Mobile Device Principles
Mobile Device Principles
Mobile Device Principles
These principles apply to the University as a corporate entity; members of the CQUniversity Council and Council as a whole; all staff (Executive, Senior staff, Managers and Supervisors, Academic and Professional staff, regardless of their mode of employment) and all other individuals working on behalf of CQUniversity. These principles apply to the use of all mobile devices and mobile device accounts owned by the University. All staff members are required to comply with the principles, and inform themselves in regard to terms and conditions of the agreement associated with the device. The University requires staff members using CQUniversity owned mobile devices to accept the Mobile Device Principles and associated requirements regarding the use of mobile devices, as a condition of their use.
Staff members may be provided with a University funded mobile telephone/device for use on University business. Provision of a mobile device requires the approval of a Delegated Approver and completion of the Mobile/Data Device Order Form including a Business Justification. Category of Staff Senior Executive Academic Staff Professional Staff Delegated Approver Vice-Chancellor and President Dean/Director Director/Head of Cost Centre
The Information Technology Directorate (ITD) manages a Preferred Supplier contract on behalf of the University and will use the Preferred Service Provider to purchase available handsets, devices, and accessories and to manage voice and data plans. The Information Technology Directorate maintains a record of current charges and data rates for such devices.
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All purchases of mobile devices and provision of voice and data plans must be made through the Directorate (via the Service Centre) by completing a Mobile/Data Device Order Form. Purchase of mobile devices must be in compliance with CQUniversitys Purchasing Policy. The device (and SIM card if applicable) will remain the property of CQUniversity at all times. The University reserves the right to change service providers. Staff members are not permitted to enter into any device/voice or data plan with any service provider on behalf of the University, irrespective of device ownership or source of funds, unless prior arrangements have been authorised by the Delegated Approver and the Information Technology Directorate. Incoming staff members may transfer their existing mobile number to the University account on request. Any costs associated with such transfers, such as a cancellation of contract fee, is at the Delegated Approvers discretion and such costs will be charged to the relevant cost centre. Please note: As part of the University Procurement process the Information Technology Directorate reviews all available telecommunication providers to seek a preferred service provider. This is done through price comparison for corporate plans and data packages as well as device pricing. CQUniversity ensures that the best value for money is secured at the time of the agreement.
All mobile device details including Division, Directorate, cost code, staff member name, service number, and serial number will be recorded in the Universitys internal billing system maintained by the Information Technology Directorate. All devices will be asset-tagged before being issued to staff members. Mobile devices may be transferred between University staff members as required but the relevant Delegated Approver must notify the Information Technology Directorate of the new staff members details by completing the Mobile Device Transfer Form and forwarding to the Information Technology Directorate Service Centre to ensure accurate records are maintained. Where a device is no longer required, the staff member must advise the Information Technology Directorate (via the Service Centre) so the service number can be cancelled, and the device should be returned to their Delegated Approver.
The University provides mobile devices to nominated staff members to facilitate business communications. This is done at the discretion of the relevant Delegated Approver, and within the capacity of their cost centre to resource. Some staff members may be given approval for a small proportion of calls made, to be for reasonable private use and the Delegated Approver reserves the right to recover the costs that are deemed to be excessive. This includes all costs associated with data transmission and internet usage. Sound judgement is expected to be exercised in this regard.
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Staff should utilise the most cost effective means of communicating for the circumstances, eg use of email instead of SMS/MMS, and calling between CQUniversity mobile phones where there is no charge. Mobile devices owned by the University are to be used appropriately, responsibly, and ethically. The Universitys Acceptable Use of Information and Communications Technology Facilities and Devices Policy and Principles govern the acceptable behaviour expected in the use of the Universitys ICT facilities, including mobile devices. All staff members using CQUniversity owned mobile devices should be aware of their obligations under this policy and principles.
Delegated Approvers must ensure that there is a genuine business need or other benefit to the University before allocating or purchasing a mobile device. The device must also be appropriate for the requirements of the staff members role within the University. Mobile device charges are recorded in the University internal billing system and it is the responsibility of the Delegated Approver or nominated representative of the Division/Directorate to monitor expenses incurred on any service numbers to ensure that these are within acceptable limits. The staff member, recorded as the custodian of the device, must accept full responsibility for the proper use, care, maintenance and safe keeping of corporate mobile devices and their accessories, and for any activities associated with the device. Staff members are responsible for monitoring their own usage of the device including calls, data and other services to ensure they do not unnecessarily exceed their allotted plan. Further information can be obtained from the Information Technology Directorate or the Staff Portal. In circumstances where it has been shown that the staff members carelessness contributed to the loss of the device then the staff member may be required to contribute to the replacement cost. Any penalties or infringements for using a CQUniversity owned mobile device whilst driving a University or private vehicle shall be the responsibility of the staff member and not the University.
Staff members should ensure that their University mobile device is kept secure at all times, and that the device is kept charged and available for use when required to perform University work duties. Staff members should not divulge their Personal Identification Number (PIN), Pin Unlock Key (PUK) or password to a third party. Staff must ensure that devices accessing University systems or data (eg email) must be passcode protected and all applications and operating systems are installed from certified channels such as Apple iTunes, Google Play etc. Mobile devices accessing secure University systems will be restricted by a 10 attempt passcode setting, at which time the device will be automatically wiped.
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In the event that a device is lost or stolen, Information Technology Directorate will initiate a secure remote wipe of the device to prevent potential loss of data. The staff member must report the loss or theft of a mobile device as soon as possible to: their Delegated Approver; the Information Technology Directorate (via Service Centre) to have the service disabled; and the University Security office.
The theft of any mobile device should also be reported to police immediately.
Standard Services
Standard Services include: voice calls (which include free calls from one CQUniversity mobile to another); voicemail; text messaging (SMS); multimedia messaging service (MMS); data plans, allowing internet access, email, data transfers (where business need is identified and approval is given by the Delegated Approver).
Non-Standard Services
By default, the following services are disabled: 1900 numbers; Video calls; International access.
The University may further restrict access to certain entertainment and other services. To have a restricted service enabled (example International Roaming) staff members must gain their Delegated Approvers permission before contacting the Information Technology Directorate (via Service Centre).
International Roaming
International Roaming attracts significantly higher costs than standard mobile charges within Australia. International roaming is not initially activated on CQUniversity mobile phones. If staff members are travelling overseas for University business, they will need to have this activated through approval from their Delegated Approver to enable International Roaming. A completed International Roaming Request Form must be submitted to the Information Technology Directorate Service Centre at least five business days prior to the commencement of overseas travel.
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Details of costs involved are available on the CQUniversity Staff Portal and it is the responsibility of the staff member and the Delegated Approver to make themselves aware of these costs and any necessary requirements to use the device while travelling. Please visit the Service Providers International Roaming Pricing and Compatibility website for an indication of International Roaming Costs: Where possible, staff members are advised to purchase international prepaid SIM cards when overseas, as the cost involved is generally much lower compared to charges incurred through the University Service Provider. These SIM cards can be used for voice calls and data usage. Approval for reimbursement of the cost of the international prepaid phone card should be confirmed with the staff members Delegated Approver before the staff member commences their overseas travel. If the staff member is using an iPhone, they should check with the Information Technology Directorate prior to travel, that the device has been unlocked from the Service Provider network. The University may choose to recover costs associated with International Roaming Charges if they are incurred through negligence or excessive, unnecessary use.
The University may choose to replace a mobile device where there is a justifiable reason which is approved by the relevant Delegated Approver, or where as required by business or technology changes.
Cessation of Employment
When a staff member ceases employment with the University, their mobile device and all University supplied accessories (including SIM card if applicable) are to be returned in good working order to the Delegated Approver or nominated representative of the Division/Directorate who will arrange for it to be reissued to another staff member or for the service to be cancelled. (Refer to Section 3 of this document regarding the transfer of the device/service) If the device is not returned in good order, the cost of necessary repair or replacement may be deducted from outstanding benefits or entitlements available to the staff member under their contract of employment. If the device is not returned, the staff member may be charged the cost of its replacement; the SIM card will be cancelled and the device locked, unless prior arrangements to retain the device have been made. On request, arrangements can be made for the departing staff member to retain the service number with permission from the Delegated Approver. The Information Technology Directorate will provide Transfer of Service Number Forms from the Service Provider and it is the responsibility of the departing staff member to transfer the existing service number to a personal account. If the service number has not been transferred from the University account by the agreed transfer date, the service number will be cancelled by the University.
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Delegated Approvers may authorise a staff member to use a personal mobile device for CQUniversity business for an agreed period of time. The University will reimburse a staff member for costs that are directly incurred during the transaction of CQUniversity business if that use has been previously authorised and is in accordance with the conditions in Section 5 and 6.
Any unwanted or damaged University mobile devices are to be returned initially to a Delegated Approver and then to the Information Technology Directorate, via the Service Centre, for repair, reallocation or recycling as soon as practical.
Any staff member requiring support for their CQUniversity owned mobile device are to contact the Information Technology Directorates Service Centre to log a request. In the event that external support is required to diagnose or repair the mobile device, all support times will be determined as part of the agreement with the Service Provider.
The University reserves the right to monitor any and all aspects of its mobile devices to determine if a staff member is acting unlawfully or in violation of these principles. Where abnormal activity and excessive charges are detected, or a complaint has been made, staff members may be called upon to explain their use of CQUniversity Mobile Devices. Monthly charges are uploaded to the Universitys internal billing system. Nominated staff in each Division/Directorate review summary usage reports on a monthly basis to monitor any excessive usage or charges, and take required action.
Acceptable Use of Information and Communications Technology Facilities and Devices Policy Acceptable Use of Information and Communications Technology Facilities and Devices Principles
All terminology used within this policy is consistent with definitions in the CQUniversity Glossary. Mobile Device: means any mobile telephone, modem, laptop, iPad, tablet or any other emerging voice or data device that accesses a commercial mobile telecommunications service.
Mobile Device Principles Version: 3 Once PRINTED, this is an UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT. Refer to Policy Portal for latest version. CQUniversity CRICOS Provider Codes: QLD - 00219C; NSW - 01315F; VIC - 01624D
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SIM (Subscriber Identity Module): means a card that enables a mobile device to connect to the service providers network. Service Number: means the mobile number attached to a mobile service, whether for mobile voice or data services, to which the service costs will be charged.
Approval Authority Administrator Original Approval Date Amendment History Date of Next Review Related Documents
Vice-Chancellor and President Deputy Vice-Chancellor (University Services) 2 September 2009 (Mobile Telephone Policy) Vice-Chancellor and President 23 October 2009; Vice-Chancellor and President 4 December 2012. 4 December 2015 Mobile/Data Device Order Form Mobile Device Transfer Form International Roaming Request Form
Mobile Device Principles Version: 3 Once PRINTED, this is an UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT. Refer to Policy Portal for latest version. CQUniversity CRICOS Provider Codes: QLD - 00219C; NSW - 01315F; VIC - 01624D
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