Protocol For The Management of Choking in Adults
Protocol For The Management of Choking in Adults
Protocol For The Management of Choking in Adults
Encourage the patient to cough but do nothing else, get patient still and attempt: 5 5 BACK BACK SLAPS SLAPS Sharp blows mid Sharp blows mid way way between between shoulder shoulder blades blades
5 Abdominal THRUSTS Thrusts 5 ABDOMINAL Stand behind patient; make a fist and support with your other hand. Stand behind patient; make a fist, support with your other hand. Place bring sharply inwards upwards Placeinto intopatients patientsabdomen abdomenand & bring sharply inwards && upwards Alternate until obstruction is removed or professional help arrives.
Assess Breathing Assess BREATHING 10secs look, look, listen listen & & feel feel 10secs Attempt 2 rescue breaths ATTEMPT 2 RESCUE BREATHS
If rescue breaths ARE If rescue breaths are successful SUCCESSFUL 5 attempts within 5 within attempts
Ifrescue rescuebreaths breathsare areNOT NOT If SUCCESSFUL within 5 attempts successful within 5 attempts
Assess Assess patient patient according according to to BLS BLS / / CPR CPR guidelines guidelines and and commence commence CPR CPR if if necessary necessary
CHEST Chest COMPRESSIONS compressions (as CPR guidelines but slower & (as CPR guidelines but slower and firmer) firmer)
Protocol for the Management of Choking in Children > 1 Year Old Encourage the child to cough but do nothing else, get patient still and attempt:
5 BACK SLAPS Sharp blows mid way between 5 Back Slaps Sharp blows shoulder mid way between shoulder blades blades
5 Chest Compressions (as5 CPR guidelines but slower and firmer) CHEST COMPRESSIONS
Protocol for the Management of Choking in Infants < 1 Year Old ONLY ATTEMPT THIS PROTOCOL IF THE BABY IS MAKING NO EFFORT TO BREATH ON THEIR OWN.
At no point attempt to clear obstruction by blindly using finger sweeps in infants.
5 Chest Compressions 5 CHEST COMPRESSIONS (as CPR guidelines firmer) (as CPR guidelinesbut butslower slowerand & firmer)