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STUDY NOTES VOCABULARY It is important to increase your vocabulary in English. Every day you should learn 10 new words.

Vocabulary means not only different words but also different forms of these words the Adjective, Noun, Verb and Adverb forms. It is also a good idea to try to increase the words you know in particular topic areas so that you can discuss a range of topics. Organisation of vocabulary is important too. When learning new vocabulary a student of English needs to be aware of the several aspects of Vocabulary.

EPISODE 1: ELECTRONIC CRIME STUDY TIPS It is easier to remember words linked to a particular topic. So, when learning more vocabulary, learn words in topic areas, and also learn word forms. In IELTS Writing there are two tasks, Task 1 and Task 2. It is important to use words that are more formal, sophisticated and accurate in your writing for IELTS. Every day try to learn and master at least 10 new words and review these words frequently.

Vocabulary consists of: 1. Word Forms the Adjective, Noun, Verb and Adverb forms. Words change their form depending on their function in a sentence.

2. Pronunciation/Stress in a word with several syllables, which syllable carries the main stress? Stress conveys meaning.

3. Register some words are more formal and more appropriate than others. One must choose the most appropriate word for the context.

4. Word choice synonyms (words with similar meaning), opposites, paraphrase (describing something using a few words). Use a variety of vocabulary choices. 5. Organisation organise your word lists meaningfully; and develop strategies for remembering new words. This will help you consolidate and extend your vocabulary.

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1. Word Forms In English the form of a word can change, sometimes quite significantly, when that word is used as an Adjective or Noun, Verb or Adverb. Eg. Adjective Noun (Person) Noun (Thing) Verb Adverb analytical analyst analysis to analyse analytically

Where a different word form has not been created, then stress can be used to distinguish key word forms, for example a Noun from a Verb. Eg. Noun Verb con trast con trast

2. Pronunciation Pronunciation means how to make the sounds of a language. It also means which sounds to stress. Stress affects: volume pitch length (loud or soft) (high or low sound) (short or long)

By mixing short and long sounds we get the rhythm of a language. So, a stressed sound will be louder, higher and longer and so much easier to hear. An unstressed sound will be softer, lower and shorter, and so more difficult to hear. Stress means the sounds to highlight or mark. The stress can move on different syllables to distinguish word forms. a na ly ti cal a na lyst ana ly sis a na lyse a na ly ti ca lly Adjective Noun - person Noun - thing Verb Adverb

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3. Register Register means how formal or appropriate is the chosen word. In all languages some words are more formal than others some words are used on special occasions, in special contexts and for special reasons, while others words are more common. In English a general rule is that a longer word is more formal than a shorter word. For example, Phrasal Verbs (a simple verb with a preposition to look into, to look after) are the least formal choice and are commonly used in informal spoken language, notes, emails and postcards (informal writing). However, unusual words, borrowed into English from other languages, especially Latin and Greek, are quite formal, or high register. Greek and Latin borrowings into English often have several syllables. These words are used often in technical, scientific, medical, psychological and philosophical writings. The following words have similar meanings: look into study research analyse investigate Which word is easiest to remember? The smaller or shorter word is the easiest to learn and remember. So, you will probably learn look into or study first. Then you will pick up research and lastly analyse and investigate. Many words ending in ion are borrowed from Latin: discussion examination explanation information instruction investigation presentation For all words ending in ion the stress falls on the second last syllable: dis cu ssion examin a tion explan a tion inform a tion in stru ction investi ga tion presen ta tion

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4. Word Choice Choosing the best or most appropriate word is important. As your vocabulary grows and strengthens so your choice of words will extend and you will be better able to describe things more exactly and appropriately. To compare is to show how two things are similar. To contrast is to show how two things are different compare and contrast similarities and differences.

Synonyms Instead of always using the same word and repeating it many times in your writing, it is a good idea to learn some extra words with similar or closely similar meaning. What is the difference between argue, debate and discuss? Look at the passage below and think about the difference in meaning of these words.

The group meeting began with a general discussion of the issue but soon developed into a more formal debate as the different participants took particular sides for and against the topic. As feelings became quite heated, the various members of the group began to argue with each other. Finally the group leader called for order.

It is important to increase your vocabulary so you will be able to express what you are trying to say more accurately and appropriately.

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5. Organisation It is a good strategy when learning vocabulary to organise words by topic. Developing your vocabulary for a particular topic will enable you to be more specific and interesting when discussing that topic. You will be able to discuss particular matters quite accurately and also have a range of synonyms to draw from. As your vocabulary grows it is a good strategy to begin to organise words into groups and sets. Take the topic of Education. This topic consists of several fields: institutions, departments, subjects, personnel, resources and so on. Some of these fields can be divided further. Look at the table.
INSTITUTIONS university school college kindergarten pre-school FACULTIES medicine architecture engineering science law EDUCATION SUBJECTS mathematics French physics history geography music PERSONNEL professor lecturer teacher tutor registrar librarian RESOURCES classroom blackboard projector desk laboratory library

You might make a list of qualifications degree, bachelors, masters, doctorate, certificate, diploma. Subjects can be further broken down:

Words linked to the field of study - assignments and instructions - can then be collated:
Vocabulary for Assignments and Instructions
NOUN PERSON THING analyst analysis argument comparison contrast conviction debate discussion examination explanation information instruction investigation presentation research summary

ADJECTIVE analytical argumentative comparative comparable contrastive convincing debatable discursive examined explicable informative instructive investigative

OPPOSITE unanalytical

VERB analyse argue compare contrast convince debate discuss examine explain inform instruct investigate present research summarise

ADVERB argumentatively comparatively

unconvinced debater examiner inexplicable informer instructor investigator presenter researcher

inexplicably informatively instructively



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Write i before e Except after c Or when sounded like ay As in neighbour and weigh. This rhyme may help you remember the rules for using ie and ei correctly. As the rule says, you should generally write ie except under TWO conditions: 1. when the two letters follow c 2. when the two letters sound like ay (as in day) Examples: Some ie words: believe, belief, chief, field, grief, relief, yield, siege, niece, friend Some ei words: ceiling, conceit, deceive, deceit, receive, receipt, neighbour, eight, weigh, weight, vein, skein
HINT: The major exceptions to this rule are the following words: conscience forfeit seize counterfeit height sheik either leisure species financier neither sufficient foreign science weird


Doubling Consonants One-syllable words

If the word ends in a consonant preceded by a single vowel, then double that last consonant when you add a suffix beginning with a vowel.
drag flip nap shop slip star tap trap wet dragged flipped napped shopped slipped starred tapped trapped wetted dragging flipping napping shopping slipping starring tapping trapping wetting flipper shopper slipper

trapper wetter

Note that in one-syllable words with TWO vowels, do not double the last consonant.
beat foot look seat footed looked seated beating footing looking seating beater footer looker

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Note that in one-syllable words ending in a double consonant, do not double the last consonant.
lock knock swing climb talk locked knocked climbed talked locking knocking swinging climbing talking locker knocker swinger climber talker

Note that in one-syllable words ending in a final e instead of a consonant, do not double the consonant.
hope stare tape hoped stared taped hoping staring taping

Note also not to double the last consonant when adding a suffix that starts with a consonant.
star fear doubt starless fearless doubtless fearful doubtful


Doubling Consonants Two-syllable words

For words with two or more syllables that end with a consonant preceded by a single vowel, then double the consonant when both of these conditions apply: 1. Add a suffix beginning with a vowel 2. The last syllable of the word is accented
begin occur omit prefer refer regret submit unwrap occurred omitted preferred referred regretted submitted unwrapped beginning occurring omitting preferring referring regretting submitting unwrapping beginner occurrence


Note that when the last syllable of a two-syllable word is not stressed then the final consonant is not doubled.
labour format laboured formated labouring formating labourer

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A Prefix is a word part added at the beginning of a base word. Knowing Prefixes helps to improve both your vocabulary and your spelling. Some common Prefixes are as follows:
Prefix anteantiautobenebibiodediseximininterintramisperpostpreproreretrosemiunMeaning before against self good two, twice life away, down not, no longer, away out, no longer in, not in, not between, among within, between members of the same group wrong, bad entirely, through after before for, take place of again, back back half, partially not, contrary to Examples anteroom, antenatal, antedate, antediluvian antidote, antibody, antidisestablishmentarianism automobile, automation, automatic, autoimmune benefit, beneficial, beneficiary, benefactor bicycle, bicameral, bi-weekly, biennial biography, biology, biosphere, biochemistry, biotechnology depress, decrease, demerit, depreciate disappear, disapprove, disavow, disallow exclude, expel, ex-wife, ex-president immense, immodest, immoderate, improper inflow, incorrect, incompetent, incomplete, incoherent interact, interstate, interrelated, intersect, intervene intramural, intranet, intrastate, intravenous, intrapreneur misspell, misinterpret, misadventure, mispronounce perfect, pertain post-mortem, postdate, postpone pregame, premarital, prefix, premature prohibit, proclaim retell, re-do, reply, readdress, rethink, reclaim retrospect, retrograde, retroactive semicircle, semiautomatic unhappy, unable, unwise

HINT: Do NOT double letters when prefixes are added to words. However, a double consonant is needed when a prefix ends with the same letter as the beginning of the word. Be sure to write the whole prefix before writing the base word. Incorrect disatisfied mispelling Correct dissatisfaction, dissatisfied misspelling, misspelled

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A Suffix is a word part added to the end of a word. Although Prefixes do not change the spelling of the base word, some changes do occur when Suffixes are added to base words. 4a Suffixes with words ending in e

If the word ends in e and the suffix begins with a vowel (for example -able, -ary, ing, and -ous), drop the -e
age fame aging famous desire imagine desirable imaginary

Exception: To keep the /s/ sound of ce, and the /dz/ sound of ge, do not drop the final-e before able or ous change knowledge notice changeable knowledgeable noticeable courage marriage courageous marriageable

There are also a few exceptions for other words in which the e is kept in the word before a suffix starting with a vowel: acre acreage mile mileage

If the word ends in e and the suffix begins with a consonant (for example less, -ly, -ment, ness, -some) keep the e care name same whole careful nameless sameness wholesome entire safe state entirely safety statement

Exception: There are some words in which the e is dropped before a suffix starting with a consonant. argue nine argument ninth awe true awful truly

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The -ly Suffix

If a word ends in -l, do not drop that l when adding the suffix ly:
formal usual real formally usually really

But if the word already ends with two l s, merely add the y of the ly suffix.
chill hill chilly hilly


Suffixes with words ending in ic

When a word ends in ic, add a k before suffixes starting with i, -c, OR y
picnic traffic picnicking trafficking politic politicking

Some words that end in ic add the suffix ally not ly.
logic logically tragic tragically


Y to I (sp)

When adding a suffix to words that end with y, change the y to an i. To avoid a double i in a word, keep the y before the -ing suffix.
apply carry study apology beauty ceremony busy easy happy applies, applied carries, carried studies, studied apologies beautiful ceremonies, ceremonious busied, business easily, easiness happily, happiness applying carrying studying

Exception: If there is a vowel before the initial y, keep the y before adding s or ed.
stay enjoy day attorney key stays, stayed enjoys, enjoyed days attorneys keys

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Plurals (sp)

Here are seven major ways to form plurals of words in English.


Forming plurals of most words

two boys two walls a pair of shoes two pages six ribbons the Herrons all the Smiths

one boy one wall a shoe the page one ribbon Mr Herron Mrs Smith

For phrases and hyphenised words, pluralise the last word, unless another word is more important.
one videocassette recorder one systems analyst one sister-in-law two videocassette recorders two systems analysts two sisters-in-law

When words end in s, -sh, -ch, -x or z , add-es for the plural form (because an extra syllable is needed for pronunciation).
one box a loss the church a buzz a brush two boxes several losses two churches several buzzes a pair of brushes


Plurals of words ending in f or fe

For plurals of some words that end in f or fe change the fe to ve and add -s
one thief a leaf a wife one life two thieves two leaves several wives their lives

For other words ending in f add s without making any changes to the base word.
a roof his beliefs the chief a reef two roofs their beliefs several chiefs many reefs

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Plurals of words ending in y

For words ending in a consonant plus y, change the y to i and add es

one company one candy two companies some candies

For words ending in a vowel plus y, add s

one boy a monkey two boys some monkeys


Plurals of words ending in o

For words ending in a vowel plus o, add an s

one radio a patio two radios some patios

For words ending in a consonant plus o, add an s for some plurals, and es for other plurals, and either s or es for still other plurals.
-s only autos memos pianos salvos -es only echoes heroes potatoes tomatoes -s or es zeros or zeroes cargos or cargoes


Words with Irregular Plurals

For some words, the plural is formed by changing the base word:
one child a woman one goose a foot a mouse two children two women two geese two feet several mice

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Words with no separate plural form

Some words have the same form for both singular and plural:
deer sheep fish cattle trousers scissors pliers wheat rice


Plurals of foreign words

alumni antennae appendices criteria psychoses radii theses bases crises data media memoranda phenomena

alumnus antenna appendix criterion psychosis radius thesis basis crisis datum medium memorandum phenomenon

NB: Some of these words are beginning to acquire an English plural form eg memorandums/memos, antennas

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RULE 7 Homonyms English has many words which sound alike but spelled differently and have different meanings. These are called Homonyms. Here are the most commonly misspelled sound-alike words:
accept except expect affect effect effect hear here its its passed past than then their there theyre to two too were wear where were weir whos whose your youre

verb preposition verb verb noun verb verb preposition possessive adjective Contraction pronoun+verb verb adjective comparative particle adverb of time possessive adjective preposition contraction pronoun+verb preposition adjective adjective verb verb adverb contraction pronoun+verb noun interrogative + verb possessive adjective possessive adjective contraction pronoun+verb

to agree, receive exclude, all but, other than await, anticipate influence result accomplish listen and receive a sound in this place 3rd person possessive it is elapse, move in front of before now at that time 3rd person plural possessive not here, in that place they are direction towards double, duo a lot, also plural of was put on clothes question for location we are a small dam who is possessive adjective question 2nd person possessive you are

She accepted a gift. Everyone passed the exam except Tom. When do you expect the baby to arrive? Drugs affect judgement and ability to drive safely. Alcohol can have a powerful effect on some people. The medicine effected the desired result. Did you hear what he said? Come here please. The dog hurt its leg. Its mine. The time passed by as the sun passed over our heads. This past year has been very busy. She is older than I. Then he left. These are their books. He is over there next to that tree. Theyre over here. I am going to the shops. There were twins in the family two boys. It cost too much I couldnt afford it. We were very tired last night after work. I will wear that to the party. Where were you last night? Were from Shanghai. The weir was replaced by a large dam. Whos in there come out now! Whose is this? Is it yours? This is mine. That is your book. Youre not invited. Only men can come.

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Here are some more commonly misspelled sound-alike words.

advice advise angel angle bare bear buy by bye cite sight site council counsel desert dessert

noun verb noun noun adjective noun verb preposition noun verb noun noun noun verb noun verb

recommendation give advice, counsel heavenly being, good person space between two lines uncovered, naked animal purchase along, passed farewell point out vision location, place a governing group give advice, suggestions dry place abandon course of sweet food forward after third empty space, gap complete past tense of know not old to understand negative quiet time, no war part, section to stop work, give up not noisy very not moving paper, pens climate if

Thank you for the good advice. It helped me. I advise caution. Be careful! The holy picture depicted several angels. The triangle has two equal angles. The beggar was bare and freezing. The Panda bear is loved around the world. I went to the shop to buy some rice. He walked by the house but didnt stop to say Hi. Good bye! The policeman cited all the rules I had broken. The mountains present beautiful sights at dawn. I will build my new house on that site. The council met to decide on the road changes. My parents always give me good advice. The Sahara Desert is growing. Please dont desert me! The dessert will follow the main meal and is ice cream. From this day forward until the end of time. You are the fourth. There are three ahead of you. You have a hole in your sock. The whole of the day was wasted. I did nothing. He knew his work, so he did well. I have to buy some new socks. I know the whole story. I read it in the paper. No, thank you. The war ended. Peace returned. She gave me a piece of cake. He quit his job and left the firm. Please be quiet. No talking through in the exam. He was quite happy travelling alone in Europe. The train was stationary, then it slowly began to move. We need stationery for the office. The weather was hot and humid. He asked whether you were coming or not.

forth fourth hole whole knew new know no peace piece quit quiet quite stationary stationery weather whether

noun adverb noun adjective verb adjective verb particle noun noun verb adjective adjective adjective noun noun conjunction

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There are also many single and two-word phrases that sound alike but have different meanings.
all ready already all right alright all together altogether any body anybody any more anymore any one anyone anytime anytime any way anyway a while awhile every body everybody every day everyday every one everyone in to into may be maybe somebody somebody some one someone

adjective adverb

All of them were ready. They were all ready. The train had already left by the time we arrived at the station. All of them were right. They were all right, not one single mistake. Wrong spelling of all right All of them were together again. They were all together in the restaurant. Her actions were altogether wrong. She was completely at fault. Any large body of water becomes unsafe to drink after a few days. Has anybody seen my shoes? Are there any more potato chips left? I do not want to se her anymore never again! Any of those magazines is suitable any one of them. Can anyone hear me? Is anyone there? I can make an appointment for any time during the day or night. Anytime tomorrow will do. You can take any of those ways any way will do. Just hurry up! She objected but he went to the pub anyway. It will take a while to finish maybe one day, maybe two. I can only stay for a while a few minutes actually. Every single river in the small country was polluted. He wanted everybody to come to his daughters wedding. It rained every single day last week. It was an everyday, boring, ordinary story. Each and every one of the bottles was empty. He gave everyone a small gift. He came in from outside to escape the cold and rain he came in to get warm. He fell into the river and got completely drenched. They may be late but then again they might be on time. Maybe he will, maybe he wont. Who knows? Some large bodies of water remain pure for a large time. Somebody has stolen my watch. Could you give me some of those large ones please? Someone has taken my briefcase too.

adjective adjective adverb phrase pronoun phrase adverb phrase pronoun phrase adverb phrase adverb phrase adverb phrase pronoun phrase adjective phrase pronoun preposition + conjunction preposition verb phrase adverb phrase pronoun phrase pronoun

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Commonly misspelled words.

absence accompanied acquire advice aggression a lot angel approach aspirin attendance beautiful biggest bureaucracy careless certain coming competent condemn consensus convenience criticism decide desirable disappear efficient equipment exercise explanation favourite fulfil guidance heroes hypocrite immensely individually interrupt its led license loose maintenance mathematics miniature mysterious ninety occurrence opportunity pamphlet peculiar personal planned practical principle proceed psychology acceptable accomplish across advise aisles amateur angle appropriate associate authentic beginner boundary business carrying changeable commercial competition confident consistent coolly criticise definite despair disappoint environment especially existence extremely February gauge harass hindrance ideally incidentally initiative irrelevant jealousy leisure lightning losing manageable meanness mischievous naturally ninth official opposite parallel penetrate persuade pleasant precede principal professor pursue accessible accuracy actually affect alcohol among announcement approximate athlete average believe breath cafeteria category changing commitment conceited conscious continuous course curiosity dependent develop disastrous eighth exaggerate expense familiar financially government height hoping ignorant incredible intelligent irresistible knowledge lenient likelihood luxury management meant missile necessary noticeable omitted ordinarily particular perceive physical politician preferred privilege prominent questionnaire accidentally achievement address effect alleys amount apparent argument attach bargain beneficial breathe calculator cemetery channel committee conceive conscience controlled coarse dealt descend different disease elaborate excellent experience family forty grammar here huge imaginary independent interest irritated laboratory liable loneliness magazine marriage medicine mortgage nickel obstacle operate originally past performance piece possess prejudice probably promise quiet accommodate acquaintance admission against all right analysis appearance article attack basically benefited bulletin calendar census chief comparative concentrate conscientious controversy courteous deceive describe disagree divine embarrass except experiment fascinate friend guaranteed hear humorous immediately indispensable interference its laid library lose magnificent material mere muscle niece occasionally opinion paid passed permanent peace possibly preparation procedure pronunciation quite

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quit recipe rehearsal reminisce safety secede separate similar straight success suspicious temporary theyre thought transferred unconscious valuable villain Wednesday women

quizzes recognise relief restaurant sandwich secretary sergeant sincerely strategy sufficient symbol tendency there tomorrow tremendous until various visible weird writing

realise recommend relieve rhythm satellite seize sheriff sophomore strength suicide technical than thorough to tries usage vegetable warrant where written

really referring religious ridiculous scarcity siege shining specimen studying surely technique then though too truly usually view weather were yield

receive repetition remembrance sacrifice schedule sense significant statistics succeed surprise temperature their through tragedy typical vacuum violence whether woman yacht

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