SPE 87070 The Investigation of Potential Residual Oil Tapping Technique in The Late Stage of High Water Cut Period in Daqing Oilfield

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SPE 87070 The Investigation of Potential Residual Oil Tapping Technique in the Late Stage of High Water Cut

Period in Daqing Oilfield

Liu He, SPE, Yan Jianwen, Han Hongxue, Cao Gang, Daqing Oilfield Company Limited

Copyright 2004, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Modelling for Asset Management held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29-30 March 2004. This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836 U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.

simulation results, and the technologies to be taken for different layers. Residual Oil Potential Analysis The Daqing Oilfield has been developed for 44 years. And 36.81% of the total OOIP has been produced by water drive method, which accounts for 75.57% of the recoverable reserves. Current water cut of the oilfield is 88.9%. The annual output of polymer flooding is 1,134104tons. The oilfield has entered the late stage of high water cut period. Therefore, It becomes harder and harder to continue producing as much as before. The potential distribution analysis is base for further develop the oilfield. Core data of Well La8-JP182 and Well Bei1-330-J49 were used to analyze the status and the distribution characteristic of the residual oil. Core data of Well La8-JP182 were got before polymer driven. The analysis of the data revealed watered out status of the core. The Well La8-JP182 encounted three sets of oil reservoirs vertically, which are S, P, and G reservoirs respectively. All the layers in these three groups add up to 73.9m, among which 15.4m are not watered out, 4.9m are watered out slightly, 36.1m are watered out medially, and 17.4m are watered out heavily. In terms of percentage, they are 20.9%, 6.7%, 48.9%, and 23.5% respectively. There is 26.3% of thickness of S reservoirs layers unwatered out. That of G reservoirs is 37.4%. As for the P group, on the other hand, there is 3.91% of thickness that is not watered out. Threfore, the residual oil potential in S and G reservoirs are much richer than that of P reservoirs after water drive. The total thickness of isolated untabulated reservoirs in this well is 26m, among which 22.7m are not watered out. The unwatered out thickness accounts for nearly 90% of the total isolated untabulated reservoirs thickness. The Well Bei1-330-J49 was drilled after polymer flooding. The core data of this well indicates that more than 74.3% of total thickickness are watered out. Whereas, watered out layers are mainly concentrated in the PI2 payzone, while the other layers are washed slightly. After polymer flooding, there are still some potential to be tapped in relative thinner layers. According to the core data analysis of Well La8-JP182 and Well Bei1-330-J49, distribution figure of oil displacement efficiency in cores and the watered out thickness in cores were made. Figure 1 shows the relationship between permeability and oil displacement efficiency of cores in Well La8-JP182. Figure 2 shows that in Well Bei1-330-J49. The figures of oil

Abstract This paper introduces the performance history of the Daqing Oilfield and analyzes the potential for further development. The residual oil distribution characteristics are analyzed taking the advantage of the core data of Well La8-JP182 and Well Bei1-330-J49. Then the numerical simulation method is used to analyze the recovery ratio, production rate, and the variation of pressure gradient under different production conditions. Finally, the technology of potential tapping of the isolated untabulated reservoirs, tabulated reservoirs, the huge thick reservoirs, and multiple rhythm reservoirs are brought forward in this paper. Introduction Daqing Oilfield has undergone the water flooding stage, the artificial lift production stage, and the stage of polymer flooding since the oilfield was put into production in 1960. The pressure gradient between the producers and the injectors were raised after each conversion of the stages. As a result, the pressure gradient rose from 0.15MPa/60m in the flowing production stage to 0.62MPa/60m in the polymer flooding stage. The production rate and the recovery ratio were increased. There is little room left for increasing the pressure gradient further. Whereas, The analysis of the reserve potential in Daqing placanticline area indicated that the residual recorerable reserves in basic well pattern and the first round infilled wells pattern are still relatively reacher, which is 19,287104tons and 14,871104tons respectively. Therefore, the optimization and the combination of various development regimes, the production methods should be taken into consideration to tap the potential further. Moreover, the efficiency of the combinations should be forcasted either through numerical smulation method. The following pages analyze the residual oil potential in Daqing Oilfield, the


SPE 87070

displacement efficiency show that the over all oil displacement efficiency of both water flooding and polymer drive concentrate between 25% and 70%. In cases when permeability is smaller than 2m2, there are still some points of the efficiency of both water flooding and polymer flooding fall in the area lower than 20%. Figure 3 and Figure 4 are maps showing the relationship of watered out thickness and permeabilities. Figure 3 shows the relationship of the watered out thickness and permeabilities in Well La8-JP182. Half of thicknesses with permeabilities smaller than 2m2 were not watered out. While in figure 4, which reveals the relationship of the watered out thickness and permeabilities in Well Bei1330-J49, almost all the thicknesses with permeabilities higher than 4 m2 are watered out, but more than half of the thicknesses with permeabilities smaller than 2 m2 are not watered out. The residual oil potential is still considerable. Taking the facter of the unwatered out thicknesses into consideration, the residual recoverable reserves potential in basic well pattern and the first infilled well pattern in Daqing placanticline area is still relatively richer, which is 19,287 104tons and 14,871104tons respectively. Numerical Simulation Study Although the pressure gradient has risen from 0.15MPa/60m in the flowing production stage to 0.62MPa/60m in the polymer flooding stage and there is limited room left for increasing the pressure gradient (as shown in figure 5). The combined measures, such as well net infill adjustment, deep penetrated perforation, fracturing, as well as water plugging, can effectively raise the pressure gradient further. Figure 9 shows the simulated pressure gradient of combined production methord. Accotding to the picture, the pressure gradient can reach as high as 2.34 MPa/60m according to the numerical simulation results. As a result of pressure gradient increase, production rate and recovery factor will also increase up to 50%. Figure 6 shows the details of the simulation result. Optimize the Production Methords to Trap the Potential The resevoir analysis result must be combined with the technology of production methods to enhance the oil displacement efficiency, to raise the recovery factor and the production rate. The potential of layers with different characteritics can be tapped with different combinations of production methods. As for the isolated untabulated reservoirs, the injected water did not affect most of the layers. The potential tapping method should mainly be expending the affected volume. The well pattern infill adjustment combined with the limited entry treatment and the balanced limited entry treatment could be adopted. As for the tabulated reservoir, because the injected water has affected most of the layers, potential tapping method should consider both increasing the affected volume and raising the flooding efficiency. The methods should vary according to the thickness of the layers. With regard to the alternatively distributed thin oil layers and water layers, the oriented balanced fracture treatment, the deeply perforated perforation, and hydraulic slotting should be adopted.

The potential tapping method of huge thick reservoir varies with the sedimentary rhythm. The bottom of the positive rhythm layers are watered out more, while the middle and the upper parts are flooded relatively less. Drilling horizontal wells in the middle and upper parts or placing artificial baffles could be considered. The combined method of plugging and fracturing should be adopted to tap the potential of the multi rhythm reservoirs. In other words, plug bigger throats to deeply control the profile in the first place, then, apply orientation fracture technique to the other parts with lower water cut. Conclusions 1. The residual recoverable reserves in basic well pattern and the first infilled well pattern in Daqing placanticline area are 19,287 104tons and 14,871 104tons respectively. The oil displacement efficiency both water flooding and polymer flooding concentrate between 25% and 70%. When permeability is smaller than 2 m2, most points of the oil displacement efficiency of both water flooding and polymer flooding are lower than 20%. 2. The pressure gradient in Daqing Oilfield has risen from 0.15MPa/60m in the flowing production stage to 0.62MPa/60m in the polymer flooding stage and there is limited room left for increasing the pressure gradient. Whereas, the pressure gradient can still be raised to 2.34 MPa/60m through some combined technology method. This is helpful for increasing the recovery rate. 3. As for the isolated untabulated reservoirs, the tabulated reservoir, the huge thick reservoirs, and the multi rhythm reservoirs, various combination of technological method, such as the well pattern infill adjustment, the deeply perforated perforation, and the combined method of plugging and fracturing can be adopted. Acknowledgement The authors gratefully acknowledge the management of Oil Production Engineering & Research Institute and the partners for their support to finish, implement, and publish this work. In addition we wish to thank partners of No.4 Oil Company for supporting some important data in this paper. References 1 Lin Zhifang, Wang Hemei: Study of Residual Oil Distribution During Line Drive Water-flooding, paper SPE 17825 presented at the SPE International Meeting on Petroleum Engineering held in Tianjin, People's Republic of China, 1-4 November, 1988. 2 Du Qinglong, Shi Chengfang: Study on the Distribution Charecteristics of Remaining Oil in Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoirs at High Water Cut Stage, paper SPE 84875, presented at the SPE International Improved Oil Recovery Conference in Asia Pacific held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20-21 October 2003.


SPE 87070

Oil displacement efficiency %

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 - 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Permeabilitym2

Oil displacement efficiency %


100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 - 10 0

6 Permeability 7 8 m2 9

Fig2. Relationship between permeability and oil displacement efficiency of cores in well Bei1-330-J49

Fig1. The relationship between permeability and oil displacemnt efficiency of cores in well La8-JP182

Thickness m 20.
0 15. 0 10. 0 5. 0 0. 0

25. 0

Water out thickness

Effective thickness

Sand rock thickness


0.10.25>=4 0.51-2-3-0.25 0.5 1 2 3 4Permeability (m2) 0.2 0. 5 of thickness and permeabilities in well La8-JP182 Fig3. The5 relationship

Thickness m 6 Water out thickness Effective thickness Sand rock thickness

5 4 3 2 1 0









Permeability (m ) Fig4. The relationship of thickness and permeabilities in well Bei1-330-JP49


SPE 87070

25 20 Injection wells(MPa) 15 10 5 0

Water floodingartifical lift Polymer floodingartificial lift Water floodingflowing Flowing







210 240 270 300(m) Distance between wells

Fig5. Pressure distribution Curve between wells in different development methods

65 Rate of oil production Recovery factor 55 45 35

3. 0 2. 5 2. 0 1. 5

4. 5 4 Pressure gradient 3. 5 3 2. 5 2 1. 5

P r e s s u r e g r a d i e n t( M P a /6 0 m ) R e c o ve r y fa c to r ( % ) R a te o f o i l p r o d u c ti o n ( % )

25 15

1. 0 0. 5

1 0. 5 0 A B C D E F G

A - F lo w in g B - W a t e r f lo o d in g + f lo w in g C - W a t e r f lo o d in g + a r t if ic ia l lif t D - P o ly m e r f lo o d in g + a r t if ic ia l lif t E - W e ll s p a c in g 1 5 0 m F - W e ll s p a c in g 1 5 0 m + d e e p p e n e t r a t in g p e r f o r a t io n + f r a c t u r in G - W e ll s p a c in g 1 5 0 m + d e e p p e n e t r a t in g p e r f o r a t io n + f r a c t u r in +s u rf a c t a n t

Fig6 The numerical simulation results of the whole well in different developming conditions

Recovery factor

Rate of oil production

Pressure gradient

75 65 55

4.0 3.4 2.8 2.2 1.6 1.0

3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 A B C D E F G

Pressure gradientMPa/60m Recovery factor(%) Rate of oil production(%)

A-Flowing B-Water flooding +flowing C-Water flooding +artificial lift D-Polymer flooding +artificial lift E-Well spacing150m F-Well spacing150m +deep penetrating perforation+fracturing G-Well spacing150m +deep penetrating perforation+fracturing +surfactant

45 35 25

Fig7. The numerical simulation results of high permeability layer in different developing conditions


SPE 87070

Recovery factor

Rate of oil production

Pressure gradient

55 45 35 25 15 5

2. 5 2. 0 1. 5 1. 0 0. 5 0

4. 5 4 3. 5 3 2. 5 2 1. 5 1 0. 5 0

Pressure gradient((MPa/60m) Recovery factor(%) Rate of oil production(%)

A-Flowing B-Water f looding +f lowing C-Water f looding +artif icial lif t D-Poly mer f looding +artif icial lif t E-Well spacing150m F-Well spacing150m +deep penetrating perf oration+f racturing G-Well spacing150m +deep penetrating perf oration+f racturing +surf actant

Fig8. The numerical results of low permeability layer in different developing conditions

Fig 9 T h e n u m e r ical s im u latio n r e s u lts o f th e co m b in atio n o f d e e p p e n e tr atin g p e r fo r atio n an d fr actu r in g 20

15 Pressure(MPa)

10 W el l W el l 5 s pac i ng150m s pac i ng150m+deep penet r at i ng per f or at i on+f r ac t ui ng

W el l s pac i ng150m+deep penet r at i ng per f or at i on+f ac t ur i ng+s ur f ac t ant









135 150(m) W ell s pac ing

Fig9 The numerical simulation results of the combination of deep penetrating Perforation and fracturing


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