L-functions, Problem Sheet 3: iry iλx

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L-functions, Problem Sheet 3

Some of these exercises were already alluded to in the course. This is all Haar measurey stu. denotes the usual Fourier transform of the function f : R C then 1) If f check (y )eiry . a) If g (x) = f (x + r) (r real) then g (y ) = f ix (y ). b) If g (x) = f (x)e for R then g (y ) = f 2) Check that if G is the integers and we dene the open sets to be [n, ) Z for all n, and the empty set and the whole space, then multiplication is continuous on G but inversion isnt. 3) a) Check that if K is a normed eld, then the map K K 2 sending u to (u, u1 ) induces a homeomorphism between K (with the subspace topology induced from K ) and its image (with the subspace topology of the product topology). b) A topological ring is a ring R with a topology such that (R, +) is a topological group, and multiplication is continuous. Can you nd a topological ring with the property that the map R R2 analogous to that in part (a) is not a homeomorphism onto its image? 4) Let G be a topological group. Prove that {e} is closed i G is Hausdor. 5) Prove that if X is the topological space Q with the subspace topology induced from R, and f : Q R is continuous with compact support, then f = 0. 6) G a LCHTG and notation as in the course. Say f, g, h, F K+ (G). We used both (a) and (b) below in the course when proving existence and uniqueness of Haar measure. a) Prove (f : g )(g : h) (f : h) b) Prove ( : f )1 F (f ) (f : ).
b 7) Check that the matrices a 0 1 in GL2 (R) form a locally compact topological group in which the right Haar integral isnt a left Haar integral.

8) Notation: G is a LCHTG and we x a (right) Haar integral on G. If f K(G) and x G then dene x f K(G) by x f (g ) = f (x1 g ). a) Check that, for xed x G, the functional f (x f ) is a Haar integral, and deduce that theres some (x) R>0 such that (x f ) = (x)(f ) for all f. b) Check that is independent of the choice of . We say that is the modular function associated to G. c) Check that is a continuous group homomophism G R. d) Check that is the trivial homomorphism (that is, the map sending all g G to 1) i all right Haar integrals on G are also left Haar integrals. We say that a group G is unimodular if is trivial. e) Deduce the perhaps surprising result that compact LCHTGs are unimodular. f) Compute explicitly for the group in Q7.

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