
to questions and answers, statements and discussions
on censorship in Parliament were expressly dis.allowed
from publication. On 7th March, 1976 fresh guide--
lines were issued for Parliament. These guidelines
said that the image of Parliament as the voice of the
people and as a sovereign body should not be allowed
to be impaired but all news etc., relating to the pro-
ceedings of tpc Parliament were to ,be governed by
Rule 48 of Defence and Internal Security of India
6.17 Parliamentary and Court proceedings were
a!so subject to censorship. The guidelines issued on
July 13, 1975 had stated that censorship would apply
to the publication of some news etc. relating to the
prqceedings of Parliament and of Legislative Assemb-
Ues. The guidelines inter alia stated that statements
made on behalf of the Government could be publish- 6.22 As regards courts of law, gttidelines were
ed either in full or in a condensed form but its contents issued to the press whiCh said that while publishing
should not infringe certsorsh!p. else was news, comments or reports relating to proceedings in
allowed to be published exd:pt the names and party" - a Court of Law only the operative part Of the judg-
affiliation of the Members speakiI:ig on a subject in ment was to be published in appropriate language
support or against the subject. The result of voting and nothing should. be published which. would infringe
could be factually reported. . censorship laws. During the course of his testimony,
Shri H.J.D'Penha, Chief Censor said that publication
. 6.i 8 Supplementary guidelines for Parliament cove- of Court judgments were censored under the instruc-
rage for the Censor were issued on 22-7-1975. 1.;'hese tionof the Ministry of Home Affairs afte.r consultation
. guidelirtes. inter alia laid dqwil. that (a) moveme[)t of .with the Law Ministry. When it was pointed out to
Members ,withii1 the House should not be reported, e.g., him that in the 'Bhoomiputr-a' case) where the Hig!t
ruling party Meml;>ers moving to the opposition bench- Court had ordered that should not be -
es or vice-versa, (b) remarks from the Chair in either ed aod yet he had issued instructiOns to all tie)Vspapers
House should not be allowed as a part of the proceed..: that the judgment should not be published, he said
ings of the House, (c) reference to some of the empty that it was not a censorship order but merely 'public
s.eats in the Opposition Beriches should not be relations' advice.
ed, (d) names of Members who we1ie absent was also
not allowed.
. 6.19 Following a meeting held ,at :the residence of
Shri K. .Raghu_ramiah, Minister for Parliamentary
.Affairs on December .13, 1975, which wa.S attended
amongst others. by Shri V. C. Shukla, Minister for
Information & Broadcasting, Shri Om Mehta, Minister
in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Shri S. N. Banerjee,
Secretary General, Rajya Sabha and Shri M. L. Shak-
dhar, Secretary General, Lok Sabha, it was decided
to impose mandatory pre-censorship on all newspapers
and agencies in regard . to news, comments, rumours
. or otJler reports relating to the Lok Sabha and Rajya
Sabha Sessions which were to be held in January
1976. The guidelines issued on January 4. 1976 to
the Censors for proceedings of the ParJia-
tnent clearly laid down that news, reports, comments
relating to the proceedings of the ParlianiP.nt. would
be governed bv Rule 48 of the Defence and Internal
Security of India Rules arid, therefore, the publication
of news regarding Parliament had to be cleared by the
6.23 Not merely publications of court judg-
ments were censored but , were . also
as to how particular judgments should be published.
Jn Smt. Indira G.a'ndht's appeal to the Supreme Court,
in her election petition case, a series of directions were
issued by the Chief Censor on what aspects of the
case should be given publicity and what aspects of the
case should not be pfayed up at .all. When the judg-
ment was delivered in this case, instructions went to all
newspapers to play up the fact that Sint. Indira
Gandhi's appeal had been upheld and that the cross
appeal of Shri Raj Narain dismissed .
6.24 According to Shri H. J. D'Penha this was
done on the instructions of the Ministry of Informa-
tion & Broadcasting. Shd D'Penha admitted to issu-
ing a number of instructions regarding how judg-
ments of Supreme Court and other Courts should be
carried by newsp;ipers and said that bad been
done under the instructions of superior authorities.
6.25 Shri V. C. Shukla, Minister for Information
& Broadcasting said that any instructions that he had
issued regarding publication of High Court judgments
were subject to law. According to Shri ,Shukla no
o6icer of the Ministry was expected to flout the law
in any matter or go against tpe directions of tlie
Courts. ,
(5) Transfer of Powed to administer Rule 48,
DJSJR from Ministry of Home Affairs to Minis-
try of (nformation and Broadcasting
6.26 When censorship was originally imposed, the
powers. under Rule 48 of Defence and Internal Se.::u-
rity of India Rules were with the .Ministry of Home
Affairs though the actual functioning of the censorship
machinery was under the Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting. The Ministry of Home fre-
quently expressed its at the short notice
which was generally given and the, scanty material
whiCh was supplied by the Informatio'n & Broadcast-
ing Ministry when it requested the Ministry of Home
Affairs to issue pre-censorship orders.
6.27 Thus when the 'seminar' Magazine was placed
under pre-censorship. the Informatio'n & Broadcast-
ing Ministry sent a note which did not even contain
rele_vant extracts ci! the publication which were con-
prejudicial. Sufficient tlme or opportunity
was, not given to the Ministry of Home Affairs to
consider the case. On the other band the Infonna-
tion'l'& Broadcasting Ministry expected that orders
would be .issued immediately. At a meeting held by
the Information & Broadcasting Miriister, Shri V. C.
Shukla, on July 15, 1976 with Shri R. L. Mishra,
Joint Secretary (IS), Ministry of Home Affairs, Shri .
Shukla expre5sed the view that there was a conven-
tion that once a case had been cleared at his level and
he had taken a decision, no further examination
should take place in the Ministry of Home Affairs.
At that time a decision was taken at the Home Minis-
ter's level that while the Ministry of Home Affairs
would process cases e;tpeditiously, the I & B Minis-
try would supply full material on which_ the Ministry
c;>f Home Affairs could then exercise its own judg-
6.28 Subsequently the Information & Broadcasting
Ministry again on August 21, 1976 asked for pre-
censorship orders under Rule 48 ( 1) to be issued to
Indian Express. Again no reasons were adduced.
As the , Information &. Broadcasting Ministry was in-
si.gtent, the Home Minister's orders were obtained on
telephone and pre-censorship orders issued. Seeirg
the reluctance of the I & B Ministry to furnish de-
tails and requisite material to the Ministry of Home
Affairs it was decided, by the Home Minister that all
powers under Rule 48. should be transferred to the
Ministry of In'formatioit and Broadcasting.
( 6) Day-_to-day operation of censorship
6.29 The actual work of censorship on day-to-day
basis went even beyond the scope of the
Orders were arbitrary in nature, capricious and were
- - ---- -- , ____ ------ ------ - -----
,. '
usually issued orally without any relation to the pro-
visions of Rule 48. Issuing of oral orders had been
exprcssely forbidden by the Chief Censor in the guide-
lines which he had issued on July 13, 1975. Shri
H. J. D'Penha has said that in view of the time
schedule involved and the round-the-clock workjng
of daily newspapers and agencies, reducing orders in-
to writing would have defeated the -;very purpose of
censorship and hence from almost the very beginning
directions on subjects to be censored were issued
orally. Shri D'Penha has also said that he himself
used to receive such orders from various authorities
in the Information & Broadcasting Mi'nistry and iri .
other Ministries and these orders were very seldom .
reduced into writing. Most of these instructions
have been recorded in a Log Book ( 4 volumes) mai'n-
tained by the Duty Roooi of the Censor Department.
A few representative illustrations from the Censors
Log Books are reproduced below :-
( 1) 'No story is to be cleared pertaining to
Parliament business or Supreme Court
appeal filed by Prime Mi'nister. No refe-
rence to the tase' (12th July, 1975)
(2) 'As pei: instructions ...... only the date
fixed for hearing of PM's appeal is to be
given. Lawyers' name may be given . . ..
no names of judges are to be given' (14th
July. 1975)
(3) 'Reports on proceedi'ngs in the Verghese
VI s Birla case should be reduced to the :
minimum and shoufcl be yery brief'. The
arguments need not be mentioned. If they
are allowed, should not be more than a
para or two' (22nd July, 1975)
( 4) 'There has been a 'bu'ndh' in Ahmedabad;
organised by the ruling party (J anta Fr-0nt).
If the . agencies and the correspondents'
copies say that the . 'bundh was a flop' it
may be allowed, provided the description
of the 'bundh' does not go against Censor
'Any statement made by the Chief Minister,
Gujarat, criticising any action taken by the
Centre should be spiked, but if his state-
ment is innocuous it may be allowed. In'
case of any doubt, please ring up Addition-
al Chief Censor, Shri U. C. Tiwari' (26th
July, 1975)
'No reports, comments (including editorial)
articles, statement or news o'n bons to
employees shall be allowed uhtil . further
instructions from ctls' (4th September, 1975)
(7) (i) No adverse critieism of the Ordinance
on Bonus by Trade Unions ii:l Public
Sector Organisations is to .. be allowed;
(ii) Editorial comments on bonus are per.
These comments should be within the
official explanation on the bonus .issue
and should not support an agitational
approach; and
That these comments are subject to pre-.
(a) Teleprinter message to all the State .
Censors has been sent on the above
lines, with the 'following . :addi-
tions :-
'words like 'shock', 'deplore' or
'ill-advice' should be altered to
'disappointed' or 'surprise'. {26th
September, 1975).
( 8) 'Please ensure that Allahabad High Court
judgment today upholding MISA detenues'
right to move High Court under.Article 226
is not published in the State. Instruct your
Censor in Allahabad to kill story' (30th
C/ctober, 1975)
{9) 'As required, the official version of J. P.'s
release with insti"uctioris not to give _pro-
minence to the news and not to use. photo-
graphs was communicated to agencies .an<l
local papers .... . . . .' (13th November,
. 1975)
.(10) 'KMLP (Gujarat) has been dissolved.
There is likelihood 6f some members issu-
iqg statements withdrawing support to the
Janta Front Government in Gujarat. Such
statelnents should be allowed. Statements
pledging support to the J ati.ata Front Gov-
ernment by some of the members should
be spiked' (fostruction CC) 11th Febr:uary,
. 1976) . . .
(11) the statem.ents made by the Janta Front
Leaders alleging that Centre or .
was out to topple their Ministry or that
Janta Front would take to agitation etc.,
should not be allowed. The statement of
KMLP leaders dissolving their party,; in
support of the J anfa Front are also not to
be Anything which is unhelpful
to the present plan of the Omtrc should
be killed' (15th February, 1976)
(12) 'As desired by JCC(P) all the local dailies
and news agencies were informed that
Shri Tulmohan Ram's case should be .sent
to us for pre-censorship. All references to
Shri L. N. Mishra, Shri Chattopadhyaya
and Shri N. K. Singh are to be deleted'
(5th March, 1976)
( i3) 'About mid-day today the qffice of 'Veek-
shartam' daily (Cochin) . was searched by
the police for reasons not known. .This
daily newspaper is run .by the Kerala
Pradesh Congress Committee. Some of
newspapers which referred a story on: t11i
to me were advised not to carry anything
for the time being ... . ........ .'
N.B.-This development assumes more impon-
ance in view of the widening rift withh the
. Congress Party in the State. The section
which is rallying behind the PCC President
who publishes the daily is very sore abou't
the . police search. The Police portfolio . is
held by the Congress Minister, Shri Karu-
nakaran who is identified with the rival
in the party.
(This incident is likely to precipitate fur-
ther) (22nd April, 1976).
(14) 'State Censors have been advised . not fo
permit any or references abOut
the tra'nsfer of High Court judges' (1st
June, 1976)
practice censorship was utilised for sup-
pressmg news unfavourable to the Government to
play up news favourable to the Government an'd to
suppress news unfavourable to the supporters of the
Gongress Party. During his statement before the
Commission Shri D'Penha admitted.. that this was clone
under the instructions of the Minisers/Ministry. He
also said that various items of news referring to fac-
tionalism in the Congress Party were also censored
<ln instructions-'-but he has not sa\d whOse instruc-
tions these were. Shri Shukla has said that he bad
not given any .regarding factionalism in
Congress Party or to censor adverse or critical
cornrrients on the Youth Congress.
6.31 However, in one instance at least, that of the .
magazine 'Mai'nstream' pre-censorship orders w"&'e
issued largely because of its critical attitude towards
Shri Sanjay Gandhi, Shri Nikhil Chakravarty, Edi-
tor 'Mainstream' told the Commission that Shri Shukla
had c.11lleci pim !Ind told that Shri .Sanjay Gandhi
was a n'atiOnal leader and hence artieles criticising
him would not be permitted. Shri Chakravarty was
asked to give an assurance t'hat he would refrain from
criticising Shri Sanjay Garidhi, an assurance which
he refused to give. Subsequently the 'Mainstream',
was placed under pre-censorship because it had criti-
cised Sf1r.i Sanjay Gandhi and also because it had cri-
tically commented o"n the toppling of Chief Ministers
who did not enjoy the favour .of a particular coterie
at the Centre. Shri Shukla has, however. stated that
he had merely advised Shri Chakravarty with the best
of intentions and any action against Shri Chakravarty
and 'Mainstream' that followed had nothing to do
with the acceptance or otherwise of his advice.
6.32 The caprieiousness of the Censor authorities
a.1!4. t.hcir ... irbifrariness has been commented upc>n by
a number . 0 Editors. Shri Cho Ramaswarny; Eai-
tQr .. :::<Tughlak',. a number of. examples-"Ofhow
.... . satii;ical articles in
... 19 .censorship without their being
even remotely concerned with the Defence and Inter
. nal Security 6f India Rules and Statutory Orciers
. made thereunder. Thus even birthday to
ShriJ Mox-arji Desai on the latter's birthday which Wa$
sought to be in the 'Tughlak' was
Even quotations from statements made
------------ ---- -----
- ---------------
by Smt. Indira Gandhi were taken, objection to by tl1e
Censor. Shrl Ramaswamy disclosed bow he was
asked to submit articles and sometimes whole issues
of his magazines for pre-censorship because the
of 'Tughlak' dated July 15, 1976 carried (i} editorial
excerpts. from Nehru (iD letters from readers'
(iii) quotations from of Indira Gantlhi
(iv) quotations from Hitler (v) quotations from
Mussolini (vi) passages from state play 'Tughlak'
all of which were held objectfonable by the censor.
(i.33 Shri Nikhil Chakravarty has related how Shri
Shukla objected to quotations from Tagore,
Mahatma Gandhi etc., and said that they cou.ld not
be used. Shri A. D. Gorwala, Editor of the
'Opinion' had included quotations from the Gita in
his magazine and the .whole quotation was censored.
Even speeches made. in Parliament-:-:-Lok Sabha,
which had been published with the permission of the
Speaker of the House and were available for sale at
Rs. 2 were not permitted to be published by the
Censor in S'hri Gorw.ala's 'Opinio"n' magazine. Shri
Gorwala fl,lrther stated that when censorship came,
it struck him that the only purpose a paper like his
could serve would be to try and encourage the spirit
of freedom and that is why he continued publishing
and in his first issue brought out a series of quota-
tions on liberty. This was struck down by the
Censor; after that if there was even a word 'liberty'
or 'freedom' or any refiectio'n about democracy it
would be struck out.
Shri S. M. JoshiL Editor of 'Sadhana' while
corroborating Shri Gorwala, Shri Chakravarty and
Shri about how the Censor took objec-
tion to his publication of quotations from Mahatma
Gandhi a.nd other eminent persons, said that the ob-
jective of the Government was to see l'hat everybody
was silenced and in respect of censorship the ques-
tion of law did not exist.
6.34A Shri Shukla said that the reasons why quota-
tions . were disallowed were that that these quotations
which were made with reference to the British Raj
were now taken out of context, would create mis-
understandings and therefore they should be avoided.
6.3'5 Newspapers were 'not even allowed to keep
the editorial columns blank. According to . Shri
Shukla if the editorial space was le'ft blank this signi-
fied protest and according to the policy of the Gov-
ernment it was not proP<?sed to allow any protest to
be signified in that manner. He further clarified that
. space kept blank in a newspaper was a protest againt>t
the emergency. Therefore, it was unlawful and
therefore, the Government was entitled to say that it
should not be left bla'nk. Both Shri Raj Mohan
Gandhi and Shri Nikhil Chakravarty felt that Gov-
. ernment's objection to edito.r:> leaving space blank in
the newspapers was because they wanted to give an
impression that there was no censorship in the
6.36 According to Shri Chakravarty thiS was an
attempt at self-deceotfon on .the part of the Govern-
ment whereas Shri Rajmoha11 Gandhi felt that accord-
ing to the Censor blank space signified disapproval bf
Governmental policies. Since the Government also
wanted favourable articles, one way of forcing journals
:to carry such stories was by not allowing them to
keep spaces blank.
7. Censorship during Elections
6.37 When elections were announced on 18th
January, 1977, yensorship was relaxed and eensoi'-
ship laws were :held in abeyance. E.ven then an
effort was made to maintain control over the activities
of the press. The Government tried to pressurise
the press by giving informally 'off the record' warn-
ings by veiled threats o'f what would happen to them
after the elections if they did not comply with the
directions of the Government, by asking that certain
articles should be published and by enforcing the
Code of Ethics.
6.38 According to Shri Girilal Jain, Editor 01
'Times of India', Smt. Gandhi tried to persuade the
editors to constitute a supervisory committee to over-
see the working of . the press. To do this a Code of
Ethics was drafted by the officials of the Ministry;
journalists had very little to do with it, and had not
accepted it as the Code of Ethics was quite restric-
6.39 Sbri Nikhil Chakravarty in his testimony has
explained how the Code of Ethics was passed in the
absence of ;veteran and senior journalists, who were
the members of the Committee of Editors and who
had tabled a large 'number of amendments . tci this .
Code, which had been drafted by I&B Ministry offi-
cials. Subsequently Shri Shukla got the All Indi.a
Newspaper Editors Conference also to approve of
this Code. According to Shri Chakravarty, Shri
Shukla wanted to have the Code of Ethics made into
a law but the Cabinet opposed it. According to
Shri Chakravarty a'nd Shri H. Karlekar, Editor of
'Hindustan Times', none of the journalists or their
had accepted the Code.
6.40 Shri L Dayal, Principal Information Officer
to the Government of India' admitted that there wcis
opposition from the journalists to the Code of Ethics
because its origin and source were tainted. Shri V. C.
Shukla, the then Minister for Information and Broad-
casting while tracing the history of the evolution of
the Code of Ethics said that the suggestion for
ing into practice this Code came from the members
of the_ Central Committee o'f Editors. This Central
Committee of Editors was nominated by the Govern-
ment of India and was supposed to be a .representa-
tive body. Shri Shukla admitted that the Code of
Ethics was approved by the Editors at a meeting in
Calcutta where some of the Editors who had suggest-
ed amendments could not be present. Shri Shukla
emphi;isised that this Code was accepted by most of
the professional bodies of the industry a'nd that no-
body made any serious objection to this .Code. .
6.41 Shri S. Sahai, -Editor, Statesman and Shri Ajit
Bhattacharya, Deputy Chief Editor of the Indian
Express told the Commission how during the elec-
tions they were given informal warnings by Shri .
L; D;:iyal, the Principal Information Officer anq Shri
H .. J . . D'Penha, Chief Censor respectively regarding
the -'type of articles and stories that were appearing
in their papers. Snri Bhattacharya also said that
Shti K. l'-1. Prasad, Additional Secretary, Information
and Broadcasting Ministry had also illiormed Shri
R. K. Mishra, General Manager of the 'Indian Ex-
press' about the stories they were carrying about the
atrocities committed during the family planning cam-
paign at Rewasa and Pipali. Shri L. Dayal confirm-
. ed i:hat the Government was angry with ' Ex-
press' and the 'Statesman'; Shri Shukla had him
that as the 'Statesman' was likely to be partisan he
had been told to talk to Shri Sahai and con.vey the
Minister's impress.ion to. him.
. 6.42 Shri K. N. Prasad, Additional Secretary, In-
formation and Broadcasting Ministry also admitted
having conveyed to Shri R. K. Mishra, General
Manager, 'Indian Express' the Government's views the publication of the article concer"ning atroci-
ties ,committed during the family plall.tling programme
at Pipali village would inflame passions when the
election campaign was picki'ng up momentum. .He
also admitted that family planning was a very
portant issue in the election campaign and that
parties had alleged that excesses had been committed
by the Governmellt in the family planning prograrnme.
He denied, however, that he was motivated by any
desire . to assist the Congress Party's election
6.43 Sbri H. Karlekar of the 'Hindustan Times'
a1s6. told the Commission how Shri L. Dayal, . P.I.O.
and Shri I<. . .N. Prasad, Additional Secretary, 1rtade
in.sistent efforts to persuade him to publish an article
by Prof. Rashiduddin Khan, whose main theme, ,
ac.cording to Shri . Karlekar, was that the
was the 6'ne best suited to c?me to power: Both
Shri Payal and Shri Prasad adnutted to speaking to
. Shri Karlekat about this artitle. They have both
denied that any pressui.'e was exerted on Shri Kade-
kar, and bOth have also said that they did not read
the artick which they were pressing Shri Karlekar to
6.44 The Additional Secretary, $hri K. N. Prasnd,
and Chief Censor Shri D'Penha were also instructed
to keep a watch o,vct the trend Lenor of the pr.css
:ind to sec how they wei"e behavmg after relaxation
of lhe censor8hip !Aws. According to Shri L. Dayal
t11is was done with a view to taking possible action
against such papers after the were over. A
daily press round up was prepared which analysed the
contents of each newspaper and this analysis was sent
amongst others to the Minister of I & B and to the
Prime Minister's Secretariat.
6.45 During the period . of legislatio!1
was also enacted tb make censorship part of the
nary law or the land. Thus the Prevention of
cation of Objectionable Matter Act, was passed, t.he
Press Cou"ticil of India was abolished by an ordin-
ance and a bill repealing the Parliamentary Proceed-
ings (Protection of Publication) Act, 1956 was
ed. According to Shri B. G. Verghese, fi;irrner.
of 'Hindustan Times', the purpose .of this leg1slation
was to institutionalise the emergency.
. .... ,.
l. Directorate oj Advertisemem and Visual Publicity
6.46 The Directorate of Advertisement and Visual
Publicity (DA VP) is the so.e advertising agency for
the Government. A of public sector under-
takings also use it for . advertising purposes. The
advertisement policy of the Govern'.ment had been
enunciated in Parliament from time :to time by Minis-
try. of Information and Broadcasting.
had pro_vided that there would be no d1scnmmat1qn
on political ground for placement Gov.ernment
vertisements. But. newspapers which indulged m
virulent propaganda, inciting communal passion or
offending s6cia!ly accepted cO"nventions <!f or
morGtlity were not to be used for advertisements. The
distribution of advertisemeilts to newspapers was to
be balanced and equitable but it was not intended to. ,
be a ki"nd of financial assistance to newspapers.
6.47 The. Government of lilcUa had decided to !e-
view its advertisement policy at. a high-leyel meetmg
held in the room of Smt. Iildir.a Gandhi, the then
Prime Minister on 26th July, 1975 which was also
:attended by Shri V. C. others.
before this, Shri Shukla at a Coordmat1on Comm1t!e.e
:Meeting held. on 29th June, 1976 had ask.ed the Pr1i1-
cipal Information Officer to prepare. a list of . news-
papers which were to be categonsed as friendly,
neutral anct hostile.
. 6.48 According to Dr. A. R. Baji, "'.ho.was
Principal Information the categorisation on
was d?ne .on the basis of tJie news and com-
ments appearing m newspapers pnor. to the .
tion. of emergency and soon after 1t. . Subsequ_en_t-
ly a narrower study was done on the ,views
in the editorial columns of newspapers between June
12 to June 26 1975. The lis.t was first scrutinised
by Shri Shukla' and was then finalised at a meeting in
Shd K. N. Prasad, Additional Secretary's room and
overall rating given to the .newspapers, in
view its attitude. The master copy of this list was
kept in the personal custody Of Shri K. N. Prasad.
According to Dr. Baji, the list was drawn. up purely
on the basis of the attitude of newspapers towards
:<l;evcl?I?ments of their afli-
l1attons ,f6 political pa.rt1es. The of fr.1endly,
neutml and hostile given to a
was related to its views on a particular pohucal party.
According to Shr.i- K. N: . Prasad this grading hnd
nothing to do with any pohucal party but was purely
in response to its attitude towards the Government.
6.49 A note of Dr. A. R. Baji in the an
index for categorisation of newspapers which is as
A Friendly B Hostile
A+ Positively :B +Continuously
friendly hostile
A-Friendly :B-Less hostile
but with some than before
C Neutral
C+Shift from
neutral position
towards positive
C-Shift from
neutral position
i .
Some of the ne'Wspapers in the -A + list' are:-
1. Natun Assamiya, Assamese, Assam.
2. Amrita Bazar Patrika, English, West Bengul.
3. Nagrika, Bengali, Tripura.
4. Indian Nation, Eng}.ish, Bihar.
5. Hindu, English, Tamil Nadu.
6. Naveen- Duniya, Hindi, M. P.
7. Hindustan, Hindi, Delhi.
. 8. Malayala Manorama, Malayalam, Kerala.
9. Lokmanya, Marathi, Maharashtra.
10. Khaollo, Ma'n,ipuri, Man.ipur . .
In C arid c- categories are:-
1. DaC!_fan Chronical, English, A. P.
2. Searchlight, English, Bihar.
3. Financial Express, ,Pnglish, Maharashtra.
4. Pioneer, Engiisli, U. P.
, 5. Gujarat Salllachar, Gujarati, Gujarat.
6. Navbh'arat, Hindi, M. P.
}. Rajastha'n Patrika, Hindi, Rajasthan.
. .. \ .
8. Nav Bharat & Praja Vani, Kannada, Kama-
9. Light, Malayalam, Kerala.
10: Suraj, Punjabi, Punjab.
11. Dina Madar, Tamil, Tamil Nadu,
12. Andhra Bhoomi, Telugu, Andhra Pradesh.
13. Chinar, Urdu, J&K.
14. Mehanat, Urdu, Punjab.
In B + category are:-
1. Danik Asom, Assamese, Assam.
2. Danik Sambad, Bengali, Tdpura.
3. Poona Daily News, El)glish, Maharashtra.
4. Indian Express, English, Tamil Nadq.
5. Sandesh, Gujarati, Gufarat.
6. Pradeep, Hindi, Bihar.
7. Vir Pratap, Hindi, Punjab.
8. Deshabhimani, Malayalam, Kerala.
9. Swadesh, Hindi, M. P.
10. Kap.nada Prabha, . J(annada, Karnataka.
11. Navabharat, Marathi, Maharashtra.
650 This is only a representative list and there were
a large number of newspapers and other journals ih
virtually :ill languages which were categorised as B
or B +. : . .
" 6.51 & 'the national dailies published in English
from Delhi; the 'Hindustan Times' and 'Times of India'
. were . given A and A-grading and 'Statesman' and
'fodian Express' B grading respectively.
6.52 According to Shri S.M.H. Burney. who was
Secretary in the Ministry of Information and
casting these lists were prepared on the basis. of
instructions received from the Minister. These were
oral orders of. the Minister, and he communiCated them
in writing to ShI'i K. N. Prasad, who subsequently got
the lists prepared. .The .list of newspapers and maga-
zines was to be of those who were in favour of the
Government and also of those who were anti-Govern-
ment and anti-Prime Minister. Shri Burney admitted
that he did not know the kind of assessment made by
the P.I.0., but he was clear that it meant opposing the
Government and not the Congr'Css Party, though he
could give no idea as to the nature of the criticism of
the as distinguished from that of the party.
6.53 Shri C. Shukla while admitting that he had
given directions for preparation of these lists said that
the attitude of the newspapers was to be adjudged in
the light of their general cooperation with the Govern-
ment. According to him, Dr. Baji's understanding of
the task entrusted to him was wrong and Government
merely intended to judge a newspaper's cooperation
from the background of its attitude towards the Oovein-
. ment and particularly .of the adjustment that it had
made during the emergency.
6.54 However, from the evidence which is available
on the files of the DI.VP it is evident that political
considerations was one of the criteria for gjving adver-
tisements. Thus 'Dastan-e-Watan' which is an Urdu
Joumal published from Delhi had its advertiseinents
resumed after notice had been taken by Shri K. N.
Prasad and Shri V. C, Shukla that this journal had
ceased to follow a pro-Jana Sangh policy and was pow
supporting the Congress.
(i.55 Similarly in the case of 'Lok Raj' . of Bhav
. Nagar, _Gujarat, advertisements were stopped when a
complaint was received that this publication was sup-
potting Congress (0) policies. Subsequently an inquiry
was made through the PIB a'nd during the coui::se of
this inquiry it was found that it was a pro-Congress
paper, and Shri Shukla ordered reswnption ofadvertise-
ments to this journal on 15th May, 1976.
6.56 'Alai Osai' a Tamil Daily was being used ')n
a restricted basis by the DAVP because it was allegedly
PI'O-DMK. In February 1976 Shri M. Bhaktavatsalam
requested Shri V. C. Shukla that 'Alai Osai' should
be given more advertisements. Accordingly the nulll-
ber of advertisements to this daily was stepped up.
In 1 ?76, however, on receipt of a complaint from
Shn V. V1sbwanathan, M.P., that th.e 'Alai Osai' was
staunchly pro-DMK, tbe issue of advertisements lo
this daily was stopped. In October 1976 on receipt
of a letter from Shri E.V.K. Sampath, Vice-Pres!dcnt
of the Tamil Nadu Congress Committee that some
Congressn1en purchased this daily, advertisements
to this daily were resmed. A number of
weeklies of the Co.tigress--Party were given extensiv'e
advert.isement support, while that to official journa1s of
the opposition came down. The following table illus-
trates the amount of advertising support given lo
Congress Party journals vis-a-vis some of opposi-
tion party journals : -
. -Name of the Party Name.of the Period Circula- Expendi-
Journal tion ture
_21 ,250
J 1,442
- 6.57 Thus it is apparent that contrary to. policy
enunciated by the Government on the Floor of
Parliament, political considerations were taken _ ii1to
ac_count while releasing advertisements.
6.58 The Government during this period utilised
its advertising policy as a source of financial assistance
or denial of to in
co,nplete variance with the poltcy whtch it had
enunciated on the Floor of the Parliament. News-
papers and journals which were critical of the
Government's policies were denied advertisements
whereas others like Amrit Bazar Patrika and National
Herald which were regarded as being supporters of
Government polieies were given advertisements beyond
. their legitimate due.
6.59 Thus according to- Shri Romesh Thapar, Air
-India stopped giving advertisements to 'Seminar'
rnagazine as soon as the order of pre-censorship was
issued on 'Seminar' for some articles containing
aliege<;lly objectiOnable material Soon after .a private
firm told Shri Thapar that its managemeni
received messages that advertiseirtents should not be
released to 'Seminar'.
6.60_ Shri Rajmohan G-andhi has also stated that
-soon after the Government' started . taking adverse
notiCe of 'Himmat' magazine all advertisements from
DA VP and other agencies like Danks
and Airlines wer:e stopped. When Shri
Gandhi inquired from Ajr India, the Bai;ik of
Maharashtra and Dena Bank -as to why his
advertisements had been stopped, he was told that
the Government had placed him oil the _ prescribed
6.61 On the other hand, Amrita Bazar
was c<itegorised as A plus (meaning positively
friendly) according to Dr. A. R. Baji, in the list of
'friendly, hostile and neutral' newspapers. Dr. Baji
told the Commission that A plus, positively friendly,
grading was given to those newspapers which wei;it all
out to support the party in power or the Government.
To use Dr. Baji's phrase, they \vere 'whole-hoggers'.
Amrita Bazar Patrika was given a mid-term revision
of rates by Shri V. C. Shukla w.e.f. 9th October, 1975.
According to Shri Shukla this was done Qn the specific _
recommendation of DAVP. - The DAVP (Shd
has noted on the file in October 1975 that Amrita
Bazar Patrika had asked for a higher rate. In
August, 1975 the DAVP had recommended that
Amrita Bazar Patrika shoqld be given -the same rate
as that- of tbe 'Hindustan Times' as the circulation of
combined edition was the same as the 'Hindustan
-Times'. When the DA VP made a note on the file
he also said that the circulation of Amrita Bazar
Patrika had come down by 5,000 copies-- since its
recommendation of August, 1975 and that" normally
upward revision of rates is not agreed to unless there
is a corresponding _increase in circulation. The
quantum of advertisement released to this newspaper
in t.975-76 was Rs. 9,22,313 as against Rs. 4,57,340
in 1974-75. In 1976-77, quantum Of
ments showed a further increase to Rs. 10,10,696.
Shri V. C. Shukla told the Commission that he
___ regarded the request of Amrita _ Bazar Patrika for
increase in quantity of advertisements as a 'claim'
on the Government. He - also said that it -was
supporting nationalistic policies.
6.62 Similarly, National Herald was given an A
plus rating and quantum advertisement given to
the National Herald Delhi Edition alone iS' indicated
in the following table :- ,
Amount (Rs.)
1975-76 1976-77
10,880 10,831
66,327 1,32,917
6.63 For all editions of National Herald the figures
regarding quantum of advertisements are as follows. :-
Rs. i,51,304-
Rs, 4,99,589
Rs. 8,70,555
6.64 According to Shri S{mkla the Government
had laid down certain criteria and they tried to apply
tt1em as fairly as possible _ and to the best of jts
ability. Shri Shukla also- did not comment on
individual cases and. said that Commission could
come to its own conclusions from the record. He
also said that they may have applied the guidelines
wrongly and, therefore, erred.
6.65 On 15th September, 1976, a policy note was
issued by Shri' K. N. Prasad, Additional Secreta-ry,
he said was issued after consultil1g Minister
. Slm V. C. The r,olicy note authorised the
DA VP to canalise advertisements of all Central
Government Ministries, Departments, Public Sector
Undertakings and nationalised autonomous bodies.
It was realised that the State Governments may not
agree to have their advertisements cana)iscd through
the DA VP but it was noticed that the :centre could
advise them to discontinue advertisements to delisted
newspapers. The DA VP was also directed to ensure
that whenever paper was delisted, the publication
of those adver!Isements which had already been
released should be prevented. The DA VP was also
asked . t? tactfull.Y the possibility of private
advert!Slng agencies denymg advertisements to delisted
newspapers. Shri Prasad could not explain the basis
on which the listing or delisting was done by the
PA yP. He also admitted that he did not make. any
mqmry from the PA VP whether declaration made on
Flo?r of the: Parliament by t\1e Government was
bemg v1?latcd either in words or in spirit when he
made this recommendation.
6.6? the of private advertising
agencies denymg advertisements to delisted news-
papers. Shri Prasad said thp.t the DA VP failed to
persuade the private agenci8,5 to fall in line and
therefore, Shri Shukla nimself the
on 5th February, 1977. The minutes of this meetinn
was h71? on 5, 1977 reveal that
adverttsmg agencies agreed to fall in line
with . the Government.'s policies on release of
6.67 From the above it is evident that the
assurance on the Floor of the
Parhan:ent that political affiliations would r.ot be
taken mto consideration while giving advertisements
and the advertisements would not be regarded as
source of revenue or financial assistance to news-
papers, bojh disregarded in the actual
C?f the policy. The liberal of
advertisements; to. so-called friendly periodicals raised
the total expenditure qf PAYP advertisements on
newspapers from Rs. l ,42,3Q,238 in 1974-75 to
Rs. 2,20,68,897 in 1975-76 fo Rs. 2,79,45,942 in
punng the same period 89 newspapers
.Penod1cal were denied advertisements mostly on
pohtical grounds for varying lengths of time.
2. Formation and Functioning of 'Samachar'
. The first indication that the Government was
mtendmg to reorganise the existing four news agencies
namely, U.N.I., P.T.I., Hindustan Samachar and
was apparent at Smt. Indira
Gandhi s }ugh-level meeting of 26th July, 1975.
Subsequently_ at another 'high-level meeting held by
Smt. Gandhi on August 12, 1975 which was also
attended by Shri V. C; Shukla, Minister for I&B, the
pros and cons of restructuring the news. agencies into
a statutory body or trust were .considered.
Accordingly the Ministry drew up an ordinance for
approval of. the Cabinet for merging the. news agencies
into a single statutory body. The Cabinet did not
accept the ordinance and decided that the agencies
should be made tq merge without recourse to law
and other methods should be tried.
6.69 According to Shri L. Dayal, who 'was the
P.I.O., Shri Shukla interpreted the expression 'other
methods' to mean that pressure would be put. on the
news agenc;ies by way All India Radio no longer
subscribing to the news agencies, by not . hiring
teleprin_ters of the news agencies and vigorous
recoveries of the dues of the Government. According
to Shri Dayal the inference could be drawn from
subsequent events that the intention of having these
news agencies merged into one unit was to control
their functioning and that decisions regarding this
merger was taken. at the Prime Minister's level.
According to Shri Shukla no dec.isions were taken in
the Prime Minister' s meeting but the discussions held
there helped them to clarify their minds as to what
should be the best form to achieve the objective.
According to him he had understood the Cabinet's
decision to try 'other methods' to mean persuasion,
mobilisation of public opinion, opinion of
bodies, opinion in Parliament and opinion of the
workers of news agencies.
6.70 He also saia that it was purely coincidental
that the teleprinter connections to Government offices
were when d!scussions regarding merger
':"ere gomg on. He also said that Government showed
mdulgence to the agencies in not . recovering the dues
of the P&T Department because of their tight financial
position. He said this indulgence was a form of
patronage and when they decided that there would
be m?re patrnnage the P&'I'. Department started
realismg its dues. He, however, did not know the .
exact terms of the agreement between the agencies
and the P&T Departm\mt.
6. 71 As regards AIR dues, Shri Shukla said that
the agreement with the agencies had expired. A new
agreement was negotiated and the terms settled. The
agreement was, however, not signed and whatever
were made, were made on an ad hoc basis.
that the ways and means position of the
agencies was bad, a payment of Rs. 5 lac was made
to them on a purely ad hoc basis. .
. 6.72 Shri Mirchandani, Editor and General
Ma1.1ager of U.N.I. said that the rejection of the
ordmance was taken as a set-back py Shri V. c.
Shukla and therefore be resorted to harassment of
the managements of the news agencies to force them
to 1;llerge. Shl'i Mirchandani said that he had
c?ns1stently the merger and he had personally
displease? Shn V. C. Shukla because he believed that
he was mstrumental in getting the Cabinet to rej.ect
the. proposal. He had gone so far as to meet
Shr1 Sanjay Gandhi in .his attempts to stall the merger.
he was forced mto. retirement on Shri Shukla's
ms1stent demands. Dr. Ram Tarrieja, of
' I
the UNI confirmed that he was put to undue pressure
from Shri Shukla for obtaining Silri Mirchanaani's
6.73 According to Shri Shukla, he was aware
Shri Mirchandani had opposed the merger, but said
tnat this was because of his long service i11 UNI,
Shfr Mirchandani had become the de facto
administrator and had devdoped vested interests
the continuance of the UNI. Shri Shukla also said
that it was felt that a person who had no faith in a
unified national news agency would be a hinderance
to a unified set up.
6.74 Shri P. C. Gupta, who was Chairman of
Board of Direct-Ors of PTC, Dr. Ram T arne1a,
Chairman of the UNI Board have both stated that
pressure was put on them by. off teleprinter
lines, non-payment of All India adverse
puplicity given in the Press regardmg their. allegedly
outstanding dues, etc. Shri Shukla ad1mtted that
from the time Cabinet directed him to try 'other
niethods' on December 13, 1975, to the time they
bore fruit on January 24, 1976, that is, a period of
1 .month and 11 days, tl1e agencies were compelled,
induced or persuaded by so-called 'other .
to join in the scheme of merger; but he said that t
was not correct to say that 1'1e entire thing mat.erialis.ed
in one month and 13 days, that it was the final stage
of the effo11 that took shape after the Cabinet meeti11g
of December 13, 1975.
, :i. 6. 75 The functioning of Satnachar during the .
. Errtergency both administratively and editor!ally was ,
by Goverll?r'nent. According to \
Shri G. Kasturi, who was C-:1airman of the Samachar
Board was no interference of the Governm.ent
in the' working of Samachat, but from time to t.imc
the Governm<::nt and Shri Shukla made suggestions
which on<:: had to consider because the Government was
in it from the very beginning and required its
assistance for putting Samachar Ort its feet. HoWC\'.Cf,
from the documents available with the Ministry ' of
Information and Broadcasting it is apparent that
Shri Kasturi did consult Sbri K. N. Prasad regarding
advice he had given to Shri Mohd. Yunus about the
constitution of three Samachar Committees. Similarly,
Shri Prasad had got agenda points cleared by
Shri Mohd. Yunus and Shri V. C. Shukla, so that
Shri Yunus could. take further action upon them at
meetings of the Managing Committee of the Samachar.
T{1e proceedings of the Samachar Board meeting were
also being sent to Shri K. N. Prasad. Shri W. Lazarus,
who was the General Matiagei' of the Samachar also
admitted having supplied lists of Samachar personnel
for verification by Cfovernment agencies. Shri Lazarus
also said that he was ' frequently in touch with
Government on matters relating to finances but he
did not take any direction from the Government on
any matter.
6.75A Shri P. C. Gupta and Dr. Ram Tarneja.
members of the Samachar Committee stated that
Samachar was being ordered continuously in respect
of various matters concerning its administration by
the Government.
6. 7 6 As regards editorial control, various members
of the editorial staff, Shri P. S. Kasbekar,
Shri c. P. Maniktala, Shri C. K. Arora,
Shri D. V. Pesa'i and others have testified that
inst.ructions were received from the Government and
from . other .authorities abbut giving proper coverage
to Government and CongresS,., Party activities, and also
to keep coverage of oppq!iion activities on. a
key. In particular, during the election campaign this
imbalance of news was aci;entuated. The type of
stories put out by Samachar can be seen from the
original stories and their edited versibns. Photo
copies of a few illustrative examples are attached as
appendices to this Chapter. Shri Lazarus, Member
Editorial and General Manager of the Samacpar . and
Dr. Raj K. Nigam, Executive Member of the Samachar
Board used to attend coordination meetings which
were held by Shri S. M. H. Burney in the Ministry
of Information and Broadcasting during the election
6.77 Shri K. N. Prasad, Additional Secretary, stated
that while he was not aware of any interference by
the Ministry in the editorial freedom of Samachar,
there would be instances of Santachar receiving
instructions in to news meant for censorship
and Press toelease. Shri Lazarus denied that he had
ever given instructions to play up Government and
Party news and to keep coverage Of
opposition parties on a low key. He only issued
instructions that sensitive copies should he referred
to him and he never regarded Samachar as a mere
channel for carrying out Government versions of
stories. However, certain instances of tailoring of
stories to suit the Government's needs, for example,
t he story regarding Shri Jagjivan Ram's resignation
from the Congress, were put to Shri Lazarus and he
amrn1cd that this had been done at. instance Of
Shri Shukla.
3. Harassment of Journalists
6.78 To enable the Pr!?ss to cover the activities
of the Government accreditation to Government of
India is granted to correspondentS and news camera-
men based in Delhi. The accreditation was. governed
by two sets of rules for correspondents and camera-
men respectively. In addition the decision of the
Central Press Accreditation Committee was treated as
a convention and was followed in deciding individual
cases. In February, 1976, the Government
reconstituted the accreditation committee and the
number of Government nominees was raised from
two to three in a total committee of 11.
6. 79 During the period. following declaration of
Emergency, accreditation of. a nutnber of correspon-.
dents was terminated and a bulk of tnese 'decisions
was taken as a part of a review which was endorsed
by the Central Press Accreditation Committee at its
meeting held in February, 1976. At this meeting
number of deletions were suggested by the then
Principal Information Officer, Dr. A. R. Baji, on the
basis of a decision of the Government.
6.80 According to Shri K. N. Prasad in February
1976, Stiri Shukla gave cyclostyJed list of Accredited
Correspondents and he was ordered that a record
'""" ----------------------------
.. I
check should be made of those who were associated
with banned organisations. Shri Prasad got this done
from the Intelligence Bureau and then returned the
list .to the Minister. A note on the file by
Prasad shows, that the list was by
Minister and he approved of
guidelines to be adopted for granting.
Thirty-three correspondents were
the reasons for some of them were the adverse
verification reports and for others their anti-establish-
ment stances. All these were approved by the
Minister. Shri Shukla admitted that h.e had given
instructions for getting the verification of the
antecedents of correspondents done.
6.81 Shri Prasad also 11d'tnittcd to having character
and antecedents of a number of journalists verified
by the Intelligence Bureau. He said that this was
done at the fostance of the. Ministel', but did not
know the reasons wi1y it. was
6.82 As regards foreign coriespondents, a number
of restrictions were placed o.n them to make them
conform to Government policy; for instance, they
had to si,gn a bond agreeing to abide by the
precensorship laws.. According to . Shri. Shukla, .
Minister for Information and .Broadcasting, 1t was the
Government policy that the should apply equally
.to . both foreign correspondents as well as Indian
and if t.hey wanted to operate in India,
they,, had to conform to t.he laws of the land.
6.83 The Indian representatives of foreign journals
were subjected to great harassment, .for example,
Shri Ramanujam, who was representative of the
'Newsweek' magazine of USA had his telephone cut,
his accommodation taken back and his accreditation
withdrawn in spite of the fact . that 'Newsweek'
expressly told . the Government of India that
Shri Ramaoujam was not for any
participation in any ' Newsweek' reporting from India
since censorship was imposed.
6.84 The Government Media Units had two main .
functions during the Emergency. They were at once
a source of patronage and also they were used for
building up the of a political party and a few
of its leaders.
6.85 The iDA VP was used on a large scale for
giving advertisement support to various souvenirs
brought out by the Congress Party. Opposit.ion
parties were denied any such patronage. Thus,
during the year 1974-75, 1975-76 and 1976-77, the
Congress. Party and its various wings received
advertisement support from the DA VP alone worth
Rs. 3,868, Rs. 52,615 and Rs. 80,325, respectively;
whereas the 9pposition parties during the same period
received Rs. 1,403, Rs. I, 700 and Rs. nil, respectively.
6.86 Not merely was the Congress Party given
extensive advertising support but there was an instanc.e
when rates per page for souvenirs were increased aftet
they had been agreed upon and the printed.
Thus the rat.e ; fixed for advertisements for the
brought out on the occasion of the. All
Congress Committee meeting at Delhi was originally
Rs. 1,000 per page. Twenty advertisements were
released at'this rate on the orders of Shri V. C. Shukla
on May 18, 1976. On June 15, 1976, the Delhi
Pradesh Congress Committee submitted a bill for
Rs. 40,000 at Rs. 2,000 per page. C. K. Sharma,
Private Secretary to Shri V. C: instructed the
DA VP to make the {>ayment at the enhanced rates.
He said that he had instructed the DA VP to make the
payment after he had the Minister.
6.87 Shukla, the then Minister for Information
and Broadcasting, stated that, regarding giving of
advertisements for souvenirs, the Government had
strictly followed the guidelines laid down to the best
of its ability and that he had nothing more to add,
2. All India Radio
6.88 According lo Shri S. C. Bhatt, Director, News
Services Division, All India Radio, rigid constraints
were imposed on All India Radio after the imposition
of Emergency. He said that thr9ughout the
period it was the Government's
play up the speeches of Smt. Indira Gandhi and her
son, Shri Sanjay Gandhi. He stated that written arrd -
unwritten instructions were frequently ieceived by AU
India Radio from the Minister himself and sometimes
also directly from the Prime Minister's Secretariat.
In. alL Gandhi'.s .were
c;lD J 1f QQ_new..s
programmes arig__ ShrLSJtnjay __ OandhL.figui;ed 24. tim_es_
'Besides, All India Radio
gave_., wide publicity to . Shri San jay Gandhi ana
t2.2 itemswete .. carried on Shri Sanjay Gandhi in the
mamri-ews--bulTetins broadcas..t. January 1, -
and January 18, 1977. A few illustrative
cxampTesof ffietype of coverage on Shri Sanjay
Gandhi are given below :-
(i) "Earlier on his arrival in Bhopal,
Shri Gandhi was given a rousing welcome
by a large crowd of men, women and
[A.LR. News: February 26, 1976-2100 Brs.J.
(ii) "Mr. Sanjay Gandhi was taken in a big
procession through the streets of Guntur to
fae police parade ground".
(A.I.R. News: March 21, 1976-0810 Hrs.].
(iii) "Hundreds of thousands oi lined up .
the roads in Tirupati and T1rumalai to
cheer Mr. Gandhi".
[A.I.R. News: March 21, 1976-2100 Hrs.).
(iv) "The Youth Congress leader Mr. Sanjay
.Gandhi had discussions with officials in
Ag.ra today on plans to beautify and clean
fae historic city", "earlier on arrival ,in Agra
Mr. Gandhi was given an affectionate
welcome by a big crowd".
[A.LR. News: May 2, 1976-2100
(v) "On at Bombay Airport Mr. Sanjay
Gandhi was accorded a big welcome. The
Maharashtra Chief Minister, .Mr. S. B.
Cha van, his Cabinet colleagues ......... and
many Congress and Youth Congress leaders
received him at the Airport. He was
profusely garlanded on behalf of several
organisations. Several organisations gave a
grand . welcome to Mr. Sanjay Gandhi all
along the route from the Airport."
[A.LR. News : October 29, 1976-2100 Hrs.].
(vi) "The AIR correspondent savs that lakhs of
people turned up in Kamal to greet Mr.
Sanjay Gandhi. The town a festive
[A.LR. News: January 11, 1977-2100 Hrs.].
6.89 Shri Bhatt also said that the AIR news was
used for broadcasting inspired news denigrating Con-
gress leaders who had fallen out of favour with the
ruling Thus, a series of stories condemnatory
of Smt. Nandini Satpatby were broadcast just before
President's Rule w,as imposed in Orissa.
6,90 The slant against the opposition was so obvious
:that in December, 1976, AIR bullerins devoted 2207
fines to the spokesmen of the Congress Party as against
34 to the opposition. In December, 1974, the
same .figures were 571 and 522 respectively. Accord-
ing t o Shri Shukla, most of the spokesmen of the Con-
gress Party were Ministers and hence there was nothing
wrong in publicising their ,views on matters concerning
the Governtnent.
. 6.91 According to Shri Bhatt, during the electio"i1
.campaign, the All India Radio distorted news in
favour of the Government a:nd the ratio o'f news
betwt:<::n the Government and the opposition parties
\YCnt up to as much as 8.5 : 1. The Minister was
frequently giving iri.structions regarding the type and
scope of the news which should be carried. The All
India Radio News was subjected to approval by the
Secre.tary Shr.i Burney and the Additional Secretary
Shri Prasad before it was put out on the air.
6.92 This came about because Smt. Indira Gandhi
had sent for Shri Bur"ney and complained to him
that the Ministry of Information and :Broadcasting was
not managing the press well and that AIR/TV . were
also not functio"ning properly. After receiving these
comments of the Prime Minister , Shri Burney directed
that news bulletins would be cleared by him or Shri
K. N. Prasad.
6.93 According to Shri Shukla it _was at his instance
that instructi.oris were issued to Shri Burney that moni-
toring. of AIR news should be done by him or by
Shri Prasad as Shri Shukla had received some com-
plaints that the coverage. in news bulletins of AIR was
noi appropriate to Government.
S/39 HA/77--7
6.94 Shukla also admitted to having talked
to the Director of All India Radio to him
the story regard111g the alleged attack on Shri Sanjay
Gandhi at Amethi on March 14-15, 1977. Shri
Shukla also issued directions t'hat of impor-
tant C:ongress leaders _to the attack on Shri Sanjay
Gandhi should be obtamcd a1id broadcast the follow-
ing morning. Shri Shukla further stated that he bad
instructed his staff members at Raipur to indicate to
that che news regarding the alleged attack on
Sh.n Purshotam Lal Kaushik, the rival candidate at
Raipur may not be reported as other instances of poll
violence were not '
6.95 One hundred forty new posts part-time
Correspondents had been created in the AIR in March
1976. As a rule in the past, part-time
were appointed from amongst those already servincr in
a newspaper and the appointment was made by "'the
Director News Services. For fillii1g up these new posts
the and critt:ria for appcintment were changed
on Apml 23, 1976. The appointment was vested in a
committee consisting of Joint Secretary (Information)
and Joint Secretary (Broadcasting) of the Ministry
and the informal approval of the Minister had to be
obtained before the appointments could be made.
6.96 After the change of cdter.ia three part-.time
9orrespondents were appointed to AIR, all of whOm
.were office bearers of the Congress party. Shri Shukla
said that he did appoint these people :ls part-time
Correspondents even though his staff had told him
abcmt their political backgrounds, but he said that it
would be unwarranted to say that these _people were
appointed because they were members of the
Party. He said that as a matter of policy the bar ori
members of political parties being app6inted was re-
mcved, and if a person was otherwise suitable he
could be appointed. He, however, could not recall
any i_nstancc of a person bel<>nging to another political
party beinl? appointed to this post.
6.97 Shri G. L. Vohra had been wo(king as All
India Radio's part-time Correspondent at Raipur from
October 1, 1963. According to Shri S. C. Bhatt, his
performance was generally considered satisfactory and
his contract was renewed from time to time. On March
19, 1977, the Special Assistant to the Minister for
Inf9rmation and Broadcasting, Shri V. S. Tr.ipathi
spoke to Shri Bhatt and tofd him that the Minister
had desired that Shri Vohra's services should be termi-
nated forthwith. Shri Bhatt also said that Shri Tripathi
had told him that Shri Vohra 'had covered Smt. Viiaya-
l<J.kshami Pandit's electio'n speech at Raipur on March
17 for the ATR regional bulletin. Shri Bhatt told Shri
Tripathi that AIR's story was based on Samac:iar
and not on Shri Vohra's coverage but Shn Tnpath1
said that the Minister's orders had to be carried out.
Shri Tdpathi confirmed that he had received instruction
from the Minister for terminating Shri Vohra's services
he said that he did not know why Shri Vohra's
services were terminated and he in fact said that it
would be wrong to that his seryiees were terrni-
nated because he had covered the speech of
Vijayalakshmi Pandit. He further that he had
. ........ """"'......,. ................ ..,_ ____________________________ ..
spoken ab.out the coverage of . . Smt .. Vijayalakshmi
Pandit because he was told by the Private Secretary
to Minister, who was at Raipur that he should obtain
the details from Shri Bhatt about the coverage given to
Smt. Vijayalakshmi Pandit's public meeting at Raipur .
He said that he had ascertained from the Minister as to
why Shri Vohra's services had been dispensed with
and Minister had told him that it had been decided to
appoint a full-time Correspondent at Raipur instead of
a part-time Corresl?ondent.
6.98 Shri V. C. Shukla said that after the electibns
were announced and he had gone .to Raipur various
reports and. complaints started coming in and he had
mentioned these to Shri Tripathi, who knew Shri
Vohra. Further a decision had already been taken that
Raipur All India Radio should have a staff correspon-
dent rather than a stringer and this decision had been
taken much before the elections. Therefore, when
.. during the. election campaign reports regarding Shri
Vohra had reached him, he had decided that no action
should be taken to remove Shri Vohra during the elec-
tion lest it may be misunderstood that it was
done for some reasons connected with elections. There-
fore, he told $hri Tripathi after the polling in his consti-
tuency (Raipur) to instruct Shri Bhatt to remove Shri
VQhra as All India Radio's part-time Correspondent
at Raipur. Shri Shukla further stated that thoul$h the
Ja,nata Party Government had restored Shri Vohra and
ga:ve to him the post of part-time Correspondent,' soon
after this they again removed him and posted, in accor-
dance with the decision taken earlier, a staff correspon-
dent of All India Radio at Raipur and that Shri Vohra
may have been reinstated at the most for a month or
two. He said that S'hri Vohra's coverage of Smt.
Vjjayalakshmi Pandit's meeting was quite fair and no
exception could _be taken to that coverage.
3. Doordarslzan
6.99 The coverage of Shri Sanjay Gandhi by Door-
d!J:r.shan went up after December, 1975. In all, a sm11
: Qf .Rs. 8,33,055 was incurred during the period of
Emergency on coverage of Shri Sanjay Gandhi. Shd
STiukla justified the extraordinary publicity given to
Shri Sanjay Gandhi on the ground that at that time
even private media were paying considerable attention
to the . doings of Shri San jay Gandhi.
6.100 As regards the coverage of the Prime Minis-
ter, both over AIR and Doordarshan, Shri Shtikla
stated that it was the Iiorma1 function of the Govern-
ment Medfa Departments to' cover the activities of the
Government and its leader, the Prime Minister.
4. Films Division
6.101 A number of films were produced by the
Films Division to project the image of Shri Saniay .
Gandhi not onlv as a Y11uth leader but as a in
his own . The decision to nroduce was
taken at meetings presided over bv Shri S. M. H. Burney
at which was present Shri Navin Chawla, Secretary to
the Lt. Governor of Delhi.
6.102 According to Shri. K. K. Kapil, Joint Chief
Producer of FJ,Jms . Division, it was Shri . S. M. H.
Burney who had directed him to produce these films so
that the persona1ity of Shii Sanjay Gandhi could be
brought out in an obLique and subtle manner and that
he shoul<:l get in touch with Shri Navin Chawla; who
was nominated as consultant for these films.
6.103 Accord;ng to Shri Navin Chawla, he had: play-
ed a role in production of these films at the instance
of the Lt. Governor of Delhi, who had spoken to
Shri S. M. H. B.urney for preparation of publicity: films
for the Delhi Administration. Shri Burney had then
formed a working group for this matter. Shri Chawla
participated in this as a representative of the Lt. Gov-
ernor. Shri Chawla said that he used to see the
films and clear them at the instance of Shri Burney.
He denied that he ever directed anyone to project Shri
Sanjay Gandhi as the main personality _in these films
or as a . hero of the projects depicted in these films. On
a suggestion from Shri Kapil fa a casual conversation
he had agreed with him that films on Shri Sanj<1y
Gandhi should be preserved and they should not . be
wasted. He recollected that this matter was taken up
fo the group meeting.
5. of Field Publicity and the Song and
Drama Division.
6.104 The other Government media i.e. Directorate
of Field Publicity, Song and Drama Division, were also
asked to project the image of Smt. Gandhi and the
Congress pany as testified to by Dr. A. R. Baji, Direc-
tor of F.ield Publicity and Shri Birendra Nan)yan,
Director, Song and Drama Division. Dr. Baji, who was
earlier the Pr:ncipal Information Officer had also been
directed by Shri Shukla to contact the Editor of the
' Statesman' newspaper and asked him to give. full
publicity both photowise and newswise to Smt. Gandhi
and to Shri D. K. ]Jarooah, the t11en Congress }>resi-
dent. According to Shri Shukla, it was the normal fanc-
tion of the Priricipal Information Officer to project the
image of the leader of the Government and he did nnt
see anythi:Ug wrong in it.
6. Multi-media Campaigns
6.105 A nurber of multi-media campaigns were
launched during the Emergency to coincide with im-
portant milestones in Smt. Gandhi's career. The most
important were the "Decade of Achievement" and "The
Year of Fulfilment". The former: was organised when
Smt. Gandhi had completed ten years in power as
Prime M'nister. Various Government media depart-
ments were given detailed instructions on how this was
to be publicised. Thus, Directorate of Field Publicity
was to screen extensively the seven films that it h:id
on the Prime Minister, and also to obtain in suffiCient
numbers the of Smt. Gandhi's broadcast of
November 11, 1975 for extensive publicity in semi-
urban and rural areas. The Films Division also prepar-
ed a film, "A Day with Prime Minister". The t\JR
was directed to select 200 quotatinns from Smt.
Gan<lhi's !lOeeches and to put out five to ten of these
quotations daily on the The Publications Division
was directed to boost the sales of Smt. Gandhi's books
and to publish informative and interesting sketches
with photograph of Snit. Gandhi in varioUs journals
and periodicals.
6;106 According to Shri K. N. Prasad the emphasis
was not to justify the emergency but on the gains of
the emergency. He also said that he was ne_ver in _touch
with the All India Congress Ceimmittee or Shri Y ash pal
Kapoor on this subject, but that at one of the meetings
held in Shri Dharam Vir Sinha, Deputy Minister's
house . on the 'Decade of Achievement' he found Shri
Yashpal Kapoor there who gave out a complete pro-
gramme of what the Congress Party was doing. Shri
Prasad took it and kept it on the file but he never got
in touch with Shri Kapoor or anybcdy in the Congress
Party to coordinate or do anythiilg.
6.107 Shri Shukla denied that these campaigns were
organiSed to build up the image of Smt. Gandhi. He
said that these were organised to build up and project
the image of the Government and those who were fun-
cti<'.ining within the Goverfunent and nothing in this
was done "to project the image or throw up the :
image of anybbdy whO was not within the
Government" .
6.108 During the election campaign another multi-
media publicity campaign was launched entitled
Campaign 1977, the Content Strategy". According to
Dr. N; Bhaskar Rao, a consultant to the Mjnistry of
Information and Broadcasting, on the evening of Jan-
'.lary 19, 1977, Shri Hit Prakash, Joint Secretary in
theMipistry of Information and Broadcasting had asked
him to prepare a note on the basis of instructions that
be .had received . from the Secretary on the electiun
campaign. Dr. Bhaskar Rao met Shri S. M. H. Burney
the next day, i.e., January 20, 1977. Shri Burney in
addition to what S.hri Hit Prakash had suggested wan-
ted Dr. Bhaskar Rao to identify the areas where the
theh Opposition parties were having a strong . holds
and to suggr!st methods for antensifying campaign in
those areas. Shri Burney himself identified some
and he also wanted that soine of the achievements and
qualities of Smt. fadira Gandhi should_ be highlighted
in his campaign. He further directed Dr. Rao to pre-
pare media-wise activities for this campaign. Dr. Rao
accordingly compiled a note and gave copies of it to
Shri Burney, Shri K. N. Prasad and Shti Hit Prakash
on Ja.nuary 21, 1977. The original of the note -was
identified by Dr. Rao during the Commission's hearings.
This contaipe<l a list of 30 specific themes associated
with Smt. and the Emergency which would
appeal easily to the people and publicised the achieve-
ments of the Government. He also gave suggestions to
counteract likely/potential arguJ'nents of the Opp<>si-
tion some of which could be forestalled while others
could be countered as and when they became issues.
He had also admitted to have identified towns and cities
where the Opposition was strong but suggested that
this could be further narrowed down by lbcal field
units after consulting the other wings of the Govern-
ment and party leadership. He had also suggested that
responsible persons in the Ministry shoutd monitor
the various kinds of campaign issues raised by the
Opposition so that corrective measures could be
6.109 Dr. Bhaskar Rao has further stated that a few
d<(ys after this note was prepared Shri Hit Prakash met
hiin in Shri Gopalakrisbnan, Director (IP), I&B Minis-
try's room and told him that the earlier note needed
revision. Shri Hit Prakash told him that as the note
had been specifically mentioned in the minutes aad
could not be withdrawn altogether another had to be
substituted for it. Subsequently, Or. Rao prepared an-
other note. Dr. Rao admitted to the Corilmission that
he had realised that there was a complete identity
established in his report between the Government and
the party but he had done it under the impression that
he had been merely asked to give some points for the
meeting and that this note would not be distributed.
6.110 Shri Gopalakr.ishnan told the Commission that
when he read Dr. Rab's note he felt that it was not a
proper note to be issued and he had gone to Sbri Hit
Prakash and told him that the note should be with-
drawn. Shri Jiit Prakash had agreed with him and aftel"
a word with Shri Burney, Dr. Rao was asked to revise
his'orjginal note. Shri Gopalakrishnan agreed that even
in the amended note there were certain facts like the
percentage of polling by the various parties which was
not. strictly warranted in an official document.
,6.111 Shri Burney denied that he had ever, asked
Dr. Rao to prepare any paper and he was not aware if
anybody in the Ministry had asked him to do so. He
said that this paper was prepared voluntarily by Dr.
Rao. He said that Dr. Rao was a Consultant to the
Ministry and that he used to prepare a number of
such papers evaluating the performance of Govem-
J'nent Media Units and he thought that Dr. Rao had
prepared a paper for reorienting publicity in the wake
of the Chief Ministers' Conference where it was decided
that 40 plus 5 point Programme should be hie:hlightcd.
Shri Burney admitted that the paper was under circula-
tion for a day or two before it was substituted.
.. . ' ! ~ ...
- ~ - - - ~ - ~ - .c. '"'-' :..c ::'" ,:,;;,; 'CL-c: . :.._" ,.:. -;
1. The . case regarding the re\'ersion of Shri Justice
Aggarwal of Delhi High Court :
" 7.1 Shri R. N. Aggarwal, who belonged . to the
Higher .Judicial Service of the Union Territory of
Delhi, was promoted in 1972 to the High Court of
Delhi and was appointed as an Additional Judge of
the High Court. The term of Shri R. N. Aggarwal
was extended for another two years from 197 4, also .;
as an Additional Judge. On August 13, 1975, there .
occurred a vacancy on tbe .retirement of Shri J usticc
Jagjit Singh in the High eourt. Normally, Shri R. N.
Aggarwal was t.he seniormost Additional Judge,
would have been appointed to fill that post which
had fa llen vacant . The Chief Justice of the High
Court recommended Shri R. N. Aggan>;al fer appoint-
i:nent as a permanent Judge. On September 22, 1975,
he recommended that Shri Aggarwal was an "asset to
the High Court''. The Deputy Secretary prepared a
note on September 27, 1975, which was submitted to
t he Secretary, Department of Justice and the approval
of the Chief Justice of Iridia to the appointment of
Shri R. N. Aggarwal as a permanent Judge was ob-
tained on October 27, 1975. On January 3, 1976, the
of Law, Justice and Company Affai rs directed
that the appointment of Shri Aggarwal as <1 permanent
Judge be processed. That implied approval to
the recommendation.
7.2 Shri Aggarwal was not appointed a petmanent
Judge of the High Court and he had to a:; .a
Sessions Judge.
Shri S. N. Mathur, Director, Intelligence Bureau, re-
ported on January 12, 1976 that Shri R. N. Aggarwal
. bdonged to Judicial Service of Delhi and was closely
associated with R.S.S. in 1950s and early 1960s; It
was also mentioned in the report that he used to
attend Shakhas of R.S.S., in the Naya Bazar area of
Delhi and that he had stopped taking part in the
activities of the R.S.S., in the early 1960s after the
Government issued orders prohibiting the Government
servants from participatJng in such activities. It would
also appear from the report of .the Intelligence Bureau
that there were also other grounds raised against Shri
Aggarwal, but no further details were set out . 'Thcrc-
a(ter on January 14, 1976, Shri Khurana recorded
that the report received from Ll}e Director of Intelli-
gence Bureau may be taken into in mak-
ing. the recommendation to the ' Prim.e Minister. Shri
Gokhale prepared a note which is on the file but
undated, challenging the correctness of the association
of Shri Aggarwal with the R.S.S., for the r.elated period
as Shri Aggarwal was not in fact in Delhi in the
1950s and early 1960s and further stated nothiQ.g
was brought to his notice with regard to any specific
matter which may render him unfit to be appointed.
1.5 Shri Gokhale has stated before the Commission
that the allegations against Shri Aggarwal "were not
correct and I did it on the basis of facts which I had
meanwhile collected on my c wn, and had seen that.
this report was not correct and what was alleged there
was not substantiated. Even the general allegations
. abc1ut Mr. Aggarwal. are ...... not.. .... correct.
. .. .. That is the note which I prepared and I had hand-
ed it over personally to the Prime Minister. According
7.3 What transpired between the period Janua rv
, to me it was demonstrably wrong and then she said, "I
1976 l
r J will ask the Home Ministry", and 2erhaps she did.
. . an<. . anuary 12, 1976 is not evident from the I cJo not know whom she asked. nT saw her after
fil e. Jt appears lhat .on November 3, 1975, Shri P. P.
N I t. " t
J) . . . . snmf\ dnys 113nin .. .. .. She siiid t.hnt she was told that
ayyar, a . om 0ecre ary u1 t. tl! . ot J usticc the ... report. was correct . The report which I
had sent a note-stating that Shri J mtice R. N. ' . contested was correct and she had given me to under-
was one of the Judges on the "MISA Bench" of the stanri that it was not intc11clcd lo confirm Justice
Delhi High Court. On this note Shri Khurana, Aggarwal. Now after t.his happened I made a note
tary, Department. of Justice, noted on November 4
1975 that the matter should be discussed as to when' .. .... " . Apparently, thereafter the papers were sub-
Judgment in Shri Kuldip Nal'ar's .case was announ- rriitted to the Prime Minister by Shri Gokhale, the
J Law Minister, on February 20, 1976 not
ced.. On December 4, 1975, the Joint Secretary noted ing confirmation/extension to Justice R. N. Aggarwal
that the judgment was delivered "on 15-7-75". He and this was approved by Smt. Indira Gandhi on
also noted that the Law Minister wanted. the case to
be processed early and the fil e to be put up to him. February
The file was, accordingly, re-submitted. Later, it
appears that there was some discussion between Shri
Gokhale, the; Law Minister , and the Secretary, Depart-
me nt of Justice, when pursuant to t'hat it was recorded
on January 3, 1976 the Law Minister desi red
that the appointment of Shri R. N. Aggarwal as a
permanent Jtt<.lge be processed.
7.4 Thereafter at the request of Shri. IQ.1Urana,
Secretary, Department of Justice, inquiries were made
by the Intelligence Bureau concerning Shri Aggarwal.
S/39 HA/77,.-8
7.6 Sbri Aggarwal in not being confirmed had to
revert as a Sessions Judge in the Delhi Administration.
7.7 In the course of his examination, the Director
of the Intelligence Bureau has there were
some further inquiries made and some information was
collected. Whether that information was submitted to
the Prime Minister or the Government does not appear
from the record. But Shri Gokhale has stated that
ht had prepared a note which was submitted t o the
.. 1
Prime Minister recommending the a..Ppointment of Shri
Aggarwal; but that the Prime Mmister declined to
accept the recommendation.
7.8 On a review of the files 0f the Government and
considered in the light of the evidence, it appears that
Shri R. N. Aggarwal, who was regarded by tl.1e Cnief
Justice as an to the High. Court and who had
functioned as a Judge for nearly tour yeats, asked
to revert to his original position as a Sessions Judge.
7 .9 Smt. Gandhi has, in the reply which she gave
on the 21st of November, 1977, refused request to
assist the Commission in the proceedings and stated
that the Prime Minister was the . of the
Constitution" and was entitled t.o over-rule the recom-
mendation of a Cabinet colleague. She also stated
that it was in the light of .this Constitutional position
that her decision not to confirm Shri Justice R. N.
Aggarwal may be considerea by the Commission. She
further stated that she had no personal acquaintance
with Shri R. N. Aggarwal nor had she any private
information and that her decision was based upon an
assessment of the facts placed before her and the
conflicting recommendations that she had received
from the Ministers of Law and Home Affairs. , She
invited the Commission to examine official sources to
determine tllat no consideration whatsoever other than
those of public interest, adjudged in the circumstances,
were involved in her decision. But. she declined to
file a statement on oath pursuant to a notice under
rnle 5(2)(a), as required in terms of rule 5(3).
7.10 When a summons was issued to her under sec-
tion 8B of the Commissions of Inquiry Act, she appear-
ed before the Commission but declined to take oath
and give evidence on the plea that she was not legally
and Constitutiona1ly bound to give such evidence. When
requested by the Commission to give evidence, she
categorica1Iy declined to do so.
7.11 The question, which this Commission has been
called upon to decide is whether the action of the
former Prime Minister Smt Indira Gandhi amounted
to an abuse of authority or misuse of power. As
submitted by her in her letter dated 21st of November,
1977, had no personal acquaintance with Shri
Aggarwal and she had no private information and that
no consideration other than those of public interest
adjudged in the circumstances, were involved in her
decision. There was the evidence of the report o( the
Chief Justice that Snri Aggarwal was an asset to the
High Court of Delhi. He had functioned as a Judge
for four years in the High Court and not-hing adverse
had come to the notice of anybody during that time.
The Minister of Law and Justice had apparently agreed
with recommendation of the Judge of the Hioh
Court and the Chief Justice of India that Shri Aggarwal
should be appointed to the office of a permanent Judge
of the High Court.
7.12 It is tha.t adequ!'ltc reasons it may be
open to. the Pnme Mm1ster notwithstanding the recom-
mendations so made. to overrule the recommendations
and decline to confirm appointment as recommend-
ed. But this case d-iscloses two disturbing facts :-
(a) (i) that sometime in the month of Auoust
1975, a petition for a writ of Habeas
was filed by one Shri Kuldip Nayar, a Jour-
nalist. The petitiort was heard by the De!rJ
High Court by a Bench consisting of S.
Rangarajan and R. N. Aggarwal, JJ and
the orders of the Government were set asid.e
and the attitude of the Government's decision
was criticised, especially the manner in which
the orders . were passed.
(ii) Soon thereafter Shri Justice S. Ran-
garajan was transferred from the Delhi High
Court and Shri Justice R. N. Aggarwal was
not confirmed in a clear vacancy, which had
occurred in the High Court and to wh.ich, in
the normal course, he would have been
(Iii) It appears that in Kuldip Nayar's
case after the hearing was concluded, the
Government finding its position in regard to
the merits of the orders passed against Shri
Kuldip Nayar unsustainable, intimated to
the court that the orders . against Shri
Kuldip Nayar were withdrawit and he had
been ordered to be released. It was, there-
fore, expected by the Government that since
"the Government have already revoked the
detention order of the detenue and as such
decision in the Habeas Corpus had become
infructuous" . However, the court proceed-
ed to deliver its judgment and criticised the
conduct of the Government. There can be
no doubt t-hat the procedure followed bv the
Bench was correct. Because a party "to a
dispute, after arguing on ti.le merits of the
case, when faced with the prospect of an
adverse decision, would not be permitted to
amend the order or to withdraw the order
to forestatl the decision by seeking to with-
draw the action taken by it or the orders
made by it.
b) (i) Though inquiries must have been made
witti regard to the antcceden!s of Shri Justice .
R. N. Aggarwal when he was to be appoint-
ed as Judge of the Hi!!h Court and when he
had continued as Additional Judge for
about four years, nothing adverse is availahle
on record of the Government. Thereafter
f<?r the mere reason which is not very clearly
disclosed on the file, when a recommendation
for the appointment of Shri Justice Aggarwal
as a permanent Judge was received from the
Court Delhi, Shri P. P. Nayyar,
Jomt Secretary m the Department of Justice
invited the attent.ion of the superior .
that Shri Justice R. N. Aggarwal was one of
the two Judges in the "MISA Bench" of the
High Court of Delhi, apparently intending
to invi.te the. he had partici-
pat_ed , m del1venng the 1udgment in Kuldip
Nayar s case. The information was obtained
and was placed on t he file.
(ii) In the meantime, it appears that
a report was obtained from Director of
Intelligence Bureau witl1 regard to Shri
Aggarwal. The circumstances in which this
. .' report appears to have been received, arc
not clearly apparent from the record. The
Law. Minister, before whoin the papers were
placed, challenged the correctness 0 ilie
association of Shri Aggarwal with the R.S.S.,
which was reported, on the ground that' the
report could not be true because Shri Aggar-
wal was not even in Delhi at the time
he was alleged to have-- participated in the
activities of R.S.S. in Delhi.
(iii) The file is silent for .. the period
from January 14, to February 20, 1976. It
appears, however, fron1 the circurt1stanccs
mentioned earlier that the papers had been
submitted to the Prime Minister and Shri
Gokhale had discussed the case with her.
Tlie circumstances do tend to create an iin-
pression that because of the participation :of
Shri Aggarwal in the hearing and disposal
of a case filed by Shri Kuldip Nayar, the
Government was put in an awkward posi-
tion and that may have been responsible to
some extent in re-considering whether Shri
Aggarwal sMuld be continued as a Judge 'of
the High .. -Cour-t- --'Thereafter, a report was
: . obtained frorn the lntclligcncc Bureau and
t he papers were submitted to ti1e Ptiiij.e
Minister. The Prime Minister, Smt. Indira
Gandhi , though has asserted her
letter dated November 21, 1977 that she
had no private information . and she acted
on conflicting reports of the Home Minis-
try and the Law Min_istry, has not chosen
to file a stateli1ent on oath, as required by
;.. rule 5 ( 3) and has declined to come into
the witness box and / to take an oath apd
_, give evidence of her version, when requested
by the Commission and M.s declined -also
to give evidence iti pursu.ance . of the suni-
nions issued to her und..f section 8B of
Act. - It would, therefore, be open to tne
Commission to draw an adverse inference
against her.
(iv) On t.he one side there was the evi
dence of the persons who had the opportu-
nity to note the quality of his work and be
acquainted with him in the discharge of
duties, which was all favourable to him. On
the other, there were the orders of the Prime
Minister, whiCh, she says, she passed declin-
ing to confirm Shri Aggarwal in ti1e post of
a Permanent Judge in e:cercise of her autho
rity to overrule the recommendation made
by the Law Minister. That in an appropriate
case the Prime Minister may have to exer-
cise such an authority is not a matter which
is relevant to this case.
(v) The question falling for considera-
tion is whether the action of the former Prime
Minister amounted to abuse of authol'ity and
: n1isuse of power. On that part of the case
there is no evidence whatever led by the
Prime Minister in support of her versfon
that it was a bona fide act done by her . as
a Prime Minister in the interest of the admi-
nistration; . whereas . the evidence disclosed
on the file and the oral evidence are clearly
indicative of the fact that there were no
circumstances which wculd have come in the
way of Shri Aggarwal being appointed as a
Permanent Judge of the High Court.
7 .13 It may be noticed that in the hierarchy of
courts the position of a Judge of a High Court is
superior to that. of a Sessions Court; but the importance
of the office of a Sessions Judge cannot on that account
be minimised . . The Sessions Judge, who also occupies
the ' office of the District Judge, exercises unlimited
jurisdiction in civil matters and is competent t.o impose
all sentences including a sentence even of sub-
ject, of -course, to confirmatioh by the High Court.
.If for any reason Shri Aggarwal was thought by Smt.
Gandhi to be unfit to hold rhe office of a Judge of
the High Court that would have been equally a ground
on which would have bl!en unlit to hold the high
. office of a Sessiorts Judge in th\! UniQn Territory of
Delhi. But Shri Aggarwal was reverted to the office
of the Sessions J udgc aild he cotitirtu..:d to hold diat
office till he was again elevated to the High Court later
in the year 1977. is a ground, which cleady
indic:ites that the order . passed against Shri Aggarwal
was, prima facie, in the nature of an order of punish-
inent for participating in the hearing in Kuldip Nayar's
case and passing art order which tarnished the image
of the Government in the public eye. .
.......... ,.
7.14 The Commission is, therefore, of the view that
a case of misuse of authority and abuse of power is
disclosed in this case, . against Smt. Gandhi.
2. Refusal by Smt. fodira Gandhi to extend the term
of Shri Justice U. R. lalit of the Bombay High
7 .. 15 Shri U. R. Lalit, an .Judge of the
High Court of Bombay, was recommended for exten-
sion of the tenure of his office by the 01ief Justice
of the High Court of Bombay. The recommendation
was accepted by the Chief .Minister of Maharashtra,
by the Governor of Maharashlra, by the G1ief Justice
of India and by the Minister for Law, Justice and
Company Affairs of the Government of India. '' There
were no adverse reports against Shri U. R. Lalit. The
then Prime Minister, Smt. Indira Gandhi d.eclined to
agree to Shri .U. R. La!it cont_inuing as a Jpdge of the
High Court of Bombay. Acc9rdingly, he ceased to
be a Judge on January 17, 1976, ,
7.16 Shri H. R. Gokhalc, Minister of Law, affirmed
that were no grounds for not extending the term
of Shri Lalit. Shri S. L. Khurana, the Secretary,
Department of Justice, was also examined. From the
file relating to Shri Lalit it appears that . the Prime
Minister's Secretariat returned ti1e file without any
endorsement. Shri Khorana then made a note that
it was not intended to give any further extension to
Shri Lalit; and, therefore, further steps should be .taken
to examine the position immediately.
7-.17 A slip, whicli was a P,art of the file, has s{nce
been discovered from the Prime Minister's Secretariat
by the offi.cers of the Commis;;ion... A n.ote is made
.. by an official of the P .M.'s at statmg :
''Sometime ago a proposal of the Departmept of
Justice to continue Justice Lalit as an Addi-
tional Judge of the Bombay High Court was
submitted to P.M. ' Justice Lalit.'s pr..isent
term is expiring on 16-l-7 6 and the fresh
appointment has to be made before that.
Law Minister has been -reminding me' about
this case. He told me. that he spoken
to P.M. also about this case a few d11ys ago."
The note is signed by Shri B. N. Tandon, th'e then
Joint Secretary to the Prime Minister and is dated
12th of January, 1976.
7.18 It bears a note made in the hand-writing ot
the Prime Minister :
"I do not of giving him anorl.1er term."
The word 'not' has been underlined. It is dated Janu-
ary 12, 1976. On that Shri Tandon made a note:
"Secretary may kindly see for information."
.and thereafter the file wa$ returned to the Minister
with an int.imation that the
"P.M. has &poken to him.".
The .tile. was, accordingly, returned.
7.19 T{1e Commission bad requested Smt. Gandhi
to appear before the Commission and assist the Com:.
mission by giving information relating to the . non-
appointment of Shri Lalit. . Through her letter dated
November 21, 1977, Smt. Indira Gandhi stated that
the Prime Minister is competint to overrule the recom-
mendations of a Cabinet colleague and t.hat in the
light of . this Constitutional position, the decision was
taken not to confirm Shri Justice Lalit. She further
stated that she had no personal acquaintance with the
Judge concerned nor any private information and her
decision was made upon an assessment of facts placed
before her and the confl.icting recommendations that
she had received from the Ministers of L;1w and Home
Affairs. She invited the Commission to examine the
official records and determine that no considerations
whatever, other tl1an of public interest, adjudged in
the circumstances were involved. in her decisions.
7.20 The reply filed by Smt Gandhi was not as
required by rule 5(3) of the Commissions of Inquiry
Rules. She has, however, clearly stated in her reply,
which is not on oath, that she had 110 private infor-
matfon except what was contained in the file. But the
fil.e contained no material which was adverse to Shri .
La lit.
7.21 Suri Gokhale, who gave his testimony on oath,
has also stated that there was nothing against Shri
Lalit and that it was only because Smt. Gandhi declin-
ed to confirm his appointment for another term. as
Additional Judge that he was constrained not to
'continue Shri Lalit in office.
7 .22 A notice was issued to S1nt. Indira Gandhi
under rule 5 (2) (a) of the Commission& of Jnquiry
Rules and she was asked to file her statement. In
view of the disclosures made by Shri Gokhale, :a stim-
mons was also issued to her under Section 8Il o( the
Commissions of Inquiry Act. She remained pre:sent
in the Commission Hall but declined to take oath and
give evidence when requested by the Commission .to
go into the witness box to enable the Commission to
ascertain what her version was. In the circums;tances,
the Commission would be justitkd in drawing adverse
inference having regard to all the materials :placed
before the Commission that this was a clear c;ase of
abuse of authority and that Smt. Gandhi arbitrarily
declined to extend the term of Shri U. R. Lalit as an
Additional Judge of the Bombay High Coilrti 1t may
be pointed out that Shri U; R. Lalit was an Adyocate
practising in the Bombay High Court before his ap:
pointm.ent as an Additional Judge. Normally when. a
p,erson is appointed as an Additional Judge !.r,qm the
1far it is expected that he would be confirmed as a
Judge when a permanent vacancy arises. It' appears
further that. there had been hardly any case in :which
si1ch confirmation had not been made. There: were,
no materials at all on which it could even b'e faintly
suggested that Shri U. R. Lalit, who had functioned
as a Judge for two years, was unfit to contitj.ue .in
office as a Judge of the High Court.
7.23 Shri Justice K. N. Wanchoo had made a note
on the 29th of June, 1967 :-
"When a Member of the Bar is appointed Addi-
tional Judge it must, b<1 with a view to ,make
him permanent in due course. If that is not
possible, additional judgeship should' not be
offered t-0 a tnembei: of the Bar. I
therefore, that an undertaking sh01,ild be
taken from members of the Bar they
will accept a permanent judgeship .when
offered to them in due course ......... .... "
Ref.usal to extend the term of Shri U. R. Lalit. : as a
Judge of the High Court, therefore, amounted to: sub-
version of well-established conventions and practkes
and amounted to abuse of authority and m'isuse of
power by Smt. Indira Gandhi.
3. Deviation from established procedure and in:egu-
larities in the appointment of Shri K. R. Puri 11s
Governor of the Reserve Bank of India.
7.24 In May, 1975, Shri N. C. Sen Gupta : was
appointed as Governor of the Reserve Bank of lndia
for a peri<;>d of three months with effect from May 19,
1975." His term was, therefore, to end on August 18
1975. This short term appointment was made to
the Government time to identify a suitable persofi for
the post.
7.25 Shri C. Subramaniam, the then Finance Minis-
ter, sent a Top Secret note to Smt. IndiraGandhi then
Minister, on 29-7-1975 discussing the
s1onal. background and qualifications essential in. an
who is to be C(nsidercd for app,1intme1}t to
th1.s P??t. He !n. this note that in assessing:: the
su1tab1hty of an rnd1v1dual 0ne has to keep in niind
--.... ... .
the fonctions which the Governor has to discharge
and the leadership that he has to provide to the Reserve
Bank. which -is the Central Bank of the country. He
then discussed briefly functions and
of the Reserve Bank and its Head, the Governoc. Tak;
ing into account the particularly difficult inonetary
situatio11 then, he said t.hat he would expect the Reserve
Bank: to be the main guide for the Government in the
formt,ilation of their monetary and policies.
-- 7.26 ln the light of these exacting
Shri Subramaniam went on to discuss the qualifications
of distinguisJ.led Economist<> and/ or Econ9mic
Administrators like Dr. I. G. Patel, Mr. Narayana
Prasad, Dr. S. R. Sen and Shti M. G. Kaul, as possible
incumbents for appointment to. the post of Governor.
He also referred to Shri K. R. Puri, the then Chairman
of . the Life Insurance Corporation of India. This is
what. :he , said in regard to Shri Puri :-
"P.M. has in this conneclion mentioned the name
of Shri K. R. Puri, Chairman, L.I.C., I have
examined his suitability of the post very
carefully. He is an ordinary graduate and
as such lacks an adequate academic back-
ground. He has been in the field 9f fosurai1ce
throughout his caree1 and therefore his ex-
perience has been in a very limited of
specialisation, unconnected with banking and
_ finance."
Shri Subramaniam concluded this Top Secret note by
saying that Smt. Gandhi, if she so wishes, may send
for :ijim for discussion so that an early decision may
iaken. The original of this note . could not be
ttaed .in the Prime Minister's office.
7.2:7' '.Eventually on August 18_, 1975,
mania'm recorded the following order on
file . o'i. the then Department of Banking :
the relevant
. "Shri K. R. Puri, now Chairman UC, may be
appoimed as Governor of Reserve Bank for
. a period of one year. This has the con-
currence of the Prime Minister. 1n view of
the fact Shri Sen Gupta's term expires
. tomorrow orders of appointment may issue
and A.C.C., kept informed.
Shri Puri may tuke charge tomorrow."
The A.C.C. referred to above is the Appoil'itments
Com1uittee of .the Cabinet. It should be noted at this
stage :that w1der the relevant Rules, framed for tile
Transaction of the Business of the Government, the
ai)jJOintment of the Governor of 'Reserve Bank
requi1"ed the approval of the Appointments Committee
of the Cabinet.
7.28 Pursuant to .S'hri --Subramaniam's order,
extracted above, a notification was issued on the
18'th :August, 1975 appointing Shri K. R. Puri as
Governor of the Reserve Bank for a term of one year
with effect from the close of business on the August
19, 1975.
7.29 Thereafter, on Allgmt 20, 1975, Shri G.
Balasubramanian. the then Addi. i11 the
Department of Banking wrote to Shri U. C. Agarwal,
Establishment Otlicer in ihe Department of Personnel
and Administrative who also functions as
Secretary to the Appointjnents Committee of the
Cabinet rilentioning, imer alia, that it has been decided
with approval of the Prime Minister to appoint Shri
K. R. Puri as the Governor of the Reserve Bank of
India for a period of one year with effect from the
close of business on August 19, 1975, that the relevant
Government notification has already been issued bn
the August 18, 1975 and that Shri Aggarwal may
consider "recording the information suitably in the
office of the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet.'\
7.30 The Appointments Cornmittee of the Cabinet
consisted at the relevant time of the Prime Minister,
the Home Minister and the Minister concerned in the
Ministry or the Department whose proposal is being
considered by. the Committee. There is no evidence
in the relevant papers to indicate that the Home
Minister was consulted at any stage before Shri K. R.
Puri's appointment as Governor of the Reserve
7 .31 lt is seen from the evidence of Shri C. Sub-
ramaniam before the Commission that there . was
Ll1sagreement in to t\1e choice of a successor 10
Shri S. Jagannathan as Governor of the Reserve Bank
and it is because of this disagreement that the interim
appointment of Shri Sen Gupta was made. Shri Sub-
ramaniam has stated further tl1at even at that stage
Shri Puri's name had been mentioned to him and that
he could not agree with that suggestion. In re.sponse
to the query as to whether he considered Shri 'Puri fit
to hold the post of such vast importance to the economy
of the country, Shri Subramaniam stated that "taking
into account the vast fields which the Reserve Bank
of India has to deal with, l thought Puri was not the
person who would fit iii this job."
7.32 It would be relevant at this stage to refer to
a letter dated February 27, 1978 from Shri K. R. Puri
addressed to the Secretary to the Commission,. enclos-
ing thereto a note of the same date and copies of
certain Degree, Certificates, etc. In the note dated
February 2, 1978 Shri Puri has referred to .newspaper
reports of the .evidence tendered before the Commis-
sion by Shri C. Subramaniam. Evidence was tendered
by him in this case on October l, 1977 and presum-
ably reports in this r egard must have appeared iu
newspapers on the next day, namely, October 2, 1977.
Shri Puri has said, inter alia, in this note as under :-
" Deposing before the Commission, Mr. C.
Subramaniam has given the main reason for
not considering me fit for appointment as
Governor of the Reserve Bank of India that
I was an ordinary graduate and as such lack-
ed adequate background."
7 .33 Shri Subramaniam's statement that Shri Puri
is an ordinary graduate and as such lacks an adequate
academic background was not made in the testimony
before the Commission but made a note submitted
by him to the then Prime Minister on July 27, 1
presumably after verifying the records in this regard
which should have been available to the Finance
. I
Minister. lt is seen from the papers since
by Shri Puri that he had obtained the Degree of
Bachelol' of Arts with Honours iu English in the exa-
mination held by the UniErSity of Punjab in the year
1939 and that he was pfaced in the Second Div'ision,
It is further seen that he had also oqtained the
of the Bachelor of Laws of the same University in the
ox,iamination held in May, 1943 and that he was placed
in the Second Division. Another certificate inc,licates
that he was successful in the House Examination of
the F.E.L. Class held in December 1941 and that he
stood First in the order of merit in the subject of
Mer'Cantile Law. It is not clear how Shri Subrama"
niam's statement that Shri K. R. Puri is an ordinary
graduate can b<: considered as erroneous, especially
as the then Finance Minister was mentioning it in the
context ot the specfalised knowledge and e)'penence::
rcq4ired for the post of the Governor of the Reserve
Bank, which he had briefly indicated in the earlier part
of the same note.
7.34 As regards Shri C. Subramaniam's testimony
before the Commission, insofar as it related to Shri
Pt,ui's academic background and his competence i.n
his capacity as Chairman of L.l.C. , l cannot do better
than quote verbatim from the relevant portion of the
. ;-
;"Witness : As a matter of fact, Mr. Purl was
initially in my Ministty and he was l,10lding
the post of' Chairman and Managing Directo1
of the L.LC. As an officer in the L.I.C.,
no doubt, he was quite competent'. But
taking into account the vast fields which
the Reserve Bank of India. has to deal with,
I thought Puri was not the person who would
fit in to this job.
. Chairman : Did he have any academic qualifica-
tions which might have otherwise made him
Witness : I had rnade it quite clear in my memo
to the Prime Minister that apart from his
academic qualifications, which was secondaI'y,
in regard to his experience, particularly, in
the national sphere .... . .... .
Chairman : You mentioned t11at he was an
ordinary graduate.
Witness : That is true. Even an ordinary graduate
may acquil'e experience later on. Both the
things have to be taken into consideration,
his initial academic qualifications. and later
on, whether he had acquired any expertise
in these fields. After all, this is the starting
Chairman : I am coming to that.
Witness : Taking botl:i the things into
tion, I was definitely of the opinion that
Mr. Puri may not be fit for the job."
7.35 To the Commission'$ query as to why he still
fell in line with the suggestion that Shri PuT'i should be
appointed, Shri Subramaniam replied that this matter
had gone on dragging for. and that_ he
had quite a number of d1scuss1ons with the .
Minister and also with the Secretary to .the ' Pnme
Minister. ln response !he query. as. to whether it
means that the Prime M1mster was ms1stent that Mr.
Puri alone should be appointed, Shri Subramaniam
"She said that Mr. K. R. Puri would be competent
for the job and that he should be appoii;ited. "
Shri Subramaniam also stated that the then ' Prime
Minister had told him that as Chairman of the Life
Insurance Corporation of India, Shri .Puri had .to deal
with "investments and various other things." ''But in
my view that was not quite relevant because th.e Reserve
Bank of India deals with completely different pt;oblems
of financial policy." ln conclusion, Shri Subri,1maniam
stated as under :
''Ml'. Puri's appointment was restricted to one
year. Generally it is not done. It ,is tive
year period. I think it was because. of my
objection so that his performance may be
watched. So the period was restricted' to
. one year."
7.36 Shri Puri's observation in his note : dated
February 27, 1978, referred to above, that on . the
expiry of his initial one year term
he was re-appomted
in January 197 6 for a further penod of two years does
not affect in any manner Shri Subramaniam' s statement
regarding his initi al objections to the proposal; .:
7. 37 Smt. Gandhi has not fil ed any stateme1i1 :in this
case as was required to be done u1rder Rule 5(2) (a)
of the Commission of Inquiry (Central) Rules: 1972,
she had responded to lhe summons u/s 8B of Act.
But she refused to take the oath arid tender evidence.
from the facts on record, and the evidence of Shn
C. Subramaniam in this case, it appears that the normal
and established p1'Qcedure in regard to the appointment
of the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India was
not followed and that the then Finance Ministr Sbri
C. Subramaniam was virtually compelled to fall in
line with the suggestion made by the then Prime
Minister Snit. Gandhi. This was yet another C:ase of
subversion of established administrative procedure and
convention by Smt. Indira Gandhi as P.M. :
4. Subversion of lawful processes. and well-established
conventions and deviation from administrative pro-
cedures and practices in the appointment of Shri
T. R. Varadachary as Chairman of the Staie:Bank
of India.
7:38 On June 24, 1976, the then Minister of
Revenue and Banking Shri Pranab Mukherjee se:nt the
following secret note to the then Prime Minister :.
"Subject Shri R. K. Talwar, Chairman, State
Bank of India-Term of ai.:point-
"Shri R. K. Talwar was appointed Chafrma11,
State Bank of Tndia with effect from March
l, 1969 for a term of 5 years. The' term
was extended by a further period of 3 : years
and comes to an end on February 48, .1977.
.. ,
l \
It has been the Government's intention that
his term of appointment should be curtailed
and .he be asked to vacate office. As the
State Bank of India Act provided only for
removal- -from- office which could be only as
a punishment, the State Bank of lndia Act
has been recen.tly ainended to provide for
the Government, if it so chooses, to termi-
n.ate the term by giving 3 months' notice or
3 months' salary and allowances in lieu
thereof_ Accordingly, it is proposed to termi-
in terms of Sub-siection (IA) of section
20 of the Act, the tertn of appointment of
Shri Talwat as at the close of business on
30th June, 1976 and pay him 3 months'
salary and aJJowances in lieu of uotice.
"In the vacancy caused, it is proposed that Shri
T. R. Varadachary at present Managing
Director, State Bank of India, be appointed
as Chairman with effect from 1st July, 1976
till February 28, 1977, i.e. till such time as
he would have served as Managing Director
of State Bank of Ilidia.
Sd/- Pranab Mukherjee,
Minister of Revenue and Banking
Pr.ime Minister of India
U.6. 3SO(S)/MRB/76 dated 24-6-1.976"
. 7.39 The Secretary to the Prime Minister endorsed
on the note on July 21, 1976, that "PM has approved",
and returned it to Shri Pranab Mukherjee. Thereupon,
Shri Pranab Mukherjee recorded a note order on
July 24, 1976 to the effect that the order (appointing
$hri T. R. Varadachary as Chairman of the State Ba1ik
of ' lnpia) may be effective from August 4. 1976.
P.ufsu;rnt to this order, the Department of Banking
issued a notification dated July 30, 1976 appointing
Shri Varadachary as the Chairman of the State Bank
for the period commencin_g from August 4, 1976 and
ending with February 28, 1977. A copy of this
fication was also endorsed to the Establishment Officer
iii the Deoartment of Personnel and Administrative
Reforms; Government of India.
7.40 Under the relevant Rules framed for the
Transaction of the Business of the Government elf
lndfa, -the ilppointment of Chairman of the State Bank
of In<;:lia requires the approval of the Appaintments
Committee Of the Cabinet. Sub-clause (a) of suh-
sectibll (1) of secti6n 19 of the State Bank of Ttldia
Act, 19 5 5, reads as tinder :-
. '
19(1) The Ceritral Board shall consist of tl1e
following, namely
(a) a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman to be
aopointed by the Central Government in
consultation with the Reserve Bank."
Clause (b) of section 2 of the Act defines the Central
Board to mean the Central Board of Directors of the
State Bank and Clause (bb) defines the Chairman as
meaning the Chairman of the Central Board. It would
be seen from the above that t.he Chairman of 61e State
. Bank of India is to be aooointed by the Central Govern-
ment in consultation with the Reserve Bank of. India.
7.41 In November, 1975, the then Chairman of the
State Bank of India, Shri R. K. Talwar, had forwarded
a note to Shri Varadachary asking for his comments
on certain matters indicative of improprieties on the
part of Shri Varadachary. The then Chairman had
also sought to bring to the notiee of the Central Board
of the State Bank for discussion at its meeting which
was to be held on March 30, 1976, a memorandum
dealing with the alleged improprieties on Shri Varada-
chary's part Jt is. however, seen that as desired by
Shri N. C. Sen Gupta, the then Secretary, Department
of Banking and Shri P. K. Mukherjee, the then Minister
for Revenue and Banking, Shri M. C. Balasubra-
rnaniam, the then Additional Secretary in the Depart-
ment of Banking, who. was also a Member of the
Central Board of the State Bank met Shri Talwar
and advised him not to bring the subject for discussion
befoI'e the Board. Accordingly, the matter was not
brought before the Board at its meeting on March 30,
1976. There is, however, nothing on record to show
that the Government examined the matter further and
satisfied itself, before appointing Shri Varadachary as
the Chairman of the State Bank, that he was not guilty
of any impropriety as alleged by the then Chairman.
7.42 As already mentioned above, a copy of the
notification issued by the Department of Banking on
July 30, 1976 appointing Shri Varadachary as Chair-
man of the State Bank of India .with effoct from. August
4, 1976, was endorsed to the Officer in
the Department of Personnel and Administrative
Reforms. This appears to be the only communication
to the Secretariat of the Appointments Committee of
the Cabinet in regard to this appointment, which
requi red the approval of the Committee.
7.43 1n the course of his evidence before the Com-
mission Shri N. C. Sen Gupta, fonticr Secretary,
Department of Banking had indicated that the intro-
duction of Sub-section (TA) in section 20 of the State
Bank of India Act, t 955, by means of an amendment
thereto in 1976 was to enable the Governmeqt to place
the State lhnk on the same footing as other.
Banks and that the amendment was not mtqnded to
enable the Government to ' relieve Shri R. K. .. Talwar
of his office as Chairman of the State Bank of India.
, T4owevcr, the first of Shri Pranab Mukher-
jee's note dated June 24, l 976, referred to above, does
not appear to bear out Shri Sen Gupta's testimony.
It is also seen from a note recorded bv Shri J. C. Roy,
an officer in the Department of Banking on Auirust 4,
1976, that according to the order of the then Minister
for Revenue and Banking. Shri R K. Ta1war was to
be served with a notice for termination of his term pf
office under section 20<IA) of the State Bank of. India
Act and further that the notice and orocedure for
serving it had been finalised in consultation with. tlie.
M!nistry of Law.
7.44 Ree.arding consultation with the Reserve Bank
Shri Sen Guota stated before the Commission that lie
had consulted the Governor of the Reserve Bank orally
and in this connection he referTect t<l a letter written bv
him to the Goverpor on Jutv 30. 1976. The Qnly
letter that Shri Sen Guota had written to the Governor
of the Reserve Bank in this regard on July 30, 1976
was to the effect that on a reques( made by Shri R. K.
Talwar he had been sanctioned leave with effect from
August 4, 1976 to February 28, 1977. There is no
mentio.11"in that letter of the name of the successor to
be appoi.rited to Shri R. Talwar, much less an
indication of any consultation in this regard. The
only reference in that letter to a successor to Shri R. K.
. Talwar is as under :
"We are separately issuing Government notifica-
tion regarding appointment of his successor."
When faced with this, Shri Sen Gupta, in the course
of his evidence before the Commission, said "this was
really an ex-post-facto consultation." Needless tc>
adq, the consultation statutorily required could certainly
not be ex-post-facto, apart from the fact that there is
no evidence even of the so-called ex-post-facto
7.45 Shri Pranab Mukherjee who bad been requested
. to assist the Commission at the preliminary stage of
its inquiry had done so, but he indicated that before
answering any questions to him he would like to
make a submission in regard to the propriety of doing
so. He thereafter said that the oath of office taken by
him at the time of enterfog upon office precludes him
from answering those questions which involve matters
which came under his consideration or within his
knowledge as a Minister. However, the Commission
gave the ruling that by giving any information before
it, Shri Mukherjee would not be violating either the
provisions of the Official SecI'ets Act or the oatp of
office taken by him. Thereafter, Shri Mukherjee pro-
. ceeded to answer the queries put to him by the Com-
mission. When specifically asked whether the Reserve
Bank was consulted as required by section 19 of the
State Bank of India Act, Shri Mukherjee stated as
"Sil', when the trouble \of this nature started, I kept
the Reserve Bank Governor informed and
I had some discussions. But I do not know
whether any such discussion is reported
anywhere in the files. But I had some dis-
cussions with him because he was also involv-
. ed in the wh<;>le process. But I cannot tell
exactly whether before processing the
appointment .his fo1mal consultation was
obtained or not."
In this case again it was Shri Mukherjee's claim that
the consultation was oral, that he spoke not on one
occasion but on more than one occasion and further
that he did not recollect whether any record of si.1ch
consultation was maintained. Nor could he indicate
the date of such consultation. Jn response to the Com-
mission's inquiry as to whether he thought that he
should either have recorded a note regarding the con-
sultation with the Reserve Bank or at least have asked
. someone else in his office like the Secretary to make
a note that the Governor of the Reserve Bank had
been consulted and that he is of the opinion that Shri
Varadachary should be app9inted as Chairman of the'
State Bank, Shri Mukherjee s!!id :-
"Sir, in fact, when I went through the file to
refresh my memory there was no such
The Commission has been shown a number of
in&tances where in view of urgency of the matter or
for some other reason consultation with the Reserve
Bank either when statutorily required or otherwise
bas been oral but in all $uch instances t?.1e : fact of
consultation is seen to have been recorded contem-
poraneously and invariably backed up by
correspondence indicating such oral
In the light of the consistent practice and in the
light of the nature of the oral testimony of Shri Se.n
Gupta and Shri Mukherjee, the Commission i$ of the
view that there was no consultation with the Reserve
Hank in this case, as was in terms ot
sub-clause (a) of sub-section (I) of section 19 of. the
State Bank of India, 1955.
7.46 On April 30, 1977, Shri T. R. Varn.(fachary
wrote a letter to the Prime Minister expressing his
shock and surprise at being asked to hand over charge
as Chairman of the State Bank of India with effect
from that day. He enclosed thereto a note. dated
April 21, 1977, which he had sent to the ,t hen
Secretary, Department of Revenue and Banking . . The
note, according to him, clarified his position in ,regard
to various unfounded allegatkins made against him
in sections of the press .and otherwise by word of
mouth. Certain extracts cf the note had beeu
furnished in the summary presented be.fore the
Commission. It would appear therefrom that as per
his own statement, Shri Varadachary met
Shri Sanjay Gandhi at the instance of Shri Pranab.
Mukherjee "to lodge" his "claim" for appointmen(as
Chairman of the State Bank of India and that he had
several otl1er meetings with Shri Sanjay Gandh.i .most
of them on the suggestion or direction of Shri Pn:nab
Mukherjee, during which he had consulted or take.n
instructjons from Shri Sanjay Gandhi on various
matters regarding the functioning of the State Bank
including staff matters.
7.4 7 In response to detailed inquiries bv the
Commission in this regard Shd Pranab
denied that he had eyer asked Shri Varadachary to
see Shri Sanjay Gandhi in relation to .his appointment
or other matters relating to the State Bank althounh
he did confirm the meeting which Shri
had with the Chairman of the Delhi Small Industries
Development Corporation at Shri Mukherjee's
residence. He also broadly confirmed Shri Varada:
charay's statements in relation to most of the matters
c>..cept in as far as they related to references to
Shri Sanjay Gandhi. He was specifically asked
by the as to whether he could furnish any
reason why Shn Varadachary should, in a letter
addressed t o the present Prime Mi11ister, make: these
statements on the eve of his ove:r charge to
another officer, and whether Shri Mukherjee ' Could
suggest any reason why Shri Varadachary should
state therein somet.hing which is not true. All that
Shri Mukheriee had to say was "Sir, I cannot say
anything on it."
7.48 The Commission, however, sees no rcas.on to
disbelieve the as set out in Shri Varadachary's
note dated Apnl 21 , 1977, enclosed to his letter dated
April 30, 1977, to the Prime Minister arn1ough .it was
not possible to examine Shri Varadachary as the
.Commission was informed that he was abroad and,
therefore, not .readily available.
7.49 Although Shri Pranab . Mukherjee assisted the.
Comntission at. the preliminary stage of its fact finding
inquiry, he did not file any stateruent in this case as
was required to be done under Rule 5(2) (a) of the
Commissions of Inquiry (Centnii) Rules, 1972. He
bad responded to the summon-,; under section 8B . of
the Commissions of Inquiry Act,, 1952. But he
refused tO take oath and tender evidence. However,
from :the facts on record and the evidence analvscd
above, it appears that the :1ornrnl established procclllirc
in regard to the appointni.cnt of t he Chairman of
Slate Bank of India was uot. followed in this case and
further that it was not in accordance with the
provisions of the State Ba!1k of India Act, 1955, which
made, consultation with the Reserve Bank of India a ..
condit.ion precedent to the appointment of the
Chairman by the Cenli'al Government. The
Commission is of the view that considerations other
than strictly professional and totally extraneous have ..
unfortunately been allowed to operate in arriving at
the decision to appoint Shri Varadachary. Shri Pranab
Mukherjee violated established administrative
conventions and ptocedurcs and misused his position
in the appointment of Shri Varadachary.
5. DeV,iatio11 from established procedure and irregulari.
ties' in the appointment of Shni T. R. Tuli as
.Chairman. and Man aging . Director of Pun jab '
Naiional Bank.
J.50 Shri P. L. Tandort's term as Chairman an<l
Managing Director of the Punjab National Bank was
due to expire on 31-7-75. Under sub-clause (a) of
O ausc' 3, read with sub-clause ( l) ar Clause 8; of the
Banks (Ma nagement and Mi sccllan:!ous
Provisions) Scheme, I 970, appointment of his
. was to be made by the Central Government nfter
co11S1Jll111ioh with the Reserve Dank of lndia. Acc:ord-
ingiy. o.n May. 12, 1975 thc-l'11en Secretary, Depanm::nt
o( Banking wrot e to !Ii<: Governor Han!.:,
infer- a(ia, seeking the Res:!r-ve Bank's views .in this
regard.' ln his reply dated Mny 14, 1975, the Governor
of the: Bank wrote that the Reserve B:ink
lhiiiks thut Shri Tandun's recommcnc.Jatian in favour of
Shri 0.. P. Gupta is very appropriate. He added that
in fm:t the B:rnk would recommend lhat Shri 0. P.
Gupta bt:: considered very seriously for the succession
straightaway. The then Finance Minister agreGd . with .
R eserve Bank's recommendation that Shri P. Gupta
who was then the G:!rieral Manager of the
Punjab National Bank should b'! appo:nted as its Chafr-
man and Director. Accordingly; with the
approval of the Finance Minister, the Department of
Banking submitted a note to the Appointmens Com-
mittee of the Cab:net on the May 13, 1975 seeking the
Appointments Committee's approval to Mr. 0 . P.
Gupta' s appo:ntment. The proposal as approv?:d by
the Finance Minister was submitted by. Shri U. C.
AKgarwal Establishment Officer, on June 4, 1975, fol'
approval to the other two Memb! rs. of the Apooin-
ments Committee, namely the Home Minister and the
! ' .
. Minister, through tl:ie Cabinet Secretary. The
. Cabinet Secretary forwarded it to the .Home Minister
on June 5, 1975. Shri K. Brahtnananda Reddy, t11e then
Home Minister, approved it on June 7, 1975 and
passed on the pape1;s to the Priine M!nister. This pro-
posal lay pendmg with the Prime Minister for a long
time and no decision was conveyed to the then Depart-
ment of Banking until after the Prime Minister approv-
ed the appointment of Shti T. R. Tuli to the same pust
in the following circumstances.
7.51. On July 15, 1975, Shri M. G. Balasubrn-,
manian, the then Addi. Se<.:retary in the Department of
Banking, recorded the followi'ng minute on the relevant
ti:c of the Department of Banking :
"The file has been returned from F.M's. office for
submission of revised proposals. I have
spoken t o Gonrnor, RBL
H recorded the following further mfoute on July 21,
"I cnqu:re<l of the Governor, when I met hiin in
Calcutta 011 19th July, 1975, about RBI's
report to us regarding Government's proposal
.to appoint Mr. T. R. Tuli <Ye New Bank of
India as Chairman. Punjab National Bank
about which I had spoken to him over the
phcne on 15th July, 1975. Governor told me
that he was under t'he impression that I
. y.iyld .. be wr.iti_ng to. him about this to enable
RBI to send a reply. When I told him that
my undetstandi'n!! was different, he promised
to write to me after he reaches Bombay on
21st evening. -
"The Chairman and Ma'rtaging Director is to be
appointed by Government after consultation
with the RBI and RBI has
please put up the file for F.M.'s orders today
itself, whether he should send a note
to /\CC or issue the ordets and inform the
E.O. lo h c1) the ACC appri sed."
7 .52 Accordingly, a note was recorded on the same
day, namely July 21, 1975, by Shri D. M. Sukthankar,
Director in the D:parlmcnt .of Bunking, the
Finance Minister's order, inter aMa, as to a
notification Shri T. R. Tuli !IS Chairman
and Managing Director of the Punjab National Bank
may be jssued straightaway and the
Officer requested to keep t'he Appointments Committee
of the Cabinet apprised or whether a revised note tnav
be sent to the Apoointments Committee of the Cabinet
. for obtaining their approval to the revised prop.,sal.
Shri Sukthankar's note starts by saying that the G"v-
ernor. Reserve Bank of Ind;a, has been consulted bv
the Additional Secretary regarding the Gover'nment's
decision to apooint Shri T. R. Tuli. Chairman.
Bank of India Ltd. (a Bank in the Private Sector) 11s
Chairman and of t'he Puniab
National Bank with effect from August 1 1975. Si!!ni-
ficantlv it does not state what the views of the Res<!rve
Bank in this regard,were. The reason for this omission
will be presently.
. 1
7.53 Shr.i Subramaniam minuted on July 22, 1975
that Shri Tuli IlJay be appointed straightaway . for a
period o'f one year and sought the then Prime Minister's
approval to this. The then Prime Minister approved the
proposal on July 24, 1975 and accordingly Shri Tuh
was appointed as Chairman and Managing Director of
the Punjab National Bank in terms of notification dated
July 31, 1975 issued in this regard. Thereafter, on
August 5, 1975, Shri M. G. Balasubrari:l.aniam wrote a
letter to Shri U. C. Agarwal, the Establishment Officer
referring to the earlier note of the then Department
of Banking regarding the appointment of a new incum-
bent to the post of Chairman a'nd Managing Director
of t'he Punjab National Bank and informed him that it
has since been decided with the approval of the Prime
to appoint Shri T. R. Tuli to that post for a
period of one year with effect from August 1, 1975.
The letter also i'nd.icated that the Home Minister
also been kept suitably informed by the Finance Minis-
ter's Office and went on to suggest that the Establish-
ment Officer may perhaps consider recording th-:: infor-
mation suitably in the office . of the Appointments
Committee o'f the Cabinet.
7.54 The Reserve Bank's views on the Government's
propo$al to appoint Shri T. R. Tuli of the New Bank
of India about which Shri M. G. Balasubramaniam had
spoken over the telephone to the then Governor Qf
Reserve Bank on July 15, 1975 were contained in the
Governor's letter dated July 22, 1975 (i.e. one day
after Shri Sukthankar's note referred to at paragraph
3 above was submitted to the Finance Minister) and
was received in the Department of Banking on the
July 23, 1975. This letter gives the unmistakable im-
that the }leserve Bank was not very enthusias-
. tic about the Government's proposal in this regard. In
his testimony the Commission, Shri C. Subr-a-
maniam stated that he would "take the Reserve Bank's
report as neutral."
7.55 In response to a query as to why the proposal
for the appointment of Shri 0. P. Gupta which the
Finance Minister had made on the recommendation of
the Reserve Bank was not carri,ed out, Shri Subra-
maniam stated that while this was being processed, the
. Pr.ime Minister mentioned that Shri Tuli's name should
also be considered for the post. He also indicated in the
course of liis testimo'ny that he did not know Shri Tuli
before. and comparatively speaking, Punjab National
Bank was very much bigger than the New Bank of
India. When asked whether the Prime Minister
suggested that Shri Tuli should be . appointed Shri
Subramaniam, replied "yes". '
7.56 As indicated in paragraph 4 above,
Smt. al?proved the to appoint Shd
T. R. Tuh straightaway as Chatrman and Manaoing
Director of the Punjab National Bank on July 24, J 975.
on the very next namely. July 25, 1975,
the Ongmal proposal submitted to the Prime Minister
early in June 1975 to appoint Shri 0. P. Gupta to this
post was returned by Shri Ramachandran Joint Secre-
tary to the Prime Minister with the following remark :
"It was learnt that Finance Minister was not
proceeding with this proposal. He had sepa-
rately submitted alternative proposals t.o PM.
. ...
PM has approved Finance Miciste(s proposal
to appoint Shri T. R. Tuli, at present Chair-
man of New Bank of India Ltd., as C.hairman
and MD of PNB for a period of one year
w.c.f. August 1, 1975. Finru1ce Ministry will
be sending a formal note to E.O.: giving
This remark, to say the least, is intriguing in _the light
of Shri C. Subramaniam's evidence that Shri Tuli's
name was suggested by none other than the then
Pr.!me Mi'nister herself.
7.57 Smi. Gandhi has not filed any.statement iil this
case. as was required to be done under Rule '5(2)(a)
of the .. Commiss.:On of Inquiry (Central) Rufos, 1972.
She had responded to the summons under section 8B
of the Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1952, _but 'had
refused to take oath and declined to give . e.vidence.
However, it .is clear from the foregoing facts; that in
this case, the Finance Minister had agreed with the
recommendatioFl of the Reserve Bank that Shri 0. P.
Gupta may be appointed as Chairman and. Managing
Director of the Punjab National Bank. The proposal in
this regard, approved by the Finance Minister : a'rid the
Home Minister, had been submitted to Smt. Gandhi in
her capacity as one of the members of the Appoint-
ments Committee of the Cabinet. When this proposal
was pending with her for her concurrence, she sugges-
ted the name of Shri T. R. Tuli for the post and within
a very short time thereafter Shri Tuli's appointment to
this post was approved. It is also seen that befqre
arriving at this decision to appoint the Chairman of
a comparatively small bank in the Private Sector to the
senior-most position in one of the biggest Public Sector
banks in the country, no effort was made to 9onsider
the suitability for this post, of senior Managers within
the public sector ba'nking--s-ystem-itself as had been
done in several other instances.
7.58 No reason whatsoever has been given for
departing frqm the recommendation of the Reserve .
Bank which has intimate knowledge of the worki ng
of all Banks in the country and is, therefore, in a
position to ju_dge the comparative merits of the:varicus
officers for top positions in the Banking Seetor. This
b.ecomes even more striking since Reserve Bank's. re-
commendation had been found acceptable :by t.he
Finance Miiiister himself and by the Home Minister.
If the then Prime Minister had any serious difference
of opinion in this regard, there ,is no reason why the
matter could not have been discussed by her with the
two. other members of the Appo:ntments Committee
or in the alternative whv she could not record her viewi:
in this r.egard on the file submitted to her. instead of
virtually Shri Subramaniam to submit :a revis-
ed proposal in favour of a person of her choice.
7.59. Under the circumstances, the Commissfon is of
the view that this is yet another instance where the
.then Finance Minister Shd C. Subramaniam was vir-
tually compelled to fall in line with the suggestion
made by the then Prime Minister, Smt. Gandhi and
that such compuls!on to abuse of authority
by the former Pr.1me Mm1ster. It clearly resulted in
subversion of well-established co11ventions. :
..: ' .
. . .
: l,
6. Devia!ion from the established procedure for the
selectwn of officers for top level executive post in
Public Sector Undertakings, in the case of Lt. Gen.
J;. T. Satarawala, as Chairman-cum-Managing
J?trector, India Tourisni and Deve!Opment Corpora-
7.60 At tire request of the Minister for Tourism
and: Civil Aviation, the Public Enterprises Selection
Board (PESB) recommended suitable names for the
post . of Chairman-cum-Managing Director of India Devdopment Corporation. According to Reso-
.lut1011 No, 5(1)/74 of Bureau qf Public Enterprises
dated August 30, 1974, it was the responsibility of the
to select persons for posts, such as, full-time
Chairil1an, i;>art-time Cha.irman and Managing Director
for all J.>ublic Sector Corporations.
7.61 The P.E.S.B. met on July 26, 1976 and sug-
gested the_ o.f Sh. Ajit Singh and Shri B. S. Das,
after cons1denng eight names amongst whom was the
- name of Lt. Gen. J . T. Satarawala. The recommenda-
tion of the P.E.S.B. was communicated to the Ministry
on 9, 1976 and a letter requesting-the
Officer to obtam the approval of the
Appomtments Committee was prepared by the Ministry.
The Secretary Shri N. K. Mukarjee agreed to the pro-
posal marked the to the Minister for approval.
The Mm1ster then desired that the Minister for State
may also see the proposal. The Minister for State Shri
Surindra Pal Singh suggested the name of Lt. Gen. J. 't.
He stated that in his opinion to bring about
a at t'he topmost level in I.T.D.C., would be
detnmental to the national interest. The Minister for
State comn1ented that Lt. Gen. Satarawala was keeping
good physical condition and was quite capable of
shoulderi"lig the onerous and heavy responsibility oi'
lo:oking after the I.T.D.C.
') .62 Shri Raj Bahadur agreed with tfie Minister of
State, and, accordingly, a revised draft was prepared.
It was dealt with by the Joint Secretary in the absence
of tl)e Secretary. The Appointments Committee of the
Cahinet approved the nppointment of i.t. Gen. Satarn-
who had been considereci hy the P.E.S.B. but not
for appointment. .
7.63 It is not a healthy convention to post an officer
as a lop level executive, who was earlier intervicwr.d
and not considered suitable hy Public Enterprises
Selection Board to the exclusion uf 1 l1e in the
pnncl r ecommended by the P.E.S.B. cout:;e
wuuld have been to request the P.E.S.B.; to suggest a
fresh panel of names. By ignoring the recommenda-
tions of a statutory body, the Government was making
a.n inroad into the relevance and respectability of such
a body.
7. Deviation Jrmn the established procedure for the
selection of officers for top level executive post in
Public Sector the case of Air
Afarshal H. C. Dewan, as Chairman,
Airport Authority of India
. 7.64 On the completion of the tenure of Air Marshal
Y. V. Malse, :B. S. Oas was appointed to look
the current duties of the post of Chairman in
addition to his own duties as; wholetime Member
Airports Authority of India. The Ministry
forwarded to the Public Enterprises Selection Board
the names of Shri B. S. Das and two others.
7;65 The matter was considered by the Public
Enterprises Selection Board at its meeting held on
December 4, 1975. After the suitability
o'i. the possessing the requisite qualifications,
the P.E.S.B. hsted five persons, amongst whom the
first was Shri B. S. pas.
7 .66 The Board recommended Shri B. S. Das as the
most suitable person for appciintment as Chairman
I .A.A. I. The recommendation of the P.E.S.B.
. by the th.en Minister for Tourism and Civil
Aviatiort and the Establishment Officer was approached
on December, 1975 to seek approval of the
Appointments Committee of the Cabinet for appoint-
ment of Shri B. S. Das as Chairman, I.A.A.I.
7 .67 While seeking the approval of the A.C.C. for
appointment. of Shri Das, .the Ministry sent only his
C.R. dossiers and particulars of none of the other
candidates considered by the i>.E.S.B. were forwarded.
7.68 The Appointments Committl?e of the Cabinet,
however, chose to disagree with the recommendation
of the P .E.,S.B. and did not. approve the proposal. to
the appointment of Shri B. S. Das as Chairman.
Instead, the Committee, desired that Air Marshal
H. C. Dewan be to the post. No apparent
ieason for deviating from the procedure of selection
of top level executive officer was given. Air" Marshal .
H. C. Dewan had been interviewed by the P.E.S.B.
but was not found suitable. The then Minister of
Tourism and Civil Aviation choose to ignore the
Secretary's noting that there was disparity of criteria
as between P.E.S.B., and A.C.C., particularly because
Air Marshal tDewan had been considered but was not
recommended by the P.E.S.B. The then Minister
hc;wever, directed that the decision of tne A.C.C'.
:;hould be complied with.
. . 7 .69 lf the person recommended by the P .E.S.B.,
m lhc present cai;e was not acct:plable for arty
particular reason, the appointing could well
have asked for a . fresh panel of suitable candidates.
By not doing this and appointing a person who had
been interviewed by the P.E.S.B., find not found
suitable, the Government Ms exposed itself to the
charge of, to say the least, injecting into the selection
process considerations which may well be ex.traneous
to the requitements of the job. Such a practice does
n9t add to the credibility of established ibstitutions;
r:ither it impaires it.
8. MisuSe of powers and institutio1i of false criminal
complaints against four senior officials by the C.B.l.
at the instance of Smt. Indira Gandhi
7.70 A question askeJ by Shrj, Jyotirmoy Basu in
the Parliament seeking to elicit information from the
Government concerning import of machinery by Maruti
Private Limited, was listed for reply on April 16, 1975.
Four officers o( the Ministries, Snri Krishnaswamy
' '
Deputy Secretary, Heavy Industries;' Shri A. _S. Rajan,
Development Otlicer, DGTD; and Shri L. R. Cavale,
Chief Marketing Manager, P.E.C.; and Shri P. S.
Bhatnagar, Deputy Marketing Manager, P.E.C., were
collecting such relevant information as would ena!:Jlc
the Minister concerned to reply to the question .
7.71 In the process of gathering informatioh, Shri
Krishnaswamy asked Shri Khosla, an officer of DGTD
to contact the Manager of Mani.ti Private Limited and
obtain certain information. Shri Khosla accompanied
by Shri Bharij. visited the factory of Maruti Limited on
April 10, 1975, but no information was supplied to
them by the Management of Maruti Limited.
7.72 Some time between April 9 and 14, 1975,
Shri A. S. Rajan and Shri P. S. Bhatnagar contacted
M/s. Batliboi and Company on telephone to elicit cer-
tain information in relation to H1e question, which was
to be answered in the Parliament. On April 14, 1975,
Shri R . K. Dhawan, Additional Private Secretary t o
the then Prime Minister, contacted Shri T. A. Pai,
Minister for Heavy Industries on telephone and com-
plained against the conduct, of the officers of his
. Ministry, who were collecting information from
. Batliboi and Company. On April 15,
Sim R. I<, Dhawan spoke to Shri A. S. Rajan and
Siui P , S. Bhatnagar on t<';lcphone and directed Shri
P. S: Bhatnaga! to desist from collecting information
to the. lll1port of machinery by Maruti Private
Shn Ca vale has corroborated Shri Bhat-
statement. He himself r eceived a phone call
the same day. from Shri N. K. Singh, Special Assistant
t<? the to what trans-
p!Ce<l m tne. office regarding the Parliament Question
on Maruti.
7.73 S.ID:i T. A: Pai was personally called by the
Pnme M1mster to meet her at. her residence. Shri P::ii
met the Prime Minister. to his r ecollection
.it was either on April 14 or 15, 1975. He has stated
tha.t found Smt. G.anctI:i "completely upset and
furious . Sh.e told Shn Par tl.1at the Management of
M/s. Batlibo1 ai:id C?i;npany was being harassed by
officers of. h!s M1mstry. In. th.e presence of Shri
Pai. Smt. Ganah1 called Shri Dbpwan and directed him
to contact Shri D. Sen, Director, CBI and ask him to
into the conduct of H1ese officers and
raid theiC houses. She also asked Shri Dhawan to send
for Shri D. Sen.
7.74 smt. Gandhi also called Prof. & P. Cllrit!Cl-
the Minister of Commerce, at her
:es1den.ce on. 15, 1975 and directed that
1mn;ied1ate mqmry. should ., be started against
Shn .Bhatnagar because he had caused harassment. to
certam Shri Chattopadhyaya prepared a
note on Apr!I 15, 1975, extract from which is
reproduced below : -
"A specific case was brought to my notice today
Shri P. S. Bhatnagar, Deputy Market-
ing Manager, P.E.C. kept the representat.ives
of a firm waitiug for an unduly Jong time
and. coerced them to part with certain infor-
The manner in which the i11forma-
t1on sought bl! obtained, was un-
becoming of. a public I would like
the Chairman, P.E.C. to take disciplinpry
action against the officers."
Professor Chattopadhyaya in his evidenL>e. before the
Commission has stated that he discussed the
with the P .E.C. officers and informed them of what
he had learnt. from the Prime Minister an<t: ordered
that disciplinary proceedings should be commenced
against Shri Bhatnagar. According to Prof. Chatto-
padhyaya he did not apply his mine! with regard to the
Veracity of the information since it had Come from.
the Prime Minister personally and he t.hought that
the Prime Minister must have full information and
must have satisfied herself about the involvement of
Shri Bi.1atnagar. Shri Chattopadhyaya has clearly stated
that ;,.1e thought that the Prime Minister must have
applied her mind, especiaily because neither b efore
that incident nor thereafter had she ever complained
about the conduct of any ollicer and that was why
he directed the action as suggested by her.
7.75 Pursuant to the order m.ade by Prof. Chatto-
padhyaya, Shri Bhatnagar was ordi::re<l to be suspendeu
a_nd intimation of the . order was give,n to him some
time at-about 10 p.m. that night--i.e. April 15, 1975 .
7.76 Shri T. A. Pai, however, hat! called his 0Jike1:;;
and had satisfied himself that there was no
substance in the allegations made against his officers
to t.he effect they were responsible for harassment
9f M/s. Batliboi and Company. Shri Pai had also .
.the Manager of M/s. Batliboi and satisfied
the allegations that there was ill-treatment
of. tbc .. employecs of M}s. Bailihoi Limited was without
7.77 The orders of Smt. Gandhi were
by Shri Dl1awan to Shri Sen, Director of
CHJ. Shr_1 Se13 called the Deputy Director, Intelligence
C:cll, Sim R.aJpal on. April 15, 1975 evening and asked
him to venfy the mformaliun against Shri Krishna-
Shri Rajan a.nd Si1ri Bhatnagar. Shri Rajpa I
was informed by Sim Sen that all these officers were
corrupt-and had asse,ts to their known
sources . of Sh.ri Sen directed Shri Rajpal fo
immediately to
repo.rt w1thm.five days. On April 16;' 1975,
Shn .his subordinate officers to collect
the _reqms1te mformato.1011 and <!lso to mount surveillance
agamst t.hese three officers.
Before a!1y v.erificatiun could be made, Shri
Sen Shn RaJPal on April 16, 1975 to send
to him whatever information was available against
those. officers. T_he files were, accordingly,
?Y Shn RaJpal to Shri Se!1 . Shri Rajpal,
however, not any action against .these
officers, since the venficat1on had just started. Shd
ordered the registration of reaular cases
agamst Shn m1atnagar and Rajan .. o;{ April 17,
1975, cases f?rrnally reg1stcre.d agamst Shri
and Shn under Prevention of Corrup-
t!on for m possession of assets dispropor-
t? known means. On April 18, 1975,
residential premises were searched by the CBI
'i--.-------.- ..
I .
! 61
7.79 The S.T.C. authorities, who had control over
Shri Bhat.nagar and Shri L. R. Cavale were also gal-
.vanised into action in pursuance of the note sent by
Shri D. P. Chattopadhyaya. Shri Bhatnagar was serv-
ed with' the suspension. order at his residence on the
night of April 15, 1975. Shri Ci:lvalc .was transferred
to .Madras Delhi. This order was dated
April 16, 1975. Then this order was withdl\awn and
a fresh order dated April 15, 1975, with 'identical
contents was again served upon: Shri Cavale. The fact
that the date of the transfer order was changed from
April 16 to 15 is significant insofar as the authorities
were anxious t.o tnake it appear that there . was no
delay in the execution of the orders. Shri Cavale did.
not accept the transfer meekly a.ntl protested against
order of the Chairman,
7. 80 Shri P. J. Fernandes, Direc;tor Genei"al, Bureau
of Public Enterprises, took up the relating to
the transfer of Shri Cavale with the Chairman of
S.T.C. Shri P. J. -Fernandes was informed by the
Chaipnan that he was helpless wd .that he was ac1ing
under Supe.riot instructions. Shri Cavale, then per-
sonally met the Chairman, who also advised him that
iri order to avoid further "complications and possible
harassment" , he should accept the order . of transfer
r:nd proceed to Madras. Sbri Cavale was unwilling
. io. accept the advice. Th.:: CBI started ver"ification
on him on April 21, 1975 and he was placed under
surveillance . . Tbe inquiry against Sllri Cavale did not
reveal any incriminating material against justifying
registration of a case against him. Bul on April 27,
1975, Shri Sen ordered r egistration of a preliminary.
foq\i iry. Shri Sen also ordered that copies of the
i;eport of . the pre!iminary inquiry .should not be sent
to the tm1al rec1p1ents. The Cell was also
to collect further information so that the preli-
mi1fo1y inquiry could be converted into a regular case.
This clearly implied that the. preH1hinary inquiry
inevitably to be cori.vetted into a regular case. The
Intelligence Cell was, however, unable to collect any
relia.ble rnaterial on which a could be regis-
tered against Shri Cuvalc.
7.81 According to Shri K. Vijayan, S.P., he wa1>
pressurised by Shri A. B. Chaudhary, Joint .Director
to write a note suggesting that. the house of Shri Cavale
should be searched. Accot;diiigly, Shri Vijayan re-
corded a note, and on the basis of his note house
of Shri Ca vale was searched on May 3, 1975; and a
regular case was registered against Shri Cavale for
investigation under the Prevention of Corruption Act.
7.82 The harassment of Shri Cavale did not, how-
ever, stop at stage. He was asked by the Chair-
man of the S.T.C. to resign from his office. Shri Cavale
was informed that if he continued to remain in the
ot!ice, he may get involved in more trouble and harass-
ment may incre\lse. Apparently, under pressure, Shri
Cavale submitted his resignation, which was pr0mptly
- 7 .8j The residential premises of Shri Krishnaswamy
were searched on May 3 . 1975. It appears that even
though there were not sufficient materials to warrant
any action against Shri On April 27,
1975 Shri Sen desired that a preliminary inquiry should
be registered against him. . was in spite of the
fact that Shri Rajpal was bold enough to point out
to Shri D. S.en repeatedly that Shri Ktishnaswamy had
a good his standard of liviog was Ihoderate
and that he came from a well-off family. Here also
it. was directed that the registration report should not
be sc11t to the usual addresses, ostensibly, to maintain
secrecy: 'On April 27, 1975, the Joint Director, Shri
Chaudhary, indicated that after more information was
. available, the preliminary ipqairy would be converted
into a regular case. The was, accordingly,
tered on May 2, 1975 and the house of Shri Krishna-
swamy was searched on May 3_, 1975. Shri Krishna-
swamy, who belot1gc0 fo the Railway Service and was
on deputation with the Ministry of Industries, proceed-
ed on August 18, 1975, on four months' leave, in view
of his continued harassment. This was extended
on half-pay. In February, 1976 Shri Krishnaswainy
was reverted to his parent cadre in the Railways. Even
thereafter the CBI appar
.:: ntly tried several rnethods
to scrutinise all the files, whkh Krishnaswamy
h"1d dealt with in the performance of his duties in the
Industries Ministry. Nothing in.::riminating was found
against him. A case under the E;{tisc Act was
tuted by the iDelhi Police ut the instance of the CBI
for alleged possession of liquor beyond permissible
limit discovered du"ring the search of the residence of
Shri Krishnaswamy.
. 7.84 The trial court did i10t find Shri l\rishnaswamy
guilty of any violation and him on March
4, 1977.
7 .85 Wife :of Shri Krishnaswaftl)' was also. harassed
on certain alkgations of being involved in some Foreign
Exclrnnge. transactions. Even the bank !Ocker of the
father of Shri Krishi;iaswamy, a ollicer of the
.,Govern1i1cnt of India in the Jndia11 Audit and Accounts
Service was searched at Madras.
In the proceedings taken against all the four
officers, pursuant to which. cases were started by . the
CBI practically nothing was 'detected ari.d ultimately
the proceedings under the Prevention of Corruption
Act relating to the allegat-ion of possessing assets dis-
proportionate to the known of income wt!re
abanJoncd in all the cases.
. 7.87 All the four oflicei:"s were cx.amined by the
Commission. At the preliminary stage the atJidavit of
Shri Rajan was read out us he was not. available. He
appeared at the second stage of Lhe inquiry and he was
examined by the Commission.
7.88 From the sequence of events it appears that
::ifier the four officers attempted to collect. information
in the performance of their duties between April 9 and
15, 1975, to enable the Minister concerned to reply
to the Starred Quest-ion before the Parliament 011 April
16, ' 1975, Shri Dhawan \spoke to Shri Rajan and Shri
Bhatnagar 6n and told Sbri Bhatnagar not
to make any , inquiries concerning Maruti Private
Li1'11itt!cl. E: th(.;r on ApriJ l 4 Qr 15 nlld mor.:- probably
on April 15, 1975, Shri .T. A. Pai was summoned to
tl1e house of the Prime Minister aniJ he was told by
..--- ---
. .------- - --------- -- - -------
. !
the Prime Minister that the Mamfgement of M/s.
Batliboi and Company was being harassed by the
officers of his Ministry. To use the wqrds of Shl'i Pai :
"She started talking about corruption, my
officers were talking about it and all that
and they are corrupt themselves and what
she said was not quite relevant. I could
not. make out because she was so furious and
angry; that before I could answer, had
called Shri Dhawan and asked their hou&es
are to be raided end Sen to be sent
Shri T. A Pai, however, on inquiries made by him
found the charges baseless.
7.89 Prof. Chattopadhyaya, however, consulted his
officers and action was taken against Shri Bhatnagar
by suspending him forthwith,
7.90 &lri Dhawan has, in his evidence bdore the
Commission, denied that Smt. Gandhi had told him
anything regarding action to be taken against the
officers of the Ministries .Jf Heavv Industries and
Commerce in the presence of Shri t. A. Pai; but he
stated that he was directed by Smt. Gandhi 10 contact
Shri D. Sen and to d1eck the antecedents of the four
officers co.ncerned. Accordingly, Shri Dhawan con-
tacted Sim D. Sen. According to Shri D. Sen. Shri
Dhawan came to him personally ii1 his ollicc nnd <>ave
the information. Shri Dhawan is not certain whcther
-he t?lked to Sen on or personally. The
version of Sim Dhawan, to quote his own words is :
"Chairman : Did you go, at the: instance of the
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- A.ny story from Raipur on the alleged assault of
Hhould be referred to Mr WL. _before use.
ur\ien t
for det. hi. .ont. y
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attack t\'IO I.a st--- raipu r /
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was tom off. mr. mu
kerjfe was i11t by a y.t1ich. caused
:!rljur1es on . his chin., and h17/ rer.wveci to w1
. ... ,. . \ . .
mr ram .. sahay t1v.iar1/ and some other party ... workers were
. . - " 'L . . . . -:. mjured. he added /
vll1Le mr kaushik it a conoress
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iake pol.1ti'cat. advan:taoe on"l:10i1 .
.. .. .. ... . . I . .
cqnot-ess to -. the not not be m1souid3d by ' .
ttm1 ours sP reaci y, an t1-soc1a l. el. em en ts.
t'1eav.y o.rrar1<;ier.1ants hava .. been made in i:he toAt'l and
POl.1ce petrol..t. CJ in ten sif1se1. samachar
orr- ono /2D35 hrs ,---.,..... .
.-........... , __________ ,_......
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PHD. 310
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