Draft CHED - MARINA OB Monitoring Instrument

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Outcomes-Based Monitoring Instrument for Maritime Education Programs Offered by Maritime Education Institutions (MEIs) Name of MEI: Date

e of Monitoring: Contact Number:

Approved CHED: ________________________________ Approved MARINA: ______________________________ Location of MEI Name: Address: Zipcode: Place: Findings/ Observations/ Objective Evidence

Date last Monitored:

Item Key Areas of Evaluation No. I Quality Standards System (QSS)

a Effectiveness of internal monitoring schemes, systems and procedures in the delivery of the program to ensure quality of: Instructions Practical exercises / scenarios Effective utilization of laboratory equipment Review and updating of courses Examination and assessment Relevance of defined quality objectives to the institutions Vision, Mission, Goals Extent and relevance of Internal quality audits Extent and effectiveness of Management reviews Compliance with the findings reported Periodic External Audits by qualified persons during -. .

b c d e f

Continuing development and improvement of the QSS

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Outcomes-Based Monitoring Instrument for Maritime Education Programs Offered by Maritime Education Institutions (MEIs) Item Key Areas of Evaluation No. II Organization, Management, and Support Staff
a Clarity and effectiveness of organizational structure to the educational functions of the institution Representation or scheme to consider participation of the industry in the institutions governing body Action of the Management on results and findings during management reviews and periodic audits Relevance of institutional development plans based on the institutions Vision, Mission, Goals, and the defined program objectives Extent of institutional development plans in terms of: Enrolments Staff and Support Staff Physical facilities and resources Viability of operations Employability of graduates Effectiveness of implementation, monitoring of development plans review and

Approved CHED: ________________________________ Approved MARINA: ______________________________ Findings/ Observations/ Objective Evidence

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Outcomes-Based Monitoring Instrument for Maritime Education Programs Offered by Maritime Education Institutions (MEIs) Item No. III Curriculum

Approved CHED: ________________________________ Approved MARINA: ______________________________ Findings/ Observations/ Objective Evidence

Key Areas of Evaluation

Comprehensiveness and clarity of the program of study in terms of: Industry needs time allocation per subject time allocation for laboratory activities Coordination and sequencing of subjects Coordination and sequencing of theoretical and practical areas Quality of the syllabi in terms of: Subject content Learning objectives Coordination of theoretical and practical aspects Performance measures Reference to the functions/ competences stated in STCW Relevance to industry needs Planning, review, and revision of the curriculum taking into consideration: Amendments to rules and regulations both National and International (IMO) Frequency Industry inputs Feedbacks Scheme to obtain feedbacks from end-users on the course contents

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Outcomes-Based Monitoring Instrument for Maritime Education Programs Offered by Maritime Education Institutions (MEIs) Item Key Areas of Evaluation No. IV Academic Strategies
a Theoretical class observation per program, taking into account the following: Use of teaching and training aids Supply of notes or materials to students Quality of teaching materials Quality of students work Method of delivery

Approved CHED: ________________________________ Approved MARINA: ______________________________

Findings/ Observations/ Objective Evidence

Practical and laboratory exercises observation per program, taking into account the following: Quality of the students work Range and quantity of work Supervision of students Operational Safety Effectiveness of coordination between theoretical and practical aspects of subjects Administration of education delivery and assessment Supervision of education delivery and assessment Monitoring of education delivery and assessment

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Outcomes-Based Monitoring Instrument for Maritime Education Programs Offered by Maritime Education Institutions (MEIs) V Examination and Assessment System (including Appeals and Re-sits)
a Examination System: Policies and procedures Description of the examination scheme Relation of examination scheme to course objectives Arrangements for determining passing or failure Contents of the examinations in relation to the required competence standards of the STCW Arrangements for review and validation of examinations

Approved CHED: ________________________________ Approved MARINA: ______________________________

Assessments System: Policies and procedures Arrangements for practical assessment Conduct of assessment in relation to the required competence standards of the STCW Arrangements for review and validation of assessment instrument(s) Training and experience of program assessors

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Outcomes-Based Monitoring Instrument for Maritime Education Programs Offered by Maritime Education Institutions (MEIs) VI Staff (Instructors and Assessors)
a Quality Assurance Mechanism on hiring, retention and promotion to ensure: appropriateness of knowledge, skills, understanding, qualification and experience of Instructors and Assessors

Approved CHED: ________________________________ Approved MARINA: ______________________________ Findings/ Observations/ Objective Evidence

Polices and procedures on: Distribution of teaching hours performance and responsibilities Performance evaluation system through: feedback from students institutional evaluation taking into account actual performance and effectiveness of teaching

Training and continuing staff development: arrangements for pre-service training in teaching methods and assessment and management arrangements for in-service training for simulator instructors and assessors on the types of simulator used arrangements for in-service training for continuing technical and professional competence

Extent of Instructors/Assessors participation in development / review of courses, instructional and assessment materials and standards

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Outcomes-Based Monitoring Instrument for Maritime Education Programs Offered by Maritime Education Institutions (MEIs) VII Students
a Quality assurance mechanisms on: b Admission and selection of students Medical fitness Retention Guidance and Counselling

Approved CHED: ________________________________ Approved MARINA: ______________________________

Findings/ Observations/ Objective Evidence

Performance of students Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation (BSMT) Annual percentage of students who passed and conferred with the BSMT degree within the last three (3) years prior to the monitoring Annual percentage of graduates who took the PRC examination for Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of a Navigational Watch within the last three (3) years prior to the monitoring Annual national passing percentage in PRC examination for OIC of a Navigational Watch within the last three (3) years prior to the monitoring

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Outcomes-Based Monitoring Instrument for Maritime Education Programs Offered by Maritime Education Institutions (MEIs) Students continued.
Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (BSMarE) Annual percentage of students who passed and conferred with the BSMarE degree within the last three (3) years prior to the monitoring Annual percentage of graduates who took the PRC examination for OIC of an Engineering Watch within the last three (3) years prior to the monitoring Annual national passing percentage in PRC examination for OIC of an Engineering Watch within the last three (3) years prior to the monitoring

Approved CHED: ________________________________ Approved MARINA: ______________________________

Scheme for: encouraging graduates to take the PRC examination for OIC of a Watch after graduation assisting students who failed to retake the PRC examination for OIC of a Watch

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Outcomes-Based Monitoring Instrument for Maritime Education Programs Offered by Maritime Education Institutions (MEIs) VIII Onboard Training
a b Linkages and arrangements with manning agents and/or shipping companies for onboard training Annual percentage of students, both BSMT and BSMarE, that obtain a cadetship slot: on domestic ships or ships flying the national flag on foreign flag ships total annual percentage of students who obtain a cadetship slot

Approved CHED: ________________________________ Approved MARINA: ______________________________

Annual percentage of students, both BSMT and BSMarE, that obtain a position other than Cadet in order to complete the 36 months of sea time as alternative to cadetship Extent of monitoring and follow up of cadets during onboard training Feedback mechanism on performance of students during onboard training Review and assessment system of the cadet and his training record book after completion of the onboard training Role of the institution to assist students obtain employment after graduation Effectiveness of the institutions graduate tracer to obtain information on students employment

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Facilities and Equipment

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Outcomes-Based Monitoring Instrument for Maritime Education Programs Offered by Maritime Education Institutions (MEIs)
1. Physical Facilities a Set up, lay out and relevance of Teaching Facilities Classrooms Physics and Chemistry room Workshop rooms or areas b Set up, lay out and relevance of Support Facilities Library Audiovisual rooms Administration Faculty room Computer rooms Internet facilities Sanitation facilities Provision of needed supplies, equipment, consumable materials Comprehensive and range of provisions Relevance of the equipment to program needs in relation with competence standards of STCW Ratio and proportion as the number of students

Approved CHED: ________________________________ Approved MARINA: ______________________________

Utilization of the teaching and support facilities as well as the supplies, equipment, and consumable materials Maintenance system and safety aspects

2. Laboratory Equipment

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Outcomes-Based Monitoring Instrument for Maritime Education Programs Offered by Maritime Education Institutions (MEIs)
a Physics Availability of physics and chemistry equipments Ratio and proportion as the number of students Relevance and status of the equipment Utilization of the equipment Availability and relevance of laboratory exercises to STCW competence standards Review and updating of laboratory exercises Preventive aspects maintenance system and safety

Approved CHED: ________________________________ Approved MARINA: ______________________________

Chemistry Availability of chemistry equipment Ratio and proportion as the number of students Relevance and status of the equipment Utilization of the equipment Availability and relevance of laboratory exercises to STCW competence standards Review and updating of laboratory exercises Preventive aspects maintenance system and safety

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Outcomes-Based Monitoring Instrument for Maritime Education Programs Offered by Maritime Education Institutions (MEIs)
Laboratory Equipment Continued c Marine Transportation Department Availability of: Radar/ARPA Simulators Mock Bridge with navigational instruments Charts and nautical publications MARCOM equipment Seamanship equipment Ship handling and manoeuvring equipment Ratio and proportion as the number of students Relevance in terms of STCW standards and industry practice and status of the equipment Utilization of the equipment Availability and relevance of exercises and scenarios to STCW competence standards Review and updating of laboratory exercises and scenarios Preventive aspects maintenance system and safety

Approved CHED: ________________________________ Approved MARINA: ______________________________

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Outcomes-Based Monitoring Instrument for Maritime Education Programs Offered by Maritime Education Institutions (MEIs)
Laboratory Equipment Continued d Marine Engineering Department Availability of: Operational diesel engine with auxiliary systems or Engine room simulator Mechanical workshop Electrical lorkshop and laboratory Engine room workshop Steam Plant Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Training Aids Ratio and proportion as the number of students Relevance in terms of STCW standards and industry practice and status of the equipment Utilization of the equipment Availability and relevance of exercises and scenarios to STCW competence standards Review and updating of laboratory exercises and scenarios Preventive aspects maintenance system and safety

Approved CHED: ________________________________ Approved MARINA: ______________________________

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Outcomes-Based Monitoring Instrument for Maritime Education Programs Offered by Maritime Education Institutions (MEIs) X Research and Development

Approved CHED: ________________________________ Approved MARINA: ______________________________

Arrangements for research and developments

Relevance and extent of research development plans to maritime education


Implementation and accomplishment of research and development plans

Staff and students involvement in research

Impact of research outputs to maritime education

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Outcomes-Based Monitoring Instrument for Maritime Education Programs Offered by Maritime Education Institutions (MEIs)

Approved CHED: ________________________________ Approved MARINA: ______________________________


Extension Services

Arrangements for extension services

Relevance of extension services in so far as maritime education is concerned

Implementation and accomplishment of plans

Impact of extension services to community and the maritime education discipline

MONITORING TEAM: Team Leader: Team Members: ___________________________ (Signature Over Printed Name) ___________________________ (Signature Over Printed Name) ___________________________ (Signature Over Printed Name)

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