TGMC 2011 - The Book of Excellence PDF
TGMC 2011 - The Book of Excellence PDF
TGMC 2011 - The Book of Excellence PDF
The Great Mind Challenge (TGMC) is Indias largest technology contest. It has grown from strength to strength since its inception. Today, young and enthusiastic students from the countrys leading technology institutes look forward to it as a forum to prove their mettle.
TGMC was created and promoted with a certain purpose. It seeks to address the gap between the performance of young IT graduates and the real-world expectations of employers. TGMC, is in a sense, a bridge that enables conversations between academia and the corporate world. Bridges have always supported such exchanges between two separate groups, freely allowing commerce and exchanges of information. In this book we pay tribute to the worlds greatest bridges. We also honour the winners of The Great Mind Challenge 2011.
While Project Praviin provides training and certication, mostly theoretical in nature, TGMC is really where student-engineers get their hands dirty with software, developing real-world, real-time solutions. That is why TGMC is, and should continue to be an integral part of a students education. TGMC is not just a contest, its much more. Participating in TGMC is of no mean signicance to ones future, it shows the world that one is capable of genuine real-world excellence. It also makes the students, institutes and organisations part of a larger national mission to create software talents of outstanding standards. The quality of motivated youngsters we come across in TGMC makes us believe that the skills in India are really world class. And that as individuals, they will make the country proud. It is a hugely satisfying experience to watch hesitant young talents get a grasp of what is required, and then progress at an unstoppable pace to the nish line. Year after year were treated to just such a phenomenon. Students of technology led by faculty members from their institutes, overcome obstacles that often fox even seasoned professionals. The best of them are declared winners of the prestigious TGMC. To explain why we conduct TGMC and how it contributes to the calibre of the growing Indian workforce, Ill need to rst tell you about Project Praviin. Project Praviin, helping young professionals contribute to the workplace from day one. Four years ago Project Praviin got off to a ying start. An innovative program launched under the aegis of the IBM Academic Initiative, it partners with colleges and universities in India to prepare millions of students for a more skilled IT workforce. To achieve this IBM
Malathi Srinivasan
Breaking records is now routine. In the year 2011 we broke our own record in the Limca Book of Records, for being the largest technology contest of its kind in India. And youll be happy to know that were going to apply for the inclusion of TGMC in the Guinness Book of World Records. Our growth over the years is a matter of great pride for us. With 47,244 registrations in 2008 and 1,12,000+ in 2009, the number of students participating has been increasing. In 2010, TGMC received 1,20,000+ student registrations and touched 2,00,000+ in 2011, which vouches for the fact that it is accepted by the academia whole-heartedly. Looking forward. TGMC is set to become a high-quality doorway to coveted careers in most corporate houses. Recruiting organisations have expressed interest in interviewing our brightest and best. A few sponsor organisations have absorbed those students who performed well while working on their projects. TGMC 2012, asks for your continued support and participation. Let us together power the Indian software industry to the pinnacle of global excellence. Malathi Srinivasan, Country Leader, Academic Initiative, Software Group, IBM India.
provides a broad range of resources and support to students, faculty and institutions.
Project Praviin is a skill building initiative offered to students through professional training and certication. The project is intended to create individuals who can start contributing from the very day they join with little, or no, on-the-job training.
Golden Gate Bridge A symbol of San Francisco and one of the most famous suspension bridges in the world. It connects the city to the beautiful and afuent Marin County across the 1600-metre wide strait that was named Golden Gate by early prospectors looking for gold in California.
A Strategic Platform That Bridges The Space Between Institutes & Organisations.
IT solutions for complex, real-world problems. Since 2004, the participation of colleges has grown in leaps and bounds and the contest has achieved a phenomenal reputation. It has become known as a premier event that simultaneously challenges and nurtures students to play a vital role as complete professionals in todays competitive organisations. The high volume of participants resulted in TGMC being listed in the Limca Book of Records as the Largest Technological Contest of its kind in 2009, and 2010!
As the impact of globalisation and economic change is increasingly felt, organisations strive to stay ahead by using their agility and rethinking their strategies. Technology is a key lever in helping businesses win, and technology initiatives need to be driven by innovative and seasoned professionals. With tightening budgets organisations no longer have the luxury of maintaining low-performing human resources. New hires need to deliver what is needed by the organisation from day one. The India Academic Initiative team at IBM,
A Gathering Of Winners.
was created in 2004 to look for ways to engage IT students and improve the quality of
the IT workforce. The objective was to turn out graduates with real-world skills, not just academic knowledge. The Great Mind Challenge (TGMC) was conceptualised to fulll this need. It is a national college-level competition held by IBM India where students are invited to develop innovative
AC Nielsen runs an independent study called Campus Track, where they track various activities undertaken by corporate houses in campuses. In a study conducted among Computer Science and IT Engineering colleges, TGMC was ranked the No.1 activity conducted by a corporate on campus.
Technology institutes tend to focus on theory at the cost of practical, hands-on training. TGMC provides a real-world opportunity for students to see how corporate companies work. They discover during the project, what organisations expect IT professionals to know, the planning that goes into projects, and the speed and efciency at which they need to execute and implement projects. With IBM software being made available at no cost to the institutes, the experience is valuable to the students. They are able to bring more value to the table when they start work for the organisation of their choice. Krishnamurthy Padmanabhan CTO, WIPRO Infotech. We need more intellectual property related investments. And people who are more thoughtful, specialist in function and with better collaboration skills. Bridge the skill gap between the classroom and the organisation. Provide an opportunity to showcase software programming skills. Help students increase their chances of better employment. Foster a spirit of collaboration among students. Increase condence by giving students complex, real-world scenarios to solve. Hone soft skills by enabling students to present their solutions to contest judges.
Develops market-ready skills that are essential to success in 21st century jobs. Cultivates out-of-the-box thinking abilities. Provides access to IBM technologies at no charge. Enables expertise in IBM technologies. Nurtures growth in a supportive atmosphere through guidance from e-mentors. Improves software-writing skills. Connects students with millions of developers through IBM forums like developerWorks.
Sydney Harbour Bridge A ne example of arch bridge architecture, its called The Coat Hanger by the locals in Sydney. The bridge connects the busy Central Business District with the north shore of Sydney. It enables an easy commute for the thousands who keep the city centre humming.
A TGMC participation certicate is issued to all students who execute projects that meet the submission criteria.
To ensure transparency and fairness, results are audited through an audit agency at every stage of the evaluation process.
Project Submission
Students ll the online registration form. Once submitted, a conrmation mail will be sent to the team. There is no fee or cost to participate.
The project synopsis or Software Requirement Specication (SRS) is like a project blueprint and provides guidance for the way forward. Prior to project execution, teams should invest quality time and effort on their SRS.
Participants start on the coding phase of their projects using IBM tools and technologies. There are numerous resources at hand to help them whenever they run into trouble or have doubts.
Project submissions are sent to mentors for evaluation. Of these a few teams are shortlisted for Face-to-Face evaluation.
Students are considered eligible to participate if they are: Graduates or undergraduate students. Enrolled in engineering, computer science, and other IT-related elds. Attending an accredited college or university.
Project Scenarios.
Displayed here is a list of the different verticals students can choose from when creating a solution for TGMC. The list has been grouped under suitable industry categories. Registered teams visit the TGMC website to select a scenario for their project. These teams are then required to come up with a solution for their chosen scenario using IBM and open-source tools. This experience gives students a rst-hand feel of the kind of projects they will be working on professionally, when they pass out of college. They even have the opportunity to create their own scenario for a project.
Paperless hospital service Hospital device management Blood donor central database and web portal
Anirudha Paul, Head ING IT Chain Delivery. Its important for the students to be aware, open-minded and learn continuously. Focus must be on the topicality of the knowledge and not the knowledge itself.
IT service help desk OneWorld vigilant online surveillance system Online college magazine Picture geotag survey
m-Banking Security management for banks IT infrastructure Micronance
Social networking Ashray - Online Child Abuse Database Certication for visually impaired Easy income tax returns processing Indian wildlife System for knowledge-based community sharing
Micro-inventions management system DocBox: Document management & collaboration system Lead management system Order management system RFID-based employee attendance system Smart remote data collection
Local language mobile service Unique ID management Online market for buying and selling Utility-bill payment collection centre
Active city administration Corruption control through budget maintenance Cybernetics protector E-Gas Sewa E-ELCON (Election Management System) e-Farming Efcient insurance claims system Emergency-vehicle recognition system
Innovation and domain learning is important. For intellectual property-led solutions, students take longer to learn. We can pre-empt this by taking the domain to the students as part of the learning.
Erasmus Bridge, Rotterdam A cable-stayed bridge across the Nieuwe Maas River in Rotterdam, it links the northern and southern parts of the city. The giant, white pylon that curves gracefully while rising into the sky has inspired an admiring nick name - The Swan.
The Winners.
TGMC 2011.
A Closer Look.
Once again Indias biggest tech contest for students broke all records with 200,000 registrations from over 2000 colleges. The typical size of the contesting teams was 4 students each, with a faculty member of the college they belonged to serving as a mentor. 4000+ projects were submitted by students from across the country, in all about 7000+ Software Requirement Specications were received. TGMC is growing bigger with every passing year, helping students become even more industry ready. The young, bright participants are challenged to come up with game changing solutions, and deploy IBM software in the process. For the highly motivated teams that enter the contest from all over the country this is a golden opportunity to prove their innovation skills and create a road map for successful careers.
Paperless ofce project for hospitals.
Mauricio Sucasas, Director ISV & Developer Relations, Growth Market Units, for IBM spoke on the occasion.
: Technomovers. : Tirumala Engineering College, Hyderabad. : Paperless ofce project for hospitals. : SHIVA GOURARAM 4th year, CSE ANIL KUMAR 4th year, CSE : Laxmaiah Mettu. : Paper-based transactions slow down services and hamper efciency in hospitals. : A Paperless Hospital Solution that would increase efciency and lower cost. MOUNIKA NARSINGOSE 4th year, CSE WASIM MALIK 4th year, CSE
We have seen a lot of change in academia, from when I graduated. Academia today has a front row seat in changing the way things work. Youll are winners, you may look at those on stage as role models but remember, your juniors in your college are looking at youll as role models. It is a responsibility, you have to be careful of how you behave, and what you do next. We started talking three years ago of a Smarter Planet, and now the world is more interconnected. We produce today more transistors than grains of rice, each transistor produced costs less than a grain of rice does. Google Ninja polymers and you will nd that they are polymers developed by IBM to work on silicon wafes. These polymers are now being used to kill bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Now how did we come with a medicine from IBM? By looking at things multi-functionally, and this is the spirit that I urge you to have. The more you question, the more youre going to achieve in the world.
Developers : Shiva Gouraram J2EE, DB. Mounika Narsingose Web design. Wasim Malik DB2 and UML. Tools used : Linux, Eclipse, WASCE 3.0, IBM DB2, IBM Data Studio, RSA Technologies, J2EE, XHTML, AJAX, XFORMS, SQL, pureXML.
The Winners.
Improving hospital efciency through a paperless approach.
1st rs e Runn Up 2nders Runn Up
Controlling corruption through technology.
: PERFECT9. : International Institute Of Information Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. : Paperless hospital service. SABYASACHI MISHRA 3rd year, CSE RAGHUNANDAN GUPTA 2nd year, CSE
: quadCore. : Academy Of Technology, Adisaptagram, Paschim Banga. : Corruption control. SHUBHA DEBNATH 4th year, CSE TAMASA MAJI 4th year, CSE
Members : PRAYAS PURUSOTTAM 3rd year, CSE ABINASH KHANDELWAL 3rd year, IT Sponsor : Bharati Mishra.
Members : MANOJ PAUL 4th year, CSE SANDIP KUMAR SHAW 4th year, CSE Sponsor Problem Solution : Soumadip Ghosh.
Problems : Current hospital solutions not capable of handling a high number of incoming patients. Also the solutions not fully paperless. Patients need to preserve prescriptions for future appointments. Solutions : Capacity to handle a high rate of incoming patients. Fully paperless operations. Patients can recover prescriptions and other information from a dedicated account.
: With corruption rampant there is an opportunity for technology to control it. : Corruption control through transparent budget maintenance, it includes an audit feature across all ranks in an organisation.
Developers : Raghunandan Gupta - Front-end designer. Abinash Khandelwal - UML designer. Sabyasachi Mishra - Database designer. Prayas Purusottam - Captain and server-side scriptor. Tools used : RAD, J2EE, WAS 7, DB2.
Developers : Sandip Kumar Shaw - Web designer. Tamasa Maji - UML Designer. Manoj Paul - Coder. Shubha Debnath - Database (DB2). Tools used : Linux, WebSphere, Tivoli, Rational, DB2 Express, Java.
KL University, Vijayawada.
The Winners.
: :
: :
Technogyans2011. Jayamukhi Institute of Technological Sciences, Narsampet, Andhra Pradesh. Mounika Puli, Mounika Tula, Ramya Kontham. Femiminds. Banasthali Vidyapith, Tonk, Rajasthan. Shweta Jain, Nikita Goyal.
College - Institute Of Engineering And Management, Kolkata, Paschim Banga. College - International Institute Of Information Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. College - Academy Of Technology, Adisaptagram, Paschim Banga. College - Institute Of Engineering And Management, Kolkata, Paschim Banga. College - Tirumala Engineering College, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. College - K L N College Of Engineering, Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu. College - Sona College Of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu.
Raghupati Kumar D
Drona Awards.
K L N College Of Engineering
Subhabrata Sengupta
Institute Of Engineering & Management
Laxmaiah Mettu
Shikha Pandey
Banasthali Vidyapith
K Bhima receiving award on behalf of Sujoy Bhattacharya Padmasri Dr. BV Raju Institute Of Technology
Rene Robin
Jasvant Mandloi
Bharati Mishra
Vijay Vajravel
Soumadip Ghosh
Devanand Kanhar
Mahesh Bundele
The Winners.
Maharashtra Dr. DY Patil College Of Engineering And Technology Sinhgad Institute Of Technology Madhya Pradesh ABV-Indian Institute Of Information Technology And Management Gwalior Chamelidevi Institute Of Technology & Management Mandsaur Institute Of Technology Puducherry Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College
Andhra Pradesh CVR College Of Engineering GMR Institute Of Technology (GMRIT) Gitam University, Visakhapatnam GVP College Of Engineering Koneru Lakshmaiah College Of Engineering Jayamukhi Institute Of Technological Sciences Lakireddy Bali Reddy College Of Engineering MLR Institute Of Technology Madanapalle Institute Of Technology And Science Padmasri Dr. BV Raju Institute Of Technology Shri Vishnu Engineering College For Women Talla Padmavathi College Of Engineering Vardhaman College Of Engineering VKR,VNB & AGK College Of Engineering Vaagdevi College Of Engineering Vignan University VRS & YRN College Of Engineering And Technology Vignan's Engineering College Gujarat Shrimad Rajchandra Institute Of Management And Computer Application Haryana Asia Pacic Institute Of Information Technology Jammu & Kashmir Model Institute Of Engineering And Technology Karnataka SDM College Of Engineering And Technology
Punjab CT Institute Of Engineering Management & Technology Indo Global College Of Engineering, Punjab Rajasthan International School Of Informatics & Management Jodhpur Institute Of Engineering & Technology Maharishi Arvind Institute Of Science & Management - MAISM Swami Keshvanand Institute Of Technology, Management & Gramothan Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Educational And Research Institute University Karpagam College Of Engineering Karpagam University KLN College Of Information Technology - KLNCIT KLN College Of Engineering, Madurai RMK Engineering College SKP Engineering College Sona College Of Technology Thiagarajar College Of Engineering, Madurai Uttar Pradesh Institute Of Foreign Trade And Management, Moradabad Institute Of Technology & Science (ITS), Ghaziabad JSS Academy Of Technical Education West Bengal Calcutta Institute Of Technology Institute Of Engineering And Management Total Number of Participating Colleges in 2011 - 2214
The Winners.
A unique project, e-Farming. An implemented chat functionality for online help 24x7. Use of remote sharing so that the operator can take control and help farmers in an efcient manner, made this project unique. In a real-world scenario it could help to make the life of farmers easier.
Virtual Classroom the team experimented with various technologies to achieve smooth video streaming with a recording feature at classrooms. Multinode access of the same video stream across multiple desktops is also accessible.
This team worked on the Paperless Hospital Scenario. With 6 user levels, a professional user interface and some unique functionalities like medicine counterfeit this project was ranked among the Top 15 teams.
Deve lo own e ping our n syste terprise m wit hI was a weso BM m Perfe e. ct 9
Hi, IBM TGMC is a big success story in effective industry-institute linkage to produce quality human resources that match global benchmarks. Dr. Venkat, GVP College, Visakhapatnam
IBM TGMC team is doing an excellent job and really helping students become employable. Dr. K. Siddappa Naidu, Veltech Multitech, Avadi, Chennai
en a great TGMC 2011 has be e along learning experienc n and fu of ur with the avo ovides pr it so enjoyment. Al and rm fo at the perfect pl one es ak m d exposure an . ry st ready for indu Soham Ghosh
As a m really entor, it is c take hallengin up a g to ne scen ario e w very with ye a Nirm new grou ar p. ala
e did inally w F o Yaho es lead to ur MC it... fail ss - TG . e succ ain d it ag prove j Mano
The Winners.
Saurabh Saxena.
Praveen Salitra.
TGMC participant Now at University of Florida.
I am currently pursuing my MS in Computer Engineering. I participated in TGMC twice once in 2008 and again in 2009. I was at that time doing my Engineering from Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology and Science, Indore. And both the times my team was able to climb up to the position of the Top 20 teams of India and we received prizes at the Bengaluru felicitations. The exposure that TGMC has provided me with, I will be thankful for all my life. In fact I wouldnt be here if I hadnt participated in TGMC.
Amarnath Reddy, Institute of Electronic Governance, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh. Today the system is such that parents emphasise too much on getting high marks for their children, the children as a result cant think in a global or lateral fashion.
Tarun Goyal.
TGMC participant - Now at TCS.
I participated in TGMC 2007-08 and my team was selected as one of the Top 20 teams of TGMC. The TGMC experience was so interesting. I didn't know anything about J2EE, but TGMC helped me to improve my technical skills. I am currently working in TCS as Java developer. I believe that to be successful in TGMC you have to choose your team members carefully.
Mr. Lalit Mehta, Co-Founder and Director of Decimal Technologies commented that The candidates had exposure of working on some real-life projects and a much better understanding of technology. We see immense value-add to the entire value chain and think that such initiatives can play a very important role in bridging the gap between talent need and availability.
Millennium Bridge, London It was born as an award-winning design called The Blade of Light, as thats what it looked like when lit up at night. Completed at the birth of the new millennium, this shallow suspension bridge is a pedestrian river crossing over the Thames.
Some Of IBMs Most Passionate Minds Who Lead From The Front.
With an inspired leadership, the growth and reach of TGMC has increased with every passing year. A marked increase has been seen in the number of students who are keen to participate in the contest. In 2008 TGMC received 47,244 registrations and in 2009 we touched 1,12,000+ student registrations. In 2010 we reached 1,20,000+ registrations. The year 2011 saw over 2,00,000 registrations, a large increase from the previous year.
TGMC Leadership.
Karthik Padmanabhan, Country Manager, ISV & Developer Relations, Software Group, IBM India.
Responsible for scaling up the IBM software ecosystem in India/SA through students, developers, entrepreneurs, academia and ISVs. His experience has been in education management, strategic partnerships, project management, coaching and counselling. Rote learning is not good for careers, start thinking innovatively and out of the box.
Malathi Srinivasan, Country Leader, Academic Initiative, Software Group, IBM India.
Malathi has been with IBM since 2003. Having started as a Marketing Manager she grew to become a Strategy and Program Manager at the Academic Initiative division of IBM. She is now the Country Leader for this initiative. Some of the bright young people in this room told me that This has been a turning point of our lives, it really means so much to us that we are able to impact your lives in such a manner.
From left to right: Sarim Zia (Marketing Manager), Ankit Vishnoi (IT Specialist, Uttar Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh), Sanjeev Deb (IT Specialist, Eastern States & Rajasthan), Mani Madhukar (Technical Lead, North & East), Radha Satyanarayana (Relationship Manager, North & East), Malathi Srinivasan (Country Leader), Lawrence Mohanraj (Relationship Manager, South & West), Saravanan Sekar (Technical Lead, South & West), Yuktesh C (IT Specialist, Andhra Pradesh & Tamil Nadu), Sachin Kumar (IT Specialist, Karnataka & Kerala), Sami Shaikh (IT Specialist, Maharashtra & Gujarat).
09 10 11 09 10 11 09 10 11
Student Registrations
Participating Colleges
Team Registrations
TGMC Leadership.
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Mentor Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Mangesh V Shanbhag Santosh K Dubey Abhilash Usha Reema Choudhary Dinkar Pandey Srinivas Gowda Sandeep Nagisetti Kapish Kumar Umamahesh Ponnuswamy Naveen K Kapoor Lakshmipathi Yaralappa Bharath Sridhar Manjunatha Thippeswamy Prasad Desai Joel Abraham Tungathavajan A Rameshchandran Karthik R Jagannath Simi Jalaludeen Prasad HV Rao Mohit Arora Designation Staff Software Engineer Consultant - Infosphere MDM Software Specialist Business Analyst - IBM Global Financing Advisory IT Specialist - Technical Services / Application Specialist Advisory Software Engineer - IM Solutions System Software Engineer Software Engineer - IBM PureSystems WebSphere MQ Distributed L3 Support Application Development Lead Application Developer Certied IT Specialist Technical Lead for CCE L3 Team Project Lead Project Lead Test Specialist Project Lead Project Team Lead System Engineer Solutions Developer 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Bharathraj B Keshavamurthy Sukumar Subburaj Sundaragopal Venkatraman Anil Kommuri Anindo K Ghosh Sai Kiran Are Amit Pareek Parasuram Balakrishnan Keerthana Sharath Shashank Gopalakrishna Pavan K Mittal Krishna J Rajusth Ganesh K Choudhary Pushkar K Mishra Murugappan Ramanathan Boudhayan Chakraborthy Nishant Singhai Rajini Karthikeyan Sanjay Singh Ravi Tejwani Neetha Patel Hiranmaie Gunti Sushant P Naik Praveen R Sogalad Rohit P Raut Ankur Rawal Manesh C Nambiar Srinivas Bannigol Sneha D Prasad Indrajeet J Harale IBM Certied IT Specialist, Enterprise Solutions Performance Specialist Consultant - WebSphere on z/OS Technical Consultant - ISSW Worldwide Competitive Migration Practice Java Class Libraries - Development Application Architect - J2EE IBM Certied IT Specialist - IBM Software Services For Collaboration Staff Software Engineer, India Software Labs - WebSphere Portal, WCM, Lotus Quickr BPM Specialist - Software Services for WebSphere Staff Software Engineer - WebSphere Lab Services Industry Architect C, C++ Developer - X-Force Scanner Development Team - IBM Security Systems C++ Developer - X-Force Scanner Development Team - IBM Security Systems System Software Engineer - Open Source Framework Software Engineer WebSphere Commerce Services - Lab Services Security Intelligence, Threat & Compliance IBM Security Systems - TAM L2 Support WebSphere Commerce Associate Software Engineer Development Team Lead - PCS Associate Software Engineer - AIX ARTLab Java Developer Staff Software Engineer, Lotus Lab Services DB2 LUW Advanced Technical Support DB2 LUW Advanced Support System Software Engineer - DB2 CLI Development System Software Engineer - DB2 Information Management Software - iHUB Advisory Software Specialist - BPTSE, Lab Services, India Software Labs Associate Software Engineer Application Architect - J2EE
Manhattan Bridge A two-decked suspension bridge over the East River, it connects Manhattan with Brooklyn. Every work day it carries 75,000 vehicles, 3,000 bicyclists and pedestrians and 3,20,000 users of public transport. Nearby is the fashionable DUMBO (Down under Manhattan Bridge Overpass) area.
Wall Of Fame.
The team from KLN College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, worked on tools such as DB2, WebSphere Application Developer, WebSphere Application Server, Rational etc., to develop the District Collectorate Of ce Information Integration that maintains information about citizens and provides them with basic level services.
The team from Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, implemented the project Transport Management System.
The team from KLN College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, developed an online comprehensive crime reporting system to engage public, police and detective agencies to ght crime and criminals. The project was titled My Mission City Without Crime.
Wall Of Fame.
2010 Winners - KMIT Chargers
The team from Tirumala Engineering College, Hyderabad. Developed a paperless hospital service as a TGMC 2011 project.
The Internet Banking System project from Keshav Memorial Institute Of Technology, Hyderabad. It provides individuals and corporates an online gateway to banking services and products.
Samuel Beckett Bridge, Dublin A cable-stayed bridge named after Dublins famous son, writer Samuel Beckett. It creates quite a spectacle when it rotates 90 degrees to allow ships through. The bridge spans the River Liffey connecting Guild Street in the north with Sir John Rogersons Quay in the south.
Economic changes and advances in technology will continue to play a strong role in the way businesses operate. The stress being placed on organisational speed, efciency and exibility can only increase. Cost will become even more critical to every decision taken. The time has come for human resource to step in with an innovation-driven, value-added approach. Conventional intelligence will need to step aside and let creativity lead. Nurturing such talents becomes of paramount importance to the IT industry and even the nation itself. Educational institutes may have to redene their objectives and the way they work. In a move to bring the young software talents and organisations closer, we plan to have the corporate houses who participate in TGMC sponsor projects and mentor the teams. They will also have the choice of hiring the best members of a team they have worked with. In fact, any organisation wanting to recruit from the ranks of TGMC participants, is welcome. IBMs TGMC will continue to spearhead organisational efforts to bridge this gap. We will change and grow continually to meet the constantly higher expectations.
Conventional intelligence will need to step aside and let creativity lead. Educational institutes may have to redene their objectives and the way they work.
For more information visit:
Twitter - TGMCIndia.
IBM, IBM logo, IBM Academic Initiative are the registered trademarks of international Business Machines Corporation, in the U.S., other countries, or both 2012 IBM Corp. All rights reserved.