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The document discusses the men's rights movement and its goals of promoting masculinity and opposing the denigration of men.

The men's movement affirms the existence of natural gender differences, the repression of these differences, the necessity of cooperation but also opposition between genders, and the dubious morality of one gender describing the other.

It defines the current situation as a systematic attack on masculinity across all spheres of culture that has caused psychological harm to men and social dysfunction.

Free Issue!

T h e C o u n t e r- Fe m i n i s t I s s u e

Bloggers Missing the Mark

Angry Harry takes issue with the lack of honesty.

Demystifying "Patriarchy"
Find out what they mean when they say Patriarchy, and why it should offend the hell out of you!

The Denigration of Men.

Real or Imagined? Amfortas explores...

PRINCIPLES AND GOALS: MENS MOVEMENT (Translated from the Italian by R. Randazzo) PRINCIPLES: we recognize and affirm: 1. The existence of natural differences between the genders. 2. The extreme immorality of certain social forces, and at the same time, the very real opportunity that these forces have to deny, ignore, compromise, and repress these differences and any expression of them. 3. The necessity of cooperation between the genders, and at the same time the inevitability of opposition between them. 4. The scientific inconsistency and dubious morality of any claim by one gender to describe the state, condition, needs, experiences, or the value of the other gender. THE CURRENT STATE OF AFFAIRS We define the current situation in the following terms: 1. For two generations masculinity and the male gender have been subject to an all-out attack covering every sphere, from the world of images and symbolism to that of common everyday existence, applied systematically and consistently in every manner and through all means of communication and cultural diffusion. 2. The term male-bashing extends itself to aesthetics, opposing their attainment by men which includes the male body and men's physicality. 3. Every level and gradation within contemporary culture, and every unit that elaborates on or transmits that culture, without a single exception, is a tool of this program. 4. This phenomenon is the fundamental cause of psychological/emotional harm in individuals and social dysfunctions of an ever-increasing gravity, hindering the entire male gender and in particular the younger generations. THE VALUE OF FEMININITY 1. We reject any kind, however indirect, of denigration, of offensiveness and devaluation, of the ethical, aesthetic, and intellectual worth of the female gender; we repudiate any diminution of the symbolic importance of the feminine, and of the historical importance of female endeavors visible and invisible, past present and future.

WE PURSUE THE FOLLOWING OBJECTIVES: 1. The promotion of the essential value of masculinity, specifically with regard to personal dignity and the irreplaceable role of the masculine in the world of image and symbol and of the male gender in every area of life, spiritual and material, for the benefit of present and future generations. 2. The identification and condemnation of any instance of malebashing in every context, form, or style, and any expression of malebashing, direct or indirect, open or veiled. 3. The moral opposition to male-bashingto the denigration and demonization of men, the denigration of male sentiments, attributes, opinions and needs, the denigration of male contributions and comportmentin the media, literature, the arts, political discourse, historiography, scientific tracts, text-books, advertising, and in every form of expression and means of communication. 4. The restitution of the value and dignityas well as the historic roleof past generations of men, by means of the deconstruction of feminist historiography. 5. The struggle against the cultural ideals of a Feminist Society and its basic values therefore against the following:
The principle of the moral, aesthetic and intellectual superiority of the female gender; The denial of the existence of anti-male hatred; The criminalization both direct and indirect of the male gender; The planned inhibition of the development of male consciousness; The psychological and chemical emasculation of the younger generations; The domestication and docility of men; The use of the male libido for purposes of speculation,manipulation, intimidation and blackmail; The demand for reparations, material and moral, for the wrongs, real or imagined, sustained by the female gender; The legal commercialization of sexual relations and relations based upon affection; The presumed permissibility of an autocratic imposition of behavioral rules upon the male gender; The principles of political correctness and the imposition of its vocabulary.

In This Issue:
What They Don't Want You to Know... -Fidelbogen




-Paul Elam

Give a dog a bad name ..and expect to get bitten.

In the Next Issue:


Photo: Factory
Factory Factory Amfortas Fidelbogen Paul Elam Angry Harry Factory Factory

We explore issues surrounding marriage, divorce, and child custody.


Is Feminism a Hate Movement? -Fidelbogen

On the Cover: Dave Conway

Male Bloggers:

Failing Miserably To Understand The Issues

Editor: Creative Director: Contr. Writers: Lead Designer: Photography:



-Angry Harry


Letter from the Editor

The Mens Rights Movement, as such, is nebulous at best. I have been involved in it for about 12 years now, and have seen it evolve from a bunch of guys complaining to each other on BBS's (remember those?), to a groundswell movement on the cusp of prominence. Articles on the state of men, and maleness, abound on the internet. Countless blogs and YouTube pages have been started by men demanding answers, and change. Real research into gender issues from a male perspective or, even better, BOTH sex's perspective is coming to light, and the news is confirming what MRAs have been saying for years: Feminists have badly misrepresented men and masculinity (deliberately so), and the changes to society wrought to placate this movement have had massive detrimental effect to nearly every aspect of it. Policies designed to "balance" social issues were based on ideology and "research" that didn't even pretend to study men, the other half of the population. Laws were enacted to protect "victims" at the expense of the accused's legal rights, up to and including the inversion of "Innocent Until Proven Guilty", the backbone of western criminal law. Social mores were twisted until we reached the present state, where men are viewed with fear and suspicion, and personal relations between the sexes resemble hedonistic competitions more than safe havens from the outside world...

And yet, nothing seems to get done about it. Men need a voice, someone has to stand up and speak out... The men on these pages are that "somebody". These articles were written for their blogs, in many cases with no expectation that anyone would read them. In short, these articles were written because the author passionately cares about you. They know how confusing and suffocating the web of lies and social constraint and legal punishments can be on your free speech. They know that you can't piss off the boss's favourite secretary. They know that certain people will hate you just for caring about men, or criticizing female behaviour. They know that each and every one of you felt like you're the only one who feels this way. At least until YouTube came along... They also know it's been done to you on purpose. And that's why it's time for this magazine. This is YOUR voice, this is OUR dialogue, and you do NOT have to apologize. This is the first of many issues, whatever the future brings. So read on, soak up the info, and write me a letter. Let the dialogue begin!


...What they don't want you to know .

by: Fidelbogen
What do the feminists really mean by the term "patriarchy"? When this word rolls off a feminist tongue, what does it specifically refer to? Is it possible to discover what they are talking about in terms of the utmost clarity, simplicity, and above all usability, and reduce it to a formula that will smack the nail bang on the head every time? talk about "patriarchy", and in their varied accents they are all referring to the same thing. It is to this thing specifically that we direct our enquiry, in order that we may know it and name it and decode feminist speech by the light of it. Here is the secret: When feminists speak of patriarchy, all they are really talking about is male power. It's just that simple. All of their circumlocutions dance endlessly and evasively around thisthat patriarchy is exactly synonymous with male power, neither more nor less than male power, and that in all cases the terms patriarchy and -Sheila Jeffrys male power may be interchanged with a negligible adulteration of meaning. Try the experiment yourself. Find a piece of feminist writing where the word patriarchy occurs; replace this word with male power; see if it makes any fundamental difference. Also, see if it throws an unexpectedly revealing light upon the matter,

Understand, that we wish to unpack the occulted lexical thread of signification which the word patriarchy carries throughout ALL examples of feminist rhetoric. When THEY talk about patriarchy, THEY assuredly mean something particular, something consistent, something examinable, something that would manifest their devices if it were brought to light. From the highest towers of the academy to the lowest reaches of the pop-feminist gutter, they all 3

"When a woman reaches orgasm with a man she is only collaborating with the patriarchal system, eroticizing her own oppression..."

yielding a sense and consistency superior to the original version. If you wish, replace the word patriarchy with the simple word "men", and it will yield similar results. I know that many feminists have denied that patriarchy equals "men", but think for a minute: is not bare existence in itself a form of power? Tell me who has more male power: a man who exists, or a man who doesn't?

calculus of meaning. Every feminist analysis that I'm aware of (for example, that of John Stoltenberg) does no better than make "something else" to be a form of male will-to-power emanating from the allegedly "constructed" nature of maleness in the first place. But this is a completely circular explanation that will never boost the discussion beyond square one, so we might as well scrap it. Besides, the whole mess boils down to male power anyway, so that in the end all you are really saying is that patriarchy is male power plus male power. So in the end, you can't go far wrong if you simply set "patriarchy" equal to "male power". You'll go further wrong if you select any other option. It follows that any feminist who talks about "ending" patriarchy or reducing it in some way, is also talking about ending or reducing male power in some way. So what does male power mean? It means: any power of any kind which any male citizen might happen to possess. And exactly what is this thing called...power? That is a very good and very important question. In the realm of human affairs, as near as we can make it, power is a substance compounded of two ingredients: IDENTITY, and AGENCY. Identity means the sum of all factors, both mental and physical, which identify you as a discrete center of conscious awareness in contradistinction to other such discrete centers. Agency means your capacity to either effect or prevent change through the exercise of your volition. Let that sink in. Take a break for a few minutes, if you want to. Get away from the computer. Go outside , look at the clouds, listen to the birds, enjoy the fresh air. 4

"Patriarchy requires violence or

the subliminal threat of violence in order to maintain itself... The most dangerous situation for a woman is not an unknown man in the street, or even the enemy in wartime, but a husband or lover in the isolation of their home."
-Gloria Steinem in Revolution from Within: A Book of Self-Esteem

No feminist understanding of "patriarchy" makes any ultimate sense if you divorce this word from the idea of male power. If you aren't talking about male power in some way then you are wasting your time talking about patriarchy in any way whatsoever. Let that thought be your femspeak decoder template. Feminist answer experts, seeking to confuse the issue, might reply that patriarchy is male power plus something else. Maybe so. But if you subtracted the male power part, the "something else" part wouldn't stand up any better than an empty gunny-sack, whereas the "male power" parteven by itselfwould remain fully serviceable within the

Very well, you are back. Let's recapitulate. Patriarchy is a feminist code word for male power. Male power means any power of any kind which any male citizen might happen to posess, and power specifically means identity plus agency. So in practice, the feminist keyword patriarchy maps to the identity and agency of any male citizen. Gentle reader, you as a person posess identity and agency. In other words, you posess power. You mightn't think you have enough of it, but you do have some. And so long as you have some, you have freedom. Again, possibly not enough for your liking...but some. And some is always enough to get you startedenough to leaven the dough, you might say. Be glad of it, and work intelligently with it. Let's see how feminism enters the picture. Feminism is an anti-male hate movement, and it is perfectly natural that when you hate something you will seek to deprive it of powerthe more the better. We have equated power with identity and agency, and so have the feminist ideologuesalthough not necessarily in the same terms. Still, they have copped the base mechanics that we've outlined here. They know it instinctively. In order to undermine male power, the women's movement over the years has set afoot a variety of actions, both large and small, tending to vitiate the identity and agency of men. Indeed, nearly everything which feminism has accomplished has

made some contribution to this overall effect. This "campaign" has cut a gradual, descending swath from the macrocosm to the microcosm, from the political to the personal - striving always toward a finer granularity of control, a greater concision of shades and subtleties in the realm of daily life. Dry alterations to the fabric of law and the outward form of institutions didn't satisfy them for longthey thirsted for the essential juice of life, and in particular, the life juice of anything male which crossed their path. The last thing they wanted was a workplace or a world filled with insouciant, freespirited, selfesteeming men and boys. Something had to be done to correct male joie de vivre and male autonomy.

"Under patriarchy, no woman is safe to live

her life, or to love, or to mother children. Under patriarchy, every woman is a victim, past, present, and future. Under patriarchy, every woman's daughter is a victim, past, present, and future. Under patriarchy, every woman's son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman," Andrea Dworkin, Liberty, p.58..

Men were to be subjugated, but if they didn't know this, and if they didn't act like they knew it, then the whole thing would be pointless. It was necessary, then, for the reach of matriarchy to become omnilocational and all-pervadinglike the ideological presence of a totalitarian social order. So, it was and continues to be important to the feminist effort that every possible shred of male identity or agency be appended to the shadow of ideology in some manner. ANY speck of uncolonized male space or male autonomy constitutes a bit of turf still in the grip of patriarchal power. Or at any rate, that's how they see it.

Case in point: what is a "sensitive male"? For starters, it is a sexist expression in exactly the same way that "good negro" is a racist expression. This is a VERY exact paralell. If somebody employs the term "sensitive male", or worse, calls you one, then you ought to feel seriously offended. Beyond that, a sensitive male is simply an emotional puppet whose strings are available for any woman to pull, whenever and wherever. In short, a man curiously lacking in power; a man of abbreviated identity and agency. Sometimes they will rate you on whether you "know how to cry". Reason being, that if you know how to cry then it follows that you can be made to cry. That's what they are really looking for in the long run. And here's an extra thought that occurred to me: how would you like to be told that "it's okay to cry" by the very same person who made you want to cry in the first place? You'd be damned if you'd give them the satisfaction, wouldn't you?

Oh, very well then, call it patriarchy! Ha! And you thought that "patriarchy" was just a one-size-fits-all guilt-o-matic gizmo designed to put men eternally on the defensive while giving women a carte blanche moral advantage in any given situation!

"Who cares how men feel or what they do

or whether they suffer? They have had over 2000 years to dominate and made a complete hash of it. Now it is our turn. My only comment to men is, if you don't like it, bad luck - and if you get in my way I'll run you down."
-Liberated Women, Boronia. (Herald-Sun, Melbourne, Australia - 9 February 1996)

These examples are given because in my opinion they implode the circumference of male power about as far as it can be pushed, at least in the daily realm of social interplay. Even to a point where the drive for control reaches straight into a man's inner world, breaching a barrier which civil propriety forbids should be violated. "Something there is that doesn't love a wall." Know therefore that your coolness, aloofness, guardedness, your methodological skepticism, or even your native lack of response to certain stimuli which others might find compelling, are all vital elements of your identity. Your agency. Your autonomy. Your.... manhood. In other words, your male power.

Well it is that indeed. But as you can see now, it goes deeper. . .


is an MRA philosopher and activated partisan of the Nonfeminist Sector, who lives in the Great Upper Left of the USA. He also publishes the Counter-Feminist blog at

High- and low-resolution versions of MRm! are available at:

Give a dog a bad name

..and expect to get bitten.

by: Amfortas Photo Illustration: Factory


representations of men are predominantly positive. Men have allegedly been shown in mass media as powerful, dominant, heroic, successful, respected, independent ...they say... and in other positive ways conducive to men and boys maintaining a healthy self-identity and self-esteem. All things that feminists do not like one bit. But hey, Errol Flynn died decades ago. Marlboro man too. The mendacious feminist view has come under challenge over the past few years. John Beynon, a Welsh academic, examined how masculinity was portrayed in the British quality press including The Times, The Guardian and The Sunday Times and more, over a three-year period from 19992001. He didnt look deeply at the more crass tabloid press where matters are considerably worse. Susan Faludis 2000 best-seller Stiffed: The Betrayal of Modern Man, also finds and exposed the myths and lies and rings alarm bells about the false image of men in our society. Beynon concluded in his 2002 book, Masculinities and Culture, that men and masculinity were overwhelmingly presented negatively and as something dangerous to be contained, attacked, denigrated or ridiculed. In Australia a broader and more extensive content analysis of mass media portrayals of men and male identity was undertaken in 2005 at the University of Western Sydney, by Dr Jim Macnamara . It focused on news, features, current affairs, talk shows and lifestyle media, and found that men are widely demonised, marginalised, trivialised and objectified in non-fiction media content that allegedly presents facts, reality and truth. Examine the quality and scope of the evidence. The study involved collection of all editorial content ( no cherry picking) referring to or portraying men from: 8

Feminism has long drawn attention to and fought against stereotypical and sexist portrayals of women in mass media, but new research shows that media portrayals of gender have largely executed an aboutface in the past decade or so. There is a deliberate and unprovoked gender war and the main target of discrimination is not women, according to research - it is men. The Feminist so-called Gender studies have claimed that mass media portrayals and images are key influences that both reflect and shape societys views of women and womens self-identity. They do not consider men. As well as attacking so-called sexist media portrayals such as page three girls and girlie magazines, which, incidentally feature young empowered women taking their clothes off and doing what they want to for copious amounts of money - feminists have challenged objectification and negative portrayals of women in movies, advertising, TV drama and other media content. Although it is increasingly hard to find any such representations not driven by women themselves, their argument that such portrayals are damaging have won eager support from legislators and from most media professionals including film makers, advertising producers and editors. After all, it is women who are the primary consumers of medias fruits. Until recently, gender theorists and media researchers have argued and lied or simply assumed that media

650 newspaper editions (450 broadsheets and 200 tabloids), 130 magazines, 125 TV news bulletins, 147 TV current affairs programs, 125 talk show episodes, and 108 TV lifestyle program episodes. They were from the 20 highest circulation and rating newspapers, magazines and TV programs over a complete six-month period. Media articles were examined using in-depth quantitative and qualitative content analysis methodology. This comprehensive and exhaustive research found, in volume, that fully 69 per cent of mass media reporting and Media Portrayal of commentary on men was Men unfavourable compared with just 12 per cent favourable and 19 per cent neutral. Men were predominately reported or portrayed in mass media as villains, aggressors, perverts and philanderers, with more than 75 per cent of all mass media representations of men and male identities showing men in one of these four ways. More than 80 per cent of media mentions of men, in total, were negative, compared with 18.4 per cent of mentions which showed men in a slightly positive role. The overwhelmingly negative reporting and portrayals of men in mass media news, current affairs, talk shows and lifestyle media was mainly in relation to violence and aggression. Violent crime, including murder, assault, armed robberies and attacks such as bashings, accounted for almost 40 per cent of all media reporting of male violence and 9

aggression, followed by sexual abuse (20.5 per cent), general crime (18.6 per cent) and domestic violence (7.3 per cent). Disregarded is the fact that crime is a feature of a tiny minority in our society and the vast majority of men are law-abiding, family-supporting, selfsacrificing chaps going about their lawful occasions. Men who are increasingly dismayed at the ease and frequency with which women denigrate them. Other topics of media coverage of men were fatherhood and family, male sexuality, work and career, and mens social behaviour. In all of these categories, men were predominantly reported and portrayed negatively. Fully one third of all media discussion of male sexuality examined in the study was in relation to paedophilia which demonstrates the appalling distortion inherent in debate on men, given that an infinitismal proportion of men are pedophiles. Fatherhood, a prominent also-ran subject was discussed in 361 media articles and features during the period of the study. Some media coverage positively discussed men as fathers, pointing to increasing recognition of the importance of fathers in childrens lives. However, along with recognition of the importance of fathers and the depth of many mens emotional connection with their children, discussion contained an almost equal number of criticisms of men as deadbeat dads, commitment phobic and as perpetrators of domestic violence and sexual abuse within families. That sexual abuse is far less common in a family with a biological father in it than without in fact, statistically negligible - is totally ignored or suppressed. The National Family Violence Survey in the US for

instance found women just as likely to commit violence against men as men are against women, and a US National Incidence of Child Abuse and Neglect report in 2000 that found where maltreatment of children led to death, 78 per cent of the perpetrators were female, Where is that ever reported by our media? The Australian Advertising Standards Bureau reported in 2005 that TV commercials drew a record and increasing number of complaints from men during 2004 while those from women are decreasing. The Australian Federal Governments 73 Million Dollar advertising campaign against domestic violence which targeted only men as perpetrators of domestic violence and only women as victims was labeled propaganda against men with many men criticising its negative and blatantly false stereotypical portrayals as reported in The Age, January 3, 2005. One notable Australian commentator described it as the worst piece of deliberate Government black propaganda against a biologically distinguishable group ever seen outside of Nazi Germany. Doris Lessing, the famous British early feminist author, said at the Edinburgh Book Festival, in August, 2001:

"Feminists have long criticized marriage as a place of oppression, danger, and drudgery for women".
-Barbara Findlen, "Is Marriage the Answer? Ms Magazine, May - June, 1995

Bumbling idots? Losers? Who likes those?

Stupid is also an increasing thematic portrayal of men, especially in television adverts which the Australian study did not cover. Men are routinely portrayed as "fools, idle, good for nothing and inept" usually a second fiddle to their so much smarter and more decisive female partners. In adverts, the savvy, empowered, successful Executive woman is married to a stupid boy-man who cannot open a can of beans and whose children are more capable at doing year 4 homework than he is. Canadian authors, Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young in a controversial 2001 book, Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture reported widespread examples of laughing at men, looking down on men, blaming men, de-humanising men, and demonising men in modern mass media. They concluded: the worldview of our society has become increasingly both gynocentric (focused on the needs and problems of women) and misandric (focused on the evils and inadequacies of men). This seems pervasive too in many TV dramas. It is clear such TV shows seem to be preaching a message of defer to the woman as the only way of impressing her or stopping her being violent - and failure to do so will result in a smack to his face.

I find myself increasingly shocked at the unthinking and automatic rubbishing of men which is now so part of our culture that it is hardly even noticed. ... The most stupid, ill-educated and nasty woman can rubbish the nicest, kindest and most intelligent man and no one protests
Her audience was stunned.


Violence toward men, physical and verbal, direct and indirect, is treated as comedy or deserved. Whatever happened to There is no excuse for violence? . Doris Lessing said Men seem to be so cowed that they cant fight back, and it is time they did. Now, how does one expect men to do this when there is so much legislation that forces them to keep their opinions and protests to themselves, and so much misandric vilification in all arms of our mediadriven culture; the media that just wont give men a voice? With the rapid rise of female and feminist influence, seemingly devoid of the famed and hubristically claimed empathy and compassion, our media institutions are dominated by subtle verbal thugs. How do you think it affects Justice in the Family Courts, where an industry of rent-seeking hangers on suffused with false and awful images of men, pass judgment? Men are less cowed than chained to a post in the back yard, like a dog.

Why should I care?

Not to put too fine a point on it, mistreated dogs bite. I have provided a lot of detail from contemporary research which shows the systematic destruction of masculine reputation foisted upon us by an anti-male media, driven by the education women receive in our Universities. Men are rubbished and mistreated daily. Good men; ordinary, hard working men; family men. The good name of men is soiled at every opportunity by ordinary women repeating feminist agitprop. Women have eagerly adopted the habit of disrespecting men, making it a sardonic sport, so much so that even an early feminists like Doris Lessing are horrified at the destructiveness, callousness, crudity and downright lies. What can men do about it? What are men doing about it?

The most stupid, ill-educated and nasty woman can rubbish the nicest, kindest and most intelligent man and no one protests
Let us examine the effects of this chaining up. I want to show how women have lost a valuable resource thrown it away - the care and concern of even the nicest, kindest and most intelligent men that Lessing refers to. Men are generally doers rather than talkers, present company excepted. And when good men stop doing what good men do, women lose out. Anthony Nazzaro writing for the National Organisation for Men has pointed to incidents and behavioural trends. Lets look at some: The Baltic Sea; Estonian-Swedish ferry sinks, over 800 die. A disproportionate number of women drown. Many say the "Law of the Sea" (women and children first), was forgotten, and "The Law of the Jungle" (every man for himself) prevailed. The screams of women drowning were heard by many men, it was reported. Montreal, Canada; 14 women students were killed by a mentally disturbed man. Many media commentators were bothered by the fact that the

"AIDS education will not get very far until young men are taught how not to rape young women and how to eroticize trust and consent; and until young women are supported in the way they need to be redefining their desires."
-Naomi Wolf, The Beauty Myth, p. 168..


male students didn't risk their lives in an attempt to protect the women. Feminists used this as yet another male-bashing exercise. They have an annual protest accusing those boys and all men of being complicit.

fragile and can disappear rather easily under social conditions that no longer teach it." [...Or flat-out deride it. -ed]

Phyllis Schlafly, a well known American writer, has written that male soldiers are now being trained to New York City, the Twin Tower Bombings: in the disregard female soldiers' pain and suffering if captured, since the sexual panic to get out of the All this was inspired by the principle--which is assault of a U.S. female buildings, some women POW during the gulf war reported of being shoved out quite true in itself--that in the big lie there is (who turned out not to of elevators by men. One or always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily have been sexually two of the 300 odd firemen assaulted at all, by the way). who died in the inferno corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional She's afraid if this attitude perhaps? Was it the actual nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in gets out to the general case that women were pushed the primitive simplicity of their minds they more public, it could be out? Maybe it was just a whine readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little devastating to male-female from a woman or two who relationships. broke a heel. But men were matters but would be ashamed to resort to largescale falsehoods. It would never come into their criticized, in a tragedy. heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they Well it has, and it is. On the radio in the UK, a would not believe that others could have the Destroying chivalry by lost child, a little girl, is impudence to distort the truth so infamously. continually criticizing it and reported as found wandering Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will blaming men for being the aisles of a businessmans polite and helpful is one train from Glasgow. Women still doubt and waver and will continue to think thing, but are women phone in condemning men on that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, willing to forfeit the the train for not helping the paternal feeling that most child. Their tone is heated, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all men still have for them? bordering on calls for lynching. The many business- who conspire together in the art of lying. Today, men are starting to women passengers who did Adolf Hitler , Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X refuse to see themselves as not help are not mentioned. the providers and protectors of women. In A small girl wanders from a an equal world why should kindergarten in England; she they be? The provider drowns in a pond. A manprotector role we are told hunt looks for a van seen in the area. The man is found and cleared but is vilified is oppressive. This archetypal male role has been for not stopping to help a wandering child. He says, rubbished - by feminists and their legions of media I was afraid to talk to a strange child and be accused whores and legislators. of being a paedophile. Women are hardly noted for stirring themselves to In the book Male and Female - A Study of the provide for and protect men. Quite the opposite in Sexes in a Changing World, there appears an opinion fact. Every opportunity to abandon men is taken, as "that men have to learn - to want to provide and Doris Lessing pointed out in disgust at her feminist protect others, and this behavior, being learned, is sisters. 13

Feminist legal scholar and Professor Catharine MacKinnon has said that the increase in domestic violence and rape are symptomatic of male attitudes toward women. Hah! She would say that, wouldnt she? What increase? She speaks absolute nonsense. There has been a consistent decrease in domestic violence and rape against women in all western countries. It is womens domestic violence and false allegations of rape which has seen a marked increase. More lies and vilification from the Womens Studies Departments infecting our Universities, and our legal system, but then what can one expect from Professor McKinnon?

There's equality, and then there's equality...

Could Feminisms AgitProp Gender Politics, designed to suborn women, have changed mens attitudes so that men now see men and women as just people? Have feminists pushed women off the pedestal? Perhaps they have opened mens eyes to an historical Confidence trick. Is this a good condition for our society? According to a recent poll, many fewer men would give up their seat in a lifeboat to a woman today, quite a difference from the 1912 Titanic disaster where mostly women were saved. Even more than children. In a riot, disaster or war, will it mean every man and women for themselves? Many men today demand that women be obligated for the draft and combat along with men. Mel Feit, of the National Center for Men, in the USA, has stated that "a male body isn't any more capable of withstanding a bullet than a female body." Women hold political office and Board-room positions, and are police officers and some are even firefighters. Why should men still risk their lives to protect them? Geraldo Rivera on a show regarding male-female violence stated, "The way I was brought up, men should always protect women." But isn't this attitude patronizing and demeaning? Feminists tell everyone it is, taking every opportunity to berate men. Some women call this equally disrespectful attitude, misogynistic. What friggin nerve! Some men call this a result of societal equality, poetic justice. If being equally respected is what women want, then perhaps women could make a start on being respectful. They have had several generations of feminism and equality but seem yet to make that start.

Rate of False Accusation

Reason given for lying

She emulates Professor Mary Koss who created the infamous and ubiquitous 1 in 4 women raped statistic by publishing self-selected data collected through the Feminist Ms Magazine. Despite being exposed and torn apart by Christina Hoff-Summers' in her book "Who Stole Feminism?", there is barely a Womens magazine in circulation that has not continued to repeat this wicked lie to terrify its readers and turn them against decent men.


Meanwhile, being equally disrespected could be a natural and inevitable by-product of their systematic disdain, even if it is back-firing on women. It seems to me that to stop this rot in society and specifically the media and the Law- sponsored, forced-redundancy of men, will need a revolution in society. Maybe brought about by calamity. If, say, an invasion were to occur and men were to turn their backs on the defence of the nation as we are now "redundant", what would the prevailing attitude of the female gender be then?

a future when they too will become the men they see portrayed. There is a self-fulfilling prophesy bearing down on us. 66% of divorces are initiated by wives, wanting to rid themselves of the men Doris Lessing spoke about. Nice men. Intelligent men. Kind men. These men are deliberately mis-labeled and dragged into the Family Court, sometimes by policemen who have thrown them out of their homes on false allegation. Men are dispossessed of their homes and their families in The Best Interest of the Children, Adolph Hitlers wicked phrase. It is not only mens image that is ruined. Men just might leave women all to themselves.

If such an invading force was one that sees women as nothing more than chattel to be used abused and discarded at a whim, would we then, as men, be good for something? Ahhh yes, we would be good at defending the freedom and advancements that these women claim for themselves. This shows that the claims the feminists have made in respect to the advancement of women are nothing without the men to protect and ensure those gains. They are only guaranteed existence by a willingness of men to uphold them.

But why should men stand up and defend the rights of the feminists and their followers who label men redundant, violent, abusive, child abusers, perverts, rapists, etc, as they are fond of vomiting in the main stream media. Remember the feminist catch-phrase? ALL men are rapists?

Perhaps it will never come to be that men will enmasse turn their backs in such a situation as we all have mothers, sisters, daughters and female relatives whom we hold dear to our hearts.

But even these are increasingly disrespecting men, divorcing and dispossessing their husbands and estranging themselves and the children from their fathers. Children, particularly girls, are developing an horrendous image of men, starting with their fathers. They will likely grow totally distrustful of men altogether. Boys self-esteem is terrible as they look to 15

Whatever they may be in public life, whatever their relations with men, in their relations with women, all men are rapists and that's all they are. They rape us with their eyes, their laws, their codes.

It will not be from anger. Despite being so mistreated, men in general have not shown anger toward women. But men are feeling profoundly disappointed, disillusioned and disgusted. Western women have not raised any objection to being manipulated by feminism. Instead they have embraced its seductive, destructive mantras and mendacities. They punish faultless men who they see as all the same. All bad. They have permitted calumny and few have raised objection like Doris Lessing. They have chosen to follow a pernicious and socially destructive Marxist-Feminist agitprop path to a bed of their own making that they have to lie in.

No doubt they will blame men, for being commitment phobic.

"Amfortas is a Psychologist of

some 25 years experience, living in Tasmania. His previous career in the UKs RAF saw him rise Women's Room" by Marilyn French momentarily to the "The rank of Air Vice Marshal. He is also Past-Chairman of Mens News"

Some Statistics You Should Be Aware Of...

Men Are...
76% of homicides Women receive custody in about 84% of child custody cases. In America there are over 270 women's commissions, but only one for men, in New Hampshire.

80% of Suicides

"Suicide ranks 11th among causes of death in the US, with 30,622 completed suicides in 2001.

For Every 100...

For every 100 girls who graduate from high school 96 boys graduate
(NCES, unpublished tabulation.)

For every 100 girls suspended from public elementary and secondary schools 250 boys are suspended.

It is the 3rd leading cause of death among people aged 15 to 24 yrs.

Men 75 yr have the highest rate of death by suicide.

For every 100 girls expelled from public elementary and secondary schools 335 boys are expelled.

Among all age groups, male deaths by suicide outnumber female deaths by 4:1."
93% of the prison population is male with over 60% having no High School education.

For every 100 women enrolled in college there are 77 men enrolled.

For every 100 American women who earn an associate's degree from college 67 American men earn the same degree.

30% of those named as fathers are not, in actuality, the father.

For every 100 American women who earn a bachelor's degree from college 73 American men earn a bachelor's degree.

On Fatherlessness...
63% of 90% of 85% of 80% of 71% of 75% of 70% of 85% of

For every 100 American women who earn a master's degree from college 62 American men earn the same degree.

youth suicides are from fatherless homes (US Dept. Of Health/Census) 5 times the average. all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes 32 times the average. all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes 20 times the average. (Center for Disease Control) rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes --14 times the average. (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26) all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes 9 times the average. (National Principals Association Report) all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes 10 times the average. (Rainbows for All Gods Children) youths in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes 9 times the average. (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Sept. 1988) all youths in prison come from fatherless homes 20 times the average. (Fulton Co. Georgia, Texas Dept. of Correction)

Innocence is no defense when you've been...

by: Paul Elam

David Evans. Collin Finnerty. Reade Seligmann. Dont be surprised if the names sound only vaguely familiar, though not so long ago they were the subject of national headlines. Perhaps the mention of another name will jar your memory. Mike Nifong. Yes, Evans, Finnerty and Seligmann were the accused in the stridently publicized Duke Lacrosse rape case. A rape that never happened. A case that never should have been. In a supersonic rush to judgment, these three young men were subjected to a virtual lynching at the hands of the media, the Duke administration, the prosecutors office, police and every other public institution that could help toss a rope over a tree branch. Dukes administration canceled its lacrosse season, fired coach Mike Pressler, and ignored death threats against Pressler and the team. Indeed, the university administration fanned the flames of public outrage and hysterical student protests against the players by publishing a letter that addressed the accusations with the following: The students know that the disaster didnt begin on March 13th and wont end with what the police say or the court decides...To the students speaking individually and to the protestors making collective noise, thank you for not waiting and for making yourselves heard. Duke reacted to the allegations without the least regard for the concept of assumed, or even actual innocence or for the rights of those three members of their student body. Instead, they lit torches and incited the mob.

All these actions were given inertia by the knee jerk outrage of a public that didnt have the facts and appeared not to want them. It may be too generous to say that the public didnt have the facts. The public did have enough to question the cases integrity, but ignored it. It was understood from the beginning what this woman did for a living. I know, I know, in this all too enlightened world we live in, I am supposed to take great pains to point out that ones profession isnt an excuse for rape. Consider it pointed out. But let me also point out that her life as a pathological liar, stripper and drug addled hooker didnt diminish her credibility for a moment, and it didnt take the railroading of those young men off the fast track. Such is the power of accusation when it comes to men and women. It is a power that has unjustly ruined the lives of untold thousands; a power that goes unchecked and unchallenged, all because we live in a culture that cannot imagine women as anything but victims; men as anything but perpetrators. The results of this cultural psychosis are written in statistics that should outrage anyone remotely interested in justice. Charles McDowell, a researcher in the United States Air Force Special Studies Division studied 1,218 cases of rape that were reported between 1980 and 1984 on Air Force bases around the world. Initially, 27% of those cases were found to be fraudulent because the alleged victims admitted to lying when asked to take a polygraph or after just having failed one. Another 212 of the cases were exposed as frauds with no polygraph involved, as the alleged

victim convincingly recanted the accusations early in the investigation. In other words, 45% of all the rape charges were proven to be hoaxes. The great majority of those did not recant until they were caught in the lie. A 1996 study published by the U.S. Department of Justice revealed 28 cases in which men were exonerated by DNA evidence of rapes for which they had been convicted and sent to prison. The men were released after having served an average of seven years behind bars. Former Colorado prosecutor Craig Silverman is quoted as saying. For 16 years, I was a kick-ass prosecutor who made the most of my reputation vigorously prosecuting rapists. I was amazed to see all the false rape allegations that were made to the Denver Police Department. A command officer in the Denver Police sex assault unit recently told me he placed the false rape numbers at approximately 45%.

And by the way, the crime for which The Innocence Project has had the most success in freeing the wrongfully convicted? Rape. Men, scores of them, have been Nifonged, robbed of freedom and reputation, all on accusations that no one bothered to scrutinize. Or worse, as in the Duke case, their innocence was known and they were prosecuted anyway. This problem has infested the criminal justice system, which marches on like a Nazi battalion while the masses throw ticker tape. Unfortunately, it doesnt stop there. False accusation has become the WMD for modern women who choose to use it, and by the frequency it happens, that is no small number. I know, I know, in this all too enlightened world, I am supposed to take great pains to point out that not all women falsely accuse men of wrongful actions. Consider it pointed out. But let me also point out just how pervasive the problem is. It happens in family courts where allegations of spousal abuse, child abuse, sexual misconduct and the like are routinely fabricated to facilitate restraint orders that are dispensed with no corroboration. In those courts, the lie is just another tool for winning a case. It also happens in the workplace, where accusation alone of sexual harassment or discrimination can snuff out a career and generate huge legal settlements that companies feel compelled to pay to keep the allegations out of the press, truth and justice be damned.

The Innocence Project, which seeks to secure the release from prison for those falsely convicted of crimes, reported that Every year since 1989, in 25% of sexual assault cases referred to the FBI where results could be obtained, the primary suspect has been excluded by forensic DNA testing. And those men freed were just the ones lucky enough to have DNA evidence available. There are certainly more who remain incarcerated. 19

Allegation has become the fiat currency of social power over men, and it is working in spades. Corporations cave in, shrinking from the bad press of lawsuits that go to trial. Prosecutors that cannot politically afford to be seen as soft on sex crimes, or hard on women, run innocent people through with grinding wheels of injustice without compunction. And John Q. looks the other way, unwilling to take an honest assessment of this behavior and the women who commit it. Vindication is of little solace. This is not innocent till proven guilty. It isnt even guilty until proven innocent. It is guilty until proven innocent, but still guilty in the eyes of the world, even if your only crime was to have a whore point a finger at you and cry rape. Try a Google search on any one of the Duke three. Their connection to rape charges will be there for life. What does a man released from prison for a rape he didnt commit tell an employer? Yeah, I did seven years on a rape, but they cleared me. Sure.

The reality is that there are no real consequences for destroying the life of a man if you ruin him with a fraudulent charge. There are indeed laws on the books against it, but they are not enforced. It is a crime without a criminal, mainly because the perpetrators are women, or men acting in their behalf, and we all know they dont lie about such things. Crystal Gayle Mangum, the street walker who ruined the lives of those three young men wasnt prosecuted. She was referred to counseling, and eventually graduated college herself, with a degree in police psychology. I wish I made that one up. But the fact is that the world not only tolerates this stuff, it embraces it. Or as Catherine Comins, a former assistant dean at Vasser College said:

"They have a lot of pain, but it is not a pain that I would necessarily have spared them. I think it ideally initiates a process of self-exploration. 'How do I see women?' 'If I didn't violate her, could I have?' 'Do I have the potential to do to her what they say I did?' Those are good questions."
Catherine Comins, assistant dean of student life at Vassar College - Time Magazine June 24, 2001

I wish I made that one up, too. What does he tell a woman in which he might be interested? It isnt the accusers that pay the price for their criminal deception, it is the accused, exonerated or not. The reason that these travesties continue is obvious. It can be summed up in one word. Impunity. Mike Nifong, the rogue prosecutor who broke every canon of legal ethics and more than a few laws, to further himself by prosecuting young men he knew to be innocent, was fired, disbarred, and spent one day in jail.

One Day in Jail

Paul Elam is Editor in Chief of and webmaster of

PhotoIllustration: Factory

by: Angry Harry

I Often Wander
I often wander around the internet and frequently spend hours of my time reading various blogs on a wide array of subjects. And I am becoming quite overwhelmed - and pleasantly surprised - at the talent that there is out there. Sure, there is a huge amount of rubbish, but among it all there appears to be no end to the variety of subjects about which people have become very expert; far more expert than you will typically find in the mainstream media - which, for many of us, seem to have nothing of real interest to say or do these days - except, perhaps, when it comes to disseminating the latest 'news' items. And when it comes to political issues, most of the pundits on the internet are men - about 80% according to a survey that I once saw; something that accords with my own experience. It is somewhat surprising, therefore, that while Women's Issues - and Feminism - seem to dominate so very heavily in the western world (exerting a truly malevolent force when it comes to the well-being of men) that so very few of these male 'political experts' are prepared to tackle them head on - at least when it comes to their own blogs and their various pronouncements. Why? Is it that all these men are too scared to take on the feminists? Is it that they are completely blind to the positively enormous number of negative impacts being inflicted upon their own societies and their cultures and on them - by the well-organised perpetual deluge of man-hatred emanating from the feminists, the abuse industry and their governments? Or is it just a lack of concern? Well, I do not know the answer to this question. But I know this.

Unless more male political activists and pundits start to wake up and actually do something to counter those groups and organisations that seem hell bent on demonising and disadvantaging men, matters are going to get much worse for them. After all, these pernicious groups are continually being funded with millions of dollars - billions across the western world - and they are not going to go away. Furthermore, of course, there will always be another step against 'men' that they wish to take, simply in order to continue justifying their jobs, their pensions and their huge empires. For example, the abuse industry will continually attempt to expand its definitions of 'abuse' forever into the future, regardless of how successful it has been at eliminating certain 'earlier' forms of 'abuse'. Indeed, here in the UK, even writing angry letters to your ex-partner is now seen as a form of 'intimate violence' by the government. And while these groups - that, in essence, continually nourish themselves by continually stirring up hatred towards men - remain funded and supported, they are not going to go away. And if most of you male bloggers and political aficionados out there continue to bury your heads in the sand when it comes to 'gender issues' that are negatively affecting you and your loved ones mightily, the onslaught against you will simply continue to get much worse. Furthermore, of course, you will fail to draw the attention and support of a much wider audience for your views - i.e. from 'men'. After all, men make up half the population and, as indicated above, it is men, far more so than women, who seem to be concerned about political issues. So, why not write about men's concerns in connection with your interests? Most of those women who are concerned with politics are forever considering how they, as women, are being affected by whatever topic is under discussion, but most men who are concerned with

politics seem completely oblivious to how they, themselves, are being affected. And, indeed, this lack of interest actually suggests to me that these men are not quite as astute and as expert on their subjects as, no doubt, they would often purport themselves to be. Take those men who call themselves 'libertarians', for example. These men are usually very much concerned to push the government out of people's lives as much as possible. And yet western governments have largely increased their powers over citizens during these past two decades on the backs of women's issues and feminism. And so when, for example, I visit the sites of selfprofessed 'libertarian' bloggers who fail continually to address this point, I begin to wonder whether they have any real insights at all. And the same goes for those men who seem to regard themselves as conservatives. They tend to complain about such things as high levels of taxes, big government, poor education, family breakdown, the economic situation, war, and what have you; but there is precious little discussion about how all these things are affecting 'men'. But without looking at how these things are actually affecting half the population - men - there is surely not much hope of them understanding anything. Those on the left, of course, tend to like huge amounts of government control. But they, too, never seem to look at how their politics impact on 'men'. And so, once again, there is surely not much hope of them understanding anything that they would claim to understand. Furthermore, it seems to me that most of these male political pundits are actually failing to see what is 23


People think that feminism is an ideology that is mostly concerned with gender 'equality', but it is no such thing. It is, essentially, a callous mechanism through which western governments and government workers justify wholesale intrusion into people's lives in order to give themselves power, pensions and jobs.

Angry Harry's website exposes the truth behind feminism as well as some of the lies that are used to support it. Men, in particular, will be hugely empowered in their own lives simply by spending a few hours of their time reading some of Harry's articles. So, say Hello to Harry, by visiting him at:

really going on 'out there'. For example, they seem to remain unaware that the interest group called 'Men' is actually a far bigger group than all the other political groups put together. True, some kind of Men's Movement has not yet organised itself into a significant political force, but there are vastly more men out there than there are libertarians, or conservatives, or leftists, or whatever. And their voice is gradually getting louder. And the ongoing failure to tap into this huge reservoir - often by failing to recognise its very existence - suggests a remarkable lack of perceptiveness on behalf of those who would claim that they would like to change things for the better, and who would also often proclaim quite loudly that they have good ideas about how to achieve this. Indeed, if they are failing to take into account the impact that their ideas and notions have on men then, surely, they are as useless as would be ecologists who failed to consider the importance of plants to the welfare of animals.

Furthermore, thanks to the internet, this male 'consciousness' is set to grow and grow. And it is going to end up being far bigger and far more persuasive than any other force. How could it not do this? - unless the internet is heavily censored or closed down in the future. So my advice to all you male bloggers and pundits out there is to use this huge gathering force to your advantage and to understand it. And for those who don't then, quite frankly, it seems to me that your comprehension of the current state of play must be remarkably deficient - so much so, that your words of wisdom are probably not worth reading. Furthermore, feminism is, in practice, a truly disgusting ideology that is not much different from the early days of Nazism. And many of those who practice feminism usually have exactly the same kind of mindset - when it comes to Men - as did those Nazis once have toward Jews. They have the same basic mentality. Feminism is also costing the west hundreds of billions of dollars every year, and it is impacting very negatively indeed on vast areas associated with our well-being. It is all there, in front of your noses - and so very easy to see. So, please, get your act together and start fighting against it on your blogs and in your essays, instead of ignoring it or running away from it. In other words, wake up; and help to kick this revolting ideology and its more wicked proponents into the back waters of history - where they belong. Finally, I have no doubt at all that feminism is eventually going to be exposed to the public for what it really is, and I feel certain that many of those officials who have treated men appallingly on the back of it will one day be held to account personally - even if this takes 20 years.

After all, tens of thousands of men every year have had their lives very seriously damaged indeed by government officials acting on the basis of highly corrupt and prejudiced feminist-inspired policies. And there is no reason why these men should not seek redress. Furthermore, I will not be surprised at all to see academics who have supported feminism being vilified and ostracised in much the same way that were those who supported Nazism. As such, might I suggest that we get this 'war' over and won as quickly as possible; and thereby remove from our countries this thoroughly obnoxious ideology that poisons all of us. Might I also suggest that the two most effective ways for bloggers and writers to achieve this end is to keep pointing out to their readers that, firstly, feminism is not about equality, it is mostly about empowering and funding government and government workers and, secondly, that it thrives mostly by willfully and purposefully damaging the relationships between men, women and children. In other words, it is an extremely insidious and thoroughly nasty ideology. And if you are a male political pundit then, perhaps, you could kindly make the effort to help the public to wake up to this rather unhappy fact.


is probably one of the best recognised Men's Rights Activists on the internet, having spent a decade exposing the myths and the lies of those who espouse feminist ideology through his website,"


Is Feminism a Hate Movement?

y: Fidelbogen

that feminism is a socio-political movement on behalf of women? Would anybody dispute that feminism proffers a particular analysis of manwoman relations? Would anybody dispute that feminist analysis holds women to be globally disadvantaged, by some objective and quantifiable standard of measurement, in comparison with men? Finally, would anybody dispute that feminist analysis concludes an element of male authorship in the comparative disadvantagement of women? Yes, feminism is a women's advocacy movement which identifies men as the wellspring of certain difficulties said to afflict women. This would both summarize and make reply to the verbose paragraph above. And given that men are said to be the wellspring of women's difficulties, are we to believe that no opinion about men as men ever infiltrates feminist thinking on any level? Does any self-admitted feminist, having once identified "men" as the source of women's troubles, go serenely about her business harboring no strictly personal opinion about "men"? I'd call it a considerable stretch, to believe any such thing. Admittedly, I fashion my argument upon probabilities. But they are compelling probabilities. I seriously doubt that any better can be offered. I'll have no truck with the "I blame patriarchy" copout. This is simply a way of postponing the issue by obfuscating it, since the phrase is so fuzzy it is useless for normal purposes - although useful indeed for underhanded purposes! But patriarchy is plainly understood as a uniquely male institution; men created it and men keep it rolling, or so the story goes. So it is mighty difficult to understand how a person could "blame" patriarchy without "blaming" men in the very same swoop.

To remove man-hating from feminism would be to extract the DNA nucleus from a living cell, the fuel rod from a reactor, the teeth from a rottweiler. I would assert that man-hating is feminism's moral center of gravity, and that without man-hating or at least some degree of disaffection toward males, feminism could not logically continue to existit would flounder without purpose, and disintegrate.

Let us enquire further into probabilities. Feminism If you give the matter a little thought (and I have identifies "men" as the source of women's given it a LOT), you will see that no other theory so difficulties. So ask yourself, what class of women elegantly accounts for the observable facts of the might be drawn to such a social movement in case. disproportionate numbers? Would such a movement attract women who get along well with men and Let's start with some basics. Would anybody dispute

enjoy their company? All right, possibly a few. Just possibly. But would such women compose the bulk of the membership? Where do you suppose the probability lies in such a case? Would such a movement attract women who do not personally see "men" as a source of difficulty in their lives? Is this probable? Is this plausible? Is this credible? Does this FIT?

Simply put, feminism would be a non-starter and a non-movement.

A thing like feminism requires a mighty fund of passion both to launch itself and to keep itself running. Tepid feeling will not sufficeit needs to be robust and vehement, and it needs to gain validation through a political analysis that will both justify the original feeling, and contribute to the Hate is a very strong word, and it signifies a very growth of that feeling by the use of a self-fulfilling strong thing. It is hard to imagine just how powerful feedback loop. hate can be. Yes, it is all on a spectrum. It is all on a continuum. "Hate" can be bad, and it can always get badder! Even to the point where the hater implodes into a black hole, and pops clean out of the moral universe, and sucks as much as possible along for the ride. All right, maybe the word hate is not the wine for all occasions. I like the word disaffection. It is more inclusive than hate because it embraces all shades of disliking without privileging the extreme. Now, a social movement such as feminism needn't hope to exclude the element of disaffection. I have explained the reason for this already, but now we must proceed to the next stage of examination. If the disaffection spectrum begins with mild disenchantment and progresses by shades clear up to unmitigated loathing, and if feminism incorporates at least SOME of this spectrum, then we should pause to wonder exactly how much of the spectrum is thus incorporated, and precisely how far it reaches in the direction of uncompounded malevolence. How high on the hate scale does feminism's emotional aura actually extend? Where does it stop?

What if they had a Gender War...

...and Men showed up?
The world has always contained a certain number of people - sociopathic or what-have-you - who for various reasons don't like the opposite sex. When a thing like feminism appears, proffering a political analysis of sexual relations casting men in the role of miscreants, it is easy to foretell the response manhating women will make to this. Clearly there will be some exceptions, but I feel confident most such women will be on it like bees on a honeycomb. Or flies on shit, if you prefer. There's nothing quite like finding an analysis to uphold your attitude. And the documentary record indeed bears out that early second-wave feminists in the radical 1960s were a vehement, passionate lot. They were not wishywashy. They were not tepid. They were not mildly disenchanted with men.

Again, consider the likelihoods. If the feminist disaffection spectrum reached no higher than a mild and possibly sporadic disenchantmentan occasional mood, as it werethen feminism would very plainly lack the sustaining force to be a viable women's advocacy movement. There is simply no way it could gather the necessary motivation and momentum. There would be neither snow for a snowball, nor any appreciable hill to roll it down: no They were by no stretch of the imagination living on accretion of mass, no accumulation of velocity. the low end of the disaffection spectrum. More

significantly, they were not merely attracted to something which somebody else had created. No, they were present at the very inception; they themselves were the creators and early architects of the movement. Without them, or people like them, the "movement" would never have started moving in the first place! Nor would the movement be moving still today, if people like them were not down in the engine room stoking the boiler, or up in the pilot house turning the wheel and watching the binnacle. They are the dynamo, and if we should replace them with a crew that was just a shade less disaffected, the new dynamo would be a shade less dynamic, as would the entire movement. It would be just a shade less inclined to bulldoze over obstacles, a shade more inclined to call it a day earlier in the day, and a shade more inclined to lower the bar of compromise overall. Dial this down shade by shade and watch the movement grow more and more anemic. Eventually, "feminism" would be wavering in its convictions, sleeping late, and frittering away its dwindling energy on matters increasingly peripheral and unfocussed. In other words, feminism would become a nonentity and a non-movement. So, we have shown that feminism offers an ideological interpretation of female disadvantages in life. We have alluded to the feminist belief that female disadvantage originates from a male-driven power conspiracy, and asserted that such a belief is not feasible to uphold absent a pejorative evaluation of men both individually and as a group. From this we have concluded that some varying degree of personal disaffection toward men cannot be absent from the minds of most feminists, and therefore cannot be absent from the movement as a whole. Finally, we have made the case that feminism's viability as an advocacy movement is directly indexed to the degree of disaffection toward men found among the movement's membership, with greater viability correlated to greater disaffection. Or as stated early in this article: man-hating is 27

feminism's moral center of gravity; without manhating or at least some degree of disaffection with males, feminism could not logically continue to exist. Milder forms of feminism do indeed exist. And so do milder feminists. But they are not the vanguard. They are not the cutting edge. They are not the powerhouse. However, they work diligently to secure advantages for women like scavengers in the aftermath of the main assault, once the enemy has been routed. They are the petty clerks, the bureaucrats, the carpetbaggers, who move into the occupied territory and secure the administration of it. It is part of their job to seem unthreatening, which is easy when somebody else does the dirty work. Their distinguishing feature is that of taking for granted what has been ideologically instilled into the general culture, and taking their ease against the moral support cushion this affords them. Left entirely to themselves, they would have neither the ambition to initiate a political movement, nor the drive to keep it operating in a political capacity. Yet they have a moral investiture in feminism's worldview, which proposes male guilt as an explanatory model, and by this investiture they plant themselves within feminism's web of misandric operations. It is easy to see that if man-hating disappeared from the world, feminism would neither serve any purpose nor have any means to continue operating. But feminism is still operating, and if you are male you are not amiss to suspect that feminism means to harm you. So under the circumstances, you don't owe feminism any favors. Nor do you owe women any favors under the moral banner of feminism! Yes, I call feminism a hate movement. Whosoever desires, may undertake to convince me that feminism is a love movement.


is an MRA philosopher and activated partisan of the Nonfeminist Sector, who lives in the Great Upper Left of the USA. He also publishes the Counter-Feminist blog at

A Reading... From the Anti-Male Shaming Tactics Catalog:

Charge of Irascibility (Code Red)
Discussion: The target is accused of having anger management issues. Whatever negative emotions he has are assumed to be unjustifiable. Examples:

* "Suck it up like a man!" * "You guys don't have it as nearly as bad as us women!" * "You're just afraid of losing your male privileges." * "Your fragile male ego ..." * "Wow! You guys need to get a grip!"
Response: One who uses the Code Blue shaming tactic reveals a callous indifference to the humanity of men. It may be constructive to confront such an accuser and ask if a certain problem men face needs to be addressed or not ("yes" or "no"), however small it may be seem to be. If the accuser answers in the negative, it may constructive to ask why any man should care about the accuser's welfare since the favor will obviously not be returned. If the accuser claims to be unable to do anything about the said problem, one can ask the accuser why an attack is necessary against those who are doing something about it.

* "You're bitter!" * "You need to get over your anger at women." * "You are so negative!"
Response: Anger is a legitimate emotion in the face of injustice. It is important to remember that passive acceptance of evil is not a virtue.

Charge of Cowardice (Code Yellow)

Discussion: The target is accused of having an unjustifiable fear of interaction with women. Examples:

* "You need to get over your fear." * "Step up and take a chance like a man!" * "You're afraid of a strong woman!"
Response: It is important to remember that there is a difference between bravery and stupidity. The only risks that reasonable people dare to take are calculated risks. One weighs the likely costs and benefits of said risks. As it is, some men are finding out that many women fail a cost-benefit analysis.

Charge of Puerility (Code Green) The Peter Pan Charge

Discussion: The target is accused of being immature and/or irresponsible in some manner that reflects badly on his status as an adult male. Examples:

Charge of Hypersensitivity (Code Blue) The Crybaby Charge

Discussion: The target is accused of being hysterical or exaggerating the problems of men (i.e., he is accused of playing "Chicken Little"). Examples:

* "Grow up!" * "You are so immature!" * "Do you live with your mother?" * "I'm not interested in boys. I'm interested in real men." * "Men are shirking their God-given responsibility to marry and bear children."
Response: It should be remembered that one's sexual history, marital status, parental status, etc. are not reliable indicators of maturity and accountability. If they were, then we would not hear of white collar crime, divorce, teen sex, unplanned pregnancies, extramarital affairs, etc.

* "Stop whining!" * "Get over it!" 29

Charge of Endangerment (Code Orange) The Elevated Threat Charge

Discussion: The target is accused of being a menace in some undefined manner. This charge may be coupled with some attempt to censor the target. Examples:

some middle ground between two opposing viewpoints (i.e., the logical fallacy of "False Compromise").

Charge of Invirility (Code Lavender)

Discussion: The target's sexual orientation or masculinity is called into question. Examples:

* "You guys are scary." * "You make me feel afraid."

Response: It may be constructive to point out that only bigots and tyrants are afraid of having the truth expressed to them. One may also ask why some women think they can handle leadership roles if they are so threatened by a man's legitimate freedom of expression.

* "Are you gay?" * "I need a real man, not a sissy." * "You're such a wimp."
Response: Unless one is working for religious conservatives, it is usually of little consequence if a straight man leaves his accusers guessing about his sexual orientation.

Charge of Rationalization (Code Purple) The Sour Grapes Charge

Discussion: The target is accused of explaining away his own failures and/or dissatisfaction by blaming women for his problems. Example:

Charge of Overgeneralization (Code Gray)

Discussion: The target is accused of making generalizations or supporting unwarranted stereotypes about women. Examples:

* "You are just bitter because you can't get laid."

Response: In this case, it must be asked if it really matters how one arrives at the truth. In other words, one may submit to the accuser, "What if the grapes really are sour?" At any rate, the Code Purple shaming tactic is an example of what is called "circumstantial ad hominem."

* "I'm not like that!" * "Stop generalizing!" * "That's a sexist stereotype!"

Response: One may point out that feminists and many other women make generalizations about men. Quotations from feminists, for example, can be easily obtained to prove this point. Also, one should note that pointing to a trend is not the same as overgeneralizing. Although not all women may have a certain characteristic, a significant amount of them might.

Charge of Fanaticism (Code Brown) The Brown Shirts Charge

Discussion: The target is accused of subscribing to an intolerant, extremist ideology or of being devoted to an ignorant viewpoint. Examples:

Charge of Misogyny (Code Black)

Discussion: The target is accused of displaying some form of unwarranted malice to a particular woman or to women in general. Examples:

* "You're one of those right-wing wackos." * "You're an extremist" * "You sound like the KKK." * "... more anti-feminist zaniness"
Response: One should remember that the truth is not decided by the number of people subscribing to it. Whether or not certain ideas are "out of the mainstream" is besides the point. A correct conclusion is also not necessarily reached by embracing

* "You misogynist creep!" * "Why do you hate women?" * "Do you love your mother?" * "You are insensitive to the plight of women." * "You are mean-spirited." * "You view women as doormats." * "You want to roll back the rights of women!!" 30

Response: One may ask the accuser how does a pro-male agenda become inherently anti-female (especially since feminists often claim that gains for men and women are "not a zero-sum game"). One may also ask the accuser how do they account for women who agree with the target's viewpoints. The Code Black shaming tactic often integrates the logical fallacies of "argumentum ad misericordiam" (viz., argumentation based on pity for women) and/or "argumentum in terrorem" (viz., arousing fear about what the target wants to do to women).

men with regard to their mating preferences. Examples:

* "If you didn't go after bimbos, then ..." * "How can you be so shallow and turn down a single mother?"
Response: Average-looking women can be just as problematic in their behavior as beautiful, "high-maintanence" women. Regarding the shallowness of women, popular media furnishes plenty of examples where petty demands are made of men by females (viz., those notorious laundry lists of things a man should/should not do for his girlfriend or wife).

Charge of Instability (Code White) The White Padded Room Charge

Discussion: The target is accused of being emotionally or mentally unstable. Examples:

Charge of Unattractiveness (Code Tan) The Ugly Tan Charge

Discussion: The target is accused of having no romantic potential as far as women are concerned. Examples:

* "You're unstable." * "You have issues." * "You need therapy." * "Weirdo!"

Response: In response to this attack, one may point to peerreviewed literature and then ask the accuser if the target's mental and/or emotional condition can explain the existence of valid research on the matter.

* "I bet you are fat and ugly." * "You can't get laid!" * "Creep!" * "Loser!" * "Have you thought about the problem being you?"
Response: This is another example of "circumstantial ad hominem." The target's romantic potential ultimately does not reflect on the merit of his arguments.

Charge of Selfishness (Code Silver)

Discussion: This attack is self-explanatory. It is a common charge hurled at men who do not want to be bothered with romantic pursuits. Examples:

Threat of Withheld Affection (Code Pink) The Pink Whip

Discussion: The target is admonished that his viewpoints or behavior will cause women to reject him as a mate. Examples:

* "You are so materialistic." * "You are so greedy."

Response: It may be beneficial to turn the accusation back on the one pressing the charge. For instance, one may retort, "So you are saying I shouldn't spend my money on myself, but should instead spend it on a woman like you ---and you accuse me of being selfish?? Just what were you planning to do for me anyway?"

* "No woman will marry you with that attitude." * "Creeps like you will never get laid!"
Response: This is an example of the logical fallacy "argumentum ad baculum" (the "appeal to force"). The accuser attempts to negate the validity of a position by pointing to some undesirable circumstance that will befall anyone who takes said position. Really, the only way to deal with the "Pink Whip" is to realize that a man's happiness and worth is not based on his romantic conquests (including marriage).

Charge of Superficiality (Code Gold) The All-That-Glitters Charge

Discussion: The charge of superficiality is usually hurled at

Just in Case You're Curious...

Men's Issues Websites:

In the Next Issue:

Marriage, Divorce, and Child Custody.

Recommended Reading:
Fathers Rights- Hard Hitting and Fair Advice for Every Father Involved in a Custody Dispute
Jeffery M. Leving

Spreading Misandry- The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture

Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young

Legalizing Misandry- From Public Shame to Systematic Discrimination Against Men

Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young

The Disposable Male: Sex, Love and Money- Your World Through Darwins Eyes
Michael Gilbert

The Myth of Male Power- Why Men are the Disposable Sex
Warren Farrell

The War Against Boys- How Misguided Feminism is Harming our Young Men
Christina Hoff Sommers

Professing Feminism: Education and Indoctrination in Womens Studies

Daphne Patai

Save the Males: Why Men Matter- Why Women Should Care
Kathleen Parker

Women: Theory and Practice

Bernard Chapin

Amfortas' podcasts:
Stolen generation Pt.1.

Sacred Cows in the China Shop. Pt.1.

The Degradation of Women by feminism The Wages of Spin

Everyday Family Terrorism

The Men's Rights Movement is largely an internet-based activist movement. It is a movement that is growing all the time, and it seems likely that in the near future it will be larger than any other sociopolitical movement in history. Never before have men been able to bypass their rulers and their mainstream information outlets in order to develop their own ideas without interference from the powers-that-be. The internet, however, is now allowing this to happen. Furthermore, it is enabling men to unite and to engage in various forms of effective activism designed to undermine all those forces that seem to them to be incompatible with their own values and their desires. The Men's Rights Movement is here. It is growing. And it is unstoppable. If you want to understand more about the Men's Rights Movement, then MRm! magazine will keep you well informed.

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