L-functions, Problem Sheet 3: iry iλx
L-functions, Problem Sheet 3: iry iλx
L-functions, Problem Sheet 3: iry iλx
8) Notation: G is a LCHTG and we x a (right) Haar integral on G. If f K(G) and x G then dene x f K(G) by x f (g ) = f (x1 g ). a) Check that, for xed x G, the functional f (x f ) is a Haar integral, and deduce that theres some (x) R>0 such that (x f ) = (x)(f ) for all f. b) Check that is independent of the choice of . We say that is the modular function associated to G. c) Check that is a continuous group homomophism G R. d) Check that is the trivial homomorphism (that is, the map sending all g G to 1) i all right Haar integrals on G are also left Haar integrals. We say that a group G is unimodular if is trivial. e) Deduce the perhaps surprising result that compact LCHTGs are unimodular. f) Compute explicitly for the group in Q7.