Unit 1 - Introduction To Programming
Unit 1 - Introduction To Programming
Unit 1 - Introduction To Programming
Unit 1
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Learning Objectives Introduction Defining a Program 1.3.1 1.4.1 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Program Development Cycles Language Translators Pseudo Code Algorithm Flow Chart Types of Programming Language Basic Tools of Programming
Programming Techniques The C Language Getting Started With C Fundamentals of C Language 1.9.1 1.9.2 1.9.3 1.9.4 Identifiers Reserved Word Constants C Character Set
Basic Data Types in C C - Variables and Their Declarations Symbolic Constants in C Let Us Sum Up Further Readings Answers to Check Your Progress Model Questions
define a computer program know types of programming language and programming techniques Computer Programming using C 1
Introduction to Programming
Unit 1
describe the basic concepts of programming identify the structure of a C program describe the primary elements like identifiers, tokens, constants etc. know the basic data types used in C language declare and initialize C variables
Computer programming is defined as telling a computer what to do through a special set of instructions which are then interpreted by the computer to perform some task(s). These instructions can be specified in one or more programming languages including (but not limited to) Java, PHP, C, and C++. A computer goes through a series of steps whose purpose is to achieve something - a series of steps that are instructed to it in great detail by computer programs. Essentialy, computer programming is the process by which these programs are designed and implemented. There are many advantages to learning the subject of computer programming such as gaining new skills, being able to tell the computer what to do, and becoming better acquainted with computers. So whether you are a computer hobbyist, a student, an IT professional, or are just curious about the subject, learning how to program a computer will be highly beneficial. This unit is an introductory unit of C programming. This unit includes the types of programming language along with the programming techniques. Basic programming concepts including pseudo code, algorithm and flowcharts are briefly described here. In addition, you will come across of terms that are used in C like identifiers, keywords and constants etc. The elementary data types used in C and the concept of variables are also included as an important part of the unit.
A computer program or simply a program is a set of instructions or codes which directs the computer to do some kind of specific functions. The codes or instructions are written using a programming language like FORTRAN, C, C++ etc. For a given problem a particu-
Introduction to Programming lar program or set of instructions can be design to solve it. The method of writing the instructions is called the programming. The person who writes such instruction is called a programmer. An another way of defining a program is : a computer program is nothing but a combination of algorithm and data structure combined into a single unit which is designed to solve a given problem. To get the computer solution of a problem first the problem should be transformed into a computer program. Every program takes input data and manipulates it according to the instructions written in the program and finally produces the output which represents the computer solution to that particular problem. Some characteristics of a good program are : accurate, efficiency, reliability, portability, robustness etc. Accurate means - the problem that has to be solved by computer must be predefined clearly with specification of requirements. Based on the requirements the programmer designs the program so that it must be accurate to perform the specified task. Efficiency means - a program should be such that it utilizes the resources of a computer system (e.g.. memory, CPU time etc.) in an efficient manner. Reliability means - a program should be work its intended function accurately even if there are temporary or permanent changes in the computer system. Program having such ability are known as reliable. Portability means - a program prepared on a certain type of computer system should run on different types of computer system. If a program can be transferred from one system to another system or one platform to another platform with ease and still it works properly then it is called portable. Robustness means - a program is expected to continue with its functionalities even at the unexpected errors. It means a program is
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Introduction to Programming
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called robust if it provides meaningful results for all inputs (correct or incorrect). For correct data it will provide desired results and for incorrect data it will give appropriate message with no run time errors.
Introduction to Programming rithms into actual code it should be checked for accuracy. The main purpose of checking the algorithm is to identify the major logical errors that may occur at any steps in the algorithm. Logical errors are often difficult to detect and correct at later stage so it will be helpful if the logical errors can be eliminated in this step. Coding : The actual coding of the problem is done at this step by using a suitable programming language. Testing and Debugging : At this step of program development, it is expected to test the complete program. The initial program codes may have errors. Generally, a program known as compiler check the code for syntax errors as well as finally produce the executable format of the whole code. Thus, the results obtained are compared with the expected results. Depending upon the complexity of the program, several round of testing may be required. Implementation and Documentation : In this step of program development the program that is tested locally is taken to the users place and installed there. This step will be absent if the program is small and simple. Moreover, the manuals or instruction booklet of the program is also prepared. The manual helps the user in understanding the program. The documentation of the program contains system flowchart to explain the complete functionality of the program at a glance. Maintenance : During the operation of the program the users may come across many points where they need some changes in the program. Such types of change of a working program is belongs to the maintenance part of program development. Moreover, proper backup and restore methods also falls into the maintenance part. The following figure shows the program development cycle :
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Introduction to Programming
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1. State True or False a) b) c) d) e) Computer program is a combination of data structure and algorithm. An accurate program means it is platform independent. In program development cycle appropriate algorithm and data structure is identified in coding phase. Logical errors of a program is identified during algorithm testing phase. The semantic and syntax errors in a program is checked in testing & debugging phase.
The programming language is the medium through which the problems to be solved by computer can be represented in the form of programs or set of instructions. The computer executes the set of instructions written in a particular language to produce the desired result. A programming language consists of a set of characters, symbols, and usage rules that allow the user to communicate with computers. In a simple form it can be defined as - any notation for the description of algorithm and data structure may be termed as a pro6 Computer Programming using C
Introduction to Programming gramming language. The computer understand only the binary language i.e. the languages of 0 and 1, which is also called machine language. In the initial years of computer programming the computer programs were written using machine language which were too difficult to remember all the instructions in the form of 0 and 1s. But with due course of time the other languages were evolved along with the generation of computers. There are different levels of programming language as follows :
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below :
Fig. Levels of Programming Language i) Machine language : The machine language programs were written using the digit 0 and 1. The instruction in machine language consists of two parts. The first part is an operation which tells the computer what operation is to be performed. The second part of the instruction is operand, which tells the computer where to find or store the data after applying the operation. Advantage : Computer Programming using C 7
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Translation free : Machine language is directly understand by the computer so it does not need any translation. Otherwise, if a program is developed in high level language then it has to be translated into the machine language so that the computer can understand the instructions. High speed : The application developed in the machine language are extremely fast because it does not require any conversion. Disadvantage : Machine dependent : Program developed in one computer system may not run on an another computer system. Complex language : This language was very difficult to understand and programming techniques were tedious. Error prone : Writing machine language programs, a programmer has to remember all the opcodes and memory locations, so machine language is bound to be error prone. ii) Assembly language : Assembly language is not a single language, but a group of language. An assembly language provides a mnemonic instruction, usually three letters long, corresponding to each machine instruction. The letters are usually abbreviated indicating what the instruction does, like ADD for addition, MUL for multiplication etc. The assembly language allows the programmer to interact directly with the hardware. Each line of assembly language program consists of four columns called fields. The general format of an assembly language instruction is :
[Label] e.g. BEGIN <Opcode> ADD <Operands> A, B [; Comment] ; Add B to A
Assembler is a software tool that is used to convert the assembly language program into a machine language program. Advantage :
Introduction to Programming Easy to understand and use : Assembly language uses mnemonics instead of using numerical opcodes and memory locations used in machine language, so it is easy to understand and use. Less error prone : Assembly language is less error prone and it provides better facility to locate errors and correct them. Faster : It is much faster and use less memory resources than the high level language.
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Disadvantage :
Assembly language programs are machine dependent. Assembly language is complex to learn. A program written in assembly language is less efficient than machine language because every assembly instruction has to be converted into machine language.
iii) High level language : COBOL, FORTRAN, PASCAL and C are the examples of high level languages. High level languages are similar to English language. Programs written using these languages may be machine independent. A single instruction of a high level language can substitute many instructions of machine language and assembly language. Using the high level language complex software can be design. Advantages :
Readability : Since high level languages are similar to English Programs written in high level languages are easy to modify High level language programs are machine independent. Programs written in high level language are easy to error
checking. Due to the concept of abstraction used in such type of language the programmers dont have to mind on the hardware level representation of programs. Disadvantages : Programs written in high level language has to be compile first for Computer Programming using C 9
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execution of the program. This step of compilation increases the execution time of an application. Moreover, the programs occupies more memory space during the execution time. Another main draw back of HLL programs is - its poor control on the hardwares. Fourth generation language : 4G languages has the special characteristics that they are closer to human languages so they are easy to learn. 4GL languages are specially designed for some specific applications with limited set of functions, so they are easy to learn. Oracle, VB, SQL, VC++ etc are the example of 4GL languages. Most of the database accessed languages are 4GL language.
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Fig. 1.3 A compiler translate a program Interpreter : It is a language processor whose working principle is different from compilers. It translates each statement of source program into machine code and executes it immediately before translating the next statement. If there is an error in the statement the interpreter terminates its translating process at that statement and displays the error message. The GWBASIC is an example of interpreter.
Introduction to Programming
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Assembler : We have already known that - assembly language is the symbolic representation of a computers binary encoding - machine language . Assembly language is more readable than machine language because it uses symbols instead of bits. A program called an assembler that translates assembly language into binary instructions or machine language.An assembler reads a single assembly language source file and produces an object file containing machine instructions. Linker : A linker is a program that attached or linked several modules of a program. Generally, a program written for a particular application may be consists of thousands or more lines of codes. In such a case, the large program can be broken into a number of smaller program which is called a module. Each module will perform its specific task and compiled them separately. Finally each module have to be linked together to construct the complete application. A linker is a program that links a number of modules (object codes, which are generated after the compilation step) and library functions to form a single executable program.
Loaders : A loader is a program and that is also a part of the operating system and whose main function is to bring an executable program residing on the disk into main memory and start running it. Generally, a loader performs the function of a linker program also.
Introduction to Programming The loader performs the following tasks : Allocation Linking Relocation Loading : It allocates memory space for programs : It combines two or more modules and supplies the information needed to allow reference between them. : It prepares a program to execute properly from its storage area. : It loads the program into memory.
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There are two types of loaders depending on the way the loading is performed : absolute loader and relocating loaders. The absolute loader load the executable code into memory locations specified in the object module. On the other hand, relocating loader loads the object code into memory locations which are decided at load time. The relocating loader can load the object code at any location in memory.
So far, we have came to know that programming is a technique of solving problems using program codes. The program codes are designed by following specific rules and using some programming tools. The general tools used for designing programs are : pseudo Computer Programming using C 13
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code, algorithms, flowcharts etc. In this section, we will discuss briefly about those programming tools.
Statements should be written in English and should be programming language independent. Steps of the pseudocodes must be understandable. It should be concise. Each instruction should be written in a separate list and each statement in pseudocode should express just one action for the computer.
The keywords like READ, PRINT etc should be write in capital letter. Each set of instruction should written from top to bottom, with only one entry and one exit.
Advantage : Its language independent nature helps the programmer to express the design in plain natural language. Based on the logic of a problem it can be designed without concerning the syntax or any rule. 14 Computer Programming using C
Introduction to Programming It can be easily translated into any programming language. It is compact in nature and can be easily modify. Limitations : It is unable to provide the visual presentation of the program logic. It has not any standard format or syntax of writing. It cannot be compiled or executed. The following is an example of pseudocode : 1. If students grade is greater than or equal to 60 Print passed else Print failed
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1.5.2 Algorithm
Algorithm is a sequential, finite, non-complex, step-by-step solution to a problem written in English like statement. It can also be defined as - an algorithm consists of a set of explicit and unambiguous finite steps which, when carried out for a given set of initial conditions, produce the corresponding output and terminate in a finite time. The writing of an algorithm follows the algorithmic notations. The algorithmic notations are the symbolic representation of the steps of the algorithms. Problem: Design an algorithm to add two integers and display the result. Solution: First of all you need two integers. There are two ways to get the two integers. First, you can supply the two integers from your side; secondly, you can ask the user to supply the integers. After getting the integers you store it into two containers. You need another container to store the sum of the two integers. You must initialize the third container as zero before you store the summation. Now, perform the addition task and store the result into the third container.
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Now, display the content of the third container. This is the solution to your problem. Step 1: Ask the user to supply the first integer. Step 2: Store the first integer into container A. Step 3: Ask the user to supply the second integer. Step 4: Store the second integer into container B Step 5: Initialize container C as zero. Step 6: Add the content of container A and B and store the result into container C. Step 7: Display the content of the container C. Step 8: End. The above example can be expressed in a different way : Step 1 : Read a, b, c [a, b, c are integers] Step 2 : c 0 Step 3 : c a+b Step 4 : Print c Step 5 : Stop Here, in the above expression, we have input the numbers in a single line instead of three different line. We have used here a comment line within the [ ] brackets. Again we have assign the value 0 to c. We have add the values a & b and store it in c. Finally we display the value of c. Always remember : i) Usually word Read, Accept or Input can be used to represent input operation to give values of variables to the computer. ii) Similarly for the output operation the words Print, Write or Display can be used. iii) The symbol is used in case of assignment (i.e. = ) operation. It means the value obtained by evaluating the right side expression is stored to the left side variable. iv) The comments are non-executable statements written within pair 16 Computer Programming using C
Introduction to Programming of square brackets and they are generally used to explain a particular step. v) The steps are written sequentially and if two statements are written in a single line then they have to separate by semicolon ;. For example : sum 0; a 25 sum sum+a Print sum vi) In case of branching or conditional steps - If-Then or If-Then:Else is used. The conditional steps are consisting with the relational operators like - <, >, <=, >= etc. For example : If condition Then : Step 1 Step 2 .... Step n [ End of If ] If condition Then Step i Else Step j [ End of If ]
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vii) The iterative or repetitive steps can be write between Repeat For and [ End of For ] as shown below : Repeat For I=1,2,3,....N Step 1 .... .... [ End of For I ]
or Repeat While I>0 Step 1 .... I I-1 [ End of While ]
For example,
Fact 1 Repeat For I=1,2,3,...N Fact Fact*I [ End of For I ] Print Fact
Introduction to Programming Step 1 : Read a, b, c Step 2 : big a Step 3 : If b>big Then big b Step 4 : If c>big Then big c Step 5 : Print big Step 6 : Stop
Unit 1
Instruction Type
Flow of Data
The general rules for drawing a flowchart is given below : a) The flowchart should contain one Start and one Stop terminator. 18 Computer Programming using C
Introduction to Programming b) c) d) e) f) g) h) The symbols of the flowcharts are always labeled with simple codes. The codes used in flow chart should not give more than one meaning. The control flows are always represented by arrows. The control flow lines i.e. arrows should not cross each other. The arrows moves from either vertically (top to bottom vice versa) or horizontally (left to right vice versa). Only one flow line comes out from all the boxes or symbols except the decision box. Two lines can flow from the decision b ox if single condition is checked. It means a single condition results in one of the two values TRUE or FALSE. If we try to draw the flowchart of the algorithm we have written for finding the addition of two integers and display the result, then it will look as shown below :
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Display C
The following flowchart is for the program for finding the greatest number from given three numbers.
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subjects. Draw a flowchart for calculating the average percentage marks of 50 students. The flowchart should show the counting of the number of students that appeared in the examination and the calculation should stop when the number of counts reaches number 50. 6. Write an algorithm to generate a Fibonacci sequence.
Introduction to Programming
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The programming techniques refers to the design and writing of programs to solve a problem or task. During the problem definition the programming techniques can be clearly understand. The following are the techniques used in programming :
Top-down approach Bottom-up approach Unstructured technique Structured technique Modular programming
Top down approach : In this approach, the given problem is divided into two or more sub problems, each of which resembles the original problem. The solution of each sub problem is taken out independently. Finally, the solution of all sub problems is combined to obtain the solution of the main problem. The following figure shows the meaning of top down approach.
Fig. 1.6 Top-down approach Bottom-up approach : This technique is just reverse of the top down programming. In this programming technique, the solutions of the independent sub-problems are designed first. Then these solutions are combined or composed in a main module in order to design the final solution of the problem. The following figure shows the bottomup approach : Computer Programming using C 21
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Fig. 1.7 Bottom-up approach Unstructured Technique : This designing technique is refers to writing small programs using series of statements and having only the main program. All actions such as providing input, processing and output are done within one program only.The program design as well as the logic of the program is simple. To branch from one point to another point within the program is achieved by goto statement. There are a lots of difficulties seen in this type of technique. Testing and redesigning of the programs take more time. Structured Technique : In structured technique, a program is broken down into small independent task that are small enough to be understood easily, without having to understand the whole program at once. Each task has its own functionality and perform specific part of the actual processing. Each task is again decomposed into subtask if necessary. The programs designed using the structured technique are well organized. In such type of technique, program design is simple and testing and debugging is easy because of the well defined control structures. The followings are some of the reasons for preferring structured programming : a. It is easier to write a structured program - Complex programming problems or program are broken into a number of smaller, simpler tasks. Every task can be assigned to a different programmer and/or function. b. Its easier to debug a structured program - If the program has a bug , a structured design makes it easier to isolate the problem to a specific section of code.
Introduction to Programming c. Reusability - Repeated tasks or routines can be accomplished using functions. This can overcome the redundancy of code writing, for same tasks or routines, it can be reused, no need to rewrite the code, or at least only need a little modification. The three basic building blocks for writing structured programming are given below : a) Sequence structure b) Loop or Iterations c) Binary decision structure
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Modular Programming :
The technique of breaking down a large problem into a number of smaller program units known as module, is called a modular programming approach. Each module is designed to perform a specific function. There is one entry and one exit point for each module. Each individual modules can be easily tested and debugged. In case of modular programming, program maintenance is easy as the module showing errors can be easily detected and corrected. A large problem can be easily monitored and controlled using this technique.
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language. It is a structured, high-level and machine independent language. It was originally created for the specific purpose of writing Operating System software. The development in C has seen many evolutionary processes. Like any other programming language, the original version of the C language has undergone a number of revisions. A lot of new features have been added to make it more useful and powerful. C was evolved from ALGOL, BCPL and B by Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Laboratories in 1972. C uses many concepts from these languages and added the concepts of data types and other powerful features. Since it was developed along with the UNIX operating system, it is strongly associated with UNIX. For many years , C was used mainly in academic environments, but eventually with the release of many C compilers for commercial use and the increasing popularity of UNIX, it began to gain widespread support among the computer professionals. Today C is running under a variety of operating systems and hardware platforms. During 1970s, C had evolved into what is now known as traditional C. The language became more popular after the publication of the book The C Programming Language by Brain Kerningham and Dennis Ritchie in 1978. The book was so popular that the language came to be known as K&R C among the programming community. To assure that the C language remains standard, in 1983, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) appointed a technical committee to define a standard for C. The committee approved a version of C in December 1989 which is now known as ANSI C. It was then approved by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in 1990.
The best way to get started with is to actually look at the program. So, let us first create a file first.c. To create first.c file, we have to follow the following steps::
Introduction to Programming Step 1: Open Turbo C++ Editor from the icon on your desktop. If it is not in the desktop then go to Start and click on Run command from the Pop up Menu. The following command window will appear.
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In the open field type cmd and press enter key. The command prompt will appear as an active window.
Now type cd\ . Now file pointer is in root Directory that is in C:\
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Now type the path for Turbo C++ Editor that is cd c:\tc\bin and press enter. The following window will appear.
Now Type TC and press Enter. The Turbo C++ Editor will open. Go to File Menu and
Introduction to Programming Step 2: After clicking the New submenu the following window will appear.
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Step 4: Type the file name that is c:\tc\bin\first.c and press enter. The following window will appear.
At the end of this step, you successfully create a C source file name
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first.c and save the blank file. Now type the following code in your first.c program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { printf(This is output from my first program!\n); return 0; } Let us dissect our first program
This C program starts with #include <stdio.h>. This line in cludes the standard I/O library into your program. The stand ard I/O library lets you read input from the keyboard (called standard in), write output to the screen (called standard out), process text files stored on the disk, and so on. It is an extremely useful library. C has a large number of standard libraries like stdio, including string, time and math libraries. A library is simply a package of code that someone else has written to make your life easier (well discuss libraries a bit later).
The line int main() declares the main function. Every C program must have a function named main somewhere in the code. We will learn more about functions shortly. At run time, program execution starts at the first line of the main function.
In C, the { and } symbols mark the beginning and end of a block of code. In this case, the block of code making up the main function contains two lines.
The printf statement in C allows you to send output to standard out (for us, the screen). The portion in quotes is called the format string and describes how the data is to be formatted when printed. The format string can contain string literals such as This is output from my first program!, symbols for carriage returns (\n), and operators as placeholders for variables (see below).
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The return 0; line causes the function to return an error code of 0 (no error) to the shell that started execution. More on this capability a bit later.
Now to compile this source code press Alt+F9 key or click compiler submenu of compiler menu. If there is error in the source program then the compiler will point out the error with line number. On successful compilation, the compiler will give a message that the source program is error free. Press Ctrl+F9 (or click submenu run of run menu) to execute the compiled source code. This will give the required output. Now to see the output generated, press Alt+F5 key.
In this section, we will concentrate on the basic elements of C language. The basic elements of C language can be classified as follows :
1.9.1 Identifiers
Identifiers are names that are given to various program elements, such as variables, functions and arrays. Identifiers consist of letters and digits in any order except that the first character must be a letter.To construct an identifier you must obey the following points : Computer Programming using C 29
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Only alphabet, digit and underscores are permitted An identifier cant start with a digit. Identifiers are case sensitive, i.e. uppercase and lower case letters are distinct. Maximum length of an identifier is 32 characters. The following names are valid identifiers : x names y12 area sum_1 tax_rate temperature table
The following names are not valid identifiers for the reasons stated: x order-no total sum illegal characters ( ). illegal character ( - ) illegal character ( blank space)
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1.9.3 Constants
A constant is a container to store value. But you cant change the value of that container (constant) during the execution of the program. Thus, the value of a constant remains constant through the complete program. There are two broad categories of constant in C, literal constant and symbolic constant. A literal constant is just a value. For example, 10 is a literal constant. It does not have a name, just a literal value. Depending of the type of data, literal constant is of different type. They include integer, character and floating point constant. Integer constant can again be subdivided into decimal (base-10), octal (base-8), and hexadecimal (base-16) integer constant. One important variation of character constant is string constant. Table 1.4 explains the different types of literal constant. Remember that a character constant is always enclosed with single quotation mark, whereas a string constant is always enclosed with a double quotation mark. Another point to remember is that an octal integer constant always starts with 0 and a hexadecimal constant with 0x. EXAMPLE 153 015 0xA1 153.371 a 1 a 153 TYPES Decimal integer constant Octal integer constant Hexadecimal integer constant Floating point constant Character constant Character constant String constant String Constant
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Special Symbol
C Data Type
Built-in Type
Derived Type
Introduction to Programming The first category of data type is the built-in data type, which are also known as elementary or basic type. Sometime these are called the primitive type. These basic data type have several type modifiers, which alter the meaning of the base data type to yield a new type. Table 1.1 lists all combinations of the basic data types and modifiers along with their size and ranges: Type char unsigned char signed char int unsigned int signed int short int unsigned short int signed sort int long int unsigned long int signed long int float double long float Size (Bytes) 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 8 10 Range -128 to 127 0 to 255 -128 to 127 -32768 to 32767 0 to 65535 -32768 to 32767 -32768 to 32767 0 to 65535 -32768 to 32767 -2147483648 to 2147483647 0 to 4294967295 -2147483648 to 2147483647 3.4E-38 to 3.4E+38 1.7E-308 to 1.7E-308 3.4E-4932 to 1.1E+4932
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Table 1.1: Size and range of basic data type and its modifier Moreover, besides these basic data types another special data type is void. The void type specifies the return type of a function, when it is not returning any value. Sometime void is used to indicate an empty parameter to a function. After all, this data type holds the literal meaning of void. At this point dont worry about the other two categories. All these will be discussed in the subsequent unit. The % symbol along with a (special) character in known as format specifier or conversion specifier. It indicates the data type to be Computer Programming using C 33
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printed or scanned and how that data type is converted to the character that appears on the screen. Format specifiers for usual variable types are shown in Table.1.2. Format Specifier %c %d %f %lf %e %le %o %u %x %ld %s Usual VariableType char int float or double float or double int int int int array of char Display as single character signed integer signed decimal exponential format unsigned octal value unsigned integer unsigned hex value long decimal integer sequence of characters
int A
int A
Now, in C programming language this can be done using the follow34 Computer Programming using C
Introduction to Programming ing statement : int A ; A = 153 ; The first statement says that A is a container, where we can store only integer type variable. This means that we cant store value into A other than integer. Therefore this type of statement is known as declaration statement (A declares that A can store only integer type of variable). Thus the general form of declaration of a variable is data_type variable1, variable2, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , variableN; By declaring a variable you tell 3 things to the compiler :
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What the variable name is. What type of data the variable will hold. and the scope of the variable.
Up to this point container A is empty. The second statement says that the value 153 is stored in A. This means variable A is initialized with 153. Therefore this type of statement is known as variable initialization. A variable must store a value after it has been declared (but before it is used in an expression). You can store values to a variable in two ways : By using assignment statement. and by using a read statement.
The first method is used in the above example. In second approach you can make a call of C standard input function (that is scanf, getch, getc, gets etc.) to store value to a variable. For example, the above initialization statement can be written as scanf(%d,&A); This statement will take an integer type input from standard input device (that is keyword) and store it to A. The above two statement (program segment) can be written in a single statement. Computer Programming using C 35
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This type of statement is known as initialization of variable during declaration. As a shorthand, you can declare variables that have the same type in a single line of declaration by separating the variable names with commas. For example, you can declare the variable j and k in a single line as : int j, k; which is the same as the declaration of j and k as : int j; int k; It is always a good practice to group together declarations of the same data type for an easy reference. For example : int j, k; float x,y,z; A few examples of variable declarations are shown below : Variable declaration int i = 0, j = 1; Remarks
i and j are declared as integer variables. The variables i and j are initialized with value as 0 and 1 respectively. basic_pay is a floating point variable with a real value or values containing decimal point. a is a character variable that stores a single character. theta is a double precision variable that stores a double precision floating point number.
float basic_pay;
Char a;
double theta;
Introduction to Programming character constant is a string constant. Thus, a symbolic constant allows a name to appear in place of a numeric constant, character constant or a string. When a program is compiled, each occurrence of a symbolic constant is replaced by its corresponding character sequence. Symbolic constants are usually defined at the beginning of a program. The symbolic constants may then appear later in the program in place of the numeric constants, character constants, etc. that the symbolic constants represent. Symbolic constants are defined using #define as given below: #define<symbolic constant name> <value> Suppose that you are writing a program which performs a variety of geometrical calculations. For example, using the value p (3.14) for the calculations. To calculate the circumference and area of a circle with a known radius, you could write circum = 3.14 * (2*radius); area = 3.14 * (radius) * (radius); If, however, you define a symbolic constant with the name PI and assign it the value 3.14, you would write the name PI and the value 3.14 as shown below #define PI 3.14 circum = PI * (2*radius); area = PI * (radius) * (radius); Some valid examples of symbolic constant definitions are : #define TAXRATE 0.55 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0
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Introduction to Programming
Unit 1
Introduction to Programming The term algorithm refers to the logic of a program. It is a step-bystep description of how to arrive at a solution to a given problem. Pictorial representation to depict clearly the flow of control to arrive at the solution of a problem is called flowchart. The programming techniques used for designing a program are: topdown technique, bottom-up technique, unstructured technique, structured technique and modular programming technique. C is a general purpose, high-level programming language developed by Kerningham and Ritchie at AT & T Bell Labs. C program logic is a combination of statements. Statements are always found between { } braces called the body of a function. Each statement performs a set of operations. Simple statements are terminated by semicolon ;. Every C program is required to have a special function called main. This function is the entry point of the program. Identifiers are the name given to the various program elements - variables, functions, arrays etc. C character set includes uppercase and lowercase alphabets, digits and several special characters. Altogether there are 93 valid characters allowed in C. There are 32 keywords (reserved words) in C. They cannot be used as variable names. A C variable is an entity whose value may vary during program execution. C makes it compulsory to declare the type of any variable name that a programmer wishes to use in a program before using it. The basic data type that can be used for such declaration are int, float, double and char. Symbolic constants are generally defined at the beginning of a program. Computer Programming using C
Unit 1
Introduction to Programming
Unit 1
1. Balagurusamy, E: Programming in ANSI C, Tata McGraw-Hill publication. 2. Gottfried Byron S: Programming with C, Tata McGraw-Hill publication.
Introduction to Programming
Unit 1
(TOTAL /10)*100
6. In a Fibonacci sequence, the previous two numbers are added to generate the next Fibonacci number. f1 = 1 Ist number f2 = 2nd number f3 = f1 + f2 = 1+2 = 3 f4 = f2 + f3 = 2+3 = 5 f5 = f3 + f4 = 3+5 = 8, and so on. f1 1 f2 2 f3 3 f4 5 f5 8 f6 13 f7 ......................... 21 ........................
To get next fibonacci number, we have to do sum of previous two numbers in the series. Algorithm : 1. Assign sum =0, A=0, B=1, i=1 2. Get the number of terms upto which you want to generate the Computer Programming using C 41
Introduction to Programming Fibonacci number, i.e. n. 3. Add A and B to get the next Fibonacci number 4. Assign the value of B to A i.e. A=B. 5. Assign the value of sum to B i.e. B = sum 6. Write the value of sum to get next Fibonacci number in the series.
Unit 1
7. Increment i with 1 i.e. i = i+1 and repeat step 3,4,5,6 with the last value of i = n (n is the number of terms up to which we want to generate Fibonacci number series.) 8. Stop 7. In structured programming a program is broken down into small independent task and each task has its own functionality and perform specific part of the actual processing. These task are developed independently without the help of the other. When these task are completed, they are combined together to solve a whole program. 8. In computer programming, particularly in the C and C++ programming languages, a header file or include file is a file, usually in the form of source code, that is automatically included in another source file by the compiler. Typically, header files are included via compiler directives at the beginning (or head) of the other source file. The C standard library (also known as libc) is a now-standardized collection of header files and library routines used to implement common operations, such as input/output and string handling, in the C programming language. Unlike other languages such as COBOL, Fortran, and PL/I, C does not include built-in keywords for these tasks, so nearly all C programs rely on the standard library to function. 9. Identifiers are names that are given to various program elements, such as variables, functions and arrays. Identifiers consist of letters and digits in any order except that the first character must be a letter. 10. Keywords are also called the reserved words in C. They have specific meaning to compiler. These words should not be used for naming any other variables. 42 Computer Programming using C
Introduction to Programming
Unit 1
11. There are two broad categories of constant in C, literal constant and symbolic constant. 12. The built in data types are integer, character, float, double. 13. A variable is an identifier that is used to represent a single data item i.e. a numerical quantity or a character constant. A given variable can be assigned different data items at various place within thin a program.
1. 2. 3. 4.
What is a program ? Explain the characteristics of a good program. Describe the various stages of program development. Write down the characteristics of high level language ? Write the difference: a) Machine language and Assembly language b) High level language and Machine language c) Compiler and Interpreter d) Linker and Loader e) Compiler and Assembler f) Pseudocode and Algorithm
5. 6. 7. 8.
What do you understand by compilation and execution of a program. What is an algorithm ? Why is it necessary to write an algorithm before program coding ? How flowchart is more effective than algorithm ? Explain with algrithm. What do you mean by programming technique ? Compare modular and structured programming techniques giving example.
9. 10.
Give the merits and demerits of modular and structured programming technique. What are the major differences between compilation and Computer Programming using C 43
Introduction to Programming
Unit 1 interpretation ? Which process does take more time on repeated processing and why ?
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Write down a few characteristics of C language. Write an algorithm to find the area of a triangle. Write an algorithm to find the sum of a set of number. Write an algorithm to test whether the given number is a prime number. Write an algorithm to find the factorial of a given number. What is the difference between a keyword and an identifier ? List the rules of naming an identifier in C ? Name and describe the four basic data types in C ? What is a variable ? How can variables be characterized ? Draw a flowchart to print the sum of numbers between 1 and the entered number. For example if you enter 5, then it will find the sum of 1+2+3+4+5 = 15
Draw a flowchart to input three numbers and print the largest number. Write an algorithm that reads a year and determine whether it is a leap year or not. Write an algorithm to sort an array in the descending order.